 * Copyright (c) 2010, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
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 * questions.

package jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.debug;

import static jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.Source.sourceFor;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.AccessNode;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.BinaryNode;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.Block;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.BlockStatement;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.BreakNode;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.CallNode;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.CaseNode;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.CatchNode;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.ContinueNode;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.DebuggerNode;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.EmptyNode;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.Expression;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.ExpressionStatement;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.ForNode;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.FunctionNode;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.IdentNode;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.IfNode;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.IndexNode;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.JoinPredecessorExpression;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.LabelNode;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.LiteralNode;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.Node;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.ObjectNode;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.PropertyNode;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.ReturnNode;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.RuntimeNode;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.SplitNode;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.Statement;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.SwitchNode;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.TernaryNode;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.ThrowNode;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.TryNode;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.UnaryNode;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.VarNode;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.WhileNode;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.WithNode;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.ir.visitor.SimpleNodeVisitor;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.parser.JSONParser;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.parser.Lexer.RegexToken;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.parser.Parser;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.parser.TokenType;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.Context;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ParserException;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.Source;

This IR writer produces a JSON string that represents AST as a JSON string.
/** * This IR writer produces a JSON string that represents AST as a JSON string. */
public final class JSONWriter extends SimpleNodeVisitor {
Returns AST as JSON compatible string.
  • context – context
  • code – code to be parsed
  • name – name of the code source (used for location)
  • includeLoc – tells whether to include location information for nodes or not
Returns:JSON string representation of AST of the supplied code
/** * Returns AST as JSON compatible string. * * @param context context * @param code code to be parsed * @param name name of the code source (used for location) * @param includeLoc tells whether to include location information for nodes or not * @return JSON string representation of AST of the supplied code */
public static String parse(final Context context, final String code, final String name, final boolean includeLoc) { final Parser parser = new Parser(context.getEnv(), sourceFor(name, code), new Context.ThrowErrorManager(), context.getEnv()._strict, context.getLogger(Parser.class)); final JSONWriter jsonWriter = new JSONWriter(includeLoc); try { final FunctionNode functionNode = parser.parse(); //symbol name is ":program", default functionNode.accept(jsonWriter); return jsonWriter.getString(); } catch (final ParserException e) { e.throwAsEcmaException(); return null; } } @Override public boolean enterJoinPredecessorExpression(final JoinPredecessorExpression joinPredecessorExpression) { final Expression expr = joinPredecessorExpression.getExpression(); if(expr != null) { expr.accept(this); } else { nullValue(); } return false; } @Override protected boolean enterDefault(final Node node) { objectStart(); location(node); return true; } private boolean leave() { objectEnd(); return false; } @Override protected Node leaveDefault(final Node node) { objectEnd(); return null; } @Override public boolean enterAccessNode(final AccessNode accessNode) { enterDefault(accessNode); type("MemberExpression"); comma(); property("object"); accessNode.getBase().accept(this); comma(); property("property", accessNode.getProperty()); comma(); property("computed", false); return leave(); } @Override public boolean enterBlock(final Block block) { enterDefault(block); type("BlockStatement"); comma(); array("body", block.getStatements()); return leave(); } @Override public boolean enterBinaryNode(final BinaryNode binaryNode) { enterDefault(binaryNode); final String name; if (binaryNode.isAssignment()) { name = "AssignmentExpression"; } else if (binaryNode.isLogical()) { name = "LogicalExpression"; } else { name = "BinaryExpression"; } type(name); comma(); property("operator", binaryNode.tokenType().getName()); comma(); property("left"); binaryNode.lhs().accept(this); comma(); property("right"); binaryNode.rhs().accept(this); return leave(); } @Override public boolean enterBreakNode(final BreakNode breakNode) { enterDefault(breakNode); type("BreakStatement"); comma(); final String label = breakNode.getLabelName(); if(label != null) { property("label", label); } else { property("label"); nullValue(); } return leave(); } @Override public boolean enterCallNode(final CallNode callNode) { enterDefault(callNode); type("CallExpression"); comma(); property("callee"); callNode.getFunction().accept(this); comma(); array("arguments", callNode.getArgs()); return leave(); } @Override public boolean enterCaseNode(final CaseNode caseNode) { enterDefault(caseNode); type("SwitchCase"); comma(); final Node test = caseNode.getTest(); property("test"); if (test != null) { test.accept(this); } else { nullValue(); } comma(); array("consequent", caseNode.getBody().getStatements()); return leave(); } @Override public boolean enterCatchNode(final CatchNode catchNode) { enterDefault(catchNode); type("CatchClause"); comma(); property("param"); catchNode.getException().accept(this); comma(); final Node guard = catchNode.getExceptionCondition(); if (guard != null) { property("guard"); guard.accept(this); comma(); } property("body"); catchNode.getBody().accept(this); return leave(); } @Override public boolean enterContinueNode(final ContinueNode continueNode) { enterDefault(continueNode); type("ContinueStatement"); comma(); final String label = continueNode.getLabelName(); if(label != null) { property("label", label); } else { property("label"); nullValue(); } return leave(); } @Override public boolean enterDebuggerNode(final DebuggerNode debuggerNode) { enterDefault(debuggerNode); type("DebuggerStatement"); return leave(); } @Override public boolean enterEmptyNode(final EmptyNode emptyNode) { enterDefault(emptyNode); type("EmptyStatement"); return leave(); } @Override public boolean enterExpressionStatement(final ExpressionStatement expressionStatement) { // handle debugger statement final Node expression = expressionStatement.getExpression(); if (expression instanceof RuntimeNode) { assert false : "should not reach here: RuntimeNode"; return false; } enterDefault(expressionStatement); type("ExpressionStatement"); comma(); property("expression"); expression.accept(this); return leave(); } @Override public boolean enterBlockStatement(final BlockStatement blockStatement) { if (blockStatement.isSynthetic()) { final Block blk = blockStatement.getBlock(); blk.getStatements().get(0).accept(this); return false; } enterDefault(blockStatement); type("BlockStatement"); comma(); array("body", blockStatement.getBlock().getStatements()); return leave(); } @Override public boolean enterForNode(final ForNode forNode) { enterDefault(forNode); if (forNode.isForIn() || (forNode.isForEach() && forNode.getInit() != null)) { type("ForInStatement"); comma(); final Node init = forNode.getInit(); assert init != null; property("left"); init.accept(this); comma(); final Node modify = forNode.getModify(); assert modify != null; property("right"); modify.accept(this); comma(); property("body"); forNode.getBody().accept(this); comma(); property("each", forNode.isForEach()); } else { type("ForStatement"); comma(); final Node init = forNode.getInit(); property("init"); if (init != null) { init.accept(this); } else { nullValue(); } comma(); final Node test = forNode.getTest(); property("test"); if (test != null) { test.accept(this); } else { nullValue(); } comma(); final Node update = forNode.getModify(); property("update"); if (update != null) { update.accept(this); } else { nullValue(); } comma(); property("body"); forNode.getBody().accept(this); } return leave(); } @Override public boolean enterFunctionNode(final FunctionNode functionNode) { final boolean program = functionNode.isProgram(); if (program) { return emitProgram(functionNode); } enterDefault(functionNode); final String name; if (functionNode.isDeclared()) { name = "FunctionDeclaration"; } else { name = "FunctionExpression"; } type(name); comma(); property("id"); final FunctionNode.Kind kind = functionNode.getKind(); if (functionNode.isAnonymous() || kind == FunctionNode.Kind.GETTER || kind == FunctionNode.Kind.SETTER) { nullValue(); } else { functionNode.getIdent().accept(this); } comma(); array("params", functionNode.getParameters()); comma(); arrayStart("defaults"); arrayEnd(); comma(); property("rest"); nullValue(); comma(); property("body"); functionNode.getBody().accept(this); comma(); property("generator", false); comma(); property("expression", false); return leave(); } private boolean emitProgram(final FunctionNode functionNode) { enterDefault(functionNode); type("Program"); comma(); // body consists of nested functions and statements final List<Statement> stats = functionNode.getBody().getStatements(); final int size = stats.size(); int idx = 0; arrayStart("body"); for (final Node stat : stats) { stat.accept(this); if (idx != (size - 1)) { comma(); } idx++; } arrayEnd(); return leave(); } @Override public boolean enterIdentNode(final IdentNode identNode) { enterDefault(identNode); final String name = identNode.getName(); if ("this".equals(name)) { type("ThisExpression"); } else { type("Identifier"); comma(); property("name", identNode.getName()); } return leave(); } @Override public boolean enterIfNode(final IfNode ifNode) { enterDefault(ifNode); type("IfStatement"); comma(); property("test"); ifNode.getTest().accept(this); comma(); property("consequent"); ifNode.getPass().accept(this); final Node elsePart = ifNode.getFail(); comma(); property("alternate"); if (elsePart != null) { elsePart.accept(this); } else { nullValue(); } return leave(); } @Override public boolean enterIndexNode(final IndexNode indexNode) { enterDefault(indexNode); type("MemberExpression"); comma(); property("object"); indexNode.getBase().accept(this); comma(); property("property"); indexNode.getIndex().accept(this); comma(); property("computed", true); return leave(); } @Override public boolean enterLabelNode(final LabelNode labelNode) { enterDefault(labelNode); type("LabeledStatement"); comma(); property("label", labelNode.getLabelName()); comma(); property("body"); labelNode.getBody().accept(this); return leave(); } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") @Override public boolean enterLiteralNode(final LiteralNode literalNode) { enterDefault(literalNode); if (literalNode instanceof LiteralNode.ArrayLiteralNode) { type("ArrayExpression"); comma(); array("elements", ((LiteralNode.ArrayLiteralNode)literalNode).getElementExpressions()); } else { type("Literal"); comma(); property("value"); final Object value = literalNode.getValue(); if (value instanceof RegexToken) { // encode RegExp literals as Strings of the form /.../<flags> final RegexToken regex = (RegexToken)value; final StringBuilder regexBuf = new StringBuilder(); regexBuf.append('/'); regexBuf.append(regex.getExpression()); regexBuf.append('/'); regexBuf.append(regex.getOptions()); buf.append(quote(regexBuf.toString())); } else { final String str = literalNode.getString(); // encode every String literal with prefix '$' so that script // can differentiate b/w RegExps as Strings and Strings. buf.append(literalNode.isString()? quote("$" + str) : str); } } return leave(); } @Override public boolean enterObjectNode(final ObjectNode objectNode) { enterDefault(objectNode); type("ObjectExpression"); comma(); array("properties", objectNode.getElements()); return leave(); } @Override public boolean enterPropertyNode(final PropertyNode propertyNode) { final Node key = propertyNode.getKey(); final Node value = propertyNode.getValue(); if (value != null) { objectStart(); location(propertyNode); property("key"); key.accept(this); comma(); property("value"); value.accept(this); comma(); property("kind", "init"); objectEnd(); } else { // getter final Node getter = propertyNode.getGetter(); if (getter != null) { objectStart(); location(propertyNode); property("key"); key.accept(this); comma(); property("value"); getter.accept(this); comma(); property("kind", "get"); objectEnd(); } // setter final Node setter = propertyNode.getSetter(); if (setter != null) { if (getter != null) { comma(); } objectStart(); location(propertyNode); property("key"); key.accept(this); comma(); property("value"); setter.accept(this); comma(); property("kind", "set"); objectEnd(); } } return false; } @Override public boolean enterReturnNode(final ReturnNode returnNode) { enterDefault(returnNode); type("ReturnStatement"); comma(); final Node arg = returnNode.getExpression(); property("argument"); if (arg != null) { arg.accept(this); } else { nullValue(); } return leave(); } @Override public boolean enterRuntimeNode(final RuntimeNode runtimeNode) { assert false : "should not reach here: RuntimeNode"; return false; } @Override public boolean enterSplitNode(final SplitNode splitNode) { assert false : "should not reach here: SplitNode"; return false; } @Override public boolean enterSwitchNode(final SwitchNode switchNode) { enterDefault(switchNode); type("SwitchStatement"); comma(); property("discriminant"); switchNode.getExpression().accept(this); comma(); array("cases", switchNode.getCases()); return leave(); } @Override public boolean enterTernaryNode(final TernaryNode ternaryNode) { enterDefault(ternaryNode); type("ConditionalExpression"); comma(); property("test"); ternaryNode.getTest().accept(this); comma(); property("consequent"); ternaryNode.getTrueExpression().accept(this); comma(); property("alternate"); ternaryNode.getFalseExpression().accept(this); return leave(); } @Override public boolean enterThrowNode(final ThrowNode throwNode) { enterDefault(throwNode); type("ThrowStatement"); comma(); property("argument"); throwNode.getExpression().accept(this); return leave(); } @Override public boolean enterTryNode(final TryNode tryNode) { enterDefault(tryNode); type("TryStatement"); comma(); property("block"); tryNode.getBody().accept(this); comma(); final List<? extends Node> catches = tryNode.getCatches(); final List<CatchNode> guarded = new ArrayList<>(); CatchNode unguarded = null; if (catches != null) { for (final Node n : catches) { final CatchNode cn = (CatchNode)n; if (cn.getExceptionCondition() != null) { guarded.add(cn); } else { assert unguarded == null: "too many unguarded?"; unguarded = cn; } } } array("guardedHandlers", guarded); comma(); property("handler"); if (unguarded != null) { unguarded.accept(this); } else { nullValue(); } comma(); property("finalizer"); final Node finallyNode = tryNode.getFinallyBody(); if (finallyNode != null) { finallyNode.accept(this); } else { nullValue(); } return leave(); } @Override public boolean enterUnaryNode(final UnaryNode unaryNode) { enterDefault(unaryNode); final TokenType tokenType = unaryNode.tokenType(); if (tokenType == TokenType.NEW) { type("NewExpression"); comma(); final CallNode callNode = (CallNode)unaryNode.getExpression(); property("callee"); callNode.getFunction().accept(this); comma(); array("arguments", callNode.getArgs()); } else { final String operator; final boolean prefix; switch (tokenType) { case INCPOSTFIX: prefix = false; operator = "++"; break; case DECPOSTFIX: prefix = false; operator = "--"; break; case INCPREFIX: operator = "++"; prefix = true; break; case DECPREFIX: operator = "--"; prefix = true; break; default: prefix = true; operator = tokenType.getName(); break; } type(unaryNode.isAssignment()? "UpdateExpression" : "UnaryExpression"); comma(); property("operator", operator); comma(); property("prefix", prefix); comma(); property("argument"); unaryNode.getExpression().accept(this); } return leave(); } @Override public boolean enterVarNode(final VarNode varNode) { final Node init = varNode.getInit(); if (init instanceof FunctionNode && ((FunctionNode)init).isDeclared()) { // function declaration - don't emit VariableDeclaration instead // just emit FunctionDeclaration using 'init' Node. init.accept(this); return false; } enterDefault(varNode); type("VariableDeclaration"); comma(); arrayStart("declarations"); // VariableDeclarator objectStart(); location(varNode.getName()); type("VariableDeclarator"); comma(); property("id"); varNode.getName().accept(this); comma(); property("init"); if (init != null) { init.accept(this); } else { nullValue(); } // VariableDeclarator objectEnd(); // declarations arrayEnd(); return leave(); } @Override public boolean enterWhileNode(final WhileNode whileNode) { enterDefault(whileNode); type(whileNode.isDoWhile() ? "DoWhileStatement" : "WhileStatement"); comma(); if (whileNode.isDoWhile()) { property("body"); whileNode.getBody().accept(this); comma(); property("test"); whileNode.getTest().accept(this); } else { property("test"); whileNode.getTest().accept(this); comma(); property("body"); whileNode.getBody().accept(this); } return leave(); } @Override public boolean enterWithNode(final WithNode withNode) { enterDefault(withNode); type("WithStatement"); comma(); property("object"); withNode.getExpression().accept(this); comma(); property("body"); withNode.getBody().accept(this); return leave(); } // Internals below private JSONWriter(final boolean includeLocation) { this.buf = new StringBuilder(); this.includeLocation = includeLocation; } private final StringBuilder buf; private final boolean includeLocation; private String getString() { return buf.toString(); } private void property(final String key, final String value, final boolean escape) { buf.append('"'); buf.append(key); buf.append("\":"); if (value != null) { if (escape) { buf.append('"'); } buf.append(value); if (escape) { buf.append('"'); } } } private void property(final String key, final String value) { property(key, value, true); } private void property(final String key, final boolean value) { property(key, Boolean.toString(value), false); } private void property(final String key, final int value) { property(key, Integer.toString(value), false); } private void property(final String key) { property(key, null); } private void type(final String value) { property("type", value); } private void objectStart(final String name) { buf.append('"'); buf.append(name); buf.append("\":{"); } private void objectStart() { buf.append('{'); } private void objectEnd() { buf.append('}'); } private void array(final String name, final List<? extends Node> nodes) { // The size, idx comparison is just to avoid trailing comma.. final int size = nodes.size(); int idx = 0; arrayStart(name); for (final Node node : nodes) { if (node != null) { node.accept(this); } else { nullValue(); } if (idx != (size - 1)) { comma(); } idx++; } arrayEnd(); } private void arrayStart(final String name) { buf.append('"'); buf.append(name); buf.append('"'); buf.append(':'); buf.append('['); } private void arrayEnd() { buf.append(']'); } private void comma() { buf.append(','); } private void nullValue() { buf.append("null"); } private void location(final Node node) { if (includeLocation) { objectStart("loc"); // source name final Source src = lc.getCurrentFunction().getSource(); property("source", src.getName()); comma(); // start position objectStart("start"); final int start = node.getStart(); property("line", src.getLine(start)); comma(); property("column", src.getColumn(start)); objectEnd(); comma(); // end position objectStart("end"); final int end = node.getFinish(); property("line", src.getLine(end)); comma(); property("column", src.getColumn(end)); objectEnd(); // end 'loc' objectEnd(); comma(); } } private static String quote(final String str) { return JSONParser.quote(str); } }