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package com.sun.imageio.plugins.tiff;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import javax.imageio.IIOException;
import javax.imageio.stream.MemoryCacheImageInputStream;
import javax.imageio.stream.ImageInputStream;
import javax.imageio.plugins.tiff.BaselineTIFFTagSet;
import javax.imageio.plugins.tiff.TIFFField;

TIFFDecompressor for "Old JPEG" compression.
/** * {@code TIFFDecompressor} for "Old JPEG" compression. */
public class TIFFOldJPEGDecompressor extends TIFFJPEGDecompressor { // Define Huffman Tables private static final int DHT = 0xC4; // Define Quantisation Tables private static final int DQT = 0xDB; // Define Restart Interval private static final int DRI = 0xDD; // Baseline DCT private static final int SOF0 = 0xC0; // Start of Scan private static final int SOS = 0xDA; // End of Image // private static final int EOI = 0xD9; // now defined in superclass // Whether the decompressor has been initialized. private boolean isInitialized = false; // // Instance variables set by the initialize() method. // // Offset to a complete, contiguous JPEG stream. private Long JPEGStreamOffset = null; // Offset to the SOF marker. private int SOFPosition = -1; // Value of the SOS marker. private byte[] SOSMarker = null; // Horizontal chroma subsampling factor. private int subsamplingX = 2; // Vertical chroma subsampling factor. private int subsamplingY = 2; public TIFFOldJPEGDecompressor() {} // // Intialize instance variables according to an analysis of the // TIFF field content. See bug 4929147 for test image information. // // Case 1: Image contains a single strip or tile and the offset to // that strip or tile points to an SOI marker. // // Example: // "Visionshape Inc. Compression Software, version 2.5" // ColorTiffWithBarcode.tif // Color2.tif (pages 2-5 (indexes 1-4) // color3.tif (pages 2-5 (indexes 1-4) // // "Kofax standard Multi-Page TIFF Storage Filter v2.01.000" // 01.tif (pages 1 and 3(indexes 0 and 2)) // // Instance variables set: JPEGStreamOffset // // Case 2: Image contains a single strip or tile and a // JPEGInterchangeFormat field is present but the // JPEGInterchangeFormatLength is erroneously missing. // // Example: // "Kofax standard Multi-Page TIFF Storage Filter v2.01.000" // 01.tif (pages 1 and 3(indexes 0 and 2)) // (but this example also satisfies case 1) // // Instance variables set: JPEGStreamOffset // // Case 3: Image contains a single strip or tile, the // JPEGInterchangeFormat and JPEGInterchangeFormatLength // fields are both present, the value of JPEGInterchangeFormat // is less than the offset to the strip or tile, and the sum // of the values of JPEGInterchangeFormat and // JPEGInterchangeFormatLength is greater than the offset to // the strip or tile. // // Instance variables set: JPEGStreamOffset // // Example: // "HP IL v1.1" // smallliz.tif from libtiff test data. // // Instance variables set: JPEGStreamOffset // // Cases 4-5 apply if none of cases 1-3 applies or the image has multiple // strips or tiles. // // Case 4: JPEGInterchangeFormat and JPEGInterchangeFormatLength are // present, the value of JPEGInterchangeFormatLength is at least 2, // and the sum of the values of these two fields is at most the // value of the offset to the first strip or tile. // // Instance variables set: tables, SOFPosition, SOSMarker // // Example: // "Oi/GFS, writer v00.06.00P, (c) Wang Labs, Inc. 1990, 1991" // 03.tif (pages 1 and 3(indexes 0 and 2)) // // "Oi/GFS, writer v00.06.02" // Color2.tif (page 1 (index 0)) // color3.tif (page 1 (index 0)) // // Case 5: If none of the foregoing cases apply. For this case the // JPEGQTables, JPEGACTables, and JPEGDCTables must be valid. // // Instance variables set: tables, SOFPosition, SOSMarker // // Example: // "NeXT" // zackthecat.tif from libtiff test data. // private synchronized void initialize() throws IOException { if(isInitialized) { return; } // Get the TIFF metadata object. TIFFImageMetadata tim = (TIFFImageMetadata)metadata; // Get the JPEGInterchangeFormat field. TIFFField JPEGInterchangeFormatField = tim.getTIFFField(BaselineTIFFTagSet.TAG_JPEG_INTERCHANGE_FORMAT); // Get the tile or strip offsets. TIFFField segmentOffsetField = tim.getTIFFField(BaselineTIFFTagSet.TAG_TILE_OFFSETS); if(segmentOffsetField == null) { segmentOffsetField = tim.getTIFFField(BaselineTIFFTagSet.TAG_STRIP_OFFSETS); if(segmentOffsetField == null) { segmentOffsetField = JPEGInterchangeFormatField; } } long[] segmentOffsets = segmentOffsetField.getAsLongs(); // Determine whether the image has more than one strip or tile. boolean isTiled = segmentOffsets.length > 1; if(!isTiled) { // // If the image has only a single strip or tile and it looks // as if a complete JPEG stream is present then set the value // of JPEGStreamOffset to the offset of the JPEG stream; // otherwise leave JPEGStreamOffset set to null. // stream.seek(offset); stream.mark(); if(stream.read() == 0xff && stream.read() == SOI) { // Tile or strip offset points to SOI. JPEGStreamOffset = Long.valueOf(offset); // Set initialization flag and return. ((TIFFImageReader)reader).forwardWarningMessage("SOI marker detected at start of strip or tile."); isInitialized = true; return; } stream.reset(); if(JPEGInterchangeFormatField != null) { // Get the value of JPEGInterchangeFormat. long jpegInterchangeOffset = JPEGInterchangeFormatField.getAsLong(0); // Get the JPEGInterchangeFormatLength field. TIFFField JPEGInterchangeFormatLengthField = tim.getTIFFField(BaselineTIFFTagSet.TAG_JPEG_INTERCHANGE_FORMAT_LENGTH); if(JPEGInterchangeFormatLengthField == null) { // JPEGInterchangeFormat stream is of indeterminate // length so use it as a complete JPEG stream. JPEGStreamOffset = Long.valueOf(jpegInterchangeOffset); // Set initialization flag and return. ((TIFFImageReader)reader).forwardWarningMessage("JPEGInterchangeFormatLength field is missing"); isInitialized = true; return; } else { // Get the JPEGInterchangeFormatLength field's value. long jpegInterchangeLength = JPEGInterchangeFormatLengthField.getAsLong(0); if(jpegInterchangeOffset < segmentOffsets[0] && (jpegInterchangeOffset + jpegInterchangeLength) > segmentOffsets[0]) { // JPEGInterchangeFormat points to a position // below the segment start position and ends at // a position after the segment start position. JPEGStreamOffset = Long.valueOf(jpegInterchangeOffset); // Set initialization flag and return. isInitialized = true; return; } } } } // Get the subsampling factors. TIFFField YCbCrSubsamplingField = tim.getTIFFField(BaselineTIFFTagSet.TAG_Y_CB_CR_SUBSAMPLING); if(YCbCrSubsamplingField != null) { subsamplingX = YCbCrSubsamplingField.getAsChars()[0]; subsamplingY = YCbCrSubsamplingField.getAsChars()[1]; } // // Initialize the 'tables' instance variable either for later // use in prepending to individual abbreviated strips or tiles. // if(JPEGInterchangeFormatField != null) { // Get the value of JPEGInterchangeFormat. long jpegInterchangeOffset = JPEGInterchangeFormatField.getAsLong(0); // Get the JPEGInterchangeFormatLength field. TIFFField JPEGInterchangeFormatLengthField = tim.getTIFFField(BaselineTIFFTagSet.TAG_JPEG_INTERCHANGE_FORMAT_LENGTH); if(JPEGInterchangeFormatLengthField != null) { // Get the JPEGInterchangeFormatLength field's value. long jpegInterchangeLength = JPEGInterchangeFormatLengthField.getAsLong(0); if(jpegInterchangeLength >= 2 && jpegInterchangeOffset + jpegInterchangeLength <= segmentOffsets[0]) { // Determine the length excluding any terminal EOI marker // and allocate table memory. stream.mark(); stream.seek(jpegInterchangeOffset+jpegInterchangeLength-2); if(stream.read() == 0xff && stream.read() == EOI) { this.tables = new byte[(int)(jpegInterchangeLength-2)]; } else { this.tables = new byte[(int)jpegInterchangeLength]; } stream.reset(); // Read the tables. stream.mark(); stream.seek(jpegInterchangeOffset); stream.readFully(tables); stream.reset(); ((TIFFImageReader)reader).forwardWarningMessage("Incorrect JPEG interchange format: using JPEGInterchangeFormat offset to derive tables."); } else { ((TIFFImageReader)reader).forwardWarningMessage("JPEGInterchangeFormat+JPEGInterchangeFormatLength > offset to first strip or tile."); } } } if(this.tables == null) { // // Create tables-only stream in tables[] consisting of // SOI+DQTs+DHTs // ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); // Save stream length; long streamLength = stream.length(); // SOI baos.write(0xff); baos.write(SOI); // Quantization Tables TIFFField f = tim.getTIFFField(BaselineTIFFTagSet.TAG_JPEG_Q_TABLES); if(f == null) { throw new IIOException("JPEGQTables field missing!"); } long[] off = f.getAsLongs(); for(int i = 0; i < off.length; i++) { baos.write(0xff); // Marker ID baos.write(DQT); char markerLength = (char)67; baos.write((markerLength >>> 8) & 0xff); // Length baos.write(markerLength & 0xff); baos.write(i); // Table ID and precision byte[] qtable = new byte[64]; if(streamLength != -1 && off[i] > streamLength) { throw new IIOException("JPEGQTables offset for index "+ i+" is not in the stream!"); } stream.seek(off[i]); stream.readFully(qtable); baos.write(qtable); // Table data } // Huffman Tables (k == 0 ? DC : AC). for(int k = 0; k < 2; k++) { int tableTagNumber = k == 0 ? BaselineTIFFTagSet.TAG_JPEG_DC_TABLES : BaselineTIFFTagSet.TAG_JPEG_AC_TABLES; f = tim.getTIFFField(tableTagNumber); String fieldName = tableTagNumber == BaselineTIFFTagSet.TAG_JPEG_DC_TABLES ? "JPEGDCTables" : "JPEGACTables"; if(f == null) { throw new IIOException(fieldName+" field missing!"); } off = f.getAsLongs(); for(int i = 0; i < off.length; i++) { baos.write(0xff); // Marker ID baos.write(DHT); byte[] blengths = new byte[16]; if(streamLength != -1 && off[i] > streamLength) { throw new IIOException(fieldName+" offset for index "+ i+" is not in the stream!"); } stream.seek(off[i]); stream.readFully(blengths); int numCodes = 0; for(int j = 0; j < 16; j++) { numCodes += blengths[j]&0xff; } char markerLength = (char)(19 + numCodes); baos.write((markerLength >>> 8) & 0xff); // Length baos.write(markerLength & 0xff); baos.write(i | (k << 4)); // Table ID and type baos.write(blengths); // Number of codes byte[] bcodes = new byte[numCodes]; stream.readFully(bcodes); baos.write(bcodes); // Codes } } // SOF0 baos.write((byte)0xff); // Marker identifier baos.write((byte)SOF0); short sval = (short)(8 + 3*samplesPerPixel); // Length baos.write((byte)((sval >>> 8) & 0xff)); baos.write((byte)(sval & 0xff)); baos.write((byte)8); // Data precision sval = (short)srcHeight; // Tile/strip height baos.write((byte)((sval >>> 8) & 0xff)); baos.write((byte)(sval & 0xff)); sval = (short)srcWidth; // Tile/strip width baos.write((byte)((sval >>> 8) & 0xff)); baos.write((byte)(sval & 0xff)); baos.write((byte)samplesPerPixel); // Number of components if(samplesPerPixel == 1) { baos.write((byte)1); // Component ID baos.write((byte)0x11); // Subsampling factor baos.write((byte)0); // Quantization table ID } else { // 3 for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { baos.write((byte)(i + 1)); // Component ID baos.write((i != 0) ? (byte)0x11 : (byte)(((subsamplingX & 0x0f) << 4) | (subsamplingY & 0x0f))); baos.write((byte)i); // Quantization table ID } }; // DRI (optional). f = tim.getTIFFField(BaselineTIFFTagSet.TAG_JPEG_RESTART_INTERVAL); if(f != null) { char restartInterval = f.getAsChars()[0]; if(restartInterval != 0) { baos.write((byte)0xff); // Marker identifier baos.write((byte)DRI); sval = 4; baos.write((byte)((sval >>> 8) & 0xff)); // Length baos.write((byte)(sval & 0xff)); // RestartInterval baos.write((byte)((restartInterval >>> 8) & 0xff)); baos.write((byte)(restartInterval & 0xff)); } } tables = baos.toByteArray(); } // // Check for presence of SOF marker and save its position. // int idx = 0; int idxMax = tables.length - 1; while(idx < idxMax) { if((tables[idx]&0xff) == 0xff && (tables[idx+1]&0xff) == SOF0) { SOFPosition = idx; break; } idx++; } // // If no SOF marker, add one. // if(SOFPosition == -1) { byte[] tmpTables = new byte[tables.length + 10 + 3*samplesPerPixel]; System.arraycopy(tables, 0, tmpTables, 0, tables.length); int tmpOffset = tables.length; SOFPosition = tables.length; tables = tmpTables; tables[tmpOffset++] = (byte)0xff; // Marker identifier tables[tmpOffset++] = (byte)SOF0; short sval = (short)(8 + 3*samplesPerPixel); // Length tables[tmpOffset++] = (byte)((sval >>> 8) & 0xff); tables[tmpOffset++] = (byte)(sval & 0xff); tables[tmpOffset++] = (byte)8; // Data precision sval = (short)srcHeight; // Tile/strip height tables[tmpOffset++] = (byte)((sval >>> 8) & 0xff); tables[tmpOffset++] = (byte)(sval & 0xff); sval = (short)srcWidth; // Tile/strip width tables[tmpOffset++] = (byte)((sval >>> 8) & 0xff); tables[tmpOffset++] = (byte)(sval & 0xff); tables[tmpOffset++] = (byte)samplesPerPixel; // Number of components if(samplesPerPixel == 1) { tables[tmpOffset++] = (byte)1; // Component ID tables[tmpOffset++] = (byte)0x11; // Subsampling factor tables[tmpOffset++] = (byte)0; // Quantization table ID } else { // 3 for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { tables[tmpOffset++] = (byte)(i + 1); // Component ID tables[tmpOffset++] = (i != 0) ? (byte)0x11 : (byte)(((subsamplingX & 0x0f) << 4) | (subsamplingY & 0x0f)); tables[tmpOffset++] = (byte)i; // Quantization table ID } }; } // // Initialize SOSMarker. // stream.mark(); stream.seek(segmentOffsets[0]); if(stream.read() == 0xff && stream.read() == SOS) { // // If the first segment starts with an SOS marker save it. // int SOSLength = (stream.read()<<8)|stream.read(); SOSMarker = new byte[SOSLength+2]; SOSMarker[0] = (byte)0xff; SOSMarker[1] = (byte)SOS; SOSMarker[2] = (byte)((SOSLength & 0xff00) >> 8); SOSMarker[3] = (byte)(SOSLength & 0xff); stream.readFully(SOSMarker, 4, SOSLength - 2); } else { // // Manufacture an SOS marker. // SOSMarker = new byte[2 + 6 + 2*samplesPerPixel]; int SOSMarkerIndex = 0; SOSMarker[SOSMarkerIndex++] = (byte)0xff; // Marker identifier SOSMarker[SOSMarkerIndex++] = (byte)SOS; short sval = (short)(6 + 2*samplesPerPixel); // Length SOSMarker[SOSMarkerIndex++] = (byte)((sval >>> 8) & 0xff); SOSMarker[SOSMarkerIndex++] = (byte)(sval & 0xff); // Number of components in scan SOSMarker[SOSMarkerIndex++] = (byte)samplesPerPixel; if(samplesPerPixel == 1) { SOSMarker[SOSMarkerIndex++] = (byte)1; // Component ID SOSMarker[SOSMarkerIndex++] = (byte)0; // Huffman table ID } else { // 3 for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { SOSMarker[SOSMarkerIndex++] = (byte)(i + 1); // Component ID SOSMarker[SOSMarkerIndex++] = (byte)((i << 4) | i); // Huffman table IDs } }; SOSMarker[SOSMarkerIndex++] = (byte)0; SOSMarker[SOSMarkerIndex++] = (byte)0x3f; SOSMarker[SOSMarkerIndex++] = (byte)0; } stream.reset(); // Set initialization flag. isInitialized = true; } // // The strategy for reading cases 1-3 is to treat the data as a complete // JPEG interchange stream located at JPEGStreamOffset. // // The strategy for cases 4-5 is to concatenate a tables stream created // in initialize() with the entropy coded data in each strip or tile. // public void decodeRaw(byte[] b, int dstOffset, int bitsPerPixel, int scanlineStride) throws IOException { initialize(); TIFFImageMetadata tim = (TIFFImageMetadata)metadata; if(JPEGStreamOffset != null) { stream.seek(JPEGStreamOffset.longValue()); JPEGReader.setInput(stream, false, true); } else { // Determine buffer length and allocate. int tableLength = tables.length; int bufLength = tableLength + SOSMarker.length + byteCount + 2; // 2 for EOI. byte[] buf = new byte[bufLength]; System.arraycopy(tables, 0, buf, 0, tableLength); int bufOffset = tableLength; // Update the SOF dimensions. short sval = (short)srcHeight; // Tile/strip height buf[SOFPosition + 5] = (byte)((sval >>> 8) & 0xff); buf[SOFPosition + 6] = (byte)(sval & 0xff); sval = (short)srcWidth; // Tile/strip width buf[SOFPosition + 7] = (byte)((sval >>> 8) & 0xff); buf[SOFPosition + 8] = (byte)(sval & 0xff); // Seek to data. stream.seek(offset); // Add SOS marker if data segment does not start with one. byte[] twoBytes = new byte[2]; stream.readFully(twoBytes); if(!((twoBytes[0]&0xff) == 0xff && (twoBytes[1]&0xff) == SOS)) { // Segment does not start with SOS marker; // use the pre-calculated SOS marker. System.arraycopy(SOSMarker, 0, buf, bufOffset, SOSMarker.length); bufOffset += SOSMarker.length; } // Copy the segment data into the buffer. buf[bufOffset++] = twoBytes[0]; buf[bufOffset++] = twoBytes[1]; stream.readFully(buf, bufOffset, byteCount - 2); bufOffset += byteCount - 2; // EOI. buf[bufOffset++] = (byte)0xff; // Marker identifier buf[bufOffset++] = (byte)EOI; ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(buf, 0, bufOffset); ImageInputStream is = new MemoryCacheImageInputStream(bais); JPEGReader.setInput(is, true, true); } // Read real image JPEGParam.setDestination(rawImage); JPEGReader.read(0, JPEGParam); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") protected void finalize() throws Throwable { super.finalize(); JPEGReader.dispose(); } }