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 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
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package javax.xml.catalog;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URI;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.jar.JarEntry;
import java.util.jar.JarFile;
import static javax.xml.catalog.CatalogFeatures.DEFER_FALSE;
import static javax.xml.catalog.CatalogFeatures.DEFER_TRUE;
import javax.xml.catalog.CatalogFeatures.Feature;
import static javax.xml.catalog.CatalogFeatures.PREFER_PUBLIC;
import static javax.xml.catalog.CatalogFeatures.PREFER_SYSTEM;
import static javax.xml.catalog.CatalogFeatures.RESOLVE_CONTINUE;
import static javax.xml.catalog.CatalogFeatures.RESOLVE_IGNORE;
import static javax.xml.catalog.CatalogFeatures.RESOLVE_STRICT;
import jdk.xml.internal.SecuritySupport;

/** * * @since 9 */
class Util { final static String URN = "urn:publicid:"; final static String PUBLICID_PREFIX = "-//"; final static String PUBLICID_PREFIX_ALT = "+//"; final static String SCHEME_FILE = "file"; final static String SCHEME_JAR = "jar"; final static String SCHEME_JARFILE = "jar:file:";
Finds an entry in the catalog that matches with the publicId or systemId. The resolution follows the following rules determined by the prefer setting: prefer "system": attempts to resolve with a system entry; attempts to resolve with a public entry when only publicId is specified. prefer "public": attempts to resolve with a system entry; attempts to resolve with a public entry if no matching system entry is found. If no match is found, continue searching uri entries
  • catalog – the catalog
  • publicId – the publicId
  • systemId – the systemId
Returns:the resolved systemId if a match is found, null otherwise
/** * Finds an entry in the catalog that matches with the publicId or systemId. * * The resolution follows the following rules determined by the prefer * setting: * * prefer "system": attempts to resolve with a system entry; attempts to * resolve with a public entry when only publicId is specified. * * prefer "public": attempts to resolve with a system entry; attempts to * resolve with a public entry if no matching system entry is found. * * If no match is found, continue searching uri entries * * @param catalog the catalog * @param publicId the publicId * @param systemId the systemId * @return the resolved systemId if a match is found, null otherwise */
static String resolve(CatalogImpl catalog, String publicId, String systemId) { String resolvedSystemId = null; //search the current catalog catalog.reset(); if (systemId != null) { /* If a system identifier is specified, it is used no matter how prefer is set. */ resolvedSystemId = catalog.matchSystem(systemId); } if (resolvedSystemId == null && publicId != null) { resolvedSystemId = catalog.matchPublic(publicId); } if (resolvedSystemId == null && systemId != null) { resolvedSystemId = catalog.matchURI(systemId); } //mark the catalog as having been searched before trying alternatives catalog.markAsSearched(); //search alternative catalogs if (resolvedSystemId == null) { Iterator<Catalog> iter = catalog.catalogs().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { resolvedSystemId = resolve((CatalogImpl) iter.next(), publicId, systemId); if (resolvedSystemId != null) { break; } } } return resolvedSystemId; } static void validateUrisSyntax(URI... uris) { for (URI uri : uris) { validateUriSyntax(uri); } } static void validateUrisSyntax(String... uris) { for (String uri : uris) { validateUriSyntax(URI.create(uri)); } }
Validate that the URI must be absolute and a valid URL. Note that this method does not verify the existence of the resource. The Catalog standard requires that such resources be ignored.
  • uri –
/** * Validate that the URI must be absolute and a valid URL. * * Note that this method does not verify the existence of the resource. The * Catalog standard requires that such resources be ignored. * * @param uri * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the uri is not absolute and a valid * URL */
static void validateUriSyntax(URI uri) { CatalogMessages.reportNPEOnNull("URI input", uri); if (!uri.isAbsolute()) { CatalogMessages.reportIAE(CatalogMessages.ERR_URI_NOTABSOLUTE, new Object[]{uri}, null); } try { // check if the scheme was valid uri.toURL(); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { CatalogMessages.reportIAE(CatalogMessages.ERR_URI_NOTVALIDURL, new Object[]{uri}, null); } }
Checks whether the URI is a file URI, including JAR file.
  • uri – the specified URI.
Returns:true if it is a file or JAR file URI, false otherwise
/** * Checks whether the URI is a file URI, including JAR file. * * @param uri the specified URI. * @return true if it is a file or JAR file URI, false otherwise */
static boolean isFileUri(URI uri) { if (SCHEME_FILE.equals(uri.getScheme()) || SCHEME_JAR.equals(uri.getScheme())) { return true; } return false; }
Verifies whether the file resource exists.
  • uri – the URI to locate the resource
  • openJarFile – a flag to indicate whether a JAR file should be opened. This operation may be expensive.
Returns:true if the resource exists, false otherwise.
/** * Verifies whether the file resource exists. * * @param uri the URI to locate the resource * @param openJarFile a flag to indicate whether a JAR file should be * opened. This operation may be expensive. * @return true if the resource exists, false otherwise. */
static boolean isFileUriExist(URI uri, boolean openJarFile) { if (uri != null && uri.isAbsolute()) { if (null != uri.getScheme()) { switch (uri.getScheme()) { case SCHEME_FILE: String path = uri.getPath(); File f1 = new File(path); if (f1.isFile()) { return true; } break; case SCHEME_JAR: String tempUri = uri.toString(); int pos = tempUri.indexOf("!"); if (pos < 0) { return false; } if (openJarFile) { String jarFile = tempUri.substring(SCHEME_JARFILE.length(), pos); String entryName = tempUri.substring(pos + 2); try { JarFile jf = new JarFile(jarFile); JarEntry je = jf.getJarEntry(entryName); if (je != null) { return true; } } catch (IOException ex) { return false; } } else { return true; } break; } } } return false; }
Find catalog file paths by reading the system property, and then jaxp.properties if the system property is not specified.
  • sysPropertyName – the name of system property
Returns:the catalog file paths, or null if not found.
/** * Find catalog file paths by reading the system property, and then * jaxp.properties if the system property is not specified. * * @param sysPropertyName the name of system property * @return the catalog file paths, or null if not found. */
static String[] getCatalogFiles(String sysPropertyName) { String value = SecuritySupport.getJAXPSystemProperty(sysPropertyName); if (value != null && !value.isEmpty()) { return value.split(";"); } return null; }
Checks whether the specified string is null or empty, returns the original string with leading and trailing spaces removed if not.
  • test – the string to be tested
Returns:the original string with leading and trailing spaces removed, or null if it is null or empty
/** * Checks whether the specified string is null or empty, returns the * original string with leading and trailing spaces removed if not. * * @param test the string to be tested * @return the original string with leading and trailing spaces removed, or * null if it is null or empty * */
static String getNotNullOrEmpty(String test) { if (test == null) { return test; } else { String temp = test.trim(); if (temp.length() == 0) { return null; } else { return temp; } } }
Validates the input for features.
  • f – the feature
  • value – the value
/** * Validates the input for features. * * @param f the feature * @param value the value * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value is invalid for the feature */
static void validateFeatureInput(Feature f, String value) { CatalogMessages.reportNPEOnNull(f.name(), value); if (value.length() == 0) { CatalogMessages.reportIAE(CatalogMessages.ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, new Object[]{value, f.name()}, null); } if (f == Feature.PREFER) { if (!value.equals(PREFER_SYSTEM) && !value.equals(PREFER_PUBLIC)) { CatalogMessages.reportIAE(CatalogMessages.ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, new Object[]{value, Feature.PREFER.name()}, null); } } else if (f == Feature.DEFER) { if (!value.equals(DEFER_TRUE) && !value.equals(DEFER_FALSE)) { CatalogMessages.reportIAE(CatalogMessages.ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, new Object[]{value, Feature.DEFER.name()}, null); } } else if (f == Feature.RESOLVE) { if (!value.equals(RESOLVE_STRICT) && !value.equals(RESOLVE_CONTINUE) && !value.equals(RESOLVE_IGNORE)) { CatalogMessages.reportIAE(CatalogMessages.ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, new Object[]{value, Feature.RESOLVE.name()}, null); } } else if (f == Feature.FILES) { Util.validateUrisSyntax(value.split(";")); } } }