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package com.sun.tools.javac.util;

Access to the compiler's name table. STandard names are defined, as well as methods to create new names.

This is NOT part of any supported API. If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or deletion without notice.

/** * Access to the compiler's name table. STandard names are defined, * as well as methods to create new names. * * <p><b>This is NOT part of any supported API. * If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. * This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or * deletion without notice.</b> */
public class Names { public static final Context.Key<Names> namesKey = new Context.Key<>(); public static Names instance(Context context) { Names instance = context.get(namesKey); if (instance == null) { instance = new Names(context); context.put(namesKey, instance); } return instance; } // operators and punctuation public final Name asterisk; public final Name comma; public final Name empty; public final Name hyphen; public final Name one; public final Name slash; // keywords public final Name _class; public final Name _super; public final Name _this; public final Name var; public final Name exports; public final Name opens; public final Name module; public final Name provides; public final Name requires; public final Name to; public final Name transitive; public final Name uses; public final Name open; public final Name with; public final Name yield; // field and method names public final Name _name; public final Name addSuppressed; public final Name any; public final Name append; public final Name clinit; public final Name clone; public final Name close; public final Name deserializeLambda; public final Name desiredAssertionStatus; public final Name equals; public final Name error; public final Name finalize; public final Name forRemoval; public final Name getClass; public final Name hasNext; public final Name hashCode; public final Name init; public final Name iterator; public final Name length; public final Name next; public final Name ordinal; public final Name provider; public final Name serialVersionUID; public final Name toString; public final Name value; public final Name valueOf; public final Name values; // class names public final Name java_io_Serializable; public final Name java_lang_Class; public final Name java_lang_Cloneable; public final Name java_lang_Enum; public final Name java_lang_Object; // names of builtin classes public final Name Array; public final Name Bound; public final Name Method; // package names public final Name java_lang; // module names public final Name java_base; // attribute names public final Name Annotation; public final Name AnnotationDefault; public final Name BootstrapMethods; public final Name Bridge; public final Name CharacterRangeTable; public final Name Code; public final Name CompilationID; public final Name ConstantValue; public final Name Deprecated; public final Name EnclosingMethod; public final Name Enum; public final Name Exceptions; public final Name InnerClasses; public final Name LineNumberTable; public final Name LocalVariableTable; public final Name LocalVariableTypeTable; public final Name MethodParameters; public final Name Module; public final Name ModuleResolution; public final Name NestHost; public final Name NestMembers; public final Name RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations; public final Name RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations; public final Name RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations; public final Name RuntimeVisibleAnnotations; public final Name RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations; public final Name RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations; public final Name Signature; public final Name SourceFile; public final Name SourceID; public final Name StackMap; public final Name StackMapTable; public final Name Synthetic; public final Name Value; public final Name Varargs; // members of java.lang.annotation.ElementType public final Name ANNOTATION_TYPE; public final Name CONSTRUCTOR; public final Name FIELD; public final Name LOCAL_VARIABLE; public final Name METHOD; public final Name MODULE; public final Name PACKAGE; public final Name PARAMETER; public final Name TYPE; public final Name TYPE_PARAMETER; public final Name TYPE_USE; // members of java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy public final Name CLASS; public final Name RUNTIME; public final Name SOURCE; // other identifiers public final Name T; public final Name ex; public final Name module_info; public final Name package_info; public final Name requireNonNull; // lambda-related public final Name lambda; public final Name metafactory; public final Name altMetafactory; public final Name dollarThis; // string concat public final Name makeConcat; public final Name makeConcatWithConstants; public final Name.Table table; public Names(Context context) { Options options = Options.instance(context); table = createTable(options); // operators and punctuation asterisk = fromString("*"); comma = fromString(","); empty = fromString(""); hyphen = fromString("-"); one = fromString("1"); slash = fromString("/"); // keywords _class = fromString("class"); _super = fromString("super"); _this = fromString("this"); var = fromString("var"); exports = fromString("exports"); opens = fromString("opens"); module = fromString("module"); provides = fromString("provides"); requires = fromString("requires"); to = fromString("to"); transitive = fromString("transitive"); uses = fromString("uses"); open = fromString("open"); with = fromString("with"); yield = fromString("yield"); // field and method names _name = fromString("name"); addSuppressed = fromString("addSuppressed"); any = fromString("<any>"); append = fromString("append"); clinit = fromString("<clinit>"); clone = fromString("clone"); close = fromString("close"); deserializeLambda = fromString("$deserializeLambda$"); desiredAssertionStatus = fromString("desiredAssertionStatus"); equals = fromString("equals"); error = fromString("<error>"); finalize = fromString("finalize"); forRemoval = fromString("forRemoval"); getClass = fromString("getClass"); hasNext = fromString("hasNext"); hashCode = fromString("hashCode"); init = fromString("<init>"); iterator = fromString("iterator"); length = fromString("length"); next = fromString("next"); ordinal = fromString("ordinal"); provider = fromString("provider"); serialVersionUID = fromString("serialVersionUID"); toString = fromString("toString"); value = fromString("value"); valueOf = fromString("valueOf"); values = fromString("values"); dollarThis = fromString("$this"); // class names java_io_Serializable = fromString("java.io.Serializable"); java_lang_Class = fromString("java.lang.Class"); java_lang_Cloneable = fromString("java.lang.Cloneable"); java_lang_Enum = fromString("java.lang.Enum"); java_lang_Object = fromString("java.lang.Object"); // names of builtin classes Array = fromString("Array"); Bound = fromString("Bound"); Method = fromString("Method"); // package names java_lang = fromString("java.lang"); // module names java_base = fromString("java.base"); // attribute names Annotation = fromString("Annotation"); AnnotationDefault = fromString("AnnotationDefault"); BootstrapMethods = fromString("BootstrapMethods"); Bridge = fromString("Bridge"); CharacterRangeTable = fromString("CharacterRangeTable"); Code = fromString("Code"); CompilationID = fromString("CompilationID"); ConstantValue = fromString("ConstantValue"); Deprecated = fromString("Deprecated"); EnclosingMethod = fromString("EnclosingMethod"); Enum = fromString("Enum"); Exceptions = fromString("Exceptions"); InnerClasses = fromString("InnerClasses"); LineNumberTable = fromString("LineNumberTable"); LocalVariableTable = fromString("LocalVariableTable"); LocalVariableTypeTable = fromString("LocalVariableTypeTable"); MethodParameters = fromString("MethodParameters"); Module = fromString("Module"); ModuleResolution = fromString("ModuleResolution"); NestHost = fromString("NestHost"); NestMembers = fromString("NestMembers"); RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations = fromString("RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations"); RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations = fromString("RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations"); RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations = fromString("RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations"); RuntimeVisibleAnnotations = fromString("RuntimeVisibleAnnotations"); RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations = fromString("RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations"); RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations = fromString("RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations"); Signature = fromString("Signature"); SourceFile = fromString("SourceFile"); SourceID = fromString("SourceID"); StackMap = fromString("StackMap"); StackMapTable = fromString("StackMapTable"); Synthetic = fromString("Synthetic"); Value = fromString("Value"); Varargs = fromString("Varargs"); // members of java.lang.annotation.ElementType ANNOTATION_TYPE = fromString("ANNOTATION_TYPE"); CONSTRUCTOR = fromString("CONSTRUCTOR"); FIELD = fromString("FIELD"); LOCAL_VARIABLE = fromString("LOCAL_VARIABLE"); METHOD = fromString("METHOD"); MODULE = fromString("MODULE"); PACKAGE = fromString("PACKAGE"); PARAMETER = fromString("PARAMETER"); TYPE = fromString("TYPE"); TYPE_PARAMETER = fromString("TYPE_PARAMETER"); TYPE_USE = fromString("TYPE_USE"); // members of java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy CLASS = fromString("CLASS"); RUNTIME = fromString("RUNTIME"); SOURCE = fromString("SOURCE"); // other identifiers T = fromString("T"); ex = fromString("ex"); module_info = fromString("module-info"); package_info = fromString("package-info"); requireNonNull = fromString("requireNonNull"); //lambda-related lambda = fromString("lambda$"); metafactory = fromString("metafactory"); altMetafactory = fromString("altMetafactory"); // string concat makeConcat = fromString("makeConcat"); makeConcatWithConstants = fromString("makeConcatWithConstants"); } protected Name.Table createTable(Options options) { boolean useUnsharedTable = options.isSet("useUnsharedTable"); if (useUnsharedTable) return UnsharedNameTable.create(this); else return SharedNameTable.create(this); } public void dispose() { table.dispose(); } public Name fromChars(char[] cs, int start, int len) { return table.fromChars(cs, start, len); } public Name fromString(String s) { return table.fromString(s); } public Name fromUtf(byte[] cs) { return table.fromUtf(cs); } public Name fromUtf(byte[] cs, int start, int len) { return table.fromUtf(cs, start, len); } }