package jdk.javadoc.internal.doclets.toolkit.resources;

public final class doclets extends java.util.ListResourceBundle {
    protected final Object[][] getContents() {
        return new Object[][] {
            { "doclet.Abstract_Methods", "Abstract Methods" },
            { "doclet.All_Classes", "All Classes" },
            { "doclet.All_Implemented_Interfaces", "All Implemented Interfaces:" },
            { "doclet.All_Methods", "All Methods" },
            { "doclet.All_Modules", "All Modules" },
            { "doclet.All_Packages", "All Packages" },
            { "doclet.All_Superinterfaces", "All Superinterfaces:" },
            { "doclet.All_classes_and_interfaces", "All classes and interfaces (except non-static nested types)" },
            { "doclet.AnnotationType", "Annotation Type" },
            { "doclet.AnnotationTypes", "Annotation Types" },
            { "doclet.Annotation_Type_Member", "Annotation Type Element" },
            { "doclet.Annotation_Type_Member_Detail", "Element Detail" },
            { "doclet.Annotation_Type_Optional_Member", "Optional Element" },
            { "doclet.Annotation_Type_Optional_Member_Summary", "Optional Element Summary" },
            { "doclet.Annotation_Type_Optional_Members", "Optional Elements" },
            { "doclet.Annotation_Type_Required_Member", "Required Element" },
            { "doclet.Annotation_Type_Required_Member_Summary", "Required Element Summary" },
            { "doclet.Annotation_Type_Required_Members", "Required Elements" },
            { "doclet.Annotation_Types_Summary", "Annotation Types Summary" },
            { "doclet.Author", "Author:" },
            { "doclet.Building_Index", "Building index for all the packages and classes..." },
            { "doclet.Building_Index_For_All_Classes", "Building index for all classes..." },
            { "doclet.Building_Tree", "Building tree for all the packages and classes..." },
            { "doclet.Class", "Class" },
            { "doclet.Class_0_extends_implements_serializable", "Class {0} extends {1} implements Serializable" },
            { "doclet.Class_0_implements_serializable", "Class {0} implements Serializable" },
            { "doclet.Class_Summary", "Class Summary" },
            { "doclet.Classes", "Classes" },
            { "doclet.Concealed_Packages_Summary", "Concealed" },
            { "doclet.Concrete_Methods", "Concrete Methods" },
            { "doclet.ConstantField", "Constant Field" },
            { "doclet.Constants_Summary", "Constant Field Values" },
            { "doclet.Constants_Table_Summary", "{0} table, listing constant fields, and values" },
            { "doclet.Constructor", "Constructor" },
            { "doclet.Constructor_Detail", "Constructor Detail" },
            { "doclet.Constructor_Summary", "Constructor Summary" },
            { "doclet.Constructors", "Constructors" },
            { "doclet.Copy_Overwrite_warning", "File {0} not copied to {1} due to existing file with same name..." },
            { "doclet.Copying_File_0_To_Dir_1", "Copying file {0} to directory {1}..." },
            { "doclet.Copying_File_0_To_File_1", "Copying file {0} to file {1}..." },
            { "doclet.Default", "Default:" },
            { "doclet.DefaultValue", "Default value:" },
            { "doclet.Default_Methods", "Default Methods" },
            { "doclet.Deprecated", "Deprecated." },
            { "doclet.DeprecatedForRemoval", "Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version." },
            { "doclet.Deprecated_Methods", "Deprecated Methods" },
            { "doclet.Description", "Description" },
            { "doclet.Encoding_not_supported", "Encoding not supported: {0}" },
            { "doclet.Enum", "Enum" },
            { "doclet.Enum_Constant", "Enum Constant" },
            { "doclet.Enum_Constant_Detail", "Enum Constant Detail" },
            { "doclet.Enum_Constant_Summary", "Enum Constant Summary" },
            { "doclet.Enum_Constants", "Enum Constants" },
            { "doclet.Enum_Summary", "Enum Summary" },
            { "doclet.Enums", "Enums" },
            { "doclet.Error", "Error" },
            { "doclet.Error_Summary", "Error Summary" },
            { "doclet.Error_invalid_custom_tag_argument", "Error - {0} is an invalid argument to the -tag option..." },
            { "doclet.Error_taglet_not_registered", "Error - Exception {0} thrown while trying to register Taglet {1}..." },
            { "doclet.Errors", "Errors" },
            { "doclet.Exception", "Exception" },
            { "doclet.Exception_Summary", "Exception Summary" },
            { "doclet.Exceptions", "Exceptions" },
            { "doclet.ExportedTo", "Exported To Modules" },
            { "doclet.Exported_Packages_Summary", "Exports" },
            { "doclet.Factory", "Factory:" },
            { "doclet.Field", "Field" },
            { "doclet.Field_Detail", "Field Detail" },
            { "doclet.Field_Summary", "Field Summary" },
            { "doclet.Fields", "Fields" },
            { "doclet.Fields_Declared_In_Class", "Fields declared in class" },
            { "doclet.Fields_Declared_In_Interface", "Fields declared in interface" },
            { "doclet.Fields_Inherited_From_Class", "Fields inherited from class" },
            { "doclet.Fields_Inherited_From_Interface", "Fields inherited from interface" },
            { "doclet.File_not_found", "File not found: {0}" },
            { "doclet.From", "From" },
            { "doclet.Generating_0", "Generating {0}..." },
            { "doclet.Groupname_already_used", "In -group option, groupname already used: {0}" },
            { "doclet.Implementation", "Implementation(s):" },
            { "doclet.Indirect_Exports_Summary", "Indirect Exports" },
            { "doclet.Indirect_Opens_Summary", "Indirect Opens" },
            { "doclet.Indirect_Packages_Table_Summary", "{0} table, listing {1}, and {2}" },
            { "doclet.Indirect_Requires_Summary", "Indirect Requires" },
            { "doclet.Instance_Methods", "Instance Methods" },
            { "doclet.Interface", "Interface" },
            { "doclet.Interface_Summary", "Interface Summary" },
            { "doclet.Interfaces", "Interfaces" },
            { "doclet.JavaScript_in_comment", "JavaScript found in documentation comment.\nUse --allow-script-in-comments to allow use of JavaScript." },
            { "doclet.JavaScript_in_option", "option {0} contains JavaScript.\nUse --allow-script-in-comments to allow use of JavaScript." },
            { "doclet.Member_Table_Summary", "{0} table, listing {1}, and an explanation" },
            { "doclet.Method", "Method" },
            { "doclet.Method_Detail", "Method Detail" },
            { "doclet.Method_Summary", "Method Summary" },
            { "doclet.Methods", "Methods" },
            { "doclet.Methods_Declared_In_Class", "Methods declared in class" },
            { "doclet.Methods_Declared_In_Interface", "Methods declared in interface" },
            { "doclet.Methods_Inherited_From_Class", "Methods inherited from class" },
            { "doclet.Methods_Inherited_From_Interface", "Methods inherited from interface" },
            { "doclet.MissingSerialDataTag", "in class {0}, missing @serialData tag in method {1}." },
            { "doclet.MissingSerialTag", "in class {0}, missing @serial tag for default serializable field: {1}." },
            { "doclet.Modifier", "Modifier" },
            { "doclet.Modifier_and_Type", "Modifier and Type" },
            { "doclet.Module_Summary", "Module Summary" },
            { "doclet.Modules", "Modules" },
            { "doclet.Nested_Class_Summary", "Nested Class Summary" },
            { "doclet.Nested_Classes", "Nested Classes" },
            { "doclet.Nested_Classes_Interfaces_Declared_In_Class", "Nested classes/interfaces declared in class" },
            { "doclet.Nested_Classes_Interfaces_Declared_In_Interface", "Nested classes/interfaces declared in interface" },
            { "doclet.Nested_Classes_Interfaces_Inherited_From_Class", "Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class" },
            { "doclet.Nested_Classes_Interfaces_Inherited_From_Interface", "Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface" },
            { "doclet.No_Public_Classes_To_Document", "No public or protected classes found to document." },
            { "doclet.Notice_taglet_conflict_warn", "Note: Custom tags that could override future standard tags: {0}. To avoid potential overrides, use at least one period character (.) in custom tag names." },
            { "doclet.Notice_taglet_overriden", "Note: Custom tags that override standard tags: {0}" },
            { "doclet.Notice_taglet_registered", "Registered Taglet {0} ..." },
            { "doclet.Notice_taglet_unseen", "Note: Custom tags that were not seen: {0}" },
            { "doclet.OpenedTo", "Opened To Modules" },
            { "doclet.Opened_Packages_Summary", "Opens" },
            { "doclet.Option_conflict", "Option {0} conflicts with {1}" },
            { "doclet.Option_doclint_invalid_arg", "Invalid argument for -Xdoclint option" },
            { "doclet.Option_doclint_no_qualifiers", "Access qualifiers not permitted for -Xdoclint arguments" },
            { "doclet.Option_doclint_package_invalid_arg", "Invalid argument for -Xdoclint/package option" },
            { "doclet.Option_invalid", "Invalid argument {0} for {1} option" },
            { "doclet.Option_reuse", "Option reused: {0}" },
            { "doclet.Other_Modules", "Other Modules" },
            { "doclet.Other_Packages", "Other Packages" },
            { "doclet.Package_Summary", "Package Summary" },
            { "doclet.Package_class_and_interface_descriptions", "Package, class and interface descriptions" },
            { "doclet.Package_private", "(package private)" },
            { "doclet.Packages", "Packages" },
            { "doclet.Packages_Summary", "Packages" },
            { "doclet.Parameters", "Parameters:" },
            { "doclet.Parameters_dup_warn", "Parameter \"{0}\" is documented more than once." },
            { "doclet.Parameters_warn", "@param argument \"{0}\" is not a parameter name." },
            { "doclet.Properties", "Properties" },
            { "doclet.Properties_Declared_In_Class", "Properties declared in class" },
            { "doclet.Properties_Declared_In_Interface", "Properties declared in interface" },
            { "doclet.Properties_Inherited_From_Class", "Properties inherited from class" },
            { "doclet.Properties_Inherited_From_Interface", "Properties inherited from interface" },
            { "doclet.Property", "Property" },
            { "doclet.PropertyDescription", "Property description:" },
            { "doclet.PropertyGetter", "Gets the value of the property" },
            { "doclet.PropertyGetterWithName", "Gets the value of the property {0}." },
            { "doclet.PropertySetter", "Sets the value of the property" },
            { "doclet.PropertySetterWithName", "Sets the value of the property {0}." },
            { "doclet.Property_Detail", "Property Detail" },
            { "doclet.Property_Summary", "Property Summary" },
            { "doclet.Provides_Summary", "Provides" },
            { "doclet.Requires_Summary", "Requires" },
            { "doclet.Return_tag_on_void_method", "@return tag cannot be used in method with void return type." },
            { "doclet.Returns", "Returns:" },
            { "doclet.See", "See:" },
            { "doclet.See_Also", "See Also:" },
            { "doclet.SerialData", "Serial Data:" },
            { "doclet.Serializable_no_customization", "No readObject or writeObject method declared." },
            { "doclet.Serialized_Form", "Serialized Form" },
            { "doclet.Serialized_Form_class", "Serialization Overview" },
            { "doclet.Serialized_Form_fields", "Serialized Fields" },
            { "doclet.Serialized_Form_methods", "Serialization Methods" },
            { "doclet.Services", "Services" },
            { "doclet.Since", "Since:" },
            { "doclet.Static_Methods", "Static Methods" },
            { "doclet.Throws", "Throws:" },
            { "doclet.Toolkit_Usage_Violation", "The Doclet Toolkit can only be used by {0}" },
            { "doclet.Type", "Type" },
            { "doclet.TypeParameters", "Type Parameters:" },
            { "doclet.Type_Parameters_dup_warn", "Type parameter \"{0}\" is documented more than once." },
            { "doclet.Type_Parameters_warn", "@param argument \"{0}\" is not a type parameter name." },
            { "doclet.UnknownTag", "{0} is an unknown tag." },
            { "doclet.UnknownTagLowercase", "{0} is an unknown tag -- same as a known tag except for case." },
            { "doclet.Use_Table_Summary", "Use table, listing {0}, and an explanation" },
            { "doclet.Uses_Summary", "Uses" },
            { "doclet.Value", "Value" },
            { "doclet.Version", "Version:" },
            { "doclet.annotation_type_optional_members", "optional elements" },
            { "doclet.annotation_type_required_members", "required elements" },
            { "doclet.annotationtype", "annotation type" },
            { "doclet.annotationtypes", "annotation types" },
            { "doclet.class", "class" },
            { "doclet.classes", "classes" },
            { "doclet.constructors", "constructors" },
            { "doclet.dest_dir_create", "Creating destination directory: \"{0}\"" },
            { "doclet.destination_directory_not_directory_0", "Destination directory is not a directory: {0}" },
            { "doclet.destination_directory_not_writable_0", "Destination directory not writable: {0}" },
            { "doclet.enum", "enum" },
            { "doclet.enum_constants", "enum constants" },
            { "doclet.enum_valueof_doc.fullbody", "Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.\nThe string must match <i>exactly</i> an identifier used to declare an\nenum constant in this type.  (Extraneous whitespace characters are \nnot permitted.)" },
            { "doclet.enum_valueof_doc.param_name", "the name of the enum constant to be returned." },
            { "doclet.enum_valueof_doc.return", "the enum constant with the specified name" },
            { "doclet.enum_valueof_doc.throws_ila", "if this enum type has no constant with the specified name" },
            { "doclet.enum_valueof_doc.throws_npe", "if the argument is null" },
            { "doclet.enum_values_doc.fullbody", "Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in\nthe order they are declared." },
            { "doclet.enum_values_doc.return", "an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared" },
            { "doclet.enums", "enums" },
            { "doclet.error", "error" },
            { "doclet.error.initializing.dest.dir", "Error initializing destination directory: {0}" },
            { "doclet.errors", "errors" },
            { "doclet.exception", "exception" },
            { "", "Error reading file: {0}\n\t({1})" },
            { "", "Error reading system resource: {0}\n\t({1})" },
            { "doclet.exception.write.file", "Error writing file: {0}\n\t({1})" },
            { "doclet.exceptions", "exceptions" },
            { "doclet.fields", "fields" },
            { "", "{0} in {1}" },
            { "doclet.interface", "interface" },
            { "doclet.interfaces", "interfaces" },
            { "doclet.internal.exception", "An internal exception has occurred. \n\t({0})" },
            { "", "Please file a bug against the javadoc tool via the Java bug reporting page\n( after checking the Bug Database (\nfor duplicates. Include error messages and the following diagnostic in your report. Thank you." },
            { "doclet.linkMismatch_ModuleLinkedtoPackage", "The code being documented uses modules but the packages defined in {0} are in the unnamed module." },
            { "doclet.linkMismatch_PackagedLinkedtoModule", "The code being documented uses packages in the unnamed module, but the packages defined in {0} are in named modules." },
            { "doclet.methods", "methods" },
            { "doclet.modules", "modules" },
            { "doclet.nested_classes", "nested classes" },
            { "doclet.noInheritedDoc", "@inheritDoc used but {0} does not override or implement any method." },
            { "doclet.packages", "packages" },
            { "", "properties" },
            { "", "SEARCH:" },
            { "doclet.sourcetab_warning", "The argument for -sourcetab must be an integer greater than 0." },
            { "doclet.subclasses", "subclasses" },
            { "doclet.subinterfaces", "subinterfaces" },
            { "doclet.tag_misuse", "Tag {0} cannot be used in {1} documentation.  It can only be used in the following types of documentation: {2}." },
            { "doclet.types", "types" },
            { "doclet.urlRedirected", "URL {0} was redirected to {1} -- Update the command-line options to suppress this warning." },
            { "doclet.value_tag_invalid_constant", "@value tag (which references {0}) can only be used in constants." },
            { "doclet.value_tag_invalid_reference", "{0} (referenced by @value tag) is an unknown reference." },
            { "doclet.value_tag_invalid_use", "@value tag cannot be used here." },