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package sun.java2d.marlin;

import java.awt.BasicStroke;
import java.awt.Shape;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.geom.Path2D;
import java.awt.geom.PathIterator;
import java.security.AccessController;
import java.util.Arrays;
import sun.awt.geom.PathConsumer2D;
import static sun.java2d.marlin.MarlinUtils.logInfo;
import sun.java2d.ReentrantContextProvider;
import sun.java2d.ReentrantContextProviderCLQ;
import sun.java2d.ReentrantContextProviderTL;
import sun.java2d.pipe.AATileGenerator;
import sun.java2d.pipe.Region;
import sun.java2d.pipe.RenderingEngine;
import sun.security.action.GetPropertyAction;

Marlin RendererEngine implementation (derived from Pisces)
/** * Marlin RendererEngine implementation (derived from Pisces) */
public final class DMarlinRenderingEngine extends RenderingEngine implements MarlinConst { // slightly slower ~2% if enabled stroker clipping (lines) but skipping cap / join handling is few percents faster in specific cases static final boolean DISABLE_2ND_STROKER_CLIPPING = true; static final boolean DO_TRACE_PATH = false; static final boolean DO_CLIP = MarlinProperties.isDoClip(); static final boolean DO_CLIP_FILL = true; static final boolean DO_CLIP_RUNTIME_ENABLE = MarlinProperties.isDoClipRuntimeFlag(); private static final float MIN_PEN_SIZE = 1.0f / MIN_SUBPIXELS; static final double UPPER_BND = Float.MAX_VALUE / 2.0d; static final double LOWER_BND = -UPPER_BND; private enum NormMode { ON_WITH_AA { @Override PathIterator getNormalizingPathIterator(final DRendererContext rdrCtx, final PathIterator src) { // NormalizingPathIterator NearestPixelCenter: return rdrCtx.nPCPathIterator.init(src); } }, ON_NO_AA{ @Override PathIterator getNormalizingPathIterator(final DRendererContext rdrCtx, final PathIterator src) { // NearestPixel NormalizingPathIterator: return rdrCtx.nPQPathIterator.init(src); } }, OFF{ @Override PathIterator getNormalizingPathIterator(final DRendererContext rdrCtx, final PathIterator src) { // return original path iterator if normalization is disabled: return src; } }; abstract PathIterator getNormalizingPathIterator(DRendererContext rdrCtx, PathIterator src); }
Public constructor
/** * Public constructor */
public DMarlinRenderingEngine() { super(); logSettings(DMarlinRenderingEngine.class.getName()); }
Create a widened path as specified by the parameters.

The specified src Shape is widened according to the specified attribute parameters as per the BasicStroke specification.

  • src – the source path to be widened
  • width – the width of the widened path as per BasicStroke
  • caps – the end cap decorations as per BasicStroke
  • join – the segment join decorations as per BasicStroke
  • miterlimit – the miter limit as per BasicStroke
  • dashes – the dash length array as per BasicStroke
  • dashphase – the initial dash phase as per BasicStroke
Returns:the widened path stored in a new Shape object
/** * Create a widened path as specified by the parameters. * <p> * The specified {@code src} {@link Shape} is widened according * to the specified attribute parameters as per the * {@link BasicStroke} specification. * * @param src the source path to be widened * @param width the width of the widened path as per {@code BasicStroke} * @param caps the end cap decorations as per {@code BasicStroke} * @param join the segment join decorations as per {@code BasicStroke} * @param miterlimit the miter limit as per {@code BasicStroke} * @param dashes the dash length array as per {@code BasicStroke} * @param dashphase the initial dash phase as per {@code BasicStroke} * @return the widened path stored in a new {@code Shape} object * @since 1.7 */
@Override public Shape createStrokedShape(Shape src, float width, int caps, int join, float miterlimit, float[] dashes, float dashphase) { final DRendererContext rdrCtx = getRendererContext(); try { // initialize a large copyable Path2D to avoid a lot of array growing: final Path2D.Double p2d = rdrCtx.getPath2D(); strokeTo(rdrCtx, src, null, width, NormMode.OFF, caps, join, miterlimit, dashes, dashphase, rdrCtx.transformerPC2D.wrapPath2D(p2d) ); // Use Path2D copy constructor (trim) return new Path2D.Double(p2d); } finally { // recycle the DRendererContext instance returnRendererContext(rdrCtx); } }
Sends the geometry for a widened path as specified by the parameters to the specified consumer.

The specified src Shape is widened according to the parameters specified by the BasicStroke object. Adjustments are made to the path as appropriate for the RenderingHints.VALUE_STROKE_NORMALIZE hint if the normalize boolean parameter is true. Adjustments are made to the path as appropriate for the RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON hint if the antialias boolean parameter is true.

The geometry of the widened path is forwarded to the indicated DPathConsumer2D object as it is calculated.

  • src – the source path to be widened
  • bs – the BasicSroke object specifying the decorations to be applied to the widened path
  • normalize – indicates whether stroke normalization should be applied
  • antialias – indicates whether or not adjustments appropriate to antialiased rendering should be applied
  • consumer – the DPathConsumer2D instance to forward the widened geometry to
/** * Sends the geometry for a widened path as specified by the parameters * to the specified consumer. * <p> * The specified {@code src} {@link Shape} is widened according * to the parameters specified by the {@link BasicStroke} object. * Adjustments are made to the path as appropriate for the * {@link java.awt.RenderingHints#VALUE_STROKE_NORMALIZE} hint if the * {@code normalize} boolean parameter is true. * Adjustments are made to the path as appropriate for the * {@link java.awt.RenderingHints#VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON} hint if the * {@code antialias} boolean parameter is true. * <p> * The geometry of the widened path is forwarded to the indicated * {@link DPathConsumer2D} object as it is calculated. * * @param src the source path to be widened * @param bs the {@code BasicSroke} object specifying the * decorations to be applied to the widened path * @param normalize indicates whether stroke normalization should * be applied * @param antialias indicates whether or not adjustments appropriate * to antialiased rendering should be applied * @param consumer the {@code DPathConsumer2D} instance to forward * the widened geometry to * @since 1.7 */
@Override public void strokeTo(Shape src, AffineTransform at, BasicStroke bs, boolean thin, boolean normalize, boolean antialias, final PathConsumer2D consumer) { final NormMode norm = (normalize) ? ((antialias) ? NormMode.ON_WITH_AA : NormMode.ON_NO_AA) : NormMode.OFF; final DRendererContext rdrCtx = getRendererContext(); try { strokeTo(rdrCtx, src, at, bs, thin, norm, antialias, rdrCtx.p2dAdapter.init(consumer)); } finally { // recycle the DRendererContext instance returnRendererContext(rdrCtx); } } void strokeTo(final DRendererContext rdrCtx, Shape src, AffineTransform at, BasicStroke bs, boolean thin, NormMode normalize, boolean antialias, DPathConsumer2D pc2d) { double lw; if (thin) { if (antialias) { lw = userSpaceLineWidth(at, MIN_PEN_SIZE); } else { lw = userSpaceLineWidth(at, 1.0d); } } else { lw = bs.getLineWidth(); } strokeTo(rdrCtx, src, at, lw, normalize, bs.getEndCap(), bs.getLineJoin(), bs.getMiterLimit(), bs.getDashArray(), bs.getDashPhase(), pc2d); } private double userSpaceLineWidth(AffineTransform at, double lw) { double widthScale; if (at == null) { widthScale = 1.0d; } else if ((at.getType() & (AffineTransform.TYPE_GENERAL_TRANSFORM | AffineTransform.TYPE_GENERAL_SCALE)) != 0) { // Determinant may be negative (flip), use its absolute value: widthScale = Math.sqrt(Math.abs(at.getDeterminant())); } else { // First calculate the "maximum scale" of this transform. double A = at.getScaleX(); // m00 double C = at.getShearX(); // m01 double B = at.getShearY(); // m10 double D = at.getScaleY(); // m11 /* * Given a 2 x 2 affine matrix [ A B ] such that * [ C D ] * v' = [x' y'] = [Ax + Cy, Bx + Dy], we want to * find the maximum magnitude (norm) of the vector v' * with the constraint (x^2 + y^2 = 1). * The equation to maximize is * |v'| = sqrt((Ax+Cy)^2+(Bx+Dy)^2) * or |v'| = sqrt((AA+BB)x^2 + 2(AC+BD)xy + (CC+DD)y^2). * Since sqrt is monotonic we can maximize |v'|^2 * instead and plug in the substitution y = sqrt(1 - x^2). * Trigonometric equalities can then be used to get * rid of most of the sqrt terms. */ double EA = A*A + B*B; // x^2 coefficient double EB = 2.0d * (A*C + B*D); // xy coefficient double EC = C*C + D*D; // y^2 coefficient /* * There is a lot of calculus omitted here. * * Conceptually, in the interests of understanding the * terms that the calculus produced we can consider * that EA and EC end up providing the lengths along * the major axes and the hypot term ends up being an * adjustment for the additional length along the off-axis * angle of rotated or sheared ellipses as well as an * adjustment for the fact that the equation below * averages the two major axis lengths. (Notice that * the hypot term contains a part which resolves to the * difference of these two axis lengths in the absence * of rotation.) * * In the calculus, the ratio of the EB and (EA-EC) terms * ends up being the tangent of 2*theta where theta is * the angle that the long axis of the ellipse makes * with the horizontal axis. Thus, this equation is * calculating the length of the hypotenuse of a triangle * along that axis. */ double hypot = Math.sqrt(EB*EB + (EA-EC)*(EA-EC)); // sqrt omitted, compare to squared limits below. double widthsquared = ((EA + EC + hypot) / 2.0d); widthScale = Math.sqrt(widthsquared); } return (lw / widthScale); } void strokeTo(final DRendererContext rdrCtx, Shape src, AffineTransform at, double width, NormMode norm, int caps, int join, float miterlimit, float[] dashes, float dashphase, DPathConsumer2D pc2d) { // We use strokerat so that in Stroker and Dasher we can work only // with the pre-transformation coordinates. This will repeat a lot of // computations done in the path iterator, but the alternative is to // work with transformed paths and compute untransformed coordinates // as needed. This would be faster but I do not think the complexity // of working with both untransformed and transformed coordinates in // the same code is worth it. // However, if a path's width is constant after a transformation, // we can skip all this untransforming. // As pathTo() will check transformed coordinates for invalid values // (NaN / Infinity) to ignore such points, it is necessary to apply the // transformation before the path processing. AffineTransform strokerat = null; int dashLen = -1; boolean recycleDashes = false; double[] dashesD = null; // Ensure converting dashes to double precision: if (dashes != null) { recycleDashes = true; dashLen = dashes.length; dashesD = rdrCtx.dasher.copyDashArray(dashes); } if (at != null && !at.isIdentity()) { final double a = at.getScaleX(); final double b = at.getShearX(); final double c = at.getShearY(); final double d = at.getScaleY(); final double det = a * d - c * b; if (Math.abs(det) <= (2.0d * Double.MIN_VALUE)) { // this rendering engine takes one dimensional curves and turns // them into 2D shapes by giving them width. // However, if everything is to be passed through a singular // transformation, these 2D shapes will be squashed down to 1D // again so, nothing can be drawn. // Every path needs an initial moveTo and a pathDone. If these // are not there this causes a SIGSEGV in libawt.so (at the time // of writing of this comment (September 16, 2010)). Actually, // I am not sure if the moveTo is necessary to avoid the SIGSEGV // but the pathDone is definitely needed. pc2d.moveTo(0.0d, 0.0d); pc2d.pathDone(); return; } // If the transform is a constant multiple of an orthogonal transformation // then every length is just multiplied by a constant, so we just // need to transform input paths to stroker and tell stroker // the scaled width. This condition is satisfied if // a*b == -c*d && a*a+c*c == b*b+d*d. In the actual check below, we // leave a bit of room for error. if (nearZero(a*b + c*d) && nearZero(a*a + c*c - (b*b + d*d))) { final double scale = Math.sqrt(a*a + c*c); if (dashesD != null) { for (int i = 0; i < dashLen; i++) { dashesD[i] *= scale; } dashphase *= scale; } width *= scale; // by now strokerat == null. Input paths to // stroker (and maybe dasher) will have the full transform at // applied to them and nothing will happen to the output paths. } else { strokerat = at; // by now strokerat == at. Input paths to // stroker (and maybe dasher) will have the full transform at // applied to them, then they will be normalized, and then // the inverse of *only the non translation part of at* will // be applied to the normalized paths. This won't cause problems // in stroker, because, suppose at = T*A, where T is just the // translation part of at, and A is the rest. T*A has already // been applied to Stroker/Dasher's input. Then Ainv will be // applied. Ainv*T*A is not equal to T, but it is a translation, // which means that none of stroker's assumptions about its // input will be violated. After all this, A will be applied // to stroker's output. } } else { // either at is null or it's the identity. In either case // we don't transform the path. at = null; } final DTransformingPathConsumer2D transformerPC2D = rdrCtx.transformerPC2D; if (DO_TRACE_PATH) { // trace Stroker: pc2d = transformerPC2D.traceStroker(pc2d); } if (USE_SIMPLIFIER) { // Use simplifier after stroker before Renderer // to remove collinear segments (notably due to cap square) pc2d = rdrCtx.simplifier.init(pc2d); } // deltaTransformConsumer may adjust the clip rectangle: pc2d = transformerPC2D.deltaTransformConsumer(pc2d, strokerat); // stroker will adjust the clip rectangle (width / miter limit): pc2d = rdrCtx.stroker.init(pc2d, width, caps, join, miterlimit, (dashesD == null)); // Curve Monotizer: rdrCtx.monotonizer.init(width); if (dashesD != null) { if (DO_TRACE_PATH) { pc2d = transformerPC2D.traceDasher(pc2d); } pc2d = rdrCtx.dasher.init(pc2d, dashesD, dashLen, dashphase, recycleDashes); if (DISABLE_2ND_STROKER_CLIPPING) { // disable stoker clipping: rdrCtx.stroker.disableClipping(); } } else if (rdrCtx.doClip && (caps != Stroker.CAP_BUTT)) { if (DO_TRACE_PATH) { pc2d = transformerPC2D.traceClosedPathDetector(pc2d); } // If no dash and clip is enabled: // detect closedPaths (polygons) for caps pc2d = transformerPC2D.detectClosedPath(pc2d); } pc2d = transformerPC2D.inverseDeltaTransformConsumer(pc2d, strokerat); if (DO_TRACE_PATH) { // trace Input: pc2d = transformerPC2D.traceInput(pc2d); } final PathIterator pi = norm.getNormalizingPathIterator(rdrCtx, src.getPathIterator(at)); pathTo(rdrCtx, pi, pc2d); /* * Pipeline seems to be: * shape.getPathIterator(at) * -> (NormalizingPathIterator) * -> (inverseDeltaTransformConsumer) * -> (Dasher) * -> Stroker * -> (deltaTransformConsumer) * * -> (CollinearSimplifier) to remove redundant segments * * -> pc2d = Renderer (bounding box) */ } private static boolean nearZero(final double num) { return Math.abs(num) < 2.0d * Math.ulp(num); } abstract static class NormalizingPathIterator implements PathIterator { private PathIterator src; // the adjustment applied to the current position. private double curx_adjust, cury_adjust; // the adjustment applied to the last moveTo position. private double movx_adjust, movy_adjust; private final double[] tmp; NormalizingPathIterator(final double[] tmp) { this.tmp = tmp; } final NormalizingPathIterator init(final PathIterator src) { this.src = src; return this; // fluent API }
Disposes this path iterator: clean up before reusing this instance
/** * Disposes this path iterator: * clean up before reusing this instance */
final void dispose() { // free source PathIterator: this.src = null; } @Override public final int currentSegment(final double[] coords) { int lastCoord; final int type = src.currentSegment(coords); switch(type) { case PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO: case PathIterator.SEG_LINETO: lastCoord = 0; break; case PathIterator.SEG_QUADTO: lastCoord = 2; break; case PathIterator.SEG_CUBICTO: lastCoord = 4; break; case PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE: // we don't want to deal with this case later. We just exit now curx_adjust = movx_adjust; cury_adjust = movy_adjust; return type; default: throw new InternalError("Unrecognized curve type"); } // normalize endpoint double coord, x_adjust, y_adjust; coord = coords[lastCoord]; x_adjust = normCoord(coord); // new coord coords[lastCoord] = x_adjust; x_adjust -= coord; coord = coords[lastCoord + 1]; y_adjust = normCoord(coord); // new coord coords[lastCoord + 1] = y_adjust; y_adjust -= coord; // now that the end points are done, normalize the control points switch(type) { case PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO: movx_adjust = x_adjust; movy_adjust = y_adjust; break; case PathIterator.SEG_LINETO: break; case PathIterator.SEG_QUADTO: coords[0] += (curx_adjust + x_adjust) / 2.0d; coords[1] += (cury_adjust + y_adjust) / 2.0d; break; case PathIterator.SEG_CUBICTO: coords[0] += curx_adjust; coords[1] += cury_adjust; coords[2] += x_adjust; coords[3] += y_adjust; break; case PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE: // handled earlier default: } curx_adjust = x_adjust; cury_adjust = y_adjust; return type; } abstract double normCoord(final double coord); @Override public final int currentSegment(final float[] coords) { final double[] _tmp = tmp; // dirty int type = this.currentSegment(_tmp); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { coords[i] = (float)_tmp[i]; } return type; } @Override public final int getWindingRule() { return src.getWindingRule(); } @Override public final boolean isDone() { if (src.isDone()) { // Dispose this instance: dispose(); return true; } return false; } @Override public final void next() { src.next(); } static final class NearestPixelCenter extends NormalizingPathIterator { NearestPixelCenter(final double[] tmp) { super(tmp); } @Override double normCoord(final double coord) { // round to nearest pixel center return Math.floor(coord) + 0.5d; } } static final class NearestPixelQuarter extends NormalizingPathIterator { NearestPixelQuarter(final double[] tmp) { super(tmp); } @Override double normCoord(final double coord) { // round to nearest (0.25, 0.25) pixel quarter return Math.floor(coord + 0.25d) + 0.25d; } } } private static void pathTo(final DRendererContext rdrCtx, final PathIterator pi, DPathConsumer2D pc2d) { if (USE_PATH_SIMPLIFIER) { // Use path simplifier at the first step // to remove useless points pc2d = rdrCtx.pathSimplifier.init(pc2d); } // mark context as DIRTY: rdrCtx.dirty = true; pathToLoop(rdrCtx.double6, pi, pc2d); // mark context as CLEAN: rdrCtx.dirty = false; } private static void pathToLoop(final double[] coords, final PathIterator pi, final DPathConsumer2D pc2d) { // ported from DuctusRenderingEngine.feedConsumer() but simplified: // - removed skip flag = !subpathStarted // - removed pathClosed (ie subpathStarted not set to false) boolean subpathStarted = false; for (; !pi.isDone(); pi.next()) { switch (pi.currentSegment(coords)) { case PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO: /* Checking SEG_MOVETO coordinates if they are out of the * [LOWER_BND, UPPER_BND] range. This check also handles NaN * and Infinity values. Skipping next path segment in case of * invalid data. */ if (coords[0] < UPPER_BND && coords[0] > LOWER_BND && coords[1] < UPPER_BND && coords[1] > LOWER_BND) { pc2d.moveTo(coords[0], coords[1]); subpathStarted = true; } break; case PathIterator.SEG_LINETO: /* Checking SEG_LINETO coordinates if they are out of the * [LOWER_BND, UPPER_BND] range. This check also handles NaN * and Infinity values. Ignoring current path segment in case * of invalid data. If segment is skipped its endpoint * (if valid) is used to begin new subpath. */ if (coords[0] < UPPER_BND && coords[0] > LOWER_BND && coords[1] < UPPER_BND && coords[1] > LOWER_BND) { if (subpathStarted) { pc2d.lineTo(coords[0], coords[1]); } else { pc2d.moveTo(coords[0], coords[1]); subpathStarted = true; } } break; case PathIterator.SEG_QUADTO: // Quadratic curves take two points /* Checking SEG_QUADTO coordinates if they are out of the * [LOWER_BND, UPPER_BND] range. This check also handles NaN * and Infinity values. Ignoring current path segment in case * of invalid endpoints's data. Equivalent to the SEG_LINETO * if endpoint coordinates are valid but there are invalid data * among other coordinates */ if (coords[2] < UPPER_BND && coords[2] > LOWER_BND && coords[3] < UPPER_BND && coords[3] > LOWER_BND) { if (subpathStarted) { if (coords[0] < UPPER_BND && coords[0] > LOWER_BND && coords[1] < UPPER_BND && coords[1] > LOWER_BND) { pc2d.quadTo(coords[0], coords[1], coords[2], coords[3]); } else { pc2d.lineTo(coords[2], coords[3]); } } else { pc2d.moveTo(coords[2], coords[3]); subpathStarted = true; } } break; case PathIterator.SEG_CUBICTO: // Cubic curves take three points /* Checking SEG_CUBICTO coordinates if they are out of the * [LOWER_BND, UPPER_BND] range. This check also handles NaN * and Infinity values. Ignoring current path segment in case * of invalid endpoints's data. Equivalent to the SEG_LINETO * if endpoint coordinates are valid but there are invalid data * among other coordinates */ if (coords[4] < UPPER_BND && coords[4] > LOWER_BND && coords[5] < UPPER_BND && coords[5] > LOWER_BND) { if (subpathStarted) { if (coords[0] < UPPER_BND && coords[0] > LOWER_BND && coords[1] < UPPER_BND && coords[1] > LOWER_BND && coords[2] < UPPER_BND && coords[2] > LOWER_BND && coords[3] < UPPER_BND && coords[3] > LOWER_BND) { pc2d.curveTo(coords[0], coords[1], coords[2], coords[3], coords[4], coords[5]); } else { pc2d.lineTo(coords[4], coords[5]); } } else { pc2d.moveTo(coords[4], coords[5]); subpathStarted = true; } } break; case PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE: if (subpathStarted) { pc2d.closePath(); // do not set subpathStarted to false // in case of missing moveTo() after close() } break; default: } } pc2d.pathDone(); }
Construct an antialiased tile generator for the given shape with the given rendering attributes and store the bounds of the tile iteration in the bbox parameter. The at parameter specifies a transform that should affect both the shape and the BasicStroke attributes. The clip parameter specifies the current clip in effect in device coordinates and can be used to prune the data for the operation, but the renderer is not required to perform any clipping. If the BasicStroke parameter is null then the shape should be filled as is, otherwise the attributes of the BasicStroke should be used to specify a draw operation. The thin parameter indicates whether or not the transformed BasicStroke represents coordinates smaller than the minimum resolution of the antialiasing rasterizer as specified by the getMinimumAAPenWidth() method.

Upon returning, this method will fill the bbox parameter with 4 values indicating the bounds of the iteration of the tile generator. The iteration order of the tiles will be as specified by the pseudo-code:

    for (y = bbox[1]; y < bbox[3]; y += tileheight) {
        for (x = bbox[0]; x < bbox[2]; x += tilewidth) {
If there is no output to be rendered, this method may return null.
  • s – the shape to be rendered (fill or draw)
  • at – the transform to be applied to the shape and the stroke attributes
  • clip – the current clip in effect in device coordinates
  • bs – if non-null, a BasicStroke whose attributes should be applied to this operation
  • thin – true if the transformed stroke attributes are smaller than the minimum dropout pen width
  • normalize – true if the VALUE_STROKE_NORMALIZE RenderingHint is in effect
  • bbox – returns the bounds of the iteration
Returns:the AATileGenerator instance to be consulted for tile coverages, or null if there is no output to render
/** * Construct an antialiased tile generator for the given shape with * the given rendering attributes and store the bounds of the tile * iteration in the bbox parameter. * The {@code at} parameter specifies a transform that should affect * both the shape and the {@code BasicStroke} attributes. * The {@code clip} parameter specifies the current clip in effect * in device coordinates and can be used to prune the data for the * operation, but the renderer is not required to perform any * clipping. * If the {@code BasicStroke} parameter is null then the shape * should be filled as is, otherwise the attributes of the * {@code BasicStroke} should be used to specify a draw operation. * The {@code thin} parameter indicates whether or not the * transformed {@code BasicStroke} represents coordinates smaller * than the minimum resolution of the antialiasing rasterizer as * specified by the {@code getMinimumAAPenWidth()} method. * <p> * Upon returning, this method will fill the {@code bbox} parameter * with 4 values indicating the bounds of the iteration of the * tile generator. * The iteration order of the tiles will be as specified by the * pseudo-code: * <pre> * for (y = bbox[1]; y < bbox[3]; y += tileheight) { * for (x = bbox[0]; x < bbox[2]; x += tilewidth) { * } * } * </pre> * If there is no output to be rendered, this method may return * null. * * @param s the shape to be rendered (fill or draw) * @param at the transform to be applied to the shape and the * stroke attributes * @param clip the current clip in effect in device coordinates * @param bs if non-null, a {@code BasicStroke} whose attributes * should be applied to this operation * @param thin true if the transformed stroke attributes are smaller * than the minimum dropout pen width * @param normalize true if the {@code VALUE_STROKE_NORMALIZE} * {@code RenderingHint} is in effect * @param bbox returns the bounds of the iteration * @return the {@code AATileGenerator} instance to be consulted * for tile coverages, or null if there is no output to render * @since 1.7 */
@Override public AATileGenerator getAATileGenerator(Shape s, AffineTransform at, Region clip, BasicStroke bs, boolean thin, boolean normalize, int[] bbox) { MarlinTileGenerator ptg = null; DRenderer r = null; final DRendererContext rdrCtx = getRendererContext(); try { if (DO_CLIP || (DO_CLIP_RUNTIME_ENABLE && MarlinProperties.isDoClipAtRuntime())) { // Define the initial clip bounds: final double[] clipRect = rdrCtx.clipRect; // Adjust the clipping rectangle with the renderer offsets final double rdrOffX = DRenderer.RDR_OFFSET_X; final double rdrOffY = DRenderer.RDR_OFFSET_Y; // add a small rounding error: final double margin = 1e-3d; clipRect[0] = clip.getLoY() - margin + rdrOffY; clipRect[1] = clip.getLoY() + clip.getHeight() + margin + rdrOffY; clipRect[2] = clip.getLoX() - margin + rdrOffX; clipRect[3] = clip.getLoX() + clip.getWidth() + margin + rdrOffX; if (MarlinConst.DO_LOG_CLIP) { MarlinUtils.logInfo("clipRect (clip): " + Arrays.toString(rdrCtx.clipRect)); } // Enable clipping: rdrCtx.doClip = true; } // Test if at is identity: final AffineTransform _at = (at != null && !at.isIdentity()) ? at : null; final NormMode norm = (normalize) ? NormMode.ON_WITH_AA : NormMode.OFF; if (bs == null) { // fill shape: final PathIterator pi = norm.getNormalizingPathIterator(rdrCtx, s.getPathIterator(_at)); // note: Winding rule may be EvenOdd ONLY for fill operations ! r = rdrCtx.renderer.init(clip.getLoX(), clip.getLoY(), clip.getWidth(), clip.getHeight(), pi.getWindingRule()); DPathConsumer2D pc2d = r; if (DO_CLIP_FILL && rdrCtx.doClip) { if (DO_TRACE_PATH) { // trace Filler: pc2d = rdrCtx.transformerPC2D.traceFiller(pc2d); } pc2d = rdrCtx.transformerPC2D.pathClipper(pc2d); } if (DO_TRACE_PATH) { // trace Input: pc2d = rdrCtx.transformerPC2D.traceInput(pc2d); } pathTo(rdrCtx, pi, pc2d); } else { // draw shape with given stroke: r = rdrCtx.renderer.init(clip.getLoX(), clip.getLoY(), clip.getWidth(), clip.getHeight(), WIND_NON_ZERO); strokeTo(rdrCtx, s, _at, bs, thin, norm, true, r); } if (r.endRendering()) { ptg = rdrCtx.ptg.init(); ptg.getBbox(bbox); // note: do not returnRendererContext(rdrCtx) // as it will be called later by MarlinTileGenerator.dispose() r = null; } } finally { if (r != null) { // dispose renderer and recycle the RendererContext instance: r.dispose(); } } // Return null to cancel AA tile generation (nothing to render) return ptg; } @Override public AATileGenerator getAATileGenerator(double x, double y, double dx1, double dy1, double dx2, double dy2, double lw1, double lw2, Region clip, int[] bbox) { // REMIND: Deal with large coordinates! double ldx1, ldy1, ldx2, ldy2; boolean innerpgram = (lw1 > 0.0d && lw2 > 0.0d); if (innerpgram) { ldx1 = dx1 * lw1; ldy1 = dy1 * lw1; ldx2 = dx2 * lw2; ldy2 = dy2 * lw2; x -= (ldx1 + ldx2) / 2.0d; y -= (ldy1 + ldy2) / 2.0d; dx1 += ldx1; dy1 += ldy1; dx2 += ldx2; dy2 += ldy2; if (lw1 > 1.0d && lw2 > 1.0d) { // Inner parallelogram was entirely consumed by stroke... innerpgram = false; } } else { ldx1 = ldy1 = ldx2 = ldy2 = 0.0d; } MarlinTileGenerator ptg = null; DRenderer r = null; final DRendererContext rdrCtx = getRendererContext(); try { r = rdrCtx.renderer.init(clip.getLoX(), clip.getLoY(), clip.getWidth(), clip.getHeight(), WIND_EVEN_ODD); r.moveTo( x, y); r.lineTo( (x+dx1), (y+dy1)); r.lineTo( (x+dx1+dx2), (y+dy1+dy2)); r.lineTo( (x+dx2), (y+dy2)); r.closePath(); if (innerpgram) { x += ldx1 + ldx2; y += ldy1 + ldy2; dx1 -= 2.0d * ldx1; dy1 -= 2.0d * ldy1; dx2 -= 2.0d * ldx2; dy2 -= 2.0d * ldy2; r.moveTo( x, y); r.lineTo( (x+dx1), (y+dy1)); r.lineTo( (x+dx1+dx2), (y+dy1+dy2)); r.lineTo( (x+dx2), (y+dy2)); r.closePath(); } r.pathDone(); if (r.endRendering()) { ptg = rdrCtx.ptg.init(); ptg.getBbox(bbox); // note: do not returnRendererContext(rdrCtx) // as it will be called later by MarlinTileGenerator.dispose() r = null; } } finally { if (r != null) { // dispose renderer and recycle the RendererContext instance: r.dispose(); } } // Return null to cancel AA tile generation (nothing to render) return ptg; }
Returns the minimum pen width that the antialiasing rasterizer can represent without dropouts occuring.
/** * Returns the minimum pen width that the antialiasing rasterizer * can represent without dropouts occuring. * @since 1.7 */
@Override public float getMinimumAAPenSize() { return MIN_PEN_SIZE; } static { if (PathIterator.WIND_NON_ZERO != WIND_NON_ZERO || PathIterator.WIND_EVEN_ODD != WIND_EVEN_ODD || BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER != JOIN_MITER || BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND != JOIN_ROUND || BasicStroke.JOIN_BEVEL != JOIN_BEVEL || BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT != CAP_BUTT || BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND != CAP_ROUND || BasicStroke.CAP_SQUARE != CAP_SQUARE) { throw new InternalError("mismatched renderer constants"); } } // --- DRendererContext handling --- // use ThreadLocal or ConcurrentLinkedQueue to get one DRendererContext private static final boolean USE_THREAD_LOCAL; // reference type stored in either TL or CLQ static final int REF_TYPE; // Per-thread DRendererContext private static final ReentrantContextProvider<DRendererContext> RDR_CTX_PROVIDER; // Static initializer to use TL or CLQ mode static { USE_THREAD_LOCAL = MarlinProperties.isUseThreadLocal(); // Soft reference by default: final String refType = AccessController.doPrivileged( new GetPropertyAction("sun.java2d.renderer.useRef", "soft")); switch (refType) { default: case "soft": REF_TYPE = ReentrantContextProvider.REF_SOFT; break; case "weak": REF_TYPE = ReentrantContextProvider.REF_WEAK; break; case "hard": REF_TYPE = ReentrantContextProvider.REF_HARD; break; } if (USE_THREAD_LOCAL) { RDR_CTX_PROVIDER = new ReentrantContextProviderTL<DRendererContext>(REF_TYPE) { @Override protected DRendererContext newContext() { return DRendererContext.createContext(); } }; } else { RDR_CTX_PROVIDER = new ReentrantContextProviderCLQ<DRendererContext>(REF_TYPE) { @Override protected DRendererContext newContext() { return DRendererContext.createContext(); } }; } } private static boolean SETTINGS_LOGGED = !ENABLE_LOGS; private static void logSettings(final String reClass) { // log information at startup if (SETTINGS_LOGGED) { return; } SETTINGS_LOGGED = true; String refType; switch (REF_TYPE) { default: case ReentrantContextProvider.REF_HARD: refType = "hard"; break; case ReentrantContextProvider.REF_SOFT: refType = "soft"; break; case ReentrantContextProvider.REF_WEAK: refType = "weak"; break; } logInfo("==========================================================" + "====================="); logInfo("Marlin software rasterizer = ENABLED"); logInfo("Version = [" + Version.getVersion() + "]"); logInfo("sun.java2d.renderer = " + reClass); logInfo("sun.java2d.renderer.useThreadLocal = " + USE_THREAD_LOCAL); logInfo("sun.java2d.renderer.useRef = " + refType); logInfo("sun.java2d.renderer.edges = " + MarlinConst.INITIAL_EDGES_COUNT); logInfo("sun.java2d.renderer.pixelWidth = " + MarlinConst.INITIAL_PIXEL_WIDTH); logInfo("sun.java2d.renderer.pixelHeight = " + MarlinConst.INITIAL_PIXEL_HEIGHT); logInfo("sun.java2d.renderer.subPixel_log2_X = " + MarlinConst.SUBPIXEL_LG_POSITIONS_X); logInfo("sun.java2d.renderer.subPixel_log2_Y = " + MarlinConst.SUBPIXEL_LG_POSITIONS_Y); logInfo("sun.java2d.renderer.tileSize_log2 = " + MarlinConst.TILE_H_LG); logInfo("sun.java2d.renderer.tileWidth_log2 = " + MarlinConst.TILE_W_LG); logInfo("sun.java2d.renderer.blockSize_log2 = " + MarlinConst.BLOCK_SIZE_LG); // RLE / blockFlags settings logInfo("sun.java2d.renderer.forceRLE = " + MarlinProperties.isForceRLE()); logInfo("sun.java2d.renderer.forceNoRLE = " + MarlinProperties.isForceNoRLE()); logInfo("sun.java2d.renderer.useTileFlags = " + MarlinProperties.isUseTileFlags()); logInfo("sun.java2d.renderer.useTileFlags.useHeuristics = " + MarlinProperties.isUseTileFlagsWithHeuristics()); logInfo("sun.java2d.renderer.rleMinWidth = " + MarlinCache.RLE_MIN_WIDTH); // optimisation parameters logInfo("sun.java2d.renderer.useSimplifier = " + MarlinConst.USE_SIMPLIFIER); logInfo("sun.java2d.renderer.usePathSimplifier= " + MarlinConst.USE_PATH_SIMPLIFIER); logInfo("sun.java2d.renderer.pathSimplifier.pixTol = " + MarlinProperties.getPathSimplifierPixelTolerance()); logInfo("sun.java2d.renderer.clip = " + MarlinProperties.isDoClip()); logInfo("sun.java2d.renderer.clip.runtime.enable = " + MarlinProperties.isDoClipRuntimeFlag()); logInfo("sun.java2d.renderer.clip.subdivider = " + MarlinProperties.isDoClipSubdivider()); logInfo("sun.java2d.renderer.clip.subdivider.minLength = " + MarlinProperties.getSubdividerMinLength()); // debugging parameters logInfo("sun.java2d.renderer.doStats = " + MarlinConst.DO_STATS); logInfo("sun.java2d.renderer.doMonitors = " + MarlinConst.DO_MONITORS); logInfo("sun.java2d.renderer.doChecks = " + MarlinConst.DO_CHECKS); // logging parameters logInfo("sun.java2d.renderer.useLogger = " + MarlinConst.USE_LOGGER); logInfo("sun.java2d.renderer.logCreateContext = " + MarlinConst.LOG_CREATE_CONTEXT); logInfo("sun.java2d.renderer.logUnsafeMalloc = " + MarlinConst.LOG_UNSAFE_MALLOC); // quality settings logInfo("sun.java2d.renderer.curve_len_err = " + MarlinProperties.getCurveLengthError()); logInfo("sun.java2d.renderer.cubic_dec_d2 = " + MarlinProperties.getCubicDecD2()); logInfo("sun.java2d.renderer.cubic_inc_d1 = " + MarlinProperties.getCubicIncD1()); logInfo("sun.java2d.renderer.quad_dec_d2 = " + MarlinProperties.getQuadDecD2()); logInfo("Renderer settings:"); logInfo("CUB_DEC_BND = " + DRenderer.CUB_DEC_BND); logInfo("CUB_INC_BND = " + DRenderer.CUB_INC_BND); logInfo("QUAD_DEC_BND = " + DRenderer.QUAD_DEC_BND); logInfo("INITIAL_EDGES_CAPACITY = " + MarlinConst.INITIAL_EDGES_CAPACITY); logInfo("INITIAL_CROSSING_COUNT = " + DRenderer.INITIAL_CROSSING_COUNT); logInfo("==========================================================" + "====================="); }
Get the DRendererContext instance dedicated to the current thread
Returns:DRendererContext instance
/** * Get the DRendererContext instance dedicated to the current thread * @return DRendererContext instance */
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked"}) static DRendererContext getRendererContext() { final DRendererContext rdrCtx = RDR_CTX_PROVIDER.acquire(); if (DO_MONITORS) { rdrCtx.stats.mon_pre_getAATileGenerator.start(); } return rdrCtx; }
Reset and return the given DRendererContext instance for reuse
  • rdrCtx – DRendererContext instance
/** * Reset and return the given DRendererContext instance for reuse * @param rdrCtx DRendererContext instance */
static void returnRendererContext(final DRendererContext rdrCtx) { rdrCtx.dispose(); if (DO_MONITORS) { rdrCtx.stats.mon_pre_getAATileGenerator.stop(); } RDR_CTX_PROVIDER.release(rdrCtx); } }