 * Copyright (c) 2015, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
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package jdk.vm.ci.hotspot;

import static jdk.vm.ci.common.InitTimer.timer;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.lang.module.ModuleDescriptor.Requires;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.ServiceLoader;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Predicate;

import jdk.internal.misc.VM;
import jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe;
import jdk.vm.ci.code.Architecture;
import jdk.vm.ci.code.CompilationRequestResult;
import jdk.vm.ci.code.CompiledCode;
import jdk.vm.ci.code.InstalledCode;
import jdk.vm.ci.common.InitTimer;
import jdk.vm.ci.common.JVMCIError;
import jdk.vm.ci.hotspot.HotSpotJVMCICompilerFactory.CompilationLevel;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.JavaKind;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.JavaType;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.ResolvedJavaType;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.UnresolvedJavaType;
import jdk.vm.ci.runtime.JVMCI;
import jdk.vm.ci.runtime.JVMCIBackend;
import jdk.vm.ci.runtime.JVMCICompiler;
import jdk.vm.ci.runtime.JVMCICompilerFactory;
import jdk.vm.ci.runtime.JVMCIRuntime;
import jdk.vm.ci.services.JVMCIServiceLocator;

HotSpot implementation of a JVMCI runtime. The initialization of this class is very fragile since it's initialized both through JVMCI.initialize() or through calling runtime() and runtime() is also called by JVMCI.initialize(). So this class can't have a static initializer and any required initialization must be done as part of runtime(). This allows the initialization to funnel back through JVMCI.initialize() without deadlocking.
/** * HotSpot implementation of a JVMCI runtime. * * The initialization of this class is very fragile since it's initialized both through * {@link JVMCI#initialize()} or through calling {@link HotSpotJVMCIRuntime#runtime()} and * {@link HotSpotJVMCIRuntime#runtime()} is also called by {@link JVMCI#initialize()}. So this class * can't have a static initializer and any required initialization must be done as part of * {@link #runtime()}. This allows the initialization to funnel back through * {@link JVMCI#initialize()} without deadlocking. */
public final class HotSpotJVMCIRuntime implements JVMCIRuntime { @SuppressWarnings("try") static class DelayedInit { private static final HotSpotJVMCIRuntime instance; static { try (InitTimer t = timer("HotSpotJVMCIRuntime.<init>")) { instance = new HotSpotJVMCIRuntime(); // Can only do eager initialization of the JVMCI compiler // once the singleton instance is available. if (instance.config.getFlag("EagerJVMCI", Boolean.class)) { instance.getCompiler(); } } } }
Gets the singleton HotSpotJVMCIRuntime object.
/** * Gets the singleton {@link HotSpotJVMCIRuntime} object. */
public static HotSpotJVMCIRuntime runtime() { JVMCI.initialize(); return DelayedInit.instance; }
A list of all supported JVMCI options.
/** * A list of all supported JVMCI options. */
public enum Option { // @formatter:off Compiler(String.class, null, "Selects the system compiler. This must match the getCompilerName() value returned " + "by a jdk.vm.ci.runtime.JVMCICompilerFactory provider. " + "An empty string or the value \"null\" selects a compiler " + "that will raise an exception upon receiving a compilation request."), // Note: The following one is not used (see InitTimer.ENABLED). It is added here // so that -XX:+JVMCIPrintProperties shows the option. InitTimer(Boolean.class, false, "Specifies if initialization timing is enabled."), PrintConfig(Boolean.class, false, "Prints VM configuration available via JVMCI."), TraceMethodDataFilter(String.class, null, "Enables tracing of profiling info when read by JVMCI.", "Empty value: trace all methods", "Non-empty value: trace methods whose fully qualified name contains the value."), UseProfilingInformation(Boolean.class, true, ""); // @formatter:on
The prefix for system properties that are JVMCI options.
/** * The prefix for system properties that are JVMCI options. */
private static final String JVMCI_OPTION_PROPERTY_PREFIX = "jvmci.";
Marker for uninitialized flags.
/** * Marker for uninitialized flags. */
private static final String UNINITIALIZED = "UNINITIALIZED"; private final Class<?> type; private Object value; private final Object defaultValue; private boolean isDefault; private final String[] helpLines; Option(Class<?> type, Object defaultValue, String... helpLines) { assert Character.isUpperCase(name().charAt(0)) : "Option name must start with upper-case letter: " + name(); this.type = type; this.value = UNINITIALIZED; this.defaultValue = defaultValue; this.helpLines = helpLines; } @SuppressFBWarnings(value = "ES_COMPARING_STRINGS_WITH_EQ", justification = "sentinel must be String since it's a static final in an enum") private Object getValue() { if (value == UNINITIALIZED) { String propertyValue = VM.getSavedProperty(getPropertyName()); if (propertyValue == null) { this.value = defaultValue; this.isDefault = true; } else { if (type == Boolean.class) { this.value = Boolean.parseBoolean(propertyValue); } else if (type == String.class) { this.value = propertyValue; } else { throw new JVMCIError("Unexpected option type " + type); } this.isDefault = false; } // Saved properties should not be interned - let's be sure assert value != UNINITIALIZED; } return value; }
Gets the name of system property from which this option gets its value.
/** * Gets the name of system property from which this option gets its value. */
public String getPropertyName() { return JVMCI_OPTION_PROPERTY_PREFIX + name(); }
Returns the option's value as boolean.
Returns:option's value
/** * Returns the option's value as boolean. * * @return option's value */
public boolean getBoolean() { return (boolean) getValue(); }
Returns the option's value as String.
Returns:option's value
/** * Returns the option's value as String. * * @return option's value */
public String getString() { return (String) getValue(); } private static final int PROPERTY_LINE_WIDTH = 80; private static final int PROPERTY_HELP_INDENT = 10;
Prints a description of the properties used to configure shared JVMCI code.
  • out – stream to print to
/** * Prints a description of the properties used to configure shared JVMCI code. * * @param out stream to print to */
public static void printProperties(PrintStream out) { out.println("[JVMCI properties]"); Option[] values = values(); for (Option option : values) { Object value = option.getValue(); if (value instanceof String) { value = '"' + String.valueOf(value) + '"'; } String name = option.getPropertyName(); String assign = option.isDefault ? "=" : ":="; String typeName = option.type.getSimpleName(); String linePrefix = String.format("%s %s %s ", name, assign, value); int typeStartPos = PROPERTY_LINE_WIDTH - typeName.length(); int linePad = typeStartPos - linePrefix.length(); if (linePad > 0) { out.printf("%s%-" + linePad + "s[%s]%n", linePrefix, "", typeName); } else { out.printf("%s[%s]%n", linePrefix, typeName); } for (String line : option.helpLines) { out.printf("%" + PROPERTY_HELP_INDENT + "s%s%n", "", line); } } } } static HotSpotJVMCIBackendFactory findFactory(String architecture) { for (HotSpotJVMCIBackendFactory factory : ServiceLoader.load(HotSpotJVMCIBackendFactory.class, ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader())) { if (factory.getArchitecture().equalsIgnoreCase(architecture)) { return factory; } } throw new JVMCIError("No JVMCI runtime available for the %s architecture", architecture); }
Gets the kind of a word value on the host backend.
/** * Gets the kind of a word value on the {@linkplain #getHostJVMCIBackend() host} backend. */
public static JavaKind getHostWordKind() { return runtime().getHostJVMCIBackend().getCodeCache().getTarget().wordJavaKind; } final CompilerToVM compilerToVm; protected final HotSpotVMConfigStore configStore; private final HotSpotVMConfig config; private final JVMCIBackend hostBackend; private final JVMCICompilerFactory compilerFactory; private final HotSpotJVMCICompilerFactory hsCompilerFactory; private volatile JVMCICompiler compiler; final HotSpotJVMCIMetaAccessContext metaAccessContext;
Stores the result of HotSpotJVMCICompilerFactory.getCompilationLevelAdjustment so that it can be read from the VM.
/** * Stores the result of {@link HotSpotJVMCICompilerFactory#getCompilationLevelAdjustment} so * that it can be read from the VM. */
@SuppressWarnings("unused") private final int compilationLevelAdjustment; private final Map<Class<? extends Architecture>, JVMCIBackend> backends = new HashMap<>(); private volatile List<HotSpotVMEventListener> vmEventListeners; private Iterable<HotSpotVMEventListener> getVmEventListeners() { if (vmEventListeners == null) { synchronized (this) { if (vmEventListeners == null) { vmEventListeners = JVMCIServiceLocator.getProviders(HotSpotVMEventListener.class); } } } return vmEventListeners; } @SuppressWarnings("try") private HotSpotJVMCIRuntime() { compilerToVm = new CompilerToVM(); try (InitTimer t = timer("HotSpotVMConfig<init>")) { configStore = new HotSpotVMConfigStore(compilerToVm); config = new HotSpotVMConfig(configStore); } String hostArchitecture = config.getHostArchitectureName(); HotSpotJVMCIBackendFactory factory; try (InitTimer t = timer("find factory:", hostArchitecture)) { factory = findFactory(hostArchitecture); } try (InitTimer t = timer("create JVMCI backend:", hostArchitecture)) { hostBackend = registerBackend(factory.createJVMCIBackend(this, null)); } metaAccessContext = new HotSpotJVMCIMetaAccessContext(); compilerFactory = HotSpotJVMCICompilerConfig.getCompilerFactory(); if (compilerFactory instanceof HotSpotJVMCICompilerFactory) { hsCompilerFactory = (HotSpotJVMCICompilerFactory) compilerFactory; switch (hsCompilerFactory.getCompilationLevelAdjustment()) { case None: compilationLevelAdjustment = config.compLevelAdjustmentNone; break; case ByHolder: compilationLevelAdjustment = config.compLevelAdjustmentByHolder; break; case ByFullSignature: compilationLevelAdjustment = config.compLevelAdjustmentByFullSignature; break; default: compilationLevelAdjustment = config.compLevelAdjustmentNone; break; } } else { hsCompilerFactory = null; compilationLevelAdjustment = config.compLevelAdjustmentNone; } if (config.getFlag("JVMCIPrintProperties", Boolean.class)) { PrintStream out = new PrintStream(getLogStream()); Option.printProperties(out); compilerFactory.printProperties(out); System.exit(0); } if (Option.PrintConfig.getBoolean()) { configStore.printConfig(); } } private JVMCIBackend registerBackend(JVMCIBackend backend) { Class<? extends Architecture> arch = backend.getCodeCache().getTarget().arch.getClass(); JVMCIBackend oldValue = backends.put(arch, backend); assert oldValue == null : "cannot overwrite existing backend for architecture " + arch.getSimpleName(); return backend; } ResolvedJavaType fromClass(Class<?> javaClass) { return metaAccessContext.fromClass(javaClass); } public HotSpotVMConfigStore getConfigStore() { return configStore; } HotSpotVMConfig getConfig() { return config; } CompilerToVM getCompilerToVM() { return compilerToVm; } // Non-volatile since multi-initialization is harmless private Predicate<ResolvedJavaType> intrinsificationTrustPredicate;
Gets a predicate that determines if a given type can be considered trusted for the purpose of intrinsifying methods it declares.
  • compilerLeafClasses – classes in the leaves of the module graph comprising the JVMCI compiler.
/** * Gets a predicate that determines if a given type can be considered trusted for the purpose of * intrinsifying methods it declares. * * @param compilerLeafClasses classes in the leaves of the module graph comprising the JVMCI * compiler. */
public Predicate<ResolvedJavaType> getIntrinsificationTrustPredicate(Class<?>... compilerLeafClasses) { if (intrinsificationTrustPredicate == null) { intrinsificationTrustPredicate = new Predicate<>() { @Override public boolean test(ResolvedJavaType type) { if (type instanceof HotSpotResolvedJavaType) { Class<?> mirror = getMirror(type); Module module = mirror.getModule(); return getTrustedModules().contains(module); } else { return false; } } private volatile Set<Module> trustedModules; private Set<Module> getTrustedModules() { Set<Module> modules = trustedModules; if (modules == null) { modules = new HashSet<>(); for (Class<?> compilerConfiguration : compilerLeafClasses) { Module compilerConfigurationModule = compilerConfiguration.getModule(); if (compilerConfigurationModule.getDescriptor().isAutomatic()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("The module '%s' defining the Graal compiler configuration class '%s' must not be an automatic module", compilerConfigurationModule.getName(), compilerConfiguration.getClass().getName())); } modules.add(compilerConfigurationModule); for (Requires require : compilerConfigurationModule.getDescriptor().requires()) { for (Module module : compilerConfigurationModule.getLayer().modules()) { if (module.getName().equals(require.name())) { modules.add(module); } } } } trustedModules = modules; } return modules; } }; } return intrinsificationTrustPredicate; }
Get the Class corresponding to type.
  • type – the type for which a Class is requested
Returns:the original Java class corresponding to type or null if this runtime does not support mapping ResolvedJavaType instances to Class instances
/** * Get the {@link Class} corresponding to {@code type}. * * @param type the type for which a {@link Class} is requested * @return the original Java class corresponding to {@code type} or {@code null} if this runtime * does not support mapping {@link ResolvedJavaType} instances to {@link Class} * instances */
@SuppressWarnings("static-method") public Class<?> getMirror(ResolvedJavaType type) { return ((HotSpotResolvedJavaType) type).mirror(); } @Override public JVMCICompiler getCompiler() { if (compiler == null) { synchronized (this) { if (compiler == null) { compiler = compilerFactory.createCompiler(this); } } } return compiler; }
Converts a name to a Java type. This method attempts to resolve name to a ResolvedJavaType.
  • name – a well formed Java type in internal format
  • accessingType – the context of resolution which must be non-null
  • resolve – specifies whether resolution failure results in an unresolved type being return or a LinkageError being thrown
Returns:a Java type for name which is guaranteed to be of type ResolvedJavaType if resolve == true
/** * Converts a name to a Java type. This method attempts to resolve {@code name} to a * {@link ResolvedJavaType}. * * @param name a well formed Java type in {@linkplain JavaType#getName() internal} format * @param accessingType the context of resolution which must be non-null * @param resolve specifies whether resolution failure results in an unresolved type being * return or a {@link LinkageError} being thrown * @return a Java type for {@code name} which is guaranteed to be of type * {@link ResolvedJavaType} if {@code resolve == true} * @throws LinkageError if {@code resolve == true} and the resolution failed * @throws NullPointerException if {@code accessingClass} is {@code null} */
public JavaType lookupType(String name, HotSpotResolvedObjectType accessingType, boolean resolve) { Objects.requireNonNull(accessingType, "cannot resolve type without an accessing class"); // If the name represents a primitive type we can short-circuit the lookup. if (name.length() == 1) { JavaKind kind = JavaKind.fromPrimitiveOrVoidTypeChar(name.charAt(0)); return fromClass(kind.toJavaClass()); } // Resolve non-primitive types in the VM. HotSpotResolvedObjectTypeImpl hsAccessingType = (HotSpotResolvedObjectTypeImpl) accessingType; try { final HotSpotResolvedObjectTypeImpl klass = compilerToVm.lookupType(name, hsAccessingType.mirror(), resolve); if (klass == null) { assert resolve == false; return UnresolvedJavaType.create(name); } return klass; } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw (NoClassDefFoundError) new NoClassDefFoundError().initCause(e); } } @Override public JVMCIBackend getHostJVMCIBackend() { return hostBackend; } @Override public <T extends Architecture> JVMCIBackend getJVMCIBackend(Class<T> arch) { assert arch != Architecture.class; return backends.get(arch); } public Map<Class<? extends Architecture>, JVMCIBackend> getJVMCIBackends() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(backends); }
Called from the VM.
/** * Called from the VM. */
@SuppressWarnings({"unused"}) private int adjustCompilationLevel(Class<?> declaringClass, String name, String signature, boolean isOsr, int level) { CompilationLevel curLevel; if (level == config.compilationLevelNone) { curLevel = CompilationLevel.None; } else if (level == config.compilationLevelSimple) { curLevel = CompilationLevel.Simple; } else if (level == config.compilationLevelLimitedProfile) { curLevel = CompilationLevel.LimitedProfile; } else if (level == config.compilationLevelFullProfile) { curLevel = CompilationLevel.FullProfile; } else if (level == config.compilationLevelFullOptimization) { curLevel = CompilationLevel.FullOptimization; } else { throw JVMCIError.shouldNotReachHere(); } switch (hsCompilerFactory.adjustCompilationLevel(declaringClass, name, signature, isOsr, curLevel)) { case None: return config.compilationLevelNone; case Simple: return config.compilationLevelSimple; case LimitedProfile: return config.compilationLevelLimitedProfile; case FullProfile: return config.compilationLevelFullProfile; case FullOptimization: return config.compilationLevelFullOptimization; default: return level; } }
Called from the VM.
/** * Called from the VM. */
@SuppressWarnings({"unused"}) private HotSpotCompilationRequestResult compileMethod(HotSpotResolvedJavaMethod method, int entryBCI, long jvmciEnv, int id) { CompilationRequestResult result = getCompiler().compileMethod(new HotSpotCompilationRequest(method, entryBCI, jvmciEnv, id)); assert result != null : "compileMethod must always return something"; HotSpotCompilationRequestResult hsResult; if (result instanceof HotSpotCompilationRequestResult) { hsResult = (HotSpotCompilationRequestResult) result; } else { Object failure = result.getFailure(); if (failure != null) { boolean retry = false; // Be conservative with unknown compiler hsResult = HotSpotCompilationRequestResult.failure(failure.toString(), retry); } else { int inlinedBytecodes = -1; hsResult = HotSpotCompilationRequestResult.success(inlinedBytecodes); } } return hsResult; }
Shuts down the runtime. Called from the VM.
/** * Shuts down the runtime. * * Called from the VM. */
@SuppressWarnings({"unused"}) private void shutdown() throws Exception { for (HotSpotVMEventListener vmEventListener : getVmEventListeners()) { vmEventListener.notifyShutdown(); } }
Notify on completion of a bootstrap. Called from the VM.
/** * Notify on completion of a bootstrap. * * Called from the VM. */
@SuppressWarnings({"unused"}) private void bootstrapFinished() throws Exception { for (HotSpotVMEventListener vmEventListener : getVmEventListeners()) { vmEventListener.notifyBootstrapFinished(); } }
Notify on successful install into the CodeCache.
  • hotSpotCodeCacheProvider –
  • installedCode –
  • compiledCode –
/** * Notify on successful install into the CodeCache. * * @param hotSpotCodeCacheProvider * @param installedCode * @param compiledCode */
void notifyInstall(HotSpotCodeCacheProvider hotSpotCodeCacheProvider, InstalledCode installedCode, CompiledCode compiledCode) { for (HotSpotVMEventListener vmEventListener : getVmEventListeners()) { vmEventListener.notifyInstall(hotSpotCodeCacheProvider, installedCode, compiledCode); } }
Gets an output stream that writes to HotSpot's tty stream.
/** * Gets an output stream that writes to HotSpot's {@code tty} stream. */
public OutputStream getLogStream() { return new OutputStream() { @Override public void write(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException { if (b == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } else if (off < 0 || off > b.length || len < 0 || (off + len) > b.length || (off + len) < 0) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } else if (len == 0) { return; } compilerToVm.writeDebugOutput(b, off, len); } @Override public void write(int b) throws IOException { write(new byte[]{(byte) b}, 0, 1); } @Override public void flush() throws IOException { compilerToVm.flushDebugOutput(); } }; }
Collects the current values of all JVMCI benchmark counters, summed up over all threads.
/** * Collects the current values of all JVMCI benchmark counters, summed up over all threads. */
public long[] collectCounters() { return compilerToVm.collectCounters(); }
The offset from the origin of an array to the first element.
Returns:the offset in bytes
/** * The offset from the origin of an array to the first element. * * @return the offset in bytes */
@SuppressWarnings("static-method") public int getArrayBaseOffset(JavaKind kind) { switch (kind) { case Boolean: return Unsafe.ARRAY_BOOLEAN_BASE_OFFSET; case Byte: return Unsafe.ARRAY_BYTE_BASE_OFFSET; case Char: return Unsafe.ARRAY_CHAR_BASE_OFFSET; case Short: return Unsafe.ARRAY_SHORT_BASE_OFFSET; case Int: return Unsafe.ARRAY_INT_BASE_OFFSET; case Long: return Unsafe.ARRAY_LONG_BASE_OFFSET; case Float: return Unsafe.ARRAY_FLOAT_BASE_OFFSET; case Double: return Unsafe.ARRAY_DOUBLE_BASE_OFFSET; case Object: return Unsafe.ARRAY_OBJECT_BASE_OFFSET; default: throw new JVMCIError("%s", kind); } }
The scale used for the index when accessing elements of an array of this kind.
Returns:the scale in order to convert the index into a byte offset
/** * The scale used for the index when accessing elements of an array of this kind. * * @return the scale in order to convert the index into a byte offset */
@SuppressWarnings("static-method") public int getArrayIndexScale(JavaKind kind) { switch (kind) { case Boolean: return Unsafe.ARRAY_BOOLEAN_INDEX_SCALE; case Byte: return Unsafe.ARRAY_BYTE_INDEX_SCALE; case Char: return Unsafe.ARRAY_CHAR_INDEX_SCALE; case Short: return Unsafe.ARRAY_SHORT_INDEX_SCALE; case Int: return Unsafe.ARRAY_INT_INDEX_SCALE; case Long: return Unsafe.ARRAY_LONG_INDEX_SCALE; case Float: return Unsafe.ARRAY_FLOAT_INDEX_SCALE; case Double: return Unsafe.ARRAY_DOUBLE_INDEX_SCALE; case Object: return Unsafe.ARRAY_OBJECT_INDEX_SCALE; default: throw new JVMCIError("%s", kind); } }
Links each native method in clazz to an implementation in the JVMCI SVM library.

A use case for this is a JVMCI compiler implementation that offers an API to Java code executing in HotSpot to exercise functionality (mostly) in the JVMCI SVM library. For example:

package com.jcompile;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
public static class JCompile {
    static {
    public static boolean compile(Method method, String[] options) {
        // Convert to simpler data types for passing/serializing across native interface
        long metaspaceMethodHandle = getHandle(method);
        char[] opts = convertToCharArray(options);
        return compile(metaspaceMethodHandle, opts);
    private static native boolean compile0(long metaspaceMethodHandle, char[] options);
    private static long getHandle(Method method) { ... }
    private static char[] convertToCharArray(String[] a) { ... }
The implementation of the native JCompile.compile0 method would be in the SVM library that contains the bulk of the JVMCI compiler. The JCompile.compile0 implementation will be exported as the following JNI-compliant symbol:
How the JVMCI compiler SVM library is built is outside the scope of this document.
See Also:
  • https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/specs/jni/design.html#resolving-native-method-names
/** * Links each native method in {@code clazz} to an implementation in the JVMCI SVM library. * <p> * A use case for this is a JVMCI compiler implementation that offers an API to Java code * executing in HotSpot to exercise functionality (mostly) in the JVMCI SVM library. For * example: * * <pre> * package com.jcompile; * * import java.lang.reflect.Method; * * public static class JCompile { * static { * HotSpotJVMCIRuntime.runtime().registerNativeMethods(JCompile.class); * } * public static boolean compile(Method method, String[] options) { * // Convert to simpler data types for passing/serializing across native interface * long metaspaceMethodHandle = getHandle(method); * char[] opts = convertToCharArray(options); * return compile(metaspaceMethodHandle, opts); * } * private static native boolean compile0(long metaspaceMethodHandle, char[] options); * * private static long getHandle(Method method) { ... } * private static char[] convertToCharArray(String[] a) { ... } * } * </pre> * * The implementation of the native {@code JCompile.compile0} method would be in the SVM library * that contains the bulk of the JVMCI compiler. The {@code JCompile.compile0} implementation * will be exported as the following JNI-compliant symbol: * * <pre> * Java_com_jcompile_JCompile_compile0 * </pre> * * How the JVMCI compiler SVM library is built is outside the scope of this document. * * @see "https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/specs/jni/design.html#resolving-native-method-names" * * @throws NullPointerException if {@code clazz == null} * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the current execution context is SVM or if {@code clazz} * is {@link Class#isPrimitive()} * @throws UnsatisfiedLinkError if the JVMCI SVM library is not available, a native method in * {@code clazz} is already linked or the SVM JVMCI library does not contain a * JNI-compliant symbol for a native method in {@code clazz} */
@SuppressWarnings({"static-method", "unused"}) public void registerNativeMethods(Class<?> clazz) { throw new UnsatisfiedLinkError("SVM library is not available"); } }