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//      2005-05-19 Edward Wang
//          - copy this file from icu4jsrc_3_2/src/com/ibm/icu/impl/StringPrepDataReader.java
//          - move from package com.ibm.icu.impl to package sun.net.idn
package jdk.internal.icu.impl;

import java.io.DataInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;

import jdk.internal.icu.impl.ICUBinary;

Author:ram To change the template for this generated type comment go to Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code and Comments
/** * @author ram * * To change the template for this generated type comment go to * Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code and Comments */
public final class StringPrepDataReader implements ICUBinary.Authenticate {

private constructor.

  • inputStream – ICU uprop.dat file input stream
  • IOException – throw if data file fails authentication
/** * <p>private constructor.</p> * @param inputStream ICU uprop.dat file input stream * @exception IOException throw if data file fails authentication * @draft 2.1 */
public StringPrepDataReader(InputStream inputStream) throws IOException{ unicodeVersion = ICUBinary.readHeader(inputStream, DATA_FORMAT_ID, this); dataInputStream = new DataInputStream(inputStream); } public void read(byte[] idnaBytes, char[] mappingTable) throws IOException{ // Read the bytes that make up the idnaTrie dataInputStream.read(idnaBytes); // Read the extra data for(int i=0;i<mappingTable.length;i++){ mappingTable[i]=dataInputStream.readChar(); } } public byte[] getDataFormatVersion(){ return DATA_FORMAT_VERSION; } public boolean isDataVersionAcceptable(byte version[]){ return version[0] == DATA_FORMAT_VERSION[0] && version[2] == DATA_FORMAT_VERSION[2] && version[3] == DATA_FORMAT_VERSION[3]; } public int[] readIndexes(int length) throws IOException{ int[] indexes = new int[length]; // Read the indexes for (int i = 0; i <length ; i++) { indexes[i] = dataInputStream.readInt(); } return indexes; } public byte[] getUnicodeVersion(){ return unicodeVersion; } // private data members -------------------------------------------------
ICU data file input stream
/** * ICU data file input stream */
private DataInputStream dataInputStream; private byte[] unicodeVersion;
File format version that this class understands. No guarantees are made if a older version is used see store.c of gennorm for more information and values
/** * File format version that this class understands. * No guarantees are made if a older version is used * see store.c of gennorm for more information and values */
///* dataFormat="SPRP" 0x53, 0x50, 0x52, 0x50 */ private static final byte DATA_FORMAT_ID[] = {(byte)0x53, (byte)0x50, (byte)0x52, (byte)0x50}; private static final byte DATA_FORMAT_VERSION[] = {(byte)0x3, (byte)0x2, (byte)0x5, (byte)0x2}; }