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package org.graalvm.compiler.phases.common;

import static org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.StaticDeoptimizingNode.mergeActions;

import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.List;

import jdk.internal.vm.compiler.collections.EconomicMap;
import jdk.internal.vm.compiler.collections.Equivalence;
import jdk.internal.vm.compiler.collections.MapCursor;
import jdk.internal.vm.compiler.collections.Pair;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.cfg.AbstractControlFlowGraph;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.cfg.BlockMap;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.ArithmeticOpTable;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.ArithmeticOpTable.BinaryOp;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.ArithmeticOpTable.BinaryOp.And;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.ArithmeticOpTable.BinaryOp.Or;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.IntegerStamp;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.ObjectStamp;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.Stamp;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.StampFactory;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.CounterKey;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.DebugCloseable;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.DebugContext;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.Node;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.NodeMap;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.NodeStack;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.spi.CanonicalizerTool;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodeinfo.InputType;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.AbstractBeginNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.AbstractMergeNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.BinaryOpLogicNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.ConditionAnchorNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.DeoptimizingGuard;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.EndNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.FixedGuardNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.FixedNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.FixedWithNextNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.GuardNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.IfNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.LogicConstantNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.LogicNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.LoopExitNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.MergeNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.NodeView;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.ParameterNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.PiNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.ProxyNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.ShortCircuitOrNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.StructuredGraph;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.StructuredGraph.ScheduleResult;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.UnaryOpLogicNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.ValueNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.ValuePhiNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc.AndNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc.BinaryArithmeticNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc.BinaryNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc.IntegerEqualsNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc.UnaryNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.cfg.Block;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.cfg.ControlFlowGraph;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.extended.GuardingNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.extended.IntegerSwitchNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.extended.LoadHubNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.extended.ValueAnchorNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.java.TypeSwitchNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.spi.NodeWithState;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.spi.StampInverter;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.util.GraphUtil;
import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.BasePhase;
import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.schedule.SchedulePhase;
import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.schedule.SchedulePhase.SchedulingStrategy;
import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.tiers.PhaseContext;

import jdk.vm.ci.meta.DeoptimizationAction;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.JavaConstant;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.SpeculationLog.Speculation;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.TriState;

public class ConditionalEliminationPhase extends BasePhase<PhaseContext> {

    private static final CounterKey counterStampsRegistered = DebugContext.counter("StampsRegistered");
    private static final CounterKey counterStampsFound = DebugContext.counter("StampsFound");
    private static final CounterKey counterIfsKilled = DebugContext.counter("CE_KilledIfs");
    private static final CounterKey counterPhiStampsImproved = DebugContext.counter("CE_ImprovedPhis");
    private final boolean fullSchedule;
    private final boolean moveGuards;

    public ConditionalEliminationPhase(boolean fullSchedule) {
        this(fullSchedule, true);

    public ConditionalEliminationPhase(boolean fullSchedule, boolean moveGuards) {
        this.fullSchedule = fullSchedule;
        this.moveGuards = moveGuards;

    protected void run(StructuredGraph graph, PhaseContext context) {
        try (DebugContext.Scope s = graph.getDebug().scope("DominatorConditionalElimination")) {
            BlockMap<List<Node>> blockToNodes = null;
            NodeMap<Block> nodeToBlock = null;
            ControlFlowGraph cfg = ControlFlowGraph.compute(graph, true, true, true, true);
            if (fullSchedule) {
                if (moveGuards) {
                    cfg.visitDominatorTree(new MoveGuardsUpwards(), graph.hasValueProxies());
                try (DebugContext.Scope scheduleScope = graph.getDebug().scope(SchedulePhase.class)) {
                    SchedulePhase.run(graph, SchedulingStrategy.EARLIEST_WITH_GUARD_ORDER, cfg);
                } catch (Throwable t) {
                    throw graph.getDebug().handle(t);
                ScheduleResult r = graph.getLastSchedule();
                blockToNodes = r.getBlockToNodesMap();
                nodeToBlock = r.getNodeToBlockMap();
            } else {
                nodeToBlock = cfg.getNodeToBlock();
                blockToNodes = getBlockToNodes(cfg);
            ControlFlowGraph.RecursiveVisitor<?> visitor = createVisitor(graph, cfg, blockToNodes, nodeToBlock, context);
            cfg.visitDominatorTree(visitor, graph.hasValueProxies());

    protected BlockMap<List<Node>> getBlockToNodes(@SuppressWarnings("unused") ControlFlowGraph cfg) {
        return null;

    protected ControlFlowGraph.RecursiveVisitor<?> createVisitor(StructuredGraph graph, @SuppressWarnings("unused") ControlFlowGraph cfg, BlockMap<List<Node>> blockToNodes,
                    NodeMap<Block> nodeToBlock, PhaseContext context) {
        return new Instance(graph, blockToNodes, nodeToBlock, context);

    public static class MoveGuardsUpwards implements ControlFlowGraph.RecursiveVisitor<Block> {

        Block anchorBlock;

        public Block enter(Block b) {
            Block oldAnchorBlock = anchorBlock;
            if (b.getDominator() == null || b.getDominator().getPostdominator() != b) {
                // New anchor.
                anchorBlock = b;

            AbstractBeginNode beginNode = b.getBeginNode();
            if (beginNode instanceof AbstractMergeNode && anchorBlock != b) {
                AbstractMergeNode mergeNode = (AbstractMergeNode) beginNode;
                for (GuardNode guard : mergeNode.guards().snapshot()) {
                    try (DebugCloseable closeable = guard.withNodeSourcePosition()) {
                        GuardNode newlyCreatedGuard = new GuardNode(guard.getCondition(), anchorBlock.getBeginNode(), guard.getReason(), guard.getAction(), guard.isNegated(), guard.getSpeculation(),
                        GuardNode newGuard = mergeNode.graph().unique(newlyCreatedGuard);

            FixedNode endNode = b.getEndNode();
            if (endNode instanceof IfNode) {
                IfNode node = (IfNode) endNode;

                // Check if we can move guards upwards.
                AbstractBeginNode trueSuccessor = node.trueSuccessor();
                EconomicMap<LogicNode, GuardNode> trueGuards = EconomicMap.create(Equivalence.IDENTITY);
                for (GuardNode guard : trueSuccessor.guards()) {
                    LogicNode condition = guard.getCondition();
                    if (condition.hasMoreThanOneUsage()) {
                        trueGuards.put(condition, guard);

                if (!trueGuards.isEmpty()) {
                    for (GuardNode guard : node.falseSuccessor().guards().snapshot()) {
                        GuardNode otherGuard = trueGuards.get(guard.getCondition());
                        if (otherGuard != null && guard.isNegated() == otherGuard.isNegated()) {
                            Speculation speculation = otherGuard.getSpeculation();
                            if (speculation == null) {
                                speculation = guard.getSpeculation();
                            } else if (guard.getSpeculation() != null && guard.getSpeculation() != speculation) {
                                // Cannot optimize due to different speculations.
                            try (DebugCloseable closeable = guard.withNodeSourcePosition()) {
                                GuardNode newlyCreatedGuard = new GuardNode(guard.getCondition(), anchorBlock.getBeginNode(), guard.getReason(), guard.getAction(), guard.isNegated(), speculation,
                                GuardNode newGuard = node.graph().unique(newlyCreatedGuard);
                                if (otherGuard.isAlive()) {
            return oldAnchorBlock;

        public void exit(Block b, Block value) {
            anchorBlock = value;


    private static final class PhiInfoElement {

        private EconomicMap<EndNode, InfoElement> infoElements;

        public void set(EndNode end, InfoElement infoElement) {
            if (infoElements == null) {
                infoElements = EconomicMap.create(Equivalence.IDENTITY);
            infoElements.put(end, infoElement);

        public InfoElement get(EndNode end) {
            if (infoElements == null) {
                return null;
            return infoElements.get(end);

    public static final class Marks {
        final int infoElementOperations;
        final int conditions;

        public Marks(int infoElementOperations, int conditions) {
            this.infoElementOperations = infoElementOperations;
            this.conditions = conditions;

    protected static final class GuardedCondition {
        private final GuardingNode guard;
        private final LogicNode condition;
        private final boolean negated;

        public GuardedCondition(GuardingNode guard, LogicNode condition, boolean negated) {
            this.guard = guard;
            this.condition = condition;
            this.negated = negated;

        public GuardingNode getGuard() {
            return guard;

        public LogicNode getCondition() {
            return condition;

        public boolean isNegated() {
            return negated;

    public static class Instance implements ControlFlowGraph.RecursiveVisitor<Marks> {
        protected final NodeMap<InfoElement> map;
        protected final BlockMap<List<Node>> blockToNodes;
        protected final NodeMap<Block> nodeToBlock;
        protected final CanonicalizerTool tool;
        protected final NodeStack undoOperations;
        protected final StructuredGraph graph;
        protected final DebugContext debug;
        protected final EconomicMap<MergeNode, EconomicMap<ValuePhiNode, PhiInfoElement>> mergeMaps;

        protected final ArrayDeque<GuardedCondition> conditions;

Tests which may be eliminated because post dominating tests to prove a broader condition.
/** * Tests which may be eliminated because post dominating tests to prove a broader condition. */
private Deque<DeoptimizingGuard> pendingTests; public Instance(StructuredGraph graph, BlockMap<List<Node>> blockToNodes, NodeMap<Block> nodeToBlock, PhaseContext context) { this.graph = graph; this.debug = graph.getDebug(); this.blockToNodes = blockToNodes; this.nodeToBlock = nodeToBlock; this.undoOperations = new NodeStack(); this.map = graph.createNodeMap(); this.pendingTests = new ArrayDeque<>(); this.conditions = new ArrayDeque<>(); tool = GraphUtil.getDefaultSimplifier(context.getMetaAccess(), context.getConstantReflection(), context.getConstantFieldProvider(), false, graph.getAssumptions(), graph.getOptions(), context.getLowerer()); mergeMaps = EconomicMap.create(); } protected void processConditionAnchor(ConditionAnchorNode node) { tryProveCondition(node.condition(), (guard, result, guardedValueStamp, newInput) -> { if (result != node.isNegated()) { node.replaceAtUsages(guard.asNode()); GraphUtil.unlinkFixedNode(node); GraphUtil.killWithUnusedFloatingInputs(node); } else { ValueAnchorNode valueAnchor = node.graph().add(new ValueAnchorNode(null)); node.replaceAtUsages(valueAnchor); node.graph().replaceFixedWithFixed(node, valueAnchor); } return true; }); } protected void processGuard(GuardNode node) { if (!tryProveGuardCondition(node, node.getCondition(), (guard, result, guardedValueStamp, newInput) -> { if (result != node.isNegated()) { node.replaceAndDelete(guard.asNode()); } else { /* * Don't kill this branch immediately because `killCFG` can have complex * implications in the presence of loops: it might replace or delete nodes in * other branches or even above the kill point. Instead of killing immediately, * just leave the graph in a state that is easy to simplify by a subsequent * canonicalizer phase. */ FixedGuardNode deopt = new FixedGuardNode(LogicConstantNode.forBoolean(result, node.graph()), node.getReason(), node.getAction(), node.getSpeculation(), node.isNegated(), node.getNodeSourcePosition()); AbstractBeginNode beginNode = (AbstractBeginNode) node.getAnchor(); graph.addAfterFixed(beginNode, node.graph().add(deopt)); } return true; })) { registerNewCondition(node.getCondition(), node.isNegated(), node); } } protected void processFixedGuard(FixedGuardNode node) { if (!tryProveGuardCondition(node, node.condition(), (guard, result, guardedValueStamp, newInput) -> { if (result != node.isNegated()) { node.replaceAtUsages(guard.asNode()); GraphUtil.unlinkFixedNode(node); GraphUtil.killWithUnusedFloatingInputs(node); } else { node.setCondition(LogicConstantNode.forBoolean(result, node.graph()), node.isNegated()); // Don't kill this branch immediately, see `processGuard`. } debug.log("Kill fixed guard guard"); return true; })) { registerNewCondition(node.condition(), node.isNegated(), node); } } protected void processIf(IfNode node) { tryProveCondition(node.condition(), (guard, result, guardedValueStamp, newInput) -> { node.setCondition(LogicConstantNode.forBoolean(result, node.graph())); AbstractBeginNode survivingSuccessor = node.getSuccessor(result); survivingSuccessor.replaceAtUsages(InputType.Guard, guard.asNode()); // Don't kill the other branch immediately, see `processGuard`. counterIfsKilled.increment(debug); return true; }); } @Override public Marks enter(Block block) { int infoElementsMark = undoOperations.size(); int conditionsMark = conditions.size(); debug.log("[Pre Processing block %s]", block); // For now conservatively collect guards only within the same block. pendingTests.clear(); processNodes(block); return new Marks(infoElementsMark, conditionsMark); } protected void processNodes(Block block) { if (blockToNodes != null) { for (Node n : blockToNodes.get(block)) { if (n.isAlive()) { processNode(n); } } } else { processBlock(block); } } private void processBlock(Block block) { FixedNode n = block.getBeginNode(); FixedNode endNode = block.getEndNode(); debug.log("[Processing block %s]", block); while (n != endNode) { if (n.isDeleted() || endNode.isDeleted()) { // This branch was deleted! return; } FixedNode next = ((FixedWithNextNode) n).next(); processNode(n); n = next; } if (endNode.isAlive()) { processNode(endNode); } } @SuppressWarnings("try") protected void processNode(Node node) { try (DebugCloseable closeable = node.withNodeSourcePosition()) { if (node instanceof NodeWithState && !(node instanceof GuardingNode)) { pendingTests.clear(); } if (node instanceof MergeNode) { introducePisForPhis((MergeNode) node); } if (node instanceof AbstractBeginNode) { if (node instanceof LoopExitNode && graph.hasValueProxies()) { // Condition must not be used down this path. return; } processAbstractBegin((AbstractBeginNode) node); } else if (node instanceof FixedGuardNode) { processFixedGuard((FixedGuardNode) node); } else if (node instanceof GuardNode) { processGuard((GuardNode) node); } else if (node instanceof ConditionAnchorNode) { processConditionAnchor((ConditionAnchorNode) node); } else if (node instanceof IfNode) { processIf((IfNode) node); } else if (node instanceof EndNode) { processEnd((EndNode) node); } } } protected void introducePisForPhis(MergeNode merge) { EconomicMap<ValuePhiNode, PhiInfoElement> mergeMap = this.mergeMaps.get(merge); if (mergeMap != null) { MapCursor<ValuePhiNode, PhiInfoElement> entries = mergeMap.getEntries(); while (entries.advance()) { ValuePhiNode phi = entries.getKey(); assert phi.isAlive() || phi.isDeleted(); /* * Phi might have been killed already via a conditional elimination in another * branch. */ if (phi.isDeleted()) { continue; } PhiInfoElement phiInfoElements = entries.getValue(); Stamp bestPossibleStamp = null; for (int i = 0; i < phi.valueCount(); ++i) { ValueNode valueAt = phi.valueAt(i); Stamp curBestStamp = valueAt.stamp(NodeView.DEFAULT); InfoElement infoElement = phiInfoElements.get(merge.forwardEndAt(i)); if (infoElement != null) { curBestStamp = curBestStamp.join(infoElement.getStamp()); } if (bestPossibleStamp == null) { bestPossibleStamp = curBestStamp; } else { bestPossibleStamp = bestPossibleStamp.meet(curBestStamp); } } Stamp oldStamp = phi.stamp(NodeView.DEFAULT); if (oldStamp.tryImproveWith(bestPossibleStamp) != null) { // Need to be careful to not run into stamp update cycles with the iterative // canonicalization. boolean allow = false; if (bestPossibleStamp instanceof ObjectStamp) { // Always allow object stamps. allow = true; } else if (bestPossibleStamp instanceof IntegerStamp) { IntegerStamp integerStamp = (IntegerStamp) bestPossibleStamp; IntegerStamp oldIntegerStamp = (IntegerStamp) oldStamp; if (integerStamp.isPositive() != oldIntegerStamp.isPositive()) { allow = true; } else if (integerStamp.isNegative() != oldIntegerStamp.isNegative()) { allow = true; } else if (integerStamp.isStrictlyPositive() != oldIntegerStamp.isStrictlyPositive()) { allow = true; } else if (integerStamp.isStrictlyNegative() != oldIntegerStamp.isStrictlyNegative()) { allow = true; } else if (integerStamp.asConstant() != null) { allow = true; } else if (oldStamp.isUnrestricted()) { allow = true; } } else { allow = (bestPossibleStamp.asConstant() != null); } if (allow) { ValuePhiNode newPhi = graph.addWithoutUnique(new ValuePhiNode(bestPossibleStamp, merge)); for (int i = 0; i < phi.valueCount(); ++i) { ValueNode valueAt = phi.valueAt(i); if (bestPossibleStamp.meet(valueAt.stamp(NodeView.DEFAULT)).equals(bestPossibleStamp)) { // Pi not required here. } else { InfoElement infoElement = phiInfoElements.get(merge.forwardEndAt(i)); assert infoElement != null; Stamp curBestStamp = infoElement.getStamp(); ValueNode input = infoElement.getProxifiedInput(); if (input == null) { input = valueAt; } valueAt = graph.maybeAddOrUnique(PiNode.create(input, curBestStamp, (ValueNode) infoElement.guard)); } newPhi.addInput(valueAt); } counterPhiStampsImproved.increment(debug); phi.replaceAtUsagesAndDelete(newPhi); } } } } } protected void processEnd(EndNode end) { AbstractMergeNode abstractMerge = end.merge(); if (abstractMerge instanceof MergeNode) { MergeNode merge = (MergeNode) abstractMerge; EconomicMap<ValuePhiNode, PhiInfoElement> mergeMap = this.mergeMaps.get(merge); for (ValuePhiNode phi : merge.valuePhis()) { ValueNode valueAt = phi.valueAt(end); InfoElement infoElement = this.getInfoElements(valueAt); while (infoElement != null) { Stamp newStamp = infoElement.getStamp(); if (phi.stamp(NodeView.DEFAULT).tryImproveWith(newStamp) != null) { if (mergeMap == null) { mergeMap = EconomicMap.create(); mergeMaps.put(merge, mergeMap); } PhiInfoElement phiInfoElement = mergeMap.get(phi); if (phiInfoElement == null) { phiInfoElement = new PhiInfoElement(); mergeMap.put(phi, phiInfoElement); } phiInfoElement.set(end, infoElement); break; } infoElement = nextElement(infoElement); } } } } protected void registerNewCondition(LogicNode condition, boolean negated, GuardingNode guard) { if (condition instanceof UnaryOpLogicNode) { UnaryOpLogicNode unaryLogicNode = (UnaryOpLogicNode) condition; ValueNode value = unaryLogicNode.getValue(); if (maybeMultipleUsages(value)) { // getSucceedingStampForValue doesn't take the (potentially a Pi Node) input // stamp into account, so it can be safely propagated. Stamp newStamp = unaryLogicNode.getSucceedingStampForValue(negated); registerNewStamp(value, newStamp, guard, true); } } else if (condition instanceof BinaryOpLogicNode) { BinaryOpLogicNode binaryOpLogicNode = (BinaryOpLogicNode) condition; ValueNode x = binaryOpLogicNode.getX(); ValueNode y = binaryOpLogicNode.getY(); if (!x.isConstant() && maybeMultipleUsages(x)) { Stamp newStampX = binaryOpLogicNode.getSucceedingStampForX(negated, getSafeStamp(x), getOtherSafeStamp(y)); registerNewStamp(x, newStampX, guard); } if (!y.isConstant() && maybeMultipleUsages(y)) { Stamp newStampY = binaryOpLogicNode.getSucceedingStampForY(negated, getOtherSafeStamp(x), getSafeStamp(y)); registerNewStamp(y, newStampY, guard); } if (condition instanceof IntegerEqualsNode && guard instanceof DeoptimizingGuard && !negated) { if (y.isConstant() && x instanceof AndNode) { AndNode and = (AndNode) x; ValueNode andX = and.getX(); if (and.getY() == y && maybeMultipleUsages(andX)) { /* * This 'and' proves something about some of the bits in and.getX(). * It's equivalent to or'ing in the mask value since those values are * known to be set. */ BinaryOp<Or> op = ArithmeticOpTable.forStamp(x.stamp(NodeView.DEFAULT)).getOr(); IntegerStamp newStampX = (IntegerStamp) op.foldStamp(getSafeStamp(andX), getOtherSafeStamp(y)); registerNewStamp(andX, newStampX, guard); } } } } if (guard instanceof DeoptimizingGuard) { assert ((DeoptimizingGuard) guard).getCondition() == condition; pendingTests.push((DeoptimizingGuard) guard); } registerCondition(condition, negated, guard); } Pair<InfoElement, Stamp> recursiveFoldStamp(Node node) { if (node instanceof UnaryNode) { UnaryNode unary = (UnaryNode) node; ValueNode value = unary.getValue(); InfoElement infoElement = getInfoElements(value); while (infoElement != null) { Stamp result = unary.foldStamp(infoElement.getStamp()); if (result != null) { return Pair.create(infoElement, result); } infoElement = nextElement(infoElement); } } else if (node instanceof BinaryNode) { BinaryNode binary = (BinaryNode) node; ValueNode y = binary.getY(); ValueNode x = binary.getX(); if (y.isConstant()) { InfoElement infoElement = getInfoElements(x); while (infoElement != null) { Stamp result = binary.foldStamp(infoElement.stamp, y.stamp(NodeView.DEFAULT)); if (result != null) { return Pair.create(infoElement, result); } infoElement = nextElement(infoElement); } } } return null; }
Get the stamp that may be used for the value for which we are registering the condition. We may directly use the stamp here without restriction, because any later lookup of the registered info elements is in the same chain of pi nodes.
/** * Get the stamp that may be used for the value for which we are registering the condition. * We may directly use the stamp here without restriction, because any later lookup of the * registered info elements is in the same chain of pi nodes. */
private static Stamp getSafeStamp(ValueNode x) { return x.stamp(NodeView.DEFAULT); }
We can only use the stamp of a second value involved in the condition if we are sure that we are not implicitly creating a dependency on a pi node that is responsible for that stamp. For now, we are conservatively only using the stamps of constants. Under certain circumstances, we may also be able to use the stamp of the value after skipping pi nodes (e.g., the stamp of a parameter after inlining, or the stamp of a fixed node that can never be replaced with a pi node via canonicalization).
/** * We can only use the stamp of a second value involved in the condition if we are sure that * we are not implicitly creating a dependency on a pi node that is responsible for that * stamp. For now, we are conservatively only using the stamps of constants. Under certain * circumstances, we may also be able to use the stamp of the value after skipping pi nodes * (e.g., the stamp of a parameter after inlining, or the stamp of a fixed node that can * never be replaced with a pi node via canonicalization). */
private static Stamp getOtherSafeStamp(ValueNode x) { if (x.isConstant() || x.graph().isAfterFixedReadPhase()) { return x.stamp(NodeView.DEFAULT); } return x.stamp(NodeView.DEFAULT).unrestricted(); }
Recursively try to fold stamps within this expression using information from getInfoElements(ValueNode). It's only safe to use constants and one InfoElement otherwise more than one guard would be required.
  • node –
Returns:the pair of the @{link InfoElement} used and the stamp produced for the whole expression
/** * Recursively try to fold stamps within this expression using information from * {@link #getInfoElements(ValueNode)}. It's only safe to use constants and one * {@link InfoElement} otherwise more than one guard would be required. * * @param node * @return the pair of the @{link InfoElement} used and the stamp produced for the whole * expression */
Pair<InfoElement, Stamp> recursiveFoldStampFromInfo(Node node) { return recursiveFoldStamp(node); }
Look for a preceding guard whose condition is implied by thisGuard. If we find one, try to move this guard just above that preceding guard so that we can fold it:
    guard(C1); // preceding guard
    guard(C2); // thisGuard
If C2 => C1, transform to:
/** * Look for a preceding guard whose condition is implied by {@code thisGuard}. If we find * one, try to move this guard just above that preceding guard so that we can fold it: * * <pre> * guard(C1); // preceding guard * ... * guard(C2); // thisGuard * </pre> * * If C2 => C1, transform to: * * <pre> * guard(C2); * ... * </pre> */
protected boolean foldPendingTest(DeoptimizingGuard thisGuard, ValueNode original, Stamp newStamp, GuardRewirer rewireGuardFunction) { for (DeoptimizingGuard pendingGuard : pendingTests) { LogicNode pendingCondition = pendingGuard.getCondition(); TriState result = TriState.UNKNOWN; if (pendingCondition instanceof UnaryOpLogicNode) { UnaryOpLogicNode unaryLogicNode = (UnaryOpLogicNode) pendingCondition; if (unaryLogicNode.getValue() == original) { result = unaryLogicNode.tryFold(newStamp); } } else if (pendingCondition instanceof BinaryOpLogicNode) { BinaryOpLogicNode binaryOpLogicNode = (BinaryOpLogicNode) pendingCondition; ValueNode x = binaryOpLogicNode.getX(); ValueNode y = binaryOpLogicNode.getY(); if (x == original) { result = binaryOpLogicNode.tryFold(newStamp, getOtherSafeStamp(y)); } else if (y == original) { result = binaryOpLogicNode.tryFold(getOtherSafeStamp(x), newStamp); } else if (binaryOpLogicNode instanceof IntegerEqualsNode && y.isConstant() && x instanceof AndNode) { AndNode and = (AndNode) x; if (and.getY() == y && and.getX() == original) { BinaryOp<And> andOp = ArithmeticOpTable.forStamp(newStamp).getAnd(); result = binaryOpLogicNode.tryFold(andOp.foldStamp(newStamp, getOtherSafeStamp(y)), getOtherSafeStamp(y)); } } } if (result.isKnown()) { /* * The test case be folded using the information available but the test can only * be moved up if we're sure there's no schedule dependence. */ if (canScheduleAbove(thisGuard.getCondition(), pendingGuard.asNode(), original) && foldGuard(thisGuard, pendingGuard, result.toBoolean(), newStamp, rewireGuardFunction)) { return true; } } } return false; } private boolean canScheduleAbove(Node n, Node target, ValueNode knownToBeAbove) { Block targetBlock = nodeToBlock.get(target); Block testBlock = nodeToBlock.get(n); if (targetBlock != null && testBlock != null) { if (targetBlock == testBlock) { for (Node fixed : blockToNodes.get(targetBlock)) { if (fixed == n) { return true; } else if (fixed == target) { break; } } } else if (AbstractControlFlowGraph.dominates(testBlock, targetBlock)) { return true; } } InputFilter v = new InputFilter(knownToBeAbove); n.applyInputs(v); return v.ok; } protected boolean foldGuard(DeoptimizingGuard thisGuard, DeoptimizingGuard otherGuard, boolean outcome, Stamp guardedValueStamp, GuardRewirer rewireGuardFunction) { DeoptimizationAction action = mergeActions(otherGuard.getAction(), thisGuard.getAction()); if (action != null && otherGuard.getSpeculation() == thisGuard.getSpeculation()) { LogicNode condition = (LogicNode) thisGuard.getCondition().copyWithInputs(); /* * We have ...; guard(C1); guard(C2);... * * Where the first guard is `otherGuard` and the second one `thisGuard`. * * Depending on `outcome`, we have C2 => C1 or C2 => !C1. * * - If C2 => C1, `mustDeopt` below is false and we transform to ...; guard(C2); ... * * - If C2 => !C1, `mustDeopt` is true and we transform to ..; guard(C1); deopt; */ // for the second case, the action of the deopt is copied from there: thisGuard.setAction(action); GuardRewirer rewirer = (guard, result, innerGuardedValueStamp, newInput) -> { // `result` is `outcome`, `guard` is `otherGuard` boolean mustDeopt = result == otherGuard.isNegated(); if (rewireGuardFunction.rewire(guard, mustDeopt == thisGuard.isNegated(), innerGuardedValueStamp, newInput)) { if (!mustDeopt) { otherGuard.setCondition(condition, thisGuard.isNegated()); otherGuard.setAction(action); otherGuard.setReason(thisGuard.getReason()); } return true; } condition.safeDelete(); return false; }; // Move the later test up return rewireGuards(otherGuard, outcome, null, guardedValueStamp, rewirer); } return false; } protected void registerCondition(LogicNode condition, boolean negated, GuardingNode guard) { if (condition.hasMoreThanOneUsage()) { registerNewStamp(condition, negated ? StampFactory.contradiction() : StampFactory.tautology(), guard); } conditions.push(new GuardedCondition(guard, condition, negated)); } protected InfoElement getInfoElements(ValueNode proxiedValue) { if (proxiedValue == null) { return null; } InfoElement infoElement = map.getAndGrow(proxiedValue); if (infoElement == null) { infoElement = map.getAndGrow(GraphUtil.skipPi(proxiedValue)); } return infoElement; } protected boolean rewireGuards(GuardingNode guard, boolean result, ValueNode proxifiedInput, Stamp guardedValueStamp, GuardRewirer rewireGuardFunction) { counterStampsFound.increment(debug); return rewireGuardFunction.rewire(guard, result, guardedValueStamp, proxifiedInput); } protected boolean tryProveCondition(LogicNode node, GuardRewirer rewireGuardFunction) { return tryProveGuardCondition(null, node, rewireGuardFunction); } private InfoElement nextElement(InfoElement current) { InfoElement parent = current.getParent(); if (parent != null) { return parent; } else { ValueNode proxifiedInput = current.getProxifiedInput(); if (proxifiedInput instanceof PiNode) { PiNode piNode = (PiNode) proxifiedInput; return getInfoElements(piNode.getOriginalNode()); } } return null; } protected boolean tryProveGuardCondition(DeoptimizingGuard thisGuard, LogicNode node, GuardRewirer rewireGuardFunction) { InfoElement infoElement = getInfoElements(node); while (infoElement != null) { Stamp stamp = infoElement.getStamp(); JavaConstant constant = (JavaConstant) stamp.asConstant(); if (constant != null) { // No proxified input and stamp required. return rewireGuards(infoElement.getGuard(), constant.asBoolean(), null, null, rewireGuardFunction); } infoElement = nextElement(infoElement); } for (GuardedCondition guardedCondition : this.conditions) { TriState result = guardedCondition.getCondition().implies(guardedCondition.isNegated(), node); if (result.isKnown()) { return rewireGuards(guardedCondition.guard, result.toBoolean(), null, null, rewireGuardFunction); } } if (node instanceof UnaryOpLogicNode) { UnaryOpLogicNode unaryLogicNode = (UnaryOpLogicNode) node; ValueNode value = unaryLogicNode.getValue(); infoElement = getInfoElements(value); while (infoElement != null) { Stamp stamp = infoElement.getStamp(); TriState result = unaryLogicNode.tryFold(stamp); if (result.isKnown()) { return rewireGuards(infoElement.getGuard(), result.toBoolean(), infoElement.getProxifiedInput(), infoElement.getStamp(), rewireGuardFunction); } infoElement = nextElement(infoElement); } Pair<InfoElement, Stamp> foldResult = recursiveFoldStampFromInfo(value); if (foldResult != null) { TriState result = unaryLogicNode.tryFold(foldResult.getRight()); if (result.isKnown()) { return rewireGuards(foldResult.getLeft().getGuard(), result.toBoolean(), foldResult.getLeft().getProxifiedInput(), foldResult.getRight(), rewireGuardFunction); } } if (thisGuard != null) { Stamp newStamp = unaryLogicNode.getSucceedingStampForValue(thisGuard.isNegated()); if (newStamp != null && foldPendingTest(thisGuard, value, newStamp, rewireGuardFunction)) { return true; } } } else if (node instanceof BinaryOpLogicNode) { BinaryOpLogicNode binaryOpLogicNode = (BinaryOpLogicNode) node; ValueNode x = binaryOpLogicNode.getX(); ValueNode y = binaryOpLogicNode.getY(); infoElement = getInfoElements(x); while (infoElement != null) { TriState result = binaryOpLogicNode.tryFold(infoElement.getStamp(), y.stamp(NodeView.DEFAULT)); if (result.isKnown()) { return rewireGuards(infoElement.getGuard(), result.toBoolean(), infoElement.getProxifiedInput(), infoElement.getStamp(), rewireGuardFunction); } infoElement = nextElement(infoElement); } if (y.isConstant()) { Pair<InfoElement, Stamp> foldResult = recursiveFoldStampFromInfo(x); if (foldResult != null) { TriState result = binaryOpLogicNode.tryFold(foldResult.getRight(), y.stamp(NodeView.DEFAULT)); if (result.isKnown()) { return rewireGuards(foldResult.getLeft().getGuard(), result.toBoolean(), foldResult.getLeft().getProxifiedInput(), foldResult.getRight(), rewireGuardFunction); } } } else { infoElement = getInfoElements(y); while (infoElement != null) { TriState result = binaryOpLogicNode.tryFold(x.stamp(NodeView.DEFAULT), infoElement.getStamp()); if (result.isKnown()) { return rewireGuards(infoElement.getGuard(), result.toBoolean(), infoElement.getProxifiedInput(), infoElement.getStamp(), rewireGuardFunction); } infoElement = nextElement(infoElement); } } /* * For complex expressions involving constants, see if it's possible to fold the * tests by using stamps one level up in the expression. For instance, (x + n < y) * might fold if something is known about x and all other values are constants. The * reason for the constant restriction is that if more than 1 real value is involved * the code might need to adopt multiple guards to have proper dependences. */ if (x instanceof BinaryArithmeticNode<?> && y.isConstant()) { BinaryArithmeticNode<?> binary = (BinaryArithmeticNode<?>) x; if (binary.getY().isConstant()) { infoElement = getInfoElements(binary.getX()); while (infoElement != null) { Stamp newStampX = binary.foldStamp(infoElement.getStamp(), binary.getY().stamp(NodeView.DEFAULT)); TriState result = binaryOpLogicNode.tryFold(newStampX, y.stamp(NodeView.DEFAULT)); if (result.isKnown()) { return rewireGuards(infoElement.getGuard(), result.toBoolean(), infoElement.getProxifiedInput(), newStampX, rewireGuardFunction); } infoElement = nextElement(infoElement); } } } if (thisGuard != null && binaryOpLogicNode instanceof IntegerEqualsNode && !thisGuard.isNegated()) { if (y.isConstant() && x instanceof AndNode) { AndNode and = (AndNode) x; if (and.getY() == y) { /* * This 'and' proves something about some of the bits in and.getX(). * It's equivalent to or'ing in the mask value since those values are * known to be set. */ BinaryOp<Or> op = ArithmeticOpTable.forStamp(x.stamp(NodeView.DEFAULT)).getOr(); IntegerStamp newStampX = (IntegerStamp) op.foldStamp(getSafeStamp(and.getX()), getOtherSafeStamp(y)); if (foldPendingTest(thisGuard, and.getX(), newStampX, rewireGuardFunction)) { return true; } } } } if (thisGuard != null) { if (!x.isConstant()) { Stamp newStampX = binaryOpLogicNode.getSucceedingStampForX(thisGuard.isNegated(), getSafeStamp(x), getOtherSafeStamp(y)); if (newStampX != null && foldPendingTest(thisGuard, x, newStampX, rewireGuardFunction)) { return true; } } if (!y.isConstant()) { Stamp newStampY = binaryOpLogicNode.getSucceedingStampForY(thisGuard.isNegated(), getOtherSafeStamp(x), getSafeStamp(y)); if (newStampY != null && foldPendingTest(thisGuard, y, newStampY, rewireGuardFunction)) { return true; } } } } else if (node instanceof ShortCircuitOrNode) { final ShortCircuitOrNode shortCircuitOrNode = (ShortCircuitOrNode) node; return tryProveCondition(shortCircuitOrNode.getX(), (guard, result, guardedValueStamp, newInput) -> { if (result == !shortCircuitOrNode.isXNegated()) { return rewireGuards(guard, true, newInput, guardedValueStamp, rewireGuardFunction); } else { return tryProveCondition(shortCircuitOrNode.getY(), (innerGuard, innerResult, innerGuardedValueStamp, innerNewInput) -> { ValueNode proxifiedInput = newInput; if (proxifiedInput == null) { proxifiedInput = innerNewInput; } else if (innerNewInput != null) { if (innerNewInput != newInput) { // Cannot canonicalize due to different proxied inputs. return false; } } // Can only canonicalize if the guards are equal. if (innerGuard == guard) { return rewireGuards(guard, innerResult ^ shortCircuitOrNode.isYNegated(), proxifiedInput, guardedValueStamp, rewireGuardFunction); } return false; }); } }); } return false; } protected void registerNewStamp(ValueNode maybeProxiedValue, Stamp newStamp, GuardingNode guard) { registerNewStamp(maybeProxiedValue, newStamp, guard, false); } protected void registerNewStamp(ValueNode maybeProxiedValue, Stamp newStamp, GuardingNode guard, boolean propagateThroughPis) { assert maybeProxiedValue != null; assert guard != null; if (newStamp == null || newStamp.isUnrestricted()) { return; } ValueNode value = maybeProxiedValue; Stamp stamp = newStamp; while (stamp != null && value != null) { ValueNode proxiedValue = null; if (value instanceof PiNode) { proxiedValue = value; } counterStampsRegistered.increment(debug); debug.log("\t Saving stamp for node %s stamp %s guarded by %s", value, stamp, guard); assert value instanceof LogicNode || stamp.isCompatible(value.stamp(NodeView.DEFAULT)) : stamp + " vs. " + value.stamp(NodeView.DEFAULT) + " (" + value + ")"; map.setAndGrow(value, new InfoElement(stamp, guard, proxiedValue, map.getAndGrow(value))); undoOperations.push(value); if (propagateThroughPis && value instanceof PiNode) { PiNode piNode = (PiNode) value; value = piNode.getOriginalNode(); } else if (value instanceof StampInverter) { StampInverter stampInverter = (StampInverter) value; value = stampInverter.getValue(); stamp = stampInverter.invertStamp(stamp); } else { break; } } } protected void processAbstractBegin(AbstractBeginNode beginNode) { Node predecessor = beginNode.predecessor(); if (predecessor instanceof IfNode) { IfNode ifNode = (IfNode) predecessor; boolean negated = (ifNode.falseSuccessor() == beginNode); LogicNode condition = ifNode.condition(); registerNewCondition(condition, negated, beginNode); } else if (predecessor instanceof TypeSwitchNode) { TypeSwitchNode typeSwitch = (TypeSwitchNode) predecessor; processTypeSwitch(beginNode, typeSwitch); } else if (predecessor instanceof IntegerSwitchNode) { IntegerSwitchNode integerSwitchNode = (IntegerSwitchNode) predecessor; processIntegerSwitch(beginNode, integerSwitchNode); } } private static boolean maybeMultipleUsages(ValueNode value) { if (value.hasMoreThanOneUsage()) { return true; } else { return value instanceof ProxyNode || value instanceof PiNode || value instanceof StampInverter; } } protected void processIntegerSwitch(AbstractBeginNode beginNode, IntegerSwitchNode integerSwitchNode) { ValueNode value = integerSwitchNode.value(); if (maybeMultipleUsages(value)) { Stamp stamp = integerSwitchNode.getValueStampForSuccessor(beginNode); if (stamp != null) { registerNewStamp(value, stamp, beginNode); } } } protected void processTypeSwitch(AbstractBeginNode beginNode, TypeSwitchNode typeSwitch) { ValueNode hub = typeSwitch.value(); if (hub instanceof LoadHubNode) { LoadHubNode loadHub = (LoadHubNode) hub; ValueNode value = loadHub.getValue(); if (maybeMultipleUsages(value)) { Stamp stamp = typeSwitch.getValueStampForSuccessor(beginNode); if (stamp != null) { registerNewStamp(value, stamp, beginNode); } } } } @Override public void exit(Block b, Marks marks) { int infoElementsMark = marks.infoElementOperations; while (undoOperations.size() > infoElementsMark) { Node node = undoOperations.pop(); if (node.isAlive()) { map.set(node, map.get(node).getParent()); } } int conditionsMark = marks.conditions; while (conditions.size() > conditionsMark) { conditions.pop(); } } } @FunctionalInterface protected interface InfoElementProvider { Iterable<InfoElement> getInfoElements(ValueNode value); }
Checks for safe nodes when moving pending tests up.
/** * Checks for safe nodes when moving pending tests up. */
static class InputFilter extends Node.EdgeVisitor { boolean ok; private ValueNode value; InputFilter(ValueNode value) { this.value = value; this.ok = true; } @Override public Node apply(Node node, Node curNode) { if (!ok) { // Abort the recursion return curNode; } if (!(curNode instanceof ValueNode)) { ok = false; return curNode; } ValueNode curValue = (ValueNode) curNode; if (curValue.isConstant() || curValue == value || curValue instanceof ParameterNode) { return curNode; } if (curValue instanceof BinaryNode || curValue instanceof UnaryNode) { curValue.applyInputs(this); } else { ok = false; } return curNode; } } @FunctionalInterface protected interface GuardRewirer {
Called if the condition could be proven to have a constant value (result) under guard.
  • guard – the guard whose result is proven
  • result – the known result of the guard
  • newInput – new input to pi nodes depending on the new guard
Returns:whether the transformation could be applied
/** * Called if the condition could be proven to have a constant value ({@code result}) under * {@code guard}. * * @param guard the guard whose result is proven * @param result the known result of the guard * @param newInput new input to pi nodes depending on the new guard * @return whether the transformation could be applied */
boolean rewire(GuardingNode guard, boolean result, Stamp guardedValueStamp, ValueNode newInput); } protected static final class InfoElement { private final Stamp stamp; private final GuardingNode guard; private final ValueNode proxifiedInput; private final InfoElement parent; public InfoElement(Stamp stamp, GuardingNode guard, ValueNode proxifiedInput, InfoElement parent) { this.stamp = stamp; this.guard = guard; this.proxifiedInput = proxifiedInput; this.parent = parent; } public InfoElement getParent() { return parent; } public Stamp getStamp() { return stamp; } public GuardingNode getGuard() { return guard; } public ValueNode getProxifiedInput() { return proxifiedInput; } @Override public String toString() { return stamp + " -> " + guard; } } @Override public float codeSizeIncrease() { return 1.5f; } }