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 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
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package org.graalvm.compiler.hotspot.test;

import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Random;

import org.graalvm.compiler.api.test.Graal;
import org.graalvm.compiler.hotspot.GraalHotSpotVMConfig;
import org.graalvm.compiler.hotspot.HotSpotGraalRuntimeProvider;
import org.graalvm.compiler.replacements.test.MethodSubstitutionTest;
import org.graalvm.compiler.runtime.RuntimeProvider;

import org.junit.Test;

import jdk.vm.ci.amd64.AMD64;
import jdk.vm.ci.code.InstalledCode;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.ResolvedJavaMethod;

 * Indirectly test intrinsic/call substitutions for (innate) methods:
 *      BigInteger.implMultiplyToLen
 *      BigInteger.implMulAdd
 *      BigInteger.implMontgomeryMultiply
 *      BigInteger.implMontgomerySquare
 *      BigInteger.implSquareToLen
 * via BigInteger.multiply() and .modPow(). Note that the actual substitution
 * is not tested per se (only execution based on admissible intrinsics).
public final class BigIntegerIntrinsicsTest extends MethodSubstitutionTest {

    static final int N = 100;

    public void testMultiplyToLen() throws ClassNotFoundException {

        // Intrinsic must be available.
        // Test case is (currently) AMD64 only.
        org.junit.Assume.assumeTrue(getTarget().arch instanceof AMD64);

        Class<?> javaclass = Class.forName("java.math.BigInteger");

        TestIntrinsic tin = new TestIntrinsic("testMultiplyAux", javaclass,
                        "multiply", BigInteger.class);

        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {

            BigInteger big1 = randomBig(i);
            BigInteger big2 = randomBig(i);

            // Invoke BigInteger BigInteger.multiply(BigInteger)
            BigInteger res1 = (BigInteger) tin.invokeJava(big1, big2);

            // Invoke BigInteger testMultiplyAux(BigInteger)
            BigInteger res2 = (BigInteger) tin.invokeTest(big1, big2);

            assertDeepEquals(res1, res2);

            // Invoke BigInteger testMultiplyAux(BigInteger) through code handle.
            BigInteger res3 = (BigInteger) tin.invokeCode(big1, big2);

            assertDeepEquals(res1, res3);

    public void testMulAdd() throws ClassNotFoundException {

        // Intrinsic must be available.
        org.junit.Assume.assumeTrue(config.useMulAddIntrinsic() ||
        // Test case is (currently) AMD64 only.
        org.junit.Assume.assumeTrue(getTarget().arch instanceof AMD64);

        Class<?> javaclass = Class.forName("java.math.BigInteger");

        TestIntrinsic tin = new TestIntrinsic("testMultiplyAux", javaclass,
                        "multiply", BigInteger.class);

        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {

            BigInteger big1 = randomBig(i);

            // Invoke BigInteger BigInteger.multiply(BigInteger)
            BigInteger res1 = (BigInteger) tin.invokeJava(big1, big1);

            // Invoke BigInteger testMultiplyAux(BigInteger)
            BigInteger res2 = (BigInteger) tin.invokeTest(big1, big1);

            assertDeepEquals(res1, res2);

            // Invoke BigInteger testMultiplyAux(BigInteger) through code handle.
            BigInteger res3 = (BigInteger) tin.invokeCode(big1, big1);

            assertDeepEquals(res1, res3);

    public void testMontgomery() throws ClassNotFoundException {

        // Intrinsic must be available.
        org.junit.Assume.assumeTrue(config.useMontgomeryMultiplyIntrinsic() ||
        // Test case is (currently) AMD64 only.
        org.junit.Assume.assumeTrue(getTarget().arch instanceof AMD64);

        Class<?> javaclass = Class.forName("java.math.BigInteger");

        TestIntrinsic tin = new TestIntrinsic("testMontgomeryAux", javaclass,
                        "modPow", BigInteger.class, BigInteger.class);

        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {

            BigInteger big1 = randomBig(i);
            BigInteger big2 = randomBig(i);

            // Invoke BigInteger BigInteger.modPow(BigExp, BigInteger)
            BigInteger res1 = (BigInteger) tin.invokeJava(big1, bigTwo, big2);

            // Invoke BigInteger testMontgomeryAux(BigInteger, BigExp, BigInteger)
            BigInteger res2 = (BigInteger) tin.invokeTest(big1, bigTwo, big2);

            assertDeepEquals(res1, res2);

            // Invoke BigInteger testMontgomeryAux(BigInteger, BigExp, BigInteger) through code
            // handle.
            BigInteger res3 = (BigInteger) tin.invokeCode(big1, bigTwo, big2);

            assertDeepEquals(res1, res3);

    public static BigInteger testMultiplyAux(BigInteger a, BigInteger b) {
        return a.multiply(b);

    public static BigInteger testMontgomeryAux(BigInteger a, BigInteger exp, BigInteger b) {
        return a.modPow(exp, b);

    private class TestIntrinsic {

        TestIntrinsic(String testmname, Class<?> javaclass, String javamname, Class<?>... params) {

            javamethod = getResolvedJavaMethod(javaclass, javamname, params);
            testmethod = getResolvedJavaMethod(testmname);

            assert javamethod != null;
            assert testmethod != null;

            // Force the test method to be compiled.
            testcode = getCode(testmethod);

            assert testcode != null;

        Object invokeJava(BigInteger big, Object... args) {

            return invokeSafe(javamethod, big, args);

        Object invokeTest(Object... args) {

            return invokeSafe(testmethod, null, args);

        Object invokeCode(Object... args) {

            return executeVarargsSafe(testcode, args);

        // Private data section:
        private ResolvedJavaMethod javamethod;
        private ResolvedJavaMethod testmethod;
        private InstalledCode testcode;

    private static GraalHotSpotVMConfig config = ((HotSpotGraalRuntimeProvider) Graal.getRequiredCapability(RuntimeProvider.class)).getVMConfig();

    private static BigInteger bigTwo = BigInteger.valueOf(2);
    private static Random rnd = new Random(17);

    private static BigInteger randomBig(int i) {
        return new BigInteger(rnd.nextInt(4096) + i2sz(i), rnd);

    private static int i2sz(int i) {
        return i * 3 + 1;