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package org.graalvm.compiler.hotspot.phases.aot;

import static org.graalvm.util.CollectionsUtil.anyMatch;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

import jdk.vm.ci.hotspot.HotSpotMetaspaceConstant;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.Constant;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.ResolvedJavaType;

import jdk.internal.vm.compiler.collections.EconomicSet;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.Node;
import org.graalvm.compiler.hotspot.nodes.aot.InitializeKlassNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.hotspot.nodes.aot.ResolveConstantNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.AbstractMergeNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.FixedNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.FixedWithNextNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.Invoke;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.StructuredGraph;
import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.BasePhase;
import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.graph.MergeableState;
import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.graph.PostOrderNodeIterator;
import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.tiers.PhaseContext;

public class EliminateRedundantInitializationPhase extends BasePhase<PhaseContext> {
Find each Invoke that has a corresponding InitializeKlassNode. These InitializeKlassNode are redundant and are removed.
/** * Find each {@link Invoke} that has a corresponding {@link InitializeKlassNode}. These * {@link InitializeKlassNode} are redundant and are removed. */
private static void removeInitsAtStaticCalls(StructuredGraph graph) { for (Invoke invoke : graph.getInvokes()) { Node classInit = invoke.classInit(); if (classInit != null) { classInit.replaceAtUsages(null); graph.removeFixed((FixedWithNextNode) classInit); } } }
Remove redundant InitializeKlassNode or ResolveConstantNode instances from the graph.
  • graph – the program graph
/** * Remove redundant {@link InitializeKlassNode} or {@link ResolveConstantNode} instances from * the graph. * * @param graph the program graph */
private static void removeRedundantInits(StructuredGraph graph) { // Find and remove redundant nodes from the graph. List<FixedWithNextNode> redundantNodes = findRedundantInits(graph); for (FixedWithNextNode n : redundantNodes) { graph.removeFixed(n); } }
Find InitializeKlassNode and ResolveConstantNode instances that can be removed because there is an existing dominating node.
  • graph – the program graph
/** * Find {@link InitializeKlassNode} and {@link ResolveConstantNode} instances that can be * removed because there is an existing dominating node. * * @param graph the program graph */
private static List<FixedWithNextNode> findRedundantInits(StructuredGraph graph) { EliminateRedundantInitializationIterator i = new EliminateRedundantInitializationIterator(graph.start(), new InitializedTypes()); i.apply(); return i.getRedundantNodes(); } /** * State for {@link EliminateRedundantInitializationIterator}. */ private static class InitializedTypes extends MergeableState<InitializedTypes> implements Cloneable { private EconomicSet<ResolvedJavaType> types; InitializedTypes() { types = EconomicSet.create(); } private InitializedTypes(EconomicSet<ResolvedJavaType> types) { this.types = types; } @Override public InitializedTypes clone() { return new InitializedTypes(EconomicSet.create(types)); } public boolean contains(ResolvedJavaType type) { if (type.isInterface() || type.isArray()) { // Check for exact match for interfaces return types.contains(type); } // For other types see if there is the same type or a subtype return anyMatch(types, t -> type.isAssignableFrom(t)); } public void add(ResolvedJavaType type) { types.add(type); }
Merge two given types. Interfaces and arrays have to be the same to merge successfully. For other types the answer is the LCA.
  • a – initialized type
  • b – initialized type
Returns:lowest common type that is initialized if either a or b are initialized, null if no such type exists.
/** * Merge two given types. Interfaces and arrays have to be the same to merge successfully. * For other types the answer is the LCA. * * @param a initialized type * @param b initialized type * @return lowest common type that is initialized if either a or b are initialized, null if * no such type exists. */
private static ResolvedJavaType merge(ResolvedJavaType a, ResolvedJavaType b) { // We want exact match for interfaces or arrays if (a.isInterface() || b.isInterface() || a.isArray() || b.isArray()) { if (a.equals(b)) { return a; } else { return null; } } else { // And LCA for other types ResolvedJavaType c = a.findLeastCommonAncestor(b); if (c.isJavaLangObject()) { // Not a very useful type, always initialized, don't pollute the sets. return null; } return c; } }
Merge two sets of types. Essentially a computation of the LCA for each element of the cartesian product of the input sets. Interfaces have to match exactly.
  • a – set of initialized types
  • b – set of initialized types
Returns:set of common types that would be initialized if types in either a or b are initialized
/** * Merge two sets of types. Essentially a computation of the LCA for each element of the * cartesian product of the input sets. Interfaces have to match exactly. * * @param a set of initialized types * @param b set of initialized types * @return set of common types that would be initialized if types in either a or b are * initialized */
private static EconomicSet<ResolvedJavaType> merge(EconomicSet<ResolvedJavaType> a, EconomicSet<ResolvedJavaType> b) { EconomicSet<ResolvedJavaType> c = EconomicSet.create(); for (ResolvedJavaType ta : a) { for (ResolvedJavaType tb : b) { ResolvedJavaType tc = merge(ta, tb); if (tc != null) { c.add(tc); if (tc.isInterface() || tc.isArray()) { // Interfaces and arrays are not going merge with anything else, so bail // out early. break; } } } } return c; } @Override public boolean merge(AbstractMergeNode merge, List<InitializedTypes> withStates) { for (InitializedTypes ts : withStates) { types = merge(types, ts.types); } return true; } protected static String toString(EconomicSet<ResolvedJavaType> types) { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); b.append("["); Iterator<ResolvedJavaType> i = types.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { ResolvedJavaType t = i.next(); b.append(t.toString()); if (i.hasNext()) { b.append(","); } } b.append("]"); return b.toString(); } @Override public String toString() { return toString(types); } }
Do data flow analysis of class initializations and array resolutions. Collect redundant nodes.
/** * Do data flow analysis of class initializations and array resolutions. Collect redundant * nodes. */
private static class EliminateRedundantInitializationIterator extends PostOrderNodeIterator<InitializedTypes> { private List<FixedWithNextNode> redundantNodes = new ArrayList<>(); public List<FixedWithNextNode> getRedundantNodes() { return redundantNodes; } EliminateRedundantInitializationIterator(FixedNode start, InitializedTypes initialState) { super(start, initialState); } private void processType(FixedWithNextNode node, Constant c) { HotSpotMetaspaceConstant klass = (HotSpotMetaspaceConstant) c; ResolvedJavaType t = klass.asResolvedJavaType(); if (t != null) { if (state.contains(t)) { redundantNodes.add(node); } else { state.add(t); } } } @Override protected void node(FixedNode node) { if (node instanceof InitializeKlassNode) { InitializeKlassNode i = (InitializeKlassNode) node; if (i.value().isConstant()) { processType(i, i.value().asConstant()); } } else if (node instanceof ResolveConstantNode) { ResolveConstantNode r = (ResolveConstantNode) node; if (r.hasNoUsages()) { if (r.value().isConstant()) { processType(r, r.value().asConstant()); } } } } } @Override protected void run(StructuredGraph graph, PhaseContext context) { removeInitsAtStaticCalls(graph); removeRedundantInits(graph); } }