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 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
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package com.sun.tools.jdeprscan.scan;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.jar.JarEntry;
import java.util.jar.JarFile;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.util.stream.Stream;

import com.sun.tools.classfile.*;
import com.sun.tools.jdeprscan.DeprData;
import com.sun.tools.jdeprscan.DeprDB;
import com.sun.tools.jdeprscan.Messages;

import static com.sun.tools.classfile.AccessFlags.*;
import static com.sun.tools.classfile.ConstantPool.*;

An object that represents the scanning phase of deprecation usage checking. Given a deprecation database, scans the targeted directory hierarchy, jar file, or individual class for uses of deprecated APIs.
/** * An object that represents the scanning phase of deprecation usage checking. * Given a deprecation database, scans the targeted directory hierarchy, jar * file, or individual class for uses of deprecated APIs. */
public class Scan { final PrintStream out; final PrintStream err; final List<String> classPath; final DeprDB db; final boolean verbose; final ClassFinder finder; final Set<String> classesNotFound = new HashSet<>(); boolean errorOccurred = false; public Scan(PrintStream out, PrintStream err, List<String> classPath, DeprDB db, boolean verbose) { this.out = out; this.err = err; this.classPath = classPath; this.db = db; this.verbose = verbose; ClassFinder f = new ClassFinder(verbose); // TODO: this isn't quite right. If we've specified a release other than the current // one, we should instead add a reference to the symbol file for that release instead // of the current image. The problems are a) it's unclear how to get from a release // to paths that reference the symbol files, as this might be internal to the file // manager; and b) the symbol file includes .sig files, not class files, which ClassFile // might not be able to handle. f.addJrt(); for (String name : classPath) { if (name.endsWith(".jar")) { f.addJar(name); } else { f.addDir(name); } } finder = f; }
Given a descriptor type, extracts and returns the class name from it, if any. These types are obtained from field descriptors (JVMS 4.3.2) and method descriptors (JVMS 4.3.3). They have one of the following forms: I // or any other primitive, or V for void [I // array of primitives, including multi-dimensional Lname; // the named class [Lname; // array whose component is the named class (also multi-d) This method extracts and returns the class name, or returns empty for primitives, void, or array of primitives. Returns nullable reference instead of Optional because downstream processing can throw checked exceptions.
  • descType – the type from a descriptor
Returns:the extracted class name, or null
/** * Given a descriptor type, extracts and returns the class name from it, if any. * These types are obtained from field descriptors (JVMS 4.3.2) and method * descriptors (JVMS 4.3.3). They have one of the following forms: * * I // or any other primitive, or V for void * [I // array of primitives, including multi-dimensional * Lname; // the named class * [Lname; // array whose component is the named class (also multi-d) * * This method extracts and returns the class name, or returns empty for primitives, void, * or array of primitives. * * Returns nullable reference instead of Optional because downstream * processing can throw checked exceptions. * * @param descType the type from a descriptor * @return the extracted class name, or null */
String nameFromDescType(String descType) { Matcher matcher = descTypePattern.matcher(descType); if (matcher.matches()) { return matcher.group(1); } else { return null; } } Pattern descTypePattern = Pattern.compile("\\[*L(.*);");
Given a ref type name, extracts and returns the class name from it, if any. Ref type names are obtained from a Class_info structure (JVMS 4.4.1) and from Fieldref_info, Methodref_info, and InterfaceMethodref_info structures (JVMS 4.4.2). They represent named classes or array classes mentioned by name, and they represent class or interface types that have the referenced field or method as a member. They have one of the following forms: [I // array of primitives, including multi-dimensional name // the named class [Lname; // array whose component is the named class (also multi-d) Notably, a plain class name doesn't have the L prefix and ; suffix, and primitives and void do not occur. Returns nullable reference instead of Optional because downstream processing can throw checked exceptions.
  • refType – a reference type name
Returns:the extracted class name, or null
/** * Given a ref type name, extracts and returns the class name from it, if any. * Ref type names are obtained from a Class_info structure (JVMS 4.4.1) and from * Fieldref_info, Methodref_info, and InterfaceMethodref_info structures (JVMS 4.4.2). * They represent named classes or array classes mentioned by name, and they * represent class or interface types that have the referenced field or method * as a member. They have one of the following forms: * * [I // array of primitives, including multi-dimensional * name // the named class * [Lname; // array whose component is the named class (also multi-d) * * Notably, a plain class name doesn't have the L prefix and ; suffix, and * primitives and void do not occur. * * Returns nullable reference instead of Optional because downstream * processing can throw checked exceptions. * * @param refType a reference type name * @return the extracted class name, or null */
String nameFromRefType(String refType) { Matcher matcher = refTypePattern.matcher(refType); if (matcher.matches()) { return matcher.group(1); } else if (refType.startsWith("[")) { return null; } else { return refType; } } Pattern refTypePattern = Pattern.compile("\\[+L(.*);"); String typeKind(ClassFile cf) { AccessFlags flags = cf.access_flags; if (flags.is(ACC_ENUM)) { return "enum"; } else if (flags.is(ACC_ANNOTATION)) { return "@interface"; } else if (flags.is(ACC_INTERFACE)) { return "interface"; } else { return "class"; } } String dep(boolean forRemoval) { return Messages.get(forRemoval ? "scan.dep.removal" : "scan.dep.normal"); } void printType(String key, ClassFile cf, String cname, boolean r) throws ConstantPoolException { out.println(Messages.get(key, typeKind(cf), cf.getName(), cname, dep(r))); } void printMethod(String key, ClassFile cf, String cname, String mname, String rtype, boolean r) throws ConstantPoolException { out.println(Messages.get(key, typeKind(cf), cf.getName(), cname, mname, rtype, dep(r))); } void printField(String key, ClassFile cf, String cname, String fname, boolean r) throws ConstantPoolException { out.println(Messages.get(key, typeKind(cf), cf.getName(), cname, fname, dep(r))); } void printFieldType(String key, ClassFile cf, String cname, String fname, String type, boolean r) throws ConstantPoolException { out.println(Messages.get(key, typeKind(cf), cf.getName(), cname, fname, type, dep(r))); } void printHasField(ClassFile cf, String fname, String type, boolean r) throws ConstantPoolException { out.println(Messages.get("scan.out.hasfield", typeKind(cf), cf.getName(), fname, type, dep(r))); } void printHasMethodParmType(ClassFile cf, String mname, String parmType, boolean r) throws ConstantPoolException { out.println(Messages.get("scan.out.methodparmtype", typeKind(cf), cf.getName(), mname, parmType, dep(r))); } void printHasMethodRetType(ClassFile cf, String mname, String retType, boolean r) throws ConstantPoolException { out.println(Messages.get("scan.out.methodrettype", typeKind(cf), cf.getName(), mname, retType, dep(r))); } void printHasOverriddenMethod(ClassFile cf, String overridden, String mname, String desc, boolean r) throws ConstantPoolException { out.println(Messages.get("scan.out.methodoverride", typeKind(cf), cf.getName(), overridden, mname, desc, dep(r))); } void errorException(Exception ex) { errorOccurred = true; err.println(Messages.get("scan.err.exception", ex.toString())); if (verbose) { ex.printStackTrace(err); } } void errorNoClass(String className) { errorOccurred = true; if (classesNotFound.add(className)) { // print message only first time the class can't be found err.println(Messages.get("scan.err.noclass", className)); } } void errorNoFile(String fileName) { errorOccurred = true; err.println(Messages.get("scan.err.nofile", fileName)); } void errorNoMethod(String className, String methodName, String desc) { errorOccurred = true; err.println(Messages.get("scan.err.nomethod", className, methodName, desc)); }
Checks whether a member (method or field) is present in a class. The checkMethod parameter determines whether this checks for a method or for a field.
  • targetClass – the ClassFile of the class to search
  • targetName – the method or field's name
  • targetDesc – the methods descriptor (ignored if checkMethod is false)
  • checkMethod – true if checking for method, false if checking for field
Returns:boolean indicating whether the member is present
/** * Checks whether a member (method or field) is present in a class. * The checkMethod parameter determines whether this checks for a method * or for a field. * * @param targetClass the ClassFile of the class to search * @param targetName the method or field's name * @param targetDesc the methods descriptor (ignored if checkMethod is false) * @param checkMethod true if checking for method, false if checking for field * @return boolean indicating whether the member is present * @throws ConstantPoolException if a constant pool entry cannot be found */
boolean isMemberPresent(ClassFile targetClass, String targetName, String targetDesc, boolean checkMethod) throws ConstantPoolException { if (checkMethod) { for (Method m : targetClass.methods) { String mname = m.getName(targetClass.constant_pool); String mdesc = targetClass.constant_pool.getUTF8Value(m.descriptor.index); if (targetName.equals(mname) && targetDesc.equals(mdesc)) { return true; } } } else { for (Field f : targetClass.fields) { String fname = f.getName(targetClass.constant_pool); if (targetName.equals(fname)) { return true; } } } return false; }
Adds all interfaces from this class to the deque of interfaces.
  • intfs – the deque of interfaces
  • cf – the ClassFile of this class
/** * Adds all interfaces from this class to the deque of interfaces. * * @param intfs the deque of interfaces * @param cf the ClassFile of this class * @throws ConstantPoolException if a constant pool entry cannot be found */
void addInterfaces(Deque<String> intfs, ClassFile cf) throws ConstantPoolException { int count = cf.interfaces.length; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { intfs.addLast(cf.getInterfaceName(i)); } }
Resolves a member by searching this class and all its superclasses and implemented interfaces. TODO: handles a few too many cases; needs cleanup. TODO: refine error handling
  • cf – the ClassFile of this class
  • startClassName – the name of the class at which to start searching
  • findName – the member name to search for
  • findDesc – the method descriptor to search for (ignored for fields)
  • resolveMethod – true if resolving a method, false if resolving a field
  • checkStartClass – true if the start class should be searched, false if it should be skipped
Returns:the name of the class where the member resolved, or null
/** * Resolves a member by searching this class and all its superclasses and * implemented interfaces. * * TODO: handles a few too many cases; needs cleanup. * * TODO: refine error handling * * @param cf the ClassFile of this class * @param startClassName the name of the class at which to start searching * @param findName the member name to search for * @param findDesc the method descriptor to search for (ignored for fields) * @param resolveMethod true if resolving a method, false if resolving a field * @param checkStartClass true if the start class should be searched, false if * it should be skipped * @return the name of the class where the member resolved, or null * @throws ConstantPoolException if a constant pool entry cannot be found */
String resolveMember( ClassFile cf, String startClassName, String findName, String findDesc, boolean resolveMethod, boolean checkStartClass) throws ConstantPoolException { ClassFile startClass; if (cf.getName().equals(startClassName)) { startClass = cf; } else { startClass = finder.find(startClassName); if (startClass == null) { errorNoClass(startClassName); return startClassName; } } // follow super_class until it's 0, meaning we've reached Object // accumulate interfaces of superclasses as we go along ClassFile curClass = startClass; Deque<String> intfs = new ArrayDeque<>(); while (true) { if ((checkStartClass || curClass != startClass) && isMemberPresent(curClass, findName, findDesc, resolveMethod)) { break; } if (curClass.super_class == 0) { // reached Object curClass = null; break; } String superName = curClass.getSuperclassName(); curClass = finder.find(superName); if (curClass == null) { errorNoClass(superName); break; } addInterfaces(intfs, curClass); } // search interfaces: add all interfaces and superinterfaces to queue // search until it's empty if (curClass == null) { addInterfaces(intfs, startClass); while (intfs.size() > 0) { String intf = intfs.removeFirst(); curClass = finder.find(intf); if (curClass == null) { errorNoClass(intf); break; } if (isMemberPresent(curClass, findName, findDesc, resolveMethod)) { break; } addInterfaces(intfs, curClass); } } if (curClass == null) { if (checkStartClass) { errorNoMethod(startClassName, findName, findDesc); return startClassName; } else { // TODO: refactor this // checkStartClass == false means we're checking for overrides // so not being able to resolve a method simply means there's // no overriding, which isn't an error return null; } } else { String foundClassName = curClass.getName(); return foundClassName; } }
Checks the superclass of this class.
  • cf – the ClassFile of this class
/** * Checks the superclass of this class. * * @param cf the ClassFile of this class * @throws ConstantPoolException if a constant pool entry cannot be found */
void checkSuper(ClassFile cf) throws ConstantPoolException { String sname = cf.getSuperclassName(); DeprData dd = db.getTypeDeprecated(sname); if (dd != null) { printType("scan.out.extends", cf, sname, dd.isForRemoval()); } }
Checks the interfaces of this class.
  • cf – the ClassFile of this class
/** * Checks the interfaces of this class. * * @param cf the ClassFile of this class * @throws ConstantPoolException if a constant pool entry cannot be found */
void checkInterfaces(ClassFile cf) throws ConstantPoolException { int ni = cf.interfaces.length; for (int i = 0; i < ni; i++) { String iname = cf.getInterfaceName(i); DeprData dd = db.getTypeDeprecated(iname); if (dd != null) { printType("scan.out.implements", cf, iname, dd.isForRemoval()); } } }
Checks Class_info entries in the constant pool.
  • cf – the ClassFile of this class
  • entries – constant pool entries collected from this class
/** * Checks Class_info entries in the constant pool. * * @param cf the ClassFile of this class * @param entries constant pool entries collected from this class * @throws ConstantPoolException if a constant pool entry cannot be found */
void checkClasses(ClassFile cf, CPEntries entries) throws ConstantPoolException { for (ConstantPool.CONSTANT_Class_info ci : entries.classes) { String name = nameFromRefType(ci.getName()); if (name != null) { DeprData dd = db.getTypeDeprecated(name); if (dd != null) { printType("scan.out.usesclass", cf, name, dd.isForRemoval()); } } } }
Checks methods referred to from the constant pool.
  • cf – the ClassFile of this class
  • clname – the class name
  • nti – the NameAndType_info from a MethodRef or InterfaceMethodRef entry
  • msgKey – message key for localization
/** * Checks methods referred to from the constant pool. * * @param cf the ClassFile of this class * @param clname the class name * @param nti the NameAndType_info from a MethodRef or InterfaceMethodRef entry * @param msgKey message key for localization * @throws ConstantPoolException if a constant pool entry cannot be found */
void checkMethodRef(ClassFile cf, String clname, CONSTANT_NameAndType_info nti, String msgKey) throws ConstantPoolException { String name = nti.getName(); String type = nti.getType(); clname = nameFromRefType(clname); if (clname != null) { clname = resolveMember(cf, clname, name, type, true, true); DeprData dd = db.getMethodDeprecated(clname, name, type); if (dd != null) { printMethod(msgKey, cf, clname, name, type, dd.isForRemoval()); } } }
Checks fields referred to from the constant pool.
  • cf – the ClassFile of this class
/** * Checks fields referred to from the constant pool. * * @param cf the ClassFile of this class * @throws ConstantPoolException if a constant pool entry cannot be found */
void checkFieldRef(ClassFile cf, ConstantPool.CONSTANT_Fieldref_info fri) throws ConstantPoolException { String clname = nameFromRefType(fri.getClassName()); CONSTANT_NameAndType_info nti = fri.getNameAndTypeInfo(); String name = nti.getName(); String type = nti.getType(); if (clname != null) { clname = resolveMember(cf, clname, name, type, false, true); DeprData dd = db.getFieldDeprecated(clname, name); if (dd != null) { printField("scan.out.usesfield", cf, clname, name, dd.isForRemoval()); } } }
Checks the fields declared in this class.
  • cf – the ClassFile of this class
/** * Checks the fields declared in this class. * * @param cf the ClassFile of this class * @throws ConstantPoolException if a constant pool entry cannot be found */
void checkFields(ClassFile cf) throws ConstantPoolException { for (Field f : cf.fields) { String type = nameFromDescType(cf.constant_pool.getUTF8Value(f.descriptor.index)); if (type != null) { DeprData dd = db.getTypeDeprecated(type); if (dd != null) { printHasField(cf, f.getName(cf.constant_pool), type, dd.isForRemoval()); } } } }
Checks the methods declared in this class.
  • cf – the ClassFile object of this class
/** * Checks the methods declared in this class. * * @param cf the ClassFile object of this class * @throws ConstantPoolException if a constant pool entry cannot be found */
void checkMethods(ClassFile cf) throws ConstantPoolException { for (Method m : cf.methods) { String mname = m.getName(cf.constant_pool); String desc = cf.constant_pool.getUTF8Value(m.descriptor.index); MethodSig sig = MethodSig.fromDesc(desc); DeprData dd; for (String parm : sig.getParameters()) { parm = nameFromDescType(parm); if (parm != null) { dd = db.getTypeDeprecated(parm); if (dd != null) { printHasMethodParmType(cf, mname, parm, dd.isForRemoval()); } } } String ret = nameFromDescType(sig.getReturnType()); if (ret != null) { dd = db.getTypeDeprecated(ret); if (dd != null) { printHasMethodRetType(cf, mname, ret, dd.isForRemoval()); } } // check overrides String overridden = resolveMember(cf, cf.getName(), mname, desc, true, false); if (overridden != null) { dd = db.getMethodDeprecated(overridden, mname, desc); if (dd != null) { printHasOverriddenMethod(cf, overridden, mname, desc, dd.isForRemoval()); } } } }
Processes a single class file.
  • cf – the ClassFile of the class
/** * Processes a single class file. * * @param cf the ClassFile of the class * @throws ConstantPoolException if a constant pool entry cannot be found */
void processClass(ClassFile cf) throws ConstantPoolException { if (verbose) { out.println(Messages.get("scan.process.class", cf.getName())); } CPEntries entries = CPEntries.loadFrom(cf); checkSuper(cf); checkInterfaces(cf); checkClasses(cf, entries); for (ConstantPool.CONSTANT_Methodref_info mri : entries.methodRefs) { String clname = mri.getClassName(); CONSTANT_NameAndType_info nti = mri.getNameAndTypeInfo(); checkMethodRef(cf, clname, nti, "scan.out.usesmethod"); } for (ConstantPool.CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref_info imri : entries.intfMethodRefs) { String clname = imri.getClassName(); CONSTANT_NameAndType_info nti = imri.getNameAndTypeInfo(); checkMethodRef(cf, clname, nti, "scan.out.usesintfmethod"); } for (ConstantPool.CONSTANT_Fieldref_info fri : entries.fieldRefs) { checkFieldRef(cf, fri); } checkFields(cf); checkMethods(cf); }
Scans a jar file for uses of deprecated APIs.
  • jarname – the jar file to process
Returns:true on success, false on failure
/** * Scans a jar file for uses of deprecated APIs. * * @param jarname the jar file to process * @return true on success, false on failure */
public boolean scanJar(String jarname) { try (JarFile jf = new JarFile(jarname)) { out.println(Messages.get("scan.head.jar", jarname)); finder.addJar(jarname); Enumeration<JarEntry> entries = jf.entries(); while (entries.hasMoreElements()) { JarEntry entry = entries.nextElement(); String name = entry.getName(); if (name.endsWith(".class") && !name.endsWith("package-info.class") && !name.endsWith("module-info.class")) { processClass(ClassFile.read(jf.getInputStream(entry))); } } return true; } catch (NoSuchFileException nsfe) { errorNoFile(jarname); } catch (IOException | ConstantPoolException ex) { errorException(ex); } return false; }
Scans class files in the named directory hierarchy for uses of deprecated APIs.
  • dirname – the directory hierarchy to process
Returns:true on success, false on failure
/** * Scans class files in the named directory hierarchy for uses of deprecated APIs. * * @param dirname the directory hierarchy to process * @return true on success, false on failure */
public boolean scanDir(String dirname) { Path base = Paths.get(dirname); int baseCount = base.getNameCount(); finder.addDir(dirname); try (Stream<Path> paths = Files.walk(Paths.get(dirname))) { List<Path> classes = paths.filter(p -> p.getNameCount() > baseCount) .filter(path -> path.toString().endsWith(".class")) .filter(path -> !path.toString().endsWith("package-info.class")) .filter(path -> !path.toString().endsWith("module-info.class")) .collect(Collectors.toList()); out.println(Messages.get("scan.head.dir", dirname)); for (Path p : classes) { processClass(ClassFile.read(p)); } return true; } catch (IOException | ConstantPoolException ex) { errorException(ex); return false; } }
Scans the named class for uses of deprecated APIs.
  • className – the class to scan
Returns:true on success, false on failure
/** * Scans the named class for uses of deprecated APIs. * * @param className the class to scan * @return true on success, false on failure */
public boolean processClassName(String className) { try { ClassFile cf = finder.find(className); if (cf == null) { errorNoClass(className); return false; } else { processClass(cf); return true; } } catch (ConstantPoolException ex) { errorException(ex); return false; } }
Scans the named class file for uses of deprecated APIs.
  • fileName – the class file to scan
Returns:true on success, false on failure
/** * Scans the named class file for uses of deprecated APIs. * * @param fileName the class file to scan * @return true on success, false on failure */
public boolean processClassFile(String fileName) { Path path = Paths.get(fileName); try { ClassFile cf = ClassFile.read(path); processClass(cf); return true; } catch (NoSuchFileException nsfe) { errorNoFile(fileName); } catch (IOException | ConstantPoolException ex) { errorException(ex); } return false; } }