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package jdk.jshell.execution;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.ObjectInput;
import java.io.ObjectOutput;
import jdk.jshell.JShellException;
import jdk.jshell.spi.ExecutionControl;
import static jdk.jshell.execution.ExecutionControlForwarder.NULL_MARKER;
import static jdk.jshell.execution.RemoteCodes.*;

An implementation of the ExecutionControl execution engine SPI which streams requests to a remote agent where execution takes place.
Author:Robert Field
/** * An implementation of the {@link jdk.jshell.spi.ExecutionControl} * execution engine SPI which streams requests to a remote agent where * execution takes place. * * @author Robert Field * @since 9 */
public class StreamingExecutionControl implements ExecutionControl { private final ObjectOutput out; private final ObjectInput in;
Creates an instance.
  • out – the output for commands
  • in – the input for command responses
/** * Creates an instance. * * @param out the output for commands * @param in the input for command responses */
public StreamingExecutionControl(ObjectOutput out, ObjectInput in) { this.out = out; this.in = in; } @Override public void load(ClassBytecodes[] cbcs) throws ClassInstallException, NotImplementedException, EngineTerminationException { try { // Send a load command to the remote agent. writeCommand(CMD_LOAD); out.writeObject(cbcs); out.flush(); // Retrieve and report results from the remote agent. readAndReportClassInstallResult(); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new EngineTerminationException("Exception writing remote load: " + ex); } } @Override public void redefine(ClassBytecodes[] cbcs) throws ClassInstallException, NotImplementedException, EngineTerminationException { try { // Send a load command to the remote agent. writeCommand(CMD_REDEFINE); out.writeObject(cbcs); out.flush(); // Retrieve and report results from the remote agent. readAndReportClassInstallResult(); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new EngineTerminationException("Exception writing remote redefine: " + ex); } } @Override public String invoke(String classname, String methodname) throws RunException, EngineTerminationException, InternalException { try { // Send the invoke command to the remote agent. writeCommand(CMD_INVOKE); out.writeUTF(classname); out.writeUTF(methodname); out.flush(); // Retrieve and report results from the remote agent. readAndReportExecutionResult(); String result = in.readUTF(); return result; } catch (IOException ex) { throw new EngineTerminationException("Exception writing remote invoke: " + ex); } } @Override public String varValue(String classname, String varname) throws RunException, EngineTerminationException, InternalException { try { // Send the variable-value command to the remote agent. writeCommand(CMD_VAR_VALUE); out.writeUTF(classname); out.writeUTF(varname); out.flush(); // Retrieve and report results from the remote agent. readAndReportExecutionResult(); String result = in.readUTF(); return result; } catch (IOException ex) { throw new EngineTerminationException("Exception writing remote varValue: " + ex); } } @Override public void addToClasspath(String path) throws EngineTerminationException, InternalException { try { // Send the classpath addition command to the remote agent. writeCommand(CMD_ADD_CLASSPATH); out.writeUTF(path); out.flush(); // Retrieve and report results from the remote agent. readAndReportClassSimpleResult(); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new EngineTerminationException("Exception writing remote add to classpath: " + ex); } } @Override public void stop() throws EngineTerminationException, InternalException { try { // Send the variable-value command to the remote agent. writeCommand(CMD_STOP); out.flush(); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new EngineTerminationException("Exception writing remote stop: " + ex); } } @Override public Object extensionCommand(String command, Object arg) throws RunException, EngineTerminationException, InternalException { try { writeCommand(command); out.writeObject(arg); out.flush(); // Retrieve and report results from the remote agent. readAndReportExecutionResult(); Object result = in.readObject(); return result; } catch (IOException | ClassNotFoundException ex) { throw new EngineTerminationException("Exception transmitting remote extensionCommand: " + command + " -- " + ex); } }
Closes the execution engine. Send an exit command to the remote agent.
/** * Closes the execution engine. Send an exit command to the remote agent. */
@Override public void close() { try { writeCommand(CMD_CLOSE); out.flush(); } catch (IOException ex) { // ignore; } } private void writeCommand(String cmd) throws IOException { out.writeInt(COMMAND_PREFIX); out.writeUTF(cmd); }
Read a UTF or a null encoded as a null marker.
Returns:a string or null
/** * Read a UTF or a null encoded as a null marker. * @return a string or null * @throws IOException passed through from readUTF() */
private String readNullOrUTF() throws IOException { String s = in.readUTF(); return s.equals(NULL_MARKER) ? null : s; }
Reports results from a remote agent command that does not expect exceptions.
/** * Reports results from a remote agent command that does not expect * exceptions. */
private void readAndReportClassSimpleResult() throws EngineTerminationException, InternalException { try { int status = in.readInt(); switch (status) { case RESULT_SUCCESS: return; case RESULT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED: { String message = in.readUTF(); throw new NotImplementedException(message); } case RESULT_INTERNAL_PROBLEM: { String message = in.readUTF(); throw new InternalException(message); } case RESULT_TERMINATED: { String message = in.readUTF(); throw new EngineTerminationException(message); } default: { throw new EngineTerminationException("Bad remote result code: " + status); } } } catch (IOException ex) { throw new EngineTerminationException(ex.toString()); } }
Reports results from a remote agent command that does not expect exceptions.
/** * Reports results from a remote agent command that does not expect * exceptions. */
private void readAndReportClassInstallResult() throws ClassInstallException, NotImplementedException, EngineTerminationException { try { int status = in.readInt(); switch (status) { case RESULT_SUCCESS: return; case RESULT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED: { String message = in.readUTF(); throw new NotImplementedException(message); } case RESULT_CLASS_INSTALL_EXCEPTION: { String message = in.readUTF(); boolean[] loaded = (boolean[]) in.readObject(); throw new ClassInstallException(message, loaded); } case RESULT_TERMINATED: { String message = in.readUTF(); throw new EngineTerminationException(message); } default: { throw new EngineTerminationException("Bad remote result code: " + status); } } } catch (IOException | ClassNotFoundException ex) { throw new EngineTerminationException(ex.toString()); } }
Reports results from a remote agent command that expects runtime exceptions.
Returns:true if successful
/** * Reports results from a remote agent command that expects runtime * exceptions. * * @return true if successful * @throws IOException if the connection has dropped * @throws JShellException {@link jdk.jshell.EvalException}, if a user * exception was encountered on invoke; * {@link jdk.jshell.UnresolvedReferenceException}, if an unresolved * reference was encountered * @throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException */
private void readAndReportExecutionResult() throws RunException, EngineTerminationException, InternalException { try { int status = in.readInt(); switch (status) { case RESULT_SUCCESS: return; case RESULT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED: { String message = in.readUTF(); throw new NotImplementedException(message); } case RESULT_USER_EXCEPTION: { // A user exception was encountered. Handle pre JDK 11 back-ends throw readUserException(); } case RESULT_CORRALLED: { // An unresolved reference was encountered. throw readResolutionException(); } case RESULT_USER_EXCEPTION_CHAINED: { // A user exception was encountered -- transmit chained. in.readInt(); // always RESULT_USER_EXCEPTION UserException result = readUserException(); RunException caused = result; // Loop through the chained causes (if any) building a chained exception loop: while (true) { RunException ex; int cstatus = in.readInt(); switch (cstatus) { case RESULT_USER_EXCEPTION: { // A user exception was the proximal cause. ex = readUserException(); break; } case RESULT_CORRALLED: { // An unresolved reference was the underlying cause. ex = readResolutionException(); break; } case RESULT_SUCCESS: { // End of chained exceptions break loop; } default: { throw new EngineTerminationException("Bad chained remote result code: " + cstatus); } } caused.initCause(ex); caused = ex; } caused.initCause(null); // root cause has no cause throw result; } case RESULT_STOPPED: { // Execution was aborted by the stop() throw new StoppedException(); } case RESULT_INTERNAL_PROBLEM: { // An internal error has occurred. String message = in.readUTF(); throw new InternalException(message); } case RESULT_TERMINATED: { String message = in.readUTF(); throw new EngineTerminationException(message); } default: { throw new EngineTerminationException("Bad remote result code: " + status); } } } catch (IOException | ClassNotFoundException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); throw new EngineTerminationException(ex.toString()); } } private UserException readUserException() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { String message = readNullOrUTF(); String exceptionClassName = in.readUTF(); StackTraceElement[] elems = (StackTraceElement[]) in.readObject(); return new UserException(message, exceptionClassName, elems); } private ResolutionException readResolutionException() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { int id = in.readInt(); StackTraceElement[] elems = (StackTraceElement[]) in.readObject(); return new ResolutionException(id, elems); } }