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package com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.dtm.ref;

import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.dtm.*;

import javax.xml.transform.Source;

import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.utils.XMLStringFactory;

import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.res.XMLErrorResources;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.res.XMLMessages;
import com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.xsltc.dom.NodeCounter;

This class implements the traversers for DTMDefaultBase.
/** * This class implements the traversers for DTMDefaultBase. */
public abstract class DTMDefaultBaseIterators extends DTMDefaultBaseTraversers {
Construct a DTMDefaultBaseTraversers object from a DOM node.
  • mgr – The DTMManager who owns this DTM.
  • source – The object that is used to specify the construction source.
  • dtmIdentity – The DTM identity ID for this DTM.
  • whiteSpaceFilter – The white space filter for this DTM, which may be null.
  • xstringfactory – The factory to use for creating XMLStrings.
  • doIndexing – true if the caller considers it worth it to use indexing schemes.
/** * Construct a DTMDefaultBaseTraversers object from a DOM node. * * @param mgr The DTMManager who owns this DTM. * @param source The object that is used to specify the construction source. * @param dtmIdentity The DTM identity ID for this DTM. * @param whiteSpaceFilter The white space filter for this DTM, which may * be null. * @param xstringfactory The factory to use for creating XMLStrings. * @param doIndexing true if the caller considers it worth it to use * indexing schemes. */
public DTMDefaultBaseIterators(DTMManager mgr, Source source, int dtmIdentity, DTMWSFilter whiteSpaceFilter, XMLStringFactory xstringfactory, boolean doIndexing) { super(mgr, source, dtmIdentity, whiteSpaceFilter, xstringfactory, doIndexing); }
Construct a DTMDefaultBaseTraversers object from a DOM node.
  • mgr – The DTMManager who owns this DTM.
  • source – The object that is used to specify the construction source.
  • dtmIdentity – The DTM identity ID for this DTM.
  • whiteSpaceFilter – The white space filter for this DTM, which may be null.
  • xstringfactory – The factory to use for creating XMLStrings.
  • doIndexing – true if the caller considers it worth it to use indexing schemes.
  • blocksize – The block size of the DTM.
  • usePrevsib – true if we want to build the previous sibling node array.
  • newNameTable – true if we want to use a new ExpandedNameTable for this DTM.
/** * Construct a DTMDefaultBaseTraversers object from a DOM node. * * @param mgr The DTMManager who owns this DTM. * @param source The object that is used to specify the construction source. * @param dtmIdentity The DTM identity ID for this DTM. * @param whiteSpaceFilter The white space filter for this DTM, which may * be null. * @param xstringfactory The factory to use for creating XMLStrings. * @param doIndexing true if the caller considers it worth it to use * indexing schemes. * @param blocksize The block size of the DTM. * @param usePrevsib true if we want to build the previous sibling node array. * @param newNameTable true if we want to use a new ExpandedNameTable for this DTM. */
public DTMDefaultBaseIterators(DTMManager mgr, Source source, int dtmIdentity, DTMWSFilter whiteSpaceFilter, XMLStringFactory xstringfactory, boolean doIndexing, int blocksize, boolean usePrevsib, boolean newNameTable) { super(mgr, source, dtmIdentity, whiteSpaceFilter, xstringfactory, doIndexing, blocksize, usePrevsib, newNameTable); }
Get an iterator that can navigate over an XPath Axis, predicated by the extended type ID. Returns an iterator that must be initialized with a start node (using iterator.setStartNode()).
  • axis – One of Axes.ANCESTORORSELF, etc.
  • type – An extended type ID.
Returns:A DTMAxisIterator, or null if the given axis isn't supported.
/** * Get an iterator that can navigate over an XPath Axis, predicated by * the extended type ID. * Returns an iterator that must be initialized * with a start node (using iterator.setStartNode()). * * @param axis One of Axes.ANCESTORORSELF, etc. * @param type An extended type ID. * * @return A DTMAxisIterator, or null if the given axis isn't supported. */
public DTMAxisIterator getTypedAxisIterator(int axis, int type) { DTMAxisIterator iterator = null; /* This causes an error when using patterns for elements that do not exist in the DOM (translet types which do not correspond to a DOM type are mapped to the DOM.ELEMENT type). */ // if (type == NO_TYPE) { // return(EMPTYITERATOR); // } // else if (type == ELEMENT) { // iterator = new FilterIterator(getAxisIterator(axis), // getElementFilter()); // } // else { switch (axis) { case Axis.SELF : iterator = new TypedSingletonIterator(type); break; case Axis.CHILD : iterator = new TypedChildrenIterator(type); break; case Axis.PARENT : return (new ParentIterator().setNodeType(type)); case Axis.ANCESTOR : return (new TypedAncestorIterator(type)); case Axis.ANCESTORORSELF : return ((new TypedAncestorIterator(type)).includeSelf()); case Axis.ATTRIBUTE : return (new TypedAttributeIterator(type)); case Axis.DESCENDANT : iterator = new TypedDescendantIterator(type); break; case Axis.DESCENDANTORSELF : iterator = (new TypedDescendantIterator(type)).includeSelf(); break; case Axis.FOLLOWING : iterator = new TypedFollowingIterator(type); break; case Axis.PRECEDING : iterator = new TypedPrecedingIterator(type); break; case Axis.FOLLOWINGSIBLING : iterator = new TypedFollowingSiblingIterator(type); break; case Axis.PRECEDINGSIBLING : iterator = new TypedPrecedingSiblingIterator(type); break; case Axis.NAMESPACE : iterator = new TypedNamespaceIterator(type); break; case Axis.ROOT : iterator = new TypedRootIterator(type); break; default : throw new DTMException(XMLMessages.createXMLMessage( XMLErrorResources.ER_TYPED_ITERATOR_AXIS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, new Object[]{Axis.getNames(axis)})); //"Error: typed iterator for axis " //+ Axis.names[axis] + "not implemented"); } } return (iterator); }
This is a shortcut to the iterators that implement the XPath axes. Returns a bare-bones iterator that must be initialized with a start node (using iterator.setStartNode()).
  • axis – One of Axes.ANCESTORORSELF, etc.
Returns:A DTMAxisIterator, or null if the given axis isn't supported.
/** * This is a shortcut to the iterators that implement the * XPath axes. * Returns a bare-bones iterator that must be initialized * with a start node (using iterator.setStartNode()). * * @param axis One of Axes.ANCESTORORSELF, etc. * * @return A DTMAxisIterator, or null if the given axis isn't supported. */
public DTMAxisIterator getAxisIterator(final int axis) { DTMAxisIterator iterator = null; switch (axis) { case Axis.SELF : iterator = new SingletonIterator(); break; case Axis.CHILD : iterator = new ChildrenIterator(); break; case Axis.PARENT : return (new ParentIterator()); case Axis.ANCESTOR : return (new AncestorIterator()); case Axis.ANCESTORORSELF : return ((new AncestorIterator()).includeSelf()); case Axis.ATTRIBUTE : return (new AttributeIterator()); case Axis.DESCENDANT : iterator = new DescendantIterator(); break; case Axis.DESCENDANTORSELF : iterator = (new DescendantIterator()).includeSelf(); break; case Axis.FOLLOWING : iterator = new FollowingIterator(); break; case Axis.PRECEDING : iterator = new PrecedingIterator(); break; case Axis.FOLLOWINGSIBLING : iterator = new FollowingSiblingIterator(); break; case Axis.PRECEDINGSIBLING : iterator = new PrecedingSiblingIterator(); break; case Axis.NAMESPACE : iterator = new NamespaceIterator(); break; case Axis.ROOT : iterator = new RootIterator(); break; default : throw new DTMException(XMLMessages.createXMLMessage( XMLErrorResources.ER_ITERATOR_AXIS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, new Object[]{Axis.getNames(axis)})); //"Error: iterator for axis '" + Axis.names[axis] //+ "' not implemented"); } return (iterator); }
Abstract superclass defining behaviors shared by all DTMDefault's internal implementations of DTMAxisIterator. Subclass this (and override, if necessary) to implement the specifics of an individual axis iterator. Currently there isn't a lot here
/** * Abstract superclass defining behaviors shared by all DTMDefault's * internal implementations of DTMAxisIterator. Subclass this (and * override, if necessary) to implement the specifics of an * individual axis iterator. * * Currently there isn't a lot here */
public abstract class InternalAxisIteratorBase extends DTMAxisIteratorBase { // %REVIEW% We could opt to share _nodeType and setNodeType() as // well, and simply ignore them in iterators which don't use them. // But Scott's worried about the overhead involved in cloning // these, and wants them to have as few fields as possible. Note // that we can't create a TypedInternalAxisIteratorBase because // those are often based on the untyped versions and Java doesn't // support multiple inheritance. <sigh/>
Current iteration location. Usually this is the last location returned (starting point for the next() search); for single-node iterators it may instead be initialized to point to that single node.
/** * Current iteration location. Usually this is the last location * returned (starting point for the next() search); for single-node * iterators it may instead be initialized to point to that single node. */
protected int _currentNode;
Remembers the current node for the next call to gotoMark(). %REVIEW% Should this save _position too?
/** * Remembers the current node for the next call to gotoMark(). * * %REVIEW% Should this save _position too? */
public void setMark() { _markedNode = _currentNode; }
Restores the current node remembered by setMark(). %REVEIW% Should this restore _position too?
/** * Restores the current node remembered by setMark(). * * %REVEIW% Should this restore _position too? */
public void gotoMark() { _currentNode = _markedNode; } } // end of InternalAxisIteratorBase
Iterator that returns all immediate children of a given node
/** * Iterator that returns all immediate children of a given node */
public final class ChildrenIterator extends InternalAxisIteratorBase {
Setting start to END should 'close' the iterator, i.e. subsequent call to next() should return END. If the iterator is not restartable, this has no effect. %REVIEW% Should it return/throw something in that case, or set current node to END, to indicate request-not-honored?
  • node – Sets the root of the iteration.
Returns:A DTMAxisIterator set to the start of the iteration.
/** * Setting start to END should 'close' the iterator, * i.e. subsequent call to next() should return END. * * If the iterator is not restartable, this has no effect. * %REVIEW% Should it return/throw something in that case, * or set current node to END, to indicate request-not-honored? * * @param node Sets the root of the iteration. * * @return A DTMAxisIterator set to the start of the iteration. */
public DTMAxisIterator setStartNode(int node) { //%HZ%: Added reference to DTMDefaultBase.ROOTNODE back in, temporarily if (node == DTMDefaultBase.ROOTNODE) node = getDocument(); if (_isRestartable) { _startNode = node; _currentNode = (node == DTM.NULL) ? DTM.NULL : _firstch(makeNodeIdentity(node)); return resetPosition(); } return this; }
Get the next node in the iteration.
Returns:The next node handle in the iteration, or END if no more are available.
/** * Get the next node in the iteration. * * @return The next node handle in the iteration, or END if no more * are available. */
public int next() { if (_currentNode != NULL) { int node = _currentNode; _currentNode = _nextsib(node); return returnNode(makeNodeHandle(node)); } return END; } } // end of ChildrenIterator
Iterator that returns the parent of a given node. Note that this delivers only a single node; if you want all the ancestors, see AncestorIterator.
/** * Iterator that returns the parent of a given node. Note that * this delivers only a single node; if you want all the ancestors, * see AncestorIterator. */
public final class ParentIterator extends InternalAxisIteratorBase {
The extended type ID that was requested.
/** The extended type ID that was requested. */
private int _nodeType = -1;
Set start to END should 'close' the iterator, i.e. subsequent call to next() should return END.
  • node – Sets the root of the iteration.
Returns:A DTMAxisIterator set to the start of the iteration.
/** * Set start to END should 'close' the iterator, * i.e. subsequent call to next() should return END. * * @param node Sets the root of the iteration. * * @return A DTMAxisIterator set to the start of the iteration. */
public DTMAxisIterator setStartNode(int node) { //%HZ%: Added reference to DTMDefaultBase.ROOTNODE back in, temporarily if (node == DTMDefaultBase.ROOTNODE) node = getDocument(); if (_isRestartable) { _startNode = node; _currentNode = getParent(node); return resetPosition(); } return this; }
Set the node type of the parent that we're looking for. Note that this does _not_ mean "find the nearest ancestor of this type", but "yield the parent if it is of this type".
  • type – extended type ID.
Returns:ParentIterator configured with the type filter set.
/** * Set the node type of the parent that we're looking for. * Note that this does _not_ mean "find the nearest ancestor of * this type", but "yield the parent if it is of this type". * * * @param type extended type ID. * * @return ParentIterator configured with the type filter set. */
public DTMAxisIterator setNodeType(final int type) { _nodeType = type; return this; }
Get the next node in the iteration. In this case, we return only the immediate parent, _if_ it matches the requested nodeType.
Returns:The next node handle in the iteration, or END.
/** * Get the next node in the iteration. In this case, we return * only the immediate parent, _if_ it matches the requested nodeType. * * @return The next node handle in the iteration, or END. */
public int next() { int result = _currentNode; if (_nodeType >= DTM.NTYPES) { if (_nodeType != getExpandedTypeID(_currentNode)) { result = END; } } else if (_nodeType != NULL) { if (_nodeType != getNodeType(_currentNode)) { result = END; } } _currentNode = END; return returnNode(result); } } // end of ParentIterator
Iterator that returns children of a given type for a given node. The functionality chould be achieved by putting a filter on top of a basic child iterator, but a specialised iterator is used for efficiency (both speed and size of translet).
/** * Iterator that returns children of a given type for a given node. * The functionality chould be achieved by putting a filter on top * of a basic child iterator, but a specialised iterator is used * for efficiency (both speed and size of translet). */
public final class TypedChildrenIterator extends InternalAxisIteratorBase {
The extended type ID that was requested.
/** The extended type ID that was requested. */
private final int _nodeType;
Constructor TypedChildrenIterator
  • nodeType – The extended type ID being requested.
/** * Constructor TypedChildrenIterator * * * @param nodeType The extended type ID being requested. */
public TypedChildrenIterator(int nodeType) { _nodeType = nodeType; }
Set start to END should 'close' the iterator, i.e. subsequent call to next() should return END.
  • node – Sets the root of the iteration.
Returns:A DTMAxisIterator set to the start of the iteration.
/** * Set start to END should 'close' the iterator, * i.e. subsequent call to next() should return END. * * @param node Sets the root of the iteration. * * @return A DTMAxisIterator set to the start of the iteration. */
public DTMAxisIterator setStartNode(int node) { //%HZ%: Added reference to DTMDefaultBase.ROOTNODE back in, temporarily if (node == DTMDefaultBase.ROOTNODE) node = getDocument(); if (_isRestartable) { _startNode = node; _currentNode = (node == DTM.NULL) ? DTM.NULL : _firstch(makeNodeIdentity(_startNode)); return resetPosition(); } return this; }
Get the next node in the iteration.
Returns:The next node handle in the iteration, or END.
/** * Get the next node in the iteration. * * @return The next node handle in the iteration, or END. */
public int next() { int eType; int node = _currentNode; int nodeType = _nodeType; if (nodeType >= DTM.NTYPES) { while (node != DTM.NULL && _exptype(node) != nodeType) { node = _nextsib(node); } } else { while (node != DTM.NULL) { eType = _exptype(node); if (eType < DTM.NTYPES) { if (eType == nodeType) { break; } } else if (m_expandedNameTable.getType(eType) == nodeType) { break; } node = _nextsib(node); } } if (node == DTM.NULL) { _currentNode = DTM.NULL; return DTM.NULL; } else { _currentNode = _nextsib(node); return returnNode(makeNodeHandle(node)); } } } // end of TypedChildrenIterator
Iterator that returns children within a given namespace for a given node. The functionality chould be achieved by putting a filter on top of a basic child iterator, but a specialised iterator is used for efficiency (both speed and size of translet).
/** * Iterator that returns children within a given namespace for a * given node. The functionality chould be achieved by putting a * filter on top of a basic child iterator, but a specialised * iterator is used for efficiency (both speed and size of translet). */
public final class NamespaceChildrenIterator extends InternalAxisIteratorBase {
The extended type ID being requested.
/** The extended type ID being requested. */
private final int _nsType;
Constructor NamespaceChildrenIterator
  • type – The extended type ID being requested.
/** * Constructor NamespaceChildrenIterator * * * @param type The extended type ID being requested. */
public NamespaceChildrenIterator(final int type) { _nsType = type; }
Set start to END should 'close' the iterator, i.e. subsequent call to next() should return END.
  • node – Sets the root of the iteration.
Returns:A DTMAxisIterator set to the start of the iteration.
/** * Set start to END should 'close' the iterator, * i.e. subsequent call to next() should return END. * * @param node Sets the root of the iteration. * * @return A DTMAxisIterator set to the start of the iteration. */
public DTMAxisIterator setStartNode(int node) { //%HZ%: Added reference to DTMDefaultBase.ROOTNODE back in, temporarily if (node == DTMDefaultBase.ROOTNODE) node = getDocument(); if (_isRestartable) { _startNode = node; _currentNode = (node == DTM.NULL) ? DTM.NULL : NOTPROCESSED; return resetPosition(); } return this; }
Get the next node in the iteration.
Returns:The next node handle in the iteration, or END.
/** * Get the next node in the iteration. * * @return The next node handle in the iteration, or END. */
public int next() { if (_currentNode != DTM.NULL) { for (int node = (NOTPROCESSED == _currentNode) ? _firstch(makeNodeIdentity(_startNode)) : _nextsib(_currentNode); node != END; node = _nextsib(node)) { if (m_expandedNameTable.getNamespaceID(_exptype(node)) == _nsType) { _currentNode = node; return returnNode(node); } } } return END; } } // end of NamespaceChildrenIterator
Iterator that returns the namespace nodes as defined by the XPath data model for a given node.
/** * Iterator that returns the namespace nodes as defined by the XPath data model * for a given node. */
public class NamespaceIterator extends InternalAxisIteratorBase {
Constructor NamespaceAttributeIterator
/** * Constructor NamespaceAttributeIterator */
public NamespaceIterator() { super(); }
Set start to END should 'close' the iterator, i.e. subsequent call to next() should return END.
  • node – Sets the root of the iteration.
Returns:A DTMAxisIterator set to the start of the iteration.
/** * Set start to END should 'close' the iterator, * i.e. subsequent call to next() should return END. * * @param node Sets the root of the iteration. * * @return A DTMAxisIterator set to the start of the iteration. */
public DTMAxisIterator setStartNode(int node) { //%HZ%: Added reference to DTMDefaultBase.ROOTNODE back in, temporarily if (node == DTMDefaultBase.ROOTNODE) node = getDocument(); if (_isRestartable) { _startNode = node; _currentNode = getFirstNamespaceNode(node, true); return resetPosition(); } return this; }
Get the next node in the iteration.
Returns:The next node handle in the iteration, or END.
/** * Get the next node in the iteration. * * @return The next node handle in the iteration, or END. */
public int next() { int node = _currentNode; if (DTM.NULL != node) _currentNode = getNextNamespaceNode(_startNode, node, true); return returnNode(node); } } // end of NamespaceIterator
Iterator that returns the namespace nodes as defined by the XPath data model for a given node, filtered by extended type ID.
/** * Iterator that returns the namespace nodes as defined by the XPath data model * for a given node, filtered by extended type ID. */
public class TypedNamespaceIterator extends NamespaceIterator {
The extended type ID that was requested.
/** The extended type ID that was requested. */
private final int _nodeType;
Constructor TypedNamespaceIterator
  • nodeType – The extended type ID being requested.
/** * Constructor TypedNamespaceIterator * * * @param nodeType The extended type ID being requested. */
public TypedNamespaceIterator(int nodeType) { super(); _nodeType = nodeType; }
Get the next node in the iteration.
Returns:The next node handle in the iteration, or END.
/** * Get the next node in the iteration. * * @return The next node handle in the iteration, or END. */
public int next() { int node; for (node = _currentNode; node != END; node = getNextNamespaceNode(_startNode, node, true)) { if (getExpandedTypeID(node) == _nodeType || getNodeType(node) == _nodeType || getNamespaceType(node) == _nodeType) { _currentNode = node; return returnNode(node); } } return (_currentNode =END); } } // end of TypedNamespaceIterator
Iterator that returns the the root node as defined by the XPath data model for a given node.
/** * Iterator that returns the the root node as defined by the XPath data model * for a given node. */
public class RootIterator extends InternalAxisIteratorBase {
Constructor RootIterator
/** * Constructor RootIterator */
public RootIterator() { super(); }
Set start to END should 'close' the iterator, i.e. subsequent call to next() should return END.
  • node – Sets the root of the iteration.
Returns:A DTMAxisIterator set to the start of the iteration.
/** * Set start to END should 'close' the iterator, * i.e. subsequent call to next() should return END. * * @param node Sets the root of the iteration. * * @return A DTMAxisIterator set to the start of the iteration. */
public DTMAxisIterator setStartNode(int node) { if (_isRestartable) { _startNode = getDocumentRoot(node); _currentNode = NULL; return resetPosition(); } return this; }
Get the next node in the iteration.
Returns:The next node handle in the iteration, or END.
/** * Get the next node in the iteration. * * @return The next node handle in the iteration, or END. */
public int next() { if(_startNode == _currentNode) return NULL; _currentNode = _startNode; return returnNode(_startNode); } } // end of RootIterator
Iterator that returns the namespace nodes as defined by the XPath data model for a given node, filtered by extended type ID.
/** * Iterator that returns the namespace nodes as defined by the XPath data model * for a given node, filtered by extended type ID. */
public class TypedRootIterator extends RootIterator {
The extended type ID that was requested.
/** The extended type ID that was requested. */
private final int _nodeType;
Constructor TypedRootIterator
  • nodeType – The extended type ID being requested.
/** * Constructor TypedRootIterator * * @param nodeType The extended type ID being requested. */
public TypedRootIterator(int nodeType) { super(); _nodeType = nodeType; }
Get the next node in the iteration.
Returns:The next node handle in the iteration, or END.
/** * Get the next node in the iteration. * * @return The next node handle in the iteration, or END. */
public int next() { if(_startNode == _currentNode) return NULL; int nodeType = _nodeType; int node = _startNode; int expType = getExpandedTypeID(node); _currentNode = node; if (nodeType >= DTM.NTYPES) { if (nodeType == expType) { return returnNode(node); } } else { if (expType < DTM.NTYPES) { if (expType == nodeType) { return returnNode(node); } } else { if (m_expandedNameTable.getType(expType) == nodeType) { return returnNode(node); } } } return END; } } // end of TypedRootIterator
Iterator that returns attributes within a given namespace for a node.
/** * Iterator that returns attributes within a given namespace for a node. */
public final class NamespaceAttributeIterator extends InternalAxisIteratorBase {
The extended type ID being requested.
/** The extended type ID being requested. */
private final int _nsType;
Constructor NamespaceAttributeIterator
  • nsType – The extended type ID being requested.
/** * Constructor NamespaceAttributeIterator * * * @param nsType The extended type ID being requested. */
public NamespaceAttributeIterator(int nsType) { super(); _nsType = nsType; }
Set start to END should 'close' the iterator, i.e. subsequent call to next() should return END.
  • node – Sets the root of the iteration.
Returns:A DTMAxisIterator set to the start of the iteration.
/** * Set start to END should 'close' the iterator, * i.e. subsequent call to next() should return END. * * @param node Sets the root of the iteration. * * @return A DTMAxisIterator set to the start of the iteration. */
public DTMAxisIterator setStartNode(int node) { //%HZ%: Added reference to DTMDefaultBase.ROOTNODE back in, temporarily if (node == DTMDefaultBase.ROOTNODE) node = getDocument(); if (_isRestartable) { _startNode = node; _currentNode = getFirstNamespaceNode(node, false); return resetPosition(); } return this; }
Get the next node in the iteration.
Returns:The next node handle in the iteration, or END.
/** * Get the next node in the iteration. * * @return The next node handle in the iteration, or END. */
public int next() { int node = _currentNode; if (DTM.NULL != node) _currentNode = getNextNamespaceNode(_startNode, node, false); return returnNode(node); } } // end of NamespaceAttributeIterator
Iterator that returns all siblings of a given node.
/** * Iterator that returns all siblings of a given node. */
public class FollowingSiblingIterator extends InternalAxisIteratorBase {
Set start to END should 'close' the iterator, i.e. subsequent call to next() should return END.
  • node – Sets the root of the iteration.
Returns:A DTMAxisIterator set to the start of the iteration.
/** * Set start to END should 'close' the iterator, * i.e. subsequent call to next() should return END. * * @param node Sets the root of the iteration. * * @return A DTMAxisIterator set to the start of the iteration. */
public DTMAxisIterator setStartNode(int node) { //%HZ%: Added reference to DTMDefaultBase.ROOTNODE back in, temporarily if (node == DTMDefaultBase.ROOTNODE) node = getDocument(); if (_isRestartable) { _startNode = node; _currentNode = makeNodeIdentity(node); return resetPosition(); } return this; }
Get the next node in the iteration.
Returns:The next node handle in the iteration, or END.
/** * Get the next node in the iteration. * * @return The next node handle in the iteration, or END. */
public int next() { _currentNode = (_currentNode == DTM.NULL) ? DTM.NULL : _nextsib(_currentNode); return returnNode(makeNodeHandle(_currentNode)); } } // end of FollowingSiblingIterator
Iterator that returns all following siblings of a given node.
/** * Iterator that returns all following siblings of a given node. */
public final class TypedFollowingSiblingIterator extends FollowingSiblingIterator {
The extended type ID that was requested.
/** The extended type ID that was requested. */
private final int _nodeType;
Constructor TypedFollowingSiblingIterator
  • type – The extended type ID being requested.
/** * Constructor TypedFollowingSiblingIterator * * * @param type The extended type ID being requested. */
public TypedFollowingSiblingIterator(int type) { _nodeType = type; }
Get the next node in the iteration.
Returns:The next node handle in the iteration, or END.
/** * Get the next node in the iteration. * * @return The next node handle in the iteration, or END. */
public int next() { if (_currentNode == DTM.NULL) { return DTM.NULL; } int node = _currentNode; int eType; int nodeType = _nodeType; if (nodeType >= DTM.NTYPES) { do { node = _nextsib(node); } while (node != DTM.NULL && _exptype(node) != nodeType); } else { while ((node = _nextsib(node)) != DTM.NULL) { eType = _exptype(node); if (eType < DTM.NTYPES) { if (eType == nodeType) { break; } } else if (m_expandedNameTable.getType(eType) == nodeType) { break; } } } _currentNode = node; return (_currentNode == DTM.NULL) ? DTM.NULL : returnNode(makeNodeHandle(_currentNode)); } } // end of TypedFollowingSiblingIterator
Iterator that returns attribute nodes (of what nodes?)
/** * Iterator that returns attribute nodes (of what nodes?) */
public final class AttributeIterator extends InternalAxisIteratorBase { // assumes caller will pass element nodes
Set start to END should 'close' the iterator, i.e. subsequent call to next() should return END.
  • node – Sets the root of the iteration.
Returns:A DTMAxisIterator set to the start of the iteration.
/** * Set start to END should 'close' the iterator, * i.e. subsequent call to next() should return END. * * @param node Sets the root of the iteration. * * @return A DTMAxisIterator set to the start of the iteration. */
public DTMAxisIterator setStartNode(int node) { //%HZ%: Added reference to DTMDefaultBase.ROOTNODE back in, temporarily if (node == DTMDefaultBase.ROOTNODE) node = getDocument(); if (_isRestartable) { _startNode = node; _currentNode = getFirstAttributeIdentity(makeNodeIdentity(node)); return resetPosition(); } return this; }
Get the next node in the iteration.
Returns:The next node handle in the iteration, or END.
/** * Get the next node in the iteration. * * @return The next node handle in the iteration, or END. */
public int next() { final int node = _currentNode; if (node != NULL) { _currentNode = getNextAttributeIdentity(node); return returnNode(makeNodeHandle(node)); } return NULL; } } // end of AttributeIterator
Iterator that returns attribute nodes of a given type
/** * Iterator that returns attribute nodes of a given type */
public final class TypedAttributeIterator extends InternalAxisIteratorBase {
The extended type ID that was requested.
/** The extended type ID that was requested. */
private final int _nodeType;
Constructor TypedAttributeIterator
  • nodeType – The extended type ID that is requested.
/** * Constructor TypedAttributeIterator * * * @param nodeType The extended type ID that is requested. */
public TypedAttributeIterator(int nodeType) { _nodeType = nodeType; } // assumes caller will pass element nodes
Set start to END should 'close' the iterator, i.e. subsequent call to next() should return END.
  • node – Sets the root of the iteration.
Returns:A DTMAxisIterator set to the start of the iteration.
/** * Set start to END should 'close' the iterator, * i.e. subsequent call to next() should return END. * * @param node Sets the root of the iteration. * * @return A DTMAxisIterator set to the start of the iteration. */
public DTMAxisIterator setStartNode(int node) { if (_isRestartable) { _startNode = node; _currentNode = getTypedAttribute(node, _nodeType); return resetPosition(); } return this; }
Get the next node in the iteration.
Returns:The next node handle in the iteration, or END.
/** * Get the next node in the iteration. * * @return The next node handle in the iteration, or END. */
public int next() { final int node = _currentNode; // singleton iterator, since there can only be one attribute of // a given type. _currentNode = NULL; return returnNode(node); } } // end of TypedAttributeIterator
Iterator that returns preceding siblings of a given node
/** * Iterator that returns preceding siblings of a given node */
public class PrecedingSiblingIterator extends InternalAxisIteratorBase {
The node identity of _startNode for this iterator
/** * The node identity of _startNode for this iterator */
protected int _startNodeID;
True if this iterator has a reversed axis.
/** * True if this iterator has a reversed axis. * * @return true. */
public boolean isReverse() { return true; }
Set start to END should 'close' the iterator, i.e. subsequent call to next() should return END.
  • node – Sets the root of the iteration.
Returns:A DTMAxisIterator set to the start of the iteration.
/** * Set start to END should 'close' the iterator, * i.e. subsequent call to next() should return END. * * @param node Sets the root of the iteration. * * @return A DTMAxisIterator set to the start of the iteration. */
public DTMAxisIterator setStartNode(int node) { //%HZ%: Added reference to DTMDefaultBase.ROOTNODE back in, temporarily if (node == DTMDefaultBase.ROOTNODE) node = getDocument(); if (_isRestartable) { _startNode = node; node = _startNodeID = makeNodeIdentity(node); if(node == NULL) { _currentNode = node; return resetPosition(); } int type = m_expandedNameTable.getType(_exptype(node)); if(ExpandedNameTable.ATTRIBUTE == type || ExpandedNameTable.NAMESPACE == type ) { _currentNode = node; } else { // Be careful to handle the Document node properly _currentNode = _parent(node); if(NULL!=_currentNode) _currentNode = _firstch(_currentNode); else _currentNode = node; } return resetPosition(); } return this; }
Get the next node in the iteration.
Returns:The next node handle in the iteration, or END.
/** * Get the next node in the iteration. * * @return The next node handle in the iteration, or END. */
public int next() { if (_currentNode == _startNodeID || _currentNode == DTM.NULL) { return NULL; } else { final int node = _currentNode; _currentNode = _nextsib(node); return returnNode(makeNodeHandle(node)); } } } // end of PrecedingSiblingIterator
Iterator that returns preceding siblings of a given type for a given node
/** * Iterator that returns preceding siblings of a given type for * a given node */
public final class TypedPrecedingSiblingIterator extends PrecedingSiblingIterator {
The extended type ID that was requested.
/** The extended type ID that was requested. */
private final int _nodeType;
Constructor TypedPrecedingSiblingIterator
  • type – The extended type ID being requested.
/** * Constructor TypedPrecedingSiblingIterator * * * @param type The extended type ID being requested. */
public TypedPrecedingSiblingIterator(int type) { _nodeType = type; }
Get the next node in the iteration.
Returns:The next node handle in the iteration, or END.
/** * Get the next node in the iteration. * * @return The next node handle in the iteration, or END. */
public int next() { int node = _currentNode; int expType; int nodeType = _nodeType; int startID = _startNodeID; if (nodeType >= DTM.NTYPES) { while (node != NULL && node != startID && _exptype(node) != nodeType) { node = _nextsib(node); } } else { while (node != NULL && node != startID) { expType = _exptype(node); if (expType < DTM.NTYPES) { if (expType == nodeType) { break; } } else { if (m_expandedNameTable.getType(expType) == nodeType) { break; } } node = _nextsib(node); } } if (node == DTM.NULL || node == _startNodeID) { _currentNode = NULL; return NULL; } else { _currentNode = _nextsib(node); return returnNode(makeNodeHandle(node)); } } } // end of TypedPrecedingSiblingIterator
Iterator that returns preceding nodes of a given node. This includes the node set {root+1, start-1}, but excludes all ancestors, attributes, and namespace nodes.
/** * Iterator that returns preceding nodes of a given node. * This includes the node set {root+1, start-1}, but excludes * all ancestors, attributes, and namespace nodes. */
public class PrecedingIterator extends InternalAxisIteratorBase {
The max ancestors, but it can grow...
/** The max ancestors, but it can grow... */
private final int _maxAncestors = 8;
The stack of start node + ancestors up to the root of the tree, which we must avoid.
/** * The stack of start node + ancestors up to the root of the tree, * which we must avoid. */
protected int[] _stack = new int[_maxAncestors];
(not sure yet... -sb)
/** (not sure yet... -sb) */
protected int _sp, _oldsp; protected int _markedsp, _markedNode, _markedDescendant; /* _currentNode precedes candidates. This is the identity, not the handle! */
True if this iterator has a reversed axis.
Returns:true since this iterator is a reversed axis.
/** * True if this iterator has a reversed axis. * * @return true since this iterator is a reversed axis. */
public boolean isReverse() { return true; }
Returns a deep copy of this iterator. The cloned iterator is not reset.
Returns:a deep copy of this iterator.
/** * Returns a deep copy of this iterator. The cloned iterator is not reset. * * @return a deep copy of this iterator. */
public DTMAxisIterator cloneIterator() { _isRestartable = false; try { final PrecedingIterator clone = (PrecedingIterator) super.clone(); final int[] stackCopy = new int[_stack.length]; System.arraycopy(_stack, 0, stackCopy, 0, _stack.length); clone._stack = stackCopy; // return clone.reset(); return clone; } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { throw new DTMException(XMLMessages.createXMLMessage(XMLErrorResources.ER_ITERATOR_CLONE_NOT_SUPPORTED, null)); //"Iterator clone not supported."); } }
Set start to END should 'close' the iterator, i.e. subsequent call to next() should return END.
  • node – Sets the root of the iteration.
Returns:A DTMAxisIterator set to the start of the iteration.
/** * Set start to END should 'close' the iterator, * i.e. subsequent call to next() should return END. * * @param node Sets the root of the iteration. * * @return A DTMAxisIterator set to the start of the iteration. */
public DTMAxisIterator setStartNode(int node) { //%HZ%: Added reference to DTMDefaultBase.ROOTNODE back in, temporarily if (node == DTMDefaultBase.ROOTNODE) node = getDocument(); if (_isRestartable) { node = makeNodeIdentity(node); // iterator is not a clone int parent, index; if (_type(node) == DTM.ATTRIBUTE_NODE) node = _parent(node); _startNode = node; _stack[index = 0] = node; parent=node; while ((parent = _parent(parent)) != NULL) { if (++index == _stack.length) { final int[] stack = new int[index + 4]; System.arraycopy(_stack, 0, stack, 0, index); _stack = stack; } _stack[index] = parent; } if(index>0) --index; // Pop actual root node (if not start) back off the stack _currentNode=_stack[index]; // Last parent before root node _oldsp = _sp = index; return resetPosition(); } return this; }
Get the next node in the iteration.
Returns:The next node handle in the iteration, or END.
/** * Get the next node in the iteration. * * @return The next node handle in the iteration, or END. */
public int next() { // Bugzilla 8324: We were forgetting to skip Attrs and NS nodes. // Also recoded the loop controls for clarity and to flatten out // the tail-recursion. for(++_currentNode; _sp>=0; ++_currentNode) { if(_currentNode < _stack[_sp]) { if(_type(_currentNode) != ATTRIBUTE_NODE && _type(_currentNode) != NAMESPACE_NODE) return returnNode(makeNodeHandle(_currentNode)); } else --_sp; } return NULL; } // redefine DTMAxisIteratorBase's reset
Resets the iterator to the last start node.
Returns:A DTMAxisIterator, which may or may not be the same as this iterator.
/** * Resets the iterator to the last start node. * * @return A DTMAxisIterator, which may or may not be the same as this * iterator. */
public DTMAxisIterator reset() { _sp = _oldsp; return resetPosition(); } public void setMark() { _markedsp = _sp; _markedNode = _currentNode; _markedDescendant = _stack[0]; } public void gotoMark() { _sp = _markedsp; _currentNode = _markedNode; } } // end of PrecedingIterator
Iterator that returns preceding nodes of agiven type for a given node. This includes the node set {root+1, start-1}, but excludes all ancestors.
/** * Iterator that returns preceding nodes of agiven type for a * given node. This includes the node set {root+1, start-1}, but * excludes all ancestors. */
public final class TypedPrecedingIterator extends PrecedingIterator {
The extended type ID that was requested.
/** The extended type ID that was requested. */
private final int _nodeType;
Constructor TypedPrecedingIterator
  • type – The extended type ID being requested.
/** * Constructor TypedPrecedingIterator * * * @param type The extended type ID being requested. */
public TypedPrecedingIterator(int type) { _nodeType = type; }
Get the next node in the iteration.
Returns:The next node handle in the iteration, or END.
/** * Get the next node in the iteration. * * @return The next node handle in the iteration, or END. */
public int next() { int node = _currentNode; int nodeType = _nodeType; if (nodeType >= DTM.NTYPES) { while (true) { node = node + 1; if (_sp < 0) { node = NULL; break; } else if (node >= _stack[_sp]) { if (--_sp < 0) { node = NULL; break; } } else if (_exptype(node) == nodeType) { break; } } } else { int expType; while (true) { node = node + 1; if (_sp < 0) { node = NULL; break; } else if (node >= _stack[_sp]) { if (--_sp < 0) { node = NULL; break; } } else { expType = _exptype(node); if (expType < DTM.NTYPES) { if (expType == nodeType) { break; } } else { if (m_expandedNameTable.getType(expType) == nodeType) { break; } } } } } _currentNode = node; return (node == NULL) ? NULL : returnNode(makeNodeHandle(node)); } } // end of TypedPrecedingIterator
Iterator that returns following nodes of for a given node.
/** * Iterator that returns following nodes of for a given node. */
public class FollowingIterator extends InternalAxisIteratorBase { DTMAxisTraverser m_traverser; // easier for now public FollowingIterator() { m_traverser = getAxisTraverser(Axis.FOLLOWING); }
Set start to END should 'close' the iterator, i.e. subsequent call to next() should return END.
  • node – Sets the root of the iteration.
Returns:A DTMAxisIterator set to the start of the iteration.
/** * Set start to END should 'close' the iterator, * i.e. subsequent call to next() should return END. * * @param node Sets the root of the iteration. * * @return A DTMAxisIterator set to the start of the iteration. */
public DTMAxisIterator setStartNode(int node) { //%HZ%: Added reference to DTMDefaultBase.ROOTNODE back in, temporarily if (node == DTMDefaultBase.ROOTNODE) node = getDocument(); if (_isRestartable) { _startNode = node; // ?? -sb // find rightmost descendant (or self) // int current; // while ((node = getLastChild(current = node)) != NULL){} // _currentNode = current; _currentNode = m_traverser.first(node); // _currentNode precedes possible following(node) nodes return resetPosition(); } return this; }
Get the next node in the iteration.
Returns:The next node handle in the iteration, or END.
/** * Get the next node in the iteration. * * @return The next node handle in the iteration, or END. */
public int next() { int node = _currentNode; _currentNode = m_traverser.next(_startNode, _currentNode); return returnNode(node); } } // end of FollowingIterator
Iterator that returns following nodes of a given type for a given node.
/** * Iterator that returns following nodes of a given type for a given node. */
public final class TypedFollowingIterator extends FollowingIterator {
The extended type ID that was requested.
/** The extended type ID that was requested. */
private final int _nodeType;
Constructor TypedFollowingIterator
  • type – The extended type ID being requested.
/** * Constructor TypedFollowingIterator * * * @param type The extended type ID being requested. */
public TypedFollowingIterator(int type) { _nodeType = type; }
Get the next node in the iteration.
Returns:The next node handle in the iteration, or END.
/** * Get the next node in the iteration. * * @return The next node handle in the iteration, or END. */
public int next() { int node; do{ node = _currentNode; _currentNode = m_traverser.next(_startNode, _currentNode); } while (node != DTM.NULL && (getExpandedTypeID(node) != _nodeType && getNodeType(node) != _nodeType)); return (node == DTM.NULL ? DTM.NULL :returnNode(node)); } } // end of TypedFollowingIterator
Iterator that returns the ancestors of a given node in document order. (NOTE! This was changed from the XSLTC code!)
/** * Iterator that returns the ancestors of a given node in document * order. (NOTE! This was changed from the XSLTC code!) */
public class AncestorIterator extends InternalAxisIteratorBase { com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.utils.NodeVector m_ancestors = new com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.utils.NodeVector(); int m_ancestorsPos; int m_markedPos;
The real start node for this axes, since _startNode will be adjusted.
/** The real start node for this axes, since _startNode will be adjusted. */
int m_realStartNode;
Get start to END should 'close' the iterator, i.e. subsequent call to next() should return END.
Returns:The root node of the iteration.
/** * Get start to END should 'close' the iterator, * i.e. subsequent call to next() should return END. * * @return The root node of the iteration. */
public int getStartNode() { return m_realStartNode; }
True if this iterator has a reversed axis.
Returns:true since this iterator is a reversed axis.
/** * True if this iterator has a reversed axis. * * @return true since this iterator is a reversed axis. */
public final boolean isReverse() { return true; }
Returns a deep copy of this iterator. The cloned iterator is not reset.
Returns:a deep copy of this iterator.
/** * Returns a deep copy of this iterator. The cloned iterator is not reset. * * @return a deep copy of this iterator. */
public DTMAxisIterator cloneIterator() { _isRestartable = false; // must set to false for any clone try { final AncestorIterator clone = (AncestorIterator) super.clone(); clone._startNode = _startNode; // return clone.reset(); return clone; } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { throw new DTMException(XMLMessages.createXMLMessage(XMLErrorResources.ER_ITERATOR_CLONE_NOT_SUPPORTED, null)); //"Iterator clone not supported."); } }
Set start to END should 'close' the iterator, i.e. subsequent call to next() should return END.
  • node – Sets the root of the iteration.
Returns:A DTMAxisIterator set to the start of the iteration.
/** * Set start to END should 'close' the iterator, * i.e. subsequent call to next() should return END. * * @param node Sets the root of the iteration. * * @return A DTMAxisIterator set to the start of the iteration. */
public DTMAxisIterator setStartNode(int node) { //%HZ%: Added reference to DTMDefaultBase.ROOTNODE back in, temporarily if (node == DTMDefaultBase.ROOTNODE) node = getDocument(); m_realStartNode = node; if (_isRestartable) { int nodeID = makeNodeIdentity(node); if (!_includeSelf && node != DTM.NULL) { nodeID = _parent(nodeID); node = makeNodeHandle(nodeID); } _startNode = node; while (nodeID != END) { m_ancestors.addElement(node); nodeID = _parent(nodeID); node = makeNodeHandle(nodeID); } m_ancestorsPos = m_ancestors.size()-1; _currentNode = (m_ancestorsPos>=0) ? m_ancestors.elementAt(m_ancestorsPos) : DTM.NULL; return resetPosition(); } return this; }
Resets the iterator to the last start node.
Returns:A DTMAxisIterator, which may or may not be the same as this iterator.
/** * Resets the iterator to the last start node. * * @return A DTMAxisIterator, which may or may not be the same as this * iterator. */
public DTMAxisIterator reset() { m_ancestorsPos = m_ancestors.size()-1; _currentNode = (m_ancestorsPos>=0) ? m_ancestors.elementAt(m_ancestorsPos) : DTM.NULL; return resetPosition(); }
Get the next node in the iteration.
Returns:The next node handle in the iteration, or END.
/** * Get the next node in the iteration. * * @return The next node handle in the iteration, or END. */
public int next() { int next = _currentNode; int pos = --m_ancestorsPos; _currentNode = (pos >= 0) ? m_ancestors.elementAt(m_ancestorsPos) : DTM.NULL; return returnNode(next); } public void setMark() { m_markedPos = m_ancestorsPos; } public void gotoMark() { m_ancestorsPos = m_markedPos; _currentNode = m_ancestorsPos>=0 ? m_ancestors.elementAt(m_ancestorsPos) : DTM.NULL; } } // end of AncestorIterator
Typed iterator that returns the ancestors of a given node.
/** * Typed iterator that returns the ancestors of a given node. */
public final class TypedAncestorIterator extends AncestorIterator {
The extended type ID that was requested.
/** The extended type ID that was requested. */
private final int _nodeType;
Constructor TypedAncestorIterator
  • type – The extended type ID being requested.
/** * Constructor TypedAncestorIterator * * * @param type The extended type ID being requested. */
public TypedAncestorIterator(int type) { _nodeType = type; }
Set start to END should 'close' the iterator, i.e. subsequent call to next() should return END.
  • node – Sets the root of the iteration.
Returns:A DTMAxisIterator set to the start of the iteration.
/** * Set start to END should 'close' the iterator, * i.e. subsequent call to next() should return END. * * @param node Sets the root of the iteration. * * @return A DTMAxisIterator set to the start of the iteration. */
public DTMAxisIterator setStartNode(int node) { //%HZ%: Added reference to DTMDefaultBase.ROOTNODE back in, temporarily if (node == DTMDefaultBase.ROOTNODE) node = getDocument(); m_realStartNode = node; if (_isRestartable) { int nodeID = makeNodeIdentity(node); int nodeType = _nodeType; if (!_includeSelf && node != DTM.NULL) { nodeID = _parent(nodeID); } _startNode = node; if (nodeType >= DTM.NTYPES) { while (nodeID != END) { int eType = _exptype(nodeID); if (eType == nodeType) { m_ancestors.addElement(makeNodeHandle(nodeID)); } nodeID = _parent(nodeID); } } else { while (nodeID != END) { int eType = _exptype(nodeID); if ((eType >= DTM.NTYPES && m_expandedNameTable.getType(eType) == nodeType) || (eType < DTM.NTYPES && eType == nodeType)) { m_ancestors.addElement(makeNodeHandle(nodeID)); } nodeID = _parent(nodeID); } } m_ancestorsPos = m_ancestors.size()-1; _currentNode = (m_ancestorsPos>=0) ? m_ancestors.elementAt(m_ancestorsPos) : DTM.NULL; return resetPosition(); } return this; } } // end of TypedAncestorIterator
Iterator that returns the descendants of a given node.
/** * Iterator that returns the descendants of a given node. */
public class DescendantIterator extends InternalAxisIteratorBase {
Set start to END should 'close' the iterator, i.e. subsequent call to next() should return END.
  • node – Sets the root of the iteration.
Returns:A DTMAxisIterator set to the start of the iteration.
/** * Set start to END should 'close' the iterator, * i.e. subsequent call to next() should return END. * * @param node Sets the root of the iteration. * * @return A DTMAxisIterator set to the start of the iteration. */
public DTMAxisIterator setStartNode(int node) { //%HZ%: Added reference to DTMDefaultBase.ROOTNODE back in, temporarily if (node == DTMDefaultBase.ROOTNODE) node = getDocument(); if (_isRestartable) { node = makeNodeIdentity(node); _startNode = node; if (_includeSelf) node--; _currentNode = node; return resetPosition(); } return this; }
Tell if this node identity is a descendant. Assumes that the node info for the element has already been obtained. This one-sided test works only if the parent has been previously tested and is known to be a descendent. It fails if the parent is the _startNode's next sibling, or indeed any node that follows _startNode in document order. That may suffice for this iterator, but it's not really an isDescendent() test. %REVIEW% rename?
  • identity – The index number of the node in question.
Returns:true if the index is a descendant of _startNode.
/** * Tell if this node identity is a descendant. Assumes that * the node info for the element has already been obtained. * * This one-sided test works only if the parent has been * previously tested and is known to be a descendent. It fails if * the parent is the _startNode's next sibling, or indeed any node * that follows _startNode in document order. That may suffice * for this iterator, but it's not really an isDescendent() test. * %REVIEW% rename? * * @param identity The index number of the node in question. * @return true if the index is a descendant of _startNode. */
protected boolean isDescendant(int identity) { return (_parent(identity) >= _startNode) || (_startNode == identity); }
Get the next node in the iteration.
Returns:The next node handle in the iteration, or END.
/** * Get the next node in the iteration. * * @return The next node handle in the iteration, or END. */
public int next() { if (_startNode == NULL) { return NULL; } if (_includeSelf && (_currentNode + 1) == _startNode) return returnNode(makeNodeHandle(++_currentNode)); // | m_dtmIdent); int node = _currentNode; int type; do { node++; type = _type(node); if (NULL == type ||!isDescendant(node)) { _currentNode = NULL; return END; } } while(ATTRIBUTE_NODE == type || TEXT_NODE == type || NAMESPACE_NODE == type); _currentNode = node; return returnNode(makeNodeHandle(node)); // make handle. }
/** * Reset. * */
public DTMAxisIterator reset() { final boolean temp = _isRestartable; _isRestartable = true; setStartNode(makeNodeHandle(_startNode)); _isRestartable = temp; return this; } } // end of DescendantIterator
Typed iterator that returns the descendants of a given node.
/** * Typed iterator that returns the descendants of a given node. */
public final class TypedDescendantIterator extends DescendantIterator {
The extended type ID that was requested.
/** The extended type ID that was requested. */
private final int _nodeType;
Constructor TypedDescendantIterator
  • nodeType – Extended type ID being requested.
/** * Constructor TypedDescendantIterator * * * @param nodeType Extended type ID being requested. */
public TypedDescendantIterator(int nodeType) { _nodeType = nodeType; }
Get the next node in the iteration.
Returns:The next node handle in the iteration, or END.
/** * Get the next node in the iteration. * * @return The next node handle in the iteration, or END. */
public int next() { int node; int type; if (_startNode == NULL) { return NULL; } node = _currentNode; do { node++; type = _type(node); if (NULL == type ||!isDescendant(node)) { _currentNode = NULL; return END; } } while (type != _nodeType && _exptype(node) != _nodeType); _currentNode = node; return returnNode(makeNodeHandle(node)); } } // end of TypedDescendantIterator
Iterator that returns the descendants of a given node. I'm not exactly clear about this one... -sb
/** * Iterator that returns the descendants of a given node. * I'm not exactly clear about this one... -sb */
public class NthDescendantIterator extends DescendantIterator {
The current nth position.
/** The current nth position. */
int _pos;
Constructor NthDescendantIterator
  • pos – The nth position being requested.
/** * Constructor NthDescendantIterator * * * @param pos The nth position being requested. */
public NthDescendantIterator(int pos) { _pos = pos; }
Get the next node in the iteration.
Returns:The next node handle in the iteration, or END.
/** * Get the next node in the iteration. * * @return The next node handle in the iteration, or END. */
public int next() { // I'm not exactly clear yet what this is doing... -sb int node; while ((node = super.next()) != END) { node = makeNodeIdentity(node); int parent = _parent(node); int child = _firstch(parent); int pos = 0; do { int type = _type(child); if (ELEMENT_NODE == type) pos++; } while ((pos < _pos) && (child = _nextsib(child)) != END); if (node == child) return node; } return (END); } } // end of NthDescendantIterator
Class SingletonIterator.
/** * Class SingletonIterator. */
public class SingletonIterator extends InternalAxisIteratorBase {
(not sure yet what this is. -sb) (sc & sb remove final to compile in JDK 1.1.8)
/** (not sure yet what this is. -sb) (sc & sb remove final to compile in JDK 1.1.8) */
private boolean _isConstant;
Constructor SingletonIterator
/** * Constructor SingletonIterator * */
public SingletonIterator() { this(Integer.MIN_VALUE, false); }
Constructor SingletonIterator
  • node – The node handle to return.
/** * Constructor SingletonIterator * * * @param node The node handle to return. */
public SingletonIterator(int node) { this(node, false); }
Constructor SingletonIterator
  • node – the node handle to return.
  • constant – (Not sure what this is yet. -sb)
/** * Constructor SingletonIterator * * * @param node the node handle to return. * @param constant (Not sure what this is yet. -sb) */
public SingletonIterator(int node, boolean constant) { _currentNode = _startNode = node; _isConstant = constant; }
Set start to END should 'close' the iterator, i.e. subsequent call to next() should return END.
  • node – Sets the root of the iteration.
Returns:A DTMAxisIterator set to the start of the iteration.
/** * Set start to END should 'close' the iterator, * i.e. subsequent call to next() should return END. * * @param node Sets the root of the iteration. * * @return A DTMAxisIterator set to the start of the iteration. */
public DTMAxisIterator setStartNode(int node) { //%HZ%: Added reference to DTMDefaultBase.ROOTNODE back in, temporarily if (node == DTMDefaultBase.ROOTNODE) node = getDocument(); if (_isConstant) { _currentNode = _startNode; return resetPosition(); } else if (_isRestartable) { _currentNode = _startNode = node; return resetPosition(); } return this; }
Resets the iterator to the last start node.
Returns:A DTMAxisIterator, which may or may not be the same as this iterator.
/** * Resets the iterator to the last start node. * * @return A DTMAxisIterator, which may or may not be the same as this * iterator. */
public DTMAxisIterator reset() { if (_isConstant) { _currentNode = _startNode; return resetPosition(); } else { final boolean temp = _isRestartable; _isRestartable = true; setStartNode(_startNode); _isRestartable = temp; } return this; }
Get the next node in the iteration.
Returns:The next node handle in the iteration, or END.
/** * Get the next node in the iteration. * * @return The next node handle in the iteration, or END. */
public int next() { final int result = _currentNode; _currentNode = END; return returnNode(result); } } // end of SingletonIterator
Iterator that returns a given node only if it is of a given type.
/** * Iterator that returns a given node only if it is of a given type. */
public final class TypedSingletonIterator extends SingletonIterator {
The extended type ID that was requested.
/** The extended type ID that was requested. */
private final int _nodeType;
Constructor TypedSingletonIterator
  • nodeType – The extended type ID being requested.
/** * Constructor TypedSingletonIterator * * * @param nodeType The extended type ID being requested. */
public TypedSingletonIterator(int nodeType) { _nodeType = nodeType; }
Get the next node in the iteration.
Returns:The next node handle in the iteration, or END.
/** * Get the next node in the iteration. * * @return The next node handle in the iteration, or END. */
public int next() { //final int result = super.next(); final int result = _currentNode; int nodeType = _nodeType; _currentNode = END; if (nodeType >= DTM.NTYPES) { if (getExpandedTypeID(result) == nodeType) { return returnNode(result); } } else { if (getNodeType(result) == nodeType) { return returnNode(result); } } return NULL; } } // end of TypedSingletonIterator }