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package jdk.internal.icu.impl;

import jdk.internal.icu.text.UnicodeSet.SpanCondition;
import jdk.internal.icu.util.OutputInt;

Helper class for frozen UnicodeSets, implements contains() and span() optimized for BMP code points. Latin-1: Look up bytes. 2-byte characters: Bits organized vertically. 3-byte characters: Use zero/one/mixed data per 64-block in U+0000..U+FFFF, with mixed for illegal ranges. Supplementary characters: Call contains() on the parent set.
/** * Helper class for frozen UnicodeSets, implements contains() and span() optimized for BMP code points. * * Latin-1: Look up bytes. * 2-byte characters: Bits organized vertically. * 3-byte characters: Use zero/one/mixed data per 64-block in U+0000..U+FFFF, with mixed for illegal ranges. * Supplementary characters: Call contains() on the parent set. */
public final class BMPSet {
One boolean ('true' or 'false') per Latin-1 character.
/** * One boolean ('true' or 'false') per Latin-1 character. */
private boolean[] latin1Contains;
One bit per code point from U+0000..U+07FF. The bits are organized vertically; consecutive code points correspond to the same bit positions in consecutive table words. With code point parts lead=c{10..6} trail=c{5..0} it is set.contains(c)==(table7FF[trail] bit lead) Bits for 0..7F (non-shortest forms) are set to the result of contains(FFFD) for faster validity checking at runtime.
/** * One bit per code point from U+0000..U+07FF. The bits are organized vertically; consecutive code points * correspond to the same bit positions in consecutive table words. With code point parts lead=c{10..6} * trail=c{5..0} it is set.contains(c)==(table7FF[trail] bit lead) * * Bits for 0..7F (non-shortest forms) are set to the result of contains(FFFD) for faster validity checking at * runtime. */
private int[] table7FF;
One bit per 64 BMP code points. The bits are organized vertically; consecutive 64-code point blocks correspond to the same bit position in consecutive table words. With code point parts lead=c{15..12} t1=c{11..6} test bits (lead+16) and lead in bmpBlockBits[t1]. If the upper bit is 0, then the lower bit indicates if contains(c) for all code points in the 64-block. If the upper bit is 1, then the block is mixed and set.contains(c) must be called. Bits for 0..7FF (non-shortest forms) and D800..DFFF are set to the result of contains(FFFD) for faster validity checking at runtime.
/** * One bit per 64 BMP code points. The bits are organized vertically; consecutive 64-code point blocks * correspond to the same bit position in consecutive table words. With code point parts lead=c{15..12} * t1=c{11..6} test bits (lead+16) and lead in bmpBlockBits[t1]. If the upper bit is 0, then the lower bit * indicates if contains(c) for all code points in the 64-block. If the upper bit is 1, then the block is mixed * and set.contains(c) must be called. * * Bits for 0..7FF (non-shortest forms) and D800..DFFF are set to the result of contains(FFFD) for faster * validity checking at runtime. */
private int[] bmpBlockBits;
Inversion list indexes for restricted binary searches in findCodePoint(), from findCodePoint(U+0800, U+1000, U+2000, .., U+F000, U+10000). U+0800 is the first 3-byte-UTF-8 code point. Code points below U+0800 are always looked up in the bit tables. The last pair of indexes is for finding supplementary code points.
/** * Inversion list indexes for restricted binary searches in findCodePoint(), from findCodePoint(U+0800, U+1000, * U+2000, .., U+F000, U+10000). U+0800 is the first 3-byte-UTF-8 code point. Code points below U+0800 are * always looked up in the bit tables. The last pair of indexes is for finding supplementary code points. */
private int[] list4kStarts;
The inversion list of the parent set, for the slower contains() implementation for mixed BMP blocks and for supplementary code points. The list is terminated with list[listLength-1]=0x110000.
/** * The inversion list of the parent set, for the slower contains() implementation for mixed BMP blocks and for * supplementary code points. The list is terminated with list[listLength-1]=0x110000. */
private final int[] list; private final int listLength; // length used; list may be longer to minimize reallocs public BMPSet(final int[] parentList, int parentListLength) { list = parentList; listLength = parentListLength; latin1Contains = new boolean[0x100]; table7FF = new int[64]; bmpBlockBits = new int[64]; list4kStarts = new int[18]; /* * Set the list indexes for binary searches for U+0800, U+1000, U+2000, .., U+F000, U+10000. U+0800 is the * first 3-byte-UTF-8 code point. Lower code points are looked up in the bit tables. The last pair of * indexes is for finding supplementary code points. */ list4kStarts[0] = findCodePoint(0x800, 0, listLength - 1); int i; for (i = 1; i <= 0x10; ++i) { list4kStarts[i] = findCodePoint(i << 12, list4kStarts[i - 1], listLength - 1); } list4kStarts[0x11] = listLength - 1; initBits(); } public boolean contains(int c) { if (c <= 0xff) { return (latin1Contains[c]); } else if (c <= 0x7ff) { return ((table7FF[c & 0x3f] & (1 << (c >> 6))) != 0); } else if (c < 0xd800 || (c >= 0xe000 && c <= 0xffff)) { int lead = c >> 12; int twoBits = (bmpBlockBits[(c >> 6) & 0x3f] >> lead) & 0x10001; if (twoBits <= 1) { // All 64 code points with the same bits 15..6 // are either in the set or not. return (0 != twoBits); } else { // Look up the code point in its 4k block of code points. return containsSlow(c, list4kStarts[lead], list4kStarts[lead + 1]); } } else if (c <= 0x10ffff) { // surrogate or supplementary code point return containsSlow(c, list4kStarts[0xd], list4kStarts[0x11]); } else { // Out-of-range code points get false, consistent with long-standing // behavior of UnicodeSet.contains(c). return false; } }
Span the initial substring for which each character c has spanCondition==contains(c). It must be spanCondition==0 or 1.
  • start – The start index
  • outCount – If not null: Receives the number of code points in the span.
Returns:the limit (exclusive end) of the span NOTE: to reduce the overhead of function call to contains(c), it is manually inlined here. Check for sufficient length for trail unit for each surrogate pair. Handle single surrogates as surrogate code points as usual in ICU.
/** * Span the initial substring for which each character c has spanCondition==contains(c). It must be * spanCondition==0 or 1. * * @param start The start index * @param outCount If not null: Receives the number of code points in the span. * @return the limit (exclusive end) of the span * * NOTE: to reduce the overhead of function call to contains(c), it is manually inlined here. Check for * sufficient length for trail unit for each surrogate pair. Handle single surrogates as surrogate code points * as usual in ICU. */
public final int span(CharSequence s, int start, SpanCondition spanCondition, OutputInt outCount) { char c, c2; int i = start; int limit = s.length(); int numSupplementary = 0; if (SpanCondition.NOT_CONTAINED != spanCondition) { // span while (i < limit) { c = s.charAt(i); if (c <= 0xff) { if (!latin1Contains[c]) { break; } } else if (c <= 0x7ff) { if ((table7FF[c & 0x3f] & (1 << (c >> 6))) == 0) { break; } } else if (c < 0xd800 || c >= 0xdc00 || (i + 1) == limit || (c2 = s.charAt(i + 1)) < 0xdc00 || c2 >= 0xe000) { int lead = c >> 12; int twoBits = (bmpBlockBits[(c >> 6) & 0x3f] >> lead) & 0x10001; if (twoBits <= 1) { // All 64 code points with the same bits 15..6 // are either in the set or not. if (twoBits == 0) { break; } } else { // Look up the code point in its 4k block of code points. if (!containsSlow(c, list4kStarts[lead], list4kStarts[lead + 1])) { break; } } } else { // surrogate pair int supplementary = UCharacterProperty.getRawSupplementary(c, c2); if (!containsSlow(supplementary, list4kStarts[0x10], list4kStarts[0x11])) { break; } ++numSupplementary; ++i; } ++i; } } else { // span not while (i < limit) { c = s.charAt(i); if (c <= 0xff) { if (latin1Contains[c]) { break; } } else if (c <= 0x7ff) { if ((table7FF[c & 0x3f] & (1 << (c >> 6))) != 0) { break; } } else if (c < 0xd800 || c >= 0xdc00 || (i + 1) == limit || (c2 = s.charAt(i + 1)) < 0xdc00 || c2 >= 0xe000) { int lead = c >> 12; int twoBits = (bmpBlockBits[(c >> 6) & 0x3f] >> lead) & 0x10001; if (twoBits <= 1) { // All 64 code points with the same bits 15..6 // are either in the set or not. if (twoBits != 0) { break; } } else { // Look up the code point in its 4k block of code points. if (containsSlow(c, list4kStarts[lead], list4kStarts[lead + 1])) { break; } } } else { // surrogate pair int supplementary = UCharacterProperty.getRawSupplementary(c, c2); if (containsSlow(supplementary, list4kStarts[0x10], list4kStarts[0x11])) { break; } ++numSupplementary; ++i; } ++i; } } if (outCount != null) { int spanLength = i - start; outCount.value = spanLength - numSupplementary; // number of code points } return i; }
Symmetrical with span(). Span the trailing substring for which each character c has spanCondition==contains(c). It must be s.length >= limit and spanCondition==0 or 1.
Returns:The string index which starts the span (i.e. inclusive).
/** * Symmetrical with span(). * Span the trailing substring for which each character c has spanCondition==contains(c). It must be s.length >= * limit and spanCondition==0 or 1. * * @return The string index which starts the span (i.e. inclusive). */
public final int spanBack(CharSequence s, int limit, SpanCondition spanCondition) { char c, c2; if (SpanCondition.NOT_CONTAINED != spanCondition) { // span for (;;) { c = s.charAt(--limit); if (c <= 0xff) { if (!latin1Contains[c]) { break; } } else if (c <= 0x7ff) { if ((table7FF[c & 0x3f] & (1 << (c >> 6))) == 0) { break; } } else if (c < 0xd800 || c < 0xdc00 || 0 == limit || (c2 = s.charAt(limit - 1)) < 0xd800 || c2 >= 0xdc00) { int lead = c >> 12; int twoBits = (bmpBlockBits[(c >> 6) & 0x3f] >> lead) & 0x10001; if (twoBits <= 1) { // All 64 code points with the same bits 15..6 // are either in the set or not. if (twoBits == 0) { break; } } else { // Look up the code point in its 4k block of code points. if (!containsSlow(c, list4kStarts[lead], list4kStarts[lead + 1])) { break; } } } else { // surrogate pair int supplementary = UCharacterProperty.getRawSupplementary(c2, c); if (!containsSlow(supplementary, list4kStarts[0x10], list4kStarts[0x11])) { break; } --limit; } if (0 == limit) { return 0; } } } else { // span not for (;;) { c = s.charAt(--limit); if (c <= 0xff) { if (latin1Contains[c]) { break; } } else if (c <= 0x7ff) { if ((table7FF[c & 0x3f] & (1 << (c >> 6))) != 0) { break; } } else if (c < 0xd800 || c < 0xdc00 || 0 == limit || (c2 = s.charAt(limit - 1)) < 0xd800 || c2 >= 0xdc00) { int lead = c >> 12; int twoBits = (bmpBlockBits[(c >> 6) & 0x3f] >> lead) & 0x10001; if (twoBits <= 1) { // All 64 code points with the same bits 15..6 // are either in the set or not. if (twoBits != 0) { break; } } else { // Look up the code point in its 4k block of code points. if (containsSlow(c, list4kStarts[lead], list4kStarts[lead + 1])) { break; } } } else { // surrogate pair int supplementary = UCharacterProperty.getRawSupplementary(c2, c); if (containsSlow(supplementary, list4kStarts[0x10], list4kStarts[0x11])) { break; } --limit; } if (0 == limit) { return 0; } } } return limit + 1; }
Set bits in a bit rectangle in "vertical" bit organization. start<=0x800
/** * Set bits in a bit rectangle in "vertical" bit organization. start<limit<=0x800 */
private static void set32x64Bits(int[] table, int start, int limit) { assert (64 == table.length); int lead = start >> 6; // Named for UTF-8 2-byte lead byte with upper 5 bits. int trail = start & 0x3f; // Named for UTF-8 2-byte trail byte with lower 6 bits. // Set one bit indicating an all-one block. int bits = 1 << lead; if ((start + 1) == limit) { // Single-character shortcut. table[trail] |= bits; return; } int limitLead = limit >> 6; int limitTrail = limit & 0x3f; if (lead == limitLead) { // Partial vertical bit column. while (trail < limitTrail) { table[trail++] |= bits; } } else { // Partial vertical bit column, // followed by a bit rectangle, // followed by another partial vertical bit column. if (trail > 0) { do { table[trail++] |= bits; } while (trail < 64); ++lead; } if (lead < limitLead) { bits = ~((1 << lead) - 1); if (limitLead < 0x20) { bits &= (1 << limitLead) - 1; } for (trail = 0; trail < 64; ++trail) { table[trail] |= bits; } } // limit<=0x800. If limit==0x800 then limitLead=32 and limitTrail=0. // In that case, bits=1<<limitLead == 1<<0 == 1 // (because Java << uses only the lower 5 bits of the shift operand) // but the bits value is not used because trail<limitTrail is already false. bits = 1 << limitLead; for (trail = 0; trail < limitTrail; ++trail) { table[trail] |= bits; } } } private void initBits() { int start, limit; int listIndex = 0; // Set latin1Contains[]. do { start = list[listIndex++]; if (listIndex < listLength) { limit = list[listIndex++]; } else { limit = 0x110000; } if (start >= 0x100) { break; } do { latin1Contains[start++] = true; } while (start < limit && start < 0x100); } while (limit <= 0x100); // Set table7FF[]. while (start < 0x800) { set32x64Bits(table7FF, start, limit <= 0x800 ? limit : 0x800); if (limit > 0x800) { start = 0x800; break; } start = list[listIndex++]; if (listIndex < listLength) { limit = list[listIndex++]; } else { limit = 0x110000; } } // Set bmpBlockBits[]. int minStart = 0x800; while (start < 0x10000) { if (limit > 0x10000) { limit = 0x10000; } if (start < minStart) { start = minStart; } if (start < limit) { // Else: Another range entirely in a known mixed-value block. if (0 != (start & 0x3f)) { // Mixed-value block of 64 code points. start >>= 6; bmpBlockBits[start & 0x3f] |= 0x10001 << (start >> 6); start = (start + 1) << 6; // Round up to the next block boundary. minStart = start; // Ignore further ranges in this block. } if (start < limit) { if (start < (limit & ~0x3f)) { // Multiple all-ones blocks of 64 code points each. set32x64Bits(bmpBlockBits, start >> 6, limit >> 6); } if (0 != (limit & 0x3f)) { // Mixed-value block of 64 code points. limit >>= 6; bmpBlockBits[limit & 0x3f] |= 0x10001 << (limit >> 6); limit = (limit + 1) << 6; // Round up to the next block boundary. minStart = limit; // Ignore further ranges in this block. } } } if (limit == 0x10000) { break; } start = list[listIndex++]; if (listIndex < listLength) { limit = list[listIndex++]; } else { limit = 0x110000; } } }
Same as UnicodeSet.findCodePoint(int c) except that the binary search is restricted for finding code points in a certain range. For restricting the search for finding in the range start..end, pass in lo=findCodePoint(start) and hi=findCodePoint(end) with 0<=lo<=hi
  • c – a character in a subrange of MIN_VALUE..MAX_VALUE
  • lo – The lowest index to be returned.
  • hi – The highest index to be returned.
Returns:the smallest integer i in the range lo..hi, inclusive, such that c < list[i]
/** * Same as UnicodeSet.findCodePoint(int c) except that the binary search is restricted for finding code * points in a certain range. * * For restricting the search for finding in the range start..end, pass in lo=findCodePoint(start) and * hi=findCodePoint(end) with 0<=lo<=hi<len. findCodePoint(c) defaults to lo=0 and hi=len-1. * * @param c * a character in a subrange of MIN_VALUE..MAX_VALUE * @param lo * The lowest index to be returned. * @param hi * The highest index to be returned. * @return the smallest integer i in the range lo..hi, inclusive, such that c < list[i] */
private int findCodePoint(int c, int lo, int hi) { /* Examples: findCodePoint(c) set list[] c=0 1 3 4 7 8 === ============== =========== [] [110000] 0 0 0 0 0 0 [\u0000-\u0003] [0, 4, 110000] 1 1 1 2 2 2 [\u0004-\u0007] [4, 8, 110000] 0 0 0 1 1 2 [:Any:] [0, 110000] 1 1 1 1 1 1 */ // Return the smallest i such that c < list[i]. Assume // list[len - 1] == HIGH and that c is legal (0..HIGH-1). if (c < list[lo]) return lo; // High runner test. c is often after the last range, so an // initial check for this condition pays off. if (lo >= hi || c >= list[hi - 1]) return hi; // invariant: c >= list[lo] // invariant: c < list[hi] for (;;) { int i = (lo + hi) >>> 1; if (i == lo) { break; // Found! } else if (c < list[i]) { hi = i; } else { lo = i; } } return hi; } private final boolean containsSlow(int c, int lo, int hi) { return (0 != (findCodePoint(c, lo, hi) & 1)); } }