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package sun.invoke.util;

import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import static java.lang.reflect.Modifier.*;
import java.util.Objects;
import jdk.internal.reflect.Reflection;

This class centralizes information about the JVM's linkage access control.
/** * This class centralizes information about the JVM's linkage access control. * @author jrose */
public class VerifyAccess { private VerifyAccess() { } // cannot instantiate private static final int UNCONDITIONAL_ALLOWED = java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.Lookup.UNCONDITIONAL; private static final int MODULE_ALLOWED = java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.Lookup.MODULE; private static final int PACKAGE_ONLY = 0; private static final int PACKAGE_ALLOWED = java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.Lookup.PACKAGE; private static final int PROTECTED_OR_PACKAGE_ALLOWED = (PACKAGE_ALLOWED|PROTECTED); private static final int ALL_ACCESS_MODES = (PUBLIC|PRIVATE|PROTECTED|PACKAGE_ONLY);
Evaluate the JVM linkage rules for access to the given method on behalf of a caller class which proposes to perform the access. Return true if the caller class has privileges to invoke a method or access a field with the given properties. This requires an accessibility check of the referencing class, plus an accessibility check of the member within the class, which depends on the member's modifier flags.

The relevant properties include the defining class (defc) of the member, and its modifier flags (mods). Also relevant is the class used to make the initial symbolic reference to the member (refc). If this latter class is not distinguished, the defining class should be passed for both arguments (defc == refc).

JVM Specification, 5.4.4 "Access Control"

A field or method R is accessible to a class or interface D if and only if any of the following is true:
  • R is public.
  • R is protected and is declared in a class C, and D is either a subclass of C or C itself. Furthermore, if R is not static, then the symbolic reference to R must contain a symbolic reference to a class T, such that T is either a subclass of D, a superclass of D, or D itself.

    During verification, it was also required that, even if T is a superclass of D, the target reference of a protected instance field access or method invocation must be an instance of D or a subclass of D (

  • R is either protected or has default access (that is, neither public nor protected nor private), and is declared by a class in the same run-time package as D.
  • R is private and is declared in D by a class or interface belonging to the same nest as D.
If a referenced field or method is not accessible, access checking throws an IllegalAccessError. If an exception is thrown while attempting to determine the nest host of a class or interface, access checking fails for the same reason.
  • refc – the class used in the symbolic reference to the proposed member
  • defc – the class in which the proposed member is actually defined
  • mods – modifier flags for the proposed member
  • lookupClass – the class for which the access check is being made
  • prevLookupClass – the class for which the access check is being made
  • allowedModes – allowed modes
Returns:true iff the accessing class can access such a member
/** * Evaluate the JVM linkage rules for access to the given method * on behalf of a caller class which proposes to perform the access. * Return true if the caller class has privileges to invoke a method * or access a field with the given properties. * This requires an accessibility check of the referencing class, * plus an accessibility check of the member within the class, * which depends on the member's modifier flags. * <p> * The relevant properties include the defining class ({@code defc}) * of the member, and its modifier flags ({@code mods}). * Also relevant is the class used to make the initial symbolic reference * to the member ({@code refc}). If this latter class is not distinguished, * the defining class should be passed for both arguments ({@code defc == refc}). * <h3>JVM Specification, 5.4.4 "Access Control"</h3> * A field or method R is accessible to a class or interface D if * and only if any of the following is true: * <ul> * <li>R is public.</li> * <li>R is protected and is declared in a class C, and D is either * a subclass of C or C itself. Furthermore, if R is not static, * then the symbolic reference to R must contain a symbolic * reference to a class T, such that T is either a subclass of D, * a superclass of D, or D itself. * <p>During verification, it was also required that, even if T is * a superclass of D, the target reference of a protected instance * field access or method invocation must be an instance of D or a * subclass of D (</p></li> * <li>R is either protected or has default access (that is, neither * public nor protected nor private), and is declared by a class * in the same run-time package as D.</li> * <li>R is private and is declared in D by a class or interface * belonging to the same nest as D.</li> * </ul> * If a referenced field or method is not accessible, access checking * throws an IllegalAccessError. If an exception is thrown while * attempting to determine the nest host of a class or interface, * access checking fails for the same reason. * * @param refc the class used in the symbolic reference to the proposed member * @param defc the class in which the proposed member is actually defined * @param mods modifier flags for the proposed member * @param lookupClass the class for which the access check is being made * @param prevLookupClass the class for which the access check is being made * @param allowedModes allowed modes * @return true iff the accessing class can access such a member */
public static boolean isMemberAccessible(Class<?> refc, // symbolic ref class Class<?> defc, // actual def class int mods, // actual member mods Class<?> lookupClass, Class<?> prevLookupClass, int allowedModes) { if (allowedModes == 0) return false; assert((allowedModes & ~(ALL_ACCESS_MODES|PACKAGE_ALLOWED|MODULE_ALLOWED|UNCONDITIONAL_ALLOWED)) == 0); // The symbolic reference class (refc) must always be fully verified. if (!isClassAccessible(refc, lookupClass, prevLookupClass, allowedModes)) { return false; } // Usually refc and defc are the same, but verify defc also in case they differ. if (defc == lookupClass && (allowedModes & PRIVATE) != 0) return true; // easy check; all self-access is OK with a private lookup switch (mods & ALL_ACCESS_MODES) { case PUBLIC: assert (allowedModes & PUBLIC) != 0 || (allowedModes & UNCONDITIONAL_ALLOWED) != 0; return true; // already checked above case PROTECTED: assert !defc.isInterface(); // protected members aren't allowed in interfaces if ((allowedModes & PROTECTED_OR_PACKAGE_ALLOWED) != 0 && isSamePackage(defc, lookupClass)) return true; if ((allowedModes & PROTECTED) == 0) return false; // Protected members are accessible by subclasses, which does not include interfaces. // Interfaces are types, not classes. They should not have access to // protected members in j.l.Object, even though it is their superclass. if ((mods & STATIC) != 0 && !isRelatedClass(refc, lookupClass)) return false; if ((allowedModes & PROTECTED) != 0 && isSubClass(lookupClass, defc)) return true; return false; case PACKAGE_ONLY: // That is, zero. Unmarked member is package-only access. assert !defc.isInterface(); // package-private members aren't allowed in interfaces return ((allowedModes & PACKAGE_ALLOWED) != 0 && isSamePackage(defc, lookupClass)); case PRIVATE: // Rules for privates follows access rules for nestmates. boolean canAccess = ((allowedModes & PRIVATE) != 0 && Reflection.areNestMates(defc, lookupClass)); // for private methods the selected method equals the // resolved method - so refc == defc assert (canAccess && refc == defc) || !canAccess; return canAccess; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad modifiers: "+Modifier.toString(mods)); } } static boolean isRelatedClass(Class<?> refc, Class<?> lookupClass) { return (refc == lookupClass || isSubClass(refc, lookupClass) || isSubClass(lookupClass, refc)); } static boolean isSubClass(Class<?> lookupClass, Class<?> defc) { return defc.isAssignableFrom(lookupClass) && !lookupClass.isInterface(); // interfaces are types, not classes. } static int getClassModifiers(Class<?> c) { // This would return the mask stored by javac for the source-level modifiers. // return c.getModifiers(); // But what we need for JVM access checks are the actual bits from the class header. // ...But arrays and primitives are synthesized with their own odd flags: if (c.isArray() || c.isPrimitive()) return c.getModifiers(); return Reflection.getClassAccessFlags(c); }
Evaluate the JVM linkage rules for access to the given class on behalf of caller.

JVM Specification, 5.4.4 "Access Control"

A class or interface C is accessible to a class or interface D if and only if any of the following conditions are true:
  • C is public and in the same module as D.
  • D is in a module that reads the module containing C, C is public and in a package that is exported to the module that contains D.
  • C and D are members of the same runtime package.
  • refc – the symbolic reference class to which access is being checked (C)
  • lookupClass – the class performing the lookup (D)
  • prevLookupClass – the class from which the lookup was teleported or null
  • allowedModes – allowed modes
/** * Evaluate the JVM linkage rules for access to the given class on behalf of caller. * <h3>JVM Specification, 5.4.4 "Access Control"</h3> * A class or interface C is accessible to a class or interface D * if and only if any of the following conditions are true:<ul> * <li>C is public and in the same module as D. * <li>D is in a module that reads the module containing C, C is public and in a * package that is exported to the module that contains D. * <li>C and D are members of the same runtime package. * </ul> * * @param refc the symbolic reference class to which access is being checked (C) * @param lookupClass the class performing the lookup (D) * @param prevLookupClass the class from which the lookup was teleported or null * @param allowedModes allowed modes */
public static boolean isClassAccessible(Class<?> refc, Class<?> lookupClass, Class<?> prevLookupClass, int allowedModes) { if (allowedModes == 0) return false; assert((allowedModes & ~(ALL_ACCESS_MODES|PACKAGE_ALLOWED|MODULE_ALLOWED|UNCONDITIONAL_ALLOWED)) == 0); if ((allowedModes & PACKAGE_ALLOWED) != 0 && isSamePackage(lookupClass, refc)) return true; int mods = getClassModifiers(refc); if (isPublic(mods)) { Module lookupModule = lookupClass.getModule(); Module refModule = refc.getModule(); // early VM startup case, java.base not defined if (lookupModule == null) { assert refModule == null; return true; } // allow access to public types in all unconditionally exported packages if ((allowedModes & UNCONDITIONAL_ALLOWED) != 0) { return refModule.isExported(refc.getPackageName()); } if (lookupModule == refModule && prevLookupClass == null) { // allow access to all public types in lookupModule if ((allowedModes & MODULE_ALLOWED) != 0) return true; assert (allowedModes & PUBLIC) != 0; return refModule.isExported(refc.getPackageName()); } // cross-module access // 1. refc is in different module from lookupModule, or // 2. refc is in lookupModule and a different module from prevLookupModule Module prevLookupModule = prevLookupClass != null ? prevLookupClass.getModule() : null; assert refModule != lookupModule || refModule != prevLookupModule; if (isModuleAccessible(refc, lookupModule, prevLookupModule)) return true; // not exported but allow access during VM initialization // because java.base does not have its exports setup if (!jdk.internal.misc.VM.isModuleSystemInited()) return true; // public class not accessible to lookupClass return false; } return false; } /* * Tests if a class or interface REFC is accessible to m1 and m2 where m2 * may be null. * * A class or interface REFC in m is accessible to m1 and m2 if and only if * both m1 and m2 read m and m exports the package of REFC at least to * both m1 and m2. */ public static boolean isModuleAccessible(Class<?> refc, Module m1, Module m2) { Module refModule = refc.getModule(); assert refModule != m1 || refModule != m2; int mods = getClassModifiers(refc); if (isPublic(mods)) { if (m1.canRead(refModule) && (m2 == null || m2.canRead(refModule))) { String pn = refc.getPackageName(); // refc is exported package to at least both m1 and m2 if (refModule.isExported(pn, m1) && (m2 == null || refModule.isExported(pn, m2))) return true; } } return false; }
Decide if the given method type, attributed to a member or symbolic reference of a given reference class, is really visible to that class.
  • type – the supposed type of a member or symbolic reference of refc
  • refc – the class attempting to make the reference
/** * Decide if the given method type, attributed to a member or symbolic * reference of a given reference class, is really visible to that class. * @param type the supposed type of a member or symbolic reference of refc * @param refc the class attempting to make the reference */
public static boolean isTypeVisible(Class<?> type, Class<?> refc) { if (type == refc) { return true; // easy check } while (type.isArray()) type = type.getComponentType(); if (type.isPrimitive() || type == Object.class) { return true; } ClassLoader typeLoader = type.getClassLoader(); ClassLoader refcLoader = refc.getClassLoader(); if (typeLoader == refcLoader) { return true; } if (refcLoader == null && typeLoader != null) { return false; } if (typeLoader == null && type.getName().startsWith("java.")) { // Note: The API for actually loading classes, ClassLoader.defineClass, // guarantees that classes with names beginning "java." cannot be aliased, // because class loaders cannot load them directly. return true; } // Do it the hard way: Look up the type name from the refc loader. // // Force the refc loader to report and commit to a particular binding for this type name (type.getName()). // // In principle, this query might force the loader to load some unrelated class, // which would cause this query to fail (and the original caller to give up). // This would be wasted effort, but it is expected to be very rare, occurring // only when an attacker is attempting to create a type alias. // In the normal case, one class loader will simply delegate to the other, // and the same type will be visible through both, with no extra loading. // // It is important to go through Class.forName instead of ClassLoader.loadClass // because Class.forName goes through the JVM system dictionary, which records // the class lookup once for all. This means that even if a not-well-behaved class loader // would "change its mind" about the meaning of the name, the Class.forName request // will use the result cached in the JVM system dictionary. Note that the JVM system dictionary // will record the first successful result. Unsuccessful results are not stored. // // We use doPrivileged in order to allow an unprivileged caller to ask an arbitrary // class loader about the binding of the proposed name (type.getName()). // The looked up type ("res") is compared for equality against the proposed // type ("type") and then is discarded. Thus, the worst that can happen to // the "child" class loader is that it is bothered to load and report a class // that differs from "type"; this happens once due to JVM system dictionary // memoization. And the caller never gets to look at the alternate type binding // ("res"), whether it exists or not. final String name = type.getName(); Class<?> res = java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged( new java.security.PrivilegedAction<>() { public Class<?> run() { try { return Class.forName(name, false, refcLoader); } catch (ClassNotFoundException | LinkageError e) { return null; // Assume the class is not found } } }); return (type == res); }
Decide if the given method type, attributed to a member or symbolic reference of a given reference class, is really visible to that class.
  • type – the supposed type of a member or symbolic reference of refc
  • refc – the class attempting to make the reference
/** * Decide if the given method type, attributed to a member or symbolic * reference of a given reference class, is really visible to that class. * @param type the supposed type of a member or symbolic reference of refc * @param refc the class attempting to make the reference */
public static boolean isTypeVisible(java.lang.invoke.MethodType type, Class<?> refc) { if (!isTypeVisible(type.returnType(), refc)) { return false; } for (int n = 0, max = type.parameterCount(); n < max; n++) { if (!isTypeVisible(type.parameterType(n), refc)) { return false; } } return true; }
Tests if two classes are in the same module.
  • class1 – a class
  • class2 – another class
Returns:whether they are in the same module
/** * Tests if two classes are in the same module. * @param class1 a class * @param class2 another class * @return whether they are in the same module */
public static boolean isSameModule(Class<?> class1, Class<?> class2) { return class1.getModule() == class2.getModule(); }
Test if two classes have the same class loader and package qualifier.
  • class1 – a class
  • class2 – another class
Returns:whether they are in the same package
/** * Test if two classes have the same class loader and package qualifier. * @param class1 a class * @param class2 another class * @return whether they are in the same package */
public static boolean isSamePackage(Class<?> class1, Class<?> class2) { if (class1 == class2) return true; if (class1.getClassLoader() != class2.getClassLoader()) return false; return Objects.equals(class1.getPackageName(), class2.getPackageName()); }
Test if two classes are defined as part of the same package member (top-level class). If this is true, they can share private access with each other.
  • class1 – a class
  • class2 – another class
Returns:whether they are identical or nested together
/** * Test if two classes are defined as part of the same package member (top-level class). * If this is true, they can share private access with each other. * @param class1 a class * @param class2 another class * @return whether they are identical or nested together */
public static boolean isSamePackageMember(Class<?> class1, Class<?> class2) { if (class1 == class2) return true; if (!isSamePackage(class1, class2)) return false; if (getOutermostEnclosingClass(class1) != getOutermostEnclosingClass(class2)) return false; return true; } private static Class<?> getOutermostEnclosingClass(Class<?> c) { Class<?> pkgmem = c; for (Class<?> enc = c; (enc = enc.getEnclosingClass()) != null; ) pkgmem = enc; return pkgmem; } private static boolean loadersAreRelated(ClassLoader loader1, ClassLoader loader2, boolean loader1MustBeParent) { if (loader1 == loader2 || loader1 == null || (loader2 == null && !loader1MustBeParent)) { return true; } for (ClassLoader scan2 = loader2; scan2 != null; scan2 = scan2.getParent()) { if (scan2 == loader1) return true; } if (loader1MustBeParent) return false; // see if loader2 is a parent of loader1: for (ClassLoader scan1 = loader1; scan1 != null; scan1 = scan1.getParent()) { if (scan1 == loader2) return true; } return false; }
Is the class loader of parentClass identical to, or an ancestor of, the class loader of childClass?
  • parentClass – a class
  • childClass – another class, which may be a descendent of the first class
Returns:whether parentClass precedes or equals childClass in class loader order
/** * Is the class loader of parentClass identical to, or an ancestor of, * the class loader of childClass? * @param parentClass a class * @param childClass another class, which may be a descendent of the first class * @return whether parentClass precedes or equals childClass in class loader order */
public static boolean classLoaderIsAncestor(Class<?> parentClass, Class<?> childClass) { return loadersAreRelated(parentClass.getClassLoader(), childClass.getClassLoader(), true); } }