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package sun.security.provider.certpath;

import java.io.*;
import java.net.URI;
import java.security.*;
import java.security.cert.*;
import javax.security.auth.x500.X500Principal;
import java.util.*;

import sun.security.util.Debug;
import sun.security.util.Event;
import sun.security.validator.Validator;
import static sun.security.x509.PKIXExtensions.*;
import sun.security.x509.*;

Class to obtain CRLs via the CRLDistributionPoints extension. Note that the functionality of this class must be explicitly enabled via a system property, see the USE_CRLDP variable below. This class uses the URICertStore class to fetch CRLs. The URICertStore class also implements CRL caching: see the class description for more information.
Author:Andreas Sterbenz, Sean Mullan
/** * Class to obtain CRLs via the CRLDistributionPoints extension. * Note that the functionality of this class must be explicitly enabled * via a system property, see the USE_CRLDP variable below. * * This class uses the URICertStore class to fetch CRLs. The URICertStore * class also implements CRL caching: see the class description for more * information. * * @author Andreas Sterbenz * @author Sean Mullan * @since 1.4.2 */
public class DistributionPointFetcher { private static final Debug debug = Debug.getInstance("certpath"); private static final boolean[] ALL_REASONS = {true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true};
Private instantiation only.
/** * Private instantiation only. */
private DistributionPointFetcher() {}
Return the X509CRLs matching this selector. The selector must be an X509CRLSelector with certificateChecking set.
/** * Return the X509CRLs matching this selector. The selector must be * an X509CRLSelector with certificateChecking set. */
public static Collection<X509CRL> getCRLs(X509CRLSelector selector, boolean signFlag, PublicKey prevKey, String provider, List<CertStore> certStores, boolean[] reasonsMask, Set<TrustAnchor> trustAnchors, Date validity, String variant) throws CertStoreException { return getCRLs(selector, signFlag, prevKey, null, provider, certStores, reasonsMask, trustAnchors, validity, variant); }
Return the X509CRLs matching this selector. The selector must be an X509CRLSelector with certificateChecking set.
/** * Return the X509CRLs matching this selector. The selector must be * an X509CRLSelector with certificateChecking set. */
// Called by com.sun.deploy.security.RevocationChecker public static Collection<X509CRL> getCRLs(X509CRLSelector selector, boolean signFlag, PublicKey prevKey, String provider, List<CertStore> certStores, boolean[] reasonsMask, Set<TrustAnchor> trustAnchors, Date validity) throws CertStoreException { return getCRLs(selector, signFlag, prevKey, null, provider, certStores, reasonsMask, trustAnchors, validity, Validator.VAR_GENERIC); }
Return the X509CRLs matching this selector. The selector must be an X509CRLSelector with certificateChecking set.
/** * Return the X509CRLs matching this selector. The selector must be * an X509CRLSelector with certificateChecking set. */
public static Collection<X509CRL> getCRLs(X509CRLSelector selector, boolean signFlag, PublicKey prevKey, X509Certificate prevCert, String provider, List<CertStore> certStores, boolean[] reasonsMask, Set<TrustAnchor> trustAnchors, Date validity, String variant) throws CertStoreException { X509Certificate cert = selector.getCertificateChecking(); if (cert == null) { return Collections.emptySet(); } try { X509CertImpl certImpl = X509CertImpl.toImpl(cert); if (debug != null) { debug.println("DistributionPointFetcher.getCRLs: Checking " + "CRLDPs for " + certImpl.getSubjectX500Principal()); } CRLDistributionPointsExtension ext = certImpl.getCRLDistributionPointsExtension(); if (ext == null) { if (debug != null) { debug.println("No CRLDP ext"); } return Collections.emptySet(); } List<DistributionPoint> points = ext.get(CRLDistributionPointsExtension.POINTS); Set<X509CRL> results = new HashSet<>(); for (Iterator<DistributionPoint> t = points.iterator(); t.hasNext() && !Arrays.equals(reasonsMask, ALL_REASONS); ) { DistributionPoint point = t.next(); Collection<X509CRL> crls = getCRLs(selector, certImpl, point, reasonsMask, signFlag, prevKey, prevCert, provider, certStores, trustAnchors, validity, variant); results.addAll(crls); } if (debug != null) { debug.println("Returning " + results.size() + " CRLs"); } return results; } catch (CertificateException | IOException e) { return Collections.emptySet(); } }
Download CRLs from the given distribution point, verify and return them. See the top of the class for current limitations.
  • CertStoreException – if there is an error retrieving the CRLs from one of the GeneralNames and no other CRLs are retrieved from the other GeneralNames. If more than one GeneralName throws an exception then the one from the last GeneralName is thrown.
/** * Download CRLs from the given distribution point, verify and return them. * See the top of the class for current limitations. * * @throws CertStoreException if there is an error retrieving the CRLs * from one of the GeneralNames and no other CRLs are retrieved from * the other GeneralNames. If more than one GeneralName throws an * exception then the one from the last GeneralName is thrown. */
private static Collection<X509CRL> getCRLs(X509CRLSelector selector, X509CertImpl certImpl, DistributionPoint point, boolean[] reasonsMask, boolean signFlag, PublicKey prevKey, X509Certificate prevCert, String provider, List<CertStore> certStores, Set<TrustAnchor> trustAnchors, Date validity, String variant) throws CertStoreException { // check for full name GeneralNames fullName = point.getFullName(); if (fullName == null) { // check for relative name RDN relativeName = point.getRelativeName(); if (relativeName == null) { return Collections.emptySet(); } try { GeneralNames crlIssuers = point.getCRLIssuer(); if (crlIssuers == null) { fullName = getFullNames ((X500Name) certImpl.getIssuerDN(), relativeName); } else { // should only be one CRL Issuer if (crlIssuers.size() != 1) { return Collections.emptySet(); } else { fullName = getFullNames ((X500Name) crlIssuers.get(0).getName(), relativeName); } } } catch (IOException ioe) { return Collections.emptySet(); } } Collection<X509CRL> possibleCRLs = new ArrayList<>(); CertStoreException savedCSE = null; for (Iterator<GeneralName> t = fullName.iterator(); t.hasNext(); ) { try { GeneralName name = t.next(); if (name.getType() == GeneralNameInterface.NAME_DIRECTORY) { X500Name x500Name = (X500Name) name.getName(); possibleCRLs.addAll( getCRLs(x500Name, certImpl.getIssuerX500Principal(), certStores)); } else if (name.getType() == GeneralNameInterface.NAME_URI) { URIName uriName = (URIName)name.getName(); X509CRL crl = getCRL(uriName); if (crl != null) { possibleCRLs.add(crl); } } } catch (CertStoreException cse) { savedCSE = cse; } } // only throw CertStoreException if no CRLs are retrieved if (possibleCRLs.isEmpty() && savedCSE != null) { throw savedCSE; } Collection<X509CRL> crls = new ArrayList<>(2); for (X509CRL crl : possibleCRLs) { try { // make sure issuer is not set // we check the issuer in verifyCRLs method selector.setIssuerNames(null); if (selector.match(crl) && verifyCRL(certImpl, point, crl, reasonsMask, signFlag, prevKey, prevCert, provider, trustAnchors, certStores, validity, variant)) { crls.add(crl); } } catch (IOException | CRLException e) { // don't add the CRL if (debug != null) { debug.println("Exception verifying CRL: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } } return crls; }
Download CRL from given URI.
/** * Download CRL from given URI. */
private static X509CRL getCRL(URIName name) throws CertStoreException { URI uri = name.getURI(); if (debug != null) { debug.println("Trying to fetch CRL from DP " + uri); } Event.report("event.crl.check", uri.toString()); CertStore ucs = null; try { ucs = URICertStore.getInstance(new URICertStoreParameters(uri)); } catch (InvalidAlgorithmParameterException | NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { if (debug != null) { debug.println("Can't create URICertStore: " + e.getMessage()); } return null; } Collection<? extends CRL> crls = ucs.getCRLs(null); if (crls.isEmpty()) { return null; } else { return (X509CRL) crls.iterator().next(); } }
Fetch CRLs from certStores.
  • CertStoreException – if there is an error retrieving the CRLs from one of the CertStores and no other CRLs are retrieved from the other CertStores. If more than one CertStore throws an exception then the one from the last CertStore is thrown.
/** * Fetch CRLs from certStores. * * @throws CertStoreException if there is an error retrieving the CRLs from * one of the CertStores and no other CRLs are retrieved from * the other CertStores. If more than one CertStore throws an * exception then the one from the last CertStore is thrown. */
private static Collection<X509CRL> getCRLs(X500Name name, X500Principal certIssuer, List<CertStore> certStores) throws CertStoreException { if (debug != null) { debug.println("Trying to fetch CRL from DP " + name); } X509CRLSelector xcs = new X509CRLSelector(); xcs.addIssuer(name.asX500Principal()); xcs.addIssuer(certIssuer); Collection<X509CRL> crls = new ArrayList<>(); CertStoreException savedCSE = null; for (CertStore store : certStores) { try { for (CRL crl : store.getCRLs(xcs)) { crls.add((X509CRL)crl); } } catch (CertStoreException cse) { if (debug != null) { debug.println("Exception while retrieving " + "CRLs: " + cse); cse.printStackTrace(); } savedCSE = new PKIX.CertStoreTypeException(store.getType(),cse); } } // only throw CertStoreException if no CRLs are retrieved if (crls.isEmpty() && savedCSE != null) { throw savedCSE; } else { return crls; } }
Verifies a CRL for the given certificate's Distribution Point to ensure it is appropriate for checking the revocation status.
  • certImpl – the certificate whose revocation status is being checked
  • point – one of the distribution points of the certificate
  • crl – the CRL
  • reasonsMask – the interim reasons mask
  • signFlag – true if prevKey can be used to verify the CRL
  • prevKey – the public key that verifies the certificate's signature
  • prevCert – the certificate whose public key verifies certImpl's signature
  • provider – the Signature provider to use
  • trustAnchors – a Set of TrustAnchors
  • certStores – a List of CertStores to be used in finding certificates and CRLs
  • validity – the time for which the validity of the CRL issuer's certification path should be determined
Returns:true if ok, false if not
/** * Verifies a CRL for the given certificate's Distribution Point to * ensure it is appropriate for checking the revocation status. * * @param certImpl the certificate whose revocation status is being checked * @param point one of the distribution points of the certificate * @param crl the CRL * @param reasonsMask the interim reasons mask * @param signFlag true if prevKey can be used to verify the CRL * @param prevKey the public key that verifies the certificate's signature * @param prevCert the certificate whose public key verifies * {@code certImpl}'s signature * @param provider the Signature provider to use * @param trustAnchors a {@code Set} of {@code TrustAnchor}s * @param certStores a {@code List} of {@code CertStore}s to be used in * finding certificates and CRLs * @param validity the time for which the validity of the CRL issuer's * certification path should be determined * @return true if ok, false if not */
static boolean verifyCRL(X509CertImpl certImpl, DistributionPoint point, X509CRL crl, boolean[] reasonsMask, boolean signFlag, PublicKey prevKey, X509Certificate prevCert, String provider, Set<TrustAnchor> trustAnchors, List<CertStore> certStores, Date validity, String variant) throws CRLException, IOException { if (debug != null) { debug.println("DistributionPointFetcher.verifyCRL: " + "checking revocation status for" + "\n SN: " + Debug.toHexString(certImpl.getSerialNumber()) + "\n Subject: " + certImpl.getSubjectX500Principal() + "\n Issuer: " + certImpl.getIssuerX500Principal()); } boolean indirectCRL = false; X509CRLImpl crlImpl = X509CRLImpl.toImpl(crl); IssuingDistributionPointExtension idpExt = crlImpl.getIssuingDistributionPointExtension(); X500Name certIssuer = (X500Name) certImpl.getIssuerDN(); X500Name crlIssuer = (X500Name) crlImpl.getIssuerDN(); // if crlIssuer is set, verify that it matches the issuer of the // CRL and the CRL contains an IDP extension with the indirectCRL // boolean asserted. Otherwise, verify that the CRL issuer matches the // certificate issuer. GeneralNames pointCrlIssuers = point.getCRLIssuer(); X500Name pointCrlIssuer = null; if (pointCrlIssuers != null) { if (idpExt == null || ((Boolean) idpExt.get (IssuingDistributionPointExtension.INDIRECT_CRL)).equals (Boolean.FALSE)) { return false; } boolean match = false; for (Iterator<GeneralName> t = pointCrlIssuers.iterator(); !match && t.hasNext(); ) { GeneralNameInterface name = t.next().getName(); if (crlIssuer.equals(name) == true) { pointCrlIssuer = (X500Name) name; match = true; } } if (match == false) { return false; } // we accept the case that a CRL issuer provide status // information for itself. if (issues(certImpl, crlImpl, provider)) { // reset the public key used to verify the CRL's signature prevKey = certImpl.getPublicKey(); } else { indirectCRL = true; } } else if (crlIssuer.equals(certIssuer) == false) { if (debug != null) { debug.println("crl issuer does not equal cert issuer.\n" + "crl issuer: " + crlIssuer + "\n" + "cert issuer: " + certIssuer); } return false; } else { // in case of self-issued indirect CRL issuer. KeyIdentifier certAKID = certImpl.getAuthKeyId(); KeyIdentifier crlAKID = crlImpl.getAuthKeyId(); if (certAKID == null || crlAKID == null) { // cannot recognize indirect CRL without AKID // we accept the case that a CRL issuer provide status // information for itself. if (issues(certImpl, crlImpl, provider)) { // reset the public key used to verify the CRL's signature prevKey = certImpl.getPublicKey(); } } else if (!certAKID.equals(crlAKID)) { // we accept the case that a CRL issuer provide status // information for itself. if (issues(certImpl, crlImpl, provider)) { // reset the public key used to verify the CRL's signature prevKey = certImpl.getPublicKey(); } else { indirectCRL = true; } } } if (!indirectCRL && !signFlag) { // cert's key cannot be used to verify the CRL return false; } if (idpExt != null) { DistributionPointName idpPoint = (DistributionPointName) idpExt.get(IssuingDistributionPointExtension.POINT); if (idpPoint != null) { GeneralNames idpNames = idpPoint.getFullName(); if (idpNames == null) { RDN relativeName = idpPoint.getRelativeName(); if (relativeName == null) { if (debug != null) { debug.println("IDP must be relative or full DN"); } return false; } if (debug != null) { debug.println("IDP relativeName:" + relativeName); } idpNames = getFullNames(crlIssuer, relativeName); } // if the DP name is present in the IDP CRL extension and the // DP field is present in the DP, then verify that one of the // names in the IDP matches one of the names in the DP if (point.getFullName() != null || point.getRelativeName() != null) { GeneralNames pointNames = point.getFullName(); if (pointNames == null) { RDN relativeName = point.getRelativeName(); if (relativeName == null) { if (debug != null) { debug.println("DP must be relative or full DN"); } return false; } if (debug != null) { debug.println("DP relativeName:" + relativeName); } if (indirectCRL) { if (pointCrlIssuers.size() != 1) { // RFC 5280: there must be only 1 CRL issuer // name when relativeName is present if (debug != null) { debug.println("must only be one CRL " + "issuer when relative name present"); } return false; } pointNames = getFullNames (pointCrlIssuer, relativeName); } else { pointNames = getFullNames(certIssuer, relativeName); } } boolean match = false; for (Iterator<GeneralName> i = idpNames.iterator(); !match && i.hasNext(); ) { GeneralNameInterface idpName = i.next().getName(); if (debug != null) { debug.println("idpName: " + idpName); } for (Iterator<GeneralName> p = pointNames.iterator(); !match && p.hasNext(); ) { GeneralNameInterface pointName = p.next().getName(); if (debug != null) { debug.println("pointName: " + pointName); } match = idpName.equals(pointName); } } if (!match) { if (debug != null) { debug.println("IDP name does not match DP name"); } return false; } // if the DP name is present in the IDP CRL extension and the // DP field is absent from the DP, then verify that one of the // names in the IDP matches one of the names in the crlIssuer // field of the DP } else { // verify that one of the names in the IDP matches one of // the names in the cRLIssuer of the cert's DP boolean match = false; for (Iterator<GeneralName> t = pointCrlIssuers.iterator(); !match && t.hasNext(); ) { GeneralNameInterface crlIssuerName = t.next().getName(); for (Iterator<GeneralName> i = idpNames.iterator(); !match && i.hasNext(); ) { GeneralNameInterface idpName = i.next().getName(); match = crlIssuerName.equals(idpName); } } if (!match) { return false; } } } // if the onlyContainsUserCerts boolean is asserted, verify that the // cert is not a CA cert Boolean b = (Boolean) idpExt.get(IssuingDistributionPointExtension.ONLY_USER_CERTS); if (b.equals(Boolean.TRUE) && certImpl.getBasicConstraints() != -1) { if (debug != null) { debug.println("cert must be a EE cert"); } return false; } // if the onlyContainsCACerts boolean is asserted, verify that the // cert is a CA cert b = (Boolean) idpExt.get(IssuingDistributionPointExtension.ONLY_CA_CERTS); if (b.equals(Boolean.TRUE) && certImpl.getBasicConstraints() == -1) { if (debug != null) { debug.println("cert must be a CA cert"); } return false; } // verify that the onlyContainsAttributeCerts boolean is not // asserted b = (Boolean) idpExt.get (IssuingDistributionPointExtension.ONLY_ATTRIBUTE_CERTS); if (b.equals(Boolean.TRUE)) { if (debug != null) { debug.println("cert must not be an AA cert"); } return false; } } // compute interim reasons mask boolean[] interimReasonsMask = new boolean[9]; ReasonFlags reasons = null; if (idpExt != null) { reasons = (ReasonFlags) idpExt.get(IssuingDistributionPointExtension.REASONS); } boolean[] pointReasonFlags = point.getReasonFlags(); if (reasons != null) { if (pointReasonFlags != null) { // set interim reasons mask to the intersection of // reasons in the DP and onlySomeReasons in the IDP boolean[] idpReasonFlags = reasons.getFlags(); for (int i = 0; i < interimReasonsMask.length; i++) { interimReasonsMask[i] = (i < idpReasonFlags.length && idpReasonFlags[i]) && (i < pointReasonFlags.length && pointReasonFlags[i]); } } else { // set interim reasons mask to the value of // onlySomeReasons in the IDP (and clone it since we may // modify it) interimReasonsMask = reasons.getFlags().clone(); } } else if (idpExt == null || reasons == null) { if (pointReasonFlags != null) { // set interim reasons mask to the value of DP reasons interimReasonsMask = pointReasonFlags.clone(); } else { // set interim reasons mask to the special value all-reasons Arrays.fill(interimReasonsMask, true); } } // verify that interim reasons mask includes one or more reasons // not included in the reasons mask boolean oneOrMore = false; for (int i = 0; i < interimReasonsMask.length && !oneOrMore; i++) { if (interimReasonsMask[i] && !(i < reasonsMask.length && reasonsMask[i])) { oneOrMore = true; } } if (!oneOrMore) { return false; } // Obtain and validate the certification path for the complete // CRL issuer (if indirect CRL). If a key usage extension is present // in the CRL issuer's certificate, verify that the cRLSign bit is set. if (indirectCRL) { X509CertSelector certSel = new X509CertSelector(); certSel.setSubject(crlIssuer.asX500Principal()); boolean[] crlSign = {false,false,false,false,false,false,true}; certSel.setKeyUsage(crlSign); // Currently by default, forward builder does not enable // subject/authority key identifier identifying for target // certificate, instead, it only compares the CRL issuer and // the target certificate subject. If the certificate of the // delegated CRL issuer is a self-issued certificate, the // builder is unable to find the proper CRL issuer by issuer // name only, there is a potential dead loop on finding the // proper issuer. It is of great help to narrow the target // scope down to aware of authority key identifiers in the // selector, for the purposes of breaking the dead loop. AuthorityKeyIdentifierExtension akidext = crlImpl.getAuthKeyIdExtension(); if (akidext != null) { byte[] kid = akidext.getEncodedKeyIdentifier(); if (kid != null) { certSel.setSubjectKeyIdentifier(kid); } SerialNumber asn = (SerialNumber)akidext.get( AuthorityKeyIdentifierExtension.SERIAL_NUMBER); if (asn != null) { certSel.setSerialNumber(asn.getNumber()); } // the subject criterion will be set by builder automatically. } // By now, we have validated the previous certificate, so we can // trust it during the validation of the CRL issuer. // In addition to the performance improvement, another benefit is to // break the dead loop while looking for the issuer back and forth // between the delegated self-issued certificate and its issuer. Set<TrustAnchor> newTrustAnchors = new HashSet<>(trustAnchors); if (prevKey != null) { // Add the previous certificate as a trust anchor. // If prevCert is not null, we want to construct a TrustAnchor // using the cert object because when the certpath for the CRL // is built later, the CertSelector will make comparisons with // the TrustAnchor's trustedCert member rather than its pubKey. TrustAnchor temporary; if (prevCert != null) { temporary = new TrustAnchor(prevCert, null); } else { X500Principal principal = certImpl.getIssuerX500Principal(); temporary = new TrustAnchor(principal, prevKey, null); } newTrustAnchors.add(temporary); } PKIXBuilderParameters params = null; try { params = new PKIXBuilderParameters(newTrustAnchors, certSel); } catch (InvalidAlgorithmParameterException iape) { throw new CRLException(iape); } params.setCertStores(certStores); params.setSigProvider(provider); params.setDate(validity); try { CertPathBuilder builder = CertPathBuilder.getInstance("PKIX"); PKIXCertPathBuilderResult result = (PKIXCertPathBuilderResult) builder.build(params); prevKey = result.getPublicKey(); } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) { throw new CRLException(e); } } // check the crl signature algorithm try { AlgorithmChecker.check(prevKey, crl, variant); } catch (CertPathValidatorException cpve) { if (debug != null) { debug.println("CRL signature algorithm check failed: " + cpve); } return false; } // validate the signature on the CRL try { crl.verify(prevKey, provider); } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) { if (debug != null) { debug.println("CRL signature failed to verify"); } return false; } // reject CRL if any unresolved critical extensions remain in the CRL. Set<String> unresCritExts = crl.getCriticalExtensionOIDs(); // remove any that we have processed if (unresCritExts != null) { unresCritExts.remove(IssuingDistributionPoint_Id.toString()); if (!unresCritExts.isEmpty()) { if (debug != null) { debug.println("Unrecognized critical extension(s) in CRL: " + unresCritExts); for (String ext : unresCritExts) { debug.println(ext); } } return false; } } // update reasonsMask for (int i = 0; i < reasonsMask.length; i++) { reasonsMask[i] = reasonsMask[i] || (i < interimReasonsMask.length && interimReasonsMask[i]); } return true; }
Append relative name to the issuer name and return a new GeneralNames object.
/** * Append relative name to the issuer name and return a new * GeneralNames object. */
private static GeneralNames getFullNames(X500Name issuer, RDN rdn) throws IOException { List<RDN> rdns = new ArrayList<>(issuer.rdns()); rdns.add(rdn); X500Name fullName = new X500Name(rdns.toArray(new RDN[0])); GeneralNames fullNames = new GeneralNames(); fullNames.add(new GeneralName(fullName)); return fullNames; }
Verifies whether a CRL is issued by a certain certificate
  • cert – the certificate
  • crl – the CRL to be verified
  • provider – the name of the signature provider
/** * Verifies whether a CRL is issued by a certain certificate * * @param cert the certificate * @param crl the CRL to be verified * @param provider the name of the signature provider */
private static boolean issues(X509CertImpl cert, X509CRLImpl crl, String provider) throws IOException { boolean matched = false; AdaptableX509CertSelector issuerSelector = new AdaptableX509CertSelector(); // check certificate's key usage boolean[] usages = cert.getKeyUsage(); if (usages != null) { usages[6] = true; // cRLSign issuerSelector.setKeyUsage(usages); } // check certificate's subject X500Principal crlIssuer = crl.getIssuerX500Principal(); issuerSelector.setSubject(crlIssuer); /* * Facilitate certification path construction with authority * key identifier and subject key identifier. * * In practice, conforming CAs MUST use the key identifier method, * and MUST include authority key identifier extension in all CRLs * issued. [section 5.2.1, RFC 5280] */ AuthorityKeyIdentifierExtension crlAKID = crl.getAuthKeyIdExtension(); issuerSelector.setSkiAndSerialNumber(crlAKID); matched = issuerSelector.match(cert); // if AKID is unreliable, verify the CRL signature with the cert if (matched && (crlAKID == null || cert.getAuthorityKeyIdentifierExtension() == null)) { try { crl.verify(cert.getPublicKey(), provider); matched = true; } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) { matched = false; } } return matched; } }