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package jdk.jshell;

import jdk.jshell.Snippet.Kind;
import jdk.jshell.Snippet.SubKind;

The Key is unique for a given signature. Used internal to the implementation to group signature matched Snippets. Snippet kinds without a signature (for example expressions) each have their own UniqueKey.
Author:Robert Field
/** * The Key is unique for a given signature. Used internal to the implementation * to group signature matched Snippets. Snippet kinds without a signature * (for example expressions) each have their own UniqueKey. * @author Robert Field */
abstract class Key {
The unique index for this Key
/** * The unique index for this Key */
private final int index;
The JShell corresponding to this Key
/** * The JShell corresponding to this Key */
private final JShell state; Key(JShell state) { this.index = state.nextKeyIndex(); this.state = state; }
The unique numeric identifier for the snippet. Snippets which replace or redefine existing snippets take on the same key index as the replaced or redefined snippet. The index values are monotonically increasing integers.
Returns:the Key index
/** * The unique numeric identifier for the snippet. Snippets which replace or * redefine existing snippets take on the same key index as the replaced or * redefined snippet. * The index values are monotonically increasing integers. * @return the Key index */
int index() { return index; }
The kind for the key. Indicates the subinterface of Key.
Returns:the Kind of the Key
/** * The kind for the key. Indicates the subinterface of Key. * @return the Kind of the Key */
abstract Kind kind();
For foreign key testing.
/** * For foreign key testing. */
JShell state() { return state; }
Grouping for snippets which persist and influence future code. They are keyed off at least the name. They may be Modified/Replaced with new input.
/** * Grouping for snippets which persist and influence future code. * They are keyed off at least the name. They may be Modified/Replaced * with new input. */
static abstract class PersistentKey extends Key { private final String name; PersistentKey(JShell state, String name) { super(state); this.name = name; }
Name of the snippet.
Returns:the name of the snippet.
/** * Name of the snippet. * * @return the name of the snippet. */
String name() { return name; } }
Grouping for snippets which reference declarations
/** * Grouping for snippets which reference declarations */
static abstract class DeclarationKey extends PersistentKey { DeclarationKey(JShell state, String name) { super(state, name); } }
Key for a class definition Keys of TYPE_DECL. Keyed off class name.
/** * Key for a class definition Keys of TYPE_DECL. Keyed off class name. */
static class TypeDeclKey extends DeclarationKey { TypeDeclKey(JShell state, String name) { super(state, name); } @Override Kind kind() { return Kind.TYPE_DECL; } @Override public String toString() { return "ClassKey(" + name() + ")#" + index(); } }
Key for a method definition Keys of METHOD. Keyed off method name and parameter types.
/** * Key for a method definition Keys of METHOD. Keyed off method name and * parameter types. */
static class MethodKey extends DeclarationKey { private final String parameterTypes; MethodKey(JShell state, String name, String parameterTypes) { super(state, name); this.parameterTypes = parameterTypes; } @Override Kind kind() { return Kind.METHOD; }
The parameter types of the method. Because of overloading of methods, the parameter types are part of the key.
Returns:a String representation of the parameter types of the method.
/** * The parameter types of the method. Because of overloading of methods, * the parameter types are part of the key. * * @return a String representation of the parameter types of the method. */
String parameterTypes() { return parameterTypes; } @Override public String toString() { return "MethodKey(" + name() + "(" + parameterTypes() + "))#" + index(); } }
Key for a variable definition Keys of VARIABLE. Keyed off variable name.
/** * Key for a variable definition Keys of VARIABLE. Keyed off variable * name. */
static class VarKey extends DeclarationKey { VarKey(JShell state, String name) { super(state, name); } @Override public Kind kind() { return Kind.VAR; } @Override public String toString() { return "VariableKey(" + name() + ")#" + index(); } }
Key for an import. Keys of IMPORT. Keyed off import text and whether import is static.
/** * Key for an import. Keys of IMPORT. Keyed off import text and whether * import is static. */
static class ImportKey extends PersistentKey { private final SubKind snippetKind; ImportKey(JShell state, String name,SubKind snippetKind) { super(state, name); this.snippetKind = snippetKind; } @Override public Kind kind() { return Kind.IMPORT; }
Which kind of import.
Returns:the appropriate SubKind.
/** * Which kind of import. * * @return the appropriate SubKind. */
SubKind snippetKind() { return snippetKind; } @Override public String toString() { return "ImportKey(" + name() + "," + snippetKind + ")#" + index(); } }
Grouping for snippets which are the key for only one input -- even if the exactly same entry is made again. The referenced snippets are thus unmodifiable.
/** * Grouping for snippets which are the key for only one input -- even if the * exactly same entry is made again. The referenced snippets are thus * unmodifiable. */
static abstract class UniqueKey extends Key { UniqueKey(JShell state) { super(state); } }
Key for a statement snippet. Keys of STATEMENT. Uniquely keyed, see UniqueKey.
/** * Key for a statement snippet. Keys of STATEMENT. Uniquely keyed, see * UniqueKey. */
static class StatementKey extends UniqueKey { StatementKey(JShell state) { super(state); } @Override public Kind kind() { return Kind.STATEMENT; } @Override public String toString() { return "StatementKey#" + index(); } }
Key for an expression. Keys of EXPRESSION. Uniquely keyed, see UniqueKey.
/** * Key for an expression. Keys of EXPRESSION. Uniquely keyed, see * UniqueKey. */
static class ExpressionKey extends UniqueKey { private final String name; private final String typeName; ExpressionKey(JShell state, String name, String typeName) { super(state); this.name = name; this.typeName = typeName; } @Override public Kind kind() { return Kind.EXPRESSION; }
Variable name which is the value of the expression. Since the expression is either just an identifier which is a variable or it is an assignment to a variable, there is always a variable which is the subject of the expression. All other expression snippets become temporary variables referenced by a VariableKey.
Returns:the name of the variable which is the subject of the expression.
/** * Variable name which is the value of the expression. Since the * expression is either just an identifier which is a variable or it is * an assignment to a variable, there is always a variable which is the * subject of the expression. All other expression snippets become * temporary variables referenced by a VariableKey. * * @return the name of the variable which is the subject of the * expression. */
String name() { return name; }
Type of the expression
Returns:String representation of the type of the expression.
/** * Type of the expression * * @return String representation of the type of the expression. */
String typeName() { return typeName; } @Override public String toString() { return "ExpressionKey(" + name() + ")#" + index(); } }
Key for an erroneous snippet. Keys of ERRONEOUS. Uniquely keyed, see UniqueKey.
/** * Key for an erroneous snippet. Keys of ERRONEOUS. Uniquely keyed, see * UniqueKey. */
static class ErroneousKey extends UniqueKey { ErroneousKey(JShell state) { super(state); } @Override Kind kind() { return Kind.ERRONEOUS; } @Override public String toString() { return "ErroneousKey#" + index(); } } }