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package jdk.internal.jshell.tool;

import java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.time.format.FormatStyle;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import static java.util.stream.Collectors.joining;
import static java.util.stream.Collectors.toList;
import static jdk.internal.jshell.tool.JShellTool.RECORD_SEPARATOR;
import static jdk.internal.jshell.tool.JShellTool.getResource;
import static jdk.internal.jshell.tool.JShellTool.readResource;
import static jdk.internal.jshell.tool.JShellTool.toPathResolvingUserHome;

Processing start-up "script" information. The startup may consist of several entries, each of which may have been read from a user file or be a built-in resource. The startup may also be empty ("-none"); Which is stored as the empty string different from unset (null). Built-in resources come from resource files. Startup is stored as named elements rather than concatenated text, for display purposes but also importantly so that when resources update with new releases the built-in will update.
Author:Robert Field
/** * Processing start-up "script" information. The startup may consist of several * entries, each of which may have been read from a user file or be a built-in * resource. The startup may also be empty ("-none"); Which is stored as the * empty string different from unset (null). Built-in resources come from * resource files. Startup is stored as named elements rather than concatenated * text, for display purposes but also importantly so that when resources update * with new releases the built-in will update. * @author Robert Field */
class Startup { // Store one entry in the start-up list private static class StartupEntry { // is this a JShell built-in? private final boolean isBuiltIn; // the file or resource name private final String name; // the commands/snippets as text private final String content; // for files, the date/time read in -- makes clear it is a snapshot private final String timeStamp; StartupEntry(boolean isBuiltIn, String name, String content) { this(isBuiltIn, name, content, ""); } StartupEntry(boolean isBuiltIn, String name, String content, String timeStamp) { this.isBuiltIn = isBuiltIn; this.name = name; this.content = content; this.timeStamp = timeStamp; } // string form to store in storage (e.g. Preferences) String storedForm() { return (isBuiltIn ? "*" : "-") + RECORD_SEPARATOR + name + RECORD_SEPARATOR + timeStamp + RECORD_SEPARATOR + content + RECORD_SEPARATOR; } // the content @Override public String toString() { return content; } @Override public int hashCode() { int hash = 7; hash = 41 * hash + (this.isBuiltIn ? 1 : 0); hash = 41 * hash + Objects.hashCode(this.name); if (!isBuiltIn) { hash = 41 * hash + Objects.hashCode(this.content); } return hash; } // built-ins match on name only. Time stamp isn't considered @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof StartupEntry)) { return false; } StartupEntry sue = (StartupEntry) o; return isBuiltIn == sue.isBuiltIn && name.equals(sue.name) && (isBuiltIn || content.equals(sue.content)); } } private static final String DEFAULT_STARTUP_NAME = "DEFAULT"; // cached DEFAULT start-up private static Startup defaultStartup = null; // the list of entries private List<StartupEntry> entries; // the concatenated content of the list of entries private String content; // created only with factory methods (below) private Startup(List<StartupEntry> entries) { this.entries = entries; this.content = entries.stream() .map(sue -> sue.toString()) .collect(joining()); } private Startup(StartupEntry entry) { this(Collections.singletonList(entry)); } // retrieve the content @Override public String toString() { return content; } @Override public int hashCode() { return 9 + Objects.hashCode(this.entries); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { return (o instanceof Startup) && entries.equals(((Startup) o).entries); } // are there no entries ("-none")? boolean isEmpty() { return entries.isEmpty(); } // is this the "-default" setting -- one entry which is DEFAULT boolean isDefault() { if (entries.size() == 1) { StartupEntry sue = entries.get(0); if (sue.isBuiltIn && sue.name.equals(DEFAULT_STARTUP_NAME)) { return true; } } return false; } // string form to store in storage (e.g. Preferences) String storedForm() { return entries.stream() .map(sue -> sue.storedForm()) .collect(joining()); } // show commands to re-create String show(boolean isRetained) { String cmd = "/set start " + (isRetained ? "-retain " : ""); if (isDefault()) { return cmd + "-default\n"; } else if (isEmpty()) { return cmd + "-none\n"; } else { return entries.stream() .map(sue -> sue.name) .collect(joining(" ", cmd, "\n")); } } // show corresponding contents for show() String showDetail() { if (isDefault() || isEmpty()) { return ""; } else { return entries.stream() .map(sue -> "---- " + sue.name + (sue.timeStamp.isEmpty() ? "" : " @ " + sue.timeStamp) + " ----\n" + sue.content) .collect(joining()); } }
Factory method: Unpack from stored form.
  • storedForm – the Startup in the form as stored on persistent storage (e.g. Preferences)
  • mh – handler for error messages
Returns:Startup, or default startup when error (message has been printed)
/** * Factory method: Unpack from stored form. * * @param storedForm the Startup in the form as stored on persistent * storage (e.g. Preferences) * @param mh handler for error messages * @return Startup, or default startup when error (message has been printed) */
static Startup unpack(String storedForm, MessageHandler mh) { if (storedForm != null) { if (storedForm.isEmpty()) { return noStartup(); } try { String[] all = storedForm.split(RECORD_SEPARATOR); if (all.length == 1) { // legacy (content only) return new Startup(new StartupEntry(false, "user.jsh", storedForm)); } else if (all.length % 4 == 0) { List<StartupEntry> e = new ArrayList<>(all.length / 4); for (int i = 0; i < all.length; i += 4) { final boolean isBuiltIn; switch (all[i]) { case "*": isBuiltIn = true; break; case "-": isBuiltIn = false; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected StartupEntry kind: " + all[i]); } String name = all[i + 1]; String timeStamp = all[i + 2]; String content = all[i + 3]; if (isBuiltIn) { // update to current definition, use stored if removed/error String resource = getResource(name); if (resource != null) { content = resource; } } e.add(new StartupEntry(isBuiltIn, name, content, timeStamp)); } return new Startup(e); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected StartupEntry entry count: " + all.length); } } catch (Exception ex) { mh.errormsg("jshell.err.corrupted.stored.startup", ex.getMessage()); } } return defaultStartup(mh); }
Factory method: Read Startup from a list of external files or resources.
  • fns – list of file/resource names to access
  • context – printable non-natural language context for errors
  • mh – handler for error messages
Returns:files as Startup, or null when error (message has been printed)
/** * Factory method: Read Startup from a list of external files or resources. * * @param fns list of file/resource names to access * @param context printable non-natural language context for errors * @param mh handler for error messages * @return files as Startup, or null when error (message has been printed) */
static Startup fromFileList(List<String> fns, String context, MessageHandler mh) { List<StartupEntry> entries = fns.stream() .map(fn -> readFile(fn, context, mh)) .collect(toList()); if (entries.stream().anyMatch(sue -> sue == null)) { return null; } return new Startup(entries); }
Read a external file or a resource.
  • filename – file/resource to access
  • context – printable non-natural language context for errors
  • mh – handler for error messages
Returns:file as startup entry, or null when error (message has been printed)
/** * Read a external file or a resource. * * @param filename file/resource to access * @param context printable non-natural language context for errors * @param mh handler for error messages * @return file as startup entry, or null when error (message has been printed) */
private static StartupEntry readFile(String filename, String context, MessageHandler mh) { if (filename != null) { try { byte[] encoded = Files.readAllBytes(toPathResolvingUserHome(filename)); return new StartupEntry(false, filename, new String(encoded), LocalDateTime.now().format(DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedDateTime(FormatStyle.MEDIUM))); } catch (AccessDeniedException e) { mh.errormsg("jshell.err.file.not.accessible", context, filename, e.getMessage()); } catch (NoSuchFileException e) { String resource = getResource(filename); if (resource != null) { // Not found as file, but found as resource return new StartupEntry(true, filename, resource); } mh.errormsg("jshell.err.file.not.found", context, filename); } catch (Exception e) { mh.errormsg("jshell.err.file.exception", context, filename, e); } } else { mh.errormsg("jshell.err.file.filename", context); } return null; }
Factory method: The empty Startup ("-none").
Returns:the empty Startup
/** * Factory method: The empty Startup ("-none"). * * @return the empty Startup */
static Startup noStartup() { return new Startup(Collections.emptyList()); }
Factory method: The default Startup ("-default.").
  • mh – handler for error messages
Returns:The default Startup, or empty startup when error (message has been printed)
/** * Factory method: The default Startup ("-default."). * * @param mh handler for error messages * @return The default Startup, or empty startup when error (message has been printed) */
static Startup defaultStartup(MessageHandler mh) { if (defaultStartup != null) { return defaultStartup; } try { String content = readResource(DEFAULT_STARTUP_NAME); return defaultStartup = new Startup( new StartupEntry(true, DEFAULT_STARTUP_NAME, content)); } catch (AccessDeniedException e) { mh.errormsg("jshell.err.file.not.accessible", "jshell", DEFAULT_STARTUP_NAME, e.getMessage()); } catch (NoSuchFileException e) { mh.errormsg("jshell.err.file.not.found", "jshell", DEFAULT_STARTUP_NAME); } catch (Exception e) { mh.errormsg("jshell.err.file.exception", "jshell", DEFAULT_STARTUP_NAME, e); } return defaultStartup = noStartup(); } }