 * Copyright (c) 2015, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
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package jdk.internal.loader;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.lang.module.ModuleDescriptor;
import java.lang.module.ModuleReference;
import java.lang.module.ModuleReader;
import java.lang.ref.SoftReference;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URL;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.CodeSigner;
import java.security.CodeSource;
import java.security.PermissionCollection;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
import java.security.PrivilegedActionException;
import java.security.PrivilegedExceptionAction;
import java.security.SecureClassLoader;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.jar.Attributes;
import java.util.jar.Manifest;
import java.util.stream.Stream;

import jdk.internal.access.SharedSecrets;
import jdk.internal.misc.VM;
import jdk.internal.module.ModulePatcher.PatchedModuleReader;
import jdk.internal.module.Resources;
import jdk.internal.vm.annotation.Stable;
import sun.security.util.LazyCodeSourcePermissionCollection;

The platform or application class loader. Resources loaded from modules defined to the boot class loader are also loaded via an instance of this ClassLoader type.

This ClassLoader supports loading of classes and resources from modules. Modules are defined to the ClassLoader by invoking the loadModule method. Defining a module to this ClassLoader has the effect of making the types in the module visible.

This ClassLoader also supports loading of classes and resources from a class path of URLs that are specified to the ClassLoader at construction time. The class path may expand at runtime (the Class-Path attribute in JAR files or via instrumentation agents).

The delegation model used by this ClassLoader differs to the regular delegation model. When requested to load a class then this ClassLoader first maps the class name to its package name. If there is a module defined to a BuiltinClassLoader containing this package then the class loader delegates directly to that class loader. If there isn't a module containing the package then it delegates the search to the parent class loader and if not found in the parent then it searches the class path. The main difference between this and the usual delegation model is that it allows the platform class loader to delegate to the application class loader, important with upgraded modules defined to the platform class loader.

/** * The platform or application class loader. Resources loaded from modules * defined to the boot class loader are also loaded via an instance of this * ClassLoader type. * * <p> This ClassLoader supports loading of classes and resources from modules. * Modules are defined to the ClassLoader by invoking the {@link #loadModule} * method. Defining a module to this ClassLoader has the effect of making the * types in the module visible. </p> * * <p> This ClassLoader also supports loading of classes and resources from a * class path of URLs that are specified to the ClassLoader at construction * time. The class path may expand at runtime (the Class-Path attribute in JAR * files or via instrumentation agents). </p> * * <p> The delegation model used by this ClassLoader differs to the regular * delegation model. When requested to load a class then this ClassLoader first * maps the class name to its package name. If there is a module defined to a * BuiltinClassLoader containing this package then the class loader delegates * directly to that class loader. If there isn't a module containing the * package then it delegates the search to the parent class loader and if not * found in the parent then it searches the class path. The main difference * between this and the usual delegation model is that it allows the platform * class loader to delegate to the application class loader, important with * upgraded modules defined to the platform class loader. */
public class BuiltinClassLoader extends SecureClassLoader { static { if (!ClassLoader.registerAsParallelCapable()) throw new InternalError("Unable to register as parallel capable"); } // parent ClassLoader private final BuiltinClassLoader parent; // the URL class path, or null if there is no class path private final URLClassPath ucp;
A module defined/loaded by a built-in class loader. A LoadedModule encapsulates a ModuleReference along with its CodeSource URL to avoid needing to create this URL when defining classes.
/** * A module defined/loaded by a built-in class loader. * * A LoadedModule encapsulates a ModuleReference along with its CodeSource * URL to avoid needing to create this URL when defining classes. */
private static class LoadedModule { private final BuiltinClassLoader loader; private final ModuleReference mref; private final URI uri; // may be null private @Stable URL codeSourceURL; // may be null LoadedModule(BuiltinClassLoader loader, ModuleReference mref) { URL url = null; this.uri = mref.location().orElse(null); // for non-jrt schemes we need to resolve the codeSourceURL // eagerly during bootstrap since the handler might be // overridden if (uri != null && !"jrt".equals(uri.getScheme())) { url = createURL(uri); } this.loader = loader; this.mref = mref; this.codeSourceURL = url; } BuiltinClassLoader loader() { return loader; } ModuleReference mref() { return mref; } String name() { return mref.descriptor().name(); } URL codeSourceURL() { URL url = codeSourceURL; if (url == null && uri != null) { codeSourceURL = url = createURL(uri); } return url; } private URL createURL(URI uri) { URL url = null; try { url = uri.toURL(); } catch (MalformedURLException | IllegalArgumentException e) { } return url; } } // maps package name to loaded module for modules in the boot layer private static final Map<String, LoadedModule> packageToModule = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(1024); // maps a module name to a module reference private final Map<String, ModuleReference> nameToModule; // maps a module reference to a module reader private final Map<ModuleReference, ModuleReader> moduleToReader; // cache of resource name -> list of URLs. // used only for resources that are not in module packages private volatile SoftReference<Map<String, List<URL>>> resourceCache;
Create a new instance.
/** * Create a new instance. */
BuiltinClassLoader(String name, BuiltinClassLoader parent, URLClassPath ucp) { // ensure getParent() returns null when the parent is the boot loader super(name, parent == null || parent == ClassLoaders.bootLoader() ? null : parent); this.parent = parent; this.ucp = ucp; this.nameToModule = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); this.moduleToReader = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); }
Returns true if there is a class path associated with this class loader.
/** * Returns {@code true} if there is a class path associated with this * class loader. */
boolean hasClassPath() { return ucp != null; }
Register a module this class loader. This has the effect of making the types in the module visible.
/** * Register a module this class loader. This has the effect of making the * types in the module visible. */
public void loadModule(ModuleReference mref) { String mn = mref.descriptor().name(); if (nameToModule.putIfAbsent(mn, mref) != null) { throw new InternalError(mn + " already defined to this loader"); } LoadedModule loadedModule = new LoadedModule(this, mref); for (String pn : mref.descriptor().packages()) { LoadedModule other = packageToModule.putIfAbsent(pn, loadedModule); if (other != null) { throw new InternalError(pn + " in modules " + mn + " and " + other.mref().descriptor().name()); } } // clear resources cache if VM is already initialized if (VM.isModuleSystemInited() && resourceCache != null) { resourceCache = null; } }
Returns the ModuleReference for the named module defined to this class loader; or null if not defined.
  • name – The name of the module to find
/** * Returns the {@code ModuleReference} for the named module defined to * this class loader; or {@code null} if not defined. * * @param name The name of the module to find */
protected ModuleReference findModule(String name) { return nameToModule.get(name); } // -- finding resources
Returns a URL to a resource of the given name in a module defined to this class loader.
/** * Returns a URL to a resource of the given name in a module defined to * this class loader. */
@Override public URL findResource(String mn, String name) throws IOException { URL url = null; if (mn != null) { // find in module ModuleReference mref = nameToModule.get(mn); if (mref != null) { url = findResource(mref, name); } } else { // find on class path url = findResourceOnClassPath(name); } return checkURL(url); // check access before returning }
Returns an input stream to a resource of the given name in a module defined to this class loader.
/** * Returns an input stream to a resource of the given name in a module * defined to this class loader. */
public InputStream findResourceAsStream(String mn, String name) throws IOException { // Need URL to resource when running with a security manager so that // the right permission check is done. if (System.getSecurityManager() != null || mn == null) { URL url = findResource(mn, name); return (url != null) ? url.openStream() : null; } // find in module defined to this loader, no security manager ModuleReference mref = nameToModule.get(mn); if (mref != null) { return moduleReaderFor(mref).open(name).orElse(null); } else { return null; } }
Finds a resource with the given name in the modules defined to this class loader or its class path.
/** * Finds a resource with the given name in the modules defined to this * class loader or its class path. */
@Override public URL findResource(String name) { String pn = Resources.toPackageName(name); LoadedModule module = packageToModule.get(pn); if (module != null) { // resource is in a package of a module defined to this loader if (module.loader() == this) { URL url; try { url = findResource(module.name(), name); // checks URL } catch (IOException ioe) { return null; } if (url != null && (name.endsWith(".class") || url.toString().endsWith("/") || isOpen(module.mref(), pn))) { return url; } } } else { // not in a module package but may be in module defined to this loader try { List<URL> urls = findMiscResource(name); if (!urls.isEmpty()) { URL url = urls.get(0); if (url != null) { return checkURL(url); // check access before returning } } } catch (IOException ioe) { return null; } } // search class path URL url = findResourceOnClassPath(name); return checkURL(url); }
Returns an enumeration of URL objects to all the resources with the given name in modules defined to this class loader or on the class path of this loader.
/** * Returns an enumeration of URL objects to all the resources with the * given name in modules defined to this class loader or on the class * path of this loader. */
@Override public Enumeration<URL> findResources(String name) throws IOException { List<URL> checked = new ArrayList<>(); // list of checked URLs String pn = Resources.toPackageName(name); LoadedModule module = packageToModule.get(pn); if (module != null) { // resource is in a package of a module defined to this loader if (module.loader() == this) { URL url = findResource(module.name(), name); // checks URL if (url != null && (name.endsWith(".class") || url.toString().endsWith("/") || isOpen(module.mref(), pn))) { checked.add(url); } } } else { // not in a package of a module defined to this loader for (URL url : findMiscResource(name)) { url = checkURL(url); if (url != null) { checked.add(url); } } } // class path (not checked) Enumeration<URL> e = findResourcesOnClassPath(name); // concat the checked URLs and the (not checked) class path return new Enumeration<>() { final Iterator<URL> iterator = checked.iterator(); URL next; private boolean hasNext() { if (next != null) { return true; } else if (iterator.hasNext()) { next = iterator.next(); return true; } else { // need to check each URL while (e.hasMoreElements() && next == null) { next = checkURL(e.nextElement()); } return next != null; } } @Override public boolean hasMoreElements() { return hasNext(); } @Override public URL nextElement() { if (hasNext()) { URL result = next; next = null; return result; } else { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } } }; }
Returns the list of URLs to a "miscellaneous" resource in modules defined to this loader. A miscellaneous resource is not in a module package, e.g. META-INF/services/p.S. The cache used by this method avoids repeated searching of all modules.
/** * Returns the list of URLs to a "miscellaneous" resource in modules * defined to this loader. A miscellaneous resource is not in a module * package, e.g. META-INF/services/p.S. * * The cache used by this method avoids repeated searching of all modules. */
private List<URL> findMiscResource(String name) throws IOException { SoftReference<Map<String, List<URL>>> ref = this.resourceCache; Map<String, List<URL>> map = (ref != null) ? ref.get() : null; if (map == null) { map = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); this.resourceCache = new SoftReference<>(map); } else { List<URL> urls = map.get(name); if (urls != null) return urls; } // search all modules for the resource List<URL> urls; try { urls = AccessController.doPrivileged( new PrivilegedExceptionAction<>() { @Override public List<URL> run() throws IOException { List<URL> result = null; for (ModuleReference mref : nameToModule.values()) { URI u = moduleReaderFor(mref).find(name).orElse(null); if (u != null) { try { if (result == null) result = new ArrayList<>(); result.add(u.toURL()); } catch (MalformedURLException | IllegalArgumentException e) { } } } return (result != null) ? result : Collections.emptyList(); } }); } catch (PrivilegedActionException pae) { throw (IOException) pae.getCause(); } // only cache resources after VM is fully initialized if (VM.isModuleSystemInited()) { map.putIfAbsent(name, urls); } return urls; }
Returns the URL to a resource in a module or null if not found.
/** * Returns the URL to a resource in a module or {@code null} if not found. */
private URL findResource(ModuleReference mref, String name) throws IOException { URI u; if (System.getSecurityManager() == null) { u = moduleReaderFor(mref).find(name).orElse(null); } else { try { u = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<> () { @Override public URI run() throws IOException { return moduleReaderFor(mref).find(name).orElse(null); } }); } catch (PrivilegedActionException pae) { throw (IOException) pae.getCause(); } } if (u != null) { try { return u.toURL(); } catch (MalformedURLException | IllegalArgumentException e) { } } return null; }
Returns the URL to a resource in a module. Returns null if not found or an I/O error occurs.
/** * Returns the URL to a resource in a module. Returns {@code null} if not found * or an I/O error occurs. */
private URL findResourceOrNull(ModuleReference mref, String name) { try { return findResource(mref, name); } catch (IOException ignore) { return null; } }
Returns a URL to a resource on the class path.
/** * Returns a URL to a resource on the class path. */
private URL findResourceOnClassPath(String name) { if (hasClassPath()) { if (System.getSecurityManager() == null) { return ucp.findResource(name, false); } else { PrivilegedAction<URL> pa = () -> ucp.findResource(name, false); return AccessController.doPrivileged(pa); } } else { // no class path return null; } }
Returns the URLs of all resources of the given name on the class path.
/** * Returns the URLs of all resources of the given name on the class path. */
private Enumeration<URL> findResourcesOnClassPath(String name) { if (hasClassPath()) { if (System.getSecurityManager() == null) { return ucp.findResources(name, false); } else { PrivilegedAction<Enumeration<URL>> pa; pa = () -> ucp.findResources(name, false); return AccessController.doPrivileged(pa); } } else { // no class path return Collections.emptyEnumeration(); } } // -- finding/loading classes
Finds the class with the specified binary name.
/** * Finds the class with the specified binary name. */
@Override protected Class<?> findClass(String cn) throws ClassNotFoundException { // no class loading until VM is fully initialized if (!VM.isModuleSystemInited()) throw new ClassNotFoundException(cn); // find the candidate module for this class LoadedModule loadedModule = findLoadedModule(cn); Class<?> c = null; if (loadedModule != null) { // attempt to load class in module defined to this loader if (loadedModule.loader() == this) { c = findClassInModuleOrNull(loadedModule, cn); } } else { // search class path if (hasClassPath()) { c = findClassOnClassPathOrNull(cn); } } // not found if (c == null) throw new ClassNotFoundException(cn); return c; }
Finds the class with the specified binary name in a module. This method returns null if the class cannot be found or not defined in the specified module.
/** * Finds the class with the specified binary name in a module. * This method returns {@code null} if the class cannot be found * or not defined in the specified module. */
@Override protected Class<?> findClass(String mn, String cn) { if (mn != null) { // find the candidate module for this class LoadedModule loadedModule = findLoadedModule(mn, cn); if (loadedModule == null) { return null; } // attempt to load class in module defined to this loader assert loadedModule.loader() == this; return findClassInModuleOrNull(loadedModule, cn); } // search class path if (hasClassPath()) { return findClassOnClassPathOrNull(cn); } return null; }
Loads the class with the specified binary name.
/** * Loads the class with the specified binary name. */
@Override protected Class<?> loadClass(String cn, boolean resolve) throws ClassNotFoundException { Class<?> c = loadClassOrNull(cn, resolve); if (c == null) throw new ClassNotFoundException(cn); return c; }
A variation of loadClass to load a class with the specified binary name. This method returns null when the class is not found.
/** * A variation of {@code loadClass} to load a class with the specified * binary name. This method returns {@code null} when the class is not * found. */
protected Class<?> loadClassOrNull(String cn, boolean resolve) { synchronized (getClassLoadingLock(cn)) { // check if already loaded Class<?> c = findLoadedClass(cn); if (c == null) { // find the candidate module for this class LoadedModule loadedModule = findLoadedModule(cn); if (loadedModule != null) { // package is in a module BuiltinClassLoader loader = loadedModule.loader(); if (loader == this) { if (VM.isModuleSystemInited()) { c = findClassInModuleOrNull(loadedModule, cn); } } else { // delegate to the other loader c = loader.loadClassOrNull(cn); } } else { // check parent if (parent != null) { c = parent.loadClassOrNull(cn); } // check class path if (c == null && hasClassPath() && VM.isModuleSystemInited()) { c = findClassOnClassPathOrNull(cn); } } } if (resolve && c != null) resolveClass(c); return c; } }
A variation of loadClass to load a class with the specified binary name. This method returns null when the class is not found.
/** * A variation of {@code loadClass} to load a class with the specified * binary name. This method returns {@code null} when the class is not * found. */
protected final Class<?> loadClassOrNull(String cn) { return loadClassOrNull(cn, false); }
Finds the candidate loaded module for the given class name. Returns null if none of the modules defined to this class loader contain the API package for the class.
/** * Finds the candidate loaded module for the given class name. * Returns {@code null} if none of the modules defined to this * class loader contain the API package for the class. */
private LoadedModule findLoadedModule(String cn) { int pos = cn.lastIndexOf('.'); if (pos < 0) return null; // unnamed package String pn = cn.substring(0, pos); return packageToModule.get(pn); }
Finds the candidate loaded module for the given class name in the named module. Returns null if the named module is not defined to this class loader or does not contain the API package for the class.
/** * Finds the candidate loaded module for the given class name * in the named module. Returns {@code null} if the named module * is not defined to this class loader or does not contain * the API package for the class. */
private LoadedModule findLoadedModule(String mn, String cn) { LoadedModule loadedModule = findLoadedModule(cn); if (loadedModule != null && mn.equals(loadedModule.name())) { return loadedModule; } else { return null; } }
Finds the class with the specified binary name if in a module defined to this ClassLoader.
Returns:the resulting Class or null if not found
/** * Finds the class with the specified binary name if in a module * defined to this ClassLoader. * * @return the resulting Class or {@code null} if not found */
private Class<?> findClassInModuleOrNull(LoadedModule loadedModule, String cn) { if (System.getSecurityManager() == null) { return defineClass(cn, loadedModule); } else { PrivilegedAction<Class<?>> pa = () -> defineClass(cn, loadedModule); return AccessController.doPrivileged(pa); } }
Finds the class with the specified binary name on the class path.
Returns:the resulting Class or null if not found
/** * Finds the class with the specified binary name on the class path. * * @return the resulting Class or {@code null} if not found */
private Class<?> findClassOnClassPathOrNull(String cn) { String path = cn.replace('.', '/').concat(".class"); if (System.getSecurityManager() == null) { Resource res = ucp.getResource(path, false); if (res != null) { try { return defineClass(cn, res); } catch (IOException ioe) { // TBD on how I/O errors should be propagated } } return null; } else { // avoid use of lambda here PrivilegedAction<Class<?>> pa = new PrivilegedAction<>() { public Class<?> run() { Resource res = ucp.getResource(path, false); if (res != null) { try { return defineClass(cn, res); } catch (IOException ioe) { // TBD on how I/O errors should be propagated } } return null; } }; return AccessController.doPrivileged(pa); } }
Defines the given binary class name to the VM, loading the class bytes from the given module.
Returns:the resulting Class or null if an I/O error occurs
/** * Defines the given binary class name to the VM, loading the class * bytes from the given module. * * @return the resulting Class or {@code null} if an I/O error occurs */
private Class<?> defineClass(String cn, LoadedModule loadedModule) { ModuleReference mref = loadedModule.mref(); ModuleReader reader = moduleReaderFor(mref); try { ByteBuffer bb = null; URL csURL = null; // locate class file, special handling for patched modules to // avoid locating the resource twice String rn = cn.replace('.', '/').concat(".class"); if (reader instanceof PatchedModuleReader) { Resource r = ((PatchedModuleReader)reader).findResource(rn); if (r != null) { bb = r.getByteBuffer(); csURL = r.getCodeSourceURL(); } } else { bb = reader.read(rn).orElse(null); csURL = loadedModule.codeSourceURL(); } if (bb == null) { // class not found return null; } CodeSource cs = new CodeSource(csURL, (CodeSigner[]) null); try { // define class to VM return defineClass(cn, bb, cs); } finally { reader.release(bb); } } catch (IOException ioe) { // TBD on how I/O errors should be propagated return null; } }
Defines the given binary class name to the VM, loading the class bytes via the given Resource object.
Returns:the resulting Class
/** * Defines the given binary class name to the VM, loading the class * bytes via the given Resource object. * * @return the resulting Class * @throws IOException if reading the resource fails * @throws SecurityException if there is a sealing violation (JAR spec) */
private Class<?> defineClass(String cn, Resource res) throws IOException { URL url = res.getCodeSourceURL(); // if class is in a named package then ensure that the package is defined int pos = cn.lastIndexOf('.'); if (pos != -1) { String pn = cn.substring(0, pos); Manifest man = res.getManifest(); defineOrCheckPackage(pn, man, url); } // defines the class to the runtime ByteBuffer bb = res.getByteBuffer(); if (bb != null) { CodeSigner[] signers = res.getCodeSigners(); CodeSource cs = new CodeSource(url, signers); return defineClass(cn, bb, cs); } else { byte[] b = res.getBytes(); CodeSigner[] signers = res.getCodeSigners(); CodeSource cs = new CodeSource(url, signers); return defineClass(cn, b, 0, b.length, cs); } } // -- packages
Defines a package in this ClassLoader. If the package is already defined then its sealing needs to be checked if sealed by the legacy sealing mechanism.
  • SecurityException – if there is a sealing violation (JAR spec)
/** * Defines a package in this ClassLoader. If the package is already defined * then its sealing needs to be checked if sealed by the legacy sealing * mechanism. * * @throws SecurityException if there is a sealing violation (JAR spec) */
protected Package defineOrCheckPackage(String pn, Manifest man, URL url) { Package pkg = getAndVerifyPackage(pn, man, url); if (pkg == null) { try { if (man != null) { pkg = definePackage(pn, man, url); } else { pkg = definePackage(pn, null, null, null, null, null, null, null); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { // defined by another thread so need to re-verify pkg = getAndVerifyPackage(pn, man, url); if (pkg == null) throw new InternalError("Cannot find package: " + pn); } } return pkg; }
Gets the Package with the specified package name. If defined then verifies it against the manifest and code source.
  • SecurityException – if there is a sealing violation (JAR spec)
/** * Gets the Package with the specified package name. If defined * then verifies it against the manifest and code source. * * @throws SecurityException if there is a sealing violation (JAR spec) */
private Package getAndVerifyPackage(String pn, Manifest man, URL url) { Package pkg = getDefinedPackage(pn); if (pkg != null) { if (pkg.isSealed()) { if (!pkg.isSealed(url)) { throw new SecurityException( "sealing violation: package " + pn + " is sealed"); } } else { // can't seal package if already defined without sealing if ((man != null) && isSealed(pn, man)) { throw new SecurityException( "sealing violation: can't seal package " + pn + ": already defined"); } } } return pkg; }
Defines a new package in this ClassLoader. The attributes in the specified Manifest are used to get the package version and sealing information.
  • IllegalArgumentException – if the package name duplicates an existing package either in this class loader or one of its ancestors
  • SecurityException – if the package name is untrusted in the manifest
/** * Defines a new package in this ClassLoader. The attributes in the specified * Manifest are used to get the package version and sealing information. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the package name duplicates an * existing package either in this class loader or one of its ancestors * @throws SecurityException if the package name is untrusted in the manifest */
private Package definePackage(String pn, Manifest man, URL url) { String specTitle = null; String specVersion = null; String specVendor = null; String implTitle = null; String implVersion = null; String implVendor = null; String sealed = null; URL sealBase = null; if (man != null) { Attributes attr = SharedSecrets.javaUtilJarAccess() .getTrustedAttributes(man, pn.replace('.', '/').concat("/")); if (attr != null) { specTitle = attr.getValue(Attributes.Name.SPECIFICATION_TITLE); specVersion = attr.getValue(Attributes.Name.SPECIFICATION_VERSION); specVendor = attr.getValue(Attributes.Name.SPECIFICATION_VENDOR); implTitle = attr.getValue(Attributes.Name.IMPLEMENTATION_TITLE); implVersion = attr.getValue(Attributes.Name.IMPLEMENTATION_VERSION); implVendor = attr.getValue(Attributes.Name.IMPLEMENTATION_VENDOR); sealed = attr.getValue(Attributes.Name.SEALED); } attr = man.getMainAttributes(); if (attr != null) { if (specTitle == null) specTitle = attr.getValue(Attributes.Name.SPECIFICATION_TITLE); if (specVersion == null) specVersion = attr.getValue(Attributes.Name.SPECIFICATION_VERSION); if (specVendor == null) specVendor = attr.getValue(Attributes.Name.SPECIFICATION_VENDOR); if (implTitle == null) implTitle = attr.getValue(Attributes.Name.IMPLEMENTATION_TITLE); if (implVersion == null) implVersion = attr.getValue(Attributes.Name.IMPLEMENTATION_VERSION); if (implVendor == null) implVendor = attr.getValue(Attributes.Name.IMPLEMENTATION_VENDOR); if (sealed == null) sealed = attr.getValue(Attributes.Name.SEALED); } // package is sealed if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(sealed)) sealBase = url; } return definePackage(pn, specTitle, specVersion, specVendor, implTitle, implVersion, implVendor, sealBase); }
Returns true if the specified package name is sealed according to the given manifest.
/** * Returns {@code true} if the specified package name is sealed according to * the given manifest. * * @throws SecurityException if the package name is untrusted in the manifest */
private boolean isSealed(String pn, Manifest man) { Attributes attr = SharedSecrets.javaUtilJarAccess() .getTrustedAttributes(man, pn.replace('.', '/').concat("/")); String sealed = null; if (attr != null) sealed = attr.getValue(Attributes.Name.SEALED); if (sealed == null && (attr = man.getMainAttributes()) != null) sealed = attr.getValue(Attributes.Name.SEALED); return "true".equalsIgnoreCase(sealed); } // -- permissions
Returns the permissions for the given CodeSource.
/** * Returns the permissions for the given CodeSource. */
@Override protected PermissionCollection getPermissions(CodeSource cs) { return new LazyCodeSourcePermissionCollection(super.getPermissions(cs), cs); } // -- miscellaneous supporting methods
Returns the ModuleReader for the given module, creating it if needed.
/** * Returns the ModuleReader for the given module, creating it if needed. */
private ModuleReader moduleReaderFor(ModuleReference mref) { ModuleReader reader = moduleToReader.get(mref); if (reader == null) { // avoid method reference during startup Function<ModuleReference, ModuleReader> create = new Function<>() { public ModuleReader apply(ModuleReference moduleReference) { try { return mref.open(); } catch (IOException e) { // Return a null module reader to avoid a future class // load attempting to open the module again. return new NullModuleReader(); } } }; reader = moduleToReader.computeIfAbsent(mref, create); } return reader; }
A ModuleReader that doesn't read any resources.
/** * A ModuleReader that doesn't read any resources. */
private static class NullModuleReader implements ModuleReader { @Override public Optional<URI> find(String name) { return Optional.empty(); } @Override public Stream<String> list() { return Stream.empty(); } @Override public void close() { throw new InternalError("Should not get here"); } };
Returns true if the given module opens the given package unconditionally.
Implementation Note:This method currently iterates over each of the open packages. This will be replaced once the ModuleDescriptor.Opens API is updated.
/** * Returns true if the given module opens the given package * unconditionally. * * @implNote This method currently iterates over each of the open * packages. This will be replaced once the ModuleDescriptor.Opens * API is updated. */
private boolean isOpen(ModuleReference mref, String pn) { ModuleDescriptor descriptor = mref.descriptor(); if (descriptor.isOpen() || descriptor.isAutomatic()) return true; for (ModuleDescriptor.Opens opens : descriptor.opens()) { String source = opens.source(); if (!opens.isQualified() && source.equals(pn)) { return true; } } return false; }
Checks access to the given URL. We use URLClassPath for consistent checking with java.net.URLClassLoader.
/** * Checks access to the given URL. We use URLClassPath for consistent * checking with java.net.URLClassLoader. */
private static URL checkURL(URL url) { return URLClassPath.checkURL(url); } }