 * Copyright (c) 2010, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
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 * questions.
package jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime;

import static jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.CompilerConstants.virtualCallNoLookup;
import static jdk.nashorn.internal.lookup.Lookup.MH;
import static jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ECMAErrors.typeError;
import static jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ScriptRuntime.UNDEFINED;
import static jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.UnwarrantedOptimismException.INVALID_PROGRAM_POINT;

import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.Lookup;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodType;
import java.lang.invoke.SwitchPoint;
import java.security.AccessControlContext;
import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.LongAdder;
import jdk.dynalink.CallSiteDescriptor;
import jdk.dynalink.SecureLookupSupplier;
import jdk.dynalink.linker.GuardedInvocation;
import jdk.dynalink.linker.LinkRequest;
import jdk.dynalink.linker.support.Guards;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.ApplySpecialization;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.Compiler;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.CompilerConstants.Call;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.FunctionNode;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.objects.Global;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.objects.NativeFunction;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.objects.annotations.SpecializedFunction.LinkLogic;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.linker.Bootstrap;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.linker.NashornCallSiteDescriptor;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.logging.DebugLogger;

Runtime representation of a JavaScript function. This class has only private and protected constructors. There are no *public* constructors - but only factory methods that follow the naming pattern "createXYZ".
/** * Runtime representation of a JavaScript function. This class has only private * and protected constructors. There are no *public* constructors - but only * factory methods that follow the naming pattern "createXYZ". */
public class ScriptFunction extends ScriptObject {
Method handle for prototype getter for this ScriptFunction
/** * Method handle for prototype getter for this ScriptFunction */
public static final MethodHandle G$PROTOTYPE = findOwnMH_S("G$prototype", Object.class, Object.class);
Method handle for prototype setter for this ScriptFunction
/** * Method handle for prototype setter for this ScriptFunction */
public static final MethodHandle S$PROTOTYPE = findOwnMH_S("S$prototype", void.class, Object.class, Object.class);
Method handle for length getter for this ScriptFunction
/** * Method handle for length getter for this ScriptFunction */
public static final MethodHandle G$LENGTH = findOwnMH_S("G$length", int.class, Object.class);
Method handle for name getter for this ScriptFunction
/** * Method handle for name getter for this ScriptFunction */
public static final MethodHandle G$NAME = findOwnMH_S("G$name", Object.class, Object.class);
Method handle used for implementing sync() in mozilla_compat
/** * Method handle used for implementing sync() in mozilla_compat */
public static final MethodHandle INVOKE_SYNC = findOwnMH_S("invokeSync", Object.class, ScriptFunction.class, Object.class, Object.class, Object[].class);
Method handle for allocate function for this ScriptFunction
/** * Method handle for allocate function for this ScriptFunction */
static final MethodHandle ALLOCATE = findOwnMH_V("allocate", Object.class); private static final MethodHandle WRAPFILTER = findOwnMH_S("wrapFilter", Object.class, Object.class); private static final MethodHandle SCRIPTFUNCTION_GLOBALFILTER = findOwnMH_S("globalFilter", Object.class, Object.class);
method handle to scope getter for this ScriptFunction
/** * method handle to scope getter for this ScriptFunction */
public static final Call GET_SCOPE = virtualCallNoLookup(ScriptFunction.class, "getScope", ScriptObject.class); private static final MethodHandle IS_FUNCTION_MH = findOwnMH_S("isFunctionMH", boolean.class, Object.class, ScriptFunctionData.class); private static final MethodHandle IS_APPLY_FUNCTION = findOwnMH_S("isApplyFunction", boolean.class, boolean.class, Object.class, Object.class); private static final MethodHandle IS_NONSTRICT_FUNCTION = findOwnMH_S("isNonStrictFunction", boolean.class, Object.class, Object.class, ScriptFunctionData.class); private static final MethodHandle ADD_ZEROTH_ELEMENT = findOwnMH_S("addZerothElement", Object[].class, Object[].class, Object.class); private static final MethodHandle WRAP_THIS = MH.findStatic(MethodHandles.lookup(), ScriptFunctionData.class, "wrapThis", MH.type(Object.class, Object.class)); // various property maps used for different kinds of functions // property map for anonymous function that serves as Function.prototype private static final PropertyMap anonmap$; // property map for strict mode functions private static final PropertyMap strictmodemap$; // property map for bound functions private static final PropertyMap boundfunctionmap$; // property map for non-strict, non-bound functions. private static final PropertyMap map$; // Marker object for lazily initialized prototype object private static final Object LAZY_PROTOTYPE = new Object(); private static final AccessControlContext GET_LOOKUP_PERMISSION_CONTEXT = AccessControlContextFactory.createAccessControlContext(SecureLookupSupplier.GET_LOOKUP_PERMISSION_NAME); private static PropertyMap createStrictModeMap(final PropertyMap map) { final int flags = Property.NOT_ENUMERABLE | Property.NOT_CONFIGURABLE; PropertyMap newMap = map; // Need to add properties directly to map since slots are assigned speculatively by newUserAccessors. newMap = newMap.addPropertyNoHistory(newMap.newUserAccessors("arguments", flags)); newMap = newMap.addPropertyNoHistory(newMap.newUserAccessors("caller", flags)); return newMap; } private static PropertyMap createBoundFunctionMap(final PropertyMap strictModeMap) { // Bound function map is same as strict function map, but additionally lacks the "prototype" property, see // ECMAScript 5.1 section return strictModeMap.deleteProperty(strictModeMap.findProperty("prototype")); } static { anonmap$ = PropertyMap.newMap(); final ArrayList<Property> properties = new ArrayList<>(3); properties.add(AccessorProperty.create("prototype", Property.NOT_ENUMERABLE | Property.NOT_CONFIGURABLE, G$PROTOTYPE, S$PROTOTYPE)); properties.add(AccessorProperty.create("length", Property.NOT_ENUMERABLE | Property.NOT_CONFIGURABLE | Property.NOT_WRITABLE, G$LENGTH, null)); properties.add(AccessorProperty.create("name", Property.NOT_ENUMERABLE | Property.NOT_CONFIGURABLE | Property.NOT_WRITABLE, G$NAME, null)); map$ = PropertyMap.newMap(properties); strictmodemap$ = createStrictModeMap(map$); boundfunctionmap$ = createBoundFunctionMap(strictmodemap$); } private static boolean isStrict(final int flags) { return (flags & ScriptFunctionData.IS_STRICT) != 0; } // Choose the map based on strict mode! private static PropertyMap getMap(final boolean strict) { return strict ? strictmodemap$ : map$; }
The parent scope.
/** * The parent scope. */
private final ScriptObject scope; private final ScriptFunctionData data;
The property map used for newly allocated object when function is used as constructor.
/** * The property map used for newly allocated object when function is used as * constructor. */
protected PropertyMap allocatorMap;
Reference to constructor prototype.
/** * Reference to constructor prototype. */
protected Object prototype;
  • data – static function data
  • map – property map
  • scope – scope
/** * Constructor * * @param data static function data * @param map property map * @param scope scope */
private ScriptFunction( final ScriptFunctionData data, final PropertyMap map, final ScriptObject scope, final Global global) { super(map); if (Context.DEBUG) { constructorCount.increment(); } this.data = data; this.scope = scope; this.setInitialProto(global.getFunctionPrototype()); this.prototype = LAZY_PROTOTYPE; // We have to fill user accessor functions late as these are stored // in this object rather than in the PropertyMap of this object. assert objectSpill == null; if (isStrict() || isBoundFunction()) { final ScriptFunction typeErrorThrower = global.getTypeErrorThrower(); initUserAccessors("arguments", typeErrorThrower, typeErrorThrower); initUserAccessors("caller", typeErrorThrower, typeErrorThrower); } }
  • name – function name
  • methodHandle – method handle to function (if specializations are present, assumed to be most generic)
  • map – property map
  • scope – scope
  • specs – specialized version of this function - other method handles
  • flags – ScriptFunctionData flags
/** * Constructor * * @param name function name * @param methodHandle method handle to function (if specializations are * present, assumed to be most generic) * @param map property map * @param scope scope * @param specs specialized version of this function - other method handles * @param flags {@link ScriptFunctionData} flags */
private ScriptFunction( final String name, final MethodHandle methodHandle, final PropertyMap map, final ScriptObject scope, final Specialization[] specs, final int flags, final Global global) { this(new FinalScriptFunctionData(name, methodHandle, specs, flags), map, scope, global); }
  • name – name of function
  • methodHandle – handle for invocation
  • scope – scope object
  • specs – specialized versions of this method, if available, null otherwise
  • flags – ScriptFunctionData flags
/** * Constructor * * @param name name of function * @param methodHandle handle for invocation * @param scope scope object * @param specs specialized versions of this method, if available, null * otherwise * @param flags {@link ScriptFunctionData} flags */
private ScriptFunction( final String name, final MethodHandle methodHandle, final ScriptObject scope, final Specialization[] specs, final int flags) { this(name, methodHandle, getMap(isStrict(flags)), scope, specs, flags, Global.instance()); }
Constructor called by Nasgen generated code, zero added members, use the default map. Creates builtin functions only.
  • name – name of function
  • invokeHandle – handle for invocation
  • specs – specialized versions of this method, if available, null otherwise
/** * Constructor called by Nasgen generated code, zero added members, use the * default map. Creates builtin functions only. * * @param name name of function * @param invokeHandle handle for invocation * @param specs specialized versions of this method, if available, null * otherwise */
protected ScriptFunction(final String name, final MethodHandle invokeHandle, final Specialization[] specs) { this(name, invokeHandle, map$, null, specs, ScriptFunctionData.IS_BUILTIN_CONSTRUCTOR, Global.instance()); }
Constructor called by Nasgen generated code, non zero member count, use the map passed as argument. Creates builtin functions only.
  • name – name of function
  • invokeHandle – handle for invocation
  • map – initial property map
  • specs – specialized versions of this method, if available, null otherwise
/** * Constructor called by Nasgen generated code, non zero member count, use * the map passed as argument. Creates builtin functions only. * * @param name name of function * @param invokeHandle handle for invocation * @param map initial property map * @param specs specialized versions of this method, if available, null * otherwise */
protected ScriptFunction(final String name, final MethodHandle invokeHandle, final PropertyMap map, final Specialization[] specs) { this(name, invokeHandle, map.addAll(map$), null, specs, ScriptFunctionData.IS_BUILTIN_CONSTRUCTOR, Global.instance()); } // Factory methods to create various functions
Factory method called by compiler generated code for functions that need parent scope.
  • constants – the generated class' constant array
  • index – the index of the RecompilableScriptFunctionData object in the constants array.
  • scope – the parent scope object
Returns:a newly created function object
/** * Factory method called by compiler generated code for functions that need * parent scope. * * @param constants the generated class' constant array * @param index the index of the {@code RecompilableScriptFunctionData} * object in the constants array. * @param scope the parent scope object * @return a newly created function object */
public static ScriptFunction create(final Object[] constants, final int index, final ScriptObject scope) { final RecompilableScriptFunctionData data = (RecompilableScriptFunctionData) constants[index]; return new ScriptFunction(data, getMap(data.isStrict()), scope, Global.instance()); }
Factory method called by compiler generated code for functions that don't need parent scope.
  • constants – the generated class' constant array
  • index – the index of the RecompilableScriptFunctionData object in the constants array.
Returns:a newly created function object
/** * Factory method called by compiler generated code for functions that don't * need parent scope. * * @param constants the generated class' constant array * @param index the index of the {@code RecompilableScriptFunctionData} * object in the constants array. * @return a newly created function object */
public static ScriptFunction create(final Object[] constants, final int index) { return create(constants, index, null); }
Create anonymous function that serves as Function.prototype
Returns:anonymous function object
/** * Create anonymous function that serves as Function.prototype * * @return anonymous function object */
public static ScriptFunction createAnonymous() { return new ScriptFunction("", GlobalFunctions.ANONYMOUS, anonmap$, null); } // builtin function create helper factory private static ScriptFunction createBuiltin(final String name, final MethodHandle methodHandle, final Specialization[] specs, final int flags) { final ScriptFunction func = new ScriptFunction(name, methodHandle, null, specs, flags); func.setPrototype(UNDEFINED); // Non-constructor built-in functions do not have "prototype" property func.deleteOwnProperty(func.getMap().findProperty("prototype")); return func; }
Factory method for non-constructor built-in functions
  • name – function name
  • methodHandle – handle for invocation
  • specs – specialized versions of function if available, null otherwise
Returns:new ScriptFunction
/** * Factory method for non-constructor built-in functions * * @param name function name * @param methodHandle handle for invocation * @param specs specialized versions of function if available, null * otherwise * @return new ScriptFunction */
public static ScriptFunction createBuiltin(final String name, final MethodHandle methodHandle, final Specialization[] specs) { return ScriptFunction.createBuiltin(name, methodHandle, specs, ScriptFunctionData.IS_BUILTIN); }
Factory method for non-constructor built-in functions
  • name – function name
  • methodHandle – handle for invocation
Returns:new ScriptFunction
/** * Factory method for non-constructor built-in functions * * @param name function name * @param methodHandle handle for invocation * @return new ScriptFunction */
public static ScriptFunction createBuiltin(final String name, final MethodHandle methodHandle) { return ScriptFunction.createBuiltin(name, methodHandle, null); }
Factory method for non-constructor built-in, strict functions
  • name – function name
  • methodHandle – handle for invocation
Returns:new ScriptFunction
/** * Factory method for non-constructor built-in, strict functions * * @param name function name * @param methodHandle handle for invocation * @return new ScriptFunction */
public static ScriptFunction createStrictBuiltin(final String name, final MethodHandle methodHandle) { return ScriptFunction.createBuiltin(name, methodHandle, null, ScriptFunctionData.IS_BUILTIN | ScriptFunctionData.IS_STRICT); } // Subclass to represent bound functions private static class Bound extends ScriptFunction { private final ScriptFunction target; Bound(final ScriptFunctionData boundData, final ScriptFunction target) { super(boundData, boundfunctionmap$, null, Global.instance()); setPrototype(ScriptRuntime.UNDEFINED); this.target = target; } @Override protected ScriptFunction getTargetFunction() { return target; } }
Creates a version of this function bound to a specific "self" and other arguments, as per Function.prototype.bind functionality in ECMAScript 5.1 section
  • self – the self to bind to this function. Can be null (in which case, null is bound as this).
  • args – additional arguments to bind to this function. Can be null or empty to not bind additional arguments.
Returns:a function with the specified self and parameters bound.
/** * Creates a version of this function bound to a specific "self" and other * arguments, as per {@code Function.prototype.bind} functionality in * ECMAScript 5.1 section * * @param self the self to bind to this function. Can be null (in which * case, null is bound as this). * @param args additional arguments to bind to this function. Can be null or * empty to not bind additional arguments. * @return a function with the specified self and parameters bound. */
public final ScriptFunction createBound(final Object self, final Object[] args) { return new Bound(data.makeBoundFunctionData(this, self, args), getTargetFunction()); }
Create a function that invokes this function synchronized on sync or the self object of the invocation.
  • sync – the Object to synchronize on, or undefined
Returns:synchronized function
/** * Create a function that invokes this function synchronized on {@code sync} * or the self object of the invocation. * * @param sync the Object to synchronize on, or undefined * @return synchronized function */
public final ScriptFunction createSynchronized(final Object sync) { final MethodHandle mh = MH.insertArguments(ScriptFunction.INVOKE_SYNC, 0, this, sync); return createBuiltin(getName(), mh); } @Override public String getClassName() { return "Function"; }
ECMA [[HasInstance]] (V) Step 3 if "prototype" value is not an Object, throw TypeError
/** * ECMA [[HasInstance]] (V) Step 3 if "prototype" value is not an * Object, throw TypeError */
@Override public boolean isInstance(final ScriptObject instance) { final Object basePrototype = getTargetFunction().getPrototype(); if (!(basePrototype instanceof ScriptObject)) { throw typeError("prototype.not.an.object", ScriptRuntime.safeToString(getTargetFunction()), ScriptRuntime.safeToString(basePrototype)); } for (ScriptObject proto = instance.getProto(); proto != null; proto = proto.getProto()) { if (proto == basePrototype) { return true; } } return false; }
Returns the target function for this function. If the function was not created using createBound(Object, Object[]), its target function is itself. If it is bound, its target function is the target function of the function it was made from (therefore, the target function is always the final, unbound recipient of the calls).
Returns:the target function for this function.
/** * Returns the target function for this function. If the function was not * created using {@link #createBound(Object, Object[])}, its target * function is itself. If it is bound, its target function is the target * function of the function it was made from (therefore, the target function * is always the final, unbound recipient of the calls). * * @return the target function for this function. */
protected ScriptFunction getTargetFunction() { return this; } final boolean isBoundFunction() { return getTargetFunction() != this; }
Set the arity of this ScriptFunction
  • arity – arity
/** * Set the arity of this ScriptFunction * * @param arity arity */
public final void setArity(final int arity) { data.setArity(arity); }
Is this a ECMAScript 'use strict' function?
Returns:true if function is in strict mode
/** * Is this a ECMAScript 'use strict' function? * * @return true if function is in strict mode */
public final boolean isStrict() { return data.isStrict(); }
Is this is a function with all variables in scope?
Returns:true if function has all
/** * Is this is a function with all variables in scope? * @return true if function has all */
public boolean hasAllVarsInScope() { return data instanceof RecompilableScriptFunctionData && (((RecompilableScriptFunctionData) data).getFunctionFlags() & FunctionNode.HAS_ALL_VARS_IN_SCOPE) != 0; }
Returns true if this is a non-strict, non-built-in function that requires non-primitive this argument according to ECMA 10.4.3.
Returns:true if this argument must be an object
/** * Returns true if this is a non-strict, non-built-in function that requires * non-primitive this argument according to ECMA 10.4.3. * * @return true if this argument must be an object */
public final boolean needsWrappedThis() { return data.needsWrappedThis(); } private static boolean needsWrappedThis(final Object fn) { return fn instanceof ScriptFunction ? ((ScriptFunction) fn).needsWrappedThis() : false; }
Execute this script function.
  • self – Target object.
  • arguments – Call arguments.
  • Throwable – if there is an exception/error with the invocation or thrown from it
Returns:ScriptFunction result.
/** * Execute this script function. * * @param self Target object. * @param arguments Call arguments. * @return ScriptFunction result. * @throws Throwable if there is an exception/error with the invocation or * thrown from it */
final Object invoke(final Object self, final Object... arguments) throws Throwable { if (Context.DEBUG) { invokes.increment(); } return data.invoke(this, self, arguments); }
Execute this script function as a constructor.
  • arguments – Call arguments.
  • Throwable – if there is an exception/error with the invocation or thrown from it
Returns:Newly constructed result.
/** * Execute this script function as a constructor. * * @param arguments Call arguments. * @return Newly constructed result. * @throws Throwable if there is an exception/error with the invocation or * thrown from it */
final Object construct(final Object... arguments) throws Throwable { return data.construct(this, arguments); }
Allocate function. Called from generated ScriptObject code for allocation as a factory method
Returns:a new instance of the ScriptObject whose allocator this is
/** * Allocate function. Called from generated {@link ScriptObject} code for * allocation as a factory method * * @return a new instance of the {@link ScriptObject} whose allocator this * is */
@SuppressWarnings("unused") private Object allocate() { if (Context.DEBUG) { allocations.increment(); } assert !isBoundFunction(); // allocate never invoked on bound functions final ScriptObject prototype = getAllocatorPrototype(); final ScriptObject object = data.allocate(getAllocatorMap(prototype)); if (object != null) { object.setInitialProto(prototype); } return object; }
Get the property map used by "allocate"
  • prototype – actual prototype object
Returns:property map
/** * Get the property map used by "allocate" * @param prototype actual prototype object * @return property map */
private PropertyMap getAllocatorMap(final ScriptObject prototype) { if (allocatorMap == null || allocatorMap.isInvalidSharedMapFor(prototype)) { // The prototype map has changed since this function was last used as constructor. // Get a new allocator map. allocatorMap = data.getAllocatorMap(prototype); } return allocatorMap; }
Return the actual prototype used by "allocate"
Returns:allocator prototype
/** * Return the actual prototype used by "allocate" * @return allocator prototype */
private ScriptObject getAllocatorPrototype() { final Object prototype = getPrototype(); if (prototype instanceof ScriptObject) { return (ScriptObject) prototype; } return Global.objectPrototype(); } @Override public final String safeToString() { return toSource(); } @Override public final String toString() { return data.toString(); }
Get this function as a String containing its source code. If no source code exists in this ScriptFunction, its contents will be displayed as [native code]
Returns:string representation of this function's source
/** * Get this function as a String containing its source code. If no source * code exists in this ScriptFunction, its contents will be displayed as * {@code [native code]} * * @return string representation of this function's source */
public final String toSource() { return data.toSource(); }
Get the prototype object for this function
/** * Get the prototype object for this function * * @return prototype */
public final Object getPrototype() { if (prototype == LAZY_PROTOTYPE) { prototype = new PrototypeObject(this); } return prototype; }
Set the prototype object for this function
  • newPrototype – new prototype object
/** * Set the prototype object for this function * * @param newPrototype new prototype object */
public final void setPrototype(final Object newPrototype) { if (newPrototype instanceof ScriptObject && newPrototype != this.prototype && allocatorMap != null) { // Unset allocator map to be replaced with one matching the new prototype. allocatorMap = null; } this.prototype = newPrototype; }
Return the invoke handle bound to a given ScriptObject self reference. If callee parameter is required result is rebound to this.
  • self – self reference
Returns:bound invoke handle
/** * Return the invoke handle bound to a given ScriptObject self reference. If * callee parameter is required result is rebound to this. * * @param self self reference * @return bound invoke handle */
public final MethodHandle getBoundInvokeHandle(final Object self) { return MH.bindTo(bindToCalleeIfNeeded(data.getGenericInvoker(scope)), self); }
Bind the method handle to this ScriptFunction instance if it needs a callee parameter. If this function's method handles don't have a callee parameter, the handle is returned unchanged.
  • methodHandle – the method handle to potentially bind to this function instance.
Returns:the potentially bound method handle
/** * Bind the method handle to this {@code ScriptFunction} instance if it * needs a callee parameter. If this function's method handles don't have a * callee parameter, the handle is returned unchanged. * * @param methodHandle the method handle to potentially bind to this * function instance. * @return the potentially bound method handle */
private MethodHandle bindToCalleeIfNeeded(final MethodHandle methodHandle) { return ScriptFunctionData.needsCallee(methodHandle) ? MH.bindTo(methodHandle, this) : methodHandle; }
Get the documentation for this function
Returns:the documentation
/** * Get the documentation for this function * * @return the documentation */
public final String getDocumentation() { return data.getDocumentation(); }
Get the documentation key for this function
Returns:the documentation key
/** * Get the documentation key for this function * * @return the documentation key */
public final String getDocumentationKey() { return data.getDocumentationKey(); }
Set the documentation key for this function
  • docKey – documentation key String for this function
/** * Set the documentation key for this function * * @param docKey documentation key String for this function */
public final void setDocumentationKey(final String docKey) { data.setDocumentationKey(docKey); }
Get the name for this function
Returns:the name
/** * Get the name for this function * * @return the name */
public final String getName() { return data.getName(); }
Get the scope for this function
Returns:the scope
/** * Get the scope for this function * * @return the scope */
public final ScriptObject getScope() { return scope; }
Prototype getter for this ScriptFunction - follows the naming convention used by Nasgen and the code generator
  • self – self reference
Returns:self's prototype
/** * Prototype getter for this ScriptFunction - follows the naming convention * used by Nasgen and the code generator * * @param self self reference * @return self's prototype */
public static Object G$prototype(final Object self) { return self instanceof ScriptFunction ? ((ScriptFunction) self).getPrototype() : UNDEFINED; }
Prototype setter for this ScriptFunction - follows the naming convention used by Nasgen and the code generator
  • self – self reference
  • prototype – prototype to set
/** * Prototype setter for this ScriptFunction - follows the naming convention * used by Nasgen and the code generator * * @param self self reference * @param prototype prototype to set */
public static void S$prototype(final Object self, final Object prototype) { if (self instanceof ScriptFunction) { ((ScriptFunction) self).setPrototype(prototype); } }
Length getter - ECMA Function.length
  • self – self reference
/** * Length getter - ECMA Function.length * * @param self self reference * @return length */
public static int G$length(final Object self) { if (self instanceof ScriptFunction) { return ((ScriptFunction) self).data.getArity(); } return 0; }
Name getter - ECMA Function.name
  • self – self reference
Returns:the name, or undefined if none
/** * Name getter - ECMA Function.name * * @param self self reference * @return the name, or undefined if none */
public static Object G$name(final Object self) { if (self instanceof ScriptFunction) { return ((ScriptFunction) self).getName(); } return UNDEFINED; }
Get the prototype for this ScriptFunction
  • constructor – constructor
Returns:prototype, or null if given constructor is not a ScriptFunction
/** * Get the prototype for this ScriptFunction * * @param constructor constructor * @return prototype, or null if given constructor is not a ScriptFunction */
public static ScriptObject getPrototype(final ScriptFunction constructor) { if (constructor != null) { final Object proto = constructor.getPrototype(); if (proto instanceof ScriptObject) { return (ScriptObject) proto; } } return null; } // These counters are updated only in debug mode. private static LongAdder constructorCount; private static LongAdder invokes; private static LongAdder allocations; static { if (Context.DEBUG) { constructorCount = new LongAdder(); invokes = new LongAdder(); allocations = new LongAdder(); } }
Returns:the constructorCount
/** * @return the constructorCount */
public static long getConstructorCount() { return constructorCount.longValue(); }
Returns:the invokes
/** * @return the invokes */
public static long getInvokes() { return invokes.longValue(); }
Returns:the allocations
/** * @return the allocations */
public static long getAllocations() { return allocations.longValue(); } @Override protected GuardedInvocation findNewMethod(final CallSiteDescriptor desc, final LinkRequest request) { final MethodType type = desc.getMethodType(); assert desc.getMethodType().returnType() == Object.class && !NashornCallSiteDescriptor.isOptimistic(desc); final CompiledFunction cf = data.getBestConstructor(type, scope, CompiledFunction.NO_FUNCTIONS); final GuardedInvocation bestCtorInv = cf.createConstructorInvocation(); //TODO - ClassCastException return new GuardedInvocation(pairArguments(bestCtorInv.getInvocation(), type), getFunctionGuard(this, cf.getFlags()), bestCtorInv.getSwitchPoints(), null); } private static Object wrapFilter(final Object obj) { if (obj instanceof ScriptObject || !ScriptFunctionData.isPrimitiveThis(obj)) { return obj; } return Context.getGlobal().wrapAsObject(obj); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static Object globalFilter(final Object object) { // replace whatever we get with the current global object return Context.getGlobal(); }
Some receivers are primitive, in that case, according to the Spec we create a new native object per callsite with the wrap filter. We can only apply optimistic builtins if there is no per instance state saved for these wrapped objects (e.g. currently NativeStrings), otherwise we can't create optimistic versions
  • self – receiver
  • linkLogicClass – linkLogicClass, or null if no link logic exists
Returns:link logic instance, or null if one could not be constructed for this receiver
/** * Some receivers are primitive, in that case, according to the Spec we * create a new native object per callsite with the wrap filter. We can only * apply optimistic builtins if there is no per instance state saved for * these wrapped objects (e.g. currently NativeStrings), otherwise we can't * create optimistic versions * * @param self receiver * @param linkLogicClass linkLogicClass, or null if no link logic exists * @return link logic instance, or null if one could not be constructed for * this receiver */
private static LinkLogic getLinkLogic(final Object self, final Class<? extends LinkLogic> linkLogicClass) { if (linkLogicClass == null) { return LinkLogic.EMPTY_INSTANCE; //always OK to link this, specialization but without special linking logic } if (!Context.getContextTrusted().getEnv()._optimistic_types) { return null; //if optimistic types are off, optimistic builtins are too } final Object wrappedSelf = wrapFilter(self); if (wrappedSelf instanceof OptimisticBuiltins) { if (wrappedSelf != self && ((OptimisticBuiltins) wrappedSelf).hasPerInstanceAssumptions()) { return null; //pessimistic - we created a wrapped object different from the primitive, but the assumptions have instance state } return ((OptimisticBuiltins) wrappedSelf).getLinkLogic(linkLogicClass); } return null; }
StandardOperation.CALL call site signature: (callee, thiz, [args...]) generated method signature: (callee, thiz, [args...]) cases: (a) method has callee parameter (1) for local/scope calls, we just bind thiz and drop the second argument. (2) for normal this-calls, we have to swap thiz and callee to get matching signatures. (b) method doesn't have callee parameter (builtin functions) (3) for local/scope calls, bind thiz and drop both callee and thiz. (4) for normal this-calls, drop callee.
Returns:guarded invocation for call
/** * StandardOperation.CALL call site signature: (callee, thiz, [args...]) generated method * signature: (callee, thiz, [args...]) * * cases: * (a) method has callee parameter * (1) for local/scope calls, we just bind thiz and drop the second argument. * (2) for normal this-calls, we have to swap thiz and callee to get matching signatures. * (b) method doesn't have callee parameter (builtin functions) * (3) for local/scope calls, bind thiz and drop both callee and thiz. * (4) for normal this-calls, drop callee. * * @return guarded invocation for call */
@Override protected GuardedInvocation findCallMethod(final CallSiteDescriptor desc, final LinkRequest request) { final MethodType type = desc.getMethodType(); final String name = getName(); final boolean isUnstable = request.isCallSiteUnstable(); final boolean scopeCall = NashornCallSiteDescriptor.isScope(desc); final boolean isCall = !scopeCall && data.isBuiltin() && "call".equals(name); final boolean isApply = !scopeCall && data.isBuiltin() && "apply".equals(name); final boolean isApplyOrCall = isCall | isApply; if (isUnstable && !isApplyOrCall) { //megamorphic - replace call with apply final MethodHandle handle; //ensure that the callsite is vararg so apply can consume it if (type.parameterCount() == 3 && type.parameterType(2) == Object[].class) { // Vararg call site handle = ScriptRuntime.APPLY.methodHandle(); } else { // (callee, this, args...) => (callee, this, args[]) handle = MH.asCollector(ScriptRuntime.APPLY.methodHandle(), Object[].class, type.parameterCount() - 2); } // If call site is statically typed to take a ScriptFunction, we don't need a guard, otherwise we need a // generic "is this a ScriptFunction?" guard. return new GuardedInvocation( handle, null, (SwitchPoint) null, ClassCastException.class); } MethodHandle boundHandle; MethodHandle guard = null; // Special handling of Function.apply and Function.call. Note we must be invoking if (isApplyOrCall && !isUnstable) { final Object[] args = request.getArguments(); if (Bootstrap.isCallable(args[1])) { return createApplyOrCallCall(isApply, desc, request, args); } } //else just fall through and link as ordinary function or unstable apply int programPoint = INVALID_PROGRAM_POINT; if (NashornCallSiteDescriptor.isOptimistic(desc)) { programPoint = NashornCallSiteDescriptor.getProgramPoint(desc); } CompiledFunction cf = data.getBestInvoker(type, scope, CompiledFunction.NO_FUNCTIONS); final Object self = request.getArguments()[1]; final Collection<CompiledFunction> forbidden = new HashSet<>(); //check for special fast versions of the compiled function final List<SwitchPoint> sps = new ArrayList<>(); Class<? extends Throwable> exceptionGuard = null; while (cf.isSpecialization()) { final Class<? extends LinkLogic> linkLogicClass = cf.getLinkLogicClass(); //if linklogic is null, we can always link with the standard mechanism, it's still a specialization final LinkLogic linkLogic = getLinkLogic(self, linkLogicClass); if (linkLogic != null && linkLogic.checkLinkable(self, desc, request)) { final DebugLogger log = Context.getContextTrusted().getLogger(Compiler.class); if (log.isEnabled()) { log.info("Linking optimistic builtin function: '", name, "' args=", Arrays.toString(request.getArguments()), " desc=", desc); } exceptionGuard = linkLogic.getRelinkException(); break; } //could not link this specialization because link check failed forbidden.add(cf); final CompiledFunction oldCf = cf; cf = data.getBestInvoker(type, scope, forbidden); assert oldCf != cf; } final GuardedInvocation bestInvoker = cf.createFunctionInvocation(type.returnType(), programPoint); final MethodHandle callHandle = bestInvoker.getInvocation(); if (data.needsCallee()) { if (scopeCall && needsWrappedThis()) { // (callee, this, args...) => (callee, [this], args...) boundHandle = MH.filterArguments(callHandle, 1, SCRIPTFUNCTION_GLOBALFILTER); } else { // It's already (callee, this, args...), just what we need boundHandle = callHandle; } } else if (data.isBuiltin() && Global.isBuiltInJavaExtend(this)) { // We're binding the current lookup as "self" so the function can do // security-sensitive creation of adapter classes. boundHandle = MH.dropArguments(MH.bindTo(callHandle, getLookupPrivileged(desc)), 0, type.parameterType(0), type.parameterType(1)); } else if (data.isBuiltin() && Global.isBuiltInJavaTo(this)) { // We're binding the current call site descriptor as "self" so the function can do // security-sensitive creation of adapter classes. boundHandle = MH.dropArguments(MH.bindTo(callHandle, desc), 0, type.parameterType(0), type.parameterType(1)); } else if (scopeCall && needsWrappedThis()) { // Make a handle that drops the passed "this" argument and substitutes either Global or Undefined // (this, args...) => ([this], args...) boundHandle = MH.filterArguments(callHandle, 0, SCRIPTFUNCTION_GLOBALFILTER); // ([this], args...) => ([callee], [this], args...) boundHandle = MH.dropArguments(boundHandle, 0, type.parameterType(0)); } else { // (this, args...) => ([callee], this, args...) boundHandle = MH.dropArguments(callHandle, 0, type.parameterType(0)); } // For non-strict functions, check whether this-object is primitive type. // If so add a to-object-wrapper argument filter. // Else install a guard that will trigger a relink when the argument becomes primitive. if (!scopeCall && needsWrappedThis()) { if (ScriptFunctionData.isPrimitiveThis(request.getArguments()[1])) { boundHandle = MH.filterArguments(boundHandle, 1, WRAPFILTER); } else { guard = getNonStrictFunctionGuard(this); } } // Is this an unstable callsite which was earlier apply-to-call optimized? // If so, earlier apply2call would have exploded arguments. We have to convert // that as an array again! if (isUnstable && NashornCallSiteDescriptor.isApplyToCall(desc)) { boundHandle = MH.asCollector(boundHandle, Object[].class, type.parameterCount() - 2); } boundHandle = pairArguments(boundHandle, type); if (bestInvoker.getSwitchPoints() != null) { sps.addAll(Arrays.asList(bestInvoker.getSwitchPoints())); } final SwitchPoint[] spsArray = sps.isEmpty() ? null : sps.toArray(new SwitchPoint[0]); return new GuardedInvocation( boundHandle, guard == null ? getFunctionGuard( this, cf.getFlags()) : guard, spsArray, exceptionGuard); } private static Lookup getLookupPrivileged(final CallSiteDescriptor desc) { // NOTE: we'd rather not make NashornCallSiteDescriptor.getLookupPrivileged public. return AccessController.doPrivileged((PrivilegedAction<Lookup>)()->desc.getLookup(), GET_LOOKUP_PERMISSION_CONTEXT); } private GuardedInvocation createApplyOrCallCall(final boolean isApply, final CallSiteDescriptor desc, final LinkRequest request, final Object[] args) { final MethodType descType = desc.getMethodType(); final int paramCount = descType.parameterCount(); if (descType.parameterType(paramCount - 1).isArray()) { // This is vararg invocation of apply or call. This can normally only happen when we do a recursive // invocation of createApplyOrCallCall (because we're doing apply-of-apply). In this case, create delegate // linkage by unpacking the vararg invocation and use pairArguments to introduce the necessary spreader. return createVarArgApplyOrCallCall(isApply, desc, request, args); } final boolean passesThis = paramCount > 2; final boolean passesArgs = paramCount > 3; final int realArgCount = passesArgs ? paramCount - 3 : 0; final Object appliedFn = args[1]; final boolean appliedFnNeedsWrappedThis = needsWrappedThis(appliedFn); //box call back to apply CallSiteDescriptor appliedDesc = desc; final SwitchPoint applyToCallSwitchPoint = Global.getBuiltinFunctionApplySwitchPoint(); //enough to change the proto switchPoint here final boolean isApplyToCall = NashornCallSiteDescriptor.isApplyToCall(desc); final boolean isFailedApplyToCall = isApplyToCall && applyToCallSwitchPoint.hasBeenInvalidated(); // R(apply|call, ...) => R(...) MethodType appliedType = descType.dropParameterTypes(0, 1); if (!passesThis) { // R() => R(this) appliedType = appliedType.insertParameterTypes(1, Object.class); } else if (appliedFnNeedsWrappedThis) { appliedType = appliedType.changeParameterType(1, Object.class); } /* * dropArgs is a synthetic method handle that contains any args that we need to * get rid of that come after the arguments array in the apply case. We adapt * the callsite to ask for 3 args only and then dropArguments on the method handle * to make it fit the extraneous args. */ MethodType dropArgs = MH.type(void.class); if (isApply && !isFailedApplyToCall) { final int pc = appliedType.parameterCount(); for (int i = 3; i < pc; i++) { dropArgs = dropArgs.appendParameterTypes(appliedType.parameterType(i)); } if (pc > 3) { appliedType = appliedType.dropParameterTypes(3, pc); } } if (isApply || isFailedApplyToCall) { if (passesArgs) { // R(this, args) => R(this, Object[]) appliedType = appliedType.changeParameterType(2, Object[].class); // drop any extraneous arguments for the apply fail case if (isFailedApplyToCall) { appliedType = appliedType.dropParameterTypes(3, paramCount - 1); } } else { // R(this) => R(this, Object[]) appliedType = appliedType.insertParameterTypes(2, Object[].class); } } appliedDesc = appliedDesc.changeMethodType(appliedType); //no extra args // Create the same arguments for the delegate linking request that would be passed in an actual apply'd invocation final Object[] appliedArgs = new Object[isApply ? 3 : appliedType.parameterCount()]; appliedArgs[0] = appliedFn; appliedArgs[1] = passesThis ? appliedFnNeedsWrappedThis ? ScriptFunctionData.wrapThis(args[2]) : args[2] : ScriptRuntime.UNDEFINED; if (isApply && !isFailedApplyToCall) { appliedArgs[2] = passesArgs ? NativeFunction.toApplyArgs(args[3]) : ScriptRuntime.EMPTY_ARRAY; } else { if (passesArgs) { if (isFailedApplyToCall) { final Object[] tmp = new Object[args.length - 3]; System.arraycopy(args, 3, tmp, 0, tmp.length); appliedArgs[2] = NativeFunction.toApplyArgs(tmp); } else { assert !isApply; System.arraycopy(args, 3, appliedArgs, 2, args.length - 3); } } else if (isFailedApplyToCall) { appliedArgs[2] = ScriptRuntime.EMPTY_ARRAY; } } // Ask the linker machinery for an invocation of the target function final LinkRequest appliedRequest = request.replaceArguments(appliedDesc, appliedArgs); GuardedInvocation appliedInvocation; try { appliedInvocation = Bootstrap.getLinkerServices().getGuardedInvocation(appliedRequest); } catch (final RuntimeException | Error e) { throw e; } catch (final Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } assert appliedRequest != null; // Bootstrap.isCallable() returned true for args[1], so it must produce a linkage. final Class<?> applyFnType = descType.parameterType(0); // Invocation and guard handles from apply invocation. MethodHandle inv = appliedInvocation.getInvocation(); MethodHandle guard = appliedInvocation.getGuard(); if (isApply && !isFailedApplyToCall) { if (passesArgs) { // Make sure that the passed argArray is converted to Object[] the same way NativeFunction.apply() would do it. inv = MH.filterArguments(inv, 2, NativeFunction.TO_APPLY_ARGS); // Some guards (non-strict functions with non-primitive this) have a this-object parameter, so we // need to apply this transformations to them as well. if (guard.type().parameterCount() > 2) { guard = MH.filterArguments(guard, 2, NativeFunction.TO_APPLY_ARGS); } } else { // If the original call site doesn't pass argArray, pass in an empty array inv = MH.insertArguments(inv, 2, (Object) ScriptRuntime.EMPTY_ARRAY); } } if (isApplyToCall) { if (isFailedApplyToCall) { //take the real arguments that were passed to a call and force them into the apply instead Context.getContextTrusted().getLogger(ApplySpecialization.class).info("Collection arguments to revert call to apply in " + appliedFn); inv = MH.asCollector(inv, Object[].class, realArgCount); } else { appliedInvocation = appliedInvocation.addSwitchPoint(applyToCallSwitchPoint); } } if (!passesThis) { // If the original call site doesn't pass in a thisArg, pass in Global/undefined as needed inv = bindImplicitThis(appliedFnNeedsWrappedThis, inv); // guard may have this-parameter that needs to be inserted if (guard.type().parameterCount() > 1) { guard = bindImplicitThis(appliedFnNeedsWrappedThis, guard); } } else if (appliedFnNeedsWrappedThis) { // target function needs a wrapped this, so make sure we filter for that inv = MH.filterArguments(inv, 1, WRAP_THIS); // guard may have this-parameter that needs to be wrapped if (guard.type().parameterCount() > 1) { guard = MH.filterArguments(guard, 1, WRAP_THIS); } } final MethodType guardType = guard.type(); // Needed for combining guards below // We need to account for the dropped (apply|call) function argument. inv = MH.dropArguments(inv, 0, applyFnType); guard = MH.dropArguments(guard, 0, applyFnType); /* * Dropargs can only be non-()V in the case of isApply && !isFailedApplyToCall, which * is when we need to add arguments to the callsite to catch and ignore the synthetic * extra args that someone has added to the command line. */ for (int i = 0; i < dropArgs.parameterCount(); i++) { inv = MH.dropArguments(inv, 4 + i, dropArgs.parameterType(i)); } // Take the "isApplyFunction" guard, and bind it to this function. MethodHandle applyFnGuard = MH.insertArguments(IS_APPLY_FUNCTION, 2, this); //TODO replace this with switchpoint // Adapt the guard to receive all the arguments that the original guard does. applyFnGuard = MH.dropArguments(applyFnGuard, 2, guardType.parameterArray()); // Fold the original function guard into our apply guard. guard = MH.foldArguments(applyFnGuard, guard); return appliedInvocation.replaceMethods(inv, guard); } /* * This method is used for linking nested apply. Specialized apply and call linking will create a variable arity * call site for an apply call; when createApplyOrCallCall sees a linking request for apply or call with * Nashorn-style variable arity call site (last argument type is Object[]) it'll delegate to this method. * This method converts the link request from a vararg to a non-vararg one (unpacks the array), then delegates back * to createApplyOrCallCall (with which it is thus mutually recursive), and adds appropriate argument spreaders to * invocation and the guard of whatever createApplyOrCallCall returned to adapt it back into a variable arity * invocation. It basically reduces the problem of vararg call site linking of apply and call back to the (already * solved by createApplyOrCallCall) non-vararg call site linking. */ private GuardedInvocation createVarArgApplyOrCallCall(final boolean isApply, final CallSiteDescriptor desc, final LinkRequest request, final Object[] args) { final MethodType descType = desc.getMethodType(); final int paramCount = descType.parameterCount(); final Object[] varArgs = (Object[]) args[paramCount - 1]; // -1 'cause we're not passing the vararg array itself final int copiedArgCount = args.length - 1; final int varArgCount = varArgs.length; // Spread arguments for the delegate createApplyOrCallCall invocation. final Object[] spreadArgs = new Object[copiedArgCount + varArgCount]; System.arraycopy(args, 0, spreadArgs, 0, copiedArgCount); System.arraycopy(varArgs, 0, spreadArgs, copiedArgCount, varArgCount); // Spread call site descriptor for the delegate createApplyOrCallCall invocation. We drop vararg array and // replace it with a list of Object.class. final MethodType spreadType = descType.dropParameterTypes(paramCount - 1, paramCount).appendParameterTypes( Collections.<Class<?>>nCopies(varArgCount, Object.class)); final CallSiteDescriptor spreadDesc = desc.changeMethodType(spreadType); // Delegate back to createApplyOrCallCall with the spread (that is, reverted to non-vararg) request/ final LinkRequest spreadRequest = request.replaceArguments(spreadDesc, spreadArgs); final GuardedInvocation spreadInvocation = createApplyOrCallCall(isApply, spreadDesc, spreadRequest, spreadArgs); // Add spreader combinators to returned invocation and guard. return spreadInvocation.replaceMethods( // Use standard ScriptObject.pairArguments on the invocation pairArguments(spreadInvocation.getInvocation(), descType), // Use our specialized spreadGuardArguments on the guard (see below). spreadGuardArguments(spreadInvocation.getGuard(), descType)); } private static MethodHandle spreadGuardArguments(final MethodHandle guard, final MethodType descType) { final MethodType guardType = guard.type(); final int guardParamCount = guardType.parameterCount(); final int descParamCount = descType.parameterCount(); final int spreadCount = guardParamCount - descParamCount + 1; if (spreadCount <= 0) { // Guard doesn't dip into the varargs return guard; } final MethodHandle arrayConvertingGuard; // If the last parameter type of the guard is an array, then it is already itself a guard for a vararg apply // invocation. We must filter the last argument with toApplyArgs otherwise deeper levels of nesting will fail // with ClassCastException of NativeArray to Object[]. if (guardType.parameterType(guardParamCount - 1).isArray()) { arrayConvertingGuard = MH.filterArguments(guard, guardParamCount - 1, NativeFunction.TO_APPLY_ARGS); } else { arrayConvertingGuard = guard; } return ScriptObject.adaptHandleToVarArgCallSite(arrayConvertingGuard, descParamCount); } private static MethodHandle bindImplicitThis(final boolean needsWrappedThis, final MethodHandle mh) { final MethodHandle bound; if (needsWrappedThis) { bound = MH.filterArguments(mh, 1, SCRIPTFUNCTION_GLOBALFILTER); } else { bound = mh; } return MH.insertArguments(bound, 1, ScriptRuntime.UNDEFINED); }
Used for noSuchMethod/noSuchProperty and JSAdapter hooks. These don't want a callee parameter, so bind that. Name binding is optional.
/** * Used for noSuchMethod/noSuchProperty and JSAdapter hooks. * * These don't want a callee parameter, so bind that. Name binding is * optional. */
MethodHandle getCallMethodHandle(final MethodType type, final String bindName) { return pairArguments(bindToNameIfNeeded(bindToCalleeIfNeeded(data.getGenericInvoker(scope)), bindName), type); } private static MethodHandle bindToNameIfNeeded(final MethodHandle methodHandle, final String bindName) { if (bindName == null) { return methodHandle; } // if it is vararg method, we need to extend argument array with // a new zeroth element that is set to bindName value. final MethodType methodType = methodHandle.type(); final int parameterCount = methodType.parameterCount(); if (parameterCount < 2) { return methodHandle; // method does not have enough parameters } final boolean isVarArg = methodType.parameterType(parameterCount - 1).isArray(); if (isVarArg) { return MH.filterArguments(methodHandle, 1, MH.insertArguments(ADD_ZEROTH_ELEMENT, 1, bindName)); } return MH.insertArguments(methodHandle, 1, bindName); }
Get the guard that checks if a ScriptFunction is equal to a known ScriptFunction, using reference comparison
  • function – The ScriptFunction to check against. This will be bound to the guard method handle
Returns:method handle for guard
/** * Get the guard that checks if a {@link ScriptFunction} is equal to a known * ScriptFunction, using reference comparison * * @param function The ScriptFunction to check against. This will be bound * to the guard method handle * * @return method handle for guard */
private static MethodHandle getFunctionGuard(final ScriptFunction function, final int flags) { assert function.data != null; // Built-in functions have a 1-1 correspondence to their ScriptFunctionData, so we can use a cheaper identity // comparison for them. if (function.data.isBuiltin()) { return Guards.getIdentityGuard(function); } return MH.insertArguments(IS_FUNCTION_MH, 1, function.data); }
Get a guard that checks if a ScriptFunction is equal to a known ScriptFunction using reference comparison, and whether the type of the second argument (this-object) is not a JavaScript primitive type.
  • function – The ScriptFunction to check against. This will be bound to the guard method handle
Returns:method handle for guard
/** * Get a guard that checks if a {@link ScriptFunction} is equal to a known * ScriptFunction using reference comparison, and whether the type of the * second argument (this-object) is not a JavaScript primitive type. * * @param function The ScriptFunction to check against. This will be bound * to the guard method handle * * @return method handle for guard */
private static MethodHandle getNonStrictFunctionGuard(final ScriptFunction function) { assert function.data != null; return MH.insertArguments(IS_NONSTRICT_FUNCTION, 2, function.data); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static boolean isFunctionMH(final Object self, final ScriptFunctionData data) { return self instanceof ScriptFunction && ((ScriptFunction) self).data == data; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static boolean isNonStrictFunction(final Object self, final Object arg, final ScriptFunctionData data) { return self instanceof ScriptFunction && ((ScriptFunction) self).data == data && arg instanceof ScriptObject; } //TODO this can probably be removed given that we have builtin switchpoints in the context @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static boolean isApplyFunction(final boolean appliedFnCondition, final Object self, final Object expectedSelf) { // NOTE: we're using self == expectedSelf as we're only using this with built-in functions apply() and call() return appliedFnCondition && self == expectedSelf; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static Object[] addZerothElement(final Object[] args, final Object value) { // extends input array with by adding new zeroth element final Object[] src = args == null ? ScriptRuntime.EMPTY_ARRAY : args; final Object[] result = new Object[src.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(src, 0, result, 1, src.length); result[0] = value; return result; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static Object invokeSync(final ScriptFunction func, final Object sync, final Object self, final Object... args) throws Throwable { final Object syncObj = sync == UNDEFINED ? self : sync; synchronized (syncObj) { return func.invoke(self, args); } } private static MethodHandle findOwnMH_S(final String name, final Class<?> rtype, final Class<?>... types) { return MH.findStatic(MethodHandles.lookup(), ScriptFunction.class, name, MH.type(rtype, types)); } private static MethodHandle findOwnMH_V(final String name, final Class<?> rtype, final Class<?>... types) { return MH.findVirtual(MethodHandles.lookup(), ScriptFunction.class, name, MH.type(rtype, types)); } }