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package org.graalvm.compiler.hotspot;

import static org.graalvm.compiler.hotspot.HotSpotGraalCompiler.fmt;

import java.util.Arrays;

import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.TTY;
import org.graalvm.compiler.options.Option;
import org.graalvm.compiler.options.OptionKey;
import org.graalvm.compiler.options.OptionType;
import org.graalvm.compiler.options.OptionValues;

import jdk.vm.ci.meta.ResolvedJavaMethod;

A watch dog for reporting long running compilations. This is designed to be an always on mechanism for the purpose of getting better reports from customer sites. As such, it only exits the VM when it is very sure about a stuck compilation as opposed to only observing a long running compilation. In both cases, it logs messages to TTY. A watch dog thread is associated with each compiler thread. It wakes up every 1000 milliseconds to observe the state of the compiler thread. After the first Options.CompilationWatchDogStartDelay seconds of a specific compilation, the watch dog reports a long running compilation. Every Options.CompilationWatchDogStackTraceInterval seconds after that point in time where the same compilation is still executing, the watch dog takes a stack trace of the compiler thread. If more than Options.NonFatalIdenticalCompilationSnapshots contiguous identical stack traces are seen, the watch dog reports a stuck compilation and exits the VM.
/** * A watch dog for reporting long running compilations. This is designed to be an always on * mechanism for the purpose of getting better reports from customer sites. As such, it only exits * the VM when it is very sure about a stuck compilation as opposed to only observing a long running * compilation. In both cases, it logs messages to {@link TTY}. * * A watch dog thread is associated with each compiler thread. It wakes up every * {@value #SPIN_TIMEOUT_MS} milliseconds to observe the state of the compiler thread. After the * first {@link Options#CompilationWatchDogStartDelay} seconds of a specific compilation, the watch * dog reports a long running compilation. Every * {@link Options#CompilationWatchDogStackTraceInterval} seconds after that point in time where the * same compilation is still executing, the watch dog takes a stack trace of the compiler thread. If * more than {@value Options#NonFatalIdenticalCompilationSnapshots} contiguous identical stack * traces are seen, the watch dog reports a stuck compilation and exits the VM. */
class CompilationWatchDog extends Thread implements AutoCloseable { public static class Options { // @formatter:off @Option(help = "Delay in seconds before watch dog monitoring a compilation (0 disables monitoring).", type = OptionType.Debug) public static final OptionKey<Double> CompilationWatchDogStartDelay = new OptionKey<>(0.0D); @Option(help = "Interval in seconds between a watch dog reporting stack traces for long running compilations.", type = OptionType.Debug) public static final OptionKey<Double> CompilationWatchDogStackTraceInterval = new OptionKey<>(60.0D); @Option(help = "Number of contiguous identical compiler thread stack traces allowed before the VM exits " + "on the basis of a stuck compilation.", type = OptionType.Debug) public static final OptionKey<Integer> NonFatalIdenticalCompilationSnapshots = new OptionKey<>(20); // @formatter:on } private enum WatchDogState {
The watch dog thread sleeps currently, either no method is currently compiled, or no method is compiled long enough to be monitored.
/** * The watch dog thread sleeps currently, either no method is currently compiled, or no * method is compiled long enough to be monitored. */
The watch dog thread identified a compilation that already takes long enough to be interesting. It will sleep and wake up periodically and check if the current compilation takes too long. If it takes too long it will start collecting stack traces from the compiler thread.
/** * The watch dog thread identified a compilation that already takes long enough to be * interesting. It will sleep and wake up periodically and check if the current compilation * takes too long. If it takes too long it will start collecting stack traces from the * compiler thread. */
The watch dog thread is fully monitoring the compiler thread. It takes stack traces periodically and sleeps again until the next period. If the number of stack traces reaches a certain upper bound and those stack traces are equal it will shut down the entire VM with an error.
/** * The watch dog thread is fully monitoring the compiler thread. It takes stack traces * periodically and sleeps again until the next period. If the number of stack traces * reaches a certain upper bound and those stack traces are equal it will shut down the * entire VM with an error. */
The number of milliseconds a watch dog thread sleeps between observing the state of the compilation thread it is associated with. Most compilations are expected to complete within this time period and thus not be actively monitored by the watch dog.
/** * The number of milliseconds a watch dog thread sleeps between observing the state of the * compilation thread it is associated with. Most compilations are expected to complete within * this time period and thus not be actively monitored by the watch dog. */
private static final int SPIN_TIMEOUT_MS = 1000; private WatchDogState state = WatchDogState.SLEEPING; private final Thread compilerThread; private final long startDelayMilliseconds; private final long stackTraceIntervalMilliseconds; private final int nonFatalIdenticalCompilationSnapshots; private volatile ResolvedJavaMethod currentMethod; private volatile int currentId; private ResolvedJavaMethod lastWatched; // The 4 fields below are for a single compilation being watched private long elapsed; private int traceIntervals; private int numberOfIdenticalStackTraces; private StackTraceElement[] lastStackTrace; CompilationWatchDog(Thread compilerThread, long startDelayMilliseconds, long stackTraceIntervalMilliseconds, int nonFatalIdenticalCompilationSnapshots) { this.compilerThread = compilerThread; this.setName("WatchDog" + getId() + "[" + compilerThread.getName() + "]"); this.setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY); this.setDaemon(true); this.startDelayMilliseconds = startDelayMilliseconds; this.stackTraceIntervalMilliseconds = stackTraceIntervalMilliseconds; this.nonFatalIdenticalCompilationSnapshots = nonFatalIdenticalCompilationSnapshots; } public void startCompilation(ResolvedJavaMethod method, int id) { trace("start %s", fmt(method)); this.currentMethod = method; this.currentId = id; } public void stopCompilation() { trace(" stop %s", fmt(currentMethod)); this.currentMethod = null; } private void reset() { elapsed = 0; traceIntervals = 0; numberOfIdenticalStackTraces = 0; lastWatched = null; lastStackTrace = null; state = WatchDogState.SLEEPING; } private void tick(WatchDogState newState) { state = newState; }
Saves the current stack trace StackTraceElement of the monitored compiler thread compilerThread.
  • newStackTrace – the current stack trace of the monitored compiler thread
Returns:true if the stack trace is equal to the last stack trace (or if it is the first one) and false if it is not equal to the last one.
/** * Saves the current stack trace {@link StackTraceElement} of the monitored compiler thread * {@link CompilationWatchDog#compilerThread}. * * @param newStackTrace the current stack trace of the monitored compiler thread * @return {@code true} if the stack trace is equal to the last stack trace (or if it is the * first one) and {@code false} if it is not equal to the last one. */
private boolean recordStackTrace(StackTraceElement[] newStackTrace) { if (lastStackTrace == null) { lastStackTrace = newStackTrace; return true; } if (!Arrays.equals(lastStackTrace, newStackTrace)) { lastStackTrace = newStackTrace; return false; } return true; }
Set to true to debug the watch dog.
/** * Set to true to debug the watch dog. */
private static final boolean DEBUG = Boolean.getBoolean("debug.graal.CompilationWatchDog"); private void trace(String format, Object... args) { if (DEBUG) { TTY.println(this + ": " + String.format(format, args)); } } private static long ms(double seconds) { return (long) seconds * 1000; } private static double secs(long ms) { return (double) ms / 1000; } @Override public String toString() { return getName(); } @Override public void run() { try { trace("Started%n", this); while (true) { // get a copy of the last set method final ResolvedJavaMethod currentlyCompiling = currentMethod; if (currentlyCompiling == null) { // continue sleeping, compilation is either over before starting // to watch the compiler thread or no compilation at all started reset(); } else { switch (state) { case SLEEPING: lastWatched = currentlyCompiling; elapsed = 0; tick(WatchDogState.WATCHING_WITHOUT_STACK_INSPECTION); break; case WATCHING_WITHOUT_STACK_INSPECTION: if (currentlyCompiling.equals(lastWatched)) { if (elapsed >= startDelayMilliseconds) { // we looked at the same compilation for a certain time // so now we start to collect stack traces tick(WatchDogState.WATCHING_WITH_STACK_INSPECTION); trace("changes mode to watching with stack traces"); } else { // we still compile the same method but won't collect traces // yet trace("watching without stack traces [%.2f seconds]", secs(elapsed)); } elapsed += SPIN_TIMEOUT_MS; } else { // compilation finished before we exceeded initial watching // period reset(); } break; case WATCHING_WITH_STACK_INSPECTION: if (currentlyCompiling.equals(lastWatched)) { if (elapsed >= startDelayMilliseconds + (traceIntervals * stackTraceIntervalMilliseconds)) { trace("took a stack trace"); boolean newStackTrace = recordStackTrace(compilerThread.getStackTrace()); if (!newStackTrace) { trace("%d identical stack traces in a row", numberOfIdenticalStackTraces); numberOfIdenticalStackTraces = 0; } numberOfIdenticalStackTraces++; if (numberOfIdenticalStackTraces > nonFatalIdenticalCompilationSnapshots) { synchronized (CompilationWatchDog.class) { TTY.printf("======================= WATCH DOG THREAD =======================%n" + "%s took %d identical stack traces, which indicates a stuck compilation (id=%d) of %s%n%sExiting VM%n", this, numberOfIdenticalStackTraces, currentId, fmt(currentMethod), fmt(lastStackTrace)); System.exit(-1); } } else if (newStackTrace) { synchronized (CompilationWatchDog.class) { TTY.printf("======================= WATCH DOG THREAD =======================%n" + "%s detected long running compilation (id=%d) of %s [%.2f seconds]%n%s", this, currentId, fmt(currentMethod), secs(elapsed), fmt(lastStackTrace)); } } traceIntervals++; } else { // we still watch the compilation in the same trace interval trace("watching with stack traces [%.2f seconds]", secs(elapsed)); } elapsed += SPIN_TIMEOUT_MS; } else { // compilation finished before we are able to collect stack // traces reset(); } break; default: break; } } try { Thread.sleep(SPIN_TIMEOUT_MS); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // Silently swallow } } } catch (VirtualMachineError vmError) { /* * We encounter a VM error. This includes for example OutOfMemoryExceptions. In such a * case we silently swallow the error. If it happens again the application thread will * most likely encounter the same problem. If not the watchdog thread will no longer * monitor the compilation and thus the error cannot happen again. */ } catch (Throwable t) { /* * A real exception happened on the compilation watchdog. This is unintended behavior * and must not happen in any case. */ throw new InternalError(String.format("%s encountered an exception%n%s%n", this, fmt(t)), t); } } private static final ThreadLocal<CompilationWatchDog> WATCH_DOGS = new ThreadLocal<>();
Opens a scope for watching the compilation of a given method.
  • method – a method about to be compiled
  • id – compilation request identifier
Returns:null if the compilation watch dog is disabled otherwise this object. The returned value should be used in a try-with-resources statement whose scope is the whole compilation so that leaving the scope will cause close() to be called.
/** * Opens a scope for watching the compilation of a given method. * * @param method a method about to be compiled * @param id compilation request identifier * @return {@code null} if the compilation watch dog is disabled otherwise this object. The * returned value should be used in a {@code try}-with-resources statement whose scope * is the whole compilation so that leaving the scope will cause {@link #close()} to be * called. */
static CompilationWatchDog watch(ResolvedJavaMethod method, int id, OptionValues options) { long startDelayMilliseconds = ms(Options.CompilationWatchDogStartDelay.getValue(options)); if (startDelayMilliseconds > 0.0D) { // Lazily get a watch dog thread for the current compiler thread CompilationWatchDog watchDog = WATCH_DOGS.get(); if (watchDog == null) { Thread currentThread = currentThread(); long stackTraceIntervalMilliseconds = ms(Options.CompilationWatchDogStackTraceInterval.getValue(options)); int nonFatalIdenticalCompilationSnapshots = Options.NonFatalIdenticalCompilationSnapshots.getValue(options); watchDog = new CompilationWatchDog(currentThread, startDelayMilliseconds, stackTraceIntervalMilliseconds, nonFatalIdenticalCompilationSnapshots); WATCH_DOGS.set(watchDog); watchDog.start(); } watchDog.startCompilation(method, id); return watchDog; } return null; } @Override public void close() { stopCompilation(); } }