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package sun.security.util.math.intpoly;

import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;

The field of integers modulo a binomial prime. This is a general-purpose field implementation, that is much slower than more specialized classes like IntegerPolynomial25519. It is suitable when only a small number of arithmetic operations are required in some field. For example, this class can be used for operations on scalars/exponents in signature operations. This class may only be used for primes of the form 2^a + b.
/** * The field of integers modulo a binomial prime. This is a general-purpose * field implementation, that is much slower than more specialized classes * like IntegerPolynomial25519. It is suitable when only a small number of * arithmetic operations are required in some field. For example, this class * can be used for operations on scalars/exponents in signature operations. * * This class may only be used for primes of the form 2^a + b. */
public class IntegerPolynomialModBinP extends IntegerPolynomial { private final long[] reduceLimbs; private final int bitOffset; private final int limbMask; private final int rightBitOffset; private final int power; public IntegerPolynomialModBinP(int bitsPerLimb, int numLimbs, int power, BigInteger subtrahend) { super(bitsPerLimb, numLimbs, 1, BigInteger.valueOf(2).pow(power).subtract(subtrahend)); boolean negate = false; if (subtrahend.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) < 0) { negate = true; subtrahend = subtrahend.negate(); } int reduceLimbsLength = subtrahend.bitLength() / bitsPerLimb + 1; reduceLimbs = new long[reduceLimbsLength]; ImmutableElement reduceElem = getElement(subtrahend); if (negate) { reduceElem = reduceElem.additiveInverse(); } System.arraycopy(reduceElem.limbs, 0, reduceLimbs, 0, reduceLimbs.length); // begin test code System.out.println("reduce limbs:"); for (int i = 0; i < reduceLimbs.length; i++) { System.out.println(i + ":" + reduceLimbs[i]); } // end test code this.power = power; this.bitOffset = numLimbs * bitsPerLimb - power; this.limbMask = -1 >>> (64 - bitsPerLimb); this.rightBitOffset = bitsPerLimb - bitOffset; } @Override protected void finalCarryReduceLast(long[] limbs) { int extraBits = bitsPerLimb * numLimbs - power; int highBits = bitsPerLimb - extraBits; long c = limbs[numLimbs - 1] >> highBits; limbs[numLimbs - 1] -= c << highBits; for (int j = 0; j < reduceLimbs.length; j++) { int reduceBits = power + extraBits - j * bitsPerLimb; modReduceInBits(limbs, numLimbs, reduceBits, c * reduceLimbs[j]); } }
Allow more general (and slower) input conversion that takes a large value and reduces it.
/** * Allow more general (and slower) input conversion that takes a large * value and reduces it. */
@Override public ImmutableElement getElement(byte[] v, int offset, int length, byte highByte) { long[] result = new long[numLimbs]; int numHighBits = 32 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(highByte); int numBits = 8 * length + numHighBits; int requiredLimbs = (numBits + bitsPerLimb - 1) / bitsPerLimb; if (requiredLimbs > numLimbs) { long[] temp = new long[requiredLimbs]; encode(v, offset, length, highByte, temp); // encode does a full carry/reduce System.arraycopy(temp, 0, result, 0, result.length); } else { encode(v, offset, length, highByte, result); } return new ImmutableElement(result, 0); }
Multiply a and b, and store the result in c. Requires that a.length == b.length == numLimbs and c.length >= 2 * numLimbs - 1. It is allowed for a and b to be the same array.
/** * Multiply a and b, and store the result in c. Requires that * a.length == b.length == numLimbs and c.length >= 2 * numLimbs - 1. * It is allowed for a and b to be the same array. */
private void multOnly(long[] a, long[] b, long[] c) { for (int i = 0; i < numLimbs; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < numLimbs; j++) { c[i + j] += a[i] * b[j]; } } } @Override protected void mult(long[] a, long[] b, long[] r) { long[] c = new long[2 * numLimbs]; multOnly(a, b, c); carryReduce(c, r); } private void modReduceInBits(long[] limbs, int index, int bits, long x) { if (bits % bitsPerLimb == 0) { int pos = bits / bitsPerLimb; limbs[index - pos] += x; } else { int secondPos = bits / (bitsPerLimb); int bitOffset = (secondPos + 1) * bitsPerLimb - bits; int rightBitOffset = bitsPerLimb - bitOffset; limbs[index - (secondPos + 1)] += (x << bitOffset) & limbMask; limbs[index - secondPos] += x >> rightBitOffset; } } protected void reduceIn(long[] c, long v, int i) { for (int j = 0; j < reduceLimbs.length; j++) { modReduceInBits(c, i, power - bitsPerLimb * j, reduceLimbs[j] * v); } } private void carryReduce(long[] c, long[] r) { // full carry to prevent overflow during reduce carry(c); // Reduce in from all high positions for (int i = c.length - 1; i >= numLimbs; i--) { reduceIn(c, c[i], i); c[i] = 0; } // carry on lower positions that possibly carries out one position carry(c, 0, numLimbs); // reduce in a single position reduceIn(c, c[numLimbs], numLimbs); c[numLimbs] = 0; // final carry carry(c, 0, numLimbs - 1); System.arraycopy(c, 0, r, 0, r.length); } @Override protected void reduce(long[] a) { // TODO: optimize this long[] c = new long[a.length + 2]; System.arraycopy(a, 0, c, 0, a.length); carryReduce(c, a); } @Override protected void square(long[] a, long[] r) { long[] c = new long[2 * numLimbs]; for (int i = 0; i < numLimbs; i++) { c[2 * i] += a[i] * a[i]; for (int j = i + 1; j < numLimbs; j++) { c[i + j] += 2 * a[i] * a[j]; } } carryReduce(c, r); }
The field of integers modulo the order of the Curve25519 subgroup
/** * The field of integers modulo the order of the Curve25519 subgroup */
public static class Curve25519OrderField extends IntegerPolynomialModBinP { public Curve25519OrderField() { super(26, 10, 252, new BigInteger("-27742317777372353535851937790883648493")); } }
The field of integers modulo the order of the Curve448 subgroup
/** * The field of integers modulo the order of the Curve448 subgroup */
public static class Curve448OrderField extends IntegerPolynomialModBinP { public Curve448OrderField() { super(28, 16, 446, new BigInteger("138180668098951153520073867485154268803366" + "92474882178609894547503885")); } } }