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package sun.java2d.marlin;

import java.security.AccessController;
import static sun.java2d.marlin.MarlinUtils.logInfo;
import sun.security.action.GetPropertyAction;

public final class MarlinProperties {

    private MarlinProperties() {
        // no-op

    // marlin system properties

    public static boolean isUseThreadLocal() {
        return getBoolean("sun.java2d.renderer.useThreadLocal", "true");

Return the initial edge capacity used to define initial arrays (edges, polystack, crossings)
Returns:256 < initial edges < 65536 (4096 by default)
/** * Return the initial edge capacity used to define initial arrays * (edges, polystack, crossings) * * @return 256 < initial edges < 65536 (4096 by default) */
public static int getInitialEdges() { return align( getInteger("sun.java2d.renderer.edges", 4096, 64, 64 * 1024), 64); }
Return the initial pixel width used to define initial arrays (tile AA chunk, alpha line)
Returns:64 < initial pixel size < 32768 (4096 by default)
/** * Return the initial pixel width used to define initial arrays * (tile AA chunk, alpha line) * * @return 64 < initial pixel size < 32768 (4096 by default) */
public static int getInitialPixelWidth() { return align( getInteger("sun.java2d.renderer.pixelWidth", 4096, 64, 32 * 1024), 64); }
Return the initial pixel height used to define initial arrays (buckets)
Returns:64 < initial pixel size < 32768 (2176 by default)
/** * Return the initial pixel height used to define initial arrays * (buckets) * * @return 64 < initial pixel size < 32768 (2176 by default) */
public static int getInitialPixelHeight() { return align( getInteger("sun.java2d.renderer.pixelHeight", 2176, 64, 32 * 1024), 64); }
Return the log(2) corresponding to subpixel on x-axis
Returns:0 (1 subpixels) < initial pixel size < 8 (256 subpixels) (8 by default ie 256 subpixels)
/** * Return the log(2) corresponding to subpixel on x-axis * * @return 0 (1 subpixels) < initial pixel size < 8 (256 subpixels) * (8 by default ie 256 subpixels) */
public static int getSubPixel_Log2_X() { return getInteger("sun.java2d.renderer.subPixel_log2_X", 8, 0, 8); }
Return the log(2) corresponding to subpixel on y-axis
Returns:0 (1 subpixels) < initial pixel size < 8 (256 subpixels) (3 by default ie 8 subpixels)
/** * Return the log(2) corresponding to subpixel on y-axis * * @return 0 (1 subpixels) < initial pixel size < 8 (256 subpixels) * (3 by default ie 8 subpixels) */
public static int getSubPixel_Log2_Y() { return getInteger("sun.java2d.renderer.subPixel_log2_Y", 3, 0, 8); }
Return the log(2) corresponding to the square tile size in pixels
Returns:3 (8x8 pixels) < tile size < 10 (1024x1024 pixels) (5 by default ie 32x32 pixels)
/** * Return the log(2) corresponding to the square tile size in pixels * * @return 3 (8x8 pixels) < tile size < 10 (1024x1024 pixels) * (5 by default ie 32x32 pixels) */
public static int getTileSize_Log2() { return getInteger("sun.java2d.renderer.tileSize_log2", 5, 3, 10); }
Return the log(2) corresponding to the tile width in pixels
Returns:3 (8 pixels) < tile width < 10 (1024 pixels) (5 by default ie 32x32 pixels)
/** * Return the log(2) corresponding to the tile width in pixels * * @return 3 (8 pixels) < tile width < 10 (1024 pixels) * (5 by default ie 32x32 pixels) */
public static int getTileWidth_Log2() { return getInteger("sun.java2d.renderer.tileWidth_log2", 5, 3, 10); }
Return the log(2) corresponding to the block size in pixels
Returns:3 (8 pixels) < block size < 8 (256 pixels) (5 by default ie 32 pixels)
/** * Return the log(2) corresponding to the block size in pixels * * @return 3 (8 pixels) < block size < 8 (256 pixels) * (5 by default ie 32 pixels) */
public static int getBlockSize_Log2() { return getInteger("sun.java2d.renderer.blockSize_log2", 5, 3, 8); } // RLE / blockFlags settings public static boolean isForceRLE() { return getBoolean("sun.java2d.renderer.forceRLE", "false"); } public static boolean isForceNoRLE() { return getBoolean("sun.java2d.renderer.forceNoRLE", "false"); } public static boolean isUseTileFlags() { return getBoolean("sun.java2d.renderer.useTileFlags", "true"); } public static boolean isUseTileFlagsWithHeuristics() { return isUseTileFlags() && getBoolean("sun.java2d.renderer.useTileFlags.useHeuristics", "true"); } public static int getRLEMinWidth() { return getInteger("sun.java2d.renderer.rleMinWidth", 64, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE); } // optimisation parameters public static boolean isUseSimplifier() { return getBoolean("sun.java2d.renderer.useSimplifier", "false"); } public static boolean isUsePathSimplifier() { return getBoolean("sun.java2d.renderer.usePathSimplifier", "false"); } public static float getPathSimplifierPixelTolerance() { // default: MIN_PEN_SIZE or less ? return getFloat("sun.java2d.renderer.pathSimplifier.pixTol", (1.0f / MarlinConst.MIN_SUBPIXELS), 1e-3f, 10.0f); } public static boolean isDoClip() { return getBoolean("sun.java2d.renderer.clip", "true"); } public static boolean isDoClipRuntimeFlag() { return getBoolean("sun.java2d.renderer.clip.runtime.enable", "false"); } public static boolean isDoClipAtRuntime() { return getBoolean("sun.java2d.renderer.clip.runtime", "true"); } public static boolean isDoClipSubdivider() { return getBoolean("sun.java2d.renderer.clip.subdivider", "true"); } public static float getSubdividerMinLength() { return getFloat("sun.java2d.renderer.clip.subdivider.minLength", 100.0f, Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY); } // debugging parameters public static boolean isDoStats() { return getBoolean("sun.java2d.renderer.doStats", "false"); } public static boolean isDoMonitors() { return getBoolean("sun.java2d.renderer.doMonitors", "false"); } public static boolean isDoChecks() { return getBoolean("sun.java2d.renderer.doChecks", "false"); } // logging parameters public static boolean isLoggingEnabled() { return getBoolean("sun.java2d.renderer.log", "false"); } public static boolean isUseLogger() { return getBoolean("sun.java2d.renderer.useLogger", "false"); } public static boolean isLogCreateContext() { return getBoolean("sun.java2d.renderer.logCreateContext", "false"); } public static boolean isLogUnsafeMalloc() { return getBoolean("sun.java2d.renderer.logUnsafeMalloc", "false"); } // quality settings public static float getCurveLengthError() { return getFloat("sun.java2d.renderer.curve_len_err", 0.01f, 1e-6f, 1.0f); } public static float getCubicDecD2() { return getFloat("sun.java2d.renderer.cubic_dec_d2", 1.0f, 1e-5f, 4.0f); } public static float getCubicIncD1() { return getFloat("sun.java2d.renderer.cubic_inc_d1", 0.2f, 1e-6f, 1.0f); } public static float getQuadDecD2() { return getFloat("sun.java2d.renderer.quad_dec_d2", 0.5f, 1e-5f, 4.0f); } // system property utilities static boolean getBoolean(final String key, final String def) { return Boolean.valueOf(AccessController.doPrivileged( new GetPropertyAction(key, def))); } static int getInteger(final String key, final int def, final int min, final int max) { final String property = AccessController.doPrivileged( new GetPropertyAction(key)); int value = def; if (property != null) { try { value = Integer.decode(property); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { logInfo("Invalid integer value for " + key + " = " + property); } } // check for invalid values if ((value < min) || (value > max)) { logInfo("Invalid value for " + key + " = " + value + "; expected value in range[" + min + ", " + max + "] !"); value = def; } return value; } static int align(final int val, final int norm) { final int ceil = FloatMath.ceil_int( ((float) val) / norm); return ceil * norm; } public static double getDouble(final String key, final double def, final double min, final double max) { double value = def; final String property = AccessController.doPrivileged( new GetPropertyAction(key)); if (property != null) { try { value = Double.parseDouble(property); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { logInfo("Invalid value for " + key + " = " + property + " !"); } } // check for invalid values if (value < min || value > max) { logInfo("Invalid value for " + key + " = " + value + "; expect value in range[" + min + ", " + max + "] !"); value = def; } return value; } public static float getFloat(final String key, final float def, final float min, final float max) { return (float)getDouble(key, def, min, max); } }