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package org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.graphbuilderconf;

import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.Node.ValueNumberable;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.FixedWithNextNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.StructuredGraph;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.ValueNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.extended.GuardingNode;

import jdk.vm.ci.meta.JavaKind;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.JavaTypeProfile;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.ResolvedJavaField;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.ResolvedJavaMethod;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.ResolvedJavaType;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.Signature;

public interface NodePlugin extends GraphBuilderPlugin {
Handle the parsing of a method invocation bytecode to a method that can be bound statically. If the method returns true, it must push a value as the result of the method invocation using the return kind of the method.
  • b – the context
  • method – the statically bound, invoked method
  • args – the arguments of the method invocation
Returns:true if the plugin handles the invocation, false otherwise
/** * Handle the parsing of a method invocation bytecode to a method that can be bound statically. * If the method returns true, it must {@link GraphBuilderContext#push push} a value as the * result of the method invocation using the {@link Signature#getReturnKind return kind} of the * method. * * @param b the context * @param method the statically bound, invoked method * @param args the arguments of the method invocation * @return true if the plugin handles the invocation, false otherwise */
default boolean handleInvoke(GraphBuilderContext b, ResolvedJavaMethod method, ValueNode[] args) { return false; }
Handle the parsing of a GETFIELD bytecode. If the method returns true, it must push a value using the kind of the field.
  • b – the context
  • object – the receiver object for the field access
  • field – the accessed field
Returns:true if the plugin handles the field access, false otherwise
/** * Handle the parsing of a GETFIELD bytecode. If the method returns true, it must * {@link GraphBuilderContext#push push} a value using the * {@link ResolvedJavaField#getJavaKind() kind} of the field. * * @param b the context * @param object the receiver object for the field access * @param field the accessed field * @return true if the plugin handles the field access, false otherwise */
default boolean handleLoadField(GraphBuilderContext b, ValueNode object, ResolvedJavaField field) { return false; }
Handle the parsing of a GETSTATIC bytecode. If the method returns true, it must push a value using the kind of the field.
  • b – the context
  • field – the accessed field
Returns:true if the plugin handles the field access, false otherwise
/** * Handle the parsing of a GETSTATIC bytecode. If the method returns true, it must * {@link GraphBuilderContext#push push} a value using the * {@link ResolvedJavaField#getJavaKind() kind} of the field. * * @param b the context * @param field the accessed field * @return true if the plugin handles the field access, false otherwise */
default boolean handleLoadStaticField(GraphBuilderContext b, ResolvedJavaField field) { return false; }
Handle the parsing of a PUTFIELD bytecode.
  • b – the context
  • object – the receiver object for the field access
  • field – the accessed field
  • value – the value to be stored into the field
Returns:true if the plugin handles the field access, false otherwise
/** * Handle the parsing of a PUTFIELD bytecode. * * @param b the context * @param object the receiver object for the field access * @param field the accessed field * @param value the value to be stored into the field * @return true if the plugin handles the field access, false otherwise */
default boolean handleStoreField(GraphBuilderContext b, ValueNode object, ResolvedJavaField field, ValueNode value) { return false; }
Handle the parsing of a PUTSTATIC bytecode.
  • b – the context
  • field – the accessed field
  • value – the value to be stored into the field
Returns:true if the plugin handles the field access, false otherwise.
/** * Handle the parsing of a PUTSTATIC bytecode. * * @param b the context * @param field the accessed field * @param value the value to be stored into the field * @return true if the plugin handles the field access, false otherwise. */
default boolean handleStoreStaticField(GraphBuilderContext b, ResolvedJavaField field, ValueNode value) { return false; }
Handle the parsing of an array load bytecode. If the method returns true, it must push a value using the provided elementKind.
  • b – the context
  • array – the accessed array
  • index – the index for the array access
  • boundsCheck – the explicit bounds check already emitted, or null if no bounds check was emitted yet
  • elementKind – the element kind of the accessed array
Returns:true if the plugin handles the array access, false otherwise.
/** * Handle the parsing of an array load bytecode. If the method returns true, it must * {@link GraphBuilderContext#push push} a value using the provided elementKind. * * @param b the context * @param array the accessed array * @param index the index for the array access * @param boundsCheck the explicit bounds check already emitted, or null if no bounds check was * emitted yet * @param elementKind the element kind of the accessed array * @return true if the plugin handles the array access, false otherwise. */
default boolean handleLoadIndexed(GraphBuilderContext b, ValueNode array, ValueNode index, GuardingNode boundsCheck, JavaKind elementKind) { return false; }
Handle the parsing of an array store bytecode.
  • b – the context
  • array – the accessed array
  • index – the index for the array access
  • boundsCheck – the explicit array bounds check already emitted, or null if no array bounds check was emitted yet
  • storeCheck – the explicit array store check already emitted, or null if no array store check was emitted yet
  • elementKind – the element kind of the accessed array
  • value – the value to be stored into the array
Returns:true if the plugin handles the array access, false otherwise.
/** * Handle the parsing of an array store bytecode. * * @param b the context * @param array the accessed array * @param index the index for the array access * @param boundsCheck the explicit array bounds check already emitted, or null if no array * bounds check was emitted yet * @param storeCheck the explicit array store check already emitted, or null if no array store * check was emitted yet * @param elementKind the element kind of the accessed array * @param value the value to be stored into the array * @return true if the plugin handles the array access, false otherwise. */
default boolean handleStoreIndexed(GraphBuilderContext b, ValueNode array, ValueNode index, GuardingNode boundsCheck, GuardingNode storeCheck, JavaKind elementKind, ValueNode value) { return false; }
Handle the parsing of a CHECKCAST bytecode. If the method returns true, it must push a value with the result of the cast using JavaKind.Object.
  • b – the context
  • object – the object to be type checked
  • type – the type that the object is checked against
  • profile – the profiling information for the type check, or null if no profiling information is available
Returns:true if the plugin handles the cast, false otherwise
/** * Handle the parsing of a CHECKCAST bytecode. If the method returns true, it must * {@link GraphBuilderContext#push push} a value with the result of the cast using * {@link JavaKind#Object}. * * @param b the context * @param object the object to be type checked * @param type the type that the object is checked against * @param profile the profiling information for the type check, or null if no profiling * information is available * @return true if the plugin handles the cast, false otherwise */
default boolean handleCheckCast(GraphBuilderContext b, ValueNode object, ResolvedJavaType type, JavaTypeProfile profile) { return false; }
Handle the parsing of a INSTANCEOF bytecode. If the method returns true, it must push a value with the result of the instanceof using JavaKind.Int.
  • b – the context
  • object – the object to be type checked
  • type – the type that the object is checked against
  • profile – the profiling information for the type check, or null if no profiling information is available
Returns:true if the plugin handles the instanceof, false otherwise
/** * Handle the parsing of a INSTANCEOF bytecode. If the method returns true, it must * {@link GraphBuilderContext#push push} a value with the result of the instanceof using * {@link JavaKind#Int}. * * @param b the context * @param object the object to be type checked * @param type the type that the object is checked against * @param profile the profiling information for the type check, or null if no profiling * information is available * @return true if the plugin handles the instanceof, false otherwise */
default boolean handleInstanceOf(GraphBuilderContext b, ValueNode object, ResolvedJavaType type, JavaTypeProfile profile) { return false; }
Handle the parsing of a NEW bytecode. If the method returns true, it must push a value with the result of the allocation using JavaKind.Object.
  • b – the context
  • type – the type to be instantiated
Returns:true if the plugin handles the bytecode, false otherwise
/** * Handle the parsing of a NEW bytecode. If the method returns true, it must * {@link GraphBuilderContext#push push} a value with the result of the allocation using * {@link JavaKind#Object}. * * @param b the context * @param type the type to be instantiated * @return true if the plugin handles the bytecode, false otherwise */
default boolean handleNewInstance(GraphBuilderContext b, ResolvedJavaType type) { return false; }
Handle the parsing of a NEWARRAY and ANEWARRAY bytecode. If the method returns true, it must push a value with the result of the allocation using JavaKind.Object.
  • b – the context
  • elementType – the element type of the array to be instantiated
  • length – the length of the new array
Returns:true if the plugin handles the bytecode, false otherwise
/** * Handle the parsing of a NEWARRAY and ANEWARRAY bytecode. If the method returns true, it must * {@link GraphBuilderContext#push push} a value with the result of the allocation using * {@link JavaKind#Object}. * * @param b the context * @param elementType the element type of the array to be instantiated * @param length the length of the new array * @return true if the plugin handles the bytecode, false otherwise */
default boolean handleNewArray(GraphBuilderContext b, ResolvedJavaType elementType, ValueNode length) { return false; }
Handle the parsing of a MULTIANEWARRAY bytecode. If the method returns true, it must push a value with the result of the allocation using JavaKind.Object.
  • b – the context
  • type – the type of the outermost array to be instantiated
  • dimensions – the array of lengths for all the dimensions to be instantiated
Returns:true if the plugin handles the bytecode, false otherwise
/** * Handle the parsing of a MULTIANEWARRAY bytecode. If the method returns true, it must * {@link GraphBuilderContext#push push} a value with the result of the allocation using * {@link JavaKind#Object}. * * @param b the context * @param type the type of the outermost array to be instantiated * @param dimensions the array of lengths for all the dimensions to be instantiated * @return true if the plugin handles the bytecode, false otherwise */
default boolean handleNewMultiArray(GraphBuilderContext b, ResolvedJavaType type, ValueNode[] dimensions) { return false; }
Allows this plugin to add nodes after the exception object has been loaded in the dispatch sequence. Note that a StructuredGraph is provided to this call instead of a GraphBuilderContext so that the caller has a guarantee that its current control flow insertion point is not changed by this call. This means nodes must be added to the graph with the appropriate method (e.g., Graph.unique for ValueNumberable nodes) and fixed nodes must be manually added as successors of afterExceptionLoaded. The reason for this constraint is that when this plugin runs, it's inserting instructions into a different block than the one currently being parsed.
  • graph – the graph being parsed
  • afterExceptionLoaded – the last fixed node after loading the exception
Returns:the last fixed node after instrumentation
/** * Allows this plugin to add nodes after the exception object has been loaded in the dispatch * sequence. Note that a {@link StructuredGraph} is provided to this call instead of a * {@link GraphBuilderContext} so that the caller has a guarantee that its current control flow * insertion point is not changed by this call. This means nodes must be added to the graph with * the appropriate method (e.g., {@link StructuredGraph#unique} for {@link ValueNumberable} * nodes) and fixed nodes must be manually {@linkplain FixedWithNextNode#setNext added} as * successors of {@code afterExceptionLoaded}. * * The reason for this constraint is that when this plugin runs, it's inserting instructions * into a different block than the one currently being parsed. * * @param graph the graph being parsed * @param afterExceptionLoaded the last fixed node after loading the exception * @return the last fixed node after instrumentation */
default FixedWithNextNode instrumentExceptionDispatch(StructuredGraph graph, FixedWithNextNode afterExceptionLoaded) { return afterExceptionLoaded; }
If the plugin pushes a value with a different JavaKind than specified by the bytecode, it must override this method and return true. This disables assertion checking for value kinds.
  • b – the context
/** * If the plugin {@link GraphBuilderContext#push pushes} a value with a different * {@link JavaKind} than specified by the bytecode, it must override this method and return * {@code true}. This disables assertion checking for value kinds. * * @param b the context */
default boolean canChangeStackKind(GraphBuilderContext b) { return false; } }