 * Copyright (c) 2015, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
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package com.sun.tools.javac.comp;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Type;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Type.ArrayType;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Type.ClassType;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Type.TypeVar;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Type.UndetVar;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Type.UndetVar.InferenceBound;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Type.WildcardType;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.TypeTag;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Types;
import com.sun.tools.javac.comp.Infer.FreeTypeListener;
import com.sun.tools.javac.comp.Infer.GraphSolver;
import com.sun.tools.javac.comp.Infer.GraphStrategy;
import com.sun.tools.javac.comp.Infer.InferenceException;
import com.sun.tools.javac.comp.Infer.InferenceStep;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.Assert;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.Filter;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.List;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.ListBuffer;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.Warner;

An inference context keeps track of the set of variables that are free in the current context. It provides utility methods for opening/closing types to their corresponding free/closed forms. It also provide hooks for attaching deferred post-inference action (see PendingCheck). Finally, it can be used as an entry point for performing upper/lower bound inference (see InferenceKind).

This is NOT part of any supported API. If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or deletion without notice.

/** * An inference context keeps track of the set of variables that are free * in the current context. It provides utility methods for opening/closing * types to their corresponding free/closed forms. It also provide hooks for * attaching deferred post-inference action (see PendingCheck). Finally, * it can be used as an entry point for performing upper/lower bound inference * (see InferenceKind). * * <p><b>This is NOT part of any supported API. * If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. * This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or * deletion without notice.</b> */
public class InferenceContext {
list of inference vars as undet vars
/** list of inference vars as undet vars */
List<Type> undetvars; Type update(Type t) { return t; }
list of inference vars in this context
/** list of inference vars in this context */
List<Type> inferencevars; Map<FreeTypeListener, List<Type>> freeTypeListeners = new LinkedHashMap<>(); Types types; Infer infer; public InferenceContext(Infer infer, List<Type> inferencevars) { this(infer, inferencevars, inferencevars.map(infer.fromTypeVarFun)); } public InferenceContext(Infer infer, List<Type> inferencevars, List<Type> undetvars) { this.inferencevars = inferencevars; this.undetvars = undetvars; this.infer = infer; this.types = infer.types; }
add a new inference var to this inference context
/** * add a new inference var to this inference context */
void addVar(TypeVar t) { this.undetvars = this.undetvars.prepend(infer.fromTypeVarFun.apply(t)); this.inferencevars = this.inferencevars.prepend(t); }
returns the list of free variables (as type-variables) in this inference context
/** * returns the list of free variables (as type-variables) in this * inference context */
List<Type> inferenceVars() { return inferencevars; }
returns the list of undetermined variables in this inference context
/** * returns the list of undetermined variables in this inference context */
public List<Type> undetVars() { return undetvars; }
returns the list of uninstantiated variables (as type-variables) in this inference context
/** * returns the list of uninstantiated variables (as type-variables) in this * inference context */
List<Type> restvars() { return filterVars(uv -> uv.getInst() == null); }
returns the list of instantiated variables (as type-variables) in this inference context
/** * returns the list of instantiated variables (as type-variables) in this * inference context */
List<Type> instvars() { return filterVars(uv -> uv.getInst() != null); }
Get list of bounded inference variables (where bound is other than declared bounds).
/** * Get list of bounded inference variables (where bound is other than * declared bounds). */
final List<Type> boundedVars() { return filterVars(uv -> uv.getBounds(InferenceBound.UPPER) .diff(uv.getDeclaredBounds()) .appendList(uv.getBounds(InferenceBound.EQ, InferenceBound.LOWER)).nonEmpty()); } /* Returns the corresponding inference variables. */ private List<Type> filterVars(Filter<UndetVar> fu) { ListBuffer<Type> res = new ListBuffer<>(); for (Type t : undetvars) { UndetVar uv = (UndetVar)t; if (fu.accepts(uv)) { res.append(uv.qtype); } } return res.toList(); }
is this type free?
/** * is this type free? */
final boolean free(Type t) { return t.containsAny(inferencevars); } final boolean free(List<Type> ts) { for (Type t : ts) { if (free(t)) return true; } return false; }
Returns a list of free variables in a given type
/** * Returns a list of free variables in a given type */
final List<Type> freeVarsIn(Type t) { ListBuffer<Type> buf = new ListBuffer<>(); for (Type iv : inferenceVars()) { if (t.contains(iv)) { buf.add(iv); } } return buf.toList(); } final List<Type> freeVarsIn(List<Type> ts) { ListBuffer<Type> buf = new ListBuffer<>(); for (Type t : ts) { buf.appendList(freeVarsIn(t)); } ListBuffer<Type> buf2 = new ListBuffer<>(); for (Type t : buf) { if (!buf2.contains(t)) { buf2.add(t); } } return buf2.toList(); }
Replace all free variables in a given type with corresponding undet vars (used ahead of subtyping/compatibility checks to allow propagation of inference constraints).
/** * Replace all free variables in a given type with corresponding * undet vars (used ahead of subtyping/compatibility checks to allow propagation * of inference constraints). */
public final Type asUndetVar(Type t) { return types.subst(t, inferencevars, undetvars); } final List<Type> asUndetVars(List<Type> ts) { ListBuffer<Type> buf = new ListBuffer<>(); for (Type t : ts) { buf.append(asUndetVar(t)); } return buf.toList(); } List<Type> instTypes() { ListBuffer<Type> buf = new ListBuffer<>(); for (Type t : undetvars) { UndetVar uv = (UndetVar)t; buf.append(uv.getInst() != null ? uv.getInst() : uv.qtype); } return buf.toList(); }
Replace all free variables in a given type with corresponding instantiated types - if one or more free variable has not been fully instantiated, it will still be available in the resulting type.
/** * Replace all free variables in a given type with corresponding * instantiated types - if one or more free variable has not been * fully instantiated, it will still be available in the resulting type. */
Type asInstType(Type t) { return types.subst(t, inferencevars, instTypes()); } List<Type> asInstTypes(List<Type> ts) { ListBuffer<Type> buf = new ListBuffer<>(); for (Type t : ts) { buf.append(asInstType(t)); } return buf.toList(); }
Add custom hook for performing post-inference action
/** * Add custom hook for performing post-inference action */
void addFreeTypeListener(List<Type> types, FreeTypeListener ftl) { freeTypeListeners.put(ftl, freeVarsIn(types)); }
Mark the inference context as complete and trigger evaluation of all deferred checks.
/** * Mark the inference context as complete and trigger evaluation * of all deferred checks. */
void notifyChange() { notifyChange(inferencevars.diff(restvars())); } void notifyChange(List<Type> inferredVars) { InferenceException thrownEx = null; for (Map.Entry<FreeTypeListener, List<Type>> entry : new LinkedHashMap<>(freeTypeListeners).entrySet()) { if (!Type.containsAny(entry.getValue(), inferencevars.diff(inferredVars))) { try { entry.getKey().typesInferred(this); freeTypeListeners.remove(entry.getKey()); } catch (InferenceException ex) { if (thrownEx == null) { thrownEx = ex; } } } } //inference exception multiplexing - present any inference exception //thrown when processing listeners as a single one if (thrownEx != null) { throw thrownEx; } }
Save the state of this inference context
/** * Save the state of this inference context */
public List<Type> save() { ListBuffer<Type> buf = new ListBuffer<>(); for (Type t : undetvars) { buf.add(((UndetVar)t).dup(infer.types)); } return buf.toList(); }
Restore the state of this inference context to the previous known checkpoint. Consider that the number of saved undetermined variables can be different to the current amount. This is because new captured variables could have been added.
/** Restore the state of this inference context to the previous known checkpoint. * Consider that the number of saved undetermined variables can be different to the current * amount. This is because new captured variables could have been added. */
public void rollback(List<Type> saved_undet) { Assert.check(saved_undet != null); //restore bounds (note: we need to preserve the old instances) ListBuffer<Type> newUndetVars = new ListBuffer<>(); ListBuffer<Type> newInferenceVars = new ListBuffer<>(); while (saved_undet.nonEmpty() && undetvars.nonEmpty()) { UndetVar uv = (UndetVar)undetvars.head; UndetVar uv_saved = (UndetVar)saved_undet.head; if (uv.qtype == uv_saved.qtype) { uv_saved.dupTo(uv, types); undetvars = undetvars.tail; saved_undet = saved_undet.tail; newUndetVars.add(uv); newInferenceVars.add(uv.qtype); } else { undetvars = undetvars.tail; } } undetvars = newUndetVars.toList(); inferencevars = newInferenceVars.toList(); }
Copy variable in this inference context to the given context
/** * Copy variable in this inference context to the given context */
void dupTo(final InferenceContext that) { dupTo(that, false); } void dupTo(final InferenceContext that, boolean clone) { that.inferencevars = that.inferencevars.appendList(inferencevars.diff(that.inferencevars)); List<Type> undetsToPropagate = clone ? save() : undetvars; that.undetvars = that.undetvars.appendList(undetsToPropagate.diff(that.undetvars)); //propagate cloned undet!! //set up listeners to notify original inference contexts as //propagated vars are inferred in new context for (Type t : inferencevars) { that.freeTypeListeners.put(inferenceContext -> InferenceContext.this.notifyChange(), List.of(t)); } } InferenceContext min(List<Type> roots, boolean shouldSolve, Warner warn) { if (roots.length() == inferencevars.length()) { return this; } ReachabilityVisitor rv = new ReachabilityVisitor(); rv.scan(roots); if (rv.min.size() == inferencevars.length()) { return this; } List<Type> minVars = List.from(rv.min); List<Type> redundantVars = inferencevars.diff(minVars); //compute new undet variables (bounds associated to redundant variables are dropped) ListBuffer<Type> minUndetVars = new ListBuffer<>(); for (Type minVar : minVars) { UndetVar uv = (UndetVar)asUndetVar(minVar); Assert.check(uv.incorporationActions.isEmpty()); UndetVar uv2 = uv.dup(types); for (InferenceBound ib : InferenceBound.values()) { List<Type> newBounds = uv.getBounds(ib).stream() .filter(b -> !redundantVars.contains(b)) .collect(List.collector()); uv2.setBounds(ib, newBounds); } minUndetVars.add(uv2); } //compute new minimal inference context InferenceContext minContext = new InferenceContext(infer, minVars, minUndetVars.toList()); for (Type t : minContext.inferencevars) { //add listener that forwards notifications to original context minContext.addFreeTypeListener(List.of(t), (inferenceContext) -> { ((UndetVar)asUndetVar(t)).setInst(inferenceContext.asInstType(t)); infer.doIncorporation(inferenceContext, warn); solve(List.from(rv.minMap.get(t)), warn); notifyChange(); }); } if (shouldSolve) { //solve definitively unreachable variables List<Type> unreachableVars = redundantVars.diff(List.from(rv.equiv)); minContext.addFreeTypeListener(minVars, (inferenceContext) -> { solve(unreachableVars, warn); notifyChange(); }); } return minContext; } class ReachabilityVisitor extends Types.UnaryVisitor<Void> { Set<Type> equiv = new HashSet<>(); Set<Type> min = new HashSet<>(); Map<Type, Set<Type>> minMap = new HashMap<>(); void scan(List<Type> roots) { roots.stream().forEach(this::visit); } @Override public Void visitType(Type t, Void _unused) { return null; } @Override public Void visitUndetVar(UndetVar t, Void _unused) { if (min.add(t.qtype)) { Set<Type> deps = minMap.getOrDefault(t.qtype, new HashSet<>(Collections.singleton(t.qtype))); for (InferenceBound boundKind : InferenceBound.values()) { for (Type b : t.getBounds(boundKind)) { Type undet = asUndetVar(b); if (!undet.hasTag(TypeTag.UNDETVAR)) { visit(undet); } else if (isEquiv(t, b, boundKind)) { deps.add(b); equiv.add(b); } else { visit(undet); } } } minMap.put(t.qtype, deps); } return null; } @Override public Void visitWildcardType(WildcardType t, Void _unused) { return visit(t.type); } @Override public Void visitTypeVar(TypeVar t, Void aVoid) { Type undet = asUndetVar(t); if (undet.hasTag(TypeTag.UNDETVAR)) { visitUndetVar((UndetVar)undet, null); } return null; } @Override public Void visitArrayType(ArrayType t, Void _unused) { return visit(t.elemtype); } @Override public Void visitClassType(ClassType t, Void _unused) { visit(t.getEnclosingType()); for (Type targ : t.getTypeArguments()) { visit(targ); } return null; } boolean isEquiv(UndetVar from, Type t, InferenceBound boundKind) { UndetVar uv = (UndetVar)asUndetVar(t); for (InferenceBound ib : InferenceBound.values()) { List<Type> b1 = from.getBounds(ib); if (ib == boundKind) { b1 = b1.diff(List.of(t)); } List<Type> b2 = uv.getBounds(ib); if (ib == boundKind.complement()) { b2 = b2.diff(List.of(from.qtype)); } if (!b1.containsAll(b2) || !b2.containsAll(b1)) { return false; } } return true; } }
Solve with given graph strategy.
/** * Solve with given graph strategy. */
private void solve(GraphStrategy ss, Warner warn) { GraphSolver s = infer.new GraphSolver(this, warn); s.solve(ss); }
Solve all variables in this context.
/** * Solve all variables in this context. */
public void solve(Warner warn) { solve(infer.new LeafSolver() { public boolean done() { return restvars().isEmpty(); } }, warn); }
Solve all variables in the given list.
/** * Solve all variables in the given list. */
public void solve(final List<Type> vars, Warner warn) { solve(infer.new BestLeafSolver(vars) { public boolean done() { return !free(asInstTypes(vars)); } }, warn); }
Solve at least one variable in given list.
/** * Solve at least one variable in given list. */
public void solveAny(List<Type> varsToSolve, Warner warn) { solve(infer.new BestLeafSolver(varsToSolve.intersect(restvars())) { public boolean done() { return instvars().intersect(varsToSolve).nonEmpty(); } }, warn); }
Apply a set of inference steps
/** * Apply a set of inference steps */
private List<Type> solveBasic(EnumSet<InferenceStep> steps) { return solveBasic(inferencevars, steps); } List<Type> solveBasic(List<Type> varsToSolve, EnumSet<InferenceStep> steps) { ListBuffer<Type> solvedVars = new ListBuffer<>(); for (Type t : varsToSolve.intersect(restvars())) { UndetVar uv = (UndetVar)asUndetVar(t); for (InferenceStep step : steps) { if (step.accepts(uv, this)) { uv.setInst(step.solve(uv, this)); solvedVars.add(uv.qtype); break; } } } return solvedVars.toList(); }
Instantiate inference variables in legacy mode (JLS, During overload resolution, instantiation is done by doing a partial inference process using eq/lower bound instantiation. During check, we also instantiate any remaining vars by repeatedly using eq/upper instantiation, until all variables are solved.
/** * Instantiate inference variables in legacy mode (JLS, * During overload resolution, instantiation is done by doing a partial * inference process using eq/lower bound instantiation. During check, * we also instantiate any remaining vars by repeatedly using eq/upper * instantiation, until all variables are solved. */
public void solveLegacy(boolean partial, Warner warn, EnumSet<InferenceStep> steps) { while (true) { List<Type> solvedVars = solveBasic(steps); if (restvars().isEmpty() || partial) { //all variables have been instantiated - exit break; } else if (solvedVars.isEmpty()) { //some variables could not be instantiated because of cycles in //upper bounds - provide a (possibly recursive) default instantiation infer.instantiateAsUninferredVars(restvars(), this); break; } else { //some variables have been instantiated - replace newly instantiated //variables in remaining upper bounds and continue for (Type t : undetvars) { UndetVar uv = (UndetVar)t; uv.substBounds(solvedVars, asInstTypes(solvedVars), types); } } } infer.doIncorporation(this, warn); } @Override public String toString() { return "Inference vars: " + inferencevars + '\n' + "Undet vars: " + undetvars; } /* Method Types.capture() generates a new type every time it's applied * to a wildcard parameterized type. This is intended functionality but * there are some cases when what you need is not to generate a new * captured type but to check that a previously generated captured type * is correct. There are cases when caching a captured type for later * reuse is sound. In general two captures from the same AST are equal. * This is why the tree is used as the key of the map below. This map * stores a Type per AST. */ Map<JCTree, Type> captureTypeCache = new HashMap<>(); Type cachedCapture(JCTree tree, Type t, boolean readOnly) { Type captured = captureTypeCache.get(tree); if (captured != null) { return captured; } Type result = types.capture(t); if (result != t && !readOnly) { // then t is a wildcard parameterized type captureTypeCache.put(tree, result); } return result; } }