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package org.graalvm.compiler.replacements.test;

import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;

import jdk.vm.ci.code.InstalledCode;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.JavaKind;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.ResolvedJavaMethod;
import sun.misc.Unsafe;

Tests the VM independent intrinsification of Unsafe methods.
/** * Tests the VM independent intrinsification of {@link Unsafe} methods. */
public class UnsafeSubstitutionsTest extends MethodSubstitutionTest { public void testSubstitution(String testMethodName, Class<?> holder, String methodName, Class<?>[] parameterTypes, Object receiver, Object[] args1, Object[] args2) { ResolvedJavaMethod testMethod = getResolvedJavaMethod(testMethodName); ResolvedJavaMethod originalMethod = getResolvedJavaMethod(holder, methodName, parameterTypes); // Force compilation InstalledCode code = getCode(testMethod); assert code != null; // Verify that the original method and the substitution produce the same value Object expected = invokeSafe(originalMethod, receiver, args1); Object actual = invokeSafe(testMethod, null, args2); assertDeepEquals(expected, actual); // Verify that the generated code and the original produce the same value expected = invokeSafe(originalMethod, receiver, args1); actual = executeVarargsSafe(code, args2); assertDeepEquals(expected, actual); } static long off(Object o, String name) { try { return UNSAFE.objectFieldOffset(o.getClass().getDeclaredField(name)); } catch (Exception e) { Assert.fail(e.toString()); return 0L; } } static class Foo { boolean z; byte b; short s; char c; int i; long l; float f; double d; Object o; } @Test public void testUnsafeSubstitutions() throws Exception { test("unsafeCompareAndSwapInt", UNSAFE, supply(() -> new Foo()), fooOffset("i")); testGraph("unsafeCompareAndSwapInt"); testGraph("unsafeCompareAndSwapLong"); testGraph("unsafeCompareAndSwapObject"); testGraph("unsafeGetBoolean"); testGraph("unsafeGetByte"); testGraph("unsafeGetShort"); testGraph("unsafeGetChar"); testGraph("unsafeGetInt"); testGraph("unsafeGetLong"); testGraph("unsafeGetFloat"); testGraph("unsafeGetDouble"); testGraph("unsafeGetObject"); testGraph("unsafePutBoolean"); testGraph("unsafePutByte"); testGraph("unsafePutShort"); testGraph("unsafePutChar"); testGraph("unsafePutInt"); testGraph("unsafePutLong"); testGraph("unsafePutFloat"); testGraph("unsafePutDouble"); testGraph("unsafePutObject"); testGraph("unsafeGetAddress"); testGraph("unsafePutAddress"); testGraph("unsafeDirectMemoryRead"); testGraph("unsafeDirectMemoryWrite"); long address = UNSAFE.allocateMemory(8 * JavaKind.values().length); for (Unsafe unsafeArg : new Unsafe[]{UNSAFE, null}) { test("unsafeCompareAndSwapInt", unsafeArg, supply(() -> new Foo()), fooOffset("i")); test("unsafeCompareAndSwapLong", unsafeArg, supply(() -> new Foo()), fooOffset("l")); test("unsafeCompareAndSwapObject", unsafeArg, supply(() -> new Foo()), fooOffset("o")); test("unsafeGetBoolean", unsafeArg, supply(() -> new Foo()), fooOffset("z")); test("unsafeGetByte", unsafeArg, supply(() -> new Foo()), fooOffset("b")); test("unsafeGetShort", unsafeArg, supply(() -> new Foo()), fooOffset("s")); test("unsafeGetChar", unsafeArg, supply(() -> new Foo()), fooOffset("c")); test("unsafeGetInt", unsafeArg, supply(() -> new Foo()), fooOffset("i")); test("unsafeGetLong", unsafeArg, supply(() -> new Foo()), fooOffset("l")); test("unsafeGetFloat", unsafeArg, supply(() -> new Foo()), fooOffset("f")); test("unsafeGetDouble", unsafeArg, supply(() -> new Foo()), fooOffset("d")); test("unsafeGetObject", unsafeArg, supply(() -> new Foo()), fooOffset("o")); test("unsafePutBoolean", unsafeArg, supply(() -> new Foo()), fooOffset("z"), true); test("unsafePutByte", unsafeArg, supply(() -> new Foo()), fooOffset("b"), (byte) 87); test("unsafePutShort", unsafeArg, supply(() -> new Foo()), fooOffset("s"), (short) -93); test("unsafePutChar", unsafeArg, supply(() -> new Foo()), fooOffset("c"), 'A'); test("unsafePutInt", unsafeArg, supply(() -> new Foo()), fooOffset("i"), 42); test("unsafePutLong", unsafeArg, supply(() -> new Foo()), fooOffset("l"), 4711L); test("unsafePutFloat", unsafeArg, supply(() -> new Foo()), fooOffset("f"), 58.0F); test("unsafePutDouble", unsafeArg, supply(() -> new Foo()), fooOffset("d"), -28736.243465D); test("unsafePutObject", unsafeArg, supply(() -> new Foo()), fooOffset("i"), "value1", "value2", "value3"); test("unsafeGetAddress", unsafeArg, address); test("unsafePutAddress", unsafeArg, address, 0xDEAD_BEEF_DEAD_BABEL); test("unsafeDirectMemoryRead", unsafeArg, address); test("unsafeDirectMemoryWrite", unsafeArg, address, 0xCAFE_BABE_DEAD_BABEL); } UNSAFE.freeMemory(address); } private static long fooOffset(String name) { try { return UNSAFE.objectFieldOffset(Foo.class.getDeclaredField(name)); } catch (NoSuchFieldException | SecurityException e) { throw new AssertionError(e); } } @SuppressWarnings("all") public static boolean unsafeCompareAndSwapInt(Unsafe unsafe, Object obj, long offset) { return unsafe.compareAndSwapInt(obj, offset, 0, 1); } @SuppressWarnings("all") public static boolean unsafeCompareAndSwapLong(Unsafe unsafe, Object obj, long offset) { return unsafe.compareAndSwapLong(obj, offset, 0, 1); } @SuppressWarnings("all") public static boolean unsafeCompareAndSwapObject(Unsafe unsafe, Object obj, long offset) { return unsafe.compareAndSwapObject(obj, offset, null, new Object()); } @SuppressWarnings("all") public static boolean unsafeGetBoolean(Unsafe unsafe, Object obj, long offset) { return unsafe.getBoolean(obj, offset) && unsafe.getBooleanVolatile(obj, offset); } @SuppressWarnings("all") public static int unsafeGetByte(Unsafe unsafe, Object obj, long offset) { return unsafe.getByte(obj, offset) + unsafe.getByteVolatile(obj, offset); } @SuppressWarnings("all") public static int unsafeGetShort(Unsafe unsafe, Object obj, long offset) { return unsafe.getShort(obj, offset) + unsafe.getShortVolatile(obj, offset); } @SuppressWarnings("all") public static int unsafeGetChar(Unsafe unsafe, Object obj, long offset) { return unsafe.getChar(obj, offset) + unsafe.getCharVolatile(obj, offset); } @SuppressWarnings("all") public static int unsafeGetInt(Unsafe unsafe, Object obj, long offset) { return unsafe.getInt(obj, offset) + unsafe.getIntVolatile(obj, offset); } @SuppressWarnings("all") public static long unsafeGetLong(Unsafe unsafe, Object obj, long offset) { return unsafe.getLong(obj, offset) + unsafe.getLongVolatile(obj, offset); } @SuppressWarnings("all") public static float unsafeGetFloat(Unsafe unsafe, Object obj, long offset) { return unsafe.getFloat(obj, offset) + unsafe.getFloatVolatile(obj, offset); } @SuppressWarnings("all") public static double unsafeGetDouble(Unsafe unsafe, Object obj, long offset) { return unsafe.getDouble(obj, offset) + unsafe.getDoubleVolatile(obj, offset); } @SuppressWarnings("all") public static boolean unsafeGetObject(Unsafe unsafe, Object obj, long offset) { return unsafe.getObject(obj, offset) == unsafe.getObjectVolatile(obj, offset); } @SuppressWarnings("all") public static int unsafePutBoolean(Unsafe unsafe, Object obj, long offset, boolean value) { int res = 1; unsafe.putBoolean(obj, offset, value); res += unsafe.getBoolean(obj, offset) ? 3 : 5; unsafe.putBooleanVolatile(obj, offset, value); res += unsafe.getBoolean(obj, offset) ? 7 : 11; return res; } @SuppressWarnings("all") public static int unsafePutByte(Unsafe unsafe, Object obj, long offset, byte value) { int res = 1; unsafe.putByte(obj, offset, (byte) (value + 1)); res += unsafe.getByte(obj, offset); unsafe.putByteVolatile(obj, offset, (byte) (value + 2)); res += unsafe.getByte(obj, offset); return res; } @SuppressWarnings("all") public static int unsafePutShort(Unsafe unsafe, Object obj, long offset, short value) { int res = 1; unsafe.putShort(obj, offset, (short) (value + 1)); res += unsafe.getShort(obj, offset); unsafe.putShortVolatile(obj, offset, (short) (value + 2)); res += unsafe.getShort(obj, offset); return res; } @SuppressWarnings("all") public static int unsafePutChar(Unsafe unsafe, Object obj, long offset, char value) { int res = 1; unsafe.putChar(obj, offset, (char) (value + 1)); res += unsafe.getChar(obj, offset); unsafe.putCharVolatile(obj, offset, (char) (value + 2)); res += unsafe.getChar(obj, offset); return res; } @SuppressWarnings("all") public static int unsafePutInt(Unsafe unsafe, Object obj, long offset, int value) { int res = 1; unsafe.putInt(obj, offset, value); res += unsafe.getInt(obj, offset); unsafe.putIntVolatile(obj, offset, value + 1); res += unsafe.getInt(obj, offset); unsafe.putOrderedInt(obj, offset, value + 2); res += unsafe.getInt(obj, offset); return res; } @SuppressWarnings("all") public static long unsafePutLong(Unsafe unsafe, Object obj, long offset, long value) { long res = 1; unsafe.putLong(obj, offset, value + 1); res += unsafe.getLong(obj, offset); unsafe.putLongVolatile(obj, offset, value + 2); res += unsafe.getLong(obj, offset); unsafe.putOrderedLong(obj, offset, value + 3); res += unsafe.getLong(obj, offset); return res; } @SuppressWarnings("all") public static float unsafePutFloat(Unsafe unsafe, Object obj, long offset, float value) { float res = 1; unsafe.putFloat(obj, offset, value + 1.0F); res += unsafe.getFloat(obj, offset); unsafe.putFloatVolatile(obj, offset, value + 2.0F); res += unsafe.getFloat(obj, offset); return res; } @SuppressWarnings("all") public static double unsafePutDouble(Unsafe unsafe, Object obj, long offset, double value) { double res = 1; unsafe.putDouble(obj, offset, value); res += unsafe.getDouble(obj, offset); unsafe.putDoubleVolatile(obj, offset, value); res += unsafe.getDouble(obj, offset); return res; } @SuppressWarnings("all") public static Object[] unsafePutObject(Unsafe unsafe, Object obj, long offset, Object value1, Object value2, Object value3) { Object[] res = new Object[3]; unsafe.putObject(obj, offset, value1); res[0] = unsafe.getObject(obj, offset); unsafe.putObjectVolatile(obj, offset, value2); res[1] = unsafe.getObject(obj, offset); unsafe.putOrderedObject(obj, offset, value3); res[2] = unsafe.getObject(obj, offset); return res; } @SuppressWarnings("all") public static long unsafeGetAddress(Unsafe unsafe, long offset) { return unsafe.getAddress(offset); } @SuppressWarnings("all") public static long unsafePutAddress(Unsafe unsafe, long offset, long value) { long res = 1; unsafe.putAddress(offset, value); res += unsafe.getAddress(offset); return res; } @SuppressWarnings("all") public static double unsafeDirectMemoryRead(Unsafe unsafe, long address) { // Unsafe.getBoolean(long) and Unsafe.getObject(long) do not exist // @formatter:off return unsafe.getByte(address) + unsafe.getShort(address + 8) + unsafe.getChar(address + 16) + unsafe.getInt(address + 24) + unsafe.getLong(address + 32) + unsafe.getFloat(address + 40) + unsafe.getDouble(address + 48); // @formatter:on } @SuppressWarnings("all") public static double unsafeDirectMemoryWrite(Unsafe unsafe, long address, long value) { // Unsafe.putBoolean(long) and Unsafe.putObject(long) do not exist unsafe.putByte(address + 0, (byte) value); unsafe.putShort(address + 8, (short) value); unsafe.putChar(address + 16, (char) value); unsafe.putInt(address + 24, (int) value); unsafe.putLong(address + 32, value); unsafe.putFloat(address + 40, value); unsafe.putDouble(address + 48, value); return unsafeDirectMemoryRead(unsafe, address); } static class MyObject { int i = 42; final int j = 24; final String a = "a"; final String b; MyObject(String b) { this.b = b; Thread.dumpStack(); } @Override public String toString() { return j + a + b + i; } } @SuppressWarnings("all") public static String unsafeAllocateInstance(Unsafe unsafe) throws InstantiationException { return unsafe.allocateInstance(MyObject.class).toString(); } @Test public void testAllocateInstance() throws Exception { unsafeAllocateInstance(UNSAFE); test("unsafeAllocateInstance", UNSAFE); test("unsafeAllocateInstance", (Object) null); } @Test public void testGetAndAddInt() throws Exception { Foo f1 = new Foo(); Foo f2 = new Foo(); long offset = off(f1, "i"); Class<?>[] parameterTypes = new Class<?>[]{Object.class, long.class, int.class}; for (int delta = Integer.MAX_VALUE - 10; delta < Integer.MAX_VALUE; delta++) { Object[] args1 = new Object[]{f1, offset, delta}; Object[] args2 = new Object[]{f2, offset, delta}; testSubstitution("getAndAddInt", Unsafe.class, "getAndAddInt", parameterTypes, UNSAFE, args1, args2); } } public static int getAndAddInt(Object obj, long offset, int delta) { return UNSAFE.getAndAddInt(obj, offset, delta); } @Test public void testGetAndAddLong() throws Exception { Foo f1 = new Foo(); Foo f2 = new Foo(); long offset = off(f1, "l"); Class<?>[] parameterTypes = new Class<?>[]{Object.class, long.class, long.class}; for (long delta = Long.MAX_VALUE - 10; delta < Long.MAX_VALUE; delta++) { Object[] args1 = new Object[]{f1, offset, delta}; Object[] args2 = new Object[]{f2, offset, delta}; testSubstitution("getAndAddLong", Unsafe.class, "getAndAddLong", parameterTypes, UNSAFE, args1, args2); } } public static long getAndAddLong(Object obj, long offset, long delta) { return UNSAFE.getAndAddLong(obj, offset, delta); } @Test public void testGetAndSetInt() throws Exception { Foo f1 = new Foo(); Foo f2 = new Foo(); long offset = off(f1, "i"); Class<?>[] parameterTypes = new Class<?>[]{Object.class, long.class, int.class}; for (int delta = Integer.MAX_VALUE - 10; delta < Integer.MAX_VALUE; delta++) { Object[] args1 = new Object[]{f1, offset, delta}; Object[] args2 = new Object[]{f2, offset, delta}; testSubstitution("getAndSetInt", Unsafe.class, "getAndSetInt", parameterTypes, UNSAFE, args1, args2); } } public static int getAndSetInt(Object obj, long offset, int newValue) { return UNSAFE.getAndSetInt(obj, offset, newValue); } @Test public void testGetAndSetLong() throws Exception { Foo f1 = new Foo(); Foo f2 = new Foo(); long offset = off(f1, "l"); Class<?>[] parameterTypes = new Class<?>[]{Object.class, long.class, long.class}; for (long newValue = Long.MAX_VALUE - 10; newValue < Long.MAX_VALUE; newValue++) { Object[] args1 = new Object[]{f1, offset, newValue}; Object[] args2 = new Object[]{f2, offset, newValue}; testSubstitution("getAndSetLong", Unsafe.class, "getAndSetLong", parameterTypes, UNSAFE, args1, args2); } } public static long getAndSetLong(Object obj, long offset, long newValue) { return UNSAFE.getAndSetLong(obj, offset, newValue); } @Test public void testGetAndSetObject() throws Exception { Foo f1 = new Foo(); Foo f2 = new Foo(); long offset = off(f1, "o"); Class<?>[] parameterTypes = new Class<?>[]{Object.class, long.class, Object.class}; for (long i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Object o = new Object(); Object[] args1 = new Object[]{f1, offset, o}; Object[] args2 = new Object[]{f2, offset, o}; testSubstitution("getAndSetObject", Unsafe.class, "getAndSetObject", parameterTypes, UNSAFE, args1, args2); System.gc(); } } public static Object getAndSetObject(Object obj, long offset, Object newValue) { return UNSAFE.getAndSetObject(obj, offset, newValue); } }