 * Copyright (c) 2009, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
 * questions.

package org.graalvm.compiler.java;

import static java.lang.String.format;
import static java.lang.reflect.Modifier.STATIC;
import static java.lang.reflect.Modifier.SYNCHRONIZED;
import static jdk.vm.ci.code.BytecodeFrame.UNKNOWN_BCI;
import static jdk.vm.ci.meta.DeoptimizationAction.InvalidateRecompile;
import static jdk.vm.ci.meta.DeoptimizationAction.InvalidateReprofile;
import static jdk.vm.ci.meta.DeoptimizationAction.None;
import static jdk.vm.ci.meta.DeoptimizationReason.ClassCastException;
import static jdk.vm.ci.meta.DeoptimizationReason.NullCheckException;
import static jdk.vm.ci.meta.DeoptimizationReason.RuntimeConstraint;
import static jdk.vm.ci.meta.DeoptimizationReason.UnreachedCode;
import static jdk.vm.ci.meta.DeoptimizationReason.Unresolved;
import static jdk.vm.ci.runtime.JVMCICompiler.INVOCATION_ENTRY_BCI;
import static jdk.vm.ci.services.Services.IS_BUILDING_NATIVE_IMAGE;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.AALOAD;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.AASTORE;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.ACONST_NULL;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.ALOAD;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.ALOAD_0;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.ALOAD_1;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.ALOAD_2;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.ALOAD_3;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.ANEWARRAY;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.ARETURN;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.ARRAYLENGTH;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.ASTORE;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.ASTORE_0;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.ASTORE_1;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.ASTORE_2;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.ASTORE_3;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.ATHROW;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.BALOAD;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.BASTORE;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.BIPUSH;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.BREAKPOINT;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.CALOAD;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.CASTORE;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.CHECKCAST;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.D2F;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.D2I;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.D2L;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.DADD;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.DALOAD;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.DASTORE;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.DCMPG;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.DCMPL;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.DCONST_0;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.DCONST_1;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.DDIV;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.DLOAD;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.DLOAD_0;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.DLOAD_1;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.DLOAD_2;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.DLOAD_3;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.DMUL;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.DNEG;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.DREM;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.DRETURN;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.DSTORE;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.DSTORE_0;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.DSTORE_1;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.DSTORE_2;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.DSTORE_3;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.DSUB;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.DUP;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.DUP2;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.DUP2_X1;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.DUP2_X2;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.DUP_X1;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.DUP_X2;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.F2D;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.F2I;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.F2L;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.FADD;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.FALOAD;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.FASTORE;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.FCMPG;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.FCMPL;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.FCONST_0;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.FCONST_1;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.FCONST_2;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.FDIV;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.FLOAD;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.FLOAD_0;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.FLOAD_1;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.FLOAD_2;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.FLOAD_3;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.FMUL;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.FNEG;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.FREM;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.FRETURN;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.FSTORE;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.FSTORE_0;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.FSTORE_1;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.FSTORE_2;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.FSTORE_3;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.FSUB;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.GETFIELD;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.GETSTATIC;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.GOTO;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.GOTO_W;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.I2B;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.I2C;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.I2D;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.I2F;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.I2L;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.I2S;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.IADD;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.IALOAD;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.IAND;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.IASTORE;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.ICONST_0;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.ICONST_1;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.ICONST_2;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.ICONST_3;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.ICONST_4;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.ICONST_5;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.ICONST_M1;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.IDIV;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.IFEQ;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.IFGE;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.IFGT;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.IFLE;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.IFLT;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.IFNE;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.IFNONNULL;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.IFNULL;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.IF_ACMPEQ;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.IF_ACMPNE;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.IF_ICMPEQ;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.IF_ICMPGE;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.IF_ICMPGT;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.IF_ICMPLE;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.IF_ICMPLT;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.IF_ICMPNE;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.IINC;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.ILOAD;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.ILOAD_0;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.ILOAD_1;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.ILOAD_2;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.ILOAD_3;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.IMUL;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.INEG;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.INSTANCEOF;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.INVOKEDYNAMIC;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.INVOKEINTERFACE;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.INVOKESPECIAL;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.INVOKESTATIC;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.IOR;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.IREM;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.IRETURN;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.ISHL;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.ISHR;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.ISTORE;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.ISTORE_0;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.ISTORE_1;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.ISTORE_2;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.ISTORE_3;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.ISUB;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.IUSHR;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.IXOR;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.JSR;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.JSR_W;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.L2D;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.L2F;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.L2I;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.LADD;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.LALOAD;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.LAND;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.LASTORE;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.LCMP;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.LCONST_0;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.LCONST_1;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.LDC;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.LDC2_W;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.LDC_W;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.LDIV;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.LLOAD;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.LLOAD_0;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.LLOAD_1;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.LLOAD_2;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.LLOAD_3;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.LMUL;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.LNEG;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.LOOKUPSWITCH;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.LOR;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.LREM;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.LRETURN;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.LSHL;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.LSHR;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.LSTORE;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.LSTORE_0;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.LSTORE_1;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.LSTORE_2;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.LSTORE_3;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.LSUB;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.LUSHR;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.LXOR;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.MONITORENTER;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.MONITOREXIT;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.MULTIANEWARRAY;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.NEW;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.NEWARRAY;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.NOP;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.POP;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.POP2;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.PUTFIELD;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.PUTSTATIC;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.RET;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.RETURN;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.SALOAD;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.SASTORE;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.SIPUSH;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.SWAP;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.TABLESWITCH;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes.nameOf;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.GraalOptions.DeoptALot;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.GraalOptions.GeneratePIC;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.GraalOptions.HotSpotPrintInlining;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.GraalOptions.PrintProfilingInformation;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.GraalOptions.StressExplicitExceptionCode;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.GraalOptions.StressInvokeWithExceptionNode;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.StampFactory.objectNonNull;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.debug.GraalError.guarantee;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.debug.GraalError.shouldNotReachHere;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.java.BytecodeParserOptions.InlinePartialIntrinsicExitDuringParsing;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.java.BytecodeParserOptions.TraceBytecodeParserLevel;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.java.BytecodeParserOptions.TraceInlineDuringParsing;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.java.BytecodeParserOptions.TraceParserPlugins;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.extended.BranchProbabilityNode.LUDICROUSLY_FAST_PATH_PROBABILITY;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.extended.BranchProbabilityNode.LUDICROUSLY_SLOW_PATH_PROBABILITY;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.graphbuilderconf.IntrinsicContext.CompilationContext.INLINE_DURING_PARSING;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.type.StampTool.isPointerNonNull;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Formatter;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.Supplier;

import jdk.internal.vm.compiler.collections.EconomicMap;
import jdk.internal.vm.compiler.collections.Equivalence;
import jdk.internal.vm.compiler.collections.UnmodifiableEconomicMap;
import org.graalvm.compiler.api.replacements.Fold;
import org.graalvm.compiler.api.replacements.MethodSubstitution;
import org.graalvm.compiler.api.replacements.Snippet;
import org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.BytecodeDisassembler;
import org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.BytecodeLookupSwitch;
import org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.BytecodeProvider;
import org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.BytecodeStream;
import org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.BytecodeSwitch;
import org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.BytecodeTableSwitch;
import org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytecodes;
import org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.Bytes;
import org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.ResolvedJavaMethodBytecode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.bytecode.ResolvedJavaMethodBytecodeProvider;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.GraalOptions;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.PermanentBailoutException;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.RetryableBailoutException;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.calc.CanonicalCondition;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.calc.Condition;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.calc.Condition.CanonicalizedCondition;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.calc.FloatConvert;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.spi.ConstantFieldProvider;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.IntegerStamp;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.ObjectStamp;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.Stamp;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.StampFactory;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.StampPair;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.TypeReference;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.util.Util;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.Assertions;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.CounterKey;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.DebugCloseable;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.DebugContext;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.DebugOptions;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.GraalError;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.Indent;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.MethodFilter;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.TTY;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.Graph.Mark;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.Node;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.NodeSourcePosition;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.iterators.NodeIterable;
import org.graalvm.compiler.java.BciBlockMapping.BciBlock;
import org.graalvm.compiler.java.BciBlockMapping.ExceptionDispatchBlock;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.AbstractBeginNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.AbstractMergeNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.BeginNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.BeginStateSplitNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.CallTargetNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.CallTargetNode.InvokeKind;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.ConstantNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.ControlSplitNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.DeoptimizeNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.EndNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.EntryMarkerNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.EntryProxyNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.FieldLocationIdentity;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.FixedGuardNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.FixedNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.FixedWithNextNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.FrameState;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.FullInfopointNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.IfNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.InliningLog;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.Invoke;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.InvokeNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.InvokeWithExceptionNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.KillingBeginNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.LogicConstantNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.LogicNegationNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.LogicNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.LoopBeginNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.LoopEndNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.LoopExitNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.MergeNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.NodeView;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.ParameterNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.PiNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.ReturnNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.StartNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.StateSplit;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.StructuredGraph;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.UnwindNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.ValueNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.ValuePhiNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc.AddNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc.AndNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc.CompareNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc.ConditionalNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc.FloatConvertNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc.FloatDivNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc.FloatNormalizeCompareNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc.IntegerBelowNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc.IntegerEqualsNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc.IntegerLessThanNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc.IntegerNormalizeCompareNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc.IsNullNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc.LeftShiftNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc.MulNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc.NarrowNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc.NegateNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc.ObjectEqualsNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc.OrNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc.RemNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc.RightShiftNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc.SignExtendNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc.SignedDivNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc.SignedRemNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc.SubNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc.UnsignedRightShiftNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc.XorNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc.ZeroExtendNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.extended.AnchoringNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.extended.BranchProbabilityNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.extended.BytecodeExceptionNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.extended.BytecodeExceptionNode.BytecodeExceptionKind;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.extended.ForeignCallNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.extended.GuardingNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.extended.IntegerSwitchNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.extended.LoadArrayComponentHubNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.extended.LoadHubNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.extended.MembarNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.extended.StateSplitProxyNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.graphbuilderconf.ClassInitializationPlugin;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.graphbuilderconf.GraphBuilderConfiguration;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.graphbuilderconf.GraphBuilderConfiguration.BytecodeExceptionMode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.graphbuilderconf.GraphBuilderContext;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.graphbuilderconf.InlineInvokePlugin;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.graphbuilderconf.InlineInvokePlugin.InlineInfo;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.graphbuilderconf.IntrinsicContext;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.graphbuilderconf.InvocationPlugin;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.graphbuilderconf.InvocationPlugins.InvocationPluginReceiver;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.graphbuilderconf.InvokeDynamicPlugin;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.graphbuilderconf.NodePlugin;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.graphbuilderconf.ProfilingPlugin;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.java.ArrayLengthNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.java.ExceptionObjectNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.java.FinalFieldBarrierNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.java.InstanceOfDynamicNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.java.InstanceOfNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.java.LoadFieldNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.java.LoadIndexedNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.java.MethodCallTargetNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.java.MonitorEnterNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.java.MonitorExitNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.java.MonitorIdNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.java.NewArrayNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.java.NewInstanceNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.java.NewMultiArrayNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.java.RegisterFinalizerNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.java.StoreFieldNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.java.StoreIndexedNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.spi.CoreProviders;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.spi.Replacements;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.spi.StampProvider;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.type.StampTool;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.util.GraphUtil;
import org.graalvm.compiler.options.OptionValues;
import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.OptimisticOptimizations;
import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.util.ValueMergeUtil;
import org.graalvm.compiler.serviceprovider.GraalServices;
import org.graalvm.compiler.serviceprovider.JavaVersionUtil;
import jdk.internal.vm.compiler.word.LocationIdentity;

import jdk.vm.ci.code.BailoutException;
import jdk.vm.ci.code.BytecodeFrame;
import jdk.vm.ci.code.CodeUtil;
import jdk.vm.ci.code.site.InfopointReason;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.Constant;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.ConstantPool;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.ConstantReflectionProvider;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.DeoptimizationAction;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.DeoptimizationReason;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.JavaConstant;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.JavaField;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.JavaKind;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.JavaMethod;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.JavaType;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.JavaTypeProfile;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.LineNumberTable;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.MetaAccessProvider;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.ProfilingInfo;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.RawConstant;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.ResolvedJavaField;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.ResolvedJavaMethod;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.ResolvedJavaType;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.Signature;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.TriState;

The GraphBuilder class parses the bytecode of a method and builds the IR graph.
/** * The {@code GraphBuilder} class parses the bytecode of a method and builds the IR graph. */
public class BytecodeParser implements GraphBuilderContext {
The minimum value to which BytecodeParserOptions.TraceBytecodeParserLevel must be set to trace the bytecode instructions as they are parsed.
/** * The minimum value to which {@link BytecodeParserOptions#TraceBytecodeParserLevel} must be set * to trace the bytecode instructions as they are parsed. */
public static final int TRACELEVEL_INSTRUCTIONS = 1;
The minimum value to which BytecodeParserOptions.TraceBytecodeParserLevel must be set to emit the frame state for each traced bytecode instruction.
/** * The minimum value to which {@link BytecodeParserOptions#TraceBytecodeParserLevel} must be set * to emit the frame state for each traced bytecode instruction. */
public static final int TRACELEVEL_STATE = 2;
The minimum value to which BytecodeParserOptions.TraceBytecodeParserLevel must be set to emit the block map for each traced method.
/** * The minimum value to which {@link BytecodeParserOptions#TraceBytecodeParserLevel} must be set * to emit the block map for each traced method. */
public static final int TRACELEVEL_BLOCKMAP = 3;
Meters the number of actual bytecodes parsed.
/** * Meters the number of actual bytecodes parsed. */
public static final CounterKey BytecodesParsed = DebugContext.counter("BytecodesParsed"); protected static final CounterKey EXPLICIT_EXCEPTIONS = DebugContext.counter("ExplicitExceptions");
A scoped object for tasks to be performed after inlining during parsing such as processing placeholder frames states.
/** * A scoped object for tasks to be performed after inlining during parsing such as processing * {@linkplain BytecodeFrame#isPlaceholderBci(int) placeholder} frames states. */
static class InliningScope implements AutoCloseable { final ResolvedJavaMethod callee; FrameState stateBefore; final Mark mark; final BytecodeParser parser; List<ReturnToCallerData> returnDataList;
Creates a scope for root parsing an intrinsic.
  • parser – the parsing context of the intrinsic
/** * Creates a scope for root parsing an intrinsic. * * @param parser the parsing context of the intrinsic */
InliningScope(BytecodeParser parser) { this.parser = parser; assert parser.parent == null; assert parser.bci() == 0; mark = null; callee = null; }
Creates a scope for graph builder inlining.
  • parser – the parsing context of the (non-intrinsic) method calling the intrinsic
  • args – the arguments to the call
/** * Creates a scope for graph builder inlining. * * @param parser the parsing context of the (non-intrinsic) method calling the intrinsic * @param args the arguments to the call */
InliningScope(BytecodeParser parser, ResolvedJavaMethod callee, ValueNode[] args) { this.callee = callee; assert !parser.parsingIntrinsic(); this.parser = parser; mark = parser.getGraph().getMark(); JavaKind[] argSlotKinds = callee.getSignature().toParameterKinds(!callee.isStatic()); stateBefore = parser.frameState.create(parser.bci(), parser.getNonIntrinsicAncestor(), false, argSlotKinds, args); } @Override public void close() { processPlaceholderFrameStates(false); }
Fixes up the placeholder frame states added to the graph while parsing/inlining the intrinsic for which this object exists.
/** * Fixes up the {@linkplain BytecodeFrame#isPlaceholderBci(int) placeholder} frame states * added to the graph while parsing/inlining the intrinsic for which this object exists. */
protected void processPlaceholderFrameStates(boolean isCompilationRoot) { StructuredGraph graph = parser.getGraph(); graph.getDebug().dump(DebugContext.DETAILED_LEVEL, graph, "Before processPlaceholderFrameStates in %s", parser.method); for (Node node : graph.getNewNodes(mark)) { if (node instanceof FrameState) { FrameState frameState = (FrameState) node; if (BytecodeFrame.isPlaceholderBci(frameState.bci)) { if (frameState.bci == BytecodeFrame.AFTER_BCI) { if (parser.getInvokeReturnType() == null) { // A frame state in a root compiled intrinsic. assert isCompilationRoot; FrameState newFrameState = graph.add(new FrameState(BytecodeFrame.INVALID_FRAMESTATE_BCI)); frameState.replaceAndDelete(newFrameState); } else { JavaKind returnKind = parser.getInvokeReturnType().getJavaKind(); FrameStateBuilder frameStateBuilder = parser.frameState; assert !frameState.rethrowException(); if (frameState.stackSize() != 0) { ValueNode returnVal = frameState.stackAt(0); if (!ReturnToCallerData.containsReturnValue(returnDataList, returnVal)) { throw new GraalError("AFTER_BCI frame state within a sub-parse has a non-return value on the stack: %s", returnVal); } // Swap the top-of-stack value with the return value ValueNode tos = frameStateBuilder.pop(returnKind); assert tos.getStackKind() == returnVal.getStackKind(); FrameState newFrameState = frameStateBuilder.create(parser.stream.nextBCI(), parser.getNonIntrinsicAncestor(), false, new JavaKind[]{returnKind}, new ValueNode[]{returnVal}); frameState.replaceAndDelete(newFrameState); newFrameState.setNodeSourcePosition(frameState.getNodeSourcePosition()); frameStateBuilder.push(returnKind, tos); } else if (returnKind != JavaKind.Void) { handleReturnMismatch(graph, frameState); } else { // An intrinsic for a void method. FrameState newFrameState = frameStateBuilder.create(parser.stream.nextBCI(), null); newFrameState.setNodeSourcePosition(frameState.getNodeSourcePosition()); frameState.replaceAndDelete(newFrameState); } } } else if (frameState.bci == BytecodeFrame.BEFORE_BCI) { if (stateBefore == null) { stateBefore = graph.start().stateAfter(); } if (stateBefore != frameState) { frameState.replaceAndDelete(stateBefore); } } else if (frameState.bci == BytecodeFrame.AFTER_EXCEPTION_BCI || (frameState.bci == BytecodeFrame.UNWIND_BCI && !callee.isSynchronized())) { // This is a frame state for the entry point to an exception // dispatcher in an intrinsic. For example, the invoke denoting // a partial intrinsic exit will have an edge to such a // dispatcher if the profile for the original invoke being // intrinsified indicates an exception was seen. As per JVM // bytecode semantics, the interpreter expects a single // value on the stack on entry to an exception handler, // namely the exception object. assert frameState.rethrowException(); ValueNode exceptionValue = frameState.stackAt(0); FrameStateBuilder dispatchState = parser.frameState.copy(); dispatchState.clearStack(); dispatchState.push(JavaKind.Object, exceptionValue); dispatchState.setRethrowException(true); for (Node usage : frameState.usages()) { FrameState newFrameState = dispatchState.create(parser.bci(), (StateSplit) usage); frameState.replaceAndDelete(newFrameState); newFrameState.setNodeSourcePosition(frameState.getNodeSourcePosition()); } } else if (frameState.bci == BytecodeFrame.UNWIND_BCI) { if (graph.getGuardsStage().allowsFloatingGuards()) { throw GraalError.shouldNotReachHere("Cannot handle this UNWIND_BCI"); } // hope that by construction, there are no fixed guard after this unwind // and before an other state split } else { assert frameState.bci == BytecodeFrame.INVALID_FRAMESTATE_BCI : frameState.bci; } } } } graph.getDebug().dump(DebugContext.DETAILED_LEVEL, graph, "After processPlaceholderFrameStates in %s", parser.method); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") protected void handleReturnMismatch(StructuredGraph g, FrameState fs) { throw GraalError.shouldNotReachHere("Unexpected return kind mismatch in " + parser.method + " at FS " + fs); } } static class IntrinsicScope extends InliningScope { ArrayList<StateSplit> invalidStateUsers; IntrinsicScope(BytecodeParser parser) { super(parser); } IntrinsicScope(BytecodeParser parser, ResolvedJavaMethod callee, ValueNode[] args) { super(parser, callee, args); } @SuppressWarnings("unlikely-arg-type") @Override public void close() { IntrinsicContext intrinsic = parser.intrinsicContext; boolean isRootCompilation; if (intrinsic != null) { if (intrinsic.isPostParseInlined()) { return; } isRootCompilation = intrinsic.isCompilationRoot(); } else { isRootCompilation = false; } processPlaceholderFrameStates(isRootCompilation); if (invalidStateUsers != null) { JavaKind returnKind = parser.getInvokeReturnType().getJavaKind(); ValueNode returnValue = parser.frameState.pop(returnKind); if (invalidStateUsers.size() == 1 && invalidStateUsers.get(0) == parser.lastInstr) { updateSplitFrameState(invalidStateUsers.get(0), returnKind, returnValue); } else if (parser.lastInstr instanceof MergeNode) { ValuePhiNode returnValues = null; MergeNode merge = (MergeNode) parser.lastInstr; if (returnValue instanceof ValuePhiNode && ((ValuePhiNode) returnValue).merge() == parser.lastInstr) { returnValues = (ValuePhiNode) returnValue; } if (invalidStateUsers.remove(merge)) { updateSplitFrameState(merge, returnKind, returnValue); } for (EndNode pred : merge.cfgPredecessors()) { Node lastPred = pred.predecessor(); if (invalidStateUsers.remove(lastPred)) { ValueNode predReturnValue = returnValue; if (returnValues != null) { int index = merge.phiPredecessorIndex(pred); predReturnValue = ((ValuePhiNode) returnValue).valueAt(index); } updateSplitFrameState((StateSplit) lastPred, returnKind, predReturnValue); } } if (invalidStateUsers.size() != 0) { throw new GraalError("unexpected StateSplit above merge %s", invalidStateUsers); } } else { throw new GraalError("unexpected node between return StateSplit and last instruction %s", parser.lastInstr); } // Restore the original return value parser.frameState.push(returnKind, returnValue); } boolean inlinedIntrinsic = parser.getInvokeReturnType() != null; if (inlinedIntrinsic) { for (Node n : parser.graph.getNewNodes(mark)) { if (n instanceof FrameState) { GraalError.guarantee(((FrameState) n).bci != BytecodeFrame.INVALID_FRAMESTATE_BCI, "Inlined call to intrinsic (callee %s) produced invalid framestate %s. " + "Such framestates must never be used as deoptimizing targets, thus they cannot be part of a high-tier graph, " + "and must only be used after framestate assignment. A common error is invalid usage of foreign call nodes in method " + "substitutions, which can be avoided by ensuring such calls are either replaced with nodes that are snippet " + "lowered after framestate assignment (see FastNotifyNode.java for example) or by ensuring all foreign use the state after of the " + "original call instruction.", callee, n); } } } else { /* * Special case root compiled method substitutions * * Root compiled intrinsics with self recursive calls (partial intrinsic exit) must * never produce more than one state except the start framestate since we do not * compile calls to the original method (or inline them) but deopt * * See ByteCodeParser::inline and search for compilationRoot */ assert intrinsic == null || intrinsic.isIntrinsicEncoding() || verifyIntrinsicRootCompileEffects(); } } private boolean verifyIntrinsicRootCompileEffects() { int invalidBCIsInRootCompiledIntrinsic = 0; for (Node n : parser.graph.getNewNodes(mark)) { if (n instanceof FrameState) { if (((FrameState) n).bci == BytecodeFrame.INVALID_FRAMESTATE_BCI) { invalidBCIsInRootCompiledIntrinsic++; } } } if (invalidBCIsInRootCompiledIntrinsic > 1) { int invalidBCIsToFind = invalidBCIsInRootCompiledIntrinsic; List<ReturnNode> returns = parser.getGraph().getNodes(ReturnNode.TYPE).snapshot(); if (returns.size() > 1) { outer: for (ReturnNode ret : returns) { for (FixedNode f : GraphUtil.predecessorIterable(ret)) { if (f instanceof StateSplit) { StateSplit split = (StateSplit) f; if (split.hasSideEffect()) { assert ((StateSplit) f).stateAfter() != null; if (split.stateAfter().bci == BytecodeFrame.INVALID_FRAMESTATE_BCI) { invalidBCIsToFind--; continue outer; } } } } } GraalError.guarantee(invalidBCIsToFind == 0, "Root compiled intrinsic with invalid states has more than one return. " + "This is allowed, however one path down a sink has more than one state, this is prohibited. " + "Intrinsic %s", parser.method); return true; } ReturnNode ret = returns.get(0); MergeNode merge = null; int mergeCount = parser.graph.getNodes(MergeNode.TYPE).count(); if (mergeCount != 1) { throw new GraalError("Root compiled intrinsic with invalid states %s:Must have exactly one merge node. %d found", parser.method, mergeCount); } if (ret.predecessor() instanceof MergeNode) { merge = (MergeNode) ret.predecessor(); } if (merge == null) { throw new GraalError("Root compiled intrinsic with invalid state: Unexpected node between return and merge."); } //@formatter:off GraalError.guarantee(invalidBCIsInRootCompiledIntrinsic <= merge.phiPredecessorCount() + 1 /* merge itself */, "Root compiled intrinsic with invalid states %s must at maximum produce (0,1 or if the last instruction is a merge |merge.predCount|" + " invalid BCI state, however %d where found.", parser.method, invalidBCIsInRootCompiledIntrinsic); //@formatter:on if (merge.stateAfter() != null && merge.stateAfter().bci == BytecodeFrame.INVALID_FRAMESTATE_BCI) { invalidBCIsToFind--; } for (EndNode pred : merge.cfgPredecessors()) { Node lastPred = pred.predecessor(); for (FixedNode f : GraphUtil.predecessorIterable((FixedNode) lastPred)) { if (f instanceof StateSplit) { StateSplit split = (StateSplit) f; if (split.hasSideEffect()) { assert ((StateSplit) f).stateAfter() != null; if (split.stateAfter().bci == BytecodeFrame.INVALID_FRAMESTATE_BCI) { invalidBCIsToFind--; } } } } } if (invalidBCIsToFind != 0) { throw new GraalError( "Invalid BCI state missmatch: This root compiled method substitution %s " + "uses invalid side-effecting nodes resulting in invalid deoptimization information. " + "Method substitutions must never have more than one state (the after state) for deoptimization." + " Multiple states are only allowed if they are dominated by a control-flow split, there is only" + " a single effect per branch and a post dominating merge with the same invalid_bci state " + "(that must only be different in its return value).", parser.method); } } return true; } private void updateSplitFrameState(StateSplit split, JavaKind returnKind, ValueNode returnValue) { parser.frameState.push(returnKind, returnValue); FrameState oldState = split.stateAfter(); split.setStateAfter(parser.createFrameState(parser.stream.nextBCI(), split)); parser.frameState.pop(returnKind); if (oldState.hasNoUsages()) { oldState.safeDelete(); } } @Override protected void handleReturnMismatch(StructuredGraph g, FrameState fs) { if (invalidStateUsers == null) { invalidStateUsers = new ArrayList<>(); } for (Node use : fs.usages()) { if (!(use instanceof StateSplit)) { throw new GraalError("Expected StateSplit for return mismatch"); } invalidStateUsers.add((StateSplit) use); } } } private static class Target { final FixedNode entry; final FixedNode originalEntry; final FrameStateBuilder state; Target(FixedNode entry, FrameStateBuilder state) { this.entry = entry; this.state = state; this.originalEntry = null; } Target(FixedNode entry, FrameStateBuilder state, FixedNode originalEntry) { this.entry = entry; this.state = state; this.originalEntry = originalEntry; } } @SuppressWarnings("serial") public static class BytecodeParserError extends GraalError { public BytecodeParserError(Throwable cause) { super(cause); } public BytecodeParserError(String msg, Object... args) { super(msg, args); } } protected static class ReturnToCallerData { protected final ValueNode returnValue; protected final FixedWithNextNode beforeReturnNode; protected ReturnToCallerData(ValueNode returnValue, FixedWithNextNode beforeReturnNode) { this.returnValue = returnValue; this.beforeReturnNode = beforeReturnNode; } static boolean containsReturnValue(List<ReturnToCallerData> list, ValueNode value) { for (ReturnToCallerData e : list) { if (e.returnValue == value) { return true; } } return false; } } private final GraphBuilderPhase.Instance graphBuilderInstance; protected final StructuredGraph graph; protected final OptionValues options; protected final DebugContext debug; private BciBlockMapping blockMap; private LocalLiveness liveness; protected final int entryBCI; private final BytecodeParser parent; private LineNumberTable lnt; private int previousLineNumber; private int currentLineNumber; private ValueNode methodSynchronizedObject; private List<ReturnToCallerData> returnDataList; private ValueNode unwindValue; private FixedWithNextNode beforeUnwindNode; protected FixedWithNextNode lastInstr; // the last instruction added private boolean controlFlowSplit; private final InvocationPluginReceiver invocationPluginReceiver = new InvocationPluginReceiver(this); private FixedWithNextNode[] firstInstructionArray; private FrameStateBuilder[] entryStateArray; private boolean finalBarrierRequired; private ValueNode originalReceiver; private final boolean eagerInitializing; private final boolean uninitializedIsError; private final int traceLevel; protected BytecodeParser(GraphBuilderPhase.Instance graphBuilderInstance, StructuredGraph graph, BytecodeParser parent, ResolvedJavaMethod method, int entryBCI, IntrinsicContext intrinsicContext) { this.bytecodeProvider = intrinsicContext == null ? new ResolvedJavaMethodBytecodeProvider() : intrinsicContext.getBytecodeProvider(); this.code = bytecodeProvider.getBytecode(method); this.method = code.getMethod(); this.graphBuilderInstance = graphBuilderInstance; this.graph = graph; this.options = graph.getOptions(); this.debug = graph.getDebug(); this.graphBuilderConfig = graphBuilderInstance.graphBuilderConfig; this.optimisticOpts = graphBuilderInstance.optimisticOpts; this.providers = graphBuilderInstance.providers; this.stream = new BytecodeStream(code.getCode()); this.profilingInfo = graph.useProfilingInfo() ? code.getProfilingInfo() : null; this.constantPool = code.getConstantPool(); this.intrinsicContext = intrinsicContext; this.entryBCI = entryBCI; this.parent = parent; ClassInitializationPlugin classInitializationPlugin = graphBuilderConfig.getPlugins().getClassInitializationPlugin(); if (classInitializationPlugin != null && graphBuilderConfig.eagerResolving() && classInitializationPlugin.supportsLazyInitialization(constantPool)) { eagerInitializing = false; uninitializedIsError = false; } else { eagerInitializing = graphBuilderConfig.eagerResolving(); uninitializedIsError = graphBuilderConfig.unresolvedIsError(); } assert code.getCode() != null : "method must contain bytecodes: " + method; if (graphBuilderConfig.insertFullInfopoints() && !parsingIntrinsic()) { lnt = code.getLineNumberTable(); previousLineNumber = -1; } assert !GraalOptions.TrackNodeSourcePosition.getValue(options) || graph.trackNodeSourcePosition(); if (graphBuilderConfig.trackNodeSourcePosition() || (parent != null && parent.graph.trackNodeSourcePosition())) { graph.setTrackNodeSourcePosition(); } int level = TraceBytecodeParserLevel.getValue(options); this.traceLevel = level != 0 ? refineTraceLevel(level) : 0; } private int refineTraceLevel(int level) { ResolvedJavaMethod tmethod = graph.method(); if (tmethod == null) { tmethod = method; } String filterValue = DebugOptions.MethodFilter.getValue(options); if (filterValue != null) { MethodFilter[] filters = MethodFilter.parse(filterValue); if (!MethodFilter.matches(filters, tmethod)) { return 0; } } return level; } protected GraphBuilderPhase.Instance getGraphBuilderInstance() { return graphBuilderInstance; } public ValueNode getUnwindValue() { return unwindValue; } public FixedWithNextNode getBeforeUnwindNode() { return this.beforeUnwindNode; } @SuppressWarnings("try") protected void buildRootMethod() { FrameStateBuilder startFrameState = new FrameStateBuilder(this, code, graph, graphBuilderConfig.retainLocalVariables()); startFrameState.initializeForMethodStart(graph.getAssumptions(), graphBuilderConfig.eagerResolving() || intrinsicContext != null, graphBuilderConfig.getPlugins()); try (IntrinsicScope s = intrinsicContext != null ? new IntrinsicScope(this) : null) { build(graph.start(), startFrameState); } cleanupFinalGraph(); ComputeLoopFrequenciesClosure.compute(graph); } @SuppressWarnings("try") protected void build(FixedWithNextNode startInstruction, FrameStateBuilder startFrameState) { if (PrintProfilingInformation.getValue(options) && profilingInfo != null) { TTY.println("Profiling info for " + method.format("%H.%n(%p)")); TTY.println(Util.indent(profilingInfo.toString(method, CodeUtil.NEW_LINE), " ")); } try (Indent indent = debug.logAndIndent("build graph for %s", method)) { if (bytecodeProvider.shouldRecordMethodDependencies()) { assert getParent() != null || method.equals(graph.method()); // Record method dependency in the graph graph.recordMethod(method); } // compute the block map, setup exception handlers and get the entrypoint(s) BciBlockMapping newMapping = BciBlockMapping.create(stream, code, options, graph.getDebug()); this.blockMap = newMapping; this.firstInstructionArray = new FixedWithNextNode[blockMap.getBlockCount()]; this.entryStateArray = new FrameStateBuilder[blockMap.getBlockCount()]; if (!method.isStatic()) { originalReceiver = startFrameState.loadLocal(0, JavaKind.Object); } /* * Configure the assertion checking behavior of the FrameStateBuilder. This needs to be * done only when assertions are enabled, so it is wrapped in an assertion itself. */ assert computeKindVerification(startFrameState); try (DebugContext.Scope s = debug.scope("LivenessAnalysis")) { int maxLocals = method.getMaxLocals(); liveness = LocalLiveness.compute(debug, stream, blockMap.getBlocks(), maxLocals, blockMap.getLoopCount()); } catch (Throwable e) { throw debug.handle(e); } lastInstr = startInstruction; this.setCurrentFrameState(startFrameState); stream.setBCI(0); BciBlock startBlock = blockMap.getStartBlock(); if (this.parent == null) { StartNode startNode = graph.start(); if (method.isSynchronized()) { assert !parsingIntrinsic(); startNode.setStateAfter(createFrameState(BytecodeFrame.BEFORE_BCI, startNode)); } else { if (!parsingIntrinsic()) { if (graph.method() != null && graph.method().isJavaLangObjectInit()) { /* * Don't clear the receiver when Object.<init> is the compilation root. * The receiver is needed as input to RegisterFinalizerNode. */ } else { frameState.clearNonLiveLocals(startBlock, liveness, true); } assert bci() == 0; startNode.setStateAfter(createFrameState(bci(), startNode)); } else { if (startNode.stateAfter() == null) { FrameState stateAfterStart = createStateAfterStartOfReplacementGraph(); startNode.setStateAfter(stateAfterStart); } } } } try (DebugCloseable context = openNodeContext()) { if (method.isSynchronized()) { finishPrepare(lastInstr, BytecodeFrame.BEFORE_BCI, frameState); // add a monitor enter to the start block methodSynchronizedObject = synchronizedObject(frameState, method); frameState.clearNonLiveLocals(startBlock, liveness, true); assert bci() == 0; genMonitorEnter(methodSynchronizedObject, bci()); } ProfilingPlugin profilingPlugin = this.graphBuilderConfig.getPlugins().getProfilingPlugin(); if (profilingPlugin != null && profilingPlugin.shouldProfile(this, method)) { FrameState stateBefore = createCurrentFrameState(); profilingPlugin.profileInvoke(this, method, stateBefore); } finishPrepare(lastInstr, 0, frameState); genInfoPointNode(InfopointReason.METHOD_START, null); } currentBlock = blockMap.getStartBlock(); setEntryState(startBlock, frameState); if (startBlock.isLoopHeader()) { appendGoto(startBlock); } else { setFirstInstruction(startBlock, lastInstr); } BciBlock[] blocks = blockMap.getBlocks(); for (BciBlock block : blocks) { processBlock(block); } } } private boolean computeKindVerification(FrameStateBuilder startFrameState) { if (blockMap.hasJsrBytecodes) { /* * The JSR return address is an int value, but stored using the astore bytecode. Instead * of weakening the kind assertion checking for all methods, we disable it completely * for methods that contain a JSR bytecode. */ startFrameState.disableKindVerification(); } for (NodePlugin plugin : graphBuilderConfig.getPlugins().getNodePlugins()) { if (plugin.canChangeStackKind(this)) { /* * We have a plugin that can change the kind of values, so no kind assertion * checking is possible. */ startFrameState.disableKindVerification(); } } return true; }
Hook for subclasses to modify synthetic code (start nodes and unwind nodes).
  • instruction – the current last instruction
  • bci – the current bci
  • state – The current frame state.
/** * Hook for subclasses to modify synthetic code (start nodes and unwind nodes). * * @param instruction the current last instruction * @param bci the current bci * @param state The current frame state. */
protected void finishPrepare(FixedWithNextNode instruction, int bci, FrameStateBuilder state) { } protected void cleanupFinalGraph() { GraphUtil.normalizeLoops(graph); // Remove dead parameters. for (ParameterNode param : graph.getNodes(ParameterNode.TYPE)) { if (param.hasNoUsages()) { assert param.inputs().isEmpty(); param.safeDelete(); } } // Remove redundant begin nodes. for (BeginNode beginNode : graph.getNodes(BeginNode.TYPE)) { Node predecessor = beginNode.predecessor(); if (predecessor instanceof ControlSplitNode) { // The begin node is necessary. } else if (!beginNode.hasUsages()) { GraphUtil.unlinkFixedNode(beginNode); beginNode.safeDelete(); } } if (graph.isOSR() && getParent() == null && graph.getNodes().filter(EntryMarkerNode.class).isEmpty()) { // This should generally be a transient condition because of inconsistent profile // information. throw new RetryableBailoutException("OSR entry point wasn't parsed"); } }
Creates the frame state after the start node of a graph for an intrinsic that is the parse root (either for root compiling or for post-parse inlining).
/** * Creates the frame state after the start node of a graph for an {@link IntrinsicContext * intrinsic} that is the parse root (either for root compiling or for post-parse inlining). */
private FrameState createStateAfterStartOfReplacementGraph() { assert parent == null; assert frameState.getMethod().equals(intrinsicContext.getIntrinsicMethod()); assert bci() == 0; assert frameState.stackSize() == 0; FrameState stateAfterStart; if (intrinsicContext.isPostParseInlined()) { stateAfterStart = graph.add(new FrameState(BytecodeFrame.BEFORE_BCI)); } else { ResolvedJavaMethod original = intrinsicContext.getOriginalMethod(); ValueNode[] locals; if (original.getMaxLocals() == frameState.localsSize() || original.isNative()) { locals = new ValueNode[original.getMaxLocals()]; for (int i = 0; i < locals.length; i++) { ValueNode node = frameState.locals[i]; if (node == FrameState.TWO_SLOT_MARKER) { node = null; } locals[i] = node; } } else { locals = new ValueNode[original.getMaxLocals()]; int parameterCount = original.getSignature().getParameterCount(!original.isStatic()); for (int i = 0; i < parameterCount; i++) { ValueNode param = frameState.locals[i]; if (param == FrameState.TWO_SLOT_MARKER) { param = null; } locals[i] = param; assert param == null || param instanceof ParameterNode || param.isConstant(); } } ValueNode[] stack = {}; int stackSize = 0; ValueNode[] locks = {}; List<MonitorIdNode> monitorIds = Collections.emptyList(); stateAfterStart = graph.add(new FrameState(null, new ResolvedJavaMethodBytecode(original), 0, locals, stack, stackSize, locks, monitorIds, false, false)); } return stateAfterStart; }
  • type – the unresolved type of the constant
/** * @param type the unresolved type of the constant */
protected void handleUnresolvedLoadConstant(JavaType type) { assert !graphBuilderConfig.unresolvedIsError(); DeoptimizeNode deopt = append(new DeoptimizeNode(InvalidateRecompile, Unresolved)); /* * Track source position for deopt nodes even if * GraphBuilderConfiguration.trackNodeSourcePosition is not set. */ deopt.updateNodeSourcePosition(() -> createBytecodePosition()); }
  • type – the unresolved type of the type check
  • object – the object value whose type is being checked against type
/** * @param type the unresolved type of the type check * @param object the object value whose type is being checked against {@code type} */
protected void handleUnresolvedCheckCast(JavaType type, ValueNode object) { assert !graphBuilderConfig.unresolvedIsError(); append(new FixedGuardNode(graph.addOrUniqueWithInputs(IsNullNode.create(object)), Unresolved, InvalidateRecompile)); frameState.push(JavaKind.Object, appendConstant(JavaConstant.NULL_POINTER)); }
  • type – the unresolved type of the type check
  • object – the object value whose type is being checked against type
/** * @param type the unresolved type of the type check * @param object the object value whose type is being checked against {@code type} */
protected void handleUnresolvedInstanceOf(JavaType type, ValueNode object) { assert !graphBuilderConfig.unresolvedIsError(); AbstractBeginNode successor = graph.add(new BeginNode()); DeoptimizeNode deopt = graph.add(new DeoptimizeNode(InvalidateRecompile, Unresolved)); deopt.updateNodeSourcePosition(() -> createBytecodePosition()); append(new IfNode(graph.addOrUniqueWithInputs(IsNullNode.create(object)), successor, deopt, 1)); lastInstr = successor; frameState.push(JavaKind.Int, appendConstant(JavaConstant.INT_0)); }
  • type – the type being instantiated
/** * @param type the type being instantiated */
protected void handleUnresolvedNewInstance(JavaType type) { assert !graphBuilderConfig.unresolvedIsError(); DeoptimizeNode deopt = append(new DeoptimizeNode(InvalidateRecompile, Unresolved)); deopt.updateNodeSourcePosition(() -> createBytecodePosition()); }
  • type – the type being instantiated
/** * @param type the type being instantiated */
protected void handleIllegalNewInstance(JavaType type) { assert !graphBuilderConfig.unresolvedIsError(); DeoptimizeNode deopt = append(new DeoptimizeNode(InvalidateRecompile, Unresolved)); deopt.updateNodeSourcePosition(() -> createBytecodePosition()); }
  • type – the type of the array being instantiated
  • length – the length of the array
/** * @param type the type of the array being instantiated * @param length the length of the array */
protected void handleUnresolvedNewObjectArray(JavaType type, ValueNode length) { assert !graphBuilderConfig.unresolvedIsError(); DeoptimizeNode deopt = append(new DeoptimizeNode(InvalidateRecompile, Unresolved)); deopt.updateNodeSourcePosition(() -> createBytecodePosition()); }
  • type – the type being instantiated
  • dims – the dimensions for the multi-array
/** * @param type the type being instantiated * @param dims the dimensions for the multi-array */
protected void handleUnresolvedNewMultiArray(JavaType type, ValueNode[] dims) { assert !graphBuilderConfig.unresolvedIsError(); DeoptimizeNode deopt = append(new DeoptimizeNode(InvalidateRecompile, Unresolved)); deopt.updateNodeSourcePosition(() -> createBytecodePosition()); }
  • field – the unresolved field
  • receiver – the object containing the field or null if field is static
/** * @param field the unresolved field * @param receiver the object containing the field or {@code null} if {@code field} is static */
protected void handleUnresolvedLoadField(JavaField field, ValueNode receiver) { assert !graphBuilderConfig.unresolvedIsError(); DeoptimizeNode deopt = append(new DeoptimizeNode(InvalidateRecompile, Unresolved)); deopt.updateNodeSourcePosition(() -> createBytecodePosition()); }
  • field – the unresolved field
  • value – the value being stored to the field
  • receiver – the object containing the field or null if field is static
/** * @param field the unresolved field * @param value the value being stored to the field * @param receiver the object containing the field or {@code null} if {@code field} is static */
protected void handleUnresolvedStoreField(JavaField field, ValueNode value, ValueNode receiver) { assert !graphBuilderConfig.unresolvedIsError(); DeoptimizeNode deopt = append(new DeoptimizeNode(InvalidateRecompile, Unresolved)); deopt.updateNodeSourcePosition(() -> createBytecodePosition()); }
  • type –
/** * @param type */
protected void handleUnresolvedExceptionType(JavaType type) { assert !graphBuilderConfig.unresolvedIsError(); DeoptimizeNode deopt = append(new DeoptimizeNode(InvalidateRecompile, Unresolved)); deopt.updateNodeSourcePosition(() -> createBytecodePosition()); }
  • javaMethod –
  • invokeKind –
/** * @param javaMethod * @param invokeKind */
protected void handleUnresolvedInvoke(JavaMethod javaMethod, InvokeKind invokeKind) { assert !graphBuilderConfig.unresolvedIsError(); DeoptimizeNode deopt = append(new DeoptimizeNode(InvalidateRecompile, Unresolved)); deopt.updateNodeSourcePosition(() -> createBytecodePosition()); }
Returns:the entry point to exception dispatch
/** * @return the entry point to exception dispatch */
private AbstractBeginNode handleException(ValueNode exceptionObject, int bci, boolean deoptimizeOnly) { FixedWithNextNode currentLastInstr = lastInstr; assert bci == BytecodeFrame.BEFORE_BCI || bci == bci() : "invalid bci"; debug.log("Creating exception dispatch edges at %d, exception object=%s, exception seen=%s", bci, exceptionObject, (profilingInfo == null ? "" : profilingInfo.getExceptionSeen(bci))); FrameStateBuilder dispatchState = frameState.copy(); dispatchState.clearStack(); AbstractBeginNode dispatchBegin; if (exceptionObject == null) { ExceptionObjectNode newExceptionObject = graph.add(new ExceptionObjectNode(getMetaAccess())); dispatchState.push(JavaKind.Object, newExceptionObject); dispatchState.setRethrowException(true); newExceptionObject.setStateAfter(dispatchState.create(bci, newExceptionObject)); dispatchBegin = newExceptionObject; } else { dispatchBegin = graph.add(new BeginNode()); dispatchState.push(JavaKind.Object, exceptionObject); dispatchState.setRethrowException(true); } this.controlFlowSplit = true; FixedWithNextNode afterExceptionLoaded = finishInstruction(dispatchBegin, dispatchState); if (deoptimizeOnly) { DeoptimizeNode deoptimizeNode = graph.add(new DeoptimizeNode(DeoptimizationAction.None, DeoptimizationReason.TransferToInterpreter)); afterExceptionLoaded.setNext(BeginNode.begin(deoptimizeNode)); } else { createHandleExceptionTarget(afterExceptionLoaded, bci, dispatchState); } assert currentLastInstr == lastInstr; return dispatchBegin; } protected void createHandleExceptionTarget(FixedWithNextNode afterExceptionLoaded, int bci, FrameStateBuilder dispatchState) { FixedWithNextNode afterInstrumentation = afterExceptionLoaded; for (NodePlugin plugin : graphBuilderConfig.getPlugins().getNodePlugins()) { afterInstrumentation = plugin.instrumentExceptionDispatch(graph, afterInstrumentation, () -> dispatchState.create(bci, getNonIntrinsicAncestor(), false, null, null)); assert afterInstrumentation.next() == null : "exception dispatch instrumentation will be linked to dispatch block"; } BciBlock dispatchBlock = currentBlock.exceptionDispatchBlock(); /* * The exception dispatch block is always for the last bytecode of a block, so if we are not * at the endBci yet, there is no exception handler for this bci and we can unwind * immediately. */ if (bci != currentBlock.endBci || dispatchBlock == null) { dispatchBlock = blockMap.getUnwindBlock(); } FixedNode target = createTarget(dispatchBlock, dispatchState); afterInstrumentation.setNext(target); } protected ValueNode genLoadIndexed(ValueNode array, ValueNode index, GuardingNode boundsCheck, JavaKind kind) { return LoadIndexedNode.create(graph.getAssumptions(), array, index, boundsCheck, kind, getMetaAccess(), getConstantReflection()); } protected void genStoreIndexed(ValueNode array, ValueNode index, GuardingNode boundsCheck, GuardingNode storeCheck, JavaKind kind, ValueNode value) { add(new StoreIndexedNode(array, index, boundsCheck, storeCheck, kind, value)); } protected ValueNode genIntegerAdd(ValueNode x, ValueNode y) { return AddNode.create(x, y, NodeView.DEFAULT); } protected ValueNode genIntegerSub(ValueNode x, ValueNode y) { return SubNode.create(x, y, NodeView.DEFAULT); } protected ValueNode genIntegerMul(ValueNode x, ValueNode y) { return MulNode.create(x, y, NodeView.DEFAULT); } protected ValueNode genFloatAdd(ValueNode x, ValueNode y) { return AddNode.create(x, y, NodeView.DEFAULT); } protected ValueNode genFloatSub(ValueNode x, ValueNode y) { return SubNode.create(x, y, NodeView.DEFAULT); } protected ValueNode genFloatMul(ValueNode x, ValueNode y) { return MulNode.create(x, y, NodeView.DEFAULT); } protected ValueNode genFloatDiv(ValueNode x, ValueNode y) { return FloatDivNode.create(x, y, NodeView.DEFAULT); } protected ValueNode genFloatRem(ValueNode x, ValueNode y) { return RemNode.create(x, y, NodeView.DEFAULT); } protected ValueNode genIntegerDiv(ValueNode x, ValueNode y, GuardingNode zeroCheck) { return SignedDivNode.create(x, y, zeroCheck, NodeView.DEFAULT); } protected ValueNode genIntegerRem(ValueNode x, ValueNode y, GuardingNode zeroCheck) { return SignedRemNode.create(x, y, zeroCheck, NodeView.DEFAULT); } protected ValueNode genNegateOp(ValueNode x) { return NegateNode.create(x, NodeView.DEFAULT); } protected ValueNode genLeftShift(ValueNode x, ValueNode y) { return LeftShiftNode.create(x, y, NodeView.DEFAULT); } protected ValueNode genRightShift(ValueNode x, ValueNode y) { return RightShiftNode.create(x, y, NodeView.DEFAULT); } protected ValueNode genUnsignedRightShift(ValueNode x, ValueNode y) { return UnsignedRightShiftNode.create(x, y, NodeView.DEFAULT); } protected ValueNode genAnd(ValueNode x, ValueNode y) { return AndNode.create(x, y, NodeView.DEFAULT); } protected ValueNode genOr(ValueNode x, ValueNode y) { return OrNode.create(x, y, NodeView.DEFAULT); } protected ValueNode genXor(ValueNode x, ValueNode y) { return XorNode.create(x, y, NodeView.DEFAULT); } protected ValueNode genNormalizeCompare(ValueNode x, ValueNode y, boolean isUnorderedLess) { return FloatNormalizeCompareNode.create(x, y, isUnorderedLess, JavaKind.Int, getConstantReflection()); } protected ValueNode genIntegerNormalizeCompare(ValueNode x, ValueNode y) { return IntegerNormalizeCompareNode.create(x, y, false, JavaKind.Int, getConstantReflection()); } protected ValueNode genFloatConvert(FloatConvert op, ValueNode input) { return FloatConvertNode.create(op, input, NodeView.DEFAULT); } protected ValueNode genNarrow(ValueNode input, int bitCount) { return NarrowNode.create(input, bitCount, NodeView.DEFAULT); } protected ValueNode genSignExtend(ValueNode input, int bitCount) { return SignExtendNode.create(input, bitCount, NodeView.DEFAULT); } protected ValueNode genZeroExtend(ValueNode input, int bitCount) { return ZeroExtendNode.create(input, bitCount, NodeView.DEFAULT); } protected void genGoto() { ProfilingPlugin profilingPlugin = this.graphBuilderConfig.getPlugins().getProfilingPlugin(); if (profilingPlugin != null && profilingPlugin.shouldProfile(this, method)) { FrameState stateBefore = createCurrentFrameState(); int targetBci = currentBlock.getSuccessor(0).startBci; profilingPlugin.profileGoto(this, method, bci(), targetBci, stateBefore); } appendGoto(currentBlock.getSuccessor(0)); assert currentBlock.numNormalSuccessors() == 1; } protected LogicNode genObjectEquals(ValueNode x, ValueNode y) { return ObjectEqualsNode.create(getConstantReflection(), getMetaAccess(), options, x, y, NodeView.DEFAULT); } protected LogicNode genIntegerEquals(ValueNode x, ValueNode y) { return IntegerEqualsNode.create(getConstantReflection(), getMetaAccess(), options, null, x, y, NodeView.DEFAULT); } protected LogicNode genIntegerLessThan(ValueNode x, ValueNode y) { return IntegerLessThanNode.create(getConstantReflection(), getMetaAccess(), options, null, x, y, NodeView.DEFAULT); } protected ValueNode genUnique(ValueNode x) { return graph.addOrUniqueWithInputs(x); } protected LogicNode genUnique(LogicNode x) { return graph.addOrUniqueWithInputs(x); } protected ValueNode genIfNode(LogicNode condition, FixedNode trueSuccessor, FixedNode falseSuccessor, double d) { return new IfNode(condition, trueSuccessor, falseSuccessor, d); } protected void genThrow() { genInfoPointNode(InfopointReason.BYTECODE_POSITION, null); ValueNode exception = maybeEmitExplicitNullCheck(frameState.pop(JavaKind.Object)); if (!StampTool.isPointerNonNull(exception.stamp(NodeView.DEFAULT))) { FixedGuardNode nullCheck = append(new FixedGuardNode(graph.addOrUniqueWithInputs(IsNullNode.create(exception)), NullCheckException, InvalidateReprofile, true)); exception = graph.maybeAddOrUnique(PiNode.create(exception, exception.stamp(NodeView.DEFAULT).join(objectNonNull()), nullCheck)); } lastInstr.setNext(handleException(exception, bci(), false)); } protected LogicNode createInstanceOf(TypeReference type, ValueNode object) { return InstanceOfNode.create(type, object); } protected AnchoringNode createAnchor(JavaTypeProfile profile) { if (profile == null || profile.getNotRecordedProbability() > 0.0) { return null; } else { return BeginNode.prevBegin(lastInstr); } } protected LogicNode createInstanceOf(TypeReference type, ValueNode object, JavaTypeProfile profile) { return InstanceOfNode.create(type, object, profile, createAnchor(profile)); } protected LogicNode createInstanceOfAllowNull(TypeReference type, ValueNode object, JavaTypeProfile profile) { return InstanceOfNode.createAllowNull(type, object, profile, createAnchor(profile)); } protected ValueNode genConditional(ValueNode x) { return ConditionalNode.create((LogicNode) x, NodeView.DEFAULT); } protected NewInstanceNode createNewInstance(ResolvedJavaType type, boolean fillContents) { return new NewInstanceNode(type, fillContents); } protected NewArrayNode createNewArray(ResolvedJavaType elementType, ValueNode length, boolean fillContents) { return new NewArrayNode(elementType, length, fillContents); } protected NewMultiArrayNode createNewMultiArray(ResolvedJavaType type, ValueNode[] dimensions) { return new NewMultiArrayNode(type, dimensions); } protected ValueNode genLoadField(ValueNode receiver, ResolvedJavaField field) { StampPair stamp = graphBuilderConfig.getPlugins().getOverridingStamp(this, field.getType(), false); if (stamp == null) { return LoadFieldNode.create(getConstantFieldProvider(), getConstantReflection(), getMetaAccess(), getOptions(), getAssumptions(), receiver, field, false, false); } else { return LoadFieldNode.createOverrideStamp(getConstantFieldProvider(), getConstantReflection(), getMetaAccess(), getOptions(), stamp, receiver, field, false, false); } } protected StateSplitProxyNode genVolatileFieldReadProxy(ValueNode fieldRead) { return new StateSplitProxyNode(fieldRead); } protected ValueNode maybeEmitExplicitNullCheck(ValueNode receiver) { if (StampTool.isPointerNonNull(receiver.stamp(NodeView.DEFAULT)) || !needsExplicitNullCheckException(receiver)) { return receiver; } LogicNode condition = genUnique(IsNullNode.create(receiver)); AbstractBeginNode passingSuccessor = emitBytecodeExceptionCheck(condition, false, BytecodeExceptionKind.NULL_POINTER); return genUnique(PiNode.create(receiver, objectNonNull(), passingSuccessor)); } protected GuardingNode maybeEmitExplicitBoundsCheck(ValueNode receiver, ValueNode index) { if (!needsExplicitBoundsCheckException(receiver, index)) { return null; } ValueNode length = append(genArrayLength(receiver)); LogicNode condition = genUnique(IntegerBelowNode.create(getConstantReflection(), getMetaAccess(), options, null, index, length, NodeView.DEFAULT)); return emitBytecodeExceptionCheck(condition, true, BytecodeExceptionKind.OUT_OF_BOUNDS, index, length); } protected GuardingNode maybeEmitExplicitStoreCheck(ValueNode array, JavaKind elementKind, ValueNode value) { if (elementKind != JavaKind.Object || StampTool.isPointerAlwaysNull(value) || !needsExplicitStoreCheckException(array, value)) { return null; } ValueNode arrayClass = genUnique(LoadHubNode.create(array, getStampProvider(), getMetaAccess(), getConstantReflection())); ValueNode componentHub = append(LoadArrayComponentHubNode.create(arrayClass, getStampProvider(), getMetaAccess(), getConstantReflection())); LogicNode condition = genUnique(InstanceOfDynamicNode.create(graph.getAssumptions(), getConstantReflection(), componentHub, value, true)); return emitBytecodeExceptionCheck(condition, true, BytecodeExceptionKind.ARRAY_STORE, value); } protected GuardingNode maybeEmitExplicitDivisionByZeroCheck(ValueNode y) { if (!((IntegerStamp) y.stamp(NodeView.DEFAULT)).contains(0) || !needsExplicitDivisionByZeroException(y)) { return null; } ConstantNode zero = ConstantNode.defaultForKind(y.getStackKind(), graph); LogicNode condition = genUnique(IntegerEqualsNode.create(getConstantReflection(), getMetaAccess(), options, null, y, zero, NodeView.DEFAULT)); return emitBytecodeExceptionCheck(condition, false, BytecodeExceptionKind.DIVISION_BY_ZERO); } private AbstractBeginNode emitBytecodeExceptionCheck(LogicNode condition, boolean passingOnTrue, BytecodeExceptionKind exceptionKind, ValueNode... arguments) { if (passingOnTrue ? condition.isTautology() : condition.isContradiction()) { return null; } BytecodeExceptionNode exception = graph.add(new BytecodeExceptionNode(getMetaAccess(), exceptionKind, arguments)); AbstractBeginNode passingSuccessor = graph.add(new BeginNode()); FixedNode trueSuccessor = passingOnTrue ? passingSuccessor : exception; FixedNode falseSuccessor = passingOnTrue ? exception : passingSuccessor; append(new IfNode(condition, trueSuccessor, falseSuccessor, passingOnTrue ? LUDICROUSLY_FAST_PATH_PROBABILITY : LUDICROUSLY_SLOW_PATH_PROBABILITY)); lastInstr = passingSuccessor; exception.setStateAfter(createBytecodeExceptionFrameState(bci(), exception)); exception.setNext(handleException(exception, bci(), false)); EXPLICIT_EXCEPTIONS.increment(debug); return passingSuccessor; } protected ValueNode genArrayLength(ValueNode x) { return ArrayLengthNode.create(x, getConstantReflection()); } protected void genStoreField(ValueNode receiver, ResolvedJavaField field, ValueNode value) { StoreFieldNode storeFieldNode = new StoreFieldNode(receiver, field, maskSubWordValue(value, field.getJavaKind())); append(storeFieldNode); storeFieldNode.setStateAfter(this.createFrameState(stream.nextBCI(), storeFieldNode)); }
Ensure that concrete classes are at least linked before generating an invoke. Interfaces may never be linked so simply return true for them.
  • target –
Returns:true if the declared holder is an interface or is linked
/** * Ensure that concrete classes are at least linked before generating an invoke. Interfaces may * never be linked so simply return true for them. * * @param target * @return true if the declared holder is an interface or is linked */
private static boolean callTargetIsResolved(JavaMethod target) { if (target instanceof ResolvedJavaMethod) { ResolvedJavaMethod resolvedTarget = (ResolvedJavaMethod) target; ResolvedJavaType resolvedType = resolvedTarget.getDeclaringClass(); return resolvedType.isInterface() || resolvedType.isLinked(); } return false; }
Check if a type is resolved. Can be overwritten by sub-classes to implement different type resolution rules.
/** * Check if a type is resolved. Can be overwritten by sub-classes to implement different type * resolution rules. */
protected boolean typeIsResolved(JavaType type) { return type instanceof ResolvedJavaType; } protected void genInvokeStatic(int cpi, int opcode) { JavaMethod target = lookupMethod(cpi, opcode); assert !uninitializedIsError || (target instanceof ResolvedJavaMethod && ((ResolvedJavaMethod) target).getDeclaringClass().isInitialized()) : target; genInvokeStatic(target); } void genInvokeStatic(JavaMethod target) { if (callTargetIsResolved(target)) { ResolvedJavaMethod resolvedTarget = (ResolvedJavaMethod) target; ResolvedJavaType holder = resolvedTarget.getDeclaringClass(); maybeEagerlyInitialize(holder); ClassInitializationPlugin classInitializationPlugin = graphBuilderConfig.getPlugins().getClassInitializationPlugin(); if (!holder.isInitialized() && classInitializationPlugin == null) { handleUnresolvedInvoke(target, InvokeKind.Static); return; } ValueNode[] classInit = {null}; if (classInitializationPlugin != null) { classInitializationPlugin.apply(this, resolvedTarget.getDeclaringClass(), this::createCurrentFrameState, classInit); } ValueNode[] args = frameState.popArguments(resolvedTarget.getSignature().getParameterCount(false)); Invoke invoke = appendInvoke(InvokeKind.Static, resolvedTarget, args); if (invoke != null && classInit[0] != null) { invoke.setClassInit(classInit[0]); } } else { handleUnresolvedInvoke(target, InvokeKind.Static); } }
Creates a frame state for the current parse position.
/** * Creates a frame state for the current parse position. */
private FrameState createCurrentFrameState() { return frameState.create(bci(), getNonIntrinsicAncestor(), false, null, null); } protected void genInvokeInterface(int cpi, int opcode) { JavaMethod target = lookupMethod(cpi, opcode); JavaType referencedType = lookupReferencedTypeInPool(cpi, opcode); genInvokeInterface(referencedType, target); } protected void genInvokeInterface(JavaType referencedType, JavaMethod target) { if (callTargetIsResolved(target) && (referencedType == null || referencedType instanceof ResolvedJavaType)) { ValueNode[] args = frameState.popArguments(target.getSignature().getParameterCount(true)); Invoke invoke = appendInvoke(InvokeKind.Interface, (ResolvedJavaMethod) target, args); if (invoke != null) { invoke.callTarget().setReferencedType((ResolvedJavaType) referencedType); } } else { handleUnresolvedInvoke(target, InvokeKind.Interface); } } protected void genInvokeDynamic(int cpi, int opcode) { JavaMethod target = lookupMethod(cpi, opcode); genInvokeDynamic(target); } void genInvokeDynamic(JavaMethod target) { if (!(target instanceof ResolvedJavaMethod) || !genDynamicInvokeHelper((ResolvedJavaMethod) target, stream.readCPI4(), INVOKEDYNAMIC)) { handleUnresolvedInvoke(target, InvokeKind.Static); } } protected void genInvokeVirtual(int cpi, int opcode) { JavaMethod target = lookupMethod(cpi, opcode); if (callTargetIsResolved(target)) { genInvokeVirtual((ResolvedJavaMethod) target); } else { handleUnresolvedInvoke(target, InvokeKind.Virtual); } } protected void genInvokeVirtual(ResolvedJavaMethod resolvedTarget) { int cpi = stream.readCPI(); /* * Special handling for runtimes that rewrite an invocation of MethodHandle.invoke(...) or * MethodHandle.invokeExact(...) to a static adapter. HotSpot does this - see * https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/HotSpot/Method+handles+and+invokedynamic */ if (genDynamicInvokeHelper(resolvedTarget, cpi, INVOKEVIRTUAL)) { return; } ValueNode[] args = frameState.popArguments(resolvedTarget.getSignature().getParameterCount(true)); appendInvoke(InvokeKind.Virtual, resolvedTarget, args); } private boolean genDynamicInvokeHelper(ResolvedJavaMethod target, int cpi, int opcode) { assert opcode == INVOKEDYNAMIC || opcode == INVOKEVIRTUAL; InvokeDynamicPlugin invokeDynamicPlugin = graphBuilderConfig.getPlugins().getInvokeDynamicPlugin(); if (opcode == INVOKEVIRTUAL && invokeDynamicPlugin != null && !invokeDynamicPlugin.isResolvedDynamicInvoke(this, cpi, opcode)) { // regular invokevirtual, let caller handle it return false; } if (GeneratePIC.getValue(options) && (invokeDynamicPlugin == null || !invokeDynamicPlugin.supportsDynamicInvoke(this, cpi, opcode))) { // bail out if static compiler and no dynamic type support append(new DeoptimizeNode(InvalidateRecompile, Unresolved)); return true; } JavaConstant appendix = constantPool.lookupAppendix(cpi, opcode); ValueNode appendixNode = null; if (appendix != null) { if (invokeDynamicPlugin != null) { invokeDynamicPlugin.recordDynamicMethod(this, cpi, opcode, target); // Will perform runtime type checks and static initialization FrameState stateBefore = createCurrentFrameState(); appendixNode = invokeDynamicPlugin.genAppendixNode(this, cpi, opcode, appendix, stateBefore); } else { appendixNode = ConstantNode.forConstant(appendix, getMetaAccess(), graph); } frameState.push(JavaKind.Object, appendixNode); } else if (GeneratePIC.getValue(options)) { // Need to emit runtime guard and perform static initialization. // Not implemented yet. append(new DeoptimizeNode(InvalidateRecompile, Unresolved)); return true; } boolean hasReceiver = (opcode == INVOKEDYNAMIC) ? false : !target.isStatic(); ValueNode[] args = frameState.popArguments(target.getSignature().getParameterCount(hasReceiver)); if (hasReceiver) { appendInvoke(InvokeKind.Virtual, target, args); } else { appendInvoke(InvokeKind.Static, target, args); } return true; } protected void genInvokeSpecial(int cpi, int opcode) { JavaMethod target = lookupMethod(cpi, opcode); genInvokeSpecial(target); } void genInvokeSpecial(JavaMethod target) { if (callTargetIsResolved(target)) { assert target != null; assert target.getSignature() != null; ValueNode[] args = frameState.popArguments(target.getSignature().getParameterCount(true)); appendInvoke(InvokeKind.Special, (ResolvedJavaMethod) target, args); } else { handleUnresolvedInvoke(target, InvokeKind.Special); } } static class CurrentInvoke { final ValueNode[] args; final InvokeKind kind; final JavaType returnType; CurrentInvoke(ValueNode[] args, InvokeKind kind, JavaType returnType) { this.args = args; this.kind = kind; this.returnType = returnType; } } private CurrentInvoke currentInvoke; protected FrameStateBuilder frameState; protected BciBlock currentBlock; protected final BytecodeStream stream; protected final GraphBuilderConfiguration graphBuilderConfig; protected final ResolvedJavaMethod method; protected final Bytecode code; protected final BytecodeProvider bytecodeProvider; protected final ProfilingInfo profilingInfo; protected final OptimisticOptimizations optimisticOpts; protected final ConstantPool constantPool; protected final CoreProviders providers; protected final IntrinsicContext intrinsicContext; @Override public InvokeKind getInvokeKind() { return currentInvoke == null ? null : currentInvoke.kind; } @Override public JavaType getInvokeReturnType() { return currentInvoke == null ? null : currentInvoke.returnType; } private boolean forceInliningEverything; @Override public Invoke handleReplacedInvoke(InvokeKind invokeKind, ResolvedJavaMethod targetMethod, ValueNode[] args, boolean inlineEverything) { boolean previous = forceInliningEverything; forceInliningEverything = previous || inlineEverything; try { return appendInvoke(invokeKind, targetMethod, args); } finally { forceInliningEverything = previous; } } @Override public void handleReplacedInvoke(CallTargetNode callTarget, JavaKind resultType) { BytecodeParser intrinsicCallSiteParser = getNonIntrinsicAncestor(); ExceptionEdgeAction exceptionEdgeAction = intrinsicCallSiteParser == null ? getActionForInvokeExceptionEdge(null) : intrinsicCallSiteParser.getActionForInvokeExceptionEdge(null); createNonInlinedInvoke(exceptionEdgeAction, bci(), callTarget, resultType); } protected Invoke appendInvoke(InvokeKind initialInvokeKind, ResolvedJavaMethod initialTargetMethod, ValueNode[] args) { ResolvedJavaMethod targetMethod = initialTargetMethod; InvokeKind invokeKind = initialInvokeKind; if (initialInvokeKind.isIndirect()) { ResolvedJavaType contextType = this.frameState.getMethod().getDeclaringClass(); ResolvedJavaMethod specialCallTarget = MethodCallTargetNode.findSpecialCallTarget(initialInvokeKind, args[0], initialTargetMethod, contextType); if (specialCallTarget != null) { invokeKind = InvokeKind.Special; targetMethod = specialCallTarget; } } JavaKind resultType = targetMethod.getSignature().getReturnKind(); if (!parsingIntrinsic() && DeoptALot.getValue(options)) { append(new DeoptimizeNode(DeoptimizationAction.None, RuntimeConstraint)); frameState.pushReturn(resultType, ConstantNode.defaultForKind(resultType, graph)); return null; } JavaType returnType = maybeEagerlyResolve(targetMethod.getSignature().getReturnType(method.getDeclaringClass()), targetMethod.getDeclaringClass()); if (invokeKind.hasReceiver()) { args[0] = maybeEmitExplicitNullCheck(args[0]); } if (initialInvokeKind == InvokeKind.Special && !targetMethod.isConstructor()) { emitCheckForInvokeSuperSpecial(args); } else if (initialInvokeKind == InvokeKind.Interface && targetMethod.isPrivate()) { emitCheckForDeclaringClassChange(targetMethod.getDeclaringClass(), args); } InlineInfo inlineInfo = null; try { currentInvoke = new CurrentInvoke(args, invokeKind, returnType); if (tryNodePluginForInvocation(args, targetMethod)) { if (TraceParserPlugins.getValue(options)) { traceWithContext("used node plugin for %s", targetMethod.format("%h.%n(%p)")); } return null; } if (invokeKind.hasReceiver() && args[0].isNullConstant()) { append(new DeoptimizeNode(InvalidateRecompile, NullCheckException)); return null; } if (!invokeKind.isIndirect()) { if (tryInvocationPlugin(invokeKind, args, targetMethod, resultType)) { if (TraceParserPlugins.getValue(options)) { traceWithContext("used invocation plugin for %s", targetMethod.format("%h.%n(%p)")); } return null; } } if (invokeKind.isDirect()) { inlineInfo = tryInline(args, targetMethod); if (inlineInfo == SUCCESSFULLY_INLINED) { return null; } } } finally { currentInvoke = null; } int invokeBci = bci(); JavaTypeProfile profile = getProfileForInvoke(invokeKind); ExceptionEdgeAction edgeAction = getActionForInvokeExceptionEdge(inlineInfo); boolean partialIntrinsicExit = false; if (intrinsicContext != null && intrinsicContext.isCallToOriginal(targetMethod)) { partialIntrinsicExit = true; ResolvedJavaMethod originalMethod = intrinsicContext.getOriginalMethod(); BytecodeParser intrinsicCallSiteParser = getNonIntrinsicAncestor(); if (intrinsicCallSiteParser != null) { // When exiting a partial intrinsic, the invoke to the original // must use the same context as the call to the intrinsic. invokeBci = intrinsicCallSiteParser.bci(); profile = intrinsicCallSiteParser.getProfileForInvoke(invokeKind); edgeAction = intrinsicCallSiteParser.getActionForInvokeExceptionEdge(inlineInfo); } else { // We are parsing the intrinsic for the root compilation or for inlining, // This call is a partial intrinsic exit, and we do not have profile information // for this callsite. We also have to assume that the call needs an exception // edge. Finally, we know that this intrinsic is parsed for late inlining, // so the bci must be set to unknown, so that the inliner patches it later. assert intrinsicContext.isPostParseInlined(); invokeBci = UNKNOWN_BCI; profile = null; edgeAction = graph.method().getAnnotation(Snippet.class) == null ? ExceptionEdgeAction.INCLUDE_AND_HANDLE : ExceptionEdgeAction.OMIT; } if (originalMethod.isStatic()) { invokeKind = InvokeKind.Static; } else { // The original call to the intrinsic must have been devirtualized // otherwise we wouldn't be here. invokeKind = InvokeKind.Special; } Signature sig = originalMethod.getSignature(); returnType = sig.getReturnType(method.getDeclaringClass()); resultType = sig.getReturnKind(); assert intrinsicContext.allowPartialIntrinsicArgumentMismatch() || checkPartialIntrinsicExit(intrinsicCallSiteParser == null ? null : intrinsicCallSiteParser.currentInvoke.args, args); targetMethod = originalMethod; } Invoke invoke = createNonInlinedInvoke(edgeAction, invokeBci, args, targetMethod, invokeKind, resultType, returnType, profile); graph.getInliningLog().addDecision(invoke, false, "GraphBuilderPhase", null, null, "bytecode parser did not replace invoke"); if (partialIntrinsicExit) { // This invoke must never be later inlined as it might select the intrinsic graph. // Until there is a mechanism to guarantee that any late inlining will not select // the intrinsic graph, prevent this invoke from being inlined. invoke.setUseForInlining(false); } return invoke; }
Checks that the class of the receiver of an Bytecodes.INVOKEINTERFACE invocation of a private method is assignable to the interface that declared the method. If not, then deoptimize so that the interpreter can throw an IllegalAccessError. This is a check not performed by the verifier and so must be performed at runtime.
  • declaringClass – interface declaring the callee
  • args – arguments to an Bytecodes.INVOKEINTERFACE call to a private method declared in a interface
/** * Checks that the class of the receiver of an {@link Bytecodes#INVOKEINTERFACE} invocation of a * private method is assignable to the interface that declared the method. If not, then * deoptimize so that the interpreter can throw an {@link IllegalAccessError}. * * This is a check not performed by the verifier and so must be performed at runtime. * * @param declaringClass interface declaring the callee * @param args arguments to an {@link Bytecodes#INVOKEINTERFACE} call to a private method * declared in a interface */
private void emitCheckForDeclaringClassChange(ResolvedJavaType declaringClass, ValueNode[] args) { ValueNode receiver = args[0]; TypeReference checkedType = TypeReference.createTrusted(graph.getAssumptions(), declaringClass); LogicNode condition = genUnique(createInstanceOf(checkedType, receiver, null)); FixedGuardNode fixedGuard = append(new FixedGuardNode(condition, ClassCastException, None, false)); args[0] = append(PiNode.create(receiver, StampFactory.object(checkedType, true), fixedGuard)); }
Checks that the class of the receiver of an Bytecodes.INVOKESPECIAL in a method declared in an interface (i.e., a default method) is assignable to the interface. If not, then deoptimize so that the interpreter can throw an IllegalAccessError. This is a check not performed by the verifier and so must be performed at runtime.
/** * Checks that the class of the receiver of an {@link Bytecodes#INVOKESPECIAL} in a method * declared in an interface (i.e., a default method) is assignable to the interface. If not, * then deoptimize so that the interpreter can throw an {@link IllegalAccessError}. * * This is a check not performed by the verifier and so must be performed at runtime. * * @param args arguments to an {@link Bytecodes#INVOKESPECIAL} implementing a direct call to a * method in a super class */
protected void emitCheckForInvokeSuperSpecial(ValueNode[] args) { ResolvedJavaType callingClass = method.getDeclaringClass(); if (callingClass.getHostClass() != null) { callingClass = callingClass.getHostClass(); } if (callingClass.isInterface()) { ValueNode receiver = args[0]; TypeReference checkedType = TypeReference.createTrusted(graph.getAssumptions(), callingClass); LogicNode condition = genUnique(createInstanceOf(checkedType, receiver, null)); FixedGuardNode fixedGuard = append(new FixedGuardNode(condition, ClassCastException, None, false)); args[0] = append(PiNode.create(receiver, StampFactory.object(checkedType, true), fixedGuard)); } } protected JavaTypeProfile getProfileForInvoke(InvokeKind invokeKind) { if (invokeKind.isIndirect() && profilingInfo != null && this.optimisticOpts.useTypeCheckHints(getOptions())) { return profilingInfo.getTypeProfile(bci()); } return null; }
A partial intrinsic exits by (effectively) calling the intrinsified method. This call must use exactly the arguments to the call being intrinsified.
  • originalArgs – arguments of original call to intrinsified method
  • recursiveArgs – arguments of recursive call to intrinsified method
/** * A partial intrinsic exits by (effectively) calling the intrinsified method. This call must * use exactly the arguments to the call being intrinsified. * * @param originalArgs arguments of original call to intrinsified method * @param recursiveArgs arguments of recursive call to intrinsified method */
private static boolean checkPartialIntrinsicExit(ValueNode[] originalArgs, ValueNode[] recursiveArgs) { if (originalArgs != null) { for (int i = 0; i < originalArgs.length; i++) { ValueNode arg = GraphUtil.unproxify(recursiveArgs[i]); ValueNode icArg = GraphUtil.unproxify(originalArgs[i]); assert arg == icArg : String.format("argument %d of call denoting partial intrinsic exit should be %s, not %s", i, icArg, arg); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < recursiveArgs.length; i++) { ValueNode arg = GraphUtil.unproxify(recursiveArgs[i]); assert arg instanceof ParameterNode && ((ParameterNode) arg).index() == i : String.format("argument %d of call denoting partial intrinsic exit should be a %s with index %d, not %s", i, ParameterNode.class.getSimpleName(), i, arg); } } return true; } protected Invoke createNonInlinedInvoke(ExceptionEdgeAction exceptionEdge, int invokeBci, ValueNode[] invokeArgs, ResolvedJavaMethod targetMethod, InvokeKind invokeKind, JavaKind resultType, JavaType returnType, JavaTypeProfile profile) { StampPair returnStamp = graphBuilderConfig.getPlugins().getOverridingStamp(this, returnType, false); if (returnStamp == null) { returnStamp = StampFactory.forDeclaredType(graph.getAssumptions(), returnType, false); } MethodCallTargetNode callTarget = graph.add(createMethodCallTarget(invokeKind, targetMethod, invokeArgs, returnStamp, profile)); Invoke invoke = createNonInlinedInvoke(exceptionEdge, invokeBci, callTarget, resultType); for (InlineInvokePlugin plugin : graphBuilderConfig.getPlugins().getInlineInvokePlugins()) { plugin.notifyNotInlined(this, targetMethod, invoke); } return invoke; } protected Invoke createNonInlinedInvoke(ExceptionEdgeAction exceptionEdge, int invokeBci, CallTargetNode callTarget, JavaKind resultType) { if (exceptionEdge == ExceptionEdgeAction.OMIT) { return createInvoke(invokeBci, callTarget, resultType); } else { Invoke invoke = createInvokeWithException(invokeBci, callTarget, resultType, exceptionEdge); AbstractBeginNode beginNode = graph.add(KillingBeginNode.create(LocationIdentity.any())); invoke.setNext(beginNode); lastInstr = beginNode; return invoke; } }
Describes what should be done with the exception edge of an invocation. The edge can be omitted or included. An included edge can handle the exception or transfer execution to the interpreter for handling (deoptimize).
/** * Describes what should be done with the exception edge of an invocation. The edge can be * omitted or included. An included edge can handle the exception or transfer execution to the * interpreter for handling (deoptimize). */
protected enum ExceptionEdgeAction { OMIT, INCLUDE_AND_HANDLE, INCLUDE_AND_DEOPTIMIZE } protected ExceptionEdgeAction getActionForInvokeExceptionEdge(InlineInfo lastInlineInfo) { if (lastInlineInfo == InlineInfo.DO_NOT_INLINE_WITH_EXCEPTION) { return ExceptionEdgeAction.INCLUDE_AND_HANDLE; } else if (lastInlineInfo == InlineInfo.DO_NOT_INLINE_NO_EXCEPTION) { return ExceptionEdgeAction.OMIT; } else if (lastInlineInfo == InlineInfo.DO_NOT_INLINE_DEOPTIMIZE_ON_EXCEPTION) { return ExceptionEdgeAction.INCLUDE_AND_DEOPTIMIZE; } else if (graphBuilderConfig.getBytecodeExceptionMode() == BytecodeExceptionMode.CheckAll) { return ExceptionEdgeAction.INCLUDE_AND_HANDLE; } else if (graphBuilderConfig.getBytecodeExceptionMode() == BytecodeExceptionMode.ExplicitOnly) { return ExceptionEdgeAction.INCLUDE_AND_HANDLE; } else if (graphBuilderConfig.getBytecodeExceptionMode() == BytecodeExceptionMode.OmitAll) { return ExceptionEdgeAction.OMIT; } else { assert graphBuilderConfig.getBytecodeExceptionMode() == BytecodeExceptionMode.Profile; // be conservative if information was not recorded (could result in endless // recompiles otherwise) if (!StressInvokeWithExceptionNode.getValue(options)) { if (optimisticOpts.useExceptionProbability(getOptions())) { if (profilingInfo != null) { TriState exceptionSeen = profilingInfo.getExceptionSeen(bci()); if (exceptionSeen == TriState.FALSE) { return ExceptionEdgeAction.OMIT; } } } } return ExceptionEdgeAction.INCLUDE_AND_HANDLE; } }
Contains all the assertion checking logic around the application of an InvocationPlugin. This class is only loaded when assertions are enabled.
/** * Contains all the assertion checking logic around the application of an * {@link InvocationPlugin}. This class is only loaded when assertions are enabled. */
class InvocationPluginAssertions { final InvocationPlugin plugin; final ValueNode[] args; final ResolvedJavaMethod targetMethod; final JavaKind resultType; final int beforeStackSize; final boolean needsNullCheck; final int nodeCount; final Mark mark; InvocationPluginAssertions(InvocationPlugin plugin, ValueNode[] args, ResolvedJavaMethod targetMethod, JavaKind resultType) { guarantee(Assertions.assertionsEnabled(), "%s should only be loaded and instantiated if assertions are enabled", getClass().getSimpleName()); this.plugin = plugin; this.targetMethod = targetMethod; this.args = args; this.resultType = resultType; this.beforeStackSize = frameState.stackSize(); this.needsNullCheck = !targetMethod.isStatic() && args[0].getStackKind() == JavaKind.Object && !StampTool.isPointerNonNull(args[0].stamp(NodeView.DEFAULT)); this.nodeCount = graph.getNodeCount(); this.mark = graph.getMark(); } String error(String format, Object... a) { return String.format(format, a) + String.format("%n\tplugin at %s", plugin.getApplySourceLocation(getMetaAccess())); } boolean check(boolean pluginResult) { if (pluginResult) { /* * If lastInstr is null, even if this method has a non-void return type, the method * doesn't return a value, it probably throws an exception. */ int expectedStackSize = beforeStackSize + resultType.getSlotCount(); assert lastInstr == null || expectedStackSize == frameState.stackSize() : error("plugin manipulated the stack incorrectly: expected=%d, actual=%d", expectedStackSize, frameState.stackSize()); NodeIterable<Node> newNodes = graph.getNewNodes(mark); assert !needsNullCheck || isPointerNonNull(args[0].stamp(NodeView.DEFAULT)) : error("plugin needs to null check the receiver of %s: receiver=%s", targetMethod.format("%H.%n(%p)"), args[0]); for (Node n : newNodes) { if (n instanceof StateSplit) { StateSplit stateSplit = (StateSplit) n; assert stateSplit.stateAfter() != null || !stateSplit.hasSideEffect() : error("%s node added by plugin for %s need to have a non-null frame state: %s", StateSplit.class.getSimpleName(), targetMethod.format("%H.%n(%p)"), stateSplit); } } try { graphBuilderConfig.getPlugins().getInvocationPlugins().checkNewNodes(BytecodeParser.this, plugin, newNodes); } catch (Throwable t) { throw new AssertionError(error("Error in plugin"), t); } } else { assert nodeCount == graph.getNodeCount() : error("plugin that returns false must not create new nodes"); assert beforeStackSize == frameState.stackSize() : error("plugin that returns false must not modify the stack"); } return true; } } @SuppressWarnings("try") protected boolean tryInvocationPlugin(InvokeKind invokeKind, ValueNode[] args, ResolvedJavaMethod targetMethod, JavaKind resultType) { InvocationPlugin plugin = graphBuilderConfig.getPlugins().getInvocationPlugins().lookupInvocation(targetMethod); if (plugin != null) { if (intrinsicContext != null && intrinsicContext.isCallToOriginal(targetMethod)) { // Self recursive intrinsic means the original method should be called. return false; } InvocationPluginReceiver pluginReceiver = invocationPluginReceiver.init(targetMethod, args); assert invokeKind.isDirect() : "Cannot apply invocation plugin on an indirect call site."; InvocationPluginAssertions assertions = Assertions.assertionsEnabled() ? new InvocationPluginAssertions(plugin, args, targetMethod, resultType) : null; try (DebugCloseable context = openNodeContext(targetMethod)) { if (plugin.execute(this, targetMethod, pluginReceiver, args)) { assert assertions.check(true); return !plugin.isDecorator(); } else { assert assertions.check(false); } } } return false; } private boolean tryNodePluginForInvocation(ValueNode[] args, ResolvedJavaMethod targetMethod) { for (NodePlugin plugin : graphBuilderConfig.getPlugins().getNodePlugins()) { if (plugin.handleInvoke(this, targetMethod, args)) { return true; } } return false; } private static final InlineInfo SUCCESSFULLY_INLINED = InlineInfo.createStandardInlineInfo(null);
Try to inline a method. If the method was inlined, returns SUCCESSFULLY_INLINED. Otherwise, it returns the InlineInfo that lead to the decision to not inline it, or null if there is no InlineInfo for this method.
/** * Try to inline a method. If the method was inlined, returns {@link #SUCCESSFULLY_INLINED}. * Otherwise, it returns the {@link InlineInfo} that lead to the decision to not inline it, or * {@code null} if there is no {@link InlineInfo} for this method. */
private InlineInfo tryInline(ValueNode[] args, ResolvedJavaMethod targetMethod) { boolean canBeInlined = forceInliningEverything || parsingIntrinsic() || targetMethod.canBeInlined(); if (!canBeInlined) { return null; } if (forceInliningEverything) { if (inline(targetMethod, targetMethod, null, args)) { return SUCCESSFULLY_INLINED; } else { return null; } } for (InlineInvokePlugin plugin : graphBuilderConfig.getPlugins().getInlineInvokePlugins()) { InlineInfo inlineInfo = plugin.shouldInlineInvoke(this, targetMethod, args); if (inlineInfo != null) { if (inlineInfo.allowsInlining()) { if (inline(targetMethod, inlineInfo.getMethodToInline(), inlineInfo.getIntrinsicBytecodeProvider(), args)) { return SUCCESSFULLY_INLINED; } inlineInfo = null; } /* Do not inline, and do not ask the remaining plugins. */ return inlineInfo; } } // There was no inline plugin with a definite answer to whether or not // to inline. If we're parsing an intrinsic, then we need to enforce the // invariant here that methods are always force inlined in intrinsics/snippets. if (parsingIntrinsic()) { if (inline(targetMethod, targetMethod, this.bytecodeProvider, args)) { return SUCCESSFULLY_INLINED; } } return null; } private static final int ACCESSOR_BYTECODE_LENGTH = 5;
Tries to inline targetMethod if it is an instance field accessor. This avoids the overhead of creating and using a nested BytecodeParser object.
/** * Tries to inline {@code targetMethod} if it is an instance field accessor. This avoids the * overhead of creating and using a nested {@link BytecodeParser} object. */
@SuppressWarnings("try") private boolean tryFastInlineAccessor(ValueNode[] args, ResolvedJavaMethod targetMethod) { byte[] bytecode = targetMethod.getCode(); if (bytecode != null && bytecode.length == ACCESSOR_BYTECODE_LENGTH && Bytes.beU1(bytecode, 0) == ALOAD_0 && Bytes.beU1(bytecode, 1) == GETFIELD) { int b4 = Bytes.beU1(bytecode, 4); if (b4 >= IRETURN && b4 <= ARETURN) { int cpi = Bytes.beU2(bytecode, 2); JavaField field = targetMethod.getConstantPool().lookupField(cpi, targetMethod, GETFIELD); if (field instanceof ResolvedJavaField) { ValueNode receiver = invocationPluginReceiver.init(targetMethod, args).get(); ResolvedJavaField resolvedField = (ResolvedJavaField) field; try (DebugCloseable context = openNodeContext(targetMethod, 1)) { genGetField(resolvedField, receiver); notifyBeforeInline(targetMethod); printInlining(targetMethod, targetMethod, true, "inline accessor method (bytecode parsing)"); notifyAfterInline(targetMethod); } return true; } } } return false; }
Inline a method substitution graph. This is necessary for libgraal as substitutions only exist as encoded graphs and can't be parsed directly into the caller.
/** * Inline a method substitution graph. This is necessary for libgraal as substitutions only * exist as encoded graphs and can't be parsed directly into the caller. */
@Override @SuppressWarnings("try") public boolean intrinsify(ResolvedJavaMethod targetMethod, StructuredGraph substituteGraph, InvocationPlugin.Receiver receiver, ValueNode[] args) { if (receiver != null) { receiver.get(); } InvokeWithExceptionNode withException = null; FixedWithNextNode replacee = lastInstr; try (DebugContext.Scope a = debug.scope("instantiate", substituteGraph)) { // Inline the snippet nodes, replacing parameters with the given args in the process StartNode entryPointNode = substituteGraph.start(); FixedNode firstCFGNode = entryPointNode.next(); StructuredGraph replaceeGraph = replacee.graph(); Mark mark = replaceeGraph.getMark(); try (InliningScope inlineScope = new IntrinsicScope(this, targetMethod, args)) { EconomicMap<Node, Node> replacementsMap = EconomicMap.create(Equivalence.IDENTITY); for (ParameterNode param : substituteGraph.getNodes().filter(ParameterNode.class)) { replacementsMap.put(param, args[param.index()]); } replacementsMap.put(entryPointNode, AbstractBeginNode.prevBegin(replacee)); debug.dump(DebugContext.DETAILED_LEVEL, replaceeGraph, "Before inlining method substitution %s", substituteGraph.method()); UnmodifiableEconomicMap<Node, Node> duplicates = inlineMethodSubstitution(replaceeGraph, substituteGraph, replacementsMap); FixedNode firstCFGNodeDuplicate = (FixedNode) duplicates.get(firstCFGNode); replacee.setNext(firstCFGNodeDuplicate); debug.dump(DebugContext.DETAILED_LEVEL, replaceeGraph, "After inlining method substitution %s", substituteGraph.method()); // Handle partial intrinsic exits for (Node node : graph.getNewNodes(mark)) { if (node instanceof Invoke) { Invoke invoke = (Invoke) node; if (invoke.bci() == BytecodeFrame.UNKNOWN_BCI) { invoke.replaceBci(bci()); } if (node instanceof InvokeWithExceptionNode) { // The graphs for MethodSubsitutions are produced assuming that // exceptions // must be dispatched. If the calling context doesn't want exception // then // convert back into a normal InvokeNode. assert withException == null : "only one invoke expected"; withException = (InvokeWithExceptionNode) node; BytecodeParser intrinsicCallSiteParser = getNonIntrinsicAncestor(); if (intrinsicCallSiteParser != null && intrinsicCallSiteParser.getActionForInvokeExceptionEdge(null) == ExceptionEdgeAction.OMIT) { InvokeNode newInvoke = graph.add(new InvokeNode(withException)); newInvoke.setStateDuring(withException.stateDuring()); newInvoke.setStateAfter(withException.stateAfter()); withException.killExceptionEdge(); AbstractBeginNode next = withException.killKillingBegin(); FixedWithNextNode pred = (FixedWithNextNode) withException.predecessor(); pred.setNext(newInvoke); withException.setNext(null); newInvoke.setNext(next); withException.replaceAndDelete(newInvoke); } else { // Disconnnect exception edge withException.killExceptionEdge(); } } } else if (node instanceof ForeignCallNode) { ForeignCallNode call = (ForeignCallNode) node; if (call.getBci() == BytecodeFrame.UNKNOWN_BCI) { call.setBci(bci()); if (call.stateAfter() != null && call.stateAfter().bci == BytecodeFrame.INVALID_FRAMESTATE_BCI) { call.setStateAfter(inlineScope.stateBefore); } } } } ArrayList<ReturnToCallerData> calleeReturnDataList = new ArrayList<>(); for (ReturnNode n : substituteGraph.getNodes().filter(ReturnNode.class)) { ReturnNode returnNode = (ReturnNode) duplicates.get(n); FixedWithNextNode predecessor = (FixedWithNextNode) returnNode.predecessor(); calleeReturnDataList.add(new ReturnToCallerData(returnNode.result(), predecessor)); predecessor.setNext(null); returnNode.safeDelete(); } // Merge multiple returns processCalleeReturn(targetMethod, inlineScope, calleeReturnDataList); // Exiting this scope causes processing of the placeholder frame states. } if (withException != null && withException.isAlive()) { // Connect exception edge into main graph AbstractBeginNode exceptionEdge = handleException(null, bci(), false); withException.setExceptionEdge(exceptionEdge); } debug.dump(DebugContext.DETAILED_LEVEL, replaceeGraph, "After lowering %s with %s", replacee, this); return true; } catch (Throwable t) { throw debug.handle(t); } } private static UnmodifiableEconomicMap<Node, Node> inlineMethodSubstitution(StructuredGraph replaceeGraph, StructuredGraph snippet, EconomicMap<Node, Node> replacementsMap) { try (InliningLog.UpdateScope scope = replaceeGraph.getInliningLog().openUpdateScope((oldNode, newNode) -> { InliningLog log = replaceeGraph.getInliningLog(); if (oldNode == null) { log.trackNewCallsite(newNode); } })) { StartNode entryPointNode = snippet.start(); ArrayList<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<>(snippet.getNodeCount()); for (Node node : snippet.getNodes()) { if (node != entryPointNode && node != entryPointNode.stateAfter()) { nodes.add(node); } } UnmodifiableEconomicMap<Node, Node> duplicates = replaceeGraph.addDuplicates(nodes, snippet, snippet.getNodeCount(), replacementsMap); if (scope != null) { replaceeGraph.getInliningLog().addLog(duplicates, snippet.getInliningLog()); } return duplicates; } } @Override public boolean intrinsify(BytecodeProvider intrinsicBytecodeProvider, ResolvedJavaMethod targetMethod, ResolvedJavaMethod substitute, InvocationPlugin.Receiver receiver, ValueNode[] args) { if (receiver != null) { receiver.get(); } boolean res = inline(targetMethod, substitute, intrinsicBytecodeProvider, args); assert res : "failed to inline " + substitute; return res; } private boolean inline(ResolvedJavaMethod targetMethod, ResolvedJavaMethod inlinedMethod, BytecodeProvider intrinsicBytecodeProvider, ValueNode[] args) { try (InliningLog.RootScope scope = graph.getInliningLog().openRootScope(targetMethod, bci())) { IntrinsicContext intrinsic = this.intrinsicContext; if (intrinsic == null && !graphBuilderConfig.insertFullInfopoints() && targetMethod.equals(inlinedMethod) && (targetMethod.getModifiers() & (STATIC | SYNCHRONIZED)) == 0 && tryFastInlineAccessor(args, targetMethod)) { return true; } if (intrinsic != null && intrinsic.isCallToOriginal(targetMethod)) { if (intrinsic.isCompilationRoot()) { // A root compiled intrinsic needs to deoptimize // if the slow path is taken. During frame state // assignment, the deopt node will get its stateBefore // from the start node of the intrinsic append(new DeoptimizeNode(InvalidateRecompile, RuntimeConstraint)); printInlining(targetMethod, inlinedMethod, true, "compilation root (bytecode parsing)"); if (scope != null) { graph.getInliningLog().addDecision(scope.getInvoke(), true, "GraphBuilderPhase", null, null, "compilation root"); } return true; } else { if (intrinsic.getOriginalMethod().isNative()) { printInlining(targetMethod, inlinedMethod, false, "native method (bytecode parsing)"); if (scope != null) { graph.getInliningLog().addDecision(scope.getInvoke(), false, "GraphBuilderPhase", null, null, "native method"); } return false; } if (canInlinePartialIntrinsicExit()) { // Otherwise inline the original method. Any frame state created // during the inlining will exclude frame(s) in the // intrinsic method (see FrameStateBuilder.create(int bci)). notifyBeforeInline(inlinedMethod); printInlining(targetMethod, inlinedMethod, true, "partial intrinsic exit (bytecode parsing)"); if (scope != null) { graph.getInliningLog().addDecision(scope.getInvoke(), true, "GraphBuilderPhase", null, null, "partial intrinsic exit"); } parseAndInlineCallee(intrinsic.getOriginalMethod(), args, null); notifyAfterInline(inlinedMethod); return true; } else { printInlining(targetMethod, inlinedMethod, false, "partial intrinsic exit (bytecode parsing)"); if (scope != null) { graph.getInliningLog().addDecision(scope.getInvoke(), false, "GraphBuilderPhase", null, null, "partial intrinsic exit"); } return false; } } } else { boolean isIntrinsic = intrinsicBytecodeProvider != null; if (intrinsic == null && isIntrinsic) { assert !inlinedMethod.equals(targetMethod); intrinsic = new IntrinsicContext(targetMethod, inlinedMethod, intrinsicBytecodeProvider, INLINE_DURING_PARSING); } if (inlinedMethod.hasBytecodes()) { notifyBeforeInline(inlinedMethod); printInlining(targetMethod, inlinedMethod, true, "inline method (bytecode parsing)"); if (scope != null) { graph.getInliningLog().addDecision(scope.getInvoke(), true, "GraphBuilderPhase", null, null, "inline method"); } parseAndInlineCallee(inlinedMethod, args, intrinsic); notifyAfterInline(inlinedMethod); } else { printInlining(targetMethod, inlinedMethod, false, "no bytecodes (abstract or native) (bytecode parsing)"); if (scope != null) { graph.getInliningLog().addDecision(scope.getInvoke(), false, "GraphBuilderPhase", null, null, "no bytecodes (abstract or native)"); } return false; } } return true; } } protected void notifyBeforeInline(ResolvedJavaMethod inlinedMethod) { for (InlineInvokePlugin plugin : graphBuilderConfig.getPlugins().getInlineInvokePlugins()) { plugin.notifyBeforeInline(inlinedMethod); } } protected void notifyAfterInline(ResolvedJavaMethod inlinedMethod) { for (InlineInvokePlugin plugin : graphBuilderConfig.getPlugins().getInlineInvokePlugins()) { plugin.notifyAfterInline(inlinedMethod); } }
Determines if a partial intrinsic exit (i.e., a call to the original method within an intrinsic) can be inlined.
/** * Determines if a partial intrinsic exit (i.e., a call to the original method within an * intrinsic) can be inlined. */
protected boolean canInlinePartialIntrinsicExit() { return InlinePartialIntrinsicExitDuringParsing.getValue(options) && !IS_BUILDING_NATIVE_IMAGE && method.getAnnotation(Snippet.class) == null; } private void printInlining(ResolvedJavaMethod targetMethod, ResolvedJavaMethod inlinedMethod, boolean success, String msg) { if (success) { if (TraceInlineDuringParsing.getValue(options) || TraceParserPlugins.getValue(options)) { if (targetMethod.equals(inlinedMethod)) { traceWithContext("inlining call to %s", inlinedMethod.format("%h.%n(%p)")); } else { traceWithContext("inlining call to %s as intrinsic for %s", inlinedMethod.format("%h.%n(%p)"), targetMethod.format("%h.%n(%p)")); } } } if (HotSpotPrintInlining.getValue(options)) { if (targetMethod.equals(inlinedMethod)) { Util.printInlining(inlinedMethod, bci(), getDepth(), success, "%s", msg); } else { Util.printInlining(inlinedMethod, bci(), getDepth(), success, "%s intrinsic for %s", msg, targetMethod.format("%h.%n(%p)")); } } }
Prints a line to TTY with a prefix indicating the current parse context. The prefix is of the form:
{SPACE * n} {name of method being parsed} "(" {file name} ":" {line number} ")"
where n is the current inlining depth.
  • format – a format string
  • args – arguments to the format string
/** * Prints a line to {@link TTY} with a prefix indicating the current parse context. The prefix * is of the form: * * <pre> * {SPACE * n} {name of method being parsed} "(" {file name} ":" {line number} ")" * </pre> * * where {@code n} is the current inlining depth. * * @param format a format string * @param args arguments to the format string */
protected void traceWithContext(String format, Object... args) { StackTraceElement where = code.asStackTraceElement(bci()); String s = format("%s%s (%s:%d) %s", nSpaces(getDepth()), method.isConstructor() ? method.format("%h.%n") : method.getName(), where.getFileName(), where.getLineNumber(), format(format, args)); TTY.println(s); } protected RuntimeException throwParserError(Throwable e) { if (e instanceof BytecodeParserError) { throw (BytecodeParserError) e; } BytecodeParser bp = this; BytecodeParserError res = new BytecodeParserError(e); while (bp != null) { res.addContext("parsing " + bp.code.asStackTraceElement(bp.bci())); bp = bp.parent; } throw res; } protected void parseAndInlineCallee(ResolvedJavaMethod targetMethod, ValueNode[] args, IntrinsicContext calleeIntrinsicContext) { FixedWithNextNode calleeBeforeUnwindNode = null; ValueNode calleeUnwindValue = null; try (InliningScope s = parsingIntrinsic() ? null : (calleeIntrinsicContext != null ? new IntrinsicScope(this, targetMethod, args) : new InliningScope(this, targetMethod, args))) { BytecodeParser parser = graphBuilderInstance.createBytecodeParser(graph, this, targetMethod, INVOCATION_ENTRY_BCI, calleeIntrinsicContext); boolean targetIsSubstitution = targetMethod.isAnnotationPresent(MethodSubstitution.class); FrameStateBuilder startFrameState = new FrameStateBuilder(parser, parser.code, graph, graphBuilderConfig.retainLocalVariables() && !targetIsSubstitution); if (!targetMethod.isStatic()) { args[0] = nullCheckedValue(args[0]); } startFrameState.initializeFromArgumentsArray(args); parser.build(this.lastInstr, startFrameState); List<ReturnToCallerData> calleeReturnDataList = parser.returnDataList; /* * Propagate any side effects into the caller when parsing intrinsics. */ if (parser.frameState.isAfterSideEffect() && parsingIntrinsic()) { for (StateSplit sideEffect : parser.frameState.sideEffects()) { frameState.addSideEffect(sideEffect); } } processCalleeReturn(targetMethod, s, calleeReturnDataList); calleeBeforeUnwindNode = parser.getBeforeUnwindNode(); if (calleeBeforeUnwindNode != null) { calleeUnwindValue = parser.getUnwindValue(); assert calleeUnwindValue != null; } } /* * Method handleException will call createTarget, which wires this exception edge to the * corresponding exception dispatch block in the caller. In the case where it wires to the * caller's unwind block, any FrameState created meanwhile, e.g., FrameState for * LoopExitNode, would be instantiated with AFTER_EXCEPTION_BCI. Such frame states should * not be fixed by IntrinsicScope.close, as they denote the states of the caller. Thus, the * following code should be placed outside the IntrinsicScope, so that correctly created * FrameStates are not replaced. */ if (calleeBeforeUnwindNode != null) { calleeBeforeUnwindNode.setNext(handleException(calleeUnwindValue, bci(), false)); } } private ValueNode processCalleeReturn(ResolvedJavaMethod targetMethod, InliningScope inliningScope, List<ReturnToCallerData> calleeReturnDataList) { if (calleeReturnDataList == null) { /* Callee does not return. */ lastInstr = null; } else { ValueNode calleeReturnValue; MergeNode returnMergeNode = null; if (inliningScope != null) { inliningScope.returnDataList = calleeReturnDataList; } if (calleeReturnDataList.size() == 1) { /* Callee has a single return, we can continue parsing at that point. */ ReturnToCallerData singleReturnData = calleeReturnDataList.get(0); lastInstr = singleReturnData.beforeReturnNode; calleeReturnValue = singleReturnData.returnValue; } else { assert calleeReturnDataList.size() > 1; /* Callee has multiple returns, we need to insert a control flow merge. */ returnMergeNode = graph.add(new MergeNode()); calleeReturnValue = ValueMergeUtil.mergeValueProducers(returnMergeNode, calleeReturnDataList, returnData -> returnData.beforeReturnNode, returnData -> returnData.returnValue); } if (calleeReturnValue != null) { frameState.push(targetMethod.getSignature().getReturnKind().getStackKind(), calleeReturnValue); } if (returnMergeNode != null) { returnMergeNode.setStateAfter(createFrameState(stream.nextBCI(), returnMergeNode)); lastInstr = finishInstruction(returnMergeNode, frameState); } return calleeReturnValue; } return null; } public MethodCallTargetNode createMethodCallTarget(InvokeKind invokeKind, ResolvedJavaMethod targetMethod, ValueNode[] args, StampPair returnStamp, JavaTypeProfile profile) { return new MethodCallTargetNode(invokeKind, targetMethod, args, returnStamp, profile); } protected InvokeNode createInvoke(int invokeBci, CallTargetNode callTarget, JavaKind resultType) { InvokeNode invoke = append(new InvokeNode(callTarget, invokeBci)); frameState.pushReturn(resultType, invoke); invoke.setStateAfter(createFrameState(stream.nextBCI(), invoke)); return invoke; } protected InvokeWithExceptionNode createInvokeWithException(int invokeBci, CallTargetNode callTarget, JavaKind resultType, ExceptionEdgeAction exceptionEdgeAction) { if (currentBlock != null && stream.nextBCI() > currentBlock.endBci) { /* * Clear non-live locals early so that the exception handler entry gets the cleared * state. */ frameState.clearNonLiveLocals(currentBlock, liveness, false); } AbstractBeginNode exceptionEdge = handleException(null, bci(), exceptionEdgeAction == ExceptionEdgeAction.INCLUDE_AND_DEOPTIMIZE); InvokeWithExceptionNode invoke = append(new InvokeWithExceptionNode(callTarget, exceptionEdge, invokeBci)); frameState.pushReturn(resultType, invoke); invoke.setStateAfter(createFrameState(stream.nextBCI(), invoke)); return invoke; } protected void genReturn(ValueNode returnVal, JavaKind returnKind) { if (parsingIntrinsic() && returnVal != null) { if (returnVal instanceof StateSplit) { StateSplit stateSplit = (StateSplit) returnVal; FrameState stateAfter = stateSplit.stateAfter(); if (stateSplit.hasSideEffect()) { assert stateSplit != null; if (stateAfter.bci == BytecodeFrame.AFTER_BCI) { assert stateAfter.hasExactlyOneUsage(); assert stateAfter.usages().first() == stateSplit; FrameState state; if (returnVal.getStackKind() == JavaKind.Illegal) { // This should only occur when Fold and NodeIntrinsic plugins are // deferred. Their return value might not be a Java type and in that // case this can't be the final AFTER_BCI so just create a FrameState // without a return value on the top of stack. assert stateSplit instanceof Invoke; ResolvedJavaMethod targetMethod = ((Invoke) stateSplit).getTargetMethod(); assert targetMethod != null && (targetMethod.getAnnotation(Fold.class) != null || targetMethod.getAnnotation(Node.NodeIntrinsic.class) != null); state = new FrameState(BytecodeFrame.AFTER_BCI); } else { state = new FrameState(BytecodeFrame.AFTER_BCI, returnVal); } stateAfter.replaceAtUsages(graph.add(state)); GraphUtil.killWithUnusedFloatingInputs(stateAfter); } else { /* * This must be the return value from within a partial intrinsification. */ assert !BytecodeFrame.isPlaceholderBci(stateAfter.bci) || intrinsicContext.isDeferredInvoke(stateSplit); } } else { assert stateAfter == null; } } } ValueNode realReturnVal = processReturnValue(returnVal, returnKind); frameState.setRethrowException(false); frameState.clearStack(); beforeReturn(realReturnVal, returnKind); if (parent == null) { append(new ReturnNode(realReturnVal)); } else { if (returnDataList == null) { returnDataList = new ArrayList<>(); } returnDataList.add(new ReturnToCallerData(realReturnVal, lastInstr)); lastInstr = null; } } private ValueNode processReturnValue(ValueNode value, JavaKind kind) { JavaKind returnKind = method.getSignature().getReturnKind(); if (kind != returnKind) { // sub-word integer assert returnKind.isNumericInteger() && returnKind.getStackKind() == JavaKind.Int; IntegerStamp stamp = (IntegerStamp) value.stamp(NodeView.DEFAULT); // the bytecode verifier doesn't check that the value is in the correct range if (stamp.lowerBound() < returnKind.getMinValue() || returnKind.getMaxValue() < stamp.upperBound()) { return maskSubWordValue(value, returnKind); } } return value; } private void beforeReturn(ValueNode x, JavaKind kind) { if (graph.method() != null && graph.method().isJavaLangObjectInit()) { /* * Get the receiver from the initial state since bytecode rewriting could do arbitrary * things to the state of the locals. */ ValueNode receiver = graph.start().stateAfter().localAt(0); assert receiver != null && receiver.getStackKind() == JavaKind.Object; if (RegisterFinalizerNode.mayHaveFinalizer(receiver, graph.getAssumptions())) { append(new RegisterFinalizerNode(receiver)); } } genInfoPointNode(InfopointReason.METHOD_END, x); if (finalBarrierRequired) { assert originalReceiver != null; /* * When compiling an OSR with a final field store, don't bother tracking the original * receiver since the receiver cannot be EA'ed. */ append(new FinalFieldBarrierNode(entryBCI == INVOCATION_ENTRY_BCI ? originalReceiver : null)); } synchronizedEpilogue(BytecodeFrame.AFTER_BCI, x, kind); if (method.isSynchronized()) { finishPrepare(lastInstr, BytecodeFrame.AFTER_BCI, frameState); } } protected MonitorEnterNode createMonitorEnterNode(ValueNode x, MonitorIdNode monitorId) { return new MonitorEnterNode(x, monitorId); } protected void genMonitorEnter(ValueNode x, int bci) { MonitorIdNode monitorId = graph.add(new MonitorIdNode(frameState.lockDepth(true))); MonitorEnterNode monitorEnter = append(createMonitorEnterNode(x, monitorId)); frameState.pushLock(x, monitorId); monitorEnter.setStateAfter(createFrameState(bci, monitorEnter)); } protected void genMonitorExit(ValueNode x, ValueNode escapedValue, int bci) { if (frameState.lockDepth(false) == 0) { throw bailout("unbalanced monitors: too many exits"); } MonitorIdNode monitorId = frameState.peekMonitorId(); ValueNode lockedObject = frameState.popLock(); ValueNode originalLockedObject = GraphUtil.originalValue(lockedObject, false); ValueNode originalX = GraphUtil.originalValue(x, false); if (originalLockedObject != originalX) { throw bailout(String.format("unbalanced monitors: mismatch at monitorexit, %s != %s", originalLockedObject, originalX)); } MonitorExitNode monitorExit = append(new MonitorExitNode(lockedObject, monitorId, escapedValue)); monitorExit.setStateAfter(createFrameState(bci, monitorExit)); } protected void genJsr(int dest) { BciBlock successor = currentBlock.getJsrSuccessor(); assert successor.startBci == dest : successor.startBci + " != " + dest + " @" + bci(); JsrScope scope = currentBlock.getJsrScope(); int nextBci = getStream().nextBCI(); if (!successor.getJsrScope().pop().equals(scope)) { throw new JsrNotSupportedBailout("unstructured control flow (internal limitation)"); } if (successor.getJsrScope().nextReturnAddress() != nextBci) { throw new JsrNotSupportedBailout("unstructured control flow (internal limitation)"); } ConstantNode nextBciNode = getJsrConstant(nextBci); frameState.push(JavaKind.Object, nextBciNode); appendGoto(successor); } protected void genRet(int localIndex) { BciBlock successor = currentBlock.getRetSuccessor(); ValueNode local = frameState.loadLocal(localIndex, JavaKind.Object); JsrScope scope = currentBlock.getJsrScope(); int retAddress = scope.nextReturnAddress(); ConstantNode returnBciNode = getJsrConstant(retAddress); LogicNode guard = IntegerEqualsNode.create(getConstantReflection(), getMetaAccess(), options, null, local, returnBciNode, NodeView.DEFAULT); if (!guard.isTautology()) { throw new JsrNotSupportedBailout("cannot statically decide jsr return address " + local); } if (!successor.getJsrScope().equals(scope.pop())) { throw new JsrNotSupportedBailout("unstructured control flow (ret leaves more than one scope)"); } appendGoto(successor); } private ConstantNode getJsrConstant(long bci) { JavaConstant nextBciConstant = new RawConstant(bci); Stamp nextBciStamp = StampFactory.forConstant(nextBciConstant); ConstantNode nextBciNode = new ConstantNode(nextBciConstant, nextBciStamp); return graph.unique(nextBciNode); } protected void genIntegerSwitch(ValueNode value, ArrayList<BciBlock> actualSuccessors, int[] keys, double[] keyProbabilities, int[] keySuccessors) { if (value.isConstant()) { JavaConstant constant = (JavaConstant) value.asConstant(); int constantValue = constant.asInt(); for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) { if (keys[i] == constantValue) { appendGoto(actualSuccessors.get(keySuccessors[i])); return; } } appendGoto(actualSuccessors.get(keySuccessors[keys.length])); } else { this.controlFlowSplit = true; double[] successorProbabilities = successorProbabilites(actualSuccessors.size(), keySuccessors, keyProbabilities); IntegerSwitchNode switchNode = append(new IntegerSwitchNode(value, actualSuccessors.size(), keys, keyProbabilities, keySuccessors)); for (int i = 0; i < actualSuccessors.size(); i++) { switchNode.setBlockSuccessor(i, createBlockTarget(successorProbabilities[i], actualSuccessors.get(i), frameState)); } } }
Helper function that sums up the probabilities of all keys that lead to a specific successor.
Returns:an array of size successorCount with the accumulated probability for each successor.
/** * Helper function that sums up the probabilities of all keys that lead to a specific successor. * * @return an array of size successorCount with the accumulated probability for each successor. */
private static double[] successorProbabilites(int successorCount, int[] keySuccessors, double[] keyProbabilities) { double[] probability = new double[successorCount]; for (int i = 0; i < keySuccessors.length; i++) { probability[keySuccessors[i]] += keyProbabilities[i]; } return probability; } protected ConstantNode appendConstant(JavaConstant constant) { assert constant != null; return ConstantNode.forConstant(constant, getMetaAccess(), graph); } @Override public <T extends ValueNode> T append(T v) { assert !graph.trackNodeSourcePosition() || graph.currentNodeSourcePosition() != null || currentBlock == blockMap.getUnwindBlock() || currentBlock instanceof ExceptionDispatchBlock; if (v.graph() != null) { return v; } T added = graph.addOrUniqueWithInputs(v); if (added == v) { updateLastInstruction(v); } return added; } private <T extends ValueNode> void updateLastInstruction(T v) { if (v instanceof FixedNode) { FixedNode fixedNode = (FixedNode) v; if (lastInstr != null) { lastInstr.setNext(fixedNode); } if (fixedNode instanceof FixedWithNextNode) { FixedWithNextNode fixedWithNextNode = (FixedWithNextNode) fixedNode; assert fixedWithNextNode.next() == null : "cannot append instruction to instruction which isn't end"; lastInstr = fixedWithNextNode; } else { lastInstr = null; } } } private Target checkLoopExit(Target target, BciBlock targetBlock) { if (currentBlock != null) { long exits = currentBlock.loops & ~targetBlock.loops; if (exits != 0) { LoopExitNode firstLoopExit = null; LoopExitNode lastLoopExit = null; int pos = 0; ArrayList<BciBlock> exitLoops = new ArrayList<>(Long.bitCount(exits)); do { long lMask = 1L << pos; if ((exits & lMask) != 0) { exitLoops.add(blockMap.getLoopHeader(pos)); exits &= ~lMask; } pos++; } while (exits != 0); Collections.sort(exitLoops, new Comparator<BciBlock>() { @Override public int compare(BciBlock o1, BciBlock o2) { return Long.bitCount(o2.loops) - Long.bitCount(o1.loops); } }); int bci = targetBlock.startBci; if (targetBlock instanceof ExceptionDispatchBlock) { bci = ((ExceptionDispatchBlock) targetBlock).deoptBci; } FrameStateBuilder newState = target.state.copy(); for (BciBlock loop : exitLoops) { LoopBeginNode loopBegin = (LoopBeginNode) getFirstInstruction(loop); LoopExitNode loopExit = graph.add(new LoopExitNode(loopBegin)); if (lastLoopExit != null) { lastLoopExit.setNext(loopExit); } if (firstLoopExit == null) { firstLoopExit = loopExit; } lastLoopExit = loopExit; debug.log("Target %s Exits %s, scanning framestates...", targetBlock, loop); newState.clearNonLiveLocals(targetBlock, liveness, true); newState.insertLoopProxies(loopExit, getEntryState(loop)); loopExit.setStateAfter(newState.create(bci, loopExit)); } // Fortify: Suppress Null Dereference false positive assert lastLoopExit != null; if (target.originalEntry == null) { lastLoopExit.setNext(target.entry); return new Target(firstLoopExit, newState, target.entry); } else { target.originalEntry.replaceAtPredecessor(firstLoopExit); lastLoopExit.setNext(target.originalEntry); return new Target(target.entry, newState, target.originalEntry); } } } return target; } private Target checkUnwind(FixedNode target, BciBlock targetBlock, FrameStateBuilder state) { if (targetBlock != blockMap.getUnwindBlock()) { return new Target(target, state); } FrameStateBuilder newState = state; newState = newState.copy(); newState.setRethrowException(false); if (!method.isSynchronized()) { return new Target(target, newState); } FixedWithNextNode originalLast = lastInstr; FrameStateBuilder originalState = frameState; BeginNode holder = new BeginNode(); lastInstr = graph.add(holder); frameState = newState; assert frameState.stackSize() == 1; ValueNode exception = frameState.peekObject(); synchronizedEpilogue(BytecodeFrame.AFTER_EXCEPTION_BCI, exception, JavaKind.Void); lastInstr.setNext(target); lastInstr = originalLast; frameState = originalState; FixedNode result = holder.next(); holder.setNext(null); holder.safeDelete(); return new Target(result, newState, target); } private FrameStateBuilder getEntryState(BciBlock block) { return entryStateArray[block.id]; } private void setEntryState(BciBlock block, FrameStateBuilder entryState) { this.entryStateArray[block.id] = entryState; } private void setFirstInstruction(BciBlock block, FixedWithNextNode firstInstruction) { this.firstInstructionArray[block.id] = firstInstruction; } private FixedWithNextNode getFirstInstruction(BciBlock block) { return firstInstructionArray[block.id]; } private FixedNode createTarget(double probability, BciBlock block, FrameStateBuilder stateAfter) { assert probability >= 0 && probability <= 1.01 : probability; if (isNeverExecutedCode(probability)) { return graph.add(new DeoptimizeNode(InvalidateReprofile, UnreachedCode)); } else { assert block != null; return createTarget(block, stateAfter); } } private FixedNode createTarget(BciBlock block, FrameStateBuilder state) { return createTarget(block, state, false, false); } @SuppressWarnings("try") private FixedNode createTarget(BciBlock block, FrameStateBuilder state, boolean canReuseInstruction, boolean canReuseState) { assert block != null && state != null; assert !block.isExceptionEntry() || state.stackSize() == 1; try (DebugCloseable context = openNodeContext(state, block.startBci)) { if (getFirstInstruction(block) == null) { /* * This is the first time we see this block as a branch target. Create and return a * placeholder that later can be replaced with a MergeNode when we see this block * again. */ if (canReuseInstruction && (block.getPredecessorCount() == 1 || !controlFlowSplit) && !block.isLoopHeader() && (currentBlock.loops & ~block.loops) == 0 && currentBlock.getJsrScope() == block.getJsrScope()) { /* * If we know that no BeginNode is necessary, then we can avoid allocating and * later removing that node. This is strictly a performance optimization: * unnecessary BeginNode are allowed and will be removed later on. We need to be * careful though because the predecessor information is not always enough: when * the loop level changes, we always need a BeginNode. Also, JSR scope changes * required a BeginNode because the predecessors coming from RET bytecodes are * not reflected in the predecessor count. */ setFirstInstruction(block, lastInstr); lastInstr = null; } else { setFirstInstruction(block, graph.add(new BeginNode())); } Target target = checkUnwind(getFirstInstruction(block), block, state); target = checkLoopExit(target, block); FixedNode result = target.entry; FrameStateBuilder currentEntryState = target.state == state ? (canReuseState ? state : state.copy()) : target.state; setEntryState(block, currentEntryState); currentEntryState.clearNonLiveLocals(block, liveness, true); debug.log("createTarget %s: first visit, result: %s", block, result); return result; } if (getFirstInstruction(block) instanceof LoopBeginNode) { assert (block.isLoopHeader() && currentBlock.getId() >= block.getId()) : "must be backward branch"; /* * Backward loop edge. We need to create a special LoopEndNode and merge with the * loop begin node created before. */ LoopBeginNode loopBegin = (LoopBeginNode) getFirstInstruction(block); LoopEndNode loopEnd = graph.add(new LoopEndNode(loopBegin)); Target target = checkLoopExit(new Target(loopEnd, state), block); FixedNode result = target.entry; getEntryState(block).merge(loopBegin, target.state); debug.log("createTarget %s: merging backward branch to loop header %s, result: %s", block, loopBegin, result); return result; } assert currentBlock == null || currentBlock.getId() < block.getId() : "must not be backward branch"; assert getFirstInstruction(block).next() == null : "bytecodes already parsed for block"; if (getFirstInstruction(block) instanceof AbstractBeginNode && !(getFirstInstruction(block) instanceof AbstractMergeNode)) { /* * This is the second time we see this block. Create the actual MergeNode and the * End Node for the already existing edge. */ AbstractBeginNode beginNode = (AbstractBeginNode) getFirstInstruction(block); // The EndNode for the already existing edge. EndNode end = graph.add(new EndNode()); // The MergeNode that replaces the placeholder. AbstractMergeNode mergeNode = graph.add(new MergeNode()); FixedNode next = beginNode.next(); if (beginNode.predecessor() instanceof ControlSplitNode) { beginNode.setNext(end); } else { beginNode.replaceAtPredecessor(end); beginNode.safeDelete(); } mergeNode.addForwardEnd(end); mergeNode.setNext(next); setFirstInstruction(block, mergeNode); } AbstractMergeNode mergeNode = (AbstractMergeNode) getFirstInstruction(block); // The EndNode for the newly merged edge. EndNode newEnd = graph.add(new EndNode()); Target target = checkLoopExit(checkUnwind(newEnd, block, state), block); FixedNode result = target.entry; getEntryState(block).merge(mergeNode, target.state); mergeNode.addForwardEnd(newEnd); debug.log("createTarget %s: merging state, result: %s", block, result); return result; } }
Returns a block begin node with the specified state. If the specified probability is 0, the block deoptimizes immediately.
/** * Returns a block begin node with the specified state. If the specified probability is 0, the * block deoptimizes immediately. */
private AbstractBeginNode createBlockTarget(double probability, BciBlock block, FrameStateBuilder stateAfter) { FixedNode target = createTarget(probability, block, stateAfter); AbstractBeginNode begin = BeginNode.begin(target); assert !(target instanceof DeoptimizeNode && begin instanceof BeginStateSplitNode && ((BeginStateSplitNode) begin).stateAfter() != null) : "We are not allowed to set the stateAfter of the begin node," + " because we have to deoptimize to a bci _before_ the actual if, so that the interpreter can update the profiling information."; return begin; } private ValueNode synchronizedObject(FrameStateBuilder state, ResolvedJavaMethod target) { if (target.isStatic()) { return appendConstant(getConstantReflection().asJavaClass(target.getDeclaringClass())); } else { return state.loadLocal(0, JavaKind.Object); } } @SuppressWarnings("try") protected void processBlock(BciBlock block) { // Ignore blocks that have no predecessors by the time their bytecodes are parsed FixedWithNextNode firstInstruction = getFirstInstruction(block); if (firstInstruction == null) { debug.log("Ignoring block %s", block); return; } try (Indent indent = debug.logAndIndent("Parsing block %s firstInstruction: %s loopHeader: %b", block, firstInstruction, block.isLoopHeader())) { lastInstr = firstInstruction; frameState = getEntryState(block); setCurrentFrameState(frameState); currentBlock = block; if (block != blockMap.getUnwindBlock() && !(block instanceof ExceptionDispatchBlock)) { frameState.setRethrowException(false); } if (firstInstruction instanceof AbstractMergeNode) { setMergeStateAfter(block, firstInstruction); } if (block == blockMap.getUnwindBlock()) { handleUnwindBlock((ExceptionDispatchBlock) block); } else if (block instanceof ExceptionDispatchBlock) { createExceptionDispatch((ExceptionDispatchBlock) block); } else { iterateBytecodesForBlock(block); } } } private void handleUnwindBlock(ExceptionDispatchBlock block) { if (frameState.lockDepth(false) != 0) { throw bailout("unbalanced monitors: too few exits exiting frame"); } assert !frameState.rethrowException(); finishPrepare(lastInstr, block.deoptBci, frameState); if (parent == null) { createUnwind(); } else { this.unwindValue = frameState.pop(JavaKind.Object); this.beforeUnwindNode = this.lastInstr; } } private void setMergeStateAfter(BciBlock block, FixedWithNextNode firstInstruction) { AbstractMergeNode abstractMergeNode = (AbstractMergeNode) firstInstruction; if (abstractMergeNode.stateAfter() == null) { int bci = block.startBci; if (block instanceof ExceptionDispatchBlock) { bci = ((ExceptionDispatchBlock) block).deoptBci; } abstractMergeNode.setStateAfter(createFrameState(bci, abstractMergeNode)); } } @SuppressWarnings("try") private void createUnwind() { assert frameState.stackSize() == 1 : frameState; try (DebugCloseable context = openNodeContext(frameState, BytecodeFrame.UNWIND_BCI)) { ValueNode exception = frameState.pop(JavaKind.Object); append(new UnwindNode(exception)); } } @SuppressWarnings("try") private void synchronizedEpilogue(int bci, ValueNode currentReturnValue, JavaKind currentReturnValueKind) { try (DebugCloseable context = openNodeContext(frameState, bci)) { if (method.isSynchronized()) { if (currentReturnValueKind != JavaKind.Void) { // we are making a state that should look like the state after the return: // push the return value on the stack frameState.push(currentReturnValueKind, currentReturnValue); } genMonitorExit(methodSynchronizedObject, currentReturnValue, bci); assert !frameState.rethrowException(); } if (frameState.lockDepth(false) != 0) { throw bailout("unbalanced monitors: too few exits exiting frame"); } } } @SuppressWarnings("try") private void createExceptionDispatch(ExceptionDispatchBlock block) { try (DebugCloseable context = openNodeContext(frameState, BytecodeFrame.AFTER_EXCEPTION_BCI)) { lastInstr = finishInstruction(lastInstr, frameState); assert frameState.stackSize() == 1 : frameState; if (block.handler.isCatchAll()) { assert block.getSuccessorCount() == 1; appendGoto(block.getSuccessor(0)); return; } JavaType catchType = block.handler.getCatchType(); if (graphBuilderConfig.eagerResolving()) { catchType = lookupType(block.handler.catchTypeCPI(), INSTANCEOF); } if (typeIsResolved(catchType)) { TypeReference checkedCatchType = TypeReference.createTrusted(graph.getAssumptions(), (ResolvedJavaType) catchType); if (graphBuilderConfig.getSkippedExceptionTypes() != null) { for (ResolvedJavaType skippedType : graphBuilderConfig.getSkippedExceptionTypes()) { if (skippedType.isAssignableFrom(checkedCatchType.getType())) { BciBlock nextBlock = block.getSuccessorCount() == 1 ? blockMap.getUnwindBlock() : block.getSuccessor(1); ValueNode exception = frameState.stack[0]; FixedNode trueSuccessor = graph.add(new DeoptimizeNode(InvalidateReprofile, UnreachedCode)); FixedNode nextDispatch = createTarget(nextBlock, frameState); append(new IfNode(graph.addOrUniqueWithInputs(createInstanceOf(checkedCatchType, exception)), trueSuccessor, nextDispatch, 0)); return; } } } BciBlock nextBlock = block.getSuccessorCount() == 1 ? blockMap.getUnwindBlock() : block.getSuccessor(1); ValueNode exception = frameState.stack[0]; /* * Anchor for the piNode, which must be before any LoopExit inserted by * createTarget. */ BeginNode piNodeAnchor = graph.add(new BeginNode()); ObjectStamp checkedStamp = StampFactory.objectNonNull(checkedCatchType); PiNode piNode = graph.addWithoutUnique(new PiNode(exception, checkedStamp)); frameState.pop(JavaKind.Object); frameState.push(JavaKind.Object, piNode); FixedNode catchSuccessor = createTarget(block.getSuccessor(0), frameState); frameState.pop(JavaKind.Object); frameState.push(JavaKind.Object, exception); FixedNode nextDispatch = createTarget(nextBlock, frameState); piNodeAnchor.setNext(catchSuccessor); IfNode ifNode = append(new IfNode(graph.unique(createInstanceOf(checkedCatchType, exception)), piNodeAnchor, nextDispatch, 0.5)); assert ifNode.trueSuccessor() == piNodeAnchor; piNode.setGuard(ifNode.trueSuccessor()); } else { handleUnresolvedExceptionType(catchType); } } } private void appendGoto(BciBlock successor) { FixedNode targetInstr = createTarget(successor, frameState, true, true); if (lastInstr != null && lastInstr != targetInstr) { lastInstr.setNext(targetInstr); } } @SuppressWarnings("try") protected void iterateBytecodesForBlock(BciBlock block) { if (block.isLoopHeader()) { // Create the loop header block, which later will merge the backward branches of // the loop. controlFlowSplit = true; LoopBeginNode loopBegin = appendLoopBegin(this.lastInstr, block.startBci); lastInstr = loopBegin; // Create phi functions for all local variables and operand stack slots. frameState.insertLoopPhis(liveness, block.loopId, loopBegin, forceLoopPhis() || this.graphBuilderConfig.replaceLocalsWithConstants(), stampFromValueForForcedPhis()); loopBegin.setStateAfter(createFrameState(block.startBci, loopBegin)); /* * We have seen all forward branches. All subsequent backward branches will merge to the * loop header. This ensures that the loop header has exactly one non-loop predecessor. */ setFirstInstruction(block, loopBegin); /* * We need to preserve the frame state builder of the loop header so that we can merge * values for phi functions, so make a copy of it. */ setEntryState(block, frameState.copy()); debug.log(" created loop header %s", loopBegin); } else if (lastInstr instanceof MergeNode) { /* * All inputs of non-loop phi nodes are known by now. We can infer the stamp for the * phi, so that parsing continues with more precise type information. */ frameState.inferPhiStamps((AbstractMergeNode) lastInstr); } assert lastInstr.next() == null : "instructions already appended at block " + block; debug.log(" frameState: %s", frameState); lastInstr = finishInstruction(lastInstr, frameState); int endBCI = stream.endBCI(); stream.setBCI(block.startBci); int bci = block.startBci; BytecodesParsed.add(debug, block.endBci - bci); /* Reset line number for new block */ if (graphBuilderConfig.insertFullInfopoints()) { previousLineNumber = -1; } while (bci < endBCI) { try (DebugCloseable context = openNodeContext()) { if (graphBuilderConfig.insertFullInfopoints() && !parsingIntrinsic()) { currentLineNumber = lnt != null ? lnt.getLineNumber(bci) : -1; if (currentLineNumber != previousLineNumber) { genInfoPointNode(InfopointReason.BYTECODE_POSITION, null); previousLineNumber = currentLineNumber; } } // read the opcode int opcode = stream.currentBC(); if (traceLevel != 0) { traceInstruction(bci, opcode, bci == block.startBci); } if (parent == null && bci == entryBCI) { if (block.getJsrScope() != JsrScope.EMPTY_SCOPE) { throw new JsrNotSupportedBailout("OSR into a JSR scope is not supported"); } EntryMarkerNode x = append(new EntryMarkerNode()); frameState.insertProxies(value -> graph.unique(new EntryProxyNode(value, x))); x.setStateAfter(createFrameState(bci, x)); } processBytecode(bci, opcode); } catch (BailoutException e) { // Don't wrap bailouts as parser errors throw e; } catch (Throwable e) { throw throwParserError(e); } if (lastInstr == null || lastInstr.next() != null) { break; } stream.next(); bci = stream.currentBCI(); assert block == currentBlock; assert checkLastInstruction(); lastInstr = finishInstruction(lastInstr, frameState); if (bci < endBCI) { if (bci > block.endBci) { assert !block.getSuccessor(0).isExceptionEntry(); assert block.numNormalSuccessors() == 1; // we fell through to the next block, add a goto and break appendGoto(block.getSuccessor(0)); break; } } } } private DebugCloseable openNodeContext(FrameStateBuilder state, int startBci) { if (graph.trackNodeSourcePosition()) { return graph.withNodeSourcePosition(state.createBytecodePosition(startBci)); } return null; } private DebugCloseable openNodeContext(ResolvedJavaMethod targetMethod) { return openNodeContext(targetMethod, -1); } private DebugCloseable openNodeContext(ResolvedJavaMethod targetMethod, int bci) { if (graph.trackNodeSourcePosition()) { return graph.withNodeSourcePosition(new NodeSourcePosition(createBytecodePosition(), targetMethod, bci)); } return null; } private DebugCloseable openNodeContext() { return openNodeContext(frameState, bci()); } /* Also a hook for subclasses. */ protected boolean forceLoopPhis() { return graph.isOSR(); } /* Hook for subclasses. */ protected boolean stampFromValueForForcedPhis() { return false; } protected boolean checkLastInstruction() { if (lastInstr instanceof BeginNode) { // ignore } else if (lastInstr instanceof StateSplit) { StateSplit stateSplit = (StateSplit) lastInstr; if (stateSplit.hasSideEffect()) { assert stateSplit.stateAfter() != null : "side effect " + lastInstr + " requires a non-null stateAfter"; } } return true; } /* Also a hook for subclasses. */ protected boolean disableLoopSafepoint() { return parsingIntrinsic(); } @SuppressWarnings("try") private LoopBeginNode appendLoopBegin(FixedWithNextNode fixedWithNext, int startBci) { try (DebugCloseable context = openNodeContext(frameState, startBci)) { EndNode preLoopEnd = graph.add(new EndNode()); LoopBeginNode loopBegin = graph.add(new LoopBeginNode()); if (disableLoopSafepoint()) { loopBegin.disableSafepoint(); } fixedWithNext.setNext(preLoopEnd); // Add the single non-loop predecessor of the loop header. loopBegin.addForwardEnd(preLoopEnd); return loopBegin; } }
Hook for subclasses to modify the last instruction or add other instructions.
  • instr – The last instruction (= fixed node) which was added.
  • state – The current frame state.
Returns:Returns the (new) last instruction.
/** * Hook for subclasses to modify the last instruction or add other instructions. * * @param instr The last instruction (= fixed node) which was added. * @param state The current frame state. * @return Returns the (new) last instruction. */
protected FixedWithNextNode finishInstruction(FixedWithNextNode instr, FrameStateBuilder state) { return instr; } private void genInfoPointNode(InfopointReason reason, ValueNode escapedReturnValue) { if (!parsingIntrinsic() && graphBuilderConfig.insertFullInfopoints()) { append(new FullInfopointNode(reason, createFrameState(bci(), null), escapedReturnValue)); } } protected void genIf(ValueNode x, Condition cond, ValueNode y) { assert x.getStackKind() == y.getStackKind(); assert currentBlock.getSuccessorCount() == 2; BciBlock trueBlock = currentBlock.getSuccessor(0); BciBlock falseBlock = currentBlock.getSuccessor(1); if (trueBlock == falseBlock) { // The target block is the same independent of the condition. appendGoto(trueBlock); return; } ValueNode a = x; ValueNode b = y; BciBlock trueSuccessor = trueBlock; BciBlock falseSuccessor = falseBlock; CanonicalizedCondition canonicalizedCondition = cond.canonicalize(); // Check whether the condition needs to mirror the operands. if (canonicalizedCondition.mustMirror()) { a = y; b = x; } if (canonicalizedCondition.mustNegate()) { trueSuccessor = falseBlock; falseSuccessor = trueBlock; } // Create the logic node for the condition. LogicNode condition = createLogicNode(canonicalizedCondition.getCanonicalCondition(), a, b); double probability = -1; if (condition instanceof IntegerEqualsNode) { probability = extractInjectedProbability((IntegerEqualsNode) condition); // the probability coming from here is about the actual condition } if (probability == -1) { probability = getProfileProbability(canonicalizedCondition.mustNegate()); } genIf(condition, trueSuccessor, falseSuccessor, probability); } protected double getProfileProbability(boolean negate) { if (profilingInfo == null) { return 0.5; } assert assertAtIfBytecode(); double probability = profilingInfo.getBranchTakenProbability(bci()); if (probability < 0) { assert probability == -1 : "invalid probability"; debug.log("missing probability in %s at bci %d", code, bci()); return 0.5; } if (negate && shouldComplementProbability()) { // the probability coming from profile is about the original condition probability = 1 - probability; } return clampProbability(probability); } private double extractInjectedProbability(IntegerEqualsNode condition) { // Propagate injected branch probability if any. IntegerEqualsNode equalsNode = condition; BranchProbabilityNode probabilityNode = null; ValueNode other = null; if (equalsNode.getX() instanceof BranchProbabilityNode) { probabilityNode = (BranchProbabilityNode) equalsNode.getX(); other = equalsNode.getY(); } else if (equalsNode.getY() instanceof BranchProbabilityNode) { probabilityNode = (BranchProbabilityNode) equalsNode.getY(); other = equalsNode.getX(); } if (probabilityNode != null && probabilityNode.getProbability().isConstant() && other != null && other.isConstant()) { double probabilityValue = clampProbability(probabilityNode.getProbability().asJavaConstant().asDouble()); return other.asJavaConstant().asInt() == 0 ? 1.0 - probabilityValue : probabilityValue; } return -1; } protected void genIf(LogicNode conditionInput, BciBlock trueBlockInput, BciBlock falseBlockInput, double probabilityInput) { BciBlock trueBlock = trueBlockInput; BciBlock falseBlock = falseBlockInput; LogicNode condition = conditionInput; double probability = probabilityInput; FrameState stateBefore = null; ProfilingPlugin profilingPlugin = this.graphBuilderConfig.getPlugins().getProfilingPlugin(); if (profilingPlugin != null && profilingPlugin.shouldProfile(this, method)) { stateBefore = createCurrentFrameState(); } // Remove a logic negation node. if (condition instanceof LogicNegationNode) { LogicNegationNode logicNegationNode = (LogicNegationNode) condition; BciBlock tmpBlock = trueBlock; trueBlock = falseBlock; falseBlock = tmpBlock; if (shouldComplementProbability()) { // the probability coming from profile is about the original condition probability = 1 - probability; } condition = logicNegationNode.getValue(); } if (condition instanceof LogicConstantNode) { genConstantTargetIf(trueBlock, falseBlock, condition); } else { if (condition.graph() == null) { condition = genUnique(condition); } BciBlock deoptBlock = null; BciBlock noDeoptBlock = null; if (isNeverExecutedCode(probability)) { deoptBlock = trueBlock; noDeoptBlock = falseBlock; } else if (isNeverExecutedCode(1 - probability)) { deoptBlock = falseBlock; noDeoptBlock = trueBlock; } if (deoptBlock != null) { NodeSourcePosition currentPosition = graph.currentNodeSourcePosition(); NodeSourcePosition survivingSuccessorPosition = null; if (graph.trackNodeSourcePosition()) { survivingSuccessorPosition = new NodeSourcePosition(currentPosition.getCaller(), currentPosition.getMethod(), noDeoptBlock.startBci); } boolean negated = deoptBlock == trueBlock; if (!isPotentialCountedLoopExit(condition, deoptBlock)) { if (profilingPlugin != null && profilingPlugin.shouldProfile(this, method)) { profilingPlugin.profileGoto(this, method, bci(), noDeoptBlock.startBci, stateBefore); } append(new FixedGuardNode(condition, UnreachedCode, InvalidateReprofile, negated, survivingSuccessorPosition)); appendGoto(noDeoptBlock); } else { this.controlFlowSplit = true; FixedNode noDeoptSuccessor = createTarget(noDeoptBlock, frameState, false, true); DeoptimizeNode deopt = graph.add(new DeoptimizeNode(InvalidateReprofile, UnreachedCode)); /* * We do not want to `checkLoopExit` here: otherwise the deopt will go to the * deoptBlock's BCI, skipping the branch in the interpreter, and the profile * will never see that the branch is taken. This can lead to deopt loops or OSR * failure. */ double calculatedProbability = negated ? BranchProbabilityNode.DEOPT_PROBABILITY : 1.0 - BranchProbabilityNode.DEOPT_PROBABILITY; FixedNode deoptSuccessor = BeginNode.begin(deopt); ValueNode ifNode = genIfNode(condition, negated ? deoptSuccessor : noDeoptSuccessor, negated ? noDeoptSuccessor : deoptSuccessor, calculatedProbability); postProcessIfNode(ifNode); append(ifNode); } return; } if (profilingPlugin != null && profilingPlugin.shouldProfile(this, method)) { profilingPlugin.profileIf(this, method, bci(), condition, trueBlock.startBci, falseBlock.startBci, stateBefore); } int oldBci = stream.currentBCI(); int trueBlockInt = checkPositiveIntConstantPushed(trueBlock); if (trueBlockInt != -1) { int falseBlockInt = checkPositiveIntConstantPushed(falseBlock); if (falseBlockInt != -1) { if (tryGenConditionalForIf(trueBlock, falseBlock, condition, oldBci, trueBlockInt, falseBlockInt)) { return; } } } this.controlFlowSplit = true; FixedNode falseSuccessor = createTarget(falseBlock, frameState, false, false); FixedNode trueSuccessor = createTarget(trueBlock, frameState, false, true); if (this.graphBuilderConfig.replaceLocalsWithConstants() && condition instanceof CompareNode) { CompareNode compareNode = (CompareNode) condition; if (compareNode.condition() == CanonicalCondition.EQ) { ValueNode constantNode = null; ValueNode nonConstantNode = null; if (compareNode.getX() instanceof ConstantNode) { constantNode = compareNode.getX(); nonConstantNode = compareNode.getY(); } else if (compareNode.getY() instanceof ConstantNode) { constantNode = compareNode.getY(); nonConstantNode = compareNode.getX(); } if (constantNode != null && nonConstantNode != null) { this.getEntryState(trueBlock).replaceValue(nonConstantNode, constantNode); } } } ValueNode ifNode = genIfNode(condition, trueSuccessor, falseSuccessor, probability); postProcessIfNode(ifNode); append(ifNode); } } public boolean isPotentialCountedLoopExit(LogicNode condition, BciBlock target) { if (currentBlock != null) { long exits = currentBlock.loops & ~target.loops; if (exits != 0) { return condition instanceof CompareNode; } } return false; }
Hook for subclasses to decide whether the IfNode probability should be complemented during conversion to Graal IR.
/** * Hook for subclasses to decide whether the IfNode probability should be complemented during * conversion to Graal IR. */
protected boolean shouldComplementProbability() { return true; }
Hook for subclasses to generate custom nodes before an IfNode.
/** * Hook for subclasses to generate custom nodes before an IfNode. */
@SuppressWarnings("unused") protected void postProcessIfNode(ValueNode node) { } private boolean tryGenConditionalForIf(BciBlock trueBlock, BciBlock falseBlock, LogicNode condition, int oldBci, int trueBlockInt, int falseBlockInt) { if (gotoOrFallThroughAfterConstant(trueBlock) && gotoOrFallThroughAfterConstant(falseBlock) && trueBlock.getSuccessor(0) == falseBlock.getSuccessor(0)) { genConditionalForIf(trueBlock, condition, oldBci, trueBlockInt, falseBlockInt, false); return true; } else if (this.parent != null && returnAfterConstant(trueBlock) && returnAfterConstant(falseBlock)) { genConditionalForIf(trueBlock, condition, oldBci, trueBlockInt, falseBlockInt, true); return true; } return false; } private void genConditionalForIf(BciBlock trueBlock, LogicNode condition, int oldBci, int trueBlockInt, int falseBlockInt, boolean genReturn) { ConstantNode trueValue = graph.unique(ConstantNode.forInt(trueBlockInt)); ConstantNode falseValue = graph.unique(ConstantNode.forInt(falseBlockInt)); ValueNode conditionalNode = ConditionalNode.create(condition, trueValue, falseValue, NodeView.DEFAULT); if (conditionalNode.graph() == null) { conditionalNode = graph.addOrUniqueWithInputs(conditionalNode); } if (genReturn) { JavaKind returnKind = method.getSignature().getReturnKind().getStackKind(); this.genReturn(conditionalNode, returnKind); } else { frameState.push(JavaKind.Int, conditionalNode); appendGoto(trueBlock.getSuccessor(0)); stream.setBCI(oldBci); } } private LogicNode createLogicNode(CanonicalCondition cond, ValueNode a, ValueNode b) { assert !a.getStackKind().isNumericFloat(); switch (cond) { case EQ: if (a.getStackKind() == JavaKind.Object) { return genObjectEquals(a, b); } else { return genIntegerEquals(a, b); } case LT: assert a.getStackKind() != JavaKind.Object; return genIntegerLessThan(a, b); default: throw GraalError.shouldNotReachHere("Unexpected condition: " + cond); } } private void genConstantTargetIf(BciBlock trueBlock, BciBlock falseBlock, LogicNode condition) { LogicConstantNode constantLogicNode = (LogicConstantNode) condition; boolean value = constantLogicNode.getValue(); BciBlock nextBlock = falseBlock; if (value) { nextBlock = trueBlock; } int startBci = nextBlock.startBci; int targetAtStart = stream.readUByte(startBci); if (targetAtStart == Bytecodes.GOTO && nextBlock.getPredecessorCount() == 1) { // This is an empty block. Skip it. BciBlock successorBlock = nextBlock.successors.get(0); ProfilingPlugin profilingPlugin = graphBuilderConfig.getPlugins().getProfilingPlugin(); if (profilingPlugin != null && profilingPlugin.shouldProfile(this, method)) { FrameState stateBefore = createCurrentFrameState(); profilingPlugin.profileGoto(this, method, bci(), successorBlock.startBci, stateBefore); } appendGoto(successorBlock); assert nextBlock.numNormalSuccessors() == 1; } else { ProfilingPlugin profilingPlugin = graphBuilderConfig.getPlugins().getProfilingPlugin(); if (profilingPlugin != null && profilingPlugin.shouldProfile(this, method)) { FrameState stateBefore = createCurrentFrameState(); profilingPlugin.profileGoto(this, method, bci(), nextBlock.startBci, stateBefore); } appendGoto(nextBlock); } } private int checkPositiveIntConstantPushed(BciBlock block) { stream.setBCI(block.startBci); int currentBC = stream.currentBC(); if (currentBC >= Bytecodes.ICONST_0 && currentBC <= Bytecodes.ICONST_5) { int constValue = currentBC - Bytecodes.ICONST_0; return constValue; } return -1; } private boolean gotoOrFallThroughAfterConstant(BciBlock block) { stream.setBCI(block.startBci); int currentBCI = stream.nextBCI(); stream.setBCI(currentBCI); int currentBC = stream.currentBC(); return stream.currentBCI() > block.endBci || currentBC == Bytecodes.GOTO || currentBC == Bytecodes.GOTO_W; } private boolean returnAfterConstant(BciBlock block) { stream.setBCI(block.startBci); int currentBCI = stream.nextBCI(); stream.setBCI(currentBCI); int currentBC = stream.currentBC(); return currentBC == Bytecodes.IRETURN; } @Override public StampProvider getStampProvider() { return providers.getStampProvider(); } @Override public MetaAccessProvider getMetaAccess() { return providers.getMetaAccess(); } @Override public Replacements getReplacements() { return providers.getReplacements(); } @Override public void push(JavaKind slotKind, ValueNode value) { assert value.isAlive(); frameState.push(slotKind, value); } @Override public ValueNode pop(JavaKind slotKind) { return frameState.pop(slotKind); } @Override public ConstantReflectionProvider getConstantReflection() { return providers.getConstantReflection(); } @Override public ConstantFieldProvider getConstantFieldProvider() { return providers.getConstantFieldProvider(); }
Gets the graph being processed by this builder.
/** * Gets the graph being processed by this builder. */
@Override public StructuredGraph getGraph() { return graph; } @Override public BytecodeParser getParent() { return parent; } @Override public IntrinsicContext getIntrinsic() { return intrinsicContext; } @Override public String toString() { Formatter fmt = new Formatter(); BytecodeParser bp = this; String indent = ""; while (bp != null) { if (bp != this) { fmt.format("%n%s", indent); } fmt.format("%s [bci: %d, intrinsic: %s]", bp.code.asStackTraceElement(bp.bci()), bp.bci(), bp.parsingIntrinsic()); fmt.format("%n%s", new BytecodeDisassembler().disassemble(bp.code, bp.bci(), bp.bci() + 10)); bp = bp.parent; indent += " "; } return fmt.toString(); } @Override public BailoutException bailout(String string) { FrameState currentFrameState = createFrameState(bci(), null); StackTraceElement[] elements = GraphUtil.approxSourceStackTraceElement(currentFrameState); BailoutException bailout = new PermanentBailoutException(string); throw GraphUtil.createBailoutException(string, bailout, elements); } private FrameState createFrameState(int bci, StateSplit forStateSplit) { assert !(forStateSplit instanceof BytecodeExceptionNode); if (currentBlock != null && bci > currentBlock.endBci) { frameState.clearNonLiveLocals(currentBlock, liveness, false); } return frameState.create(bci, forStateSplit); } private FrameState createBytecodeExceptionFrameState(int bci, BytecodeExceptionNode bytecodeException) { FrameStateBuilder copy = frameState.copy(); copy.clearStack(); if (currentBlock != null) { copy.clearNonLiveLocals(currentBlock, liveness, false); } copy.setRethrowException(true); copy.push(JavaKind.Object, bytecodeException); return copy.create(bci, bytecodeException); } @Override public void setStateAfter(StateSplit sideEffect) { assert sideEffect.hasSideEffect() || sideEffect instanceof AbstractMergeNode; FrameState stateAfter = createFrameState(stream.nextBCI(), sideEffect); sideEffect.setStateAfter(stateAfter); } protected NodeSourcePosition createBytecodePosition() { NodeSourcePosition bytecodePosition = frameState.createBytecodePosition(bci()); return bytecodePosition; } public void setCurrentFrameState(FrameStateBuilder frameState) { this.frameState = frameState; } protected final BytecodeStream getStream() { return stream; } @Override public int bci() { return stream.currentBCI(); } public void loadLocal(int index, JavaKind kind) { ValueNode value = frameState.loadLocal(index, kind); frameState.push(kind, value); } @SuppressWarnings("try") public void loadLocalObject(int index) { ValueNode value = frameState.loadLocal(index, JavaKind.Object); int nextBCI = stream.nextBCI(); int nextBC = stream.readUByte(nextBCI); if (nextBCI <= currentBlock.endBci && nextBC == Bytecodes.GETFIELD) { stream.next(); try (DebugCloseable ignored = openNodeContext()) { genGetField(stream.readCPI(), Bytecodes.GETFIELD, value); } } else { frameState.push(JavaKind.Object, value); } } public void storeLocal(JavaKind kind, int index) { ValueNode value = frameState.pop(kind); frameState.storeLocal(index, kind, value); } protected void genLoadConstant(int cpi, int opcode) { Object con = lookupConstant(cpi, opcode); if (con instanceof JavaType) { // this is a load of class constant which might be unresolved JavaType type = (JavaType) con; if (typeIsResolved(type)) { frameState.push(JavaKind.Object, appendConstant(getConstantReflection().asJavaClass((ResolvedJavaType) type))); } else { handleUnresolvedLoadConstant(type); } } else if (con instanceof JavaConstant) { JavaConstant constant = (JavaConstant) con; frameState.push(constant.getJavaKind(), appendConstant(constant)); } else { throw new Error("lookupConstant returned an object of incorrect type"); } } private JavaKind refineComponentType(ValueNode array, JavaKind kind) { if (kind == JavaKind.Byte) { JavaType type = array.stamp(NodeView.DEFAULT).javaType(getMetaAccess()); if (type.isArray()) { JavaType componentType = type.getComponentType(); if (componentType != null) { JavaKind refinedKind = componentType.getJavaKind(); assert refinedKind == JavaKind.Byte || refinedKind == JavaKind.Boolean; return refinedKind; } } } return kind; } private void genLoadIndexed(JavaKind kind) { ValueNode index = frameState.pop(JavaKind.Int); ValueNode array = frameState.pop(JavaKind.Object); array = maybeEmitExplicitNullCheck(array); GuardingNode boundsCheck = maybeEmitExplicitBoundsCheck(array, index); for (NodePlugin plugin : graphBuilderConfig.getPlugins().getNodePlugins()) { if (plugin.handleLoadIndexed(this, array, index, boundsCheck, kind)) { return; } } JavaKind actualKind = refineComponentType(array, kind); frameState.push(actualKind, append(genLoadIndexed(array, index, boundsCheck, actualKind))); } private void genStoreIndexed(JavaKind kind) { ValueNode value = frameState.pop(kind); ValueNode index = frameState.pop(JavaKind.Int); ValueNode array = frameState.pop(JavaKind.Object); array = maybeEmitExplicitNullCheck(array); GuardingNode boundsCheck = maybeEmitExplicitBoundsCheck(array, index); GuardingNode storeCheck = maybeEmitExplicitStoreCheck(array, kind, value); for (NodePlugin plugin : graphBuilderConfig.getPlugins().getNodePlugins()) { if (plugin.handleStoreIndexed(this, array, index, boundsCheck, storeCheck, kind, value)) { return; } } JavaKind actualKind = refineComponentType(array, kind); genStoreIndexed(array, index, boundsCheck, storeCheck, actualKind, maskSubWordValue(value, actualKind)); } private void genArithmeticOp(JavaKind kind, int opcode) { ValueNode y = frameState.pop(kind); ValueNode x = frameState.pop(kind); ValueNode v; switch (opcode) { case IADD: case LADD: v = genIntegerAdd(x, y); break; case FADD: case DADD: v = genFloatAdd(x, y); break; case ISUB: case LSUB: v = genIntegerSub(x, y); break; case FSUB: case DSUB: v = genFloatSub(x, y); break; case IMUL: case LMUL: v = genIntegerMul(x, y); break; case FMUL: case DMUL: v = genFloatMul(x, y); break; case FDIV: case DDIV: v = genFloatDiv(x, y); break; case FREM: case DREM: v = genFloatRem(x, y); break; default: throw shouldNotReachHere(); } frameState.push(kind, append(v)); } private void genIntegerDivOp(JavaKind kind, int opcode) { ValueNode y = frameState.pop(kind); ValueNode x = frameState.pop(kind); GuardingNode zeroCheck = maybeEmitExplicitDivisionByZeroCheck(y); ValueNode v; switch (opcode) { case IDIV: case LDIV: v = genIntegerDiv(x, y, zeroCheck); break; case IREM: case LREM: v = genIntegerRem(x, y, zeroCheck); break; default: throw shouldNotReachHere(); } frameState.push(kind, append(v)); } private void genNegateOp(JavaKind kind) { ValueNode x = frameState.pop(kind); frameState.push(kind, append(genNegateOp(x))); } private void genShiftOp(JavaKind kind, int opcode) { ValueNode s = frameState.pop(JavaKind.Int); ValueNode x = frameState.pop(kind); ValueNode v; switch (opcode) { case ISHL: case LSHL: v = genLeftShift(x, s); break; case ISHR: case LSHR: v = genRightShift(x, s); break; case IUSHR: case LUSHR: v = genUnsignedRightShift(x, s); break; default: throw shouldNotReachHere(); } frameState.push(kind, append(v)); } private void genLogicOp(JavaKind kind, int opcode) { ValueNode y = frameState.pop(kind); ValueNode x = frameState.pop(kind); ValueNode v; switch (opcode) { case IAND: case LAND: v = genAnd(x, y); break; case IOR: case LOR: v = genOr(x, y); break; case IXOR: case LXOR: v = genXor(x, y); break; default: throw shouldNotReachHere(); } frameState.push(kind, append(v)); } private void genFloatCompareOp(JavaKind kind, boolean isUnorderedLess) { ValueNode y = frameState.pop(kind); ValueNode x = frameState.pop(kind); frameState.push(JavaKind.Int, append(genNormalizeCompare(x, y, isUnorderedLess))); } private void genIntegerCompareOp(JavaKind kind) { ValueNode y = frameState.pop(kind); ValueNode x = frameState.pop(kind); frameState.push(JavaKind.Int, append(genIntegerNormalizeCompare(x, y))); } private void genFloatConvert(FloatConvert op, JavaKind from, JavaKind to) { ValueNode input = frameState.pop(from); frameState.push(to, append(genFloatConvert(op, input))); } private void genSignExtend(JavaKind from, JavaKind to) { ValueNode input = frameState.pop(from); if (from != from.getStackKind()) { input = append(genNarrow(input, from.getBitCount())); } frameState.push(to, append(genSignExtend(input, to.getBitCount()))); } private void genZeroExtend(JavaKind from, JavaKind to) { ValueNode input = frameState.pop(from); if (from != from.getStackKind()) { input = append(genNarrow(input, from.getBitCount())); } frameState.push(to, append(genZeroExtend(input, to.getBitCount()))); } private void genNarrow(JavaKind from, JavaKind to) { ValueNode input = frameState.pop(from); frameState.push(to, append(genNarrow(input, to.getBitCount()))); } private void genIncrement() { int index = getStream().readLocalIndex(); int delta = getStream().readIncrement(); ValueNode x = frameState.loadLocal(index, JavaKind.Int); ValueNode y = appendConstant(JavaConstant.forInt(delta)); frameState.storeLocal(index, JavaKind.Int, append(genIntegerAdd(x, y))); } private void genIfZero(Condition cond) { ValueNode y = appendConstant(JavaConstant.INT_0); ValueNode x = frameState.pop(JavaKind.Int); genIf(x, cond, y); } private void genIfNull(Condition cond) { ValueNode y = appendConstant(JavaConstant.NULL_POINTER); ValueNode x = frameState.pop(JavaKind.Object); genIf(x, cond, y); } private void genIfSame(JavaKind kind, Condition cond) { ValueNode y = frameState.pop(kind); ValueNode x = frameState.pop(kind); genIf(x, cond, y); } private static void initialize(ResolvedJavaType resolvedType) { /* * Since we're potentially triggering class initialization here, we need synchronization to * mitigate the potential for class initialization related deadlock being caused by the * compiler (e.g., https://github.com/graalvm/graal-core/pull/232/files#r90788550). */ synchronized (BytecodeParser.class) { resolvedType.initialize(); } } protected JavaType lookupType(int cpi, int bytecode) { maybeEagerlyResolve(cpi, bytecode); JavaType result = constantPool.lookupType(cpi, bytecode); assert !graphBuilderConfig.unresolvedIsError() || result instanceof ResolvedJavaType; return result; } private String unresolvedMethodAssertionMessage(JavaMethod result) { String message = result.format("%H.%n(%P)%R"); if (JavaVersionUtil.JAVA_SPEC <= 8) { JavaType declaringClass = result.getDeclaringClass(); String className = declaringClass.getName(); switch (className) { case "Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;": case "Ljava/nio/ShortBuffer;": case "Ljava/nio/CharBuffer;": case "Ljava/nio/IntBuffer;": case "Ljava/nio/LongBuffer;": case "Ljava/nio/FloatBuffer;": case "Ljava/nio/DoubleBuffer;": case "Ljava/nio/MappedByteBuffer;": { switch (result.getName()) { case "position": case "limit": case "mark": case "reset": case "clear": case "flip": case "rewind": { String returnType = result.getSignature().getReturnType(null).toJavaName(); if (returnType.equals(declaringClass.toJavaName())) { message += String.format(" [Probably cause: %s was compiled with javac from JDK 9+ using " + "`-target 8` and `-source 8` options. See https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-4774077 for details.]", method.getDeclaringClass().toClassName()); } } } break; } } } return message; } private JavaMethod lookupMethod(int cpi, int opcode) { maybeEagerlyResolve(cpi, opcode); JavaMethod result = lookupMethodInPool(cpi, opcode); assert !graphBuilderConfig.unresolvedIsError() || result instanceof ResolvedJavaMethod : unresolvedMethodAssertionMessage(result); return result; } protected JavaMethod lookupMethodInPool(int cpi, int opcode) { return constantPool.lookupMethod(cpi, opcode); } protected JavaType lookupReferencedTypeInPool(int cpi, int opcode) { if (GraalServices.hasLookupReferencedType()) { return GraalServices.lookupReferencedType(constantPool, cpi, opcode); } // Returning null means that we should not attempt using CHA to devirtualize or inline // interface calls. This is a normal behavior if the JVMCI doesn't support // {@code ConstantPool.lookupReferencedType()}. return null; } protected JavaField lookupField(int cpi, int opcode) { maybeEagerlyResolve(cpi, opcode); JavaField result = constantPool.lookupField(cpi, method, opcode); return lookupField(result); } protected JavaField lookupField(JavaField result) { assert !graphBuilderConfig.unresolvedIsError() || result instanceof ResolvedJavaField : "Not resolved: " + result; if (parsingIntrinsic() || eagerInitializing) { if (result instanceof ResolvedJavaField) { ResolvedJavaType declaringClass = ((ResolvedJavaField) result).getDeclaringClass(); if (!declaringClass.isInitialized()) { // Even with eager initialization, superinterfaces are not always initialized. // See StaticInterfaceFieldTest assert !eagerInitializing || declaringClass.isInterface() : "Declaring class not initialized but not an interface? " + declaringClass; initialize(declaringClass); } } } assert !uninitializedIsError || (result instanceof ResolvedJavaField && ((ResolvedJavaField) result).getDeclaringClass().isInitialized()) : result; return result; } private Object lookupConstant(int cpi, int opcode) { maybeEagerlyResolve(cpi, opcode); Object result = constantPool.lookupConstant(cpi); assert !graphBuilderConfig.unresolvedIsError() || !(result instanceof JavaType) || (result instanceof ResolvedJavaType) : result; return result; } protected void maybeEagerlyResolve(int cpi, int bytecode) { if (intrinsicContext != null) { constantPool.loadReferencedType(cpi, bytecode); } else if (graphBuilderConfig.eagerResolving()) { /* * Since we're potentially triggering class initialization here, we need synchronization * to mitigate the potential for class initialization related deadlock being caused by * the compiler (e.g., https://github.com/graalvm/graal-core/pull/232/files#r90788550). */ synchronized (BytecodeParser.class) { ClassInitializationPlugin classInitializationPlugin = graphBuilderConfig.getPlugins().getClassInitializationPlugin(); if (classInitializationPlugin != null) { classInitializationPlugin.loadReferencedType(this, constantPool, cpi, bytecode); } else { constantPool.loadReferencedType(cpi, bytecode); } } } } protected JavaType maybeEagerlyResolve(JavaType type, ResolvedJavaType accessingClass) { if (graphBuilderConfig.eagerResolving() || parsingIntrinsic()) { return type.resolve(accessingClass); } return type; } protected void maybeEagerlyInitialize(ResolvedJavaType resolvedType) { if (!resolvedType.isInitialized() && eagerInitializing) { initialize(resolvedType); } } private JavaTypeProfile getProfileForTypeCheck(TypeReference type) { if (parsingIntrinsic() || profilingInfo == null || !optimisticOpts.useTypeCheckHints(getOptions()) || type.isExact()) { return null; } else { return profilingInfo.getTypeProfile(bci()); } } private void genCheckCast(int cpi) { JavaType type = lookupType(cpi, CHECKCAST); ValueNode object = frameState.pop(JavaKind.Object); genCheckCast(type, object); } protected void genCheckCast(JavaType type, ValueNode object) { if (typeIsResolved(type)) { genCheckCast((ResolvedJavaType) type, object); } else { handleUnresolvedCheckCast(type, object); } } protected void genCheckCast(ResolvedJavaType resolvedType, ValueNode objectIn) { ValueNode object = objectIn; TypeReference checkedType = TypeReference.createTrusted(graph.getAssumptions(), resolvedType); JavaTypeProfile profile = getProfileForTypeCheck(checkedType); for (NodePlugin plugin : graphBuilderConfig.getPlugins().getNodePlugins()) { if (plugin.handleCheckCast(this, object, checkedType.getType(), profile)) { return; } } ValueNode castNode = null; if (profile != null) { if (profile.getNullSeen().isFalse()) { object = nullCheckedValue(object); ResolvedJavaType singleType = profile.asSingleType(); if (singleType != null && checkedType.getType().isAssignableFrom(singleType)) { LogicNode typeCheck = append(createInstanceOf(TypeReference.createExactTrusted(singleType), object, profile)); if (typeCheck.isTautology()) { castNode = object; } else { FixedGuardNode fixedGuard = append(new FixedGuardNode(typeCheck, DeoptimizationReason.TypeCheckedInliningViolated, DeoptimizationAction.InvalidateReprofile, false)); castNode = append(PiNode.create(object, StampFactory.objectNonNull(TypeReference.createExactTrusted(singleType)), fixedGuard)); } } } } boolean nonNull = ((ObjectStamp) object.stamp(NodeView.DEFAULT)).nonNull(); if (castNode == null) { LogicNode condition = genUnique(createInstanceOfAllowNull(checkedType, object, null)); if (condition.isTautology()) { castNode = object; } else { GuardingNode guard; if (needsExplicitClassCastException(object)) { Constant hub = getConstantReflection().asObjectHub(resolvedType); Stamp hubStamp = getStampProvider().createHubStamp(StampFactory.object(TypeReference.createExactTrusted(resolvedType))); ConstantNode hubConstant = ConstantNode.forConstant(hubStamp, hub, getMetaAccess(), graph); guard = emitBytecodeExceptionCheck(condition, true, BytecodeExceptionKind.CLASS_CAST, object, hubConstant); } else { guard = append(new FixedGuardNode(condition, DeoptimizationReason.ClassCastException, DeoptimizationAction.InvalidateReprofile, false)); } castNode = append(PiNode.create(object, StampFactory.object(checkedType, nonNull), guard.asNode())); } } frameState.push(JavaKind.Object, castNode); } private void genInstanceOf(int cpi) { JavaType type = lookupType(cpi, INSTANCEOF); ValueNode object = frameState.pop(JavaKind.Object); genInstanceOf(type, object); } protected void genInstanceOf(JavaType type, ValueNode object) { if (typeIsResolved(type)) { genInstanceOf((ResolvedJavaType) type, object); } else { handleUnresolvedInstanceOf(type, object); } } @SuppressWarnings("try") protected void genInstanceOf(ResolvedJavaType resolvedType, ValueNode objectIn) { ValueNode object = objectIn; TypeReference checkedType = TypeReference.createTrusted(graph.getAssumptions(), resolvedType); JavaTypeProfile profile = getProfileForTypeCheck(checkedType); for (NodePlugin plugin : graphBuilderConfig.getPlugins().getNodePlugins()) { if (plugin.handleInstanceOf(this, object, checkedType.getType(), profile)) { return; } } LogicNode instanceOfNode = null; if (profile != null) { if (profile.getNullSeen().isFalse()) { object = nullCheckedValue(object); ResolvedJavaType singleType = profile.asSingleType(); if (singleType != null) { LogicNode typeCheck = append(createInstanceOf(TypeReference.createExactTrusted(singleType), object, profile)); if (!typeCheck.isTautology()) { append(new FixedGuardNode(typeCheck, DeoptimizationReason.TypeCheckedInliningViolated, DeoptimizationAction.InvalidateReprofile)); } instanceOfNode = LogicConstantNode.forBoolean(checkedType.getType().isAssignableFrom(singleType)); } } } if (instanceOfNode == null) { instanceOfNode = createInstanceOf(checkedType, object, null); } LogicNode logicNode = genUnique(instanceOfNode); int next = getStream().nextBCI(); int value = getStream().readUByte(next); if (next <= currentBlock.endBci && (value == Bytecodes.IFEQ || value == Bytecodes.IFNE)) { getStream().next(); try (DebugCloseable context = openNodeContext()) { BciBlock firstSucc = currentBlock.getSuccessor(0); BciBlock secondSucc = currentBlock.getSuccessor(1); if (firstSucc != secondSucc) { boolean negate = value != Bytecodes.IFNE; if (negate) { BciBlock tmp = firstSucc; firstSucc = secondSucc; secondSucc = tmp; } genIf(instanceOfNode, firstSucc, secondSucc, getProfileProbability(negate)); } else { appendGoto(firstSucc); } } } else { // Most frequent for value is IRETURN, followed by ISTORE. frameState.push(JavaKind.Int, append(genConditional(logicNode))); } } protected void genNewInstance(int cpi) { JavaType type = lookupType(cpi, NEW); genNewInstance(type); } protected void genNewInstance(JavaType type) { if (typeIsResolved(type)) { genNewInstance((ResolvedJavaType) type); } else { handleUnresolvedNewInstance(type); } } protected void genNewInstance(ResolvedJavaType resolvedType) { if (resolvedType.isAbstract() || resolvedType.isInterface()) { handleIllegalNewInstance(resolvedType); return; } maybeEagerlyInitialize(resolvedType); ClassInitializationPlugin classInitializationPlugin = graphBuilderConfig.getPlugins().getClassInitializationPlugin(); if (!resolvedType.isInitialized() && classInitializationPlugin == null) { handleIllegalNewInstance(resolvedType); return; } for (ResolvedJavaType exceptionType : this.graphBuilderConfig.getSkippedExceptionTypes()) { if (exceptionType.isAssignableFrom(resolvedType)) { append(new DeoptimizeNode(DeoptimizationAction.InvalidateRecompile, RuntimeConstraint)); return; } } if (classInitializationPlugin != null) { classInitializationPlugin.apply(this, resolvedType, this::createCurrentFrameState); } for (NodePlugin plugin : graphBuilderConfig.getPlugins().getNodePlugins()) { if (plugin.handleNewInstance(this, resolvedType)) { return; } } frameState.push(JavaKind.Object, append(createNewInstance(resolvedType, true))); }
Gets the kind of array elements for the array type code that appears in a Bytecodes.NEWARRAY bytecode.
  • code – the array type code
Returns:the kind from the array type code
/** * Gets the kind of array elements for the array type code that appears in a * {@link Bytecodes#NEWARRAY} bytecode. * * @param code the array type code * @return the kind from the array type code */
private static Class<?> arrayTypeCodeToClass(int code) { switch (code) { case 4: return boolean.class; case 5: return char.class; case 6: return float.class; case 7: return double.class; case 8: return byte.class; case 9: return short.class; case 10: return int.class; case 11: return long.class; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown array type code: " + code); } } private void genNewPrimitiveArray(int typeCode) { ResolvedJavaType elementType = getMetaAccess().lookupJavaType(arrayTypeCodeToClass(typeCode)); ValueNode length = frameState.pop(JavaKind.Int); for (NodePlugin plugin : graphBuilderConfig.getPlugins().getNodePlugins()) { if (plugin.handleNewArray(this, elementType, length)) { return; } } frameState.push(JavaKind.Object, append(createNewArray(elementType, length, true))); } private void genNewObjectArray(int cpi) { JavaType type = lookupType(cpi, ANEWARRAY); genNewObjectArray(type); } private void genNewObjectArray(JavaType type) { if (typeIsResolved(type)) { genNewObjectArray((ResolvedJavaType) type); } else { ValueNode length = frameState.pop(JavaKind.Int); handleUnresolvedNewObjectArray(type, length); } } private void genNewObjectArray(ResolvedJavaType resolvedType) { ClassInitializationPlugin classInitializationPlugin = this.graphBuilderConfig.getPlugins().getClassInitializationPlugin(); if (classInitializationPlugin != null) { classInitializationPlugin.apply(this, resolvedType.getArrayClass(), this::createCurrentFrameState); } ValueNode length = frameState.pop(JavaKind.Int); for (NodePlugin plugin : graphBuilderConfig.getPlugins().getNodePlugins()) { if (plugin.handleNewArray(this, resolvedType, length)) { return; } } frameState.push(JavaKind.Object, append(createNewArray(resolvedType, length, true))); } private void genNewMultiArray(int cpi) { JavaType type = lookupType(cpi, MULTIANEWARRAY); int rank = getStream().readUByte(bci() + 3); ValueNode[] dims = new ValueNode[rank]; genNewMultiArray(type, rank, dims); } private void genNewMultiArray(JavaType type, int rank, ValueNode[] dims) { if (typeIsResolved(type)) { genNewMultiArray((ResolvedJavaType) type, rank, dims); } else { for (int i = rank - 1; i >= 0; i--) { dims[i] = frameState.pop(JavaKind.Int); } handleUnresolvedNewMultiArray(type, dims); } } private void genNewMultiArray(ResolvedJavaType resolvedType, int rank, ValueNode[] dims) { ClassInitializationPlugin classInitializationPlugin = this.graphBuilderConfig.getPlugins().getClassInitializationPlugin(); if (classInitializationPlugin != null) { classInitializationPlugin.apply(this, resolvedType, this::createCurrentFrameState); } for (int i = rank - 1; i >= 0; i--) { dims[i] = frameState.pop(JavaKind.Int); } for (NodePlugin plugin : graphBuilderConfig.getPlugins().getNodePlugins()) { if (plugin.handleNewMultiArray(this, resolvedType, dims)) { return; } } frameState.push(JavaKind.Object, append(createNewMultiArray(resolvedType, dims))); } protected void genGetField(int cpi, int opcode) { genGetField(cpi, opcode, frameState.pop(JavaKind.Object)); } protected void genGetField(int cpi, int opcode, ValueNode receiverInput) { JavaField field = lookupField(cpi, opcode); genGetField(field, receiverInput); } private void genGetField(JavaField field, ValueNode receiverInput) { if (field instanceof ResolvedJavaField) { ValueNode receiver = maybeEmitExplicitNullCheck(receiverInput); ResolvedJavaField resolvedField = (ResolvedJavaField) field; genGetField(resolvedField, receiver); } else { handleUnresolvedLoadField(field, receiverInput); } } private void genGetField(ResolvedJavaField resolvedField, ValueNode receiver) { if (!parsingIntrinsic() && GeneratePIC.getValue(getOptions())) { graph.recordField(resolvedField); } for (NodePlugin plugin : graphBuilderConfig.getPlugins().getNodePlugins()) { if (plugin.handleLoadField(this, receiver, resolvedField)) { return; } } ValueNode fieldRead = append(genLoadField(receiver, resolvedField)); if (resolvedField.getDeclaringClass().getName().equals("Ljava/lang/ref/Reference;") && resolvedField.getName().equals("referent")) { LocationIdentity referentIdentity = new FieldLocationIdentity(resolvedField); append(new MembarNode(0, referentIdentity)); } JavaKind fieldKind = resolvedField.getJavaKind(); pushLoadField(resolvedField, fieldRead, fieldKind); }
Returns true if an explicit null check should be emitted for the given object.
  • object – The object that is accessed.
/** * Returns true if an explicit null check should be emitted for the given object. * * @param object The object that is accessed. */
protected boolean needsExplicitNullCheckException(ValueNode object) { return needsExplicitException(); }
Returns true if an explicit null check should be emitted for the given object.
  • array – The array that is accessed.
  • index – The array index that is accessed.
/** * Returns true if an explicit null check should be emitted for the given object. * * @param array The array that is accessed. * @param index The array index that is accessed. */
protected boolean needsExplicitBoundsCheckException(ValueNode array, ValueNode index) { return needsExplicitException(); }
Returns true if an explicit check for a ClassCastException should be emitted for the given object.
  • object – The object that is accessed.
/** * Returns true if an explicit check for a {@link ClassCastException} should be emitted for the * given object. * * @param object The object that is accessed. */
protected boolean needsExplicitClassCastException(ValueNode object) { return needsExplicitException(); }
Returns true if an explicit null check should be emitted for the given object.
  • array – The array that is accessed.
  • value – The value that is stored into the array.
/** * Returns true if an explicit null check should be emitted for the given object. * * @param array The array that is accessed. * @param value The value that is stored into the array. */
protected boolean needsExplicitStoreCheckException(ValueNode array, ValueNode value) { return needsExplicitException(); }
Returns true if an explicit null check should be emitted for the given object.
  • y – The dividend.
/** * Returns true if an explicit null check should be emitted for the given object. * * @param y The dividend. */
protected boolean needsExplicitDivisionByZeroException(ValueNode y) { return needsExplicitException(); } @Override public boolean needsExplicitException() { BytecodeExceptionMode exceptionMode = graphBuilderConfig.getBytecodeExceptionMode(); if (exceptionMode == BytecodeExceptionMode.CheckAll || StressExplicitExceptionCode.getValue(options)) { return true; } else if (exceptionMode == BytecodeExceptionMode.Profile && profilingInfo != null) { return profilingInfo.getExceptionSeen(bci()) == TriState.TRUE; } return false; } @Override public AbstractBeginNode genExplicitExceptionEdge(BytecodeExceptionKind exceptionKind) { BytecodeExceptionNode exceptionNode = graph.add(new BytecodeExceptionNode(getMetaAccess(), exceptionKind)); exceptionNode.setStateAfter(createBytecodeExceptionFrameState(bci(), exceptionNode)); AbstractBeginNode exceptionDispatch = handleException(exceptionNode, bci(), false); exceptionNode.setNext(exceptionDispatch); return BeginNode.begin(exceptionNode); } protected void genPutField(int cpi, int opcode) { JavaField field = lookupField(cpi, opcode); genPutField(field); } protected void genPutField(JavaField field) { genPutField(field, frameState.pop(field.getJavaKind())); } private void genPutField(JavaField field, ValueNode value) { ValueNode receiverInput = frameState.pop(JavaKind.Object); if (field instanceof ResolvedJavaField) { ValueNode receiver = maybeEmitExplicitNullCheck(receiverInput); ResolvedJavaField resolvedField = (ResolvedJavaField) field; if (!parsingIntrinsic() && GeneratePIC.getValue(getOptions())) { graph.recordField(resolvedField); } for (NodePlugin plugin : graphBuilderConfig.getPlugins().getNodePlugins()) { if (plugin.handleStoreField(this, receiver, resolvedField, value)) { return; } } if (resolvedField.isFinal() && method.isConstructor()) { finalBarrierRequired = true; } genStoreField(receiver, resolvedField, value); } else { handleUnresolvedStoreField(field, value, receiverInput); } } protected void genGetStatic(int cpi, int opcode) { JavaField field = lookupField(cpi, opcode); genGetStatic(field); } private void genGetStatic(JavaField field) { ResolvedJavaField resolvedField = resolveStaticFieldAccess(field, null); if (resolvedField == null) { return; } if (!parsingIntrinsic() && GeneratePIC.getValue(getOptions())) { graph.recordField(resolvedField); } /* * Javac does not allow use of "$assertionsDisabled" for a field name but Eclipse does, in * which case a suffix is added to the generated field. */ if (resolvedField.isSynthetic() && resolvedField.getName().startsWith("$assertionsDisabled")) { if (parsingIntrinsic()) { throw new GraalError("Cannot use an assertion within the context of an intrinsic: " + resolvedField); } else if (graphBuilderConfig.omitAssertions()) { frameState.push(field.getJavaKind(), ConstantNode.forBoolean(true, graph)); return; } } ResolvedJavaType holder = resolvedField.getDeclaringClass(); ClassInitializationPlugin classInitializationPlugin = this.graphBuilderConfig.getPlugins().getClassInitializationPlugin(); if (classInitializationPlugin != null) { classInitializationPlugin.apply(this, holder, this::createCurrentFrameState); } for (NodePlugin plugin : graphBuilderConfig.getPlugins().getNodePlugins()) { if (plugin.handleLoadStaticField(this, resolvedField)) { return; } } ValueNode fieldRead = append(genLoadField(null, resolvedField)); JavaKind fieldKind = resolvedField.getJavaKind(); pushLoadField(resolvedField, fieldRead, fieldKind); }
Pushes a loaded field onto the stack. If the loaded field is volatile, a StateSplitProxyNode is appended so that deoptimization does not deoptimize to a point before the field load.
/** * Pushes a loaded field onto the stack. If the loaded field is volatile, a * {@link StateSplitProxyNode} is appended so that deoptimization does not deoptimize to a point * before the field load. */
private void pushLoadField(ResolvedJavaField resolvedField, ValueNode fieldRead, JavaKind fieldKind) { if (resolvedField.isVolatile() && fieldRead instanceof LoadFieldNode) { StateSplitProxyNode readProxy = append(genVolatileFieldReadProxy(fieldRead)); frameState.push(fieldKind, readProxy); readProxy.setStateAfter(frameState.create(stream.nextBCI(), readProxy)); } else { frameState.push(fieldKind, fieldRead); } } private ResolvedJavaField resolveStaticFieldAccess(JavaField field, ValueNode value) { if (field instanceof ResolvedJavaField) { ResolvedJavaField resolvedField = (ResolvedJavaField) field; ResolvedJavaType resolvedType = resolvedField.getDeclaringClass(); maybeEagerlyInitialize(resolvedType); if (resolvedType.isInitialized() || graphBuilderConfig.getPlugins().getClassInitializationPlugin() != null) { return resolvedField; } /* * Static fields have initialization semantics but may be safely accessed under certain * conditions while the class is being initialized. Executing in the clinit or init of * subclasses (but not implementers) of the field holder are sure to be running in a * context where the access is safe. */ if (!resolvedType.isInterface() && resolvedType.isAssignableFrom(method.getDeclaringClass())) { if (method.isClassInitializer() || method.isConstructor()) { return resolvedField; } } } if (value == null) { handleUnresolvedLoadField(field, null); } else { handleUnresolvedStoreField(field, value, null); } return null; } protected void genPutStatic(int cpi, int opcode) { JavaField field = lookupField(cpi, opcode); genPutStatic(field); } protected void genPutStatic(JavaField field) { int stackSizeBefore = frameState.stackSize(); ValueNode value = frameState.pop(field.getJavaKind()); ResolvedJavaField resolvedField = resolveStaticFieldAccess(field, value); if (resolvedField == null) { return; } if (!parsingIntrinsic() && GeneratePIC.getValue(getOptions())) { graph.recordField(resolvedField); } ClassInitializationPlugin classInitializationPlugin = this.graphBuilderConfig.getPlugins().getClassInitializationPlugin(); ResolvedJavaType holder = resolvedField.getDeclaringClass(); if (classInitializationPlugin != null) { Supplier<FrameState> stateBefore = () -> { JavaKind[] pushedSlotKinds = {field.getJavaKind()}; ValueNode[] pushedValues = {value}; FrameState fs = frameState.create(bci(), getNonIntrinsicAncestor(), false, pushedSlotKinds, pushedValues); assert stackSizeBefore == fs.stackSize(); return fs; }; classInitializationPlugin.apply(this, holder, stateBefore); } for (NodePlugin plugin : graphBuilderConfig.getPlugins().getNodePlugins()) { if (plugin.handleStoreStaticField(this, resolvedField, value)) { return; } } genStoreField(null, resolvedField, value); } private double[] switchProbability(int numberOfCases, int bci) { double[] prob = (profilingInfo == null ? null : profilingInfo.getSwitchProbabilities(bci)); if (prob != null) { assert prob.length == numberOfCases; } else { debug.log("Missing probability (switch) in %s at bci %d", method, bci); prob = new double[numberOfCases]; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfCases; i++) { prob[i] = 1.0d / numberOfCases; } } assert allPositive(prob); return prob; } private static boolean allPositive(double[] a) { for (double d : a) { if (d < 0) { return false; } } return true; } static class SuccessorInfo { final int blockIndex; int actualIndex; SuccessorInfo(int blockSuccessorIndex) { this.blockIndex = blockSuccessorIndex; actualIndex = -1; } } private static final int SWITCH_DEOPT_UNSEEN = -2; private static final int SWITCH_DEOPT_SEEN = -1; private void genSwitch(BytecodeSwitch bs) { int bci = bci(); ValueNode value = frameState.pop(JavaKind.Int); int nofCases = bs.numberOfCases(); int nofCasesPlusDefault = nofCases + 1; double[] keyProbabilities = switchProbability(nofCasesPlusDefault, bci); EconomicMap<Integer, SuccessorInfo> bciToBlockSuccessorIndex = EconomicMap.create(Equivalence.DEFAULT); for (int i = 0; i < currentBlock.getSuccessorCount(); i++) { assert !bciToBlockSuccessorIndex.containsKey(currentBlock.getSuccessor(i).startBci); bciToBlockSuccessorIndex.put(currentBlock.getSuccessor(i).startBci, new SuccessorInfo(i)); } ArrayList<BciBlock> actualSuccessors = new ArrayList<>(); int[] keys = new int[nofCases]; int[] keySuccessors = new int[nofCasesPlusDefault]; int deoptSuccessorIndex = SWITCH_DEOPT_UNSEEN; int nextSuccessorIndex = 0; boolean constantValue = value.isConstant(); for (int i = 0; i < nofCasesPlusDefault; i++) { if (i < nofCases) { keys[i] = bs.keyAt(i); } if (!constantValue && isNeverExecutedCode(keyProbabilities[i])) { deoptSuccessorIndex = SWITCH_DEOPT_SEEN; keySuccessors[i] = SWITCH_DEOPT_SEEN; } else { int targetBci = i < nofCases ? bs.targetAt(i) : bs.defaultTarget(); SuccessorInfo info = bciToBlockSuccessorIndex.get(targetBci); if (info.actualIndex < 0) { info.actualIndex = nextSuccessorIndex++; actualSuccessors.add(currentBlock.getSuccessor(info.blockIndex)); } keySuccessors[i] = info.actualIndex; } } /* * When the profile indicates a case is never taken, the above code will cause the case to * deopt should it be subsequently encountered. However, the case may share code with * another case that is taken according to the profile. * * For example: * // @formatter:off * switch (opcode) { * case GOTO: * case GOTO_W: { * // emit goto code * break; * } * } * // @formatter:on * * The profile may indicate the GOTO_W case is never taken, and thus a deoptimization stub * will be emitted. There might be optimization opportunity if additional branching based * on opcode is within the case block. Specially, if there is only single case that * reaches a target, we have better chance cutting out unused branches. Otherwise, * it might be beneficial routing to the same code instead of deopting. * * The following code rewires deoptimization stub to existing resolved branch target if * the target is connected by more than 1 cases. * * If this operation rewires every deoptimization seen to an existing branch, care is * taken that we do not spawn a branch that will never be taken. */ if (deoptSuccessorIndex == SWITCH_DEOPT_SEEN) { int[] connectedCases = new int[nextSuccessorIndex + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < nofCasesPlusDefault; i++) { connectedCases[keySuccessors[i] + 1]++; } for (int i = 0; i < nofCasesPlusDefault; i++) { if (keySuccessors[i] == SWITCH_DEOPT_SEEN) { int targetBci = i < nofCases ? bs.targetAt(i) : bs.defaultTarget(); SuccessorInfo info = bciToBlockSuccessorIndex.get(targetBci); int rewiredIndex = info.actualIndex; if (rewiredIndex >= 0 && connectedCases[rewiredIndex + 1] > 1) { // Rewire keySuccessors[i] = info.actualIndex; } else { if (deoptSuccessorIndex == SWITCH_DEOPT_SEEN) { // Spawn deopt successor if needed. deoptSuccessorIndex = nextSuccessorIndex++; actualSuccessors.add(null); } keySuccessors[i] = deoptSuccessorIndex; } } } } genIntegerSwitch(value, actualSuccessors, keys, keyProbabilities, keySuccessors); } protected boolean isNeverExecutedCode(double probability) { return probability == 0 && optimisticOpts.removeNeverExecutedCode(getOptions()); } private double clampProbability(double probability) { if (!optimisticOpts.removeNeverExecutedCode(getOptions())) { if (probability == 0) { return LUDICROUSLY_SLOW_PATH_PROBABILITY; } else if (probability == 1) { return LUDICROUSLY_FAST_PATH_PROBABILITY; } } return probability; } private boolean assertAtIfBytecode() { int bytecode = stream.currentBC(); switch (bytecode) { case IFEQ: case IFNE: case IFLT: case IFGE: case IFGT: case IFLE: case IF_ICMPEQ: case IF_ICMPNE: case IF_ICMPLT: case IF_ICMPGE: case IF_ICMPGT: case IF_ICMPLE: case IF_ACMPEQ: case IF_ACMPNE: case IFNULL: case IFNONNULL: return true; } assert false : String.format("%x is not an if bytecode", bytecode); return true; } public final void processBytecode(int bci, int opcode) { int cpi; // @formatter:off // Checkstyle: stop switch (opcode) { case NOP : /* nothing to do */ break; case ACONST_NULL : frameState.push(JavaKind.Object, appendConstant(JavaConstant.NULL_POINTER)); break; case ICONST_M1 : // fall through case ICONST_0 : // fall through case ICONST_1 : // fall through case ICONST_2 : // fall through case ICONST_3 : // fall through case ICONST_4 : // fall through case ICONST_5 : frameState.push(JavaKind.Int, appendConstant(JavaConstant.forInt(opcode - ICONST_0))); break; case LCONST_0 : // fall through case LCONST_1 : frameState.push(JavaKind.Long, appendConstant(JavaConstant.forLong(opcode - LCONST_0))); break; case FCONST_0 : // fall through case FCONST_1 : // fall through case FCONST_2 : frameState.push(JavaKind.Float, appendConstant(JavaConstant.forFloat(opcode - FCONST_0))); break; case DCONST_0 : // fall through case DCONST_1 : frameState.push(JavaKind.Double, appendConstant(JavaConstant.forDouble(opcode - DCONST_0))); break; case BIPUSH : frameState.push(JavaKind.Int, appendConstant(JavaConstant.forInt(stream.readByte()))); break; case SIPUSH : frameState.push(JavaKind.Int, appendConstant(JavaConstant.forInt(stream.readShort()))); break; case LDC : // fall through case LDC_W : // fall through case LDC2_W : genLoadConstant(stream.readCPI(), opcode); break; case ILOAD : loadLocal(stream.readLocalIndex(), JavaKind.Int); break; case LLOAD : loadLocal(stream.readLocalIndex(), JavaKind.Long); break; case FLOAD : loadLocal(stream.readLocalIndex(), JavaKind.Float); break; case DLOAD : loadLocal(stream.readLocalIndex(), JavaKind.Double); break; case ALOAD : loadLocalObject(stream.readLocalIndex()); break; case ILOAD_0 : // fall through case ILOAD_1 : // fall through case ILOAD_2 : // fall through case ILOAD_3 : loadLocal(opcode - ILOAD_0, JavaKind.Int); break; case LLOAD_0 : // fall through case LLOAD_1 : // fall through case LLOAD_2 : // fall through case LLOAD_3 : loadLocal(opcode - LLOAD_0, JavaKind.Long); break; case FLOAD_0 : // fall through case FLOAD_1 : // fall through case FLOAD_2 : // fall through case FLOAD_3 : loadLocal(opcode - FLOAD_0, JavaKind.Float); break; case DLOAD_0 : // fall through case DLOAD_1 : // fall through case DLOAD_2 : // fall through case DLOAD_3 : loadLocal(opcode - DLOAD_0, JavaKind.Double); break; case ALOAD_0 : // fall through case ALOAD_1 : // fall through case ALOAD_2 : // fall through case ALOAD_3 : loadLocalObject(opcode - ALOAD_0); break; case IALOAD : genLoadIndexed(JavaKind.Int ); break; case LALOAD : genLoadIndexed(JavaKind.Long ); break; case FALOAD : genLoadIndexed(JavaKind.Float ); break; case DALOAD : genLoadIndexed(JavaKind.Double); break; case AALOAD : genLoadIndexed(JavaKind.Object); break; case BALOAD : genLoadIndexed(JavaKind.Byte ); break; case CALOAD : genLoadIndexed(JavaKind.Char ); break; case SALOAD : genLoadIndexed(JavaKind.Short ); break; case ISTORE : storeLocal(JavaKind.Int, stream.readLocalIndex()); break; case LSTORE : storeLocal(JavaKind.Long, stream.readLocalIndex()); break; case FSTORE : storeLocal(JavaKind.Float, stream.readLocalIndex()); break; case DSTORE : storeLocal(JavaKind.Double, stream.readLocalIndex()); break; case ASTORE : storeLocal(JavaKind.Object, stream.readLocalIndex()); break; case ISTORE_0 : // fall through case ISTORE_1 : // fall through case ISTORE_2 : // fall through case ISTORE_3 : storeLocal(JavaKind.Int, opcode - ISTORE_0); break; case LSTORE_0 : // fall through case LSTORE_1 : // fall through case LSTORE_2 : // fall through case LSTORE_3 : storeLocal(JavaKind.Long, opcode - LSTORE_0); break; case FSTORE_0 : // fall through case FSTORE_1 : // fall through case FSTORE_2 : // fall through case FSTORE_3 : storeLocal(JavaKind.Float, opcode - FSTORE_0); break; case DSTORE_0 : // fall through case DSTORE_1 : // fall through case DSTORE_2 : // fall through case DSTORE_3 : storeLocal(JavaKind.Double, opcode - DSTORE_0); break; case ASTORE_0 : // fall through case ASTORE_1 : // fall through case ASTORE_2 : // fall through case ASTORE_3 : storeLocal(JavaKind.Object, opcode - ASTORE_0); break; case IASTORE : genStoreIndexed(JavaKind.Int ); break; case LASTORE : genStoreIndexed(JavaKind.Long ); break; case FASTORE : genStoreIndexed(JavaKind.Float ); break; case DASTORE : genStoreIndexed(JavaKind.Double); break; case AASTORE : genStoreIndexed(JavaKind.Object); break; case BASTORE : genStoreIndexed(JavaKind.Byte ); break; case CASTORE : genStoreIndexed(JavaKind.Char ); break; case SASTORE : genStoreIndexed(JavaKind.Short ); break; case POP : // fall through case POP2 : // fall through case DUP : // fall through case DUP_X1 : // fall through case DUP_X2 : // fall through case DUP2 : // fall through case DUP2_X1 : // fall through case DUP2_X2 : // fall through case SWAP : frameState.stackOp(opcode); break; case IADD : // fall through case ISUB : // fall through case IMUL : genArithmeticOp(JavaKind.Int, opcode); break; case IDIV : // fall through case IREM : genIntegerDivOp(JavaKind.Int, opcode); break; case LADD : // fall through case LSUB : // fall through case LMUL : genArithmeticOp(JavaKind.Long, opcode); break; case LDIV : // fall through case LREM : genIntegerDivOp(JavaKind.Long, opcode); break; case FADD : // fall through case FSUB : // fall through case FMUL : // fall through case FDIV : // fall through case FREM : genArithmeticOp(JavaKind.Float, opcode); break; case DADD : // fall through case DSUB : // fall through case DMUL : // fall through case DDIV : // fall through case DREM : genArithmeticOp(JavaKind.Double, opcode); break; case INEG : genNegateOp(JavaKind.Int); break; case LNEG : genNegateOp(JavaKind.Long); break; case FNEG : genNegateOp(JavaKind.Float); break; case DNEG : genNegateOp(JavaKind.Double); break; case ISHL : // fall through case ISHR : // fall through case IUSHR : genShiftOp(JavaKind.Int, opcode); break; case IAND : // fall through case IOR : // fall through case IXOR : genLogicOp(JavaKind.Int, opcode); break; case LSHL : // fall through case LSHR : // fall through case LUSHR : genShiftOp(JavaKind.Long, opcode); break; case LAND : // fall through case LOR : // fall through case LXOR : genLogicOp(JavaKind.Long, opcode); break; case IINC : genIncrement(); break; case I2F : genFloatConvert(FloatConvert.I2F, JavaKind.Int, JavaKind.Float); break; case I2D : genFloatConvert(FloatConvert.I2D, JavaKind.Int, JavaKind.Double); break; case L2F : genFloatConvert(FloatConvert.L2F, JavaKind.Long, JavaKind.Float); break; case L2D : genFloatConvert(FloatConvert.L2D, JavaKind.Long, JavaKind.Double); break; case F2I : genFloatConvert(FloatConvert.F2I, JavaKind.Float, JavaKind.Int); break; case F2L : genFloatConvert(FloatConvert.F2L, JavaKind.Float, JavaKind.Long); break; case F2D : genFloatConvert(FloatConvert.F2D, JavaKind.Float, JavaKind.Double); break; case D2I : genFloatConvert(FloatConvert.D2I, JavaKind.Double, JavaKind.Int); break; case D2L : genFloatConvert(FloatConvert.D2L, JavaKind.Double, JavaKind.Long); break; case D2F : genFloatConvert(FloatConvert.D2F, JavaKind.Double, JavaKind.Float); break; case L2I : genNarrow(JavaKind.Long, JavaKind.Int); break; case I2L : genSignExtend(JavaKind.Int, JavaKind.Long); break; case I2B : genSignExtend(JavaKind.Byte, JavaKind.Int); break; case I2S : genSignExtend(JavaKind.Short, JavaKind.Int); break; case I2C : genZeroExtend(JavaKind.Char, JavaKind.Int); break; case LCMP : genIntegerCompareOp(JavaKind.Long); break; case FCMPL : genFloatCompareOp(JavaKind.Float, true); break; case FCMPG : genFloatCompareOp(JavaKind.Float, false); break; case DCMPL : genFloatCompareOp(JavaKind.Double, true); break; case DCMPG : genFloatCompareOp(JavaKind.Double, false); break; case IFEQ : genIfZero(Condition.EQ); break; case IFNE : genIfZero(Condition.NE); break; case IFLT : genIfZero(Condition.LT); break; case IFGE : genIfZero(Condition.GE); break; case IFGT : genIfZero(Condition.GT); break; case IFLE : genIfZero(Condition.LE); break; case IF_ICMPEQ : genIfSame(JavaKind.Int, Condition.EQ); break; case IF_ICMPNE : genIfSame(JavaKind.Int, Condition.NE); break; case IF_ICMPLT : genIfSame(JavaKind.Int, Condition.LT); break; case IF_ICMPGE : genIfSame(JavaKind.Int, Condition.GE); break; case IF_ICMPGT : genIfSame(JavaKind.Int, Condition.GT); break; case IF_ICMPLE : genIfSame(JavaKind.Int, Condition.LE); break; case IF_ACMPEQ : genIfSame(JavaKind.Object, Condition.EQ); break; case IF_ACMPNE : genIfSame(JavaKind.Object, Condition.NE); break; case GOTO : genGoto(); break; case JSR : genJsr(stream.readBranchDest()); break; case RET : genRet(stream.readLocalIndex()); break; case TABLESWITCH : genSwitch(new BytecodeTableSwitch(getStream(), bci())); break; case LOOKUPSWITCH : genSwitch(new BytecodeLookupSwitch(getStream(), bci())); break; case IRETURN : genReturn(frameState.pop(JavaKind.Int), JavaKind.Int); break; case LRETURN : genReturn(frameState.pop(JavaKind.Long), JavaKind.Long); break; case FRETURN : genReturn(frameState.pop(JavaKind.Float), JavaKind.Float); break; case DRETURN : genReturn(frameState.pop(JavaKind.Double), JavaKind.Double); break; case ARETURN : genReturn(frameState.pop(JavaKind.Object), JavaKind.Object); break; case RETURN : genReturn(null, JavaKind.Void); break; case GETSTATIC : cpi = stream.readCPI(); genGetStatic(cpi, opcode); break; case PUTSTATIC : cpi = stream.readCPI(); genPutStatic(cpi, opcode); break; case GETFIELD : cpi = stream.readCPI(); genGetField(cpi, opcode); break; case PUTFIELD : cpi = stream.readCPI(); genPutField(cpi, opcode); break; case INVOKEVIRTUAL : cpi = stream.readCPI(); genInvokeVirtual(cpi, opcode); break; case INVOKESPECIAL : cpi = stream.readCPI(); genInvokeSpecial(cpi, opcode); break; case INVOKESTATIC : cpi = stream.readCPI(); genInvokeStatic(cpi, opcode); break; case INVOKEINTERFACE: cpi = stream.readCPI(); genInvokeInterface(cpi, opcode); break; case INVOKEDYNAMIC : cpi = stream.readCPI4(); genInvokeDynamic(cpi, opcode); break; case NEW : genNewInstance(stream.readCPI()); break; case NEWARRAY : genNewPrimitiveArray(stream.readLocalIndex()); break; case ANEWARRAY : genNewObjectArray(stream.readCPI()); break; case ARRAYLENGTH : genArrayLength(); break; case ATHROW : genThrow(); break; case CHECKCAST : genCheckCast(stream.readCPI()); break; case INSTANCEOF : genInstanceOf(stream.readCPI()); break; case MONITORENTER : genMonitorEnter(frameState.pop(JavaKind.Object), stream.nextBCI()); break; case MONITOREXIT : genMonitorExit(frameState.pop(JavaKind.Object), null, stream.nextBCI()); break; case MULTIANEWARRAY : genNewMultiArray(stream.readCPI()); break; case IFNULL : genIfNull(Condition.EQ); break; case IFNONNULL : genIfNull(Condition.NE); break; case GOTO_W : genGoto(); break; case JSR_W : genJsr(stream.readBranchDest()); break; case BREAKPOINT : throw new PermanentBailoutException("concurrent setting of breakpoint"); default : throw new PermanentBailoutException("Unsupported opcode %d (%s) [bci=%d]", opcode, nameOf(opcode), bci); } // @formatter:on // Checkstyle: resume } private void genArrayLength() { ValueNode array = maybeEmitExplicitNullCheck(frameState.pop(JavaKind.Object)); frameState.push(JavaKind.Int, append(genArrayLength(array))); } @Override public ResolvedJavaMethod getMethod() { return method; } @Override public Bytecode getCode() { return code; } public FrameStateBuilder getFrameStateBuilder() { return frameState; } private boolean firstTraceEmitted; protected void traceInstruction(int bci, int opcode, boolean blockStart) { String indent = new String(new char[getDepth() * 2]).replace('\0', ' '); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(40); String nl = System.lineSeparator(); if (!firstTraceEmitted) { sb.append(indent).append(method.format("Parsing %H.%n(%p)%r")).append(nl); if (traceLevel >= TRACELEVEL_BLOCKMAP) { sb.append(indent).append("Blocks:").append(nl); String bm = blockMap.toString().replace(nl, nl + indent + " "); sb.append(indent).append(" ").append(bm).append(nl); } firstTraceEmitted = true; } if (traceLevel >= TRACELEVEL_STATE) { sb.append(indent).append(frameState).append(nl); } sb.append(indent); sb.append(blockStart ? '+' : '|'); if (bci < 10) { sb.append(" "); } else if (bci < 100) { sb.append(' '); } sb.append(bci).append(": ").append(Bytecodes.nameOf(opcode)); for (int i = bci + 1; i < stream.nextBCI(); ++i) { sb.append(' ').append(stream.readUByte(i)); } if (!currentBlock.getJsrScope().isEmpty()) { sb.append(' ').append(currentBlock.getJsrScope()); } TTY.println("%s", sb); } @Override public boolean parsingIntrinsic() { return intrinsicContext != null; } @Override public BytecodeParser getNonIntrinsicAncestor() { BytecodeParser ancestor = parent; while (ancestor != null && ancestor.parsingIntrinsic()) { ancestor = ancestor.parent; } return ancestor; } static String nSpaces(int n) { return n == 0 ? "" : format("%" + n + "s", ""); } }