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// (c) 2018 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html#License

// created: 2018may10 Markus W. Scherer

package jdk.internal.icu.util;

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;

Abstract map from Unicode code points (U+0000..U+10FFFF) to integer values. This does not implement java.util.Map.
@stableICU 63
/** * Abstract map from Unicode code points (U+0000..U+10FFFF) to integer values. * This does not implement java.util.Map. * * @stable ICU 63 */
public abstract class CodePointMap implements Iterable<CodePointMap.Range> {
Selectors for how getRange() should report value ranges overlapping with surrogates. Most users should use NORMAL.
See Also:
  • getRange
@stableICU 63
/** * Selectors for how getRange() should report value ranges overlapping with surrogates. * Most users should use NORMAL. * * @see #getRange * @stable ICU 63 */
public enum RangeOption {
getRange() enumerates all same-value ranges as stored in the map. Most users should use this option.
@stableICU 63
/** * getRange() enumerates all same-value ranges as stored in the map. * Most users should use this option. * * @stable ICU 63 */
getRange() enumerates all same-value ranges as stored in the map, except that lead surrogates (U+D800..U+DBFF) are treated as having the surrogateValue, which is passed to getRange() as a separate parameter. The surrogateValue is not transformed via filter(). See Character.isHighSurrogate.

Most users should use NORMAL instead.

This option is useful for maps that map surrogate code *units* to special values optimized for UTF-16 string processing or for special error behavior for unpaired surrogates, but those values are not to be associated with the lead surrogate code *points*.

@stableICU 63
/** * getRange() enumerates all same-value ranges as stored in the map, * except that lead surrogates (U+D800..U+DBFF) are treated as having the * surrogateValue, which is passed to getRange() as a separate parameter. * The surrogateValue is not transformed via filter(). * See {@link Character#isHighSurrogate}. * * <p>Most users should use NORMAL instead. * * <p>This option is useful for maps that map surrogate code *units* to * special values optimized for UTF-16 string processing * or for special error behavior for unpaired surrogates, * but those values are not to be associated with the lead surrogate code *points*. * * @stable ICU 63 */
getRange() enumerates all same-value ranges as stored in the map, except that all surrogates (U+D800..U+DFFF) are treated as having the surrogateValue, which is passed to getRange() as a separate parameter. The surrogateValue is not transformed via filter(). See Character.isSurrogate.

Most users should use NORMAL instead.

This option is useful for maps that map surrogate code *units* to special values optimized for UTF-16 string processing or for special error behavior for unpaired surrogates, but those values are not to be associated with the lead surrogate code *points*.

@stableICU 63
/** * getRange() enumerates all same-value ranges as stored in the map, * except that all surrogates (U+D800..U+DFFF) are treated as having the * surrogateValue, which is passed to getRange() as a separate parameter. * The surrogateValue is not transformed via filter(). * See {@link Character#isSurrogate}. * * <p>Most users should use NORMAL instead. * * <p>This option is useful for maps that map surrogate code *units* to * special values optimized for UTF-16 string processing * or for special error behavior for unpaired surrogates, * but those values are not to be associated with the lead surrogate code *points*. * * @stable ICU 63 */
Callback function interface: Modifies a map value. Optionally called by getRange(). The modified value will be returned by the getRange() function.

Can be used to ignore some of the value bits, make a filter for one of several values, return a value index computed from the map value, etc.

See Also:
  • getRange
  • iterator
@stableICU 63
/** * Callback function interface: Modifies a map value. * Optionally called by getRange(). * The modified value will be returned by the getRange() function. * * <p>Can be used to ignore some of the value bits, * make a filter for one of several values, * return a value index computed from the map value, etc. * * @see #getRange * @see #iterator * @stable ICU 63 */
public interface ValueFilter {
Modifies the map value.
  • value – map value
Returns:modified value
@stableICU 63
/** * Modifies the map value. * * @param value map value * @return modified value * @stable ICU 63 */
public int apply(int value); }
Range iteration result data. Code points from start to end map to the same value. The value may have been modified by ValueFilter.apply(int), or it may be the surrogateValue if a RangeOption other than "normal" was used.
See Also:
  • getRange
  • iterator
@stableICU 63
/** * Range iteration result data. * Code points from start to end map to the same value. * The value may have been modified by {@link ValueFilter#apply(int)}, * or it may be the surrogateValue if a RangeOption other than "normal" was used. * * @see #getRange * @see #iterator * @stable ICU 63 */
public static final class Range { private int start; private int end; private int value;
Constructor. Sets start and end to -1 and value to 0.
@stableICU 63
/** * Constructor. Sets start and end to -1 and value to 0. * * @stable ICU 63 */
public Range() { start = end = -1; value = 0; }
Returns:the start code point
@stableICU 63
/** * @return the start code point * @stable ICU 63 */
public int getStart() { return start; }
Returns:the (inclusive) end code point
@stableICU 63
/** * @return the (inclusive) end code point * @stable ICU 63 */
public int getEnd() { return end; }
Returns:the range value
@stableICU 63
/** * @return the range value * @stable ICU 63 */
public int getValue() { return value; }
Sets the range. When using CodePointMap.iterator(), iteration will resume after the newly set end.
  • start – new start code point
  • end – new end code point
  • value – new value
@stableICU 63
/** * Sets the range. When using {@link #iterator()}, * iteration will resume after the newly set end. * * @param start new start code point * @param end new end code point * @param value new value * @stable ICU 63 */
public void set(int start, int end, int value) { this.start = start; this.end = end; this.value = value; } } private final class RangeIterator implements Iterator<Range> { private Range range = new Range(); @Override public boolean hasNext() { return -1 <= range.end && range.end < 0x10ffff; } @Override public Range next() { if (getRange(range.end + 1, null, range)) { return range; } else { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } } @Override public final void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }
Iterates over code points of a string and fetches map values. This does not implement java.util.Iterator.
void onString(CodePointMap map, CharSequence s, int start) {
    CodePointMap.StringIterator iter = map.stringIterator(s, start);
    while (iter.next()) {
        int end = iter.getIndex();  // code point from between start and end
        useValue(s, start, end, iter.getCodePoint(), iter.getValue());
        start = end;

This class is not intended for public subclassing.

@stableICU 63
/** * Iterates over code points of a string and fetches map values. * This does not implement java.util.Iterator. * * <pre> * void onString(CodePointMap map, CharSequence s, int start) { * CodePointMap.StringIterator iter = map.stringIterator(s, start); * while (iter.next()) { * int end = iter.getIndex(); // code point from between start and end * useValue(s, start, end, iter.getCodePoint(), iter.getValue()); * start = end; * } * } * </pre> * * <p>This class is not intended for public subclassing. * * @stable ICU 63 */
public class StringIterator {
Deprecated:This API is ICU internal only.
/** * @internal * @deprecated This API is ICU internal only. */
@Deprecated protected CharSequence s;
Deprecated:This API is ICU internal only.
/** * @internal * @deprecated This API is ICU internal only. */
@Deprecated protected int sIndex;
Deprecated:This API is ICU internal only.
/** * @internal * @deprecated This API is ICU internal only. */
@Deprecated protected int c;
Deprecated:This API is ICU internal only.
/** * @internal * @deprecated This API is ICU internal only. */
@Deprecated protected int value;
Deprecated:This API is ICU internal only.
/** * @internal * @deprecated This API is ICU internal only. */
@Deprecated protected StringIterator(CharSequence s, int sIndex) { this.s = s; this.sIndex = sIndex; c = -1; value = 0; }
Resets the iterator to a new string and/or a new string index.
  • s – string to iterate over
  • sIndex – string index where the iteration will start
@stableICU 63
/** * Resets the iterator to a new string and/or a new string index. * * @param s string to iterate over * @param sIndex string index where the iteration will start * @stable ICU 63 */
public void reset(CharSequence s, int sIndex) { this.s = s; this.sIndex = sIndex; c = -1; value = 0; }
Reads the next code point, post-increments the string index, and gets a value from the map. Sets an implementation-defined error value if the code point is an unpaired surrogate.
Returns:true if the string index was not yet at the end of the string; otherwise the iterator did not advance
@stableICU 63
/** * Reads the next code point, post-increments the string index, * and gets a value from the map. * Sets an implementation-defined error value if the code point is an unpaired surrogate. * * @return true if the string index was not yet at the end of the string; * otherwise the iterator did not advance * @stable ICU 63 */
public boolean next() { if (sIndex >= s.length()) { return false; } c = Character.codePointAt(s, sIndex); sIndex += Character.charCount(c); value = get(c); return true; }
Reads the previous code point, pre-decrements the string index, and gets a value from the map. Sets an implementation-defined error value if the code point is an unpaired surrogate.
Returns:true if the string index was not yet at the start of the string; otherwise the iterator did not advance
@stableICU 63
/** * Reads the previous code point, pre-decrements the string index, * and gets a value from the map. * Sets an implementation-defined error value if the code point is an unpaired surrogate. * * @return true if the string index was not yet at the start of the string; * otherwise the iterator did not advance * @stable ICU 63 */
public boolean previous() { if (sIndex <= 0) { return false; } c = Character.codePointBefore(s, sIndex); sIndex -= Character.charCount(c); value = get(c); return true; }
Returns:the string index
@stableICU 63
/** * @return the string index * @stable ICU 63 */
public final int getIndex() { return sIndex; }
Returns:the code point
@stableICU 63
/** * @return the code point * @stable ICU 63 */
public final int getCodePoint() { return c; }
Returns:the map value, or an implementation-defined error value if the code point is an unpaired surrogate
@stableICU 63
/** * @return the map value, * or an implementation-defined error value if * the code point is an unpaired surrogate * @stable ICU 63 */
public final int getValue() { return value; } }
Protected no-args constructor.
@stableICU 63
/** * Protected no-args constructor. * * @stable ICU 63 */
protected CodePointMap() { }
Returns the value for a code point as stored in the map, with range checking. Returns an implementation-defined error value if c is not in the range 0..U+10FFFF.
  • c – the code point
Returns:the map value, or an implementation-defined error value if the code point is not in the range 0..U+10FFFF
@stableICU 63
/** * Returns the value for a code point as stored in the map, with range checking. * Returns an implementation-defined error value if c is not in the range 0..U+10FFFF. * * @param c the code point * @return the map value, * or an implementation-defined error value if * the code point is not in the range 0..U+10FFFF * @stable ICU 63 */
public abstract int get(int c);
Sets the range object to a range of code points beginning with the start parameter. The range start is the same as the start input parameter (even if there are preceding code points that have the same value). The range end is the last code point such that all those from start to there have the same value. Returns false if start is not 0..U+10FFFF. Can be used to efficiently iterate over all same-value ranges in a map. (This is normally faster than iterating over code points and get()ting each value, but may be much slower than a data structure that stores ranges directly.)

If the ValueFilter parameter is not null, then the value to be delivered is passed through that filter, and the return value is the end of the range where all values are modified to the same actual value. The value is unchanged if that parameter is null.


int start = 0;
CodePointMap.Range range = new CodePointMap.Range();
while (map.getRange(start, null, range)) {
    int end = range.getEnd();
    int value = range.getValue();
    // Work with the range start..end and its value.
    start = end + 1;
  • start – range start
  • filter – an object that may modify the map data value, or null if the values from the map are to be used unmodified
  • range – the range object that will be set to the code point range and value
Returns:true if start is 0..U+10FFFF; otherwise no new range is fetched
@stableICU 63
/** * Sets the range object to a range of code points beginning with the start parameter. * The range start is the same as the start input parameter * (even if there are preceding code points that have the same value). * The range end is the last code point such that * all those from start to there have the same value. * Returns false if start is not 0..U+10FFFF. * Can be used to efficiently iterate over all same-value ranges in a map. * (This is normally faster than iterating over code points and get()ting each value, * but may be much slower than a data structure that stores ranges directly.) * * <p>If the {@link ValueFilter} parameter is not null, then * the value to be delivered is passed through that filter, and the return value is the end * of the range where all values are modified to the same actual value. * The value is unchanged if that parameter is null. * * <p>Example: * <pre> * int start = 0; * CodePointMap.Range range = new CodePointMap.Range(); * while (map.getRange(start, null, range)) { * int end = range.getEnd(); * int value = range.getValue(); * // Work with the range start..end and its value. * start = end + 1; * } * </pre> * * @param start range start * @param filter an object that may modify the map data value, * or null if the values from the map are to be used unmodified * @param range the range object that will be set to the code point range and value * @return true if start is 0..U+10FFFF; otherwise no new range is fetched * @stable ICU 63 */
public abstract boolean getRange(int start, ValueFilter filter, Range range);
Sets the range object to a range of code points beginning with the start parameter. The range start is the same as the start input parameter (even if there are preceding code points that have the same value). The range end is the last code point such that all those from start to there have the same value. Returns false if start is not 0..U+10FFFF.

Same as the simpler getRange(int, ValueFilter, Range) but optionally modifies the range if it overlaps with surrogate code points.

  • start – range start
  • option – defines whether surrogates are treated normally, or as having the surrogateValue; usually RangeOption.NORMAL
  • surrogateValue – value for surrogates; ignored if option==RangeOption.NORMAL
  • filter – an object that may modify the map data value, or null if the values from the map are to be used unmodified
  • range – the range object that will be set to the code point range and value
Returns:true if start is 0..U+10FFFF; otherwise no new range is fetched
@stableICU 63
/** * Sets the range object to a range of code points beginning with the start parameter. * The range start is the same as the start input parameter * (even if there are preceding code points that have the same value). * The range end is the last code point such that * all those from start to there have the same value. * Returns false if start is not 0..U+10FFFF. * * <p>Same as the simpler {@link #getRange(int, ValueFilter, Range)} but optionally * modifies the range if it overlaps with surrogate code points. * * @param start range start * @param option defines whether surrogates are treated normally, * or as having the surrogateValue; usually {@link RangeOption#NORMAL} * @param surrogateValue value for surrogates; ignored if option=={@link RangeOption#NORMAL} * @param filter an object that may modify the map data value, * or null if the values from the map are to be used unmodified * @param range the range object that will be set to the code point range and value * @return true if start is 0..U+10FFFF; otherwise no new range is fetched * @stable ICU 63 */
public boolean getRange(int start, RangeOption option, int surrogateValue, ValueFilter filter, Range range) { assert option != null; if (!getRange(start, filter, range)) { return false; } if (option == RangeOption.NORMAL) { return true; } int surrEnd = option == RangeOption.FIXED_ALL_SURROGATES ? 0xdfff : 0xdbff; int end = range.end; if (end < 0xd7ff || start > surrEnd) { return true; } // The range overlaps with surrogates, or ends just before the first one. if (range.value == surrogateValue) { if (end >= surrEnd) { // Surrogates followed by a non-surrValue range, // or surrogates are part of a larger surrValue range. return true; } } else { if (start <= 0xd7ff) { range.end = 0xd7ff; // Non-surrValue range ends before surrValue surrogates. return true; } // Start is a surrogate with a non-surrValue code *unit* value. // Return a surrValue code *point* range. range.value = surrogateValue; if (end > surrEnd) { range.end = surrEnd; // Surrogate range ends before non-surrValue rest of range. return true; } } // See if the surrValue surrogate range can be merged with // an immediately following range. if (getRange(surrEnd + 1, filter, range) && range.value == surrogateValue) { range.start = start; return true; } range.start = start; range.end = surrEnd; range.value = surrogateValue; return true; }
Convenience iterator over same-map-value code point ranges. Same as looping over all ranges with getRange(int, ValueFilter, Range) without filtering. Adjacent ranges have different map values.

The iterator always returns the same Range object.

Returns:a Range iterator
@stableICU 63
/** * Convenience iterator over same-map-value code point ranges. * Same as looping over all ranges with {@link #getRange(int, ValueFilter, Range)} * without filtering. * Adjacent ranges have different map values. * * <p>The iterator always returns the same Range object. * * @return a Range iterator * @stable ICU 63 */
@Override public Iterator<Range> iterator() { return new RangeIterator(); }
Returns an iterator (not a java.util.Iterator) over code points of a string for fetching map values.
  • s – string to iterate over
  • sIndex – string index where the iteration will start
Returns:the iterator
@stableICU 63
/** * Returns an iterator (not a java.util.Iterator) over code points of a string * for fetching map values. * * @param s string to iterate over * @param sIndex string index where the iteration will start * @return the iterator * @stable ICU 63 */
public StringIterator stringIterator(CharSequence s, int sIndex) { return new StringIterator(s, sIndex); } }