 * Copyright (c) 2002-2018, the original author or authors.
 * This software is distributable under the BSD license. See the terms of the
 * BSD license in the documentation provided with this software.
 * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
package jdk.internal.org.jline.reader.impl.completer;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.List;

import jdk.internal.org.jline.reader.Candidate;
import jdk.internal.org.jline.reader.Completer;
import jdk.internal.org.jline.reader.LineReader;
import jdk.internal.org.jline.reader.LineReader.Option;
import jdk.internal.org.jline.reader.ParsedLine;
import jdk.internal.org.jline.terminal.Terminal;
import jdk.internal.org.jline.utils.AttributedStringBuilder;
import jdk.internal.org.jline.utils.AttributedStyle;

A file name completer takes the buffer and issues a list of potential completions.

This completer tries to behave as similar as possible to bash's file name completion (using GNU readline) with the following exceptions:

  • Candidates that are directories will end with "/"
  • Wildcard regular expressions are not evaluated or replaced
  • The "~" character can be used to represent the user's home, but it cannot complete to other users' homes, since java does not provide any way of determining that easily
Author:Marc Prud'hommeaux, Jason Dillon
Deprecated:use org.jline.builtins.Completers$FileNameCompleter instead
/** * A file name completer takes the buffer and issues a list of * potential completions. * <p> * This completer tries to behave as similar as possible to * <i>bash</i>'s file name completion (using GNU readline) * with the following exceptions: * <ul> * <li>Candidates that are directories will end with "/"</li> * <li>Wildcard regular expressions are not evaluated or replaced</li> * <li>The "~" character can be used to represent the user's home, * but it cannot complete to other users' homes, since java does * not provide any way of determining that easily</li> * </ul> * * @author <a href="mailto:mwp1@cornell.edu">Marc Prud'hommeaux</a> * @author <a href="mailto:jason@planet57.com">Jason Dillon</a> * @since 2.3 * @deprecated use <code>org.jline.builtins.Completers$FileNameCompleter</code> instead */
@Deprecated public class FileNameCompleter implements Completer { public void complete(LineReader reader, ParsedLine commandLine, final List<Candidate> candidates) { assert commandLine != null; assert candidates != null; String buffer = commandLine.word().substring(0, commandLine.wordCursor()); Path current; String curBuf; String sep = getUserDir().getFileSystem().getSeparator(); int lastSep = buffer.lastIndexOf(sep); if (lastSep >= 0) { curBuf = buffer.substring(0, lastSep + 1); if (curBuf.startsWith("~")) { if (curBuf.startsWith("~" + sep)) { current = getUserHome().resolve(curBuf.substring(2)); } else { current = getUserHome().getParent().resolve(curBuf.substring(1)); } } else { current = getUserDir().resolve(curBuf); } } else { curBuf = ""; current = getUserDir(); } try { Files.newDirectoryStream(current, this::accept).forEach(p -> { String value = curBuf + p.getFileName().toString(); if (Files.isDirectory(p)) { candidates.add(new Candidate( value + (reader.isSet(Option.AUTO_PARAM_SLASH) ? sep : ""), getDisplay(reader.getTerminal(), p), null, null, reader.isSet(Option.AUTO_REMOVE_SLASH) ? sep : null, null, false)); } else { candidates.add(new Candidate(value, getDisplay(reader.getTerminal(), p), null, null, null, null, true)); } }); } catch (IOException e) { // Ignore } } protected boolean accept(Path path) { try { return !Files.isHidden(path); } catch (IOException e) { return false; } } protected Path getUserDir() { return Paths.get(System.getProperty("user.dir")); } protected Path getUserHome() { return Paths.get(System.getProperty("user.home")); } protected String getDisplay(Terminal terminal, Path p) { // TODO: use $LS_COLORS for output String name = p.getFileName().toString(); if (Files.isDirectory(p)) { AttributedStringBuilder sb = new AttributedStringBuilder(); sb.styled(AttributedStyle.BOLD.foreground(AttributedStyle.RED), name); sb.append("/"); name = sb.toAnsi(terminal); } else if (Files.isSymbolicLink(p)) { AttributedStringBuilder sb = new AttributedStringBuilder(); sb.styled(AttributedStyle.BOLD.foreground(AttributedStyle.RED), name); sb.append("@"); name = sb.toAnsi(terminal); } return name; } }