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package com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.util;

import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.XMLString;

XMLString is a structure used to pass character arrays. However, XMLStringBuffer is a buffer in which characters can be appended and extends XMLString so that it can be passed to methods expecting an XMLString object. This is a safe operation because it is assumed that any callee will not modify the contents of the XMLString structure.

The contents of the string are managed by the string buffer. As characters are appended, the string buffer will grow as needed.

Note: Never set the ch, offset, and length fields directly. These fields are managed by the string buffer. In order to reset the buffer, call clear().

Author:Andy Clark, IBM, Eric Ye, IBM
/** * XMLString is a structure used to pass character arrays. However, * XMLStringBuffer is a buffer in which characters can be appended * and extends XMLString so that it can be passed to methods * expecting an XMLString object. This is a safe operation because * it is assumed that any callee will <strong>not</strong> modify * the contents of the XMLString structure. * <p> * The contents of the string are managed by the string buffer. As * characters are appended, the string buffer will grow as needed. * <p> * <strong>Note:</strong> Never set the <code>ch</code>, * <code>offset</code>, and <code>length</code> fields directly. * These fields are managed by the string buffer. In order to reset * the buffer, call <code>clear()</code>. * * @author Andy Clark, IBM * @author Eric Ye, IBM * */
public class XMLStringBuffer extends XMLString { // // Constants //
Default buffer size (32).
/** Default buffer size (32). */
public static final int DEFAULT_SIZE = 32; // // Data // // // Constructors // /** * */ public XMLStringBuffer() { this(DEFAULT_SIZE); } // <init>()
  • size –
/** * * * @param size */
public XMLStringBuffer(int size) { ch = new char[size]; } // <init>(int)
Constructs a string buffer from a char.
/** Constructs a string buffer from a char. */
public XMLStringBuffer(char c) { this(1); append(c); } // <init>(char)
Constructs a string buffer from a String.
/** Constructs a string buffer from a String. */
public XMLStringBuffer(String s) { this(s.length()); append(s); } // <init>(String)
Constructs a string buffer from the specified character array.
/** Constructs a string buffer from the specified character array. */
public XMLStringBuffer(char[] ch, int offset, int length) { this(length); append(ch, offset, length); } // <init>(char[],int,int)
Constructs a string buffer from the specified XMLString.
/** Constructs a string buffer from the specified XMLString. */
public XMLStringBuffer(XMLString s) { this(s.length); append(s); } // <init>(XMLString) // // Public methods //
Clears the string buffer.
/** Clears the string buffer. */
public void clear() { offset = 0; length = 0; }
  • c –
/** * append * * @param c */
public void append(char c) { if(this.length + 1 > this.ch.length){ int newLength = this.ch.length * 2 ; if(newLength < this.ch.length + DEFAULT_SIZE){ newLength = this.ch.length + DEFAULT_SIZE; } char [] tmp = new char[newLength]; System.arraycopy(this.ch, 0, tmp, 0, this.length); this.ch = tmp; } this.ch[this.length] = c ; this.length++; } // append(char)
  • s –
/** * append * * @param s */
public void append(String s) { int length = s.length(); if (this.length + length > this.ch.length) { int newLength = this.ch.length * 2 ; if(newLength < this.ch.length + length + DEFAULT_SIZE){ newLength = this.ch.length + length+ DEFAULT_SIZE; } char[] newch = new char[newLength]; System.arraycopy(this.ch, 0, newch, 0, this.length); this.ch = newch; } s.getChars(0, length, this.ch, this.length); this.length += length; } // append(String)
  • ch –
  • offset –
  • length –
/** * append * * @param ch * @param offset * @param length */
public void append(char[] ch, int offset, int length) { if (this.length + length > this.ch.length) { int newLength = this.ch.length * 2 ; if(newLength < this.ch.length + length + DEFAULT_SIZE){ newLength = this.ch.length + length + DEFAULT_SIZE; } char[] newch = new char[newLength]; System.arraycopy(this.ch, 0, newch, 0, this.length); this.ch = newch; } //making the code more robust as it would handle null or 0 length data, //add the data only when it contains some thing if(ch != null && length > 0){ System.arraycopy(ch, offset, this.ch, this.length, length); this.length += length; } } // append(char[],int,int)
  • s –
/** * append * * @param s */
public void append(XMLString s) { append(s.ch, s.offset, s.length); } // append(XMLString) } // class XMLStringBuffer