 * Copyright (c) 2002-2018, the original author or authors.
 * This software is distributable under the BSD license. See the terms of the
 * BSD license in the documentation provided with this software.
 * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
package jdk.internal.org.jline.reader.impl;

The kill ring class keeps killed text in a fixed size ring. In this class we also keep record of whether or not the last command was a kill or a yank. Depending on this, the class may behave different. For instance, two consecutive kill-word commands fill the same slot such that the next yank will return the two previously killed words instead that only the last one. Likewise yank pop requires that the previous command was either a yank or a yank-pop.
/** * The kill ring class keeps killed text in a fixed size ring. In this * class we also keep record of whether or not the last command was a * kill or a yank. Depending on this, the class may behave * different. For instance, two consecutive kill-word commands fill * the same slot such that the next yank will return the two * previously killed words instead that only the last one. Likewise * yank pop requires that the previous command was either a yank or a * yank-pop. */
public final class KillRing {
Default size is 60, like in emacs.
/** * Default size is 60, like in emacs. */
private static final int DEFAULT_SIZE = 60; private final String[] slots; private int head = 0; private boolean lastKill = false; private boolean lastYank = false;
Creates a new kill ring of the given size.
  • size – the size of the ring
/** * Creates a new kill ring of the given size. * * @param size the size of the ring */
public KillRing(int size) { slots = new String[size]; }
Creates a new kill ring of the default size. See DEFAULT_SIZE.
/** * Creates a new kill ring of the default size. See {@link #DEFAULT_SIZE}. */
public KillRing() { this(DEFAULT_SIZE); }
Resets the last-yank state.
/** * Resets the last-yank state. */
public void resetLastYank() { lastYank = false; }
Resets the last-kill state.
/** * Resets the last-kill state. */
public void resetLastKill() { lastKill = false; }
Returns true if the last command was a yank.
Returns:true if the last command was a yank
/** * Returns {@code true} if the last command was a yank. * @return {@code true} if the last command was a yank */
public boolean lastYank() { return lastYank; }
Adds the string to the kill-ring. Also sets lastYank to false and lastKill to true.
  • str – the string to add
/** * Adds the string to the kill-ring. Also sets lastYank to false * and lastKill to true. * @param str the string to add */
public void add(String str) { lastYank = false; if (lastKill) { if (slots[head] != null) { slots[head] += str; return; } } lastKill = true; next(); slots[head] = str; }
Adds the string to the kill-ring product of killing backwards. If the previous command was a kill text one then adds the text at the beginning of the previous kill to avoid that two consecutive backwards kills followed by a yank leaves things reversed.
  • str – the string to add
/** * Adds the string to the kill-ring product of killing * backwards. If the previous command was a kill text one then * adds the text at the beginning of the previous kill to avoid * that two consecutive backwards kills followed by a yank leaves * things reversed. * @param str the string to add */
public void addBackwards(String str) { lastYank = false; if (lastKill) { if (slots[head] != null) { slots[head] = str + slots[head]; return; } } lastKill = true; next(); slots[head] = str; }
Yanks a previously killed text. Returns null if the ring is empty.
Returns:the text in the current position
/** * Yanks a previously killed text. Returns {@code null} if the * ring is empty. * @return the text in the current position */
public String yank() { lastKill = false; lastYank = true; return slots[head]; }
Moves the pointer to the current slot back and returns the text in that position. If the previous command was not yank returns null.
Returns:the text in the previous position
/** * Moves the pointer to the current slot back and returns the text * in that position. If the previous command was not yank returns * null. * @return the text in the previous position */
public String yankPop() { lastKill = false; if (lastYank) { prev(); return slots[head]; } return null; }
Moves the pointer to the current slot forward. If the end of the slots is reached then points back to the beginning.
/** * Moves the pointer to the current slot forward. If the end of * the slots is reached then points back to the beginning. */
private void next() { if (head == 0 && slots[0] == null) { return; } head++; if (head == slots.length) { head = 0; } }
Moves the pointer to the current slot backwards. If the beginning of the slots is reached then traverses the slot backwards until one with not null content is found.
/** * Moves the pointer to the current slot backwards. If the * beginning of the slots is reached then traverses the slot * backwards until one with not null content is found. */
private void prev() { head--; if (head == -1) { int x = (slots.length - 1); for (; x >= 0; x--) { if (slots[x] != null) { break; } } head = x; } } }