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package com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.dv.xs;

import javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeConstants;
import javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar;

import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.dv.InvalidDatatypeValueException;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.dv.ValidationContext;

Validator for <gMonth> datatype (W3C Schema Datatypes)
Author:Elena Litani, Gopal Sharma, SUN Microsystem Inc.
/** * Validator for &lt;gMonth&gt; datatype (W3C Schema Datatypes) * * @xerces.internal * * @author Elena Litani * @author Gopal Sharma, SUN Microsystem Inc. * */
public class MonthDV extends AbstractDateTimeDV {
Convert a string to a compiled form
  • content – The lexical representation of gMonth
Returns:a valid and normalized gMonth object
/** * Convert a string to a compiled form * * @param content The lexical representation of gMonth * @return a valid and normalized gMonth object */
public Object getActualValue(String content, ValidationContext context) throws InvalidDatatypeValueException{ try{ return parse(content); } catch(Exception ex){ throw new InvalidDatatypeValueException("cvc-datatype-valid.1.2.1", new Object[]{content, "gMonth"}); } }
Parses, validates and computes normalized version of gMonth object
  • str – The lexical representation of gMonth object --MM with possible time zone Z or (-),(+)hh:mm
Returns:normalized date representation
/** * Parses, validates and computes normalized version of gMonth object * * @param str The lexical representation of gMonth object --MM * with possible time zone Z or (-),(+)hh:mm * @return normalized date representation * @exception SchemaDateTimeException Invalid lexical representation */
protected DateTimeData parse(String str) throws SchemaDateTimeException{ DateTimeData date = new DateTimeData(str, this); int len = str.length(); //set constants date.year=YEAR; date.day=DAY; if (str.charAt(0)!='-' || str.charAt(1)!='-') { throw new SchemaDateTimeException("Invalid format for gMonth: "+str); } int stop = 4; date.month=parseInt(str,2,stop); // REVISIT: allow both --MM and --MM-- now. // need to remove the following 4 lines to disallow --MM-- // when the errata is offically in the rec. if (str.length() >= stop+2 && str.charAt(stop) == '-' && str.charAt(stop+1) == '-') { stop += 2; } if (stop < len) { if (!isNextCharUTCSign(str, stop, len)) { throw new SchemaDateTimeException ("Error in month parsing: "+str); } else { getTimeZone(str, date, stop, len); } } //validate and normalize validateDateTime(date); //save unnormalized values saveUnnormalized(date); if ( date.utc!=0 && date.utc!='Z' ) { normalize(date); } date.position = 1; return date; } /** * Overwrite compare algorithm to optimize month comparison * * REVISIT: this one is lack of the third parameter: boolean strict, so it * doesn't override the method in the base. But maybe this method * is not correctly implemented, and I did encounter errors when * trying to add the extra parameter. I'm leaving it as is. -SG * * @param date1 * @param date2 * @return less, greater, equal, indeterminate */ /*protected short compareDates(DateTimeData date1, DateTimeData date2) { if ( date1.utc==date2.utc ) { return (short)((date1.month>=date2.month)?(date1.month>date2.month)?1:0:-1); } if ( date1.utc=='Z' || date2.utc=='Z' ) { if ( date1.month==date2.month ) { //--05--Z and --05-- return INDETERMINATE; } if ( (date1.month+1 == date2.month || date1.month-1 == date2.month) ) { //--05--Z and (--04-- or --05--) //REVISIT: should this case be less than or equal? // maxExclusive should fail but what about maxInclusive // return INDETERMINATE; } } if ( date1.month<date2.month ) { return -1; } else { return 1; } }*/
Converts month object representation to String
  • date – month object
Returns:lexical representation of month: --MM with an optional time zone sign
/** * Converts month object representation to String * * @param date month object * @return lexical representation of month: --MM with an optional time zone sign */
protected String dateToString(DateTimeData date) { StringBuffer message = new StringBuffer(5); message.append('-'); message.append('-'); append(message, date.month, 2); append(message, (char)date.utc, 0); return message.toString(); } protected XMLGregorianCalendar getXMLGregorianCalendar(DateTimeData date) { return datatypeFactory.newXMLGregorianCalendar(DatatypeConstants.FIELD_UNDEFINED, date.unNormMonth, DatatypeConstants.FIELD_UNDEFINED, DatatypeConstants.FIELD_UNDEFINED, DatatypeConstants.FIELD_UNDEFINED, DatatypeConstants.FIELD_UNDEFINED, DatatypeConstants.FIELD_UNDEFINED, date.hasTimeZone() ? date.timezoneHr * 60 + date.timezoneMin : DatatypeConstants.FIELD_UNDEFINED); } }