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package jdk.internal.util.xml.impl;

import jdk.internal.org.xml.sax.Attributes;

public class Attrs implements Attributes {

Attributes string array. Each individual attribute is represented by four strings: namespace URL(+0), qname(+1), local name(+2), value(+3), type(+4), declared["d"] and default["D"](+5). In order to find attribute by the attrubute index, the attribute index MUST be multiplied by 8. The result will point to the attribute namespace URL.
/** * Attributes string array. Each individual attribute is represented by four * strings: namespace URL(+0), qname(+1), local name(+2), value(+3), * type(+4), declared["d"] and default["D"](+5). In order to find attribute * by the attrubute index, the attribute index MUST be multiplied by 8. The * result will point to the attribute namespace URL. */
/* pkg */ String[] mItems;
Number of attributes in the attributes string array.
/** * Number of attributes in the attributes string array. */
private char mLength;
current index
/** * current index */
private char mAttrIdx = 0;
/** * Constructor. */
public Attrs() { // The default number of attributies capacity is 8. mItems = new String[(8 << 3)]; }
Sets up the number of attributes and ensure the capacity of the attribute string array.
  • length – The number of attributes in the object.
/** * Sets up the number of attributes and ensure the capacity of the attribute * string array. * * @param length The number of attributes in the object. */
public void setLength(char length) { if (length > ((char) (mItems.length >> 3))) { mItems = new String[length << 3]; } mLength = length; }
Return the number of attributes in the list.

Once you know the number of attributes, you can iterate through the list.

See Also:
Returns:The number of attributes in the list.
/** * Return the number of attributes in the list. * * <p>Once you know the number of attributes, you can iterate through the * list.</p> * * @return The number of attributes in the list. * @see #getURI(int) * @see #getLocalName(int) * @see #getQName(int) * @see #getType(int) * @see #getValue(int) */
public int getLength() { return mLength; }
Look up an attribute's Namespace URI by index.
  • index – The attribute index (zero-based).
See Also:
Returns:The Namespace URI, or the empty string if none is available, or null if the index is out of range.
/** * Look up an attribute's Namespace URI by index. * * @param index The attribute index (zero-based). * @return The Namespace URI, or the empty string if none is available, or * null if the index is out of range. * @see #getLength */
public String getURI(int index) { return ((index >= 0) && (index < mLength)) ? (mItems[index << 3]) : null; }
Look up an attribute's local name by index.
  • index – The attribute index (zero-based).
See Also:
Returns:The local name, or the empty string if Namespace processing is not being performed, or null if the index is out of range.
/** * Look up an attribute's local name by index. * * @param index The attribute index (zero-based). * @return The local name, or the empty string if Namespace processing is * not being performed, or null if the index is out of range. * @see #getLength */
public String getLocalName(int index) { return ((index >= 0) && (index < mLength)) ? (mItems[(index << 3) + 2]) : null; }
Look up an attribute's XML 1.0 qualified name by index.
  • index – The attribute index (zero-based).
See Also:
Returns:The XML 1.0 qualified name, or the empty string if none is available, or null if the index is out of range.
/** * Look up an attribute's XML 1.0 qualified name by index. * * @param index The attribute index (zero-based). * @return The XML 1.0 qualified name, or the empty string if none is * available, or null if the index is out of range. * @see #getLength */
public String getQName(int index) { if ((index < 0) || (index >= mLength)) { return null; } return mItems[(index << 3) + 1]; }
Look up an attribute's type by index.

The attribute type is one of the strings "CDATA", "ID", "IDREF", "IDREFS", "NMTOKEN", "NMTOKENS", "ENTITY", "ENTITIES", or "NOTATION" (always in upper case).

If the parser has not read a declaration for the attribute, or if the parser does not report attribute types, then it must return the value "CDATA" as stated in the XML 1.0 Recommentation (clause 3.3.3, "Attribute-Value Normalization").

For an enumerated attribute that is not a notation, the parser will report the type as "NMTOKEN".

  • index – The attribute index (zero-based).
See Also:
Returns:The attribute's type as a string, or null if the index is out of range.
/** * Look up an attribute's type by index. * * <p>The attribute type is one of the strings "CDATA", "ID", "IDREF", * "IDREFS", "NMTOKEN", "NMTOKENS", "ENTITY", "ENTITIES", or "NOTATION" * (always in upper case).</p> * * <p>If the parser has not read a declaration for the attribute, or if the * parser does not report attribute types, then it must return the value * "CDATA" as stated in the XML 1.0 Recommentation (clause 3.3.3, * "Attribute-Value Normalization").</p> * * <p>For an enumerated attribute that is not a notation, the parser will * report the type as "NMTOKEN".</p> * * @param index The attribute index (zero-based). * @return The attribute's type as a string, or null if the index is out of * range. * @see #getLength */
public String getType(int index) { return ((index >= 0) && (index < (mItems.length >> 3))) ? (mItems[(index << 3) + 4]) : null; }
Look up an attribute's value by index.

If the attribute value is a list of tokens (IDREFS, ENTITIES, or NMTOKENS), the tokens will be concatenated into a single string with each token separated by a single space.

  • index – The attribute index (zero-based).
See Also:
Returns:The attribute's value as a string, or null if the index is out of range.
/** * Look up an attribute's value by index. * * <p>If the attribute value is a list of tokens (IDREFS, ENTITIES, or * NMTOKENS), the tokens will be concatenated into a single string with each * token separated by a single space.</p> * * @param index The attribute index (zero-based). * @return The attribute's value as a string, or null if the index is out of * range. * @see #getLength */
public String getValue(int index) { return ((index >= 0) && (index < mLength)) ? (mItems[(index << 3) + 3]) : null; }
Look up the index of an attribute by Namespace name.
  • uri – The Namespace URI, or the empty string if the name has no Namespace URI.
  • localName – The attribute's local name.
Returns:The index of the attribute, or -1 if it does not appear in the list.
/** * Look up the index of an attribute by Namespace name. * * @param uri The Namespace URI, or the empty string if the name has no * Namespace URI. * @param localName The attribute's local name. * @return The index of the attribute, or -1 if it does not appear in the * list. */
public int getIndex(String uri, String localName) { char len = mLength; for (char idx = 0; idx < len; idx++) { if ((mItems[idx << 3]).equals(uri) && mItems[(idx << 3) + 2].equals(localName)) { return idx; } } return -1; }
Look up the index of an attribute by Namespace name.
  • uri – The Namespace URI, or the empty string if the name has no Namespace URI. null value enforce the search by the local name only.
  • localName – The attribute's local name.
Returns:The index of the attribute, or -1 if it does not appear in the list.
/** * Look up the index of an attribute by Namespace name. * * @param uri The Namespace URI, or the empty string if the name has no * Namespace URI. <code>null</code> value enforce the search by the local * name only. * @param localName The attribute's local name. * @return The index of the attribute, or -1 if it does not appear in the * list. */
/* pkg */ int getIndexNullNS(String uri, String localName) { char len = mLength; if (uri != null) { for (char idx = 0; idx < len; idx++) { if ((mItems[idx << 3]).equals(uri) && mItems[(idx << 3) + 2].equals(localName)) { return idx; } } } else { for (char idx = 0; idx < len; idx++) { if (mItems[(idx << 3) + 2].equals(localName)) { return idx; } } } return -1; }
Look up the index of an attribute by XML 1.0 qualified name.
  • qName – The qualified (prefixed) name.
Returns:The index of the attribute, or -1 if it does not appear in the list.
/** * Look up the index of an attribute by XML 1.0 qualified name. * * @param qName The qualified (prefixed) name. * @return The index of the attribute, or -1 if it does not appear in the * list. */
public int getIndex(String qName) { char len = mLength; for (char idx = 0; idx < len; idx++) { if (mItems[(idx << 3) + 1].equals(qName)) { return idx; } } return -1; }
Look up an attribute's type by Namespace name.

See getType(int) for a description of the possible types.

  • uri – The Namespace URI, or the empty String if the name has no Namespace URI.
  • localName – The local name of the attribute.
Returns:The attribute type as a string, or null if the attribute is not in the list or if Namespace processing is not being performed.
/** * Look up an attribute's type by Namespace name. * * <p>See {@link #getType(int) getType(int)} for a description of the * possible types.</p> * * @param uri The Namespace URI, or the empty String if the name has no * Namespace URI. * @param localName The local name of the attribute. * @return The attribute type as a string, or null if the attribute is not * in the list or if Namespace processing is not being performed. */
public String getType(String uri, String localName) { int idx = getIndex(uri, localName); return (idx >= 0) ? (mItems[(idx << 3) + 4]) : null; }
Look up an attribute's type by XML 1.0 qualified name.

See getType(int) for a description of the possible types.

  • qName – The XML 1.0 qualified name.
Returns:The attribute type as a string, or null if the attribute is not in the list or if qualified names are not available.
/** * Look up an attribute's type by XML 1.0 qualified name. * * <p>See {@link #getType(int) getType(int)} for a description of the * possible types.</p> * * @param qName The XML 1.0 qualified name. * @return The attribute type as a string, or null if the attribute is not * in the list or if qualified names are not available. */
public String getType(String qName) { int idx = getIndex(qName); return (idx >= 0) ? (mItems[(idx << 3) + 4]) : null; }
Look up an attribute's value by Namespace name.

See getValue(int) for a description of the possible values.

  • uri – The Namespace URI, or the empty String if the name has no Namespace URI.
  • localName – The local name of the attribute.
Returns:The attribute value as a string, or null if the attribute is not in the list.
/** * Look up an attribute's value by Namespace name. * * <p>See {@link #getValue(int) getValue(int)} for a description of the * possible values.</p> * * @param uri The Namespace URI, or the empty String if the name has no * Namespace URI. * @param localName The local name of the attribute. * @return The attribute value as a string, or null if the attribute is not * in the list. */
public String getValue(String uri, String localName) { int idx = getIndex(uri, localName); return (idx >= 0) ? (mItems[(idx << 3) + 3]) : null; }
Look up an attribute's value by XML 1.0 qualified name.

See getValue(int) for a description of the possible values.

  • qName – The XML 1.0 qualified name.
Returns:The attribute value as a string, or null if the attribute is not in the list or if qualified names are not available.
/** * Look up an attribute's value by XML 1.0 qualified name. * * <p>See {@link #getValue(int) getValue(int)} for a description of the * possible values.</p> * * @param qName The XML 1.0 qualified name. * @return The attribute value as a string, or null if the attribute is not * in the list or if qualified names are not available. */
public String getValue(String qName) { int idx = getIndex(qName); return (idx >= 0) ? (mItems[(idx << 3) + 3]) : null; }
Returns false unless the attribute was declared in the DTD. This helps distinguish two kinds of attributes that SAX reports as CDATA: ones that were declared (and hence are usually valid), and those that were not (and which are never valid).
  • index – The attribute index (zero-based).
Returns:true if the attribute was declared in the DTD, false otherwise.
/** * Returns false unless the attribute was declared in the DTD. This helps * distinguish two kinds of attributes that SAX reports as CDATA: ones that * were declared (and hence are usually valid), and those that were not (and * which are never valid). * * @param index The attribute index (zero-based). * @return true if the attribute was declared in the DTD, false otherwise. * @exception java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException When the supplied * index does not identify an attribute. */
public boolean isDeclared(int index) { if ((index < 0) || (index >= mLength)) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(""); } return ((mItems[(index << 3) + 5]) != null); }
Returns false unless the attribute was declared in the DTD. This helps distinguish two kinds of attributes that SAX reports as CDATA: ones that were declared (and hence are usually valid), and those that were not (and which are never valid).
  • qName – The XML qualified (prefixed) name.
Returns:true if the attribute was declared in the DTD, false otherwise.
/** * Returns false unless the attribute was declared in the DTD. This helps * distinguish two kinds of attributes that SAX reports as CDATA: ones that * were declared (and hence are usually valid), and those that were not (and * which are never valid). * * @param qName The XML qualified (prefixed) name. * @return true if the attribute was declared in the DTD, false otherwise. * @exception java.lang.IllegalArgumentException When the supplied name does * not identify an attribute. */
public boolean isDeclared(String qName) { int idx = getIndex(qName); if (idx < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(""); } return ((mItems[(idx << 3) + 5]) != null); }
Returns false unless the attribute was declared in the DTD. This helps distinguish two kinds of attributes that SAX reports as CDATA: ones that were declared (and hence are usually valid), and those that were not (and which are never valid).

Remember that since DTDs do not "understand" namespaces, the namespace URI associated with an attribute may not have come from the DTD. The declaration will have applied to the attribute's qName.

  • uri – The Namespace URI, or the empty string if the name has no Namespace URI.
  • localName – The attribute's local name.
Returns:true if the attribute was declared in the DTD, false otherwise.
/** * Returns false unless the attribute was declared in the DTD. This helps * distinguish two kinds of attributes that SAX reports as CDATA: ones that * were declared (and hence are usually valid), and those that were not (and * which are never valid). * * <p>Remember that since DTDs do not "understand" namespaces, the namespace * URI associated with an attribute may not have come from the DTD. The * declaration will have applied to the attribute's <em>qName</em>. * * @param uri The Namespace URI, or the empty string if the name has no * Namespace URI. * @param localName The attribute's local name. * @return true if the attribute was declared in the DTD, false otherwise. * @exception java.lang.IllegalArgumentException When the supplied names do * not identify an attribute. */
public boolean isDeclared(String uri, String localName) { int idx = getIndex(uri, localName); if (idx < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(""); } return ((mItems[(idx << 3) + 5]) != null); }
Returns true unless the attribute value was provided by DTD defaulting.
  • index – The attribute index (zero-based).
Returns:true if the value was found in the XML text, false if the value was provided by DTD defaulting.
/** * Returns true unless the attribute value was provided by DTD defaulting. * * @param index The attribute index (zero-based). * @return true if the value was found in the XML text, false if the value * was provided by DTD defaulting. * @exception java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException When the supplied * index does not identify an attribute. */
public boolean isSpecified(int index) { if ((index < 0) || (index >= mLength)) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(""); } String str = mItems[(index << 3) + 5]; return ((str != null) ? (str.charAt(0) == 'd') : true); }
Returns true unless the attribute value was provided by DTD defaulting.

Remember that since DTDs do not "understand" namespaces, the namespace URI associated with an attribute may not have come from the DTD. The declaration will have applied to the attribute's qName.

  • uri – The Namespace URI, or the empty string if the name has no Namespace URI.
  • localName – The attribute's local name.
Returns:true if the value was found in the XML text, false if the value was provided by DTD defaulting.
/** * Returns true unless the attribute value was provided by DTD defaulting. * * <p>Remember that since DTDs do not "understand" namespaces, the namespace * URI associated with an attribute may not have come from the DTD. The * declaration will have applied to the attribute's <em>qName</em>. * * @param uri The Namespace URI, or the empty string if the name has no * Namespace URI. * @param localName The attribute's local name. * @return true if the value was found in the XML text, false if the value * was provided by DTD defaulting. * @exception java.lang.IllegalArgumentException When the supplied names do * not identify an attribute. */
public boolean isSpecified(String uri, String localName) { int idx = getIndex(uri, localName); if (idx < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(""); } String str = mItems[(idx << 3) + 5]; return ((str != null) ? (str.charAt(0) == 'd') : true); }
Returns true unless the attribute value was provided by DTD defaulting.
  • qName – The XML qualified (prefixed) name.
Returns:true if the value was found in the XML text, false if the value was provided by DTD defaulting.
/** * Returns true unless the attribute value was provided by DTD defaulting. * * @param qName The XML qualified (prefixed) name. * @return true if the value was found in the XML text, false if the value * was provided by DTD defaulting. * @exception java.lang.IllegalArgumentException When the supplied name does * not identify an attribute. */
public boolean isSpecified(String qName) { int idx = getIndex(qName); if (idx < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(""); } String str = mItems[(idx << 3) + 5]; return ((str != null) ? (str.charAt(0) == 'd') : true); } }