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package sun.awt.windows;

import java.awt.AlphaComposite;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.GraphicsConfiguration;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.Window;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.awt.image.DataBufferInt;
import java.awt.image.VolatileImage;
import java.security.AccessController;
import sun.awt.image.BufImgSurfaceData;
import sun.java2d.DestSurfaceProvider;
import sun.java2d.InvalidPipeException;
import sun.java2d.Surface;
import sun.java2d.pipe.Region;
import sun.java2d.pipe.RenderQueue;
import sun.java2d.pipe.BufferedContext;
import sun.java2d.pipe.hw.AccelGraphicsConfig;
import sun.java2d.pipe.hw.AccelSurface;
import sun.security.action.GetPropertyAction;

import static java.awt.image.VolatileImage.*;
import static sun.java2d.pipe.hw.AccelSurface.*;
import static sun.java2d.pipe.hw.ContextCapabilities.*;

This class handles the updates of the non-opaque windows. The window associated with the peer is updated either given an image or the window is repainted to an internal buffer which is then used to update the window. Note: this class does not attempt to be thread safe, it is expected to be called from a single thread (EDT).
/** * This class handles the updates of the non-opaque windows. * The window associated with the peer is updated either given an image or * the window is repainted to an internal buffer which is then used to update * the window. * * Note: this class does not attempt to be thread safe, it is expected to be * called from a single thread (EDT). */
abstract class TranslucentWindowPainter { protected Window window; protected WWindowPeer peer; // REMIND: we probably would want to remove this later private static final boolean forceOpt = Boolean.valueOf(AccessController.doPrivileged( new GetPropertyAction("sun.java2d.twp.forceopt", "false"))); private static final boolean forceSW = Boolean.valueOf(AccessController.doPrivileged( new GetPropertyAction("sun.java2d.twp.forcesw", "false")));
Creates an instance of the painter for particular peer.
/** * Creates an instance of the painter for particular peer. */
public static TranslucentWindowPainter createInstance(WWindowPeer peer) { GraphicsConfiguration gc = peer.getGraphicsConfiguration(); if (!forceSW && gc instanceof AccelGraphicsConfig) { String gcName = gc.getClass().getSimpleName(); AccelGraphicsConfig agc = (AccelGraphicsConfig)gc; // this is a heuristic to check that we have a pcix board // (those have higher transfer rate from gpu to cpu) if ((agc.getContextCapabilities().getCaps() & CAPS_PS30) != 0 || forceOpt) { // we check for name to avoid loading classes unnecessarily if // a pipeline isn't enabled if (gcName.startsWith("D3D")) { return new VIOptD3DWindowPainter(peer); } else if (forceOpt && gcName.startsWith("WGL")) { // on some boards (namely, ATI, even on pcix bus) ogl is // very slow reading pixels back so for now it is disabled // unless forced return new VIOptWGLWindowPainter(peer); } } } return new BIWindowPainter(peer); } protected TranslucentWindowPainter(WWindowPeer peer) { this.peer = peer; this.window = (Window)peer.getTarget(); }
Creates (if needed), clears (if requested) and returns the buffer for this painter.
/** * Creates (if needed), clears (if requested) and returns the buffer * for this painter. */
protected abstract Image getBackBuffer(boolean clear);
Updates the window associated with this painter with the contents of the passed image. The image can not be null, and NPE will be thrown if it is.
/** * Updates the window associated with this painter with the contents * of the passed image. * The image can not be null, and NPE will be thrown if it is. */
protected abstract boolean update(Image bb);
Create (if needed), clears back buffer (if requested) and return graphics for this class depending upon the buffer type
/** * Create (if needed), clears back buffer (if requested) and return * graphics for this class depending upon the buffer type */
protected abstract Graphics getGraphics(boolean clear);
Flushes the resources associated with the painter. They will be recreated as needed.
/** * Flushes the resources associated with the painter. They will be * recreated as needed. */
public abstract void flush();
Updates the window associated with the painter.
  • repaint – indicates if the window should be completely repainted to the back buffer using Component.paintAll before update.
/** * Updates the window associated with the painter. * * @param repaint indicates if the window should be completely repainted * to the back buffer using {@link java.awt.Window#paintAll} before update. */
public void updateWindow(boolean repaint) { boolean done = false; while (!done) { if (repaint) { Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) getGraphics(repaint); try { window.paintAll(g); } finally { g.dispose(); } } done = update(getBackBuffer(false)); if (!done) { repaint = true; } } } private static final Image clearImage(Image bb) { Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D)bb.getGraphics(); int w = bb.getWidth(null); int h = bb.getHeight(null); g.setComposite(AlphaComposite.Src); g.setColor(new Color(0, 0, 0, 0)); g.fillRect(0, 0, w, h); return bb; }
A painter which uses BufferedImage as the internal buffer. The window is painted into this buffer, and the contents then are uploaded into the layered window. This painter handles all types of images passed to its paint(Image) method (VI, BI, regular Images).
/** * A painter which uses BufferedImage as the internal buffer. The window * is painted into this buffer, and the contents then are uploaded * into the layered window. * * This painter handles all types of images passed to its paint(Image) * method (VI, BI, regular Images). */
private static class BIWindowPainter extends TranslucentWindowPainter { private BufferedImage backBuffer; protected BIWindowPainter(WWindowPeer peer) { super(peer); } @Override protected Image getBackBuffer(boolean clear) { GraphicsConfiguration gc = peer.getGraphicsConfiguration(); AffineTransform transform = gc.getDefaultTransform(); int w = Region.clipRound( window.getWidth() * transform.getScaleX()); int h = Region.clipRound( window.getHeight() * transform.getScaleY()); if (backBuffer == null || backBuffer.getWidth() != w || backBuffer.getHeight() != h) { flush(); backBuffer = new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB_PRE); } return clear ? (BufferedImage)clearImage(backBuffer) : backBuffer; } @Override protected boolean update(Image bb) { VolatileImage viBB = null; if (bb instanceof BufferedImage) { BufferedImage bi = (BufferedImage)bb; int[] data = ((DataBufferInt)bi.getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData(); peer.updateWindowImpl(data, bi.getWidth(), bi.getHeight()); return true; } else if (bb instanceof VolatileImage) { viBB = (VolatileImage)bb; if (bb instanceof DestSurfaceProvider) { Surface s = ((DestSurfaceProvider)bb).getDestSurface(); if (s instanceof BufImgSurfaceData) { // the image is probably lost, upload the data from the // backup surface to avoid creating another heap-based // image (the parent's buffer) int w = viBB.getWidth(); int h = viBB.getHeight(); BufImgSurfaceData bisd = (BufImgSurfaceData)s; int[] data = ((DataBufferInt)bisd.getRaster(0,0,w,h). getDataBuffer()).getData(); peer.updateWindowImpl(data, w, h); return true; } } } // copy the passed image into our own buffer, then upload BufferedImage bi = (BufferedImage)clearImage(backBuffer); int[] data = ((DataBufferInt)bi.getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData(); peer.updateWindowImpl(data, bi.getWidth(), bi.getHeight()); return (viBB != null ? !viBB.contentsLost() : true); } @Override public void flush() { if (backBuffer != null) { backBuffer.flush(); backBuffer = null; } } @Override protected Graphics getGraphics(boolean clear) { Graphics g = getBackBuffer(clear).getGraphics(); /* * This graphics object returned by BuffereImage is not scaled to * graphics configuration, but this graphics object can be used by * components inside this TranslucentWindow. So need to scale this * before returning. */ ((Graphics2D)g).transform(peer.getGraphicsConfiguration().getDefaultTransform()); return g; } }
A version of the painter which uses VolatileImage as the internal buffer. The window is painted into this VI and then copied into the parent's Java heap-based buffer (which is then uploaded to the layered window)
/** * A version of the painter which uses VolatileImage as the internal buffer. * The window is painted into this VI and then copied into the parent's * Java heap-based buffer (which is then uploaded to the layered window) */
private static class VIWindowPainter extends BIWindowPainter { private VolatileImage viBB; protected VIWindowPainter(WWindowPeer peer) { super(peer); } @Override protected Image getBackBuffer(boolean clear) { int w = window.getWidth(); int h = window.getHeight(); GraphicsConfiguration gc = peer.getGraphicsConfiguration(); if (viBB == null || viBB.getWidth() != w || viBB.getHeight() != h || viBB.validate(gc) == IMAGE_INCOMPATIBLE) { flush(); if (gc instanceof AccelGraphicsConfig) { AccelGraphicsConfig agc = ((AccelGraphicsConfig)gc); viBB = agc.createCompatibleVolatileImage(w, h, TRANSLUCENT, RT_PLAIN); } if (viBB == null) { viBB = gc.createCompatibleVolatileImage(w, h, TRANSLUCENT); } viBB.validate(gc); } return clear ? clearImage(viBB) : viBB; } @Override public void flush() { if (viBB != null) { viBB.flush(); viBB = null; } } @Override protected Graphics getGraphics(boolean clear) { return getBackBuffer(clear).getGraphics(); } }
Optimized version of hw painter. Uses VolatileImages for the buffer, and uses an optimized path to pull the data from those into the layered window, bypassing Java heap-based image.
/** * Optimized version of hw painter. Uses VolatileImages for the * buffer, and uses an optimized path to pull the data from those into * the layered window, bypassing Java heap-based image. */
private abstract static class VIOptWindowPainter extends VIWindowPainter { protected VIOptWindowPainter(WWindowPeer peer) { super(peer); } protected abstract boolean updateWindowAccel(long psdops, int w, int h); @Override protected boolean update(Image bb) { if (bb instanceof DestSurfaceProvider) { Surface s = ((DestSurfaceProvider)bb).getDestSurface(); if (s instanceof AccelSurface) { final boolean[] arr = { false }; final AccelSurface as = (AccelSurface)s; final int w = as.getBounds().width; final int h = as.getBounds().height; RenderQueue rq = as.getContext().getRenderQueue(); rq.lock(); try { BufferedContext.validateContext(as); rq.flushAndInvokeNow(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { long psdops = as.getNativeOps(); arr[0] = updateWindowAccel(psdops, w, h); } }); } catch (InvalidPipeException e) { // ignore, false will be returned } finally { rq.unlock(); } return arr[0]; } } return super.update(bb); } } private static class VIOptD3DWindowPainter extends VIOptWindowPainter { protected VIOptD3DWindowPainter(WWindowPeer peer) { super(peer); } @Override protected boolean updateWindowAccel(long psdops, int w, int h) { // note: this method is executed on the toolkit thread, no sync is // necessary at the native level, and a pointer to peer can be used return sun.java2d.d3d.D3DSurfaceData. updateWindowAccelImpl(psdops, peer.getData(), w, h); } } private static class VIOptWGLWindowPainter extends VIOptWindowPainter { protected VIOptWGLWindowPainter(WWindowPeer peer) { super(peer); } @Override protected boolean updateWindowAccel(long psdops, int w, int h) { // note: part of this method which deals with GDI will be on the // toolkit thread return sun.java2d.opengl.WGLSurfaceData. updateWindowAccelImpl(psdops, peer, w, h); } } }