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package jdk.internal.icu.impl;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import jdk.internal.icu.text.UTF16;
import jdk.internal.icu.text.UnicodeSet;
import jdk.internal.icu.text.UnicodeSet.SpanCondition;
import jdk.internal.icu.util.OutputInt;

 * Implement span() etc. for a set with strings.
 * Avoid recursion because of its exponential complexity.
 * Instead, try multiple paths at once and track them with an IndexList.
public class UnicodeSetStringSpan {

     * Which span() variant will be used? The object is either built for one variant and used once,
     * or built for all and may be used many times.
    public static final int WITH_COUNT    = 0x40;  // spanAndCount() may be called
    public static final int FWD           = 0x20;
    public static final int BACK          = 0x10;
    // public static final int UTF16      = 8;
    public static final int CONTAINED     = 2;
    public static final int NOT_CONTAINED = 1;

    public static final int ALL = 0x7f;

    public static final int FWD_UTF16_CONTAINED      = FWD  | /* UTF16 | */    CONTAINED;
    public static final int FWD_UTF16_NOT_CONTAINED  = FWD  | /* UTF16 | */NOT_CONTAINED;
    public static final int BACK_UTF16_CONTAINED     = BACK | /* UTF16 | */    CONTAINED;
    public static final int BACK_UTF16_NOT_CONTAINED = BACK | /* UTF16 | */NOT_CONTAINED;

Special spanLength short values. (since Java has not unsigned byte type) All code points in the string are contained in the parent set.
/** * Special spanLength short values. (since Java has not unsigned byte type) * All code points in the string are contained in the parent set. */
static final short ALL_CP_CONTAINED = 0xff;
The spanLength is >=0xfe.
/** The spanLength is >=0xfe. */
static final short LONG_SPAN = ALL_CP_CONTAINED - 1;
Set for span(). Same as parent but without strings.
/** Set for span(). Same as parent but without strings. */
private UnicodeSet spanSet;
Set for span(not contained). Same as spanSet, plus characters that start or end strings.
/** * Set for span(not contained). * Same as spanSet, plus characters that start or end strings. */
private UnicodeSet spanNotSet;
The strings of the parent set.
/** The strings of the parent set. */
private ArrayList<String> strings;
The lengths of span(), spanBack() etc. for each string.
/** The lengths of span(), spanBack() etc. for each string. */
private short[] spanLengths;
Maximum lengths of relevant strings.
/** Maximum lengths of relevant strings. */
private int maxLength16;
Are there strings that are not fully contained in the code point set?
/** Are there strings that are not fully contained in the code point set? */
private boolean someRelevant;
Set up for all variants of span()?
/** Set up for all variants of span()? */
private boolean all;
Span helper
/** Span helper */
private OffsetList offsets;
Constructs for all variants of span(), or only for any one variant. Initializes as little as possible, for single use.
/** * Constructs for all variants of span(), or only for any one variant. * Initializes as little as possible, for single use. */
public UnicodeSetStringSpan(final UnicodeSet set, final ArrayList<String> setStrings, int which) { spanSet = new UnicodeSet(0, 0x10ffff); // TODO: With Java 6, just take the parent set's strings as is, // as a NavigableSet<String>, rather than as an ArrayList copy of the set of strings. // Then iterate via the first() and higher() methods. // (We do not want to create multiple Iterator objects in each span().) // See ICU ticket #7454. strings = setStrings; all = (which == ALL); spanSet.retainAll(set); if (0 != (which & NOT_CONTAINED)) { // Default to the same sets. // addToSpanNotSet() will create a separate set if necessary. spanNotSet = spanSet; } offsets = new OffsetList(); // Determine if the strings even need to be taken into account at all for span() etc. // If any string is relevant, then all strings need to be used for // span(longest match) but only the relevant ones for span(while contained). // TODO: Possible optimization: Distinguish CONTAINED vs. LONGEST_MATCH // and do not store UTF-8 strings if !thisRelevant and CONTAINED. // (Only store irrelevant UTF-8 strings for LONGEST_MATCH where they are relevant after all.) // Also count the lengths of the UTF-8 versions of the strings for memory allocation. int stringsLength = strings.size(); int i, spanLength; someRelevant = false; for (i = 0; i < stringsLength; ++i) { String string = strings.get(i); int length16 = string.length(); spanLength = spanSet.span(string, SpanCondition.CONTAINED); if (spanLength < length16) { // Relevant string. someRelevant = true; } if (/* (0 != (which & UTF16)) && */ length16 > maxLength16) { maxLength16 = length16; } } if (!someRelevant && (which & WITH_COUNT) == 0) { return; } // Freeze after checking for the need to use strings at all because freezing // a set takes some time and memory which are wasted if there are no relevant strings. if (all) { spanSet.freeze(); } int spanBackLengthsOffset; // Allocate a block of meta data. int allocSize; if (all) { // 2 sets of span lengths allocSize = stringsLength * (2); } else { allocSize = stringsLength; // One set of span lengths. } spanLengths = new short[allocSize]; if (all) { // Store span lengths for all span() variants. spanBackLengthsOffset = stringsLength; } else { // Store span lengths for only one span() variant. spanBackLengthsOffset = 0; } // Set the meta data and spanNotSet and write the UTF-8 strings. for (i = 0; i < stringsLength; ++i) { String string = strings.get(i); int length16 = string.length(); spanLength = spanSet.span(string, SpanCondition.CONTAINED); if (spanLength < length16) { // Relevant string. if (true /* 0 != (which & UTF16) */) { if (0 != (which & CONTAINED)) { if (0 != (which & FWD)) { spanLengths[i] = makeSpanLengthByte(spanLength); } if (0 != (which & BACK)) { spanLength = length16 - spanSet.spanBack(string, length16, SpanCondition.CONTAINED); spanLengths[spanBackLengthsOffset + i] = makeSpanLengthByte(spanLength); } } else /* not CONTAINED, not all, but NOT_CONTAINED */{ spanLengths[i] = spanLengths[spanBackLengthsOffset + i] = 0; // Only store a relevant/irrelevant // flag. } } if (0 != (which & NOT_CONTAINED)) { // Add string start and end code points to the spanNotSet so that // a span(while not contained) stops before any string. int c; if (0 != (which & FWD)) { c = string.codePointAt(0); addToSpanNotSet(c); } if (0 != (which & BACK)) { c = string.codePointBefore(length16); addToSpanNotSet(c); } } } else { // Irrelevant string. if (all) { spanLengths[i] = spanLengths[spanBackLengthsOffset + i] = ALL_CP_CONTAINED; } else { // All spanXYZLengths pointers contain the same address. spanLengths[i] = ALL_CP_CONTAINED; } } } // Finish. if (all) { spanNotSet.freeze(); } }
Do the strings need to be checked in span() etc.?
Returns:true if strings need to be checked (call span() here), false if not (use a BMPSet for best performance).
/** * Do the strings need to be checked in span() etc.? * * @return true if strings need to be checked (call span() here), * false if not (use a BMPSet for best performance). */
public boolean needsStringSpanUTF16() { return someRelevant; }
For fast UnicodeSet::contains(c).
/** For fast UnicodeSet::contains(c). */
public boolean contains(int c) { return spanSet.contains(c); }
Adds a starting or ending string character to the spanNotSet so that a character span ends before any string.
/** * Adds a starting or ending string character to the spanNotSet * so that a character span ends before any string. */
private void addToSpanNotSet(int c) { if (spanNotSet == null || spanNotSet == spanSet) { if (spanSet.contains(c)) { return; // Nothing to do. } spanNotSet = spanSet.cloneAsThawed(); } spanNotSet.add(c); } /* * Note: In span() when spanLength==0 * (after a string match, or at the beginning after an empty code point span) * and in spanNot() and spanNotUTF8(), * string matching could use a binary search because all string matches are done * from the same start index. * * For UTF-8, this would require a comparison function that returns UTF-16 order. * * This optimization should not be necessary for normal UnicodeSets because most sets have no strings, and most sets * with strings have very few very short strings. For cases with many strings, it might be better to use a different * API and implementation with a DFA (state machine). */ /* * Algorithm for span(SpanCondition.CONTAINED) * * Theoretical algorithm: * - Iterate through the string, and at each code point boundary: * + If the code point there is in the set, then remember to continue after it. * + If a set string matches at the current position, then remember to continue after it. * + Either recursively span for each code point or string match, or recursively span * for all but the shortest one and iteratively continue the span with the shortest local match. * + Remember the longest recursive span (the farthest end point). * + If there is no match at the current position, * neither for the code point there nor for any set string, * then stop and return the longest recursive span length. * * Optimized implementation: * * (We assume that most sets will have very few very short strings. * A span using a string-less set is extremely fast.) * * Create and cache a spanSet which contains all of the single code points of the original set * but none of its strings. * * - Start with spanLength=spanSet.span(SpanCondition.CONTAINED). * - Loop: * + Try to match each set string at the end of the spanLength. * ~ Set strings that start with set-contained code points * must be matched with a partial overlap * because the recursive algorithm would have tried to match them at every position. * ~ Set strings that entirely consist of set-contained code points * are irrelevant for span(SpanCondition.CONTAINED) * because the recursive algorithm would continue after them anyway and * find the longest recursive match from their end. * ~ Rather than recursing, note each end point of a set string match. * + If no set string matched after spanSet.span(), * then return with where the spanSet.span() ended. * + If at least one set string matched after spanSet.span(), * then pop the shortest string match end point and continue the loop, * trying to match all set strings from there. * + If at least one more set string matched after a previous string match, then test if the * code point after the previous string match is also contained in the set. * Continue the loop with the shortest end point of * either this code point or a matching set string. * + If no more set string matched after a previous string match, * then try another spanLength=spanSet.span(SpanCondition.CONTAINED). * Stop if spanLength==0, otherwise continue the loop. * * By noting each end point of a set string match, the function visits each string position at most once and * finishes in linear time. * * The recursive algorithm may visit the same string position many times * if multiple paths lead to it and finishes in exponential time. */ /* * Algorithm for span(SIMPLE) * * Theoretical algorithm: * - Iterate through the string, and at each code point boundary: * + If the code point there is in the set, then remember to continue after it. * + If a set string matches at the current position, then remember to continue after it. * + Continue from the farthest match position and ignore all others. * + If there is no match at the current position, then stop and return the current position. * * Optimized implementation: * * (Same assumption and spanSet as above.) * * - Start with spanLength=spanSet.span(SpanCondition.CONTAINED). * - Loop: * + Try to match each set string at the end of the spanLength. * ~ Set strings that start with set-contained code points * must be matched with a partial overlap * because the standard algorithm would have tried to match them earlier. * ~ Set strings that entirely consist of set-contained code points * must be matched with a full overlap because the longest-match algorithm * would hide set string matches that end earlier. * Such set strings need not be matched earlier inside the code point span * because the standard algorithm would then have * continued after the set string match anyway. * ~ Remember the longest set string match (farthest end point) * from the earliest starting point. * + If no set string matched after spanSet.span(), * then return with where the spanSet.span() ended. * + If at least one set string matched, * then continue the loop after the longest match from the earliest position. * + If no more set string matched after a previous string match, * then try another spanLength=spanSet.span(SpanCondition.CONTAINED). * Stop if spanLength==0, otherwise continue the loop. */
Spans a string.
  • s – The string to be spanned
  • start – The start index that the span begins
  • spanCondition – The span condition
Returns:the limit (exclusive end) of the span
/** * Spans a string. * * @param s The string to be spanned * @param start The start index that the span begins * @param spanCondition The span condition * @return the limit (exclusive end) of the span */
public int span(CharSequence s, int start, SpanCondition spanCondition) { if (spanCondition == SpanCondition.NOT_CONTAINED) { return spanNot(s, start, null); } int spanLimit = spanSet.span(s, start, SpanCondition.CONTAINED); if (spanLimit == s.length()) { return spanLimit; } return spanWithStrings(s, start, spanLimit, spanCondition); }
Synchronized method for complicated spans using the offsets. Avoids synchronization for simple cases.
  • spanLimit – = spanSet.span(s, start, CONTAINED)
/** * Synchronized method for complicated spans using the offsets. * Avoids synchronization for simple cases. * * @param spanLimit = spanSet.span(s, start, CONTAINED) */
private synchronized int spanWithStrings(CharSequence s, int start, int spanLimit, SpanCondition spanCondition) { // Consider strings; they may overlap with the span. int initSize = 0; if (spanCondition == SpanCondition.CONTAINED) { // Use offset list to try all possibilities. initSize = maxLength16; } offsets.setMaxLength(initSize); int length = s.length(); int pos = spanLimit, rest = length - spanLimit; int spanLength = spanLimit - start; int i, stringsLength = strings.size(); for (;;) { if (spanCondition == SpanCondition.CONTAINED) { for (i = 0; i < stringsLength; ++i) { int overlap = spanLengths[i]; if (overlap == ALL_CP_CONTAINED) { continue; // Irrelevant string. } String string = strings.get(i); int length16 = string.length(); // Try to match this string at pos-overlap..pos. if (overlap >= LONG_SPAN) { overlap = length16; // While contained: No point matching fully inside the code point span. overlap = string.offsetByCodePoints(overlap, -1); // Length of the string minus the last code // point. } if (overlap > spanLength) { overlap = spanLength; } int inc = length16 - overlap; // Keep overlap+inc==length16. for (;;) { if (inc > rest) { break; } // Try to match if the increment is not listed already. if (!offsets.containsOffset(inc) && matches16CPB(s, pos - overlap, length, string, length16)) { if (inc == rest) { return length; // Reached the end of the string. } offsets.addOffset(inc); } if (overlap == 0) { break; } --overlap; ++inc; } } } else /* SIMPLE */{ int maxInc = 0, maxOverlap = 0; for (i = 0; i < stringsLength; ++i) { int overlap = spanLengths[i]; // For longest match, we do need to try to match even an all-contained string // to find the match from the earliest start. String string = strings.get(i); int length16 = string.length(); // Try to match this string at pos-overlap..pos. if (overlap >= LONG_SPAN) { overlap = length16; // Longest match: Need to match fully inside the code point span // to find the match from the earliest start. } if (overlap > spanLength) { overlap = spanLength; } int inc = length16 - overlap; // Keep overlap+inc==length16. for (;;) { if (inc > rest || overlap < maxOverlap) { break; } // Try to match if the string is longer or starts earlier. if ((overlap > maxOverlap || /* redundant overlap==maxOverlap && */inc > maxInc) && matches16CPB(s, pos - overlap, length, string, length16)) { maxInc = inc; // Longest match from earliest start. maxOverlap = overlap; break; } --overlap; ++inc; } } if (maxInc != 0 || maxOverlap != 0) { // Longest-match algorithm, and there was a string match. // Simply continue after it. pos += maxInc; rest -= maxInc; if (rest == 0) { return length; // Reached the end of the string. } spanLength = 0; // Match strings from after a string match. continue; } } // Finished trying to match all strings at pos. if (spanLength != 0 || pos == 0) { // The position is after an unlimited code point span (spanLength!=0), // not after a string match. // The only position where spanLength==0 after a span is pos==0. // Otherwise, an unlimited code point span is only tried again when no // strings match, and if such a non-initial span fails we stop. if (offsets.isEmpty()) { return pos; // No strings matched after a span. } // Match strings from after the next string match. } else { // The position is after a string match (or a single code point). if (offsets.isEmpty()) { // No more strings matched after a previous string match. // Try another code point span from after the last string match. spanLimit = spanSet.span(s, pos, SpanCondition.CONTAINED); spanLength = spanLimit - pos; if (spanLength == rest || // Reached the end of the string, or spanLength == 0 // neither strings nor span progressed. ) { return spanLimit; } pos += spanLength; rest -= spanLength; continue; // spanLength>0: Match strings from after a span. } else { // Try to match only one code point from after a string match if some // string matched beyond it, so that we try all possible positions // and don't overshoot. spanLength = spanOne(spanSet, s, pos, rest); if (spanLength > 0) { if (spanLength == rest) { return length; // Reached the end of the string. } // Match strings after this code point. // There cannot be any increments below it because UnicodeSet strings // contain multiple code points. pos += spanLength; rest -= spanLength; offsets.shift(spanLength); spanLength = 0; continue; // Match strings from after a single code point. } // Match strings from after the next string match. } } int minOffset = offsets.popMinimum(null); pos += minOffset; rest -= minOffset; spanLength = 0; // Match strings from after a string match. } }
Spans a string and counts the smallest number of set elements on any path across the span.

For proper counting, we cannot ignore strings that are fully contained in code point spans.

If the set does not have any fully-contained strings, then we could optimize this like span(), but such sets are likely rare, and this is at least still linear.

  • s – The string to be spanned
  • start – The start index that the span begins
  • spanCondition – The span condition
  • outCount – The count
Returns:the limit (exclusive end) of the span
/** * Spans a string and counts the smallest number of set elements on any path across the span. * * <p>For proper counting, we cannot ignore strings that are fully contained in code point spans. * * <p>If the set does not have any fully-contained strings, then we could optimize this * like span(), but such sets are likely rare, and this is at least still linear. * * @param s The string to be spanned * @param start The start index that the span begins * @param spanCondition The span condition * @param outCount The count * @return the limit (exclusive end) of the span */
public int spanAndCount(CharSequence s, int start, SpanCondition spanCondition, OutputInt outCount) { if (spanCondition == SpanCondition.NOT_CONTAINED) { return spanNot(s, start, outCount); } // Consider strings; they may overlap with the span, // and they may result in a smaller count that with just code points. if (spanCondition == SpanCondition.CONTAINED) { return spanContainedAndCount(s, start, outCount); } // SIMPLE (not synchronized, does not use offsets) int stringsLength = strings.size(); int length = s.length(); int pos = start; int rest = length - start; int count = 0; while (rest != 0) { // Try to match the next code point. int cpLength = spanOne(spanSet, s, pos, rest); int maxInc = (cpLength > 0) ? cpLength : 0; // Try to match all of the strings. for (int i = 0; i < stringsLength; ++i) { String string = strings.get(i); int length16 = string.length(); if (maxInc < length16 && length16 <= rest && matches16CPB(s, pos, length, string, length16)) { maxInc = length16; } } // We are done if there is no match beyond pos. if (maxInc == 0) { outCount.value = count; return pos; } // Continue from the longest match. ++count; pos += maxInc; rest -= maxInc; } outCount.value = count; return pos; } private synchronized int spanContainedAndCount(CharSequence s, int start, OutputInt outCount) { // Use offset list to try all possibilities. offsets.setMaxLength(maxLength16); int stringsLength = strings.size(); int length = s.length(); int pos = start; int rest = length - start; int count = 0; while (rest != 0) { // Try to match the next code point. int cpLength = spanOne(spanSet, s, pos, rest); if (cpLength > 0) { offsets.addOffsetAndCount(cpLength, count + 1); } // Try to match all of the strings. for (int i = 0; i < stringsLength; ++i) { String string = strings.get(i); int length16 = string.length(); // Note: If the strings were sorted by length, then we could also // avoid trying to match if there is already a match of the same length. if (length16 <= rest && !offsets.hasCountAtOffset(length16, count + 1) && matches16CPB(s, pos, length, string, length16)) { offsets.addOffsetAndCount(length16, count + 1); } } // We are done if there is no match beyond pos. if (offsets.isEmpty()) { outCount.value = count; return pos; } // Continue from the nearest match. int minOffset = offsets.popMinimum(outCount); count = outCount.value; pos += minOffset; rest -= minOffset; } outCount.value = count; return pos; }
Span a string backwards.
  • s – The string to be spanned
  • spanCondition – The span condition
Returns:The string index which starts the span (i.e. inclusive).
/** * Span a string backwards. * * @param s The string to be spanned * @param spanCondition The span condition * @return The string index which starts the span (i.e. inclusive). */
public synchronized int spanBack(CharSequence s, int length, SpanCondition spanCondition) { if (spanCondition == SpanCondition.NOT_CONTAINED) { return spanNotBack(s, length); } int pos = spanSet.spanBack(s, length, SpanCondition.CONTAINED); if (pos == 0) { return 0; } int spanLength = length - pos; // Consider strings; they may overlap with the span. int initSize = 0; if (spanCondition == SpanCondition.CONTAINED) { // Use offset list to try all possibilities. initSize = maxLength16; } offsets.setMaxLength(initSize); int i, stringsLength = strings.size(); int spanBackLengthsOffset = 0; if (all) { spanBackLengthsOffset = stringsLength; } for (;;) { if (spanCondition == SpanCondition.CONTAINED) { for (i = 0; i < stringsLength; ++i) { int overlap = spanLengths[spanBackLengthsOffset + i]; if (overlap == ALL_CP_CONTAINED) { continue; // Irrelevant string. } String string = strings.get(i); int length16 = string.length(); // Try to match this string at pos-(length16-overlap)..pos-length16. if (overlap >= LONG_SPAN) { overlap = length16; // While contained: No point matching fully inside the code point span. int len1 = 0; len1 = string.offsetByCodePoints(0, 1); overlap -= len1; // Length of the string minus the first code point. } if (overlap > spanLength) { overlap = spanLength; } int dec = length16 - overlap; // Keep dec+overlap==length16. for (;;) { if (dec > pos) { break; } // Try to match if the decrement is not listed already. if (!offsets.containsOffset(dec) && matches16CPB(s, pos - dec, length, string, length16)) { if (dec == pos) { return 0; // Reached the start of the string. } offsets.addOffset(dec); } if (overlap == 0) { break; } --overlap; ++dec; } } } else /* SIMPLE */{ int maxDec = 0, maxOverlap = 0; for (i = 0; i < stringsLength; ++i) { int overlap = spanLengths[spanBackLengthsOffset + i]; // For longest match, we do need to try to match even an all-contained string // to find the match from the latest end. String string = strings.get(i); int length16 = string.length(); // Try to match this string at pos-(length16-overlap)..pos-length16. if (overlap >= LONG_SPAN) { overlap = length16; // Longest match: Need to match fully inside the code point span // to find the match from the latest end. } if (overlap > spanLength) { overlap = spanLength; } int dec = length16 - overlap; // Keep dec+overlap==length16. for (;;) { if (dec > pos || overlap < maxOverlap) { break; } // Try to match if the string is longer or ends later. if ((overlap > maxOverlap || /* redundant overlap==maxOverlap && */dec > maxDec) && matches16CPB(s, pos - dec, length, string, length16)) { maxDec = dec; // Longest match from latest end. maxOverlap = overlap; break; } --overlap; ++dec; } } if (maxDec != 0 || maxOverlap != 0) { // Longest-match algorithm, and there was a string match. // Simply continue before it. pos -= maxDec; if (pos == 0) { return 0; // Reached the start of the string. } spanLength = 0; // Match strings from before a string match. continue; } } // Finished trying to match all strings at pos. if (spanLength != 0 || pos == length) { // The position is before an unlimited code point span (spanLength!=0), // not before a string match. // The only position where spanLength==0 before a span is pos==length. // Otherwise, an unlimited code point span is only tried again when no // strings match, and if such a non-initial span fails we stop. if (offsets.isEmpty()) { return pos; // No strings matched before a span. } // Match strings from before the next string match. } else { // The position is before a string match (or a single code point). if (offsets.isEmpty()) { // No more strings matched before a previous string match. // Try another code point span from before the last string match. int oldPos = pos; pos = spanSet.spanBack(s, oldPos, SpanCondition.CONTAINED); spanLength = oldPos - pos; if (pos == 0 || // Reached the start of the string, or spanLength == 0 // neither strings nor span progressed. ) { return pos; } continue; // spanLength>0: Match strings from before a span. } else { // Try to match only one code point from before a string match if some // string matched beyond it, so that we try all possible positions // and don't overshoot. spanLength = spanOneBack(spanSet, s, pos); if (spanLength > 0) { if (spanLength == pos) { return 0; // Reached the start of the string. } // Match strings before this code point. // There cannot be any decrements below it because UnicodeSet strings // contain multiple code points. pos -= spanLength; offsets.shift(spanLength); spanLength = 0; continue; // Match strings from before a single code point. } // Match strings from before the next string match. } } pos -= offsets.popMinimum(null); spanLength = 0; // Match strings from before a string match. } }
Algorithm for spanNot()==span(SpanCondition.NOT_CONTAINED) Theoretical algorithm: - Iterate through the string, and at each code point boundary: + If the code point there is in the set, then return with the current position. + If a set string matches at the current position, then return with the current position. Optimized implementation: (Same assumption as for span() above.) Create and cache a spanNotSet which contains all of the single code points of the original set but none of its strings. For each set string add its initial code point to the spanNotSet. (Also add its final code point for spanNotBack().) - Loop: + Do spanLength=spanNotSet.span(SpanCondition.NOT_CONTAINED). + If the current code point is in the original set, then return the current position. + If any set string matches at the current position, then return the current position. + If there is no match at the current position, neither for the code point there nor for any set string, then skip this code point and continue the loop. This happens for set-string-initial code points that were added to spanNotSet when there is not actually a match for such a set string.
  • s – The string to be spanned
  • start – The start index that the span begins
  • outCount – If not null: Receives the number of code points across the span.
Returns:the limit (exclusive end) of the span
/** * Algorithm for spanNot()==span(SpanCondition.NOT_CONTAINED) * * Theoretical algorithm: * - Iterate through the string, and at each code point boundary: * + If the code point there is in the set, then return with the current position. * + If a set string matches at the current position, then return with the current position. * * Optimized implementation: * * (Same assumption as for span() above.) * * Create and cache a spanNotSet which contains * all of the single code points of the original set but none of its strings. * For each set string add its initial code point to the spanNotSet. * (Also add its final code point for spanNotBack().) * * - Loop: * + Do spanLength=spanNotSet.span(SpanCondition.NOT_CONTAINED). * + If the current code point is in the original set, then return the current position. * + If any set string matches at the current position, then return the current position. * + If there is no match at the current position, neither for the code point * there nor for any set string, then skip this code point and continue the loop. * This happens for set-string-initial code points that were added to spanNotSet * when there is not actually a match for such a set string. * * @param s The string to be spanned * @param start The start index that the span begins * @param outCount If not null: Receives the number of code points across the span. * @return the limit (exclusive end) of the span */
private int spanNot(CharSequence s, int start, OutputInt outCount) { int length = s.length(); int pos = start, rest = length - start; int stringsLength = strings.size(); int count = 0; do { // Span until we find a code point from the set, // or a code point that starts or ends some string. int spanLimit; if (outCount == null) { spanLimit = spanNotSet.span(s, pos, SpanCondition.NOT_CONTAINED); } else { spanLimit = spanNotSet.spanAndCount(s, pos, SpanCondition.NOT_CONTAINED, outCount); outCount.value = count = count + outCount.value; } if (spanLimit == length) { return length; // Reached the end of the string. } pos = spanLimit; rest = length - spanLimit; // Check whether the current code point is in the original set, // without the string starts and ends. int cpLength = spanOne(spanSet, s, pos, rest); if (cpLength > 0) { return pos; // There is a set element at pos. } // Try to match the strings at pos. for (int i = 0; i < stringsLength; ++i) { if (spanLengths[i] == ALL_CP_CONTAINED) { continue; // Irrelevant string. } String string = strings.get(i); int length16 = string.length(); if (length16 <= rest && matches16CPB(s, pos, length, string, length16)) { return pos; // There is a set element at pos. } } // The span(while not contained) ended on a string start/end which is // not in the original set. Skip this code point and continue. // cpLength<0 pos -= cpLength; rest += cpLength; ++count; } while (rest != 0); if (outCount != null) { outCount.value = count; } return length; // Reached the end of the string. } private int spanNotBack(CharSequence s, int length) { int pos = length; int i, stringsLength = strings.size(); do { // Span until we find a code point from the set, // or a code point that starts or ends some string. pos = spanNotSet.spanBack(s, pos, SpanCondition.NOT_CONTAINED); if (pos == 0) { return 0; // Reached the start of the string. } // Check whether the current code point is in the original set, // without the string starts and ends. int cpLength = spanOneBack(spanSet, s, pos); if (cpLength > 0) { return pos; // There is a set element at pos. } // Try to match the strings at pos. for (i = 0; i < stringsLength; ++i) { // Use spanLengths rather than a spanLengths pointer because // it is easier and we only need to know whether the string is irrelevant // which is the same in either array. if (spanLengths[i] == ALL_CP_CONTAINED) { continue; // Irrelevant string. } String string = strings.get(i); int length16 = string.length(); if (length16 <= pos && matches16CPB(s, pos - length16, length, string, length16)) { return pos; // There is a set element at pos. } } // The span(while not contained) ended on a string start/end which is // not in the original set. Skip this code point and continue. // cpLength<0 pos += cpLength; } while (pos != 0); return 0; // Reached the start of the string. } static short makeSpanLengthByte(int spanLength) { // 0xfe==UnicodeSetStringSpan::LONG_SPAN return spanLength < LONG_SPAN ? (short) spanLength : LONG_SPAN; } // Compare strings without any argument checks. Requires length>0. private static boolean matches16(CharSequence s, int start, final String t, int length) { int end = start + length; while (length-- > 0) { if (s.charAt(--end) != t.charAt(length)) { return false; } } return true; }
Compare 16-bit Unicode strings (which may be malformed UTF-16) at code point boundaries. That is, each edge of a match must not be in the middle of a surrogate pair.
  • s – The string to match in.
  • start – The start index of s.
  • limit – The limit of the subsequence of s being spanned.
  • t – The substring to be matched in s.
  • tlength – The length of t.
/** * Compare 16-bit Unicode strings (which may be malformed UTF-16) * at code point boundaries. * That is, each edge of a match must not be in the middle of a surrogate pair. * @param s The string to match in. * @param start The start index of s. * @param limit The limit of the subsequence of s being spanned. * @param t The substring to be matched in s. * @param tlength The length of t. */
static boolean matches16CPB(CharSequence s, int start, int limit, final String t, int tlength) { return matches16(s, start, t, tlength) && !(0 < start && Character.isHighSurrogate(s.charAt(start - 1)) && Character.isLowSurrogate(s.charAt(start))) && !((start + tlength) < limit && Character.isHighSurrogate(s.charAt(start + tlength - 1)) && Character.isLowSurrogate(s.charAt(start + tlength))); }
Does the set contain the next code point? If so, return its length; otherwise return its negative length.
/** * Does the set contain the next code point? * If so, return its length; otherwise return its negative length. */
static int spanOne(final UnicodeSet set, CharSequence s, int start, int length) { char c = s.charAt(start); if (c >= 0xd800 && c <= 0xdbff && length >= 2) { char c2 = s.charAt(start + 1); if (UTF16.isTrailSurrogate(c2)) { int supplementary = UCharacterProperty.getRawSupplementary(c, c2); return set.contains(supplementary) ? 2 : -2; } } return set.contains(c) ? 1 : -1; } static int spanOneBack(final UnicodeSet set, CharSequence s, int length) { char c = s.charAt(length - 1); if (c >= 0xdc00 && c <= 0xdfff && length >= 2) { char c2 = s.charAt(length - 2); if (UTF16.isLeadSurrogate(c2)) { int supplementary = UCharacterProperty.getRawSupplementary(c2, c); return set.contains(supplementary) ? 2 : -2; } } return set.contains(c) ? 1 : -1; }
Helper class for UnicodeSetStringSpan.

List of offsets from the current position from where to try matching a code point or a string. Stores offsets rather than indexes to simplify the code and use the same list for both increments (in span()) and decrements (in spanBack()).

Assumption: The maximum offset is limited, and the offsets that are stored at any one time are relatively dense, that is, there are normally no gaps of hundreds or thousands of offset values.

This class optionally also tracks the minimum non-negative count for each position, intended to count the smallest number of elements of any path leading to that position.

The implementation uses a circular buffer of count integers, each indicating whether the corresponding offset is in the list, and its path element count. This avoids inserting into a sorted list of offsets (or absolute indexes) and physically moving part of the list.

Note: In principle, the caller should setMaxLength() to the maximum of the max string length and U16_LENGTH/U8_LENGTH to account for "long" single code points.

Note: An earlier version did not track counts and stored only byte flags. With boolean flags, if maxLength were guaranteed to be no more than 32 or 64, the list could be stored as bit flags in a single integer. Rather than handling a circular buffer with a start list index, the integer would simply be shifted when lower offsets are removed. UnicodeSet does not have a limit on the lengths of strings.

/** * Helper class for UnicodeSetStringSpan. * * <p>List of offsets from the current position from where to try matching * a code point or a string. * Stores offsets rather than indexes to simplify the code and use the same list * for both increments (in span()) and decrements (in spanBack()). * * <p>Assumption: The maximum offset is limited, and the offsets that are stored at any one time * are relatively dense, that is, * there are normally no gaps of hundreds or thousands of offset values. * * <p>This class optionally also tracks the minimum non-negative count for each position, * intended to count the smallest number of elements of any path leading to that position. * * <p>The implementation uses a circular buffer of count integers, * each indicating whether the corresponding offset is in the list, * and its path element count. * This avoids inserting into a sorted list of offsets (or absolute indexes) * and physically moving part of the list. * * <p>Note: In principle, the caller should setMaxLength() to * the maximum of the max string length and U16_LENGTH/U8_LENGTH * to account for "long" single code points. * * <p>Note: An earlier version did not track counts and stored only byte flags. * With boolean flags, if maxLength were guaranteed to be no more than 32 or 64, * the list could be stored as bit flags in a single integer. * Rather than handling a circular buffer with a start list index, * the integer would simply be shifted when lower offsets are removed. * UnicodeSet does not have a limit on the lengths of strings. */
private static final class OffsetList { private int[] list; private int length; private int start; public OffsetList() { list = new int[16]; // default size } public void setMaxLength(int maxLength) { if (maxLength > list.length) { list = new int[maxLength]; } clear(); } public void clear() { for (int i = list.length; i-- > 0;) { list[i] = 0; } start = length = 0; } public boolean isEmpty() { return (length == 0); }
Reduces all stored offsets by delta, used when the current position moves by delta. There must not be any offsets lower than delta. If there is an offset equal to delta, it is removed.
  • delta – [1..maxLength]
/** * Reduces all stored offsets by delta, used when the current position moves by delta. * There must not be any offsets lower than delta. * If there is an offset equal to delta, it is removed. * * @param delta [1..maxLength] */
public void shift(int delta) { int i = start + delta; if (i >= list.length) { i -= list.length; } if (list[i] != 0) { list[i] = 0; --length; } start = i; }
Adds an offset. The list must not contain it yet.
  • offset – [1..maxLength]
/** * Adds an offset. The list must not contain it yet. * @param offset [1..maxLength] */
public void addOffset(int offset) { int i = start + offset; if (i >= list.length) { i -= list.length; } assert list[i] == 0; list[i] = 1; ++length; }
Adds an offset and updates its count. The list may already contain the offset.
  • offset – [1..maxLength]
/** * Adds an offset and updates its count. * The list may already contain the offset. * @param offset [1..maxLength] */
public void addOffsetAndCount(int offset, int count) { assert count > 0; int i = start + offset; if (i >= list.length) { i -= list.length; } if (list[i] == 0) { list[i] = count; ++length; } else if (count < list[i]) { list[i] = count; } }
  • offset – [1..maxLength]
/** * @param offset [1..maxLength] */
public boolean containsOffset(int offset) { int i = start + offset; if (i >= list.length) { i -= list.length; } return list[i] != 0; }
  • offset – [1..maxLength]
/** * @param offset [1..maxLength] */
public boolean hasCountAtOffset(int offset, int count) { int i = start + offset; if (i >= list.length) { i -= list.length; } int oldCount = list[i]; return oldCount != 0 && oldCount <= count; }
Finds the lowest stored offset from a non-empty list, removes it, and reduces all other offsets by this minimum.
/** * Finds the lowest stored offset from a non-empty list, removes it, * and reduces all other offsets by this minimum. * @return min=[1..maxLength] */
public int popMinimum(OutputInt outCount) { // Look for the next offset in list[start+1..list.length-1]. int i = start, result; while (++i < list.length) { int count = list[i]; if (count != 0) { list[i] = 0; --length; result = i - start; start = i; if (outCount != null) { outCount.value = count; } return result; } } // i==list.length // Wrap around and look for the next offset in list[0..start]. // Since the list is not empty, there will be one. result = list.length - start; i = 0; int count; while ((count = list[i]) == 0) { ++i; } list[i] = 0; --length; start = i; if (outCount != null) { outCount.value = count; } return result + i; } } }