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package sun.java2d.pipe;

import java.awt.geom.PathIterator;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import sun.awt.geom.PathConsumer2D;

This class can iterate individual span elements generated by scan converting a Shape. This particular implementation flattens the incoming path and then performs simple polygon tracing to calculate the spans. Note that this class holds pointers to native data which must be disposed. It is not marked as finalizable since it is intended to be very lightweight and finalization is a comparitively expensive procedure. The caller must specifically use try{} finally{} to manually ensure that the object is disposed after use, otherwise native data structures might be leaked. Here is a code sample for using this class: public void fillShape(Shape s, Rectangle clipRect) { ShapeSpanIterator ssi = new ShapeSpanIterator(false); try { ssi.setOutputArea(clipRect); ssi.appendPath(s.getPathIterator(null)); int spanbox[] = new int[4]; while (ssi.nextSpan(spanbox)) { int x = spanbox[0]; int y = spanbox[1]; int w = spanbox[2] - x; int h = spanbox[3] - y; fillRect(x, y, w, h); } } finally { ssi.dispose(); } }
/** * This class can iterate individual span elements generated by scan * converting a Shape. * This particular implementation flattens the incoming path and then * performs simple polygon tracing to calculate the spans. * * Note that this class holds pointers to native data which must be * disposed. It is not marked as finalizable since it is intended * to be very lightweight and finalization is a comparitively expensive * procedure. The caller must specifically use try{} finally{} to * manually ensure that the object is disposed after use, otherwise * native data structures might be leaked. * * Here is a code sample for using this class: * * public void fillShape(Shape s, Rectangle clipRect) { * ShapeSpanIterator ssi = new ShapeSpanIterator(false); * try { * ssi.setOutputArea(clipRect); * ssi.appendPath(s.getPathIterator(null)); * int spanbox[] = new int[4]; * while (ssi.nextSpan(spanbox)) { * int x = spanbox[0]; * int y = spanbox[1]; * int w = spanbox[2] - x; * int h = spanbox[3] - y; * fillRect(x, y, w, h); * } * } finally { * ssi.dispose(); * } * } */
public final class ShapeSpanIterator implements SpanIterator, PathConsumer2D { long pData; static { initIDs(); } public static native void initIDs(); public ShapeSpanIterator(boolean adjust) { setNormalize(adjust); } /* * Appends the geometry and winding rule from the indicated * path iterator. */ public void appendPath(PathIterator pi) { float[] coords = new float[6]; setRule(pi.getWindingRule()); while (!pi.isDone()) { addSegment(pi.currentSegment(coords), coords); pi.next(); } pathDone(); } /* * Appends the geometry from the indicated set of polygon points. */ public native void appendPoly(int[] xPoints, int[] yPoints, int nPoints, int xoff, int yoff); /* * Sets the normalization flag so that incoming data is * adjusted to nearest (0.25, 0.25) subpixel position. */ private native void setNormalize(boolean adjust); /* * Sets the rectangle of interest for storing and returning * span segments. */ public void setOutputAreaXYWH(int x, int y, int w, int h) { setOutputAreaXYXY(x, y, Region.dimAdd(x, w), Region.dimAdd(y, h)); } /* * Sets the rectangle of interest for storing and returning * span segments. */ public native void setOutputAreaXYXY(int lox, int loy, int hix, int hiy); /* * Sets the rectangle of interest for storing and returning * span segments to the specified Rectangle. */ public void setOutputArea(Rectangle r) { setOutputAreaXYWH(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height); } /* * Sets the rectangle of interest for storing and returning * span segments to the bounds of the specified Region. */ public void setOutputArea(Region r) { setOutputAreaXYXY(r.getLoX(), r.getLoY(), r.getHiX(), r.getHiY()); } /* * Sets the winding rule in the native data structures. */ public native void setRule(int rule); /* * Adds a single PathIterator segment to the internal list of * path element structures. */ public native void addSegment(int type, float[] coords); /* * Gets the bbox of the available path segments, clipped to the * OutputArea. */ public native void getPathBox(int[] pathbox); /* * Intersects the path box with the given bbox. * Returned spans are clipped to this region, or discarded * altogether if they lie outside it. */ public native void intersectClipBox(int lox, int loy, int hix, int hiy); /* * Fetches the next span that needs to be operated on. * If the return value is false then there are no more spans. */ public native boolean nextSpan(int[] spanbox);
This method tells the iterator that it may skip all spans whose Y range is completely above the indicated Y coordinate.
/** * This method tells the iterator that it may skip all spans * whose Y range is completely above the indicated Y coordinate. */
public native void skipDownTo(int y);
This method returns a native pointer to a function block that can be used by a native method to perform the same iteration cycle that the above methods provide while avoiding upcalls to the Java object. The definition of the structure whose pointer is returned by this method is defined in:
/** * This method returns a native pointer to a function block that * can be used by a native method to perform the same iteration * cycle that the above methods provide while avoiding upcalls to * the Java object. * The definition of the structure whose pointer is returned by * this method is defined in: * <pre> * src/share/native/sun/java2d/pipe/SpanIterator.h * </pre> */
public native long getNativeIterator(); /* * Cleans out all internal data structures. */ public native void dispose(); public native void moveTo(float x, float y); public native void lineTo(float x, float y); public native void quadTo(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2); public native void curveTo(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3); public native void closePath(); public native void pathDone(); public native long getNativeConsumer(); }