* Copyright (c) 2001, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
* by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
package jdk.javadoc.internal.tool;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.EnumMap;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.lang.model.element.Element;
import javax.lang.model.element.ElementKind;
import javax.lang.model.element.Modifier;
import javax.lang.model.element.ModuleElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.ModuleElement.ExportsDirective;
import javax.lang.model.element.ModuleElement.RequiresDirective;
import javax.lang.model.element.PackageElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;
import javax.lang.model.util.ElementFilter;
import javax.lang.model.util.SimpleElementVisitor14;
import javax.tools.JavaFileManager;
import javax.tools.JavaFileManager.Location;
import javax.tools.JavaFileObject;
import javax.tools.StandardLocation;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Kinds.Kind;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Source;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Source.Feature;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Symbol;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Symbol.ClassSymbol;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Symbol.CompletionFailure;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Symbol.ModuleSymbol;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Symbol.PackageSymbol;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Symtab;
import com.sun.tools.javac.comp.Modules;
import com.sun.tools.javac.main.JavaCompiler;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCClassDecl;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCCompilationUnit;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCModuleDecl;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.TreeInfo;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.Context;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.ListBuffer;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.Name;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.Names;
import jdk.javadoc.doclet.DocletEnvironment;
import jdk.javadoc.doclet.DocletEnvironment.ModuleMode;
import static com.sun.tools.javac.code.Scope.LookupKind.NON_RECURSIVE;
import static javax.lang.model.util.Elements.Origin.*;
import static javax.tools.JavaFileObject.Kind.*;
import static jdk.javadoc.internal.tool.Main.Result.*;
import static jdk.javadoc.internal.tool.JavadocTool.isValidClassName;
This class manages elements specified on the command line, and
produces "specified" and "included" data sets, needed by the
doclet environment, as well as querying an elements' visibility
or inclusion.
A. Initialization phase: the class is initialized with the
options table by the caller. Some program elements may not
be specified via specific options, such as packages, classes,
these are set with the use of setter methods, such setClassArgList
and setClassDeclList.
B. Scan and decode phase: this is performed by scanSpecifiedItems,
to identify the modules specified on the command line, modules
specified with qualified packages and qualified subpackages, the
modules so identified are used to initialize the module system.
C. Intermediate phase: before the final analysis can be done,
intermediate methods can be used to get specified elements from
the initialization phase, typically used to parse sources or packages
specified on the command line.
D. Analysis phase: the final analysis is performed to determine
the packages that ought to be included, as follows:
1. computes the specified modules, by considering the option
"expand-requires", this must be done exhaustively, as the package
computation phase expects a completed module graph, in order to
check the target of a qualified export is in the included set.
2. computes the packages that must be documented, by considering
the option "show-packages", also if only exported packages are
to be considered, then also check for qualified packages, and
include only those packages whose target is in the included set.
3. compute the specified packages, as part of this, first compute
the subpackages and exclude any packages, if required.
4. Finally, compute the types found by previous parsing steps,
noting that, all enclosed types (nested types) must also be
E. Finally, this class provides methods to obtain the specified sets,
which are frozen and cached in the analysis phase, the included
sets, are computed lazily and cached for future use. An element
can be checked if it should be documented, in which case, the
element is checked against the included set and the result is
cached, for performance reasons.
Fully included: an element is included and some or parts
of it components are included implicitly, subject to a
selection criteria of its enclosed children.
Included: if the item should be documented.
Rules for processing:
1. A specified element, meaning an element given on the
command-line, and exposed via specified elements collections.
2. Expand-contents, an internal pseudo term, meaning
it is part of the recursive expansion of specified
elements, meaning, the modules are expanded first, then
the packages contained in the expanded modules, and then
the types contained within the packages, to produce the
collections returned by the methods
getInclude{Module|Package|Type}Elements(), this is a
downward expansion.
3. An included element, meaning it should be documented, and
exposed via isIncluded, this enclosing element (module, package)
is recursively included.
* This class manages elements specified on the command line, and
* produces "specified" and "included" data sets, needed by the
* doclet environment, as well as querying an elements' visibility
* or inclusion.
* A. Initialization phase: the class is initialized with the
* options table by the caller. Some program elements may not
* be specified via specific options, such as packages, classes,
* these are set with the use of setter methods, such setClassArgList
* and setClassDeclList.
* B. Scan and decode phase: this is performed by scanSpecifiedItems,
* to identify the modules specified on the command line, modules
* specified with qualified packages and qualified subpackages, the
* modules so identified are used to initialize the module system.
* C. Intermediate phase: before the final analysis can be done,
* intermediate methods can be used to get specified elements from
* the initialization phase, typically used to parse sources or packages
* specified on the command line.
* D. Analysis phase: the final analysis is performed to determine
* the packages that ought to be included, as follows:
* 1. computes the specified modules, by considering the option
* "expand-requires", this must be done exhaustively, as the package
* computation phase expects a completed module graph, in order to
* check the target of a qualified export is in the included set.
* 2. computes the packages that must be documented, by considering
* the option "show-packages", also if only exported packages are
* to be considered, then also check for qualified packages, and
* include only those packages whose target is in the included set.
* 3. compute the specified packages, as part of this, first compute
* the subpackages and exclude any packages, if required.
* 4. Finally, compute the types found by previous parsing steps,
* noting that, all enclosed types (nested types) must also be
* considered.
* E. Finally, this class provides methods to obtain the specified sets,
* which are frozen and cached in the analysis phase, the included
* sets, are computed lazily and cached for future use. An element
* can be checked if it should be documented, in which case, the
* element is checked against the included set and the result is
* cached, for performance reasons.
* Definitions:
* Fully included: an element is included and some or parts
* of it components are included implicitly, subject to a
* selection criteria of its enclosed children.
* Included: if the item should be documented.
* Rules for processing:
* 1. A specified element, meaning an element given on the
* command-line, and exposed via specified elements collections.
* 2. Expand-contents, an internal pseudo term, meaning
* it is part of the recursive expansion of specified
* elements, meaning, the modules are expanded first, then
* the packages contained in the expanded modules, and then
* the types contained within the packages, to produce the
* collections returned by the methods
* getInclude{Module|Package|Type}Elements(), this is a
* downward expansion.
* 3. An included element, meaning it should be documented, and
* exposed via isIncluded, this enclosing element (module, package)
* is recursively included.
public class ElementsTable {
private final ToolEnvironment toolEnv;
private final Symtab syms;
private final Names names;
private final JavaFileManager fm;
private final List<Location> locations;
private final Modules modules;
private final Map<ToolOption, Object> opts;
private final Messager messager;
private final JavaCompiler compiler;
private final Map<String, Entry> entries = new LinkedHashMap<>();
// specified elements
private Set<ModuleElement> specifiedModuleElements = new LinkedHashSet<>();
private Set<PackageElement> specifiedPackageElements = new LinkedHashSet<>();
private Set<TypeElement> specifiedTypeElements =new LinkedHashSet<>();
// included elements
private Set<ModuleElement> includedModuleElements = null;
private Set<PackageElement> includedPackageElements = null;
private Set<TypeElement> includedTypeElements = null;
// cmdline specifiers
private Set<ModulePackage> cmdLinePackages = new LinkedHashSet<>();
private Set<ModulePackage> excludePackages = new LinkedHashSet<>();
private Set<ModulePackage> subPackages = new LinkedHashSet<>();
private List<JCClassDecl> classDecList = Collections.emptyList();
private List<String> classArgList = Collections.emptyList();
private com.sun.tools.javac.util.List<JCCompilationUnit> classTreeList = null;
private final Set<JavaFileObject.Kind> sourceKinds = EnumSet.of(JavaFileObject.Kind.SOURCE);
private final ModifierFilter accessFilter;
private final AccessKind expandRequires;
final boolean xclasses;
Creates the table to manage included and excluded elements.
Params: - context – the context to locate commonly used objects
- location – the location used to locate source files
* Creates the table to manage included and excluded elements.
* @param context the context to locate commonly used objects
* @param location the location used to locate source files
ElementsTable(Context context, Map<ToolOption, Object> opts) {
this.toolEnv = ToolEnvironment.instance(context);
this.syms = Symtab.instance(context);
this.names = Names.instance(context);
this.fm = toolEnv.fileManager;
this.modules = Modules.instance(context);
this.opts = opts;
this.messager = Messager.instance0(context);
this.compiler = JavaCompiler.instance(context);
Source source = Source.instance(context);
List<Location> locs = new ArrayList<>();
if (modules.multiModuleMode) {
} else {
if (toolEnv.fileManager.hasLocation(StandardLocation.SOURCE_PATH))
if (Feature.MODULES.allowedInSource(source) && toolEnv.fileManager.hasLocation(StandardLocation.PATCH_MODULE_PATH))
this.locations = Collections.unmodifiableList(locs);
getEntry("").excluded = false;
accessFilter = new ModifierFilter(opts);
xclasses = (boolean)opts.getOrDefault(ToolOption.XCLASSES, false);
expandRequires = (AccessKind)opts.get(ToolOption.EXPAND_REQUIRES);
Returns the module documentation level mode.
Returns: the module documentation level mode
* Returns the module documentation level mode.
* @return the module documentation level mode
public ModuleMode getModuleMode() {
switch(accessFilter.getAccessValue(ElementKind.MODULE)) {
return DocletEnvironment.ModuleMode.ALL;
return DocletEnvironment.ModuleMode.API;
private Set<Element> specifiedElements = null;
Returns a set of elements specified on the
command line, including any inner classes.
Returns: the set of elements specified on the command line
* Returns a set of elements specified on the
* command line, including any inner classes.
* @return the set of elements specified on the command line
public Set<? extends Element> getSpecifiedElements() {
if (specifiedElements == null) {
Set<Element> result = new LinkedHashSet<>();
specifiedElements = Collections.unmodifiableSet(result);
return specifiedElements;
private Set<Element> includedElements = null;
Returns a set of elements included elements. The inclusion is as
A module is fully included,
- is specified on the command line --module
- is derived from the module graph, that is, by expanding the
requires directive, based on --expand-requires
A module is included if an enclosed package or type is
specified on the command line.
A package is fully included,
- is specified on the command line
- is derived from expanding -subpackages
- can be documented in a fully included module based on --show-packages
A package is included, if an enclosed package or a type is specified on
the command line.
Included type elements (including those within specified or included packages)
to be documented.
A type is fully included if
- is specified on the command line with -sourcepath
- is visible with --show-types filter
A nested type is fully included if
- is visible with --show-types filter
- is enclosed in a fully included type
Returns: the set of elements specified on the command line
* Returns a set of elements included elements. The inclusion is as
* follows:
* A module is fully included,
* - is specified on the command line --module
* - is derived from the module graph, that is, by expanding the
* requires directive, based on --expand-requires
* A module is included if an enclosed package or type is
* specified on the command line.
* A package is fully included,
* - is specified on the command line
* - is derived from expanding -subpackages
* - can be documented in a fully included module based on --show-packages
* A package is included, if an enclosed package or a type is specified on
* the command line.
* Included type elements (including those within specified or included packages)
* to be documented.
* A type is fully included if
* - is specified on the command line with -sourcepath
* - is visible with --show-types filter
* A nested type is fully included if
* - is visible with --show-types filter
* - is enclosed in a fully included type
* @return the set of elements specified on the command line
public Set<? extends Element> getIncludedElements() {
if (includedElements == null) {
Set<Element> result = new LinkedHashSet<>();
includedElements = Collections.unmodifiableSet(result);
return includedElements;
private IncludedVisitor includedVisitor = null;
Returns true if the given element is included for consideration.
This method accumulates elements in the cache as enclosed elements of
fully included elements are tested.
A member (constructor, method, field) is included if
- it is visible in a fully included type (--show-members)
Params: - e – the element in question
See Also: - getIncludedModuleElements
- getIncludedPackageElements
- getIncludedTypeElements
Returns: true if included
* Returns true if the given element is included for consideration.
* This method accumulates elements in the cache as enclosed elements of
* fully included elements are tested.
* A member (constructor, method, field) is included if
* - it is visible in a fully included type (--show-members)
* @param e the element in question
* @see getIncludedModuleElements
* @see getIncludedPackageElements
* @see getIncludedTypeElements
* @return true if included
public boolean isIncluded(Element e) {
if (e == null) {
return false;
if (includedVisitor == null) {
includedVisitor = new IncludedVisitor();
return includedVisitor.visit(e);
Performs the final computation and freezes the collections.
This is a terminal operation, thus no further modifications
are allowed to the specified data sets.
Throws: - ToolException – if an error occurs
* Performs the final computation and freezes the collections.
* This is a terminal operation, thus no further modifications
* are allowed to the specified data sets.
* @throws ToolException if an error occurs
void analyze() throws ToolException {
// compute the specified element, by expanding module dependencies
// compute all specified packages and subpackages
// compute the specified types
// compute the packages belonging to all the specified modules
Set<PackageElement> expandedModulePackages = computeModulePackages();
ElementsTable classTrees(com.sun.tools.javac.util.List<JCCompilationUnit> classTrees) {
this.classTreeList = classTrees;
return this;
* This method sanity checks the following cases:
* a. a source-path containing a single module and many modules specified with --module
* b. no modules on source-path
* c. mismatched source-path and many modules specified with --module
void sanityCheckSourcePathModules(List<String> moduleNames) throws ToolException {
if (!haveSourceLocationWithModule)
if (moduleNames.size() > 1) {
String text = messager.getText("main.cannot_use_sourcepath_for_modules",
String.join(", ", moduleNames));
throw new ToolException(CMDERR, text);
String foundModule = getModuleName(StandardLocation.SOURCE_PATH);
if (foundModule == null) {
String text = messager.getText("main.module_not_found_on_sourcepath", moduleNames.get(0));
throw new ToolException(CMDERR, text);
if (!moduleNames.get(0).equals(foundModule)) {
String text = messager.getText("main.sourcepath_does_not_contain_module", moduleNames.get(0));
throw new ToolException(CMDERR, text);
private String getModuleName(Location location) throws ToolException {
try {
JavaFileObject jfo = fm.getJavaFileForInput(location,
"module-info", JavaFileObject.Kind.SOURCE);
if (jfo != null) {
JCCompilationUnit jcu = compiler.parse(jfo);
JCModuleDecl module = TreeInfo.getModule(jcu);
if (module != null) {
return module.getName().toString();
} catch (IOException ioe) {
String text = messager.getText("main.file.manager.list", location);
throw new ToolException(SYSERR, text, ioe);
return null;
ElementsTable scanSpecifiedItems() throws ToolException {
// scan modules specified on the command line
List<String> moduleNames = (List<String>) opts.computeIfAbsent(ToolOption.MODULE,
s -> Collections.EMPTY_LIST);
List<String> mlist = new ArrayList<>();
for (String m : moduleNames) {
List<Location> moduleLocations = getModuleLocation(locations, m);
if (moduleLocations.isEmpty()) {
String text = messager.getText("main.module_not_found", m);
throw new ToolException(CMDERR, text);
if (moduleLocations.contains(StandardLocation.SOURCE_PATH)) {
ModuleSymbol msym = syms.enterModule(names.fromString(m));
specifiedModuleElements.add((ModuleElement) msym);
// scan for modules with qualified packages
.filter((mpkg) -> (mpkg.hasModule()))
.forEachOrdered((mpkg) -> {
// scan for modules with qualified subpackages
((List<String>)opts.computeIfAbsent(ToolOption.SUBPACKAGES, v -> Collections.EMPTY_LIST))
.forEachOrdered((mpkg) -> {
if (mpkg.hasModule()) {
// all the modules specified on the command line have been scraped
// init the module systems
modules.addExtraAddModules(mlist.toArray(new String[mlist.size()]));
return this;
Returns the includes table after setting a class names specified on the command line.
Params: - classList –
Returns: the include table
* Returns the includes table after setting a class names specified on the command line.
* @param classList
* @return the include table
ElementsTable setClassArgList(List<String> classList) {
classArgList = classList;
return this;
Returns the includes table after setting the parsed class names.
Params: - classesDecList –
Returns: the include table
* Returns the includes table after setting the parsed class names.
* @param classesDecList
* @return the include table
ElementsTable setClassDeclList(List<JCClassDecl> classesDecList) {
this.classDecList = classesDecList;
return this;
Returns an includes table after setting the specified package
Params: - packageNames – packages on the command line
Returns: the includes table after setting the specified package
* Returns an includes table after setting the specified package
* names.
* @param packageNames packages on the command line
* @return the includes table after setting the specified package
* names
ElementsTable packages(Collection<String> packageNames) {
.forEachOrdered((mpkg) -> cmdLinePackages.add(mpkg));
return this;
Returns the aggregate set of included packages and specified
sub packages.
Returns: the aggregate set of included packages and specified
sub packages
* Returns the aggregate set of included packages and specified
* sub packages.
* @return the aggregate set of included packages and specified
* sub packages
Iterable<ModulePackage> getPackagesToParse() throws IOException {
List<ModulePackage> result = new ArrayList<>();
return result;
private void computeSubpackages() throws ToolException {
((List<String>) opts.computeIfAbsent(ToolOption.EXCLUDE, v -> Collections.EMPTY_LIST))
.forEachOrdered((mpkg) -> excludePackages.add(mpkg));
excludePackages.forEach((p) -> {
getEntry(p).excluded = true;
for (ModulePackage modpkg : subPackages) {
List<Location> locs = getLocation(modpkg);
for (Location loc : locs) {
addPackagesFromLocations(loc, modpkg);
/* Call fm.list and wrap any IOException that occurs in a ToolException */
private Iterable<JavaFileObject> fmList(Location location,
String packagename,
Set<JavaFileObject.Kind> kinds,
boolean recurse) throws ToolException {
try {
return fm.list(location, packagename, kinds, recurse);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
String text = messager.getText("main.file.manager.list", packagename);
throw new ToolException(SYSERR, text, ioe);
private void addPackagesFromLocations(Location packageLocn, ModulePackage modpkg) throws ToolException {
for (JavaFileObject fo : fmList(packageLocn, modpkg.packageName, sourceKinds, true)) {
String binaryName = fm.inferBinaryName(packageLocn, fo);
String pn = getPackageName(binaryName);
String simpleName = getSimpleName(binaryName);
Entry e = getEntry(pn);
if (!e.isExcluded() && isValidClassName(simpleName)) {
ModuleSymbol msym = (modpkg.hasModule())
? syms.getModule(names.fromString(modpkg.moduleName))
: findModuleOfPackageName(modpkg.packageName);
if (msym != null && !msym.isUnnamed()) {
syms.enterPackage(msym, names.fromString(pn));
ModulePackage npkg = new ModulePackage(msym.toString(), pn);
} else {
e.files = (e.files == null
? com.sun.tools.javac.util.List.of(fo)
: e.files.prepend(fo));
Returns the "requires" modules for the target module.
Params: - mdle – the target module element
- onlyTransitive – true gets all the requires transitive, otherwise
gets all the non-transitive requires
Returns: a set of modules
* Returns the "requires" modules for the target module.
* @param mdle the target module element
* @param onlyTransitive true gets all the requires transitive, otherwise
* gets all the non-transitive requires
* @return a set of modules
private Set<ModuleElement> getModuleRequires(ModuleElement mdle, boolean onlyTransitive) throws ToolException {
Set<ModuleElement> result = new HashSet<>();
for (RequiresDirective rd : ElementFilter.requiresIn(mdle.getDirectives())) {
ModuleElement dep = rd.getDependency();
if (result.contains(dep))
if (!isMandated(mdle, rd) && onlyTransitive == rd.isTransitive()) {
if (!haveModuleSources(dep)) {
messager.printWarning(dep, "main.module_not_found", dep.getSimpleName());
} else if (isMandated(mdle, rd) && haveModuleSources(dep)) {
return result;
private boolean isMandated(ModuleElement mdle, RequiresDirective rd) {
return toolEnv.elements.getOrigin(mdle, rd) == MANDATED;
Map<ModuleSymbol, Boolean> haveModuleSourcesCache = new HashMap<>();
private boolean haveModuleSources(ModuleElement mdle) throws ToolException {
ModuleSymbol msym = (ModuleSymbol)mdle;
if (msym.sourceLocation != null) {
return true;
if (msym.patchLocation != null) {
Boolean value = haveModuleSourcesCache.get(msym);
if (value == null) {
value = fmList(msym.patchLocation, "", sourceKinds, true).iterator().hasNext();
haveModuleSourcesCache.put(msym, value);
return value;
return false;
private void computeSpecifiedModules() throws ToolException {
if (expandRequires == null) { // no expansion requested
specifiedModuleElements = Collections.unmodifiableSet(specifiedModuleElements);
final boolean expandAll = expandRequires.equals(AccessKind.PRIVATE)
|| expandRequires.equals(AccessKind.PACKAGE);
Set<ModuleElement> result = new LinkedHashSet<>();
ListBuffer<ModuleElement> queue = new ListBuffer<>();
// expand each specified module
for (ModuleElement mdle : specifiedModuleElements) {
result.add(mdle); // a specified module is included
Set<ModuleElement> publicRequires = getModuleRequires(mdle, true);
// add all requires public
if (expandAll) {
// add non-public requires if needed
result.addAll(getModuleRequires(mdle, !expandAll));
// compute the transitive closure of all the requires public
for (ModuleElement m = queue.poll() ; m != null ; m = queue.poll()) {
for (ModuleElement mdle : getModuleRequires(m, true)) {
if (!result.contains(mdle)) {
specifiedModuleElements = Collections.unmodifiableSet(result);
private Set<PackageElement> getAllModulePackages(ModuleElement mdle) throws ToolException {
Set<PackageElement> result = new HashSet<>();
ModuleSymbol msym = (ModuleSymbol) mdle;
List<Location> msymlocs = getModuleLocation(locations, msym.name.toString());
for (Location msymloc : msymlocs) {
for (JavaFileObject fo : fmList(msymloc, "", sourceKinds, true)) {
if (fo.getName().endsWith("module-info.java")) {
String binaryName = fm.inferBinaryName(msymloc, fo);
String pn = getPackageName(binaryName);
PackageSymbol psym = syms.enterPackage(msym, names.fromString(pn));
result.add((PackageElement) psym);
return result;
private Set<PackageElement> computeModulePackages() throws ToolException {
AccessKind accessValue = accessFilter.getAccessValue(ElementKind.PACKAGE);
final boolean documentAllModulePackages = (accessValue == AccessKind.PACKAGE ||
accessValue == AccessKind.PRIVATE);
accessValue = accessFilter.getAccessValue(ElementKind.MODULE);
final boolean moduleDetailedMode = (accessValue == AccessKind.PACKAGE ||
accessValue == AccessKind.PRIVATE);
Set<PackageElement> expandedModulePackages = new LinkedHashSet<>();
for (ModuleElement mdle : specifiedModuleElements) {
if (documentAllModulePackages) { // include all packages
List<PackageElement> packages = ElementFilter.packagesIn(mdle.getEnclosedElements());
} else { // selectively include required packages
List<ExportsDirective> exports = ElementFilter.exportsIn(mdle.getDirectives());
for (ExportsDirective export : exports) {
// add if fully exported or add qualified exports only if desired
if (export.getTargetModules() == null
|| documentAllModulePackages || moduleDetailedMode) {
// add all packages specified on the command line
// belonging to this module
if (!cmdLinePackages.isEmpty()) {
for (ModulePackage modpkg : cmdLinePackages) {
PackageElement pkg = toolEnv.elements.getPackageElement(mdle,
if (pkg != null) {
return expandedModulePackages;
private void initializeIncludedSets(Set<PackageElement> expandedModulePackages) {
// process modules
Set<ModuleElement> imodules = new LinkedHashSet<>();
// add all the expanded modules
// process packages
Set<PackageElement> ipackages = new LinkedHashSet<>();
// add all packages belonging to expanded modules
// add all specified packages
specifiedPackageElements.forEach(pkg -> {
ModuleElement mdle = toolEnv.elements.getModuleOf(pkg);
if (mdle != null)
// process types
Set<TypeElement> iclasses = new LinkedHashSet<>();
// add all types enclosed in expanded modules and packages
ipackages.forEach((pkg) -> {
addAllClasses(iclasses, pkg);
// add all types and its nested types
specifiedTypeElements.forEach((klass) -> {
ModuleElement mdle = toolEnv.elements.getModuleOf(klass);
if (mdle != null && !mdle.isUnnamed())
PackageElement pkg = toolEnv.elements.getPackageOf(klass);
addAllClasses(iclasses, klass, true);
// all done, freeze the collections
includedModuleElements = Collections.unmodifiableSet(imodules);
includedPackageElements = Collections.unmodifiableSet(ipackages);
includedTypeElements = Collections.unmodifiableSet(iclasses);
* Computes the included packages and freezes the specified packages list.
private void computeSpecifiedPackages() throws ToolException {
Set<PackageElement> packlist = new LinkedHashSet<>();
cmdLinePackages.forEach((modpkg) -> {
PackageElement pkg;
if (modpkg.hasModule()) {
ModuleElement mdle = toolEnv.elements.getModuleElement(modpkg.moduleName);
pkg = toolEnv.elements.getPackageElement(mdle, modpkg.packageName);
} else {
pkg = toolEnv.elements.getPackageElement(modpkg.toString());
if (pkg != null) {
} else {
messager.printWarningUsingKey("main.package_not_found", modpkg.toString());
specifiedPackageElements = Collections.unmodifiableSet(packlist);
Adds all classes as well as inner classes, to the specified
* Adds all classes as well as inner classes, to the specified
* list.
private void computeSpecifiedTypes() throws ToolException {
Set<TypeElement> classes = new LinkedHashSet<>();
classDecList.forEach((def) -> {
TypeElement te = (TypeElement) def.sym;
if (te != null) {
addAllClasses(classes, te, true);
for (String className : classArgList) {
TypeElement te = toolEnv.loadClass(className);
if (te == null) {
String text = messager.getText("javadoc.class_not_found", className);
throw new ToolException(CMDERR, text);
} else {
addAllClasses(classes, te, true);
specifiedTypeElements = Collections.unmodifiableSet(classes);
private void addFilesForParser(Collection<JavaFileObject> result,
Collection<ModulePackage> collection,
boolean recurse) throws ToolException {
for (ModulePackage modpkg : collection) {
toolEnv.notice("main.Loading_source_files_for_package", modpkg.toString());
List<JavaFileObject> files = getFiles(modpkg, recurse);
if (files.isEmpty()) {
String text = messager.getText("main.no_source_files_for_package",
throw new ToolException(CMDERR, text);
} else {
Returns an aggregated list of java file objects from the items
specified on the command line. The packages specified should not
recurse, however sub-packages should recurse into the sub directories.
Throws: - IOException – if an error occurs
Returns: a list of java file objects
* Returns an aggregated list of java file objects from the items
* specified on the command line. The packages specified should not
* recurse, however sub-packages should recurse into the sub directories.
* @return a list of java file objects
* @throws IOException if an error occurs
List<JavaFileObject> getFilesToParse() throws ToolException {
List<JavaFileObject> result = new ArrayList<>();
addFilesForParser(result, cmdLinePackages, false);
addFilesForParser(result, subPackages, true);
return result;
Returns the set of source files for a package.
Params: - packageName – the specified package
Throws: - ToolException – if an error occurs while accessing the files
Returns: the set of file objects for the specified package
* Returns the set of source files for a package.
* @param packageName the specified package
* @return the set of file objects for the specified package
* @throws ToolException if an error occurs while accessing the files
private List<JavaFileObject> getFiles(ModulePackage modpkg,
boolean recurse) throws ToolException {
Entry e = getEntry(modpkg);
// The files may have been found as a side effect of searching for subpackages
if (e.files != null) {
return e.files;
ListBuffer<JavaFileObject> lb = new ListBuffer<>();
List<Location> locs = getLocation(modpkg);
if (locs.isEmpty()) {
return Collections.emptyList();
String pname = modpkg.packageName;
for (Location packageLocn : locs) {
for (JavaFileObject fo : fmList(packageLocn, pname, sourceKinds, recurse)) {
String binaryName = fm.inferBinaryName(packageLocn, fo);
String simpleName = getSimpleName(binaryName);
if (isValidClassName(simpleName)) {
return lb.toList();
private ModuleSymbol findModuleOfPackageName(String packageName) {
Name pack = names.fromString(packageName);
for (ModuleSymbol msym : modules.allModules()) {
PackageSymbol p = syms.getPackage(msym, pack);
if (p != null && !p.members().isEmpty()) {
return msym;
return null;
private List<Location> getLocation(ModulePackage modpkg) throws ToolException {
if (locations.size() == 1 && !locations.contains(StandardLocation.MODULE_SOURCE_PATH)) {
return Collections.singletonList(locations.get(0));
if (modpkg.hasModule()) {
return getModuleLocation(locations, modpkg.moduleName);
// TODO: handle invalid results better.
ModuleSymbol msym = findModuleOfPackageName(modpkg.packageName);
if (msym == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
return getModuleLocation(locations, msym.name.toString());
boolean haveSourceLocationWithModule = false;
private List<Location> getModuleLocation(List<Location> locations, String msymName) throws ToolException {
List<Location> out = new ArrayList<>();
// search in the patch module first, this overrides others
if (locations.contains(StandardLocation.PATCH_MODULE_PATH)) {
Location loc = getModuleLocation(StandardLocation.PATCH_MODULE_PATH, msymName);
if (loc != null)
for (Location location : locations) {
// skip patch module, already done
if (location == StandardLocation.PATCH_MODULE_PATH) {
} else if (location == StandardLocation.MODULE_SOURCE_PATH) {
Location loc = getModuleLocation(location, msymName);
if (loc != null)
} else if (location == StandardLocation.SOURCE_PATH) {
haveSourceLocationWithModule = true;
return out;
private Location getModuleLocation(Location location, String msymName) throws ToolException {
try {
return fm.getLocationForModule(location, msymName);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
String text = messager.getText("main.doclet_could_not_get_location", msymName);
throw new ToolException(ERROR, text, ioe);
private Entry getEntry(String name) {
return getEntry(new ModulePackage(name));
private Entry getEntry(ModulePackage modpkg) {
Entry e = entries.get(modpkg.packageName);
if (e == null) {
entries.put(modpkg.packageName, e = new Entry(modpkg));
return e;
private String getPackageName(String name) {
int lastDot = name.lastIndexOf(".");
return (lastDot == -1 ? "" : name.substring(0, lastDot));
private String getSimpleName(String name) {
int lastDot = name.lastIndexOf(".");
return (lastDot == -1 ? name : name.substring(lastDot + 1));
Adds all inner classes of this class, and their inner classes recursively, to the list
* Adds all inner classes of this class, and their inner classes recursively, to the list
private void addAllClasses(Collection<TypeElement> list, TypeElement typeElement, boolean filtered) {
ClassSymbol klass = (ClassSymbol)typeElement;
try {
// eliminate needless checking, do this first.
if (list.contains(klass)) return;
// ignore classes with invalid Java class names
if (!JavadocTool.isValidClassName(klass.name.toString())) return;
if (filtered && !isTypeElementSelected(klass)) return;
for (Symbol sym : klass.members().getSymbols(NON_RECURSIVE)) {
if (sym != null && sym.kind == Kind.TYP) {
ClassSymbol s = (ClassSymbol)sym;
addAllClasses(list, s, filtered);
} catch (CompletionFailure e) {
if (e.getMessage() != null)
messager.printWarningUsingKey("main.unexpected.exception", e);
Returns a list of all classes contained in this package, including
member classes of those classes, and their member classes, etc.
* Returns a list of all classes contained in this package, including
* member classes of those classes, and their member classes, etc.
private void addAllClasses(Collection<TypeElement> list, PackageElement pkg) {
boolean filtered = true;
for (Element isym : pkg.getEnclosedElements()) {
addAllClasses(list, (TypeElement)isym, filtered);
private boolean isTypeElementSelected(TypeElement te) {
return (xclasses || toolEnv.getFileKind(te) == SOURCE) && isSelected(te);
SimpleElementVisitor14<Boolean, Void> visibleElementVisitor = null;
Returns true if the element is selected, by applying
the access filter checks. Special treatment is applied to
types, for a top level type the access filter applies completely,
however if is a nested type then it is allowed either if
the enclosing is a static or the enclosing is also selected.
Params: - e – the element to be checked
Returns: true if the element is visible
* Returns true if the element is selected, by applying
* the access filter checks. Special treatment is applied to
* types, for a top level type the access filter applies completely,
* however if is a nested type then it is allowed either if
* the enclosing is a static or the enclosing is also selected.
* @param e the element to be checked
* @return true if the element is visible
public boolean isSelected(Element e) {
if (toolEnv.isSynthetic((Symbol) e)) {
return false;
if (visibleElementVisitor == null) {
visibleElementVisitor = new SimpleElementVisitor14<Boolean, Void>() {
public Boolean visitType(TypeElement e, Void p) {
if (!accessFilter.checkModifier(e)) {
return false; // it is not allowed
Element encl = e.getEnclosingElement();
// check if nested
if (encl.getKind() == ElementKind.PACKAGE)
return true; // top-level class, allow it
// is enclosed static
if (encl.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.STATIC))
return true; // allowed
// check the enclosing
return visit(encl);
protected Boolean defaultAction(Element e, Void p) {
return accessFilter.checkModifier(e);
public Boolean visitUnknown(Element e, Void p) {
throw new AssertionError("unkown element: " + p);
return visibleElementVisitor.visit(e);
private class IncludedVisitor extends SimpleElementVisitor14<Boolean, Void> {
final private Set<Element> includedCache;
public IncludedVisitor() {
includedCache = new LinkedHashSet<>();
public Boolean visitModule(ModuleElement e, Void p) {
// deduced by specified and/or requires expansion
return includedModuleElements.contains(e);
public Boolean visitPackage(PackageElement e, Void p) {
// deduced by specified or downward expansions
return includedPackageElements.contains(e);
public Boolean visitType(TypeElement e, Void p) {
if (includedTypeElements.contains(e)) {
return true;
if (isTypeElementSelected(e)) {
// Class is nameable from top-level and
// the class and all enclosing classes
// pass the modifier filter.
PackageElement pkg = toolEnv.elements.getPackageOf(e);
if (specifiedPackageElements.contains(pkg)) {
return true;
Element enclosing = e.getEnclosingElement();
if (enclosing != null) {
switch(enclosing.getKind()) {
return specifiedPackageElements.contains((PackageElement)enclosing);
return visit((TypeElement) enclosing);
throw new AssertionError("unknown element: " + enclosing);
return false;
// members
public Boolean defaultAction(Element e, Void p) {
if (includedCache.contains(e))
return true;
if (visit(e.getEnclosingElement()) && isSelected(e)) {
switch(e.getKind()) {
case MODULE: case OTHER: case PACKAGE:
throw new AssertionError("invalid element for this operation: " + e);
// the only allowed kinds in the cache are "members"
return true;
return false;
public Boolean visitUnknown(Element e, Void p) {
throw new AssertionError("unknown element: " + e);
class Entry {
final ModulePackage modpkg;
Boolean excluded = false;
com.sun.tools.javac.util.List<JavaFileObject> files;
Entry(ModulePackage modpkg) {
this.modpkg = modpkg;
Entry(String name) {
modpkg = new ModulePackage(name);
boolean isExcluded() {
return excluded;
public String toString() {
return "Entry{" + "modpkg=" + modpkg + ", excluded=" + excluded + ", files=" + files + '}';
A container class to retrieve the module and package pair
from a parsed qualified package name.
* A container class to retrieve the module and package pair
* from a parsed qualified package name.
static class ModulePackage {
public final String moduleName;
public final String packageName;
ModulePackage(String modulename, String packagename) {
this.moduleName = modulename;
this.packageName = packagename;
ModulePackage(ModuleElement msym, String packagename) {
this.moduleName = msym.toString();
this.packageName = packagename;
ModulePackage(String name) {
String a[] = name.split("/");
if (a.length == 2) {
this.moduleName = a[0];
this.packageName = a[1];
} else {
moduleName = null;
packageName = name;
boolean hasModule() {
return this.moduleName != null;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj instanceof ModulePackage) {
ModulePackage that = (ModulePackage)obj;
return this.toString().equals(that.toString());
return false;
public int hashCode() {
return toString().hashCode();
public String toString() {
return moduleName == null ? packageName : moduleName + "/" + packageName;
A class which filters the access flags on classes, fields, methods, etc.
See Also: - Modifier
* A class which filters the access flags on classes, fields, methods, etc.
* @see javax.lang.model.element.Modifier
static class ModifierFilter {
The allowed ElementKind that can be stored.
* The allowed ElementKind that can be stored.
static final EnumSet<ElementKind> ALLOWED_KINDS = EnumSet.of(ElementKind.METHOD,
// all possible access levels allowed for each element
private final EnumMap<ElementKind, EnumSet<AccessKind>> filterMap =
new EnumMap<>(ElementKind.class);
// the specified access level for each element
private final EnumMap<ElementKind, AccessKind> accessMap =
new EnumMap<>(ElementKind.class);
Constructor - Specify a filter.
Params: - accessSet – an Access filter.
* Constructor - Specify a filter.
* @param accessSet an Access filter.
ModifierFilter(Map<ToolOption, Object> opts) {
AccessKind accessValue = null;
for (ElementKind kind : ALLOWED_KINDS) {
switch (kind) {
case METHOD:
accessValue = (AccessKind)opts.get(ToolOption.SHOW_MEMBERS);
case CLASS:
accessValue = (AccessKind)opts.get(ToolOption.SHOW_TYPES);
accessValue = (AccessKind)opts.get(ToolOption.SHOW_PACKAGES);
case MODULE:
accessValue = (AccessKind)opts.get(ToolOption.SHOW_MODULE_CONTENTS);
throw new AssertionError("unknown element: " + kind);
accessMap.put(kind, accessValue);
filterMap.put(kind, getFilterSet(accessValue));
static EnumSet<AccessKind> getFilterSet(AccessKind acccessValue) {
switch (acccessValue) {
case PUBLIC:
return EnumSet.of(AccessKind.PUBLIC);
return EnumSet.of(AccessKind.PUBLIC, AccessKind.PROTECTED);
return EnumSet.of(AccessKind.PUBLIC, AccessKind.PROTECTED, AccessKind.PACKAGE);
return EnumSet.allOf(AccessKind.class);
public AccessKind getAccessValue(ElementKind kind) {
if (!ALLOWED_KINDS.contains(kind)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("not allowed: " + kind);
return accessMap.getOrDefault(kind, AccessKind.PROTECTED);
Returns true if access is allowed.
Params: - e – the element in question
Returns: whether the modifiers pass this filter
* Returns true if access is allowed.
* @param e the element in question
* @return whether the modifiers pass this filter
public boolean checkModifier(Element e) {
Set<Modifier> modifiers = e.getModifiers();
AccessKind fflag = AccessKind.PACKAGE;
if (modifiers.contains(Modifier.PUBLIC)) {
fflag = AccessKind.PUBLIC;
} else if (modifiers.contains(Modifier.PROTECTED)) {
fflag = AccessKind.PROTECTED;
} else if (modifiers.contains(Modifier.PRIVATE)) {
fflag = AccessKind.PRIVATE;
EnumSet<AccessKind> filterSet = filterMap.get(getAllowedKind(e.getKind()));
return filterSet.contains(fflag);
// convert a requested element kind to an allowed access kind
private ElementKind getAllowedKind(ElementKind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case CLASS: case METHOD: case MODULE: case PACKAGE:
return kind;
return ElementKind.CLASS;
return ElementKind.METHOD;
throw new AssertionError("unsupported kind: " + kind);
} // end ModifierFilter