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package org.graalvm.compiler.phases.common.inlining.walker;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.function.ToDoubleFunction;

import jdk.internal.vm.compiler.collections.EconomicMap;
import jdk.internal.vm.compiler.collections.Equivalence;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.SuppressFBWarnings;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.Node;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.NodeWorkList;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.AbstractBeginNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.AbstractMergeNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.ControlSinkNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.ControlSplitNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.EndNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.FixedNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.FixedWithNextNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.Invoke;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.LoopBeginNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.LoopEndNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.LoopExitNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.MergeNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.StartNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.StructuredGraph;
import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.common.inlining.InliningUtil;

public class ComputeInliningRelevance {

    private static final double EPSILON = 1d / Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    private static final double UNINITIALIZED = -1D;

    private static final int EXPECTED_MIN_INVOKE_COUNT = 3;
    private static final int EXPECTED_INVOKE_RATIO = 20;
    private static final int EXPECTED_LOOP_COUNT = 3;

    private final StructuredGraph graph;
    private final ToDoubleFunction<FixedNode> nodeProbabilities;

Node relevances are pre-computed for all invokes if the graph contains loops. If there are no loops, the computation happens lazily based on rootScope.
/** * Node relevances are pre-computed for all invokes if the graph contains loops. If there are no * loops, the computation happens lazily based on {@link #rootScope}. */
private EconomicMap<FixedNode, Double> nodeRelevances;
This scope is non-null if (and only if) there are no loops in the graph. In this case, the root scope is used to compute invoke relevances on the fly.
/** * This scope is non-null if (and only if) there are no loops in the graph. In this case, the * root scope is used to compute invoke relevances on the fly. */
private Scope rootScope; public ComputeInliningRelevance(StructuredGraph graph, ToDoubleFunction<FixedNode> nodeProbabilities) { this.graph = graph; this.nodeProbabilities = nodeProbabilities; }
Initializes or updates the relevance computation. If there are no loops within the graph, most computation happens lazily.
/** * Initializes or updates the relevance computation. If there are no loops within the graph, * most computation happens lazily. */
public void compute() { rootScope = null; if (!graph.hasLoops()) { // fast path for the frequent case of no loops rootScope = new Scope(graph.start(), null); } else { if (nodeRelevances == null) { nodeRelevances = EconomicMap.create(Equivalence.IDENTITY, EXPECTED_MIN_INVOKE_COUNT + InliningUtil.getNodeCount(graph) / EXPECTED_INVOKE_RATIO); } NodeWorkList workList = graph.createNodeWorkList(); EconomicMap<LoopBeginNode, Scope> loops = EconomicMap.create(Equivalence.IDENTITY, EXPECTED_LOOP_COUNT); Scope topScope = new Scope(graph.start(), null); for (LoopBeginNode loopBegin : graph.getNodes(LoopBeginNode.TYPE)) { createLoopScope(loopBegin, loops, topScope); } topScope.process(workList); for (Scope scope : loops.getValues()) { scope.process(workList); } } } public double getRelevance(Invoke invoke) { if (rootScope != null) { return rootScope.computeInvokeRelevance(invoke); } assert nodeRelevances != null : "uninitialized relevance"; return nodeRelevances.get(invoke.asNode()); }
Determines the parent of the given loop and creates a Scope object for each one. This method will call itself recursively if no Scope for the parent loop exists.
/** * Determines the parent of the given loop and creates a {@link Scope} object for each one. This * method will call itself recursively if no {@link Scope} for the parent loop exists. */
private Scope createLoopScope(LoopBeginNode loopBegin, EconomicMap<LoopBeginNode, Scope> loops, Scope topScope) { Scope scope = loops.get(loopBegin); if (scope == null) { final Scope parent; // look for the parent scope FixedNode current = loopBegin.forwardEnd(); while (true) { if (current.predecessor() == null) { if (current instanceof LoopBeginNode) { // if we reach a LoopBeginNode then we're within this loop parent = createLoopScope((LoopBeginNode) current, loops, topScope); break; } else if (current instanceof StartNode) { // we're within the outermost scope parent = topScope; break; } else { assert current instanceof MergeNode : current; // follow any path upwards - it doesn't matter which one current = ((AbstractMergeNode) current).forwardEndAt(0); } } else if (current instanceof LoopExitNode) { // if we reach a loop exit then we follow this loop and have the same parent parent = createLoopScope(((LoopExitNode) current).loopBegin(), loops, topScope).parent; break; } else { current = (FixedNode) current.predecessor(); } } scope = new Scope(loopBegin, parent); loops.put(loopBegin, scope); } return scope; }
A scope holds information for the contents of one loop or of the root of the method. It does not include child loops, i.e., the iteration in process(NodeWorkList) explicitly excludes the nodes of child loops.
/** * A scope holds information for the contents of one loop or of the root of the method. It does * not include child loops, i.e., the iteration in {@link #process(NodeWorkList)} explicitly * excludes the nodes of child loops. */
private class Scope { public final FixedNode start; public final Scope parent; // can be null for the outermost scope
The minimum probability along the most probable path in this scope. Computed lazily.
/** * The minimum probability along the most probable path in this scope. Computed lazily. */
private double fastPathMinProbability = UNINITIALIZED;
A measure of how important this scope is within its parent scope. Computed lazily.
/** * A measure of how important this scope is within its parent scope. Computed lazily. */
private double scopeRelevanceWithinParent = UNINITIALIZED; Scope(FixedNode start, Scope parent) { this.start = start; this.parent = parent; } @SuppressFBWarnings(value = "FE_FLOATING_POINT_EQUALITY", justification = "comparing against -1D is accurate") public double getFastPathMinProbability() { if (fastPathMinProbability == UNINITIALIZED) { fastPathMinProbability = Math.max(EPSILON, computeFastPathMinProbability(start)); } return fastPathMinProbability; }
Computes the ratio between the probabilities of the current scope's entry point and the parent scope's fastPathMinProbability.
/** * Computes the ratio between the probabilities of the current scope's entry point and the * parent scope's fastPathMinProbability. */
@SuppressFBWarnings(value = "FE_FLOATING_POINT_EQUALITY", justification = "comparing against -1D is accurate") public double getScopeRelevanceWithinParent() { if (scopeRelevanceWithinParent == UNINITIALIZED) { if (start instanceof LoopBeginNode) { assert parent != null; double scopeEntryProbability = nodeProbabilities.applyAsDouble(((LoopBeginNode) start).forwardEnd()); scopeRelevanceWithinParent = scopeEntryProbability / parent.getFastPathMinProbability(); } else { scopeRelevanceWithinParent = 1D; } } return scopeRelevanceWithinParent; }
Processes all invokes in this scope by starting at the scope's start node and iterating all fixed nodes. Child loops are skipped by going from loop entries directly to the loop exits. Processing stops at loop exits of the current loop.
/** * Processes all invokes in this scope by starting at the scope's start node and iterating * all fixed nodes. Child loops are skipped by going from loop entries directly to the loop * exits. Processing stops at loop exits of the current loop. */
public void process(NodeWorkList workList) { assert !(start instanceof Invoke); workList.addAll(start.successors()); for (Node current : workList) { assert current.isAlive(); if (current instanceof Invoke) { // process the invoke and queue its successors nodeRelevances.put((FixedNode) current, computeInvokeRelevance((Invoke) current)); workList.addAll(current.successors()); } else if (current instanceof LoopBeginNode) { // skip child loops by advancing over the loop exits ((LoopBeginNode) current).loopExits().forEach(exit -> workList.add(exit.next())); } else if (current instanceof LoopEndNode) { // nothing to do } else if (current instanceof LoopExitNode) { // nothing to do } else if (current instanceof FixedWithNextNode) { workList.add(((FixedWithNextNode) current).next()); } else if (current instanceof EndNode) { workList.add(((EndNode) current).merge()); } else if (current instanceof ControlSinkNode) { // nothing to do } else if (current instanceof ControlSplitNode) { workList.addAll(current.successors()); } else { assert false : current; } } }
The relevance of an invoke is the ratio between the invoke's probability and the current scope's fastPathMinProbability, adjusted by scopeRelevanceWithinParent.
/** * The relevance of an invoke is the ratio between the invoke's probability and the current * scope's fastPathMinProbability, adjusted by scopeRelevanceWithinParent. */
public double computeInvokeRelevance(Invoke invoke) { double invokeProbability = nodeProbabilities.applyAsDouble(invoke.asNode()); assert !Double.isNaN(invokeProbability); double relevance = (invokeProbability / getFastPathMinProbability()) * Math.min(1.0, getScopeRelevanceWithinParent()); assert !Double.isNaN(relevance) : invoke + ": " + relevance + " / " + invokeProbability + " / " + getFastPathMinProbability() + " / " + getScopeRelevanceWithinParent(); return relevance; } }
Computes the minimum probability along the most probable path within the scope. During iteration, the method returns immediately once a loop exit is discovered.
/** * Computes the minimum probability along the most probable path within the scope. During * iteration, the method returns immediately once a loop exit is discovered. */
private double computeFastPathMinProbability(FixedNode scopeStart) { ArrayList<FixedNode> pathBeginNodes = new ArrayList<>(); pathBeginNodes.add(scopeStart); double minPathProbability = nodeProbabilities.applyAsDouble(scopeStart); boolean isLoopScope = scopeStart instanceof LoopBeginNode; do { Node current = pathBeginNodes.remove(pathBeginNodes.size() - 1); do { if (isLoopScope && current instanceof LoopExitNode && ((LoopBeginNode) scopeStart).loopExits().contains((LoopExitNode) current)) { return minPathProbability; } else if (current instanceof LoopBeginNode && current != scopeStart) { current = getMaxProbabilityLoopExit((LoopBeginNode) current, pathBeginNodes); minPathProbability = getMinPathProbability((FixedNode) current, minPathProbability); } else if (current instanceof ControlSplitNode) { current = getMaxProbabilitySux((ControlSplitNode) current, pathBeginNodes); minPathProbability = getMinPathProbability((FixedNode) current, minPathProbability); } else { assert current.successors().count() <= 1; current = current.successors().first(); } } while (current != null); } while (!pathBeginNodes.isEmpty()); return minPathProbability; } private double getMinPathProbability(FixedNode current, double minPathProbability) { return current == null ? minPathProbability : Math.min(minPathProbability, nodeProbabilities.applyAsDouble(current)); }
Returns the most probable successor. If multiple successors share the maximum probability, one is returned and the others are enqueued in pathBeginNodes.
/** * Returns the most probable successor. If multiple successors share the maximum probability, * one is returned and the others are enqueued in pathBeginNodes. */
private static Node getMaxProbabilitySux(ControlSplitNode controlSplit, ArrayList<FixedNode> pathBeginNodes) { Node maxSux = null; double maxProbability = 0.0; int pathBeginCount = pathBeginNodes.size(); for (Node sux : controlSplit.successors()) { double probability = controlSplit.probability((AbstractBeginNode) sux); if (probability > maxProbability) { maxProbability = probability; maxSux = sux; truncate(pathBeginNodes, pathBeginCount); } else if (probability == maxProbability) { pathBeginNodes.add((FixedNode) sux); } } return maxSux; }
Returns the most probable loop exit. If multiple successors share the maximum probability, one is returned and the others are enqueued in pathBeginNodes.
/** * Returns the most probable loop exit. If multiple successors share the maximum probability, * one is returned and the others are enqueued in pathBeginNodes. */
private Node getMaxProbabilityLoopExit(LoopBeginNode loopBegin, ArrayList<FixedNode> pathBeginNodes) { Node maxSux = null; double maxProbability = 0.0; int pathBeginCount = pathBeginNodes.size(); for (LoopExitNode sux : loopBegin.loopExits()) { double probability = nodeProbabilities.applyAsDouble(sux); if (probability > maxProbability) { maxProbability = probability; maxSux = sux; truncate(pathBeginNodes, pathBeginCount); } else if (probability == maxProbability) { pathBeginNodes.add(sux); } } return maxSux; } private static void truncate(ArrayList<FixedNode> pathBeginNodes, int pathBeginCount) { for (int i = pathBeginNodes.size() - pathBeginCount; i > 0; i--) { pathBeginNodes.remove(pathBeginNodes.size() - 1); } } }