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package com.sun.tools.javadoc.main;

import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import com.sun.javadoc.*;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.ListBuffer;

Comment contains all information in comment part. It allows users to get first sentence of this comment, get comment for different tags...

This is NOT part of any supported API. If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or deletion without notice.

Author:Kaiyang Liu (original), Robert Field (rewrite), Atul M Dambalkar, Neal Gafter (rewrite)
/** * Comment contains all information in comment part. * It allows users to get first sentence of this comment, get * comment for different tags... * * <p><b>This is NOT part of any supported API. * If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. * This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or * deletion without notice.</b> * * @author Kaiyang Liu (original) * @author Robert Field (rewrite) * @author Atul M Dambalkar * @author Neal Gafter (rewrite) */
@Deprecated(since="9", forRemoval=true) @SuppressWarnings("removal") class Comment {
sorted comments with different tags.
/** * sorted comments with different tags. */
private final ListBuffer<Tag> tagList = new ListBuffer<>();
text minus any tags.
/** * text minus any tags. */
private String text;
Doc environment
/** * Doc environment */
private final DocEnv docenv;
constructor of Comment.
/** * constructor of Comment. */
Comment(final DocImpl holder, final String commentString) { this.docenv = holder.env;
Separate the comment into the text part and zero to N tags. Simple state machine is in one of three states:
IN_TEXT: parsing the comment text or tag text.
TAG_NAME: parsing the name of a tag.
TAG_GAP: skipping through the gap between the tag name and
the tag text.
/** * Separate the comment into the text part and zero to N tags. * Simple state machine is in one of three states: * <pre> * IN_TEXT: parsing the comment text or tag text. * TAG_NAME: parsing the name of a tag. * TAG_GAP: skipping through the gap between the tag name and * the tag text. * </pre> */
@SuppressWarnings("fallthrough") class CommentStringParser {
The entry point to the comment string parser
/** * The entry point to the comment string parser */
void parseCommentStateMachine() { final int IN_TEXT = 1; final int TAG_GAP = 2; final int TAG_NAME = 3; int state = TAG_GAP; boolean newLine = true; String tagName = null; int tagStart = 0; int textStart = 0; int lastNonWhite = -1; int len = commentString.length(); for (int inx = 0; inx < len; ++inx) { char ch = commentString.charAt(inx); boolean isWhite = Character.isWhitespace(ch); switch (state) { case TAG_NAME: if (isWhite) { tagName = commentString.substring(tagStart, inx); state = TAG_GAP; } break; case TAG_GAP: if (isWhite) { break; } textStart = inx; state = IN_TEXT; /* fall thru */ case IN_TEXT: if (newLine && ch == '@') { parseCommentComponent(tagName, textStart, lastNonWhite+1); tagStart = inx; state = TAG_NAME; } break; } if (ch == '\n') { newLine = true; } else if (!isWhite) { lastNonWhite = inx; newLine = false; } } // Finish what's currently being processed switch (state) { case TAG_NAME: tagName = commentString.substring(tagStart, len); /* fall thru */ case TAG_GAP: textStart = len; /* fall thru */ case IN_TEXT: parseCommentComponent(tagName, textStart, lastNonWhite+1); break; } }
Save away the last parsed item.
/** * Save away the last parsed item. */
void parseCommentComponent(String tagName, int from, int upto) { String tx = upto <= from ? "" : commentString.substring(from, upto); if (tagName == null) { text = tx; } else { TagImpl tag; switch (tagName) { case "@exception": case "@throws": warnIfEmpty(tagName, tx); tag = new ThrowsTagImpl(holder, tagName, tx); break; case "@param": warnIfEmpty(tagName, tx); tag = new ParamTagImpl(holder, tagName, tx); break; case "@see": warnIfEmpty(tagName, tx); tag = new SeeTagImpl(holder, tagName, tx); break; case "@serialField": warnIfEmpty(tagName, tx); tag = new SerialFieldTagImpl(holder, tagName, tx); break; case "@return": warnIfEmpty(tagName, tx); tag = new TagImpl(holder, tagName, tx); break; case "@author": warnIfEmpty(tagName, tx); tag = new TagImpl(holder, tagName, tx); break; case "@version": warnIfEmpty(tagName, tx); tag = new TagImpl(holder, tagName, tx); break; default: tag = new TagImpl(holder, tagName, tx); break; } tagList.append(tag); } } void warnIfEmpty(String tagName, String tx) { if (tx.length() == 0) { docenv.warning(holder, "tag.tag_has_no_arguments", tagName); } } } new CommentStringParser().parseCommentStateMachine(); }
Return the text of the comment.
/** * Return the text of the comment. */
String commentText() { return text; }
Return all tags in this comment.
/** * Return all tags in this comment. */
Tag[] tags() { return tagList.toArray(new Tag[tagList.length()]); }
Return tags of the specified kind in this comment.
/** * Return tags of the specified kind in this comment. */
Tag[] tags(String tagname) { ListBuffer<Tag> found = new ListBuffer<>(); String target = tagname; if (target.charAt(0) != '@') { target = "@" + target; } for (Tag tag : tagList) { if (tag.kind().equals(target)) { found.append(tag); } } return found.toArray(new Tag[found.length()]); }
Return throws tags in this comment.
/** * Return throws tags in this comment. */
ThrowsTag[] throwsTags() { ListBuffer<ThrowsTag> found = new ListBuffer<>(); for (Tag next : tagList) { if (next instanceof ThrowsTag) { found.append((ThrowsTag)next); } } return found.toArray(new ThrowsTag[found.length()]); }
Return param tags (excluding type param tags) in this comment.
/** * Return param tags (excluding type param tags) in this comment. */
ParamTag[] paramTags() { return paramTags(false); }
Return type param tags in this comment.
/** * Return type param tags in this comment. */
ParamTag[] typeParamTags() { return paramTags(true); }
Return param tags in this comment. If typeParams is true include only type param tags, otherwise include only ordinary param tags.
/** * Return param tags in this comment. If typeParams is true * include only type param tags, otherwise include only ordinary * param tags. */
private ParamTag[] paramTags(boolean typeParams) { ListBuffer<ParamTag> found = new ListBuffer<>(); for (Tag next : tagList) { if (next instanceof ParamTag) { ParamTag p = (ParamTag)next; if (typeParams == p.isTypeParameter()) { found.append(p); } } } return found.toArray(new ParamTag[found.length()]); }
Return see also tags in this comment.
/** * Return see also tags in this comment. */
SeeTag[] seeTags() { ListBuffer<SeeTag> found = new ListBuffer<>(); for (Tag next : tagList) { if (next instanceof SeeTag) { found.append((SeeTag)next); } } return found.toArray(new SeeTag[found.length()]); }
Return serialField tags in this comment.
/** * Return serialField tags in this comment. */
SerialFieldTag[] serialFieldTags() { ListBuffer<SerialFieldTag> found = new ListBuffer<>(); for (Tag next : tagList) { if (next instanceof SerialFieldTag) { found.append((SerialFieldTag)next); } } return found.toArray(new SerialFieldTag[found.length()]); }
Return array of tags with text and inline See Tags for a Doc comment.
/** * Return array of tags with text and inline See Tags for a Doc comment. */
static Tag[] getInlineTags(DocImpl holder, String inlinetext) { ListBuffer<Tag> taglist = new ListBuffer<>(); int delimend = 0, textstart = 0, len = inlinetext.length(); boolean inPre = false; DocEnv docenv = holder.env; if (len == 0) { return taglist.toArray(new Tag[taglist.length()]); } while (true) { int linkstart; if ((linkstart = inlineTagFound(holder, inlinetext, textstart)) == -1) { taglist.append(new TagImpl(holder, "Text", inlinetext.substring(textstart))); break; } else { inPre = scanForPre(inlinetext, textstart, linkstart, inPre); int seetextstart = linkstart; for (int i = linkstart; i < inlinetext.length(); i++) { char c = inlinetext.charAt(i); if (Character.isWhitespace(c) || c == '}') { seetextstart = i; break; } } String linkName = inlinetext.substring(linkstart+2, seetextstart); if (!(inPre && (linkName.equals("code") || linkName.equals("literal")))) { //Move past the white space after the inline tag name. while (Character.isWhitespace(inlinetext. charAt(seetextstart))) { if (inlinetext.length() <= seetextstart) { taglist.append(new TagImpl(holder, "Text", inlinetext.substring(textstart, seetextstart))); docenv.warning(holder, "tag.Improper_Use_Of_Link_Tag", inlinetext); return taglist.toArray(new Tag[taglist.length()]); } else { seetextstart++; } } } taglist.append(new TagImpl(holder, "Text", inlinetext.substring(textstart, linkstart))); textstart = seetextstart; // this text is actually seetag if ((delimend = findInlineTagDelim(inlinetext, textstart)) == -1) { //Missing closing '}' character. // store the text as it is with the {@link. taglist.append(new TagImpl(holder, "Text", inlinetext.substring(textstart))); docenv.warning(holder, "tag.End_delimiter_missing_for_possible_SeeTag", inlinetext); return taglist.toArray(new Tag[taglist.length()]); } else { //Found closing '}' character. if (linkName.equals("see") || linkName.equals("link") || linkName.equals("linkplain")) { taglist.append( new SeeTagImpl(holder, "@" + linkName, inlinetext.substring(textstart, delimend))); } else { taglist.append( new TagImpl(holder, "@" + linkName, inlinetext.substring(textstart, delimend))); } textstart = delimend + 1; } } if (textstart == inlinetext.length()) { break; } } return taglist.toArray(new Tag[taglist.length()]); }
regex for case-insensitive match for <pre> and </pre> .
/** regex for case-insensitive match for {@literal <pre> } and {@literal </pre> }. */
private static final Pattern prePat = Pattern.compile("(?i)<(/?)pre>"); private static boolean scanForPre(String inlinetext, int start, int end, boolean inPre) { Matcher m = prePat.matcher(inlinetext).region(start, end); while (m.find()) { inPre = m.group(1).isEmpty(); } return inPre; }
Recursively find the index of the closing '}' character for an inline tag and return it. If it can't be found, return -1.
  • inlineText – the text to search in.
  • searchStart – the index of the place to start searching at.
Returns:the index of the closing '}' character for an inline tag. If it can't be found, return -1.
/** * Recursively find the index of the closing '}' character for an inline tag * and return it. If it can't be found, return -1. * @param inlineText the text to search in. * @param searchStart the index of the place to start searching at. * @return the index of the closing '}' character for an inline tag. * If it can't be found, return -1. */
private static int findInlineTagDelim(String inlineText, int searchStart) { int delimEnd, nestedOpenBrace; if ((delimEnd = inlineText.indexOf("}", searchStart)) == -1) { return -1; } else if (((nestedOpenBrace = inlineText.indexOf("{", searchStart)) != -1) && nestedOpenBrace < delimEnd){ //Found a nested open brace. int nestedCloseBrace = findInlineTagDelim(inlineText, nestedOpenBrace + 1); return (nestedCloseBrace != -1) ? findInlineTagDelim(inlineText, nestedCloseBrace + 1) : -1; } else { return delimEnd; } }
Recursively search for the characters '{', '@', followed by name of inline tag and white space, if found return the index of the text following the white space. else return -1.
/** * Recursively search for the characters '{', '@', followed by * name of inline tag and white space, * if found * return the index of the text following the white space. * else * return -1. */
private static int inlineTagFound(DocImpl holder, String inlinetext, int start) { DocEnv docenv = holder.env; int linkstart = inlinetext.indexOf("{@", start); if (start == inlinetext.length() || linkstart == -1) { return -1; } else if (inlinetext.indexOf('}', linkstart) == -1) { //Missing '}'. docenv.warning(holder, "tag.Improper_Use_Of_Link_Tag", inlinetext.substring(linkstart, inlinetext.length())); return -1; } else { return linkstart; } }
Return array of tags for the locale specific first sentence in the text.
/** * Return array of tags for the locale specific first sentence in the text. */
static Tag[] firstSentenceTags(DocImpl holder, String text) { DocLocale doclocale = holder.env.doclocale; return getInlineTags(holder, doclocale.localeSpecificFirstSentence(holder, text)); }
Return text for this Doc comment.
/** * Return text for this Doc comment. */
@Override public String toString() { return text; } }