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package com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.xs;

import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.QName;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xs.XSConstants;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xs.XSElementDeclaration;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xs.XSObjectList;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xs.XSSimpleTypeDefinition;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xs.XSTypeDefinition;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

To store and validate information about substitutionGroup
Author:Sandy Gao, IBM
@LastModified: Nov 2017
/** * To store and validate information about substitutionGroup * * @xerces.internal * * @author Sandy Gao, IBM * * @LastModified: Nov 2017 */
public class SubstitutionGroupHandler { private static final XSElementDecl[] EMPTY_GROUP = new XSElementDecl[0]; // global element declaration resolver private final XSElementDeclHelper fXSElementDeclHelper;
Default constructor
/** * Default constructor */
public SubstitutionGroupHandler(XSElementDeclHelper elementDeclHelper) { fXSElementDeclHelper = elementDeclHelper; } // 3.9.4 Element Sequence Locally Valid (Particle) 2.3.3 // check whether one element decl matches an element with the given qname public XSElementDecl getMatchingElemDecl(QName element, XSElementDecl exemplar) { if (element.localpart == exemplar.fName && element.uri == exemplar.fTargetNamespace) { return exemplar; } // if the exemplar is not a global element decl, then it's not possible // to be substituted by another element. if (exemplar.fScope != XSConstants.SCOPE_GLOBAL) { return null; } // if the decl blocks substitution, return false if ((exemplar.fBlock & XSConstants.DERIVATION_SUBSTITUTION) != 0) { return null; } // get the decl for the element XSElementDecl eDecl = fXSElementDeclHelper.getGlobalElementDecl(element); if (eDecl == null) { return null; } // and check by using substitutionGroup information if (substitutionGroupOK(eDecl, exemplar, exemplar.fBlock)) { return eDecl; } return null; } // 3.3.6 Substitution Group OK (Transitive) // check whether element can substitute exemplar protected boolean substitutionGroupOK(XSElementDecl element, XSElementDecl exemplar, short blockingConstraint) { // For an element declaration (call it D) to be validly substitutable for another element declaration (call it C) subject to a blocking constraint (a subset of {substitution, extension, restriction}, the value of a {disallowed substitutions}) one of the following must be true: // 1. D and C are the same element declaration. if (element == exemplar) { return true; } // 2 All of the following must be true: // 2.1 The blocking constraint does not contain substitution. if ((blockingConstraint & XSConstants.DERIVATION_SUBSTITUTION) != 0) { return false; } // 2.2 There is a chain of {substitution group affiliation}s from D to C, that is, either D's {substitution group affiliation} is C, or D's {substitution group affiliation}'s {substitution group affiliation} is C, or . . . XSElementDecl subGroup = element.fSubGroup; while (subGroup != null && subGroup != exemplar) { subGroup = subGroup.fSubGroup; } if (subGroup == null) { return false; } // 2.3 The set of all {derivation method}s involved in the derivation of D's {type definition} from C's {type definition} does not intersect with the union of the blocking constraint, C's {prohibited substitutions} (if C is complex, otherwise the empty set) and the {prohibited substitutions} (respectively the empty set) of any intermediate {type definition}s in the derivation of D's {type definition} from C's {type definition}. // prepare the combination of {derivation method} and // {disallowed substitution} return typeDerivationOK(element.fType, exemplar.fType, blockingConstraint); } private boolean typeDerivationOK(XSTypeDefinition derived, XSTypeDefinition base, short blockingConstraint) { short devMethod = 0, blockConstraint = blockingConstraint; // "derived" should be derived from "base" // add derivation methods of derived types to devMethod; // add block of base types to blockConstraint. XSTypeDefinition type = derived; while (type != base && type != SchemaGrammar.fAnyType) { if (type.getTypeCategory() == XSTypeDefinition.COMPLEX_TYPE) { devMethod |= ((XSComplexTypeDecl)type).fDerivedBy; } else { devMethod |= XSConstants.DERIVATION_RESTRICTION; } type = type.getBaseType(); // type == null means the current type is anySimpleType, // whose base type should be anyType if (type == null) { type = SchemaGrammar.fAnyType; } if (type.getTypeCategory() == XSTypeDefinition.COMPLEX_TYPE) { blockConstraint |= ((XSComplexTypeDecl)type).fBlock; } } if (type != base) { // If the base is a union, check if "derived" is allowed through any of the member types. if (base.getTypeCategory() == XSTypeDefinition.SIMPLE_TYPE) { XSSimpleTypeDefinition st = (XSSimpleTypeDefinition) base; if (st.getVariety() == XSSimpleTypeDefinition.VARIETY_UNION) { XSObjectList memberTypes = st.getMemberTypes(); final int length = memberTypes.getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { if (typeDerivationOK(derived, (XSTypeDefinition) memberTypes.item(i), blockingConstraint)) { return true; } } } } return false; } if ((devMethod & blockConstraint) != 0) { return false; } return true; } // check whether element is in exemplar's substitution group public boolean inSubstitutionGroup(XSElementDecl element, XSElementDecl exemplar) { // [Definition:] Every element declaration (call this HEAD) in the {element declarations} of a schema defines a substitution group, a subset of those {element declarations}, as follows: // Define PSG, the potential substitution group for HEAD, as follows: // 1 The element declaration itself is in PSG; // 2 PSG is closed with respect to {substitution group affiliation}, that is, if any element declaration in the {element declarations} has a {substitution group affiliation} in PSG, then it is also in PSG itself. // HEAD's actual substitution group is then the set consisting of each member of PSG such that all of the following must be true: // 1 Its {abstract} is false. // 2 It is validly substitutable for HEAD subject to an empty blocking constraint, as defined in Substitution Group OK (Transitive) (3.3.6). return substitutionGroupOK(element, exemplar, exemplar.fBlock); } // to store substitution group information // the key to the map is an element decl, and the value is // - a Vector, which contains all elements that has this element as their // substitution group affilication // - an array of OneSubGroup, which contains its substitution group before block. Map<XSElementDecl, Object> fSubGroupsB = new HashMap<>(); private static final OneSubGroup[] EMPTY_VECTOR = new OneSubGroup[0]; // The real substitution groups (after "block") Map<XSElementDecl, XSElementDecl[]> fSubGroups = new HashMap<>();
clear the internal registry of substitutionGroup information
/** * clear the internal registry of substitutionGroup information */
public void reset() { fSubGroupsB.clear(); fSubGroups.clear(); }
add a list of substitution group information.
/** * add a list of substitution group information. */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void addSubstitutionGroup(XSElementDecl[] elements) { XSElementDecl subHead, element; List<XSElementDecl> subGroup; // for all elements with substitution group affiliation for (int i = elements.length-1; i >= 0; i--) { element = elements[i]; subHead = element.fSubGroup; // check whether this an entry for this element subGroup = (List<XSElementDecl>)fSubGroupsB.get(subHead); if (subGroup == null) { // if not, create a new one subGroup = new ArrayList<>(); fSubGroupsB.put(subHead, subGroup); } // add to the vactor subGroup.add(element); } }
get all elements that can substitute the given element, according to the spec, we shouldn't consider the {block} constraints. from the spec, substitution group of a given element decl also contains the element itself. but the array returned from this method doesn't containt this element.
/** * get all elements that can substitute the given element, * according to the spec, we shouldn't consider the {block} constraints. * * from the spec, substitution group of a given element decl also contains * the element itself. but the array returned from this method doesn't * containt this element. */
public XSElementDecl[] getSubstitutionGroup(XSElementDecl element) { // If we already have sub group for this element, just return it. XSElementDecl[] subGroup = fSubGroups.get(element); if (subGroup != null) return subGroup; if ((element.fBlock & XSConstants.DERIVATION_SUBSTITUTION) != 0) { fSubGroups.put(element, EMPTY_GROUP); return EMPTY_GROUP; } // Otherwise, get all potential sub group elements // (without considering "block" on this element OneSubGroup[] groupB = getSubGroupB(element, new OneSubGroup()); int len = groupB.length, rlen = 0; XSElementDecl[] ret = new XSElementDecl[len]; // For each of such elements, check whether the derivation methods // overlap with "block". If not, add it to the sub group for (int i = 0 ; i < len; i++) { if ((element.fBlock & groupB[i].dMethod) == 0) ret[rlen++] = groupB[i].sub; } // Resize the array if necessary if (rlen < len) { XSElementDecl[] ret1 = new XSElementDecl[rlen]; System.arraycopy(ret, 0, ret1, 0, rlen); ret = ret1; } // Store the subgroup fSubGroups.put(element, ret); return ret; } // Get potential sub group element (without considering "block") private OneSubGroup[] getSubGroupB(XSElementDecl element, OneSubGroup methods) { Object subGroup = fSubGroupsB.get(element); // substitution group for this one is empty if (subGroup == null) { fSubGroupsB.put(element, EMPTY_VECTOR); return EMPTY_VECTOR; } // we've already calculated the element, just return. if (subGroup instanceof OneSubGroup[]) return (OneSubGroup[])subGroup; // we only have the *direct* substitutions @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<XSElementDecl> group = (ArrayList<XSElementDecl>)subGroup; List<OneSubGroup> newGroup = new ArrayList<>(); OneSubGroup[] group1; // then for each of the direct substitutions, get its substitution // group, and combine the groups together. short dMethod, bMethod, dSubMethod, bSubMethod; for (int i = group.size()-1, j; i >= 0; i--) { // Check whether this element is blocked. If so, ignore it. XSElementDecl sub = group.get(i); if (!getDBMethods(sub.fType, element.fType, methods)) continue; // Remember derivation methods and blocks from the types dMethod = methods.dMethod; bMethod = methods.bMethod; // Add this one to potential group newGroup.add(new OneSubGroup(sub, methods.dMethod, methods.bMethod)); // Get potential group for this element group1 = getSubGroupB(sub, methods); for (j = group1.length-1; j >= 0; j--) { // For each of them, check whether it's blocked (by type) dSubMethod = (short)(dMethod | group1[j].dMethod); bSubMethod = (short)(bMethod | group1[j].bMethod); // Ignore it if it's blocked if ((dSubMethod & bSubMethod) != 0) continue; newGroup.add(new OneSubGroup(group1[j].sub, dSubMethod, bSubMethod)); } } // Convert to an array OneSubGroup[] ret = new OneSubGroup[newGroup.size()]; for (int i = newGroup.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) { ret[i] = newGroup.get(i); } // Store the potential sub group fSubGroupsB.put(element, ret); return ret; } private boolean getDBMethods(XSTypeDefinition typed, XSTypeDefinition typeb, OneSubGroup methods) { short dMethod = 0, bMethod = 0; while (typed != typeb && typed != SchemaGrammar.fAnyType) { if (typed.getTypeCategory() == XSTypeDefinition.COMPLEX_TYPE) dMethod |= ((XSComplexTypeDecl)typed).fDerivedBy; else dMethod |= XSConstants.DERIVATION_RESTRICTION; typed = typed.getBaseType(); // type == null means the current type is anySimpleType, // whose base type should be anyType if (typed == null) typed = SchemaGrammar.fAnyType; if (typed.getTypeCategory() == XSTypeDefinition.COMPLEX_TYPE) bMethod |= ((XSComplexTypeDecl)typed).fBlock; } // No derivation relation, or blocked, return false if (typed != typeb || (dMethod & bMethod) != 0) return false; // Remember the derivation methods and blocks, return true. methods.dMethod = dMethod; methods.bMethod = bMethod; return true; } // Record the information about how one element substitute another one private static final class OneSubGroup { OneSubGroup() {} OneSubGroup(XSElementDecl sub, short dMethod, short bMethod) { this.sub = sub; this.dMethod = dMethod; this.bMethod = bMethod; } // The element that substitutes another one XSElementDecl sub; // The combination of all derivation methods from sub's type to // the head's type short dMethod; // The combination of {block} of the types in the derivation chain // excluding sub's type short bMethod; } } // class SubstitutionGroupHandler