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package sun.awt.X11;

import java.awt.*;
import sun.awt.*;
import java.util.*;
import sun.util.logging.PlatformLogger;

public class XBaseWindow {
    private static final PlatformLogger log = PlatformLogger.getLogger("sun.awt.X11.XBaseWindow");
    private static final PlatformLogger insLog = PlatformLogger.getLogger("sun.awt.X11.insets.XBaseWindow");
    private static final PlatformLogger eventLog = PlatformLogger.getLogger("sun.awt.X11.event.XBaseWindow");
    private static final PlatformLogger focusLog = PlatformLogger.getLogger("sun.awt.X11.focus.XBaseWindow");
    private static final PlatformLogger grabLog = PlatformLogger.getLogger("sun.awt.X11.grab.XBaseWindow");

    public static final String
        PARENT_WINDOW = "parent window", // parent window, Long
        BOUNDS = "bounds", // bounds of the window, Rectangle
        OVERRIDE_REDIRECT = "overrideRedirect", // override_redirect setting, Boolean
        EVENT_MASK = "event mask", // event mask, Integer
        VALUE_MASK = "value mask", // value mask, Long
        BORDER_PIXEL = "border pixel", // border pixel value, Integer
        COLORMAP = "color map", // color map, Long
        DEPTH = "visual depth", // depth, Integer
        VISUAL_CLASS = "visual class", // visual class, Integer
        VISUAL = "visual", // visual, Long
        EMBEDDED = "embedded", // is embedded?, Boolean
        DELAYED = "delayed", // is creation delayed?, Boolean
        PARENT = "parent", // parent peer
        BACKGROUND_PIXMAP = "pixmap", // background pixmap
        VISIBLE = "visible", // whether it is visible by default
        SAVE_UNDER = "save under", // save content under this window
        BACKING_STORE = "backing store", // enables double buffering
        BIT_GRAVITY = "bit gravity"; // copy old content on geometry change
    private XCreateWindowParams delayedParams;

    Set<Long> children = new HashSet<Long>();
    long window;
    boolean visible;
    boolean mapped;
    boolean embedded;
    Rectangle maxBounds;
    volatile XBaseWindow parentWindow;

    private boolean disposed;

    private long screen;
    private XSizeHints hints;
    private XWMHints wmHints;

    static final int MIN_SIZE = 1;
    static final int DEF_LOCATION = 1;

    private static XAtom wm_client_leader;

    static enum InitialiseState {

    private InitialiseState initialising;

    int x;
    int y;
    int width;
    int height;

    void awtLock() {

    void awtUnlock() {

    void awtLockNotifyAll() {

    void awtLockWait() throws InterruptedException {

    // To prevent errors from overriding obsolete methods
    protected final void init(long parentWindow, Rectangle bounds) {}
    protected final void preInit() {}
    protected final void postInit() {}

    // internal lock for synchronizing state changes and paint calls, initialized in preInit.
    // the order with other locks: AWTLock -> stateLock
    static class StateLock { }
    protected StateLock state_lock;

Called for delayed inits during construction
/** * Called for delayed inits during construction */
void instantPreInit(XCreateWindowParams params) { state_lock = new StateLock(); }
Called before window creation, descendants should override to initialize the data, initialize params.
/** * Called before window creation, descendants should override to initialize the data, * initialize params. */
void preInit(XCreateWindowParams params) { state_lock = new StateLock(); embedded = Boolean.TRUE.equals(params.get(EMBEDDED)); visible = Boolean.TRUE.equals(params.get(VISIBLE)); Object parent = params.get(PARENT); if (parent instanceof XBaseWindow) { parentWindow = (XBaseWindow)parent; } else { Long parentWindowID = (Long)params.get(PARENT_WINDOW); if (parentWindowID != null) { parentWindow = XToolkit.windowToXWindow(parentWindowID); } } Long eventMask = (Long)params.get(EVENT_MASK); if (eventMask != null) { long mask = eventMask.longValue(); mask |= XConstants.SubstructureNotifyMask; params.put(EVENT_MASK, mask); } screen = -1; }
Called after window creation, descendants should override to initialize Window with class-specific values and perform post-initialization actions.
/** * Called after window creation, descendants should override to initialize Window * with class-specific values and perform post-initialization actions. */
void postInit(XCreateWindowParams params) { if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINE)) { log.fine("WM name is " + getWMName()); } updateWMName(); // Set WM_CLIENT_LEADER property initClientLeader(); }
Creates window using parameters params If params contain flag DELAYED doesn't do anything. Note: Descendants can call this method to create the window at the time different to instance construction.
/** * Creates window using parameters {@code params} * If params contain flag DELAYED doesn't do anything. * Note: Descendants can call this method to create the window * at the time different to instance construction. */
protected final void init(XCreateWindowParams params) { awtLock(); initialising = InitialiseState.INITIALISING; awtUnlock(); try { if (!Boolean.TRUE.equals(params.get(DELAYED))) { preInit(params); create(params); postInit(params); } else { instantPreInit(params); delayedParams = params; } awtLock(); initialising = InitialiseState.INITIALISED; awtLockNotifyAll(); awtUnlock(); } catch (RuntimeException re) { awtLock(); initialising = InitialiseState.FAILED_INITIALISATION; awtLockNotifyAll(); awtUnlock(); throw re; } catch (Throwable t) { log.warning("Exception during peer initialization", t); awtLock(); initialising = InitialiseState.FAILED_INITIALISATION; awtLockNotifyAll(); awtUnlock(); } } public boolean checkInitialised() { awtLock(); try { switch (initialising) { case INITIALISED: return true; case INITIALISING: try { while (initialising != InitialiseState.INITIALISED) { awtLockWait(); } } catch (InterruptedException ie) { return false; } return true; case FAILED_INITIALISATION: return false; default: return false; } } finally { awtUnlock(); } } /* * Creates an invisible InputOnly window without an associated Component. */ XBaseWindow() { this(new XCreateWindowParams()); }
Creates normal child window
/** * Creates normal child window */
XBaseWindow(long parentWindow, Rectangle bounds) { this(new XCreateWindowParams(new Object[] { BOUNDS, bounds, PARENT_WINDOW, Long.valueOf(parentWindow)})); }
Creates top-level window
/** * Creates top-level window */
XBaseWindow(Rectangle bounds) { this(new XCreateWindowParams(new Object[] { BOUNDS, bounds })); } public XBaseWindow (XCreateWindowParams params) { init(params); } /* This create is used by the XEmbeddedFramePeer since it has to create the window as a child of the netscape window. This netscape window is passed in as wid */ XBaseWindow(long parentWindow) { this(new XCreateWindowParams(new Object[] { PARENT_WINDOW, Long.valueOf(parentWindow), EMBEDDED, Boolean.TRUE })); }
Verifies that all required parameters are set. If not, sets them to default values. Verifies values of critical parameters, adjust their values when needed.
  • IllegalArgumentException – if params is null
/** * Verifies that all required parameters are set. If not, sets them to default values. * Verifies values of critical parameters, adjust their values when needed. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if params is null */
protected void checkParams(XCreateWindowParams params) { if (params == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Window creation parameters are null"); } params.putIfNull(PARENT_WINDOW, Long.valueOf(XToolkit.getDefaultRootWindow())); params.putIfNull(BOUNDS, new Rectangle(DEF_LOCATION, DEF_LOCATION, MIN_SIZE, MIN_SIZE)); params.putIfNull(DEPTH, Integer.valueOf((int)XConstants.CopyFromParent)); params.putIfNull(VISUAL, Long.valueOf(XConstants.CopyFromParent)); params.putIfNull(VISUAL_CLASS, Integer.valueOf(XConstants.InputOnly)); params.putIfNull(VALUE_MASK, Long.valueOf(XConstants.CWEventMask)); Rectangle bounds = (Rectangle)params.get(BOUNDS); bounds.width = Math.max(MIN_SIZE, bounds.width); bounds.height = Math.max(MIN_SIZE, bounds.height); Long eventMaskObj = (Long)params.get(EVENT_MASK); long eventMask = eventMaskObj != null ? eventMaskObj.longValue() : 0; // We use our own synthetic grab see XAwtState.getGrabWindow() // (see X vol. 1, eventMask |= XConstants.PropertyChangeMask | XConstants.OwnerGrabButtonMask; params.put(EVENT_MASK, Long.valueOf(eventMask)); }
Returns scale factor of the window. It is used to convert native coordinates to local and vice verse.
/** * Returns scale factor of the window. It is used to convert native * coordinates to local and vice verse. */
protected int getScale() { return 1; } protected int scaleUp(int x) { return x; } protected int scaleDown(int x) { return x; }
Creates window with parameters specified by params
See Also:
/** * Creates window with parameters specified by {@code params} * @see #init */
private void create(XCreateWindowParams params) { XToolkit.awtLock(); try { XSetWindowAttributes xattr = new XSetWindowAttributes(); try { checkParams(params); long value_mask = ((Long)params.get(VALUE_MASK)).longValue(); Long eventMask = (Long)params.get(EVENT_MASK); xattr.set_event_mask(eventMask.longValue()); value_mask |= XConstants.CWEventMask; Long border_pixel = (Long)params.get(BORDER_PIXEL); if (border_pixel != null) { xattr.set_border_pixel(border_pixel.longValue()); value_mask |= XConstants.CWBorderPixel; } Long colormap = (Long)params.get(COLORMAP); if (colormap != null) { xattr.set_colormap(colormap.longValue()); value_mask |= XConstants.CWColormap; } Long background_pixmap = (Long)params.get(BACKGROUND_PIXMAP); if (background_pixmap != null) { xattr.set_background_pixmap(background_pixmap.longValue()); value_mask |= XConstants.CWBackPixmap; } Long parentWindow = (Long)params.get(PARENT_WINDOW); Rectangle bounds = (Rectangle)params.get(BOUNDS); Integer depth = (Integer)params.get(DEPTH); Integer visual_class = (Integer)params.get(VISUAL_CLASS); Long visual = (Long)params.get(VISUAL); Boolean overrideRedirect = (Boolean)params.get(OVERRIDE_REDIRECT); if (overrideRedirect != null) { xattr.set_override_redirect(overrideRedirect.booleanValue()); value_mask |= XConstants.CWOverrideRedirect; } Boolean saveUnder = (Boolean)params.get(SAVE_UNDER); if (saveUnder != null) { xattr.set_save_under(saveUnder.booleanValue()); value_mask |= XConstants.CWSaveUnder; } Integer backingStore = (Integer)params.get(BACKING_STORE); if (backingStore != null) { xattr.set_backing_store(backingStore.intValue()); value_mask |= XConstants.CWBackingStore; } Integer bitGravity = (Integer)params.get(BIT_GRAVITY); if (bitGravity != null) { xattr.set_bit_gravity(bitGravity.intValue()); value_mask |= XConstants.CWBitGravity; } if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINE)) { log.fine("Creating window for " + this + " with the following attributes: \n" + params); } window = XlibWrapper.XCreateWindow(XToolkit.getDisplay(), parentWindow.longValue(), scaleUp(bounds.x), scaleUp(bounds.y), scaleUp(bounds.width), scaleUp(bounds.height), 0, // border depth.intValue(), // depth visual_class.intValue(), // class visual.longValue(), // visual value_mask, // value mask xattr.pData); // attributes if (window == 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("Couldn't create window because of wrong parameters. Run with NOISY_AWT to see details"); } XToolkit.addToWinMap(window, this); } finally { xattr.dispose(); } } finally { XToolkit.awtUnlock(); } } public XCreateWindowParams getDelayedParams() { return delayedParams; } protected String getWMName() { return XToolkit.getCorrectXIDString(getClass().getName()); } protected void initClientLeader() { XToolkit.awtLock(); try { if (wm_client_leader == null) { wm_client_leader = XAtom.get("WM_CLIENT_LEADER"); } wm_client_leader.setWindowProperty(this, getXAWTRootWindow()); } finally { XToolkit.awtUnlock(); } } static XRootWindow getXAWTRootWindow() { return XRootWindow.getInstance(); } void destroy() { XToolkit.awtLock(); try { if (hints != null) { XlibWrapper.XFree(hints.pData); hints = null; } XToolkit.removeFromWinMap(getWindow(), this); XlibWrapper.XDestroyWindow(XToolkit.getDisplay(), getWindow()); if (XPropertyCache.isCachingSupported()) { XPropertyCache.clearCache(window); } window = -1; if( !isDisposed() ) { setDisposed( true ); } XAwtState.getGrabWindow(); // Magic - getGrabWindow clear state if grabbing window is disposed of. } finally { XToolkit.awtUnlock(); } } void flush() { XToolkit.awtLock(); try { XlibWrapper.XFlush(XToolkit.getDisplay()); } finally { XToolkit.awtUnlock(); } }
Helper function to set W
/** * Helper function to set W */
public final void setWMHints(XWMHints hints) { XToolkit.awtLock(); try { XlibWrapper.XSetWMHints(XToolkit.getDisplay(), getWindow(), hints.pData); } finally { XToolkit.awtUnlock(); } } public XWMHints getWMHints() { if (wmHints == null) { wmHints = new XWMHints(XlibWrapper.XAllocWMHints()); // XlibWrapper.XGetWMHints(XToolkit.getDisplay(), // getWindow(), // wmHints.pData); } return wmHints; } /* * Call this method under AWTLock. * The lock should be acquired untill all operations with XSizeHints are completed. */ public XSizeHints getHints() { if (hints == null) { long p_hints = XlibWrapper.XAllocSizeHints(); hints = new XSizeHints(p_hints); // XlibWrapper.XGetWMNormalHints(XToolkit.getDisplay(), getWindow(), p_hints, XlibWrapper.larg1); // TODO: Shouldn't we listen for WM updates on this property? } return hints; } public void setSizeHints(long flags, int x, int y, int width, int height) { if (insLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINER)) { insLog.finer("Setting hints, flags " + XlibWrapper.hintsToString(flags)); } XToolkit.awtLock(); try { XSizeHints hints = getHints(); // Note: if PPosition is not set in flags this means that // we want to reset PPosition in hints. This is necessary // for locationByPlatform functionality if ((flags & XUtilConstants.PPosition) != 0) { hints.set_x(scaleUp(x)); hints.set_y(scaleUp(y)); } if ((flags & XUtilConstants.PSize) != 0) { hints.set_width(scaleUp(width)); hints.set_height(scaleUp(height)); } else if ((hints.get_flags() & XUtilConstants.PSize) != 0) { flags |= XUtilConstants.PSize; } if ((flags & XUtilConstants.PMinSize) != 0) { hints.set_min_width(scaleUp(width)); hints.set_min_height(scaleUp(height)); } else if ((hints.get_flags() & XUtilConstants.PMinSize) != 0) { flags |= XUtilConstants.PMinSize; //Fix for 4320050: Minimum size for java.awt.Frame is not being enforced. //We don't need to reset minimum size if it's already set } if ((flags & XUtilConstants.PMaxSize) != 0) { if (maxBounds != null) { if (maxBounds.width != Integer.MAX_VALUE) { hints.set_max_width(scaleUp(maxBounds.width)); } else { hints.set_max_width(XToolkit.getMaxWindowWidthInPixels()); } if (maxBounds.height != Integer.MAX_VALUE) { hints.set_max_height(scaleUp(maxBounds.height)); } else { hints.set_max_height(XToolkit.getMaxWindowHeightInPixels()); } } else { hints.set_max_width(scaleUp(width)); hints.set_max_height(scaleUp(height)); } } else if ((hints.get_flags() & XUtilConstants.PMaxSize) != 0) { flags |= XUtilConstants.PMaxSize; if (maxBounds != null) { if (maxBounds.width != Integer.MAX_VALUE) { hints.set_max_width(scaleUp(maxBounds.width)); } else { hints.set_max_width(XToolkit.getMaxWindowWidthInPixels()); } if (maxBounds.height != Integer.MAX_VALUE) { hints.set_max_height(scaleUp(maxBounds.height)); } else { hints.set_max_height(XToolkit.getMaxWindowHeightInPixels()); } } else { // Leave intact } } flags |= XUtilConstants.PWinGravity; hints.set_flags(flags); hints.set_win_gravity(XConstants.NorthWestGravity); if (insLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINER)) { insLog.finer("Setting hints, resulted flags " + XlibWrapper.hintsToString(flags) + ", values " + hints); } XlibWrapper.XSetWMNormalHints(XToolkit.getDisplay(), getWindow(), hints.pData); } finally { XToolkit.awtUnlock(); } } public boolean isMinSizeSet() { XSizeHints hints = getHints(); long flags = hints.get_flags(); return ((flags & XUtilConstants.PMinSize) == XUtilConstants.PMinSize); }
This lock object can be used to protect instance data from concurrent access by two threads. If both state lock and AWT lock are taken, AWT Lock should be taken first.
/** * This lock object can be used to protect instance data from concurrent access * by two threads. If both state lock and AWT lock are taken, AWT Lock should be taken first. */
Object getStateLock() { return state_lock; } public long getWindow() { return window; } public long getContentWindow() { return window; } public XBaseWindow getContentXWindow() { return XToolkit.windowToXWindow(getContentWindow()); } public Rectangle getBounds() { return new Rectangle(x, y, width, height); } public Dimension getSize() { return new Dimension(width, height); } public void toFront() { XToolkit.awtLock(); try { XlibWrapper.XRaiseWindow(XToolkit.getDisplay(), getWindow()); } finally { XToolkit.awtUnlock(); } } public void xRequestFocus(long time) { XToolkit.awtLock(); try { if (focusLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINER)) { focusLog.finer("XSetInputFocus on " + Long.toHexString(getWindow()) + " with time " + time); } XlibWrapper.XSetInputFocus2(XToolkit.getDisplay(), getWindow(), time); } finally { XToolkit.awtUnlock(); } } public void xRequestFocus() { XToolkit.awtLock(); try { if (focusLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINER)) { focusLog.finer("XSetInputFocus on " + Long.toHexString(getWindow())); } XlibWrapper.XSetInputFocus(XToolkit.getDisplay(), getWindow()); } finally { XToolkit.awtUnlock(); } } public static long xGetInputFocus() { XToolkit.awtLock(); try { return XlibWrapper.XGetInputFocus(XToolkit.getDisplay()); } finally { XToolkit.awtUnlock(); } } public void xSetVisible(boolean visible) { if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINE)) { log.fine("Setting visible on " + this + " to " + visible); } XToolkit.awtLock(); try { this.visible = visible; if (visible) { XlibWrapper.XMapWindow(XToolkit.getDisplay(), getWindow()); } else { XlibWrapper.XUnmapWindow(XToolkit.getDisplay(), getWindow()); } XlibWrapper.XFlush(XToolkit.getDisplay()); } finally { XToolkit.awtUnlock(); } } boolean isMapped() { return mapped; } void updateWMName() { String name = getWMName(); XToolkit.awtLock(); try { if (name == null) { name = " "; } XAtom nameAtom = XAtom.get(XAtom.XA_WM_NAME); nameAtom.setProperty(getWindow(), name); XAtom netNameAtom = XAtom.get("_NET_WM_NAME"); netNameAtom.setPropertyUTF8(getWindow(), name); } finally { XToolkit.awtUnlock(); } } void setWMClass(String[] cl) { if (cl.length != 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("WM_CLASS_NAME consists of exactly two strings"); } XToolkit.awtLock(); try { XAtom xa = XAtom.get(XAtom.XA_WM_CLASS); xa.setProperty8(getWindow(), cl[0] + '\0' + cl[1] + '\0'); } finally { XToolkit.awtUnlock(); } } boolean isVisible() { return visible; } static long getScreenOfWindow(long window) { XToolkit.awtLock(); try { return XlibWrapper.getScreenOfWindow(XToolkit.getDisplay(), window); } finally { XToolkit.awtUnlock(); } } long getScreenNumber() { XToolkit.awtLock(); try { return XlibWrapper.XScreenNumberOfScreen(getScreen()); } finally { XToolkit.awtUnlock(); } } long getScreen() { if (screen == -1) { // Not initialized screen = getScreenOfWindow(window); } return screen; } public void xSetBounds(Rectangle bounds) { xSetBounds(bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height); } public void xSetBounds(int x, int y, int width, int height) { if (getWindow() == 0) { insLog.warning("Attempt to resize uncreated window"); throw new IllegalStateException("Attempt to resize uncreated window"); } if (insLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINE)) { insLog.fine("Setting bounds on " + this + " to (" + x + ", " + y + "), " + width + "x" + height); } width = Math.max(MIN_SIZE, width); height = Math.max(MIN_SIZE, height); XToolkit.awtLock(); try { XlibWrapper.XMoveResizeWindow(XToolkit.getDisplay(), getWindow(), scaleUp(x), scaleUp(y), scaleUp(width), scaleUp(height)); } finally { XToolkit.awtUnlock(); } }
Translate coordinates from one window into another. Optimized for XAWT - uses cached data when possible. Preferable over pure XTranslateCoordinates.
Returns:coordinates relative to dst, or null if error happened
/** * Translate coordinates from one window into another. Optimized * for XAWT - uses cached data when possible. Preferable over * pure XTranslateCoordinates. * @return coordinates relative to dst, or null if error happened */
static Point toOtherWindow(long src, long dst, int x, int y) { Point rpt = new Point(0, 0); // Check if both windows belong to XAWT - then no X calls are necessary XBaseWindow srcPeer = XToolkit.windowToXWindow(src); XBaseWindow dstPeer = XToolkit.windowToXWindow(dst); if (srcPeer != null && dstPeer != null) { // (x, y) is relative to src rpt.x = x + srcPeer.getAbsoluteX() - dstPeer.getAbsoluteX(); rpt.y = y + srcPeer.getAbsoluteY() - dstPeer.getAbsoluteY(); } else if (dstPeer != null && XlibUtil.isRoot(src, dstPeer.getScreenNumber())) { // from root into peer rpt.x = x - dstPeer.getAbsoluteX(); rpt.y = y - dstPeer.getAbsoluteY(); } else if (srcPeer != null && XlibUtil.isRoot(dst, srcPeer.getScreenNumber())) { // from peer into root rpt.x = x + srcPeer.getAbsoluteX(); rpt.y = y + srcPeer.getAbsoluteY(); } else { int scale = srcPeer == null ? 1 : srcPeer.getScale(); rpt = XlibUtil.translateCoordinates(src, dst, new Point(x, y), scale); } return rpt; } /* * Convert to global coordinates. */ Rectangle toGlobal(Rectangle rec) { Point p = toGlobal(rec.getLocation()); Rectangle newRec = new Rectangle(rec); if (p != null) { newRec.setLocation(p); } return newRec; } Point toGlobal(Point pt) { Point p = toGlobal(pt.x, pt.y); if (p != null) { return p; } else { return new Point(pt); } } Point toGlobal(int x, int y) { long root; XToolkit.awtLock(); try { root = XlibWrapper.RootWindow(XToolkit.getDisplay(), getScreenNumber()); } finally { XToolkit.awtUnlock(); } Point p = toOtherWindow(getContentWindow(), root, x, y); if (p != null) { return p; } else { return new Point(x, y); } } /* * Convert to local coordinates. */ Point toLocal(Point pt) { Point p = toLocal(pt.x, pt.y); if (p != null) { return p; } else { return new Point(pt); } } Point toLocal(int x, int y) { long root; XToolkit.awtLock(); try { root = XlibWrapper.RootWindow(XToolkit.getDisplay(), getScreenNumber()); } finally { XToolkit.awtUnlock(); } Point p = toOtherWindow(root, getContentWindow(), x, y); if (p != null) { return p; } else { return new Point(x, y); } }
We should always grab both keyboard and pointer to control event flow on popups. This also simplifies synthetic grab implementation. The active grab overrides activated automatic grab.
/** * We should always grab both keyboard and pointer to control event flow * on popups. This also simplifies synthetic grab implementation. * The active grab overrides activated automatic grab. */
public boolean grabInput() { if (grabLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINE)) { grabLog.fine("Grab input on {0}", this); } XToolkit.awtLock(); try { if (XAwtState.getGrabWindow() == this && XAwtState.isManualGrab()) { grabLog.fine(" Already Grabbed"); return true; } //6273031: PIT. Choice drop down does not close once it is right clicked to show a popup menu //remember previous window having grab and if it's not null ungrab it. XBaseWindow prevGrabWindow = XAwtState.getGrabWindow(); final int eventMask = (int) (XConstants.ButtonPressMask | XConstants.ButtonReleaseMask | XConstants.EnterWindowMask | XConstants.LeaveWindowMask | XConstants.PointerMotionMask | XConstants.ButtonMotionMask); final int ownerEvents = 1; //6714678: IDE (Netbeans, Eclipse, JDeveloper) Debugger hangs //process on Linux //The user must pass the sun.awt.disablegrab property to disable //taking grabs. This prevents hanging of the GUI when a breakpoint //is hit while a popup window taking the grab is open. if (!XToolkit.getSunAwtDisableGrab()) { int ptrGrab = XlibWrapper.XGrabPointer(XToolkit.getDisplay(), getContentWindow(), ownerEvents, eventMask, XConstants.GrabModeAsync, XConstants.GrabModeAsync, XConstants.None, (XWM.isMotif() ? XToolkit.arrowCursor : XConstants.None), XConstants.CurrentTime); // Check grab results to be consistent with X server grab if (ptrGrab != XConstants.GrabSuccess) { XlibWrapper.XUngrabPointer(XToolkit.getDisplay(), XConstants.CurrentTime); XAwtState.setGrabWindow(null); grabLog.fine(" Grab Failure - mouse"); return false; } int keyGrab = XlibWrapper.XGrabKeyboard(XToolkit.getDisplay(), getContentWindow(), ownerEvents, XConstants.GrabModeAsync, XConstants.GrabModeAsync, XConstants.CurrentTime); if (keyGrab != XConstants.GrabSuccess) { XlibWrapper.XUngrabPointer(XToolkit.getDisplay(), XConstants.CurrentTime); XlibWrapper.XUngrabKeyboard(XToolkit.getDisplay(), XConstants.CurrentTime); XAwtState.setGrabWindow(null); grabLog.fine(" Grab Failure - keyboard"); return false; } } if (prevGrabWindow != null) { prevGrabWindow.ungrabInputImpl(); } XAwtState.setGrabWindow(this); grabLog.fine(" Grab - success"); return true; } finally { XToolkit.awtUnlock(); } } static void ungrabInput() { XToolkit.awtLock(); try { XBaseWindow grabWindow = XAwtState.getGrabWindow(); if (grabLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINE)) { grabLog.fine("UnGrab input on {0}", grabWindow); } if (grabWindow != null) { grabWindow.ungrabInputImpl(); if (!XToolkit.getSunAwtDisableGrab()) { XlibWrapper.XUngrabPointer(XToolkit.getDisplay(), XConstants.CurrentTime); XlibWrapper.XUngrabKeyboard(XToolkit.getDisplay(), XConstants.CurrentTime); } XAwtState.setGrabWindow(null); // we need to call XFlush() here to force ungrab // see 6384219 for details XlibWrapper.XFlush(XToolkit.getDisplay()); } } finally { XToolkit.awtUnlock(); } } // called from ungrabInput, used in popup windows to hide theirselfs in ungrabbing void ungrabInputImpl() { } static void checkSecurity() { if (XToolkit.isSecurityWarningEnabled() && XToolkit.isToolkitThread()) { StackTraceElement[] stack = (new Throwable()).getStackTrace(); log.warning(stack[1] + ": Security violation: calling user code on toolkit thread"); } } public Set<Long> getChildren() { synchronized (getStateLock()) { return new HashSet<Long>(children); } } // -------------- Event handling ---------------- public void handleMapNotifyEvent(XEvent xev) { mapped = true; } public void handleUnmapNotifyEvent(XEvent xev) { mapped = false; } public void handleReparentNotifyEvent(XEvent xev) { if (eventLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINER)) { XReparentEvent msg = xev.get_xreparent(); eventLog.finer(msg.toString()); } } public void handlePropertyNotify(XEvent xev) { XPropertyEvent msg = xev.get_xproperty(); if (XPropertyCache.isCachingSupported()) { XPropertyCache.clearCache(window, XAtom.get(msg.get_atom())); } if (eventLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINER)) { eventLog.finer("{0}", msg); } } public void handleDestroyNotify(XEvent xev) { XAnyEvent xany = xev.get_xany(); if (xany.get_window() == getWindow()) { XToolkit.removeFromWinMap(getWindow(), this); if (XPropertyCache.isCachingSupported()) { XPropertyCache.clearCache(getWindow()); } } if (xany.get_window() != getWindow()) { synchronized (getStateLock()) { children.remove(xany.get_window()); } } } public void handleCreateNotify(XEvent xev) { XAnyEvent xany = xev.get_xany(); if (xany.get_window() != getWindow()) { synchronized (getStateLock()) { children.add(xany.get_window()); } } } public void handleClientMessage(XEvent xev) { if (eventLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINER)) { XClientMessageEvent msg = xev.get_xclient(); eventLog.finer(msg.toString()); } } public void handleVisibilityEvent(XEvent xev) { } public void handleKeyPress(XEvent xev) { } public void handleKeyRelease(XEvent xev) { } public void handleExposeEvent(XEvent xev) { }
Activate automatic grab on first ButtonPress, deactivate on full mouse release
/** * Activate automatic grab on first ButtonPress, * deactivate on full mouse release */
public void handleButtonPressRelease(XEvent xev) { XButtonEvent xbe = xev.get_xbutton(); /* * Ignore the buttons above 20 due to the bit limit for * InputEvent.BUTTON_DOWN_MASK. * One more bit is reserved for FIRST_HIGH_BIT. */ int theButton = xbe.get_button(); if (theButton > SunToolkit.MAX_BUTTONS_SUPPORTED) { return; } int buttonState = 0; buttonState = xbe.get_state() & XConstants.ALL_BUTTONS_MASK; boolean isWheel = (theButton == XConstants.MouseWheelUp || theButton == XConstants.MouseWheelDown); // don't give focus if it's just the mouse wheel turning if (!isWheel) { switch (xev.get_type()) { case XConstants.ButtonPress: if (buttonState == 0) { XWindowPeer parent = getToplevelXWindow(); // See 6385277, 6981400. if (parent != null && parent.isFocusableWindow()) { // A click in a client area drops the actual focused window retaining. parent.setActualFocusedWindow(null); parent.requestWindowFocus(xbe.get_time(), true); } XAwtState.setAutoGrabWindow(this); } break; case XConstants.ButtonRelease: if (isFullRelease(buttonState, xbe.get_button())) { XAwtState.setAutoGrabWindow(null); } break; } } } public void handleMotionNotify(XEvent xev) { } public void handleXCrossingEvent(XEvent xev) { } public void handleConfigureNotifyEvent(XEvent xev) { XConfigureEvent xe = xev.get_xconfigure(); if (insLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINER)) { insLog.finer("Configure, {0}", xe); } x = scaleDown(xe.get_x()); y = scaleDown(xe.get_y()); width = scaleDown(xe.get_width()); height = scaleDown(xe.get_height()); }
Checks ButtonRelease released all Mouse buttons
/** * Checks ButtonRelease released all Mouse buttons */
static boolean isFullRelease(int buttonState, int button) { final int buttonsNumber = XToolkit.getNumberOfButtonsForMask(); if (button < 0 || button > buttonsNumber) { return buttonState == 0; } else { return buttonState == XlibUtil.getButtonMask(button); } } static boolean isGrabbedEvent(XEvent ev, XBaseWindow target) { switch (ev.get_type()) { case XConstants.ButtonPress: case XConstants.ButtonRelease: case XConstants.MotionNotify: case XConstants.KeyPress: case XConstants.KeyRelease: return true; case XConstants.LeaveNotify: case XConstants.EnterNotify: // We shouldn't dispatch this events to the grabbed components (see 6317481) // But this logic is important if the grabbed component is top-level (see realSync) return (target instanceof XWindowPeer); default: return false; } }
Dispatches event to the grab Window or event source window depending on whether the grab is active and on the event type
/** * Dispatches event to the grab Window or event source window depending * on whether the grab is active and on the event type */
static void dispatchToWindow(XEvent ev) { XBaseWindow target = XAwtState.getGrabWindow(); if (target == null || !isGrabbedEvent(ev, target)) { target = XToolkit.windowToXWindow(ev.get_xany().get_window()); } if (target != null && target.checkInitialised()) { target.dispatchEvent(ev); } } public void dispatchEvent(XEvent xev) { if (eventLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINEST)) { eventLog.finest(xev.toString()); } int type = xev.get_type(); if (isDisposed()) { return; } switch (type) { case XConstants.VisibilityNotify: handleVisibilityEvent(xev); break; case XConstants.ClientMessage: handleClientMessage(xev); break; case XConstants.Expose : case XConstants.GraphicsExpose : handleExposeEvent(xev); break; case XConstants.ButtonPress: case XConstants.ButtonRelease: handleButtonPressRelease(xev); break; case XConstants.MotionNotify: handleMotionNotify(xev); break; case XConstants.KeyPress: handleKeyPress(xev); break; case XConstants.KeyRelease: handleKeyRelease(xev); break; case XConstants.EnterNotify: case XConstants.LeaveNotify: handleXCrossingEvent(xev); break; case XConstants.ConfigureNotify: handleConfigureNotifyEvent(xev); break; case XConstants.MapNotify: handleMapNotifyEvent(xev); break; case XConstants.UnmapNotify: handleUnmapNotifyEvent(xev); break; case XConstants.ReparentNotify: handleReparentNotifyEvent(xev); break; case XConstants.PropertyNotify: handlePropertyNotify(xev); break; case XConstants.DestroyNotify: handleDestroyNotify(xev); break; case XConstants.CreateNotify: handleCreateNotify(xev); break; } } protected boolean isEventDisabled(XEvent e) { return false; } int getX() { return x; } int getY() { return y; } int getWidth() { return width; } int getHeight() { return height; } void setDisposed(boolean d) { disposed = d; } boolean isDisposed() { return disposed; } public int getAbsoluteX() { XBaseWindow pw = getParentWindow(); if (pw != null) { return pw.getAbsoluteX() + getX(); } else { // Overridden for top-levels as their (x,y) is Java (x, y), not native location return getX(); } } public int getAbsoluteY() { XBaseWindow pw = getParentWindow(); if (pw != null) { return pw.getAbsoluteY() + getY(); } else { return getY(); } } public XBaseWindow getParentWindow() { return parentWindow; } public XWindowPeer getToplevelXWindow() { XBaseWindow bw = this; while (bw != null && !(bw instanceof XWindowPeer)) { bw = bw.getParentWindow(); } return (XWindowPeer)bw; } public String toString() { return super.toString() + "(" + Long.toString(getWindow(), 16) + ")"; }
Returns whether the given point is inside of the window. Coordinates are local.
/** * Returns whether the given point is inside of the window. Coordinates are local. */
public boolean contains(int x, int y) { return x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < getWidth() && y < getHeight(); }
Returns whether the given point is inside of the window. Coordinates are global.
/** * Returns whether the given point is inside of the window. Coordinates are global. */
public boolean containsGlobal(int x, int y) { return x >= getAbsoluteX() && y >= getAbsoluteY() && x < (getAbsoluteX()+getWidth()) && y < (getAbsoluteY()+getHeight()); } }