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package sun.awt.image;

import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.image.DataBuffer;
import java.awt.image.DataBufferByte;
import java.awt.image.MultiPixelPackedSampleModel;
import java.awt.image.Raster;
import java.awt.image.RasterFormatException;
import java.awt.image.SampleModel;
import java.awt.image.WritableRaster;

This class is useful for describing 1, 2, or 4 bit image data elements. This raster has one band whose pixels are packed together into individual bytes in a single byte array. This type of raster can be used with an IndexColorModel. This raster uses a MultiPixelPackedSampleModel.
/** * This class is useful for describing 1, 2, or 4 bit image data * elements. This raster has one band whose pixels are packed * together into individual bytes in a single byte array. This type * of raster can be used with an IndexColorModel. This raster uses a * MultiPixelPackedSampleModel. * */
public class BytePackedRaster extends SunWritableRaster {
The data bit offset for each pixel.
/** The data bit offset for each pixel. */
int dataBitOffset;
Scanline stride of the image data contained in this Raster.
/** Scanline stride of the image data contained in this Raster. */
int scanlineStride;
The bit stride of a pixel, equal to the total number of bits required to store a pixel.
/** * The bit stride of a pixel, equal to the total number of bits * required to store a pixel. */
int pixelBitStride;
The bit mask for extracting the pixel.
/** The bit mask for extracting the pixel. */
int bitMask;
The image data array.
/** The image data array. */
byte[] data;
8 minus the pixel bit stride.
/** 8 minus the pixel bit stride. */
int shiftOffset; int type;
A cached copy of minX + width for use in bounds checks.
/** A cached copy of minX + width for use in bounds checks. */
private int maxX;
A cached copy of minY + height for use in bounds checks.
/** A cached copy of minY + height for use in bounds checks. */
private int maxY; private static native void initIDs(); static { /* ensure that the necessary native libraries are loaded */ NativeLibLoader.loadLibraries(); initIDs(); }
Constructs a BytePackedRaster with the given SampleModel. The Raster's upper left corner is origin and it is the same size as the SampleModel. A DataBuffer large enough to describe the Raster is automatically created. SampleModel must be of type MultiPixelPackedSampleModel.
  • sampleModel – The SampleModel that specifies the layout.
  • origin – The Point that specified the origin.
/** * Constructs a BytePackedRaster with the given SampleModel. * The Raster's upper left corner is origin and it is the same * size as the SampleModel. A DataBuffer large enough to describe the * Raster is automatically created. SampleModel must be of type * MultiPixelPackedSampleModel. * @param sampleModel The SampleModel that specifies the layout. * @param origin The Point that specified the origin. */
public BytePackedRaster(SampleModel sampleModel, Point origin) { this(sampleModel, (DataBufferByte) sampleModel.createDataBuffer(), new Rectangle(origin.x, origin.y, sampleModel.getWidth(), sampleModel.getHeight()), origin, null); }
Constructs a BytePackedRaster with the given SampleModel and DataBuffer. The Raster's upper left corner is origin and it is the same size as the SampleModel. The DataBuffer is not initialized and must be a DataBufferByte compatible with SampleModel. SampleModel must be of type MultiPixelPackedSampleModel.
  • sampleModel – The SampleModel that specifies the layout.
  • dataBuffer – The DataBufferByte that contains the image data.
  • origin – The Point that specifies the origin.
/** * Constructs a BytePackedRaster with the given SampleModel * and DataBuffer. The Raster's upper left corner is origin and * it is the same size as the SampleModel. The DataBuffer is not * initialized and must be a DataBufferByte compatible with SampleModel. * SampleModel must be of type MultiPixelPackedSampleModel. * @param sampleModel The SampleModel that specifies the layout. * @param dataBuffer The DataBufferByte that contains the image data. * @param origin The Point that specifies the origin. */
public BytePackedRaster(SampleModel sampleModel, DataBufferByte dataBuffer, Point origin) { this(sampleModel, dataBuffer, new Rectangle(origin.x, origin.y, sampleModel.getWidth(), sampleModel.getHeight()), origin, null); }
Constructs a BytePackedRaster with the given SampleModel, DataBuffer, and parent. DataBuffer must be a DataBufferByte and SampleModel must be of type MultiPixelPackedSampleModel. When translated into the base Raster's coordinate system, aRegion must be contained by the base Raster. Origin is the coordinate in the new Raster's coordinate system of the origin of the base Raster. (The base Raster is the Raster's ancestor which has no parent.) Note that this constructor should generally be called by other constructors or create methods, it should not be used directly.
  • sampleModel – The SampleModel that specifies the layout.
  • dataBuffer – The DataBufferByte that contains the image data.
  • aRegion – The Rectangle that specifies the image area.
  • origin – The Point that specifies the origin.
  • parent – The parent (if any) of this raster.
/** * Constructs a BytePackedRaster with the given SampleModel, * DataBuffer, and parent. DataBuffer must be a DataBufferByte and * SampleModel must be of type MultiPixelPackedSampleModel. * When translated into the base Raster's * coordinate system, aRegion must be contained by the base Raster. * Origin is the coordinate in the new Raster's coordinate system of * the origin of the base Raster. (The base Raster is the Raster's * ancestor which has no parent.) * * Note that this constructor should generally be called by other * constructors or create methods, it should not be used directly. * @param sampleModel The SampleModel that specifies the layout. * @param dataBuffer The DataBufferByte that contains the image data. * @param aRegion The Rectangle that specifies the image area. * @param origin The Point that specifies the origin. * @param parent The parent (if any) of this raster. * * @exception RasterFormatException if the parameters do not conform * to requirements of this Raster type. */
public BytePackedRaster(SampleModel sampleModel, DataBufferByte dataBuffer, Rectangle aRegion, Point origin, BytePackedRaster parent) { super(sampleModel,dataBuffer,aRegion,origin, parent); this.maxX = minX + width; this.maxY = minY + height; this.data = stealData(dataBuffer, 0); if (dataBuffer.getNumBanks() != 1) { throw new RasterFormatException("DataBuffer for BytePackedRasters"+ " must only have 1 bank."); } int dbOffset = dataBuffer.getOffset(); if (sampleModel instanceof MultiPixelPackedSampleModel) { MultiPixelPackedSampleModel mppsm = (MultiPixelPackedSampleModel)sampleModel; this.type = IntegerComponentRaster.TYPE_BYTE_BINARY_SAMPLES; pixelBitStride = mppsm.getPixelBitStride(); if (pixelBitStride != 1 && pixelBitStride != 2 && pixelBitStride != 4) { throw new RasterFormatException ("BytePackedRasters must have a bit depth of 1, 2, or 4"); } scanlineStride = mppsm.getScanlineStride(); dataBitOffset = mppsm.getDataBitOffset() + dbOffset*8; int xOffset = aRegion.x - origin.x; int yOffset = aRegion.y - origin.y; dataBitOffset += xOffset*pixelBitStride + yOffset*scanlineStride*8; bitMask = (1 << pixelBitStride) -1; shiftOffset = 8 - pixelBitStride; } else { throw new RasterFormatException("BytePackedRasters must have"+ "MultiPixelPackedSampleModel"); } verify(false); }
Returns the data bit offset for the Raster. The data bit offset is the bit index into the data array element corresponding to the first sample of the first scanline.
/** * Returns the data bit offset for the Raster. The data * bit offset is the bit index into the data array element * corresponding to the first sample of the first scanline. */
public int getDataBitOffset() { return dataBitOffset; }
Returns the scanline stride -- the number of data array elements between a given sample and the sample in the same column of the next row.
/** * Returns the scanline stride -- the number of data array elements between * a given sample and the sample in the same column * of the next row. */
public int getScanlineStride() { return scanlineStride; }
Returns pixel bit stride -- the number of bits between two samples on the same scanline.
/** * Returns pixel bit stride -- the number of bits between two * samples on the same scanline. */
public int getPixelBitStride() { return pixelBitStride; }
Returns a reference to the entire data array.
/** * Returns a reference to the entire data array. */
public byte[] getDataStorage() { return data; }
Returns the data element at the specified location. An ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception will be thrown at runtime if the pixel coordinate is out of bounds. A ClassCastException will be thrown if the input object is non null and references anything other than an array of transferType.
  • x – The X coordinate of the pixel location.
  • y – The Y coordinate of the pixel location.
  • obj – An object reference to an array of type defined by getTransferType() and length getNumDataElements(). If null an array of appropriate type and size will be allocated.
Returns: An object reference to an array of type defined by getTransferType() with the request pixel data.
/** * Returns the data element at the specified * location. * An ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception will be thrown at runtime * if the pixel coordinate is out of bounds. * A ClassCastException will be thrown if the input object is non null * and references anything other than an array of transferType. * @param x The X coordinate of the pixel location. * @param y The Y coordinate of the pixel location. * @param obj An object reference to an array of type defined by * getTransferType() and length getNumDataElements(). * If null an array of appropriate type and size will be * allocated. * @return An object reference to an array of type defined by * getTransferType() with the request pixel data. */
public Object getDataElements(int x, int y, Object obj) { if ((x < this.minX) || (y < this.minY) || (x >= this.maxX) || (y >= this.maxY)) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ("Coordinate out of bounds!"); } byte[] outData; if (obj == null) { outData = new byte[numDataElements]; } else { outData = (byte[])obj; } int bitnum = dataBitOffset + (x-minX) * pixelBitStride; // Fix 4184283 int element = data[(y-minY) * scanlineStride + (bitnum >> 3)] & 0xff; int shift = shiftOffset - (bitnum & 7); outData[0] = (byte)((element >> shift) & bitMask); return outData; }
Returns the pixel data for the specified rectangle of pixels in a primitive array of type TransferType. For image data supported by the Java 2D API, this will be one of DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE, DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT, or DataBuffer.TYPE_INT. Data may be returned in a packed format, thus increasing efficiency for data transfers. An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException may be thrown if the coordinates are not in bounds. A ClassCastException will be thrown if the input object is non null and references anything other than an array of TransferType.
  • x – The X coordinate of the upper left pixel location.
  • y – The Y coordinate of the upper left pixel location.
  • w – Width of the pixel rectangle.
  • h – Height of the pixel rectangle.
  • outData – An object reference to an array of type defined by getTransferType() and length w*h*getNumDataElements(). If null, an array of appropriate type and size will be allocated.
See Also:
  • getDataElements.getDataElements(int, int, int, int, Object, DataBuffer)
Returns: An object reference to an array of type defined by getTransferType() with the requested pixel data.
/** * Returns the pixel data for the specified rectangle of pixels in a * primitive array of type TransferType. * For image data supported by the Java 2D API, this * will be one of DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE, DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT, or * DataBuffer.TYPE_INT. Data may be returned in a packed format, * thus increasing efficiency for data transfers. * * An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException may be thrown * if the coordinates are not in bounds. * A ClassCastException will be thrown if the input object is non null * and references anything other than an array of TransferType. * @see java.awt.image.SampleModel#getDataElements(int, int, int, int, Object, DataBuffer) * @param x The X coordinate of the upper left pixel location. * @param y The Y coordinate of the upper left pixel location. * @param w Width of the pixel rectangle. * @param h Height of the pixel rectangle. * @param outData An object reference to an array of type defined by * getTransferType() and length w*h*getNumDataElements(). * If null, an array of appropriate type and size will be * allocated. * @return An object reference to an array of type defined by * getTransferType() with the requested pixel data. */
public Object getDataElements(int x, int y, int w, int h, Object outData) { return getByteData(x, y, w, h, (byte[])outData); }
Returns an array of data elements from the specified rectangular region. An ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception will be thrown at runtime if the pixel coordinates are out of bounds. A ClassCastException will be thrown if the input object is non null and references anything other than an array of transferType.
      byte[] bandData = (byte[])raster.getPixelData(x, y, w, h, null);
      int pixel;
      // To find a data element at location (x2, y2)
      pixel = bandData[((y2-y)*w + (x2-x))];
  • x – The X coordinate of the upper left pixel location.
  • y – The Y coordinate of the upper left pixel location.
  • w – Width of the pixel rectangle.
  • h – Height of the pixel rectangle.
  • obj – An object reference to an array of type defined by getTransferType() and length w*h*getNumDataElements(). If null an array of appropriate type and size will be allocated.
Returns: An object reference to an array of type defined by getTransferType() with the request pixel data.
/** * Returns an array of data elements from the specified rectangular * region. * * An ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception will be thrown at runtime * if the pixel coordinates are out of bounds. * A ClassCastException will be thrown if the input object is non null * and references anything other than an array of transferType. * <pre> * byte[] bandData = (byte[])raster.getPixelData(x, y, w, h, null); * int pixel; * // To find a data element at location (x2, y2) * pixel = bandData[((y2-y)*w + (x2-x))]; * </pre> * @param x The X coordinate of the upper left pixel location. * @param y The Y coordinate of the upper left pixel location. * @param w Width of the pixel rectangle. * @param h Height of the pixel rectangle. * @param obj An object reference to an array of type defined by * getTransferType() and length w*h*getNumDataElements(). * If null an array of appropriate type and size will be * allocated. * @return An object reference to an array of type defined by * getTransferType() with the request pixel data. */
public Object getPixelData(int x, int y, int w, int h, Object obj) { if ((x < this.minX) || (y < this.minY) || (x + w > this.maxX) || (y + h > this.maxY)) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ("Coordinate out of bounds!"); } byte[] outData; if (obj == null) { outData = new byte[numDataElements*w*h]; } else { outData = (byte[])obj; } int pixbits = pixelBitStride; int scanbit = dataBitOffset + (x-minX) * pixbits; int index = (y-minY) * scanlineStride; int outindex = 0; byte[] data = this.data; for (int j = 0; j < h; j++) { int bitnum = scanbit; for (int i = 0; i < w; i++) { int shift = shiftOffset - (bitnum & 7); outData[outindex++] = (byte)(bitMask & (data[index + (bitnum >> 3)] >> shift)); bitnum += pixbits; } index += scanlineStride; } return outData; }
Returns a byte array containing the specified data elements from the data array. The band index will be ignored. An ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception will be thrown at runtime if the pixel coordinates are out of bounds.
      byte[] byteData = getByteData(x, y, band, w, h, null);
      // To find a data element at location (x2, y2)
      byte element = byteData[(y2-y)*w + (x2-x)];
  • x – The X coordinate of the upper left pixel location.
  • y – The Y coordinate of the upper left pixel location.
  • w – Width of the pixel rectangle.
  • h – Height of the pixel rectangle.
  • band – The band to return, is ignored.
  • outData – If non-null, data elements at the specified locations are returned in this array.
Returns: Byte array with data elements.
/** * Returns a byte array containing the specified data elements * from the data array. The band index will be ignored. * An ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception will be thrown at runtime * if the pixel coordinates are out of bounds. * <pre> * byte[] byteData = getByteData(x, y, band, w, h, null); * // To find a data element at location (x2, y2) * byte element = byteData[(y2-y)*w + (x2-x)]; * </pre> * @param x The X coordinate of the upper left pixel location. * @param y The Y coordinate of the upper left pixel location. * @param w Width of the pixel rectangle. * @param h Height of the pixel rectangle. * @param band The band to return, is ignored. * @param outData If non-null, data elements * at the specified locations are returned in this array. * @return Byte array with data elements. */
public byte[] getByteData(int x, int y, int w, int h, int band, byte[] outData) { return getByteData(x, y, w, h, outData); }
Returns a byte array containing the specified data elements from the data array. An ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception will be thrown at runtime if the pixel coordinates are out of bounds.
      byte[] byteData = raster.getByteData(x, y, w, h, null);
      byte pixel;
      // To find a data element at location (x2, y2)
      pixel = byteData[((y2-y)*w + (x2-x))];
  • x – The X coordinate of the upper left pixel location.
  • y – The Y coordinate of the upper left pixel location.
  • w – Width of the pixel rectangle.
  • h – Height of the pixel rectangle.
  • outData – If non-null, data elements at the specified locations are returned in this array.
Returns: Byte array with data elements.
/** * Returns a byte array containing the specified data elements * from the data array. * An ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception will be thrown at runtime * if the pixel coordinates are out of bounds. * <pre> * byte[] byteData = raster.getByteData(x, y, w, h, null); * byte pixel; * // To find a data element at location (x2, y2) * pixel = byteData[((y2-y)*w + (x2-x))]; * </pre> * @param x The X coordinate of the upper left pixel location. * @param y The Y coordinate of the upper left pixel location. * @param w Width of the pixel rectangle. * @param h Height of the pixel rectangle. * @param outData If non-null, data elements * at the specified locations are returned in this array. * @return Byte array with data elements. */
public byte[] getByteData(int x, int y, int w, int h, byte[] outData) { if ((x < this.minX) || (y < this.minY) || (x + w > this.maxX) || (y + h > this.maxY)) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ("Coordinate out of bounds!"); } if (outData == null) { outData = new byte[w * h]; } int pixbits = pixelBitStride; int scanbit = dataBitOffset + (x-minX) * pixbits; int index = (y-minY) * scanlineStride; int outindex = 0; byte[] data = this.data; for (int j = 0; j < h; j++) { int bitnum = scanbit; int element; // Process initial portion of scanline int i = 0; while ((i < w) && ((bitnum & 7) != 0)) { int shift = shiftOffset - (bitnum & 7); outData[outindex++] = (byte)(bitMask & (data[index + (bitnum >> 3)] >> shift)); bitnum += pixbits; i++; } // Process central portion of scanline 8 pixels at a time int inIndex = index + (bitnum >> 3); switch (pixbits) { case 1: for (; i < w - 7; i += 8) { element = data[inIndex++]; outData[outindex++] = (byte)((element >> 7) & 1); outData[outindex++] = (byte)((element >> 6) & 1); outData[outindex++] = (byte)((element >> 5) & 1); outData[outindex++] = (byte)((element >> 4) & 1); outData[outindex++] = (byte)((element >> 3) & 1); outData[outindex++] = (byte)((element >> 2) & 1); outData[outindex++] = (byte)((element >> 1) & 1); outData[outindex++] = (byte)(element & 1); bitnum += 8; } break; case 2: for (; i < w - 7; i += 8) { element = data[inIndex++]; outData[outindex++] = (byte)((element >> 6) & 3); outData[outindex++] = (byte)((element >> 4) & 3); outData[outindex++] = (byte)((element >> 2) & 3); outData[outindex++] = (byte)(element & 3); element = data[inIndex++]; outData[outindex++] = (byte)((element >> 6) & 3); outData[outindex++] = (byte)((element >> 4) & 3); outData[outindex++] = (byte)((element >> 2) & 3); outData[outindex++] = (byte)(element & 3); bitnum += 16; } break; case 4: for (; i < w - 7; i += 8) { element = data[inIndex++]; outData[outindex++] = (byte)((element >> 4) & 0xf); outData[outindex++] = (byte)(element & 0xf); element = data[inIndex++]; outData[outindex++] = (byte)((element >> 4) & 0xf); outData[outindex++] = (byte)(element & 0xf); element = data[inIndex++]; outData[outindex++] = (byte)((element >> 4) & 0xf); outData[outindex++] = (byte)(element & 0xf); element = data[inIndex++]; outData[outindex++] = (byte)((element >> 4) & 0xf); outData[outindex++] = (byte)(element & 0xf); bitnum += 32; } break; } // Process final portion of scanline for (; i < w; i++) { int shift = shiftOffset - (bitnum & 7); outData[outindex++] = (byte) (bitMask & (data[index + (bitnum >> 3)] >> shift)); bitnum += pixbits; } index += scanlineStride; } return outData; }
Stores the data elements at the specified location. An ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception will be thrown at runtime if the pixel coordinate is out of bounds. A ClassCastException will be thrown if the input object is non null and references anything other than an array of transferType.
  • x – The X coordinate of the pixel location.
  • y – The Y coordinate of the pixel location.
  • obj – An object reference to an array of type defined by getTransferType() and length getNumDataElements() containing the pixel data to place at x,y.
/** * Stores the data elements at the specified location. * An ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception will be thrown at runtime * if the pixel coordinate is out of bounds. * A ClassCastException will be thrown if the input object is non null * and references anything other than an array of transferType. * @param x The X coordinate of the pixel location. * @param y The Y coordinate of the pixel location. * @param obj An object reference to an array of type defined by * getTransferType() and length getNumDataElements() * containing the pixel data to place at x,y. */
public void setDataElements(int x, int y, Object obj) { if ((x < this.minX) || (y < this.minY) || (x >= this.maxX) || (y >= this.maxY)) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ("Coordinate out of bounds!"); } byte[] inData = (byte[])obj; int bitnum = dataBitOffset + (x-minX) * pixelBitStride; int index = (y-minY) * scanlineStride + (bitnum >> 3); int shift = shiftOffset - (bitnum & 7); byte element = data[index]; element &= ~(bitMask << shift); element |= (inData[0] & bitMask) << shift; data[index] = element; markDirty(); }
Stores the Raster data at the specified location. An ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception will be thrown at runtime if the pixel coordinates are out of bounds.
  • x – The X coordinate of the pixel location.
  • y – The Y coordinate of the pixel location.
  • inRaster – Raster of data to place at x,y location.
/** * Stores the Raster data at the specified location. * An ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception will be thrown at runtime * if the pixel coordinates are out of bounds. * @param x The X coordinate of the pixel location. * @param y The Y coordinate of the pixel location. * @param inRaster Raster of data to place at x,y location. */
public void setDataElements(int x, int y, Raster inRaster) { // Check if we can use fast code if (!(inRaster instanceof BytePackedRaster) || ((BytePackedRaster)inRaster).pixelBitStride != pixelBitStride) { super.setDataElements(x, y, inRaster); return; } int srcOffX = inRaster.getMinX(); int srcOffY = inRaster.getMinY(); int dstOffX = srcOffX + x; int dstOffY = srcOffY + y; int width = inRaster.getWidth(); int height = inRaster.getHeight(); if ((dstOffX < this.minX) || (dstOffY < this.minY) || (dstOffX + width > this.maxX) || (dstOffY + height > this.maxY)) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ("Coordinate out of bounds!"); } setDataElements(dstOffX, dstOffY, srcOffX, srcOffY, width, height, (BytePackedRaster)inRaster); }
Stores the Raster data at the specified location.
  • dstX – The absolute X coordinate of the destination pixel that will receive a copy of the upper-left pixel of the inRaster
  • dstY – The absolute Y coordinate of the destination pixel that will receive a copy of the upper-left pixel of the inRaster
  • srcX – The absolute X coordinate of the upper-left source pixel that will be copied into this Raster
  • srcY – The absolute Y coordinate of the upper-left source pixel that will be copied into this Raster
  • width – The number of pixels to store horizontally
  • height – The number of pixels to store vertically
  • inRaster – BytePackedRaster of data to place at x,y location.
/** * Stores the Raster data at the specified location. * @param dstX The absolute X coordinate of the destination pixel * that will receive a copy of the upper-left pixel of the * inRaster * @param dstY The absolute Y coordinate of the destination pixel * that will receive a copy of the upper-left pixel of the * inRaster * @param srcX The absolute X coordinate of the upper-left source * pixel that will be copied into this Raster * @param srcY The absolute Y coordinate of the upper-left source * pixel that will be copied into this Raster * @param width The number of pixels to store horizontally * @param height The number of pixels to store vertically * @param inRaster BytePackedRaster of data to place at x,y location. */
private void setDataElements(int dstX, int dstY, int srcX, int srcY, int width, int height, BytePackedRaster inRaster) { // Assume bounds checking has been performed previously if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) { return; } byte[] inData = inRaster.data; byte[] outData = this.data; int inscan = inRaster.scanlineStride; int outscan = this.scanlineStride; int inbit = inRaster.dataBitOffset + 8 * (srcY - inRaster.minY) * inscan + (srcX - inRaster.minX) * inRaster.pixelBitStride; int outbit = (this.dataBitOffset + 8 * (dstY - minY) * outscan + (dstX - minX) * this.pixelBitStride); int copybits = width * pixelBitStride; // Check whether the same bit alignment is present in both // Rasters; if so, we can copy whole bytes using // System.arraycopy. If not, we must do a "funnel shift" // where adjacent bytes contribute to each destination byte. if ((inbit & 7) == (outbit & 7)) { // copy is bit aligned int bitpos = outbit & 7; if (bitpos != 0) { int bits = 8 - bitpos; // Copy partial bytes on left int inbyte = inbit >> 3; int outbyte = outbit >> 3; int mask = 0xff >> bitpos; if (copybits < bits) { // Fix bug 4399076: previously had '8 - copybits' instead // of 'bits - copybits'. // // Prior to the this expression, 'mask' has its rightmost // 'bits' bits set to '1'. We want it to have a total // of 'copybits' bits set, therefore we want to introduce // 'bits - copybits' zeroes on the right. mask &= 0xff << (bits - copybits); bits = copybits; } for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { int element = outData[outbyte]; element &= ~mask; element |= (inData[inbyte] & mask); outData[outbyte] = (byte) element; inbyte += inscan; outbyte += outscan; } inbit += bits; outbit += bits; copybits -= bits; } if (copybits >= 8) { // Copy whole bytes int inbyte = inbit >> 3; int outbyte = outbit >> 3; int copybytes = copybits >> 3; if (copybytes == inscan && inscan == outscan) { System.arraycopy(inData, inbyte, outData, outbyte, inscan * height); } else { for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { System.arraycopy(inData, inbyte, outData, outbyte, copybytes); inbyte += inscan; outbyte += outscan; } } int bits = copybytes*8; inbit += bits; outbit += bits; copybits -= bits; } if (copybits > 0) { // Copy partial bytes on right int inbyte = inbit >> 3; int outbyte = outbit >> 3; int mask = (0xff00 >> copybits) & 0xff; for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { int element = outData[outbyte]; element &= ~mask; element |= (inData[inbyte] & mask); outData[outbyte] = (byte) element; inbyte += inscan; outbyte += outscan; } } } else { // Unaligned case, see RFE #4284166 // Note that the code in that RFE is not correct // Insert bits into the first byte of the output // if either the starting bit position is not zero or // we are writing fewer than 8 bits in total int bitpos = outbit & 7; if (bitpos != 0 || copybits < 8) { int bits = 8 - bitpos; int inbyte = inbit >> 3; int outbyte = outbit >> 3; int lshift = inbit & 7; int rshift = 8 - lshift; int mask = 0xff >> bitpos; if (copybits < bits) { // Fix mask if we're only writing a partial byte mask &= 0xff << (bits - copybits); bits = copybits; } int lastByte = inData.length - 1; for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { // Read two bytes from the source if possible // Don't worry about going over a scanline boundary // since any extra bits won't get used anyway byte inData0 = inData[inbyte]; byte inData1 = (byte)0; if (inbyte < lastByte) { inData1 = inData[inbyte + 1]; } // Insert the new bits into the output int element = outData[outbyte]; element &= ~mask; element |= (((inData0 << lshift) | ((inData1 & 0xff) >> rshift)) >> bitpos) & mask; outData[outbyte] = (byte)element; inbyte += inscan; outbyte += outscan; } inbit += bits; outbit += bits; copybits -= bits; } // Now we have outbit & 7 == 0 so we can write // complete bytes for a while // Make sure we have work to do in the central loop // to avoid reading past the end of the scanline if (copybits >= 8) { int inbyte = inbit >> 3; int outbyte = outbit >> 3; int copybytes = copybits >> 3; int lshift = inbit & 7; int rshift = 8 - lshift; for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { int ibyte = inbyte + j*inscan; int obyte = outbyte + j*outscan; int inData0 = inData[ibyte]; // Combine adjacent bytes while 8 or more bits left for (int i = 0; i < copybytes; i++) { int inData1 = inData[ibyte + 1]; int val = (inData0 << lshift) | ((inData1 & 0xff) >> rshift); outData[obyte] = (byte)val; inData0 = inData1; ++ibyte; ++obyte; } } int bits = copybytes*8; inbit += bits; outbit += bits; copybits -= bits; } // Finish last byte if (copybits > 0) { int inbyte = inbit >> 3; int outbyte = outbit >> 3; int mask = (0xff00 >> copybits) & 0xff; int lshift = inbit & 7; int rshift = 8 - lshift; int lastByte = inData.length - 1; for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { byte inData0 = inData[inbyte]; byte inData1 = (byte)0; if (inbyte < lastByte) { inData1 = inData[inbyte + 1]; } // Insert the new bits into the output int element = outData[outbyte]; element &= ~mask; element |= ((inData0 << lshift) | ((inData1 & 0xff) >> rshift)) & mask; outData[outbyte] = (byte)element; inbyte += inscan; outbyte += outscan; } } } markDirty(); }
Copies pixels from Raster srcRaster to this WritableRaster. For each (x, y) address in srcRaster, the corresponding pixel is copied to address (x+dx, y+dy) in this WritableRaster, unless (x+dx, y+dy) falls outside the bounds of this raster. srcRaster must have the same number of bands as this WritableRaster. The copy is a simple copy of source samples to the corresponding destination samples. For details, see WritableRaster.setRect(Raster).
  • dx – The X translation factor from src space to dst space of the copy.
  • dy – The Y translation factor from src space to dst space of the copy.
  • srcRaster – The Raster from which to copy pixels.
/** * Copies pixels from Raster srcRaster to this WritableRaster. * For each (x, y) address in srcRaster, the corresponding pixel * is copied to address (x+dx, y+dy) in this WritableRaster, * unless (x+dx, y+dy) falls outside the bounds of this raster. * srcRaster must have the same number of bands as this WritableRaster. * The copy is a simple copy of source samples to the corresponding * destination samples. For details, see * {@link WritableRaster#setRect(Raster)}. * * @param dx The X translation factor from src space to dst space * of the copy. * @param dy The Y translation factor from src space to dst space * of the copy. * @param srcRaster The Raster from which to copy pixels. */
public void setRect(int dx, int dy, Raster srcRaster) { // Check if we can use fast code if (!(srcRaster instanceof BytePackedRaster) || ((BytePackedRaster)srcRaster).pixelBitStride != pixelBitStride) { super.setRect(dx, dy, srcRaster); return; } int width = srcRaster.getWidth(); int height = srcRaster.getHeight(); int srcOffX = srcRaster.getMinX(); int srcOffY = srcRaster.getMinY(); int dstOffX = dx+srcOffX; int dstOffY = dy+srcOffY; // Clip to this raster if (dstOffX < this.minX) { int skipX = this.minX - dstOffX; width -= skipX; srcOffX += skipX; dstOffX = this.minX; } if (dstOffY < this.minY) { int skipY = this.minY - dstOffY; height -= skipY; srcOffY += skipY; dstOffY = this.minY; } if (dstOffX+width > this.maxX) { width = this.maxX - dstOffX; } if (dstOffY+height > this.maxY) { height = this.maxY - dstOffY; } setDataElements(dstOffX, dstOffY, srcOffX, srcOffY, width, height, (BytePackedRaster)srcRaster); }
Stores an array of data elements into the specified rectangular region. An ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception will be thrown at runtime if the pixel coordinates are out of bounds. A ClassCastException will be thrown if the input object is non null and references anything other than an array of transferType. The data elements in the data array are assumed to be packed. That is, a data element at location (x2, y2) would be found at:
     inData[((y2-y)*w + (x2-x))]
  • x – The X coordinate of the upper left pixel location.
  • y – The Y coordinate of the upper left pixel location.
  • w – Width of the pixel rectangle.
  • h – Height of the pixel rectangle.
  • obj – An object reference to an array of type defined by getTransferType() and length w*h*getNumDataElements() containing the pixel data to place between x,y and x+h, y+h.
/** * Stores an array of data elements into the specified rectangular * region. * An ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception will be thrown at runtime * if the pixel coordinates are out of bounds. * A ClassCastException will be thrown if the input object is non null * and references anything other than an array of transferType. * The data elements in the * data array are assumed to be packed. That is, a data element * at location (x2, y2) would be found at: * <pre> * inData[((y2-y)*w + (x2-x))] * </pre> * @param x The X coordinate of the upper left pixel location. * @param y The Y coordinate of the upper left pixel location. * @param w Width of the pixel rectangle. * @param h Height of the pixel rectangle. * @param obj An object reference to an array of type defined by * getTransferType() and length w*h*getNumDataElements() * containing the pixel data to place between x,y and * x+h, y+h. */
public void setDataElements(int x, int y, int w, int h, Object obj) { putByteData(x, y, w, h, (byte[])obj); }
Stores a byte array of data elements into the specified rectangular region. The band index will be ignored. An ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception will be thrown at runtime if the pixel coordinates are out of bounds. The data elements in the data array are assumed to be packed. That is, a data element at location (x2, y2) would be found at:
     inData[((y2-y)*w + (x2-x))]
  • x – The X coordinate of the upper left pixel location.
  • y – The Y coordinate of the upper left pixel location.
  • w – Width of the pixel rectangle.
  • h – Height of the pixel rectangle.
  • band – The band to set, is ignored.
  • inData – The data elements to be stored.
/** * Stores a byte array of data elements into the specified rectangular * region. The band index will be ignored. * An ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception will be thrown at runtime * if the pixel coordinates are out of bounds. * The data elements in the * data array are assumed to be packed. That is, a data element * at location (x2, y2) would be found at: * <pre> * inData[((y2-y)*w + (x2-x))] * </pre> * @param x The X coordinate of the upper left pixel location. * @param y The Y coordinate of the upper left pixel location. * @param w Width of the pixel rectangle. * @param h Height of the pixel rectangle. * @param band The band to set, is ignored. * @param inData The data elements to be stored. */
public void putByteData(int x, int y, int w, int h, int band, byte[] inData) { putByteData(x, y, w, h, inData); }
Stores a byte array of data elements into the specified rectangular region. An ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception will be thrown at runtime if the pixel coordinates are out of bounds. The data elements in the data array are assumed to be packed. That is, a data element at location (x2, y2) would be found at:
     inData[((y2-y)*w + (x2-x))]
  • x – The X coordinate of the upper left pixel location.
  • y – The Y coordinate of the upper left pixel location.
  • w – Width of the pixel rectangle.
  • h – Height of the pixel rectangle.
  • inData – The data elements to be stored.
/** * Stores a byte array of data elements into the specified rectangular * region. * An ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception will be thrown at runtime * if the pixel coordinates are out of bounds. * The data elements in the * data array are assumed to be packed. That is, a data element * at location (x2, y2) would be found at: * <pre> * inData[((y2-y)*w + (x2-x))] * </pre> * @param x The X coordinate of the upper left pixel location. * @param y The Y coordinate of the upper left pixel location. * @param w Width of the pixel rectangle. * @param h Height of the pixel rectangle. * @param inData The data elements to be stored. */
public void putByteData(int x, int y, int w, int h, byte[] inData) { if ((x < this.minX) || (y < this.minY) || (x + w > this.maxX) || (y + h > this.maxY)) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ("Coordinate out of bounds!"); } if (w == 0 || h == 0) { return; } int pixbits = pixelBitStride; int scanbit = dataBitOffset + (x - minX) * pixbits; int index = (y - minY) * scanlineStride; int outindex = 0; byte[] data = this.data; for (int j = 0; j < h; j++) { int bitnum = scanbit; int element; // Process initial portion of scanline int i = 0; while ((i < w) && ((bitnum & 7) != 0)) { int shift = shiftOffset - (bitnum & 7); element = data[index + (bitnum >> 3)]; element &= ~(bitMask << shift); element |= (inData[outindex++] & bitMask) << shift; data[index + (bitnum >> 3)] = (byte)element; bitnum += pixbits; i++; } // Process central portion of scanline 8 pixels at a time int inIndex = index + (bitnum >> 3); switch (pixbits) { case 1: for (; i < w - 7; i += 8) { element = (inData[outindex++] & 1) << 7; element |= (inData[outindex++] & 1) << 6; element |= (inData[outindex++] & 1) << 5; element |= (inData[outindex++] & 1) << 4; element |= (inData[outindex++] & 1) << 3; element |= (inData[outindex++] & 1) << 2; element |= (inData[outindex++] & 1) << 1; element |= (inData[outindex++] & 1); data[inIndex++] = (byte)element; bitnum += 8; } break; case 2: for (; i < w - 7; i += 8) { element = (inData[outindex++] & 3) << 6; element |= (inData[outindex++] & 3) << 4; element |= (inData[outindex++] & 3) << 2; element |= (inData[outindex++] & 3); data[inIndex++] = (byte)element; element = (inData[outindex++] & 3) << 6; element |= (inData[outindex++] & 3) << 4; element |= (inData[outindex++] & 3) << 2; element |= (inData[outindex++] & 3); data[inIndex++] = (byte)element; bitnum += 16; } break; case 4: for (; i < w - 7; i += 8) { element = (inData[outindex++] & 0xf) << 4; element |= (inData[outindex++] & 0xf); data[inIndex++] = (byte)element; element = (inData[outindex++] & 0xf) << 4; element |= (inData[outindex++] & 0xf); data[inIndex++] = (byte)element; element = (inData[outindex++] & 0xf) << 4; element |= (inData[outindex++] & 0xf); data[inIndex++] = (byte)element; element = (inData[outindex++] & 0xf) << 4; element |= (inData[outindex++] & 0xf); data[inIndex++] = (byte)element; bitnum += 32; } break; } // Process final portion of scanline for (; i < w; i++) { int shift = shiftOffset - (bitnum & 7); element = data[index + (bitnum >> 3)]; element &= ~(bitMask << shift); element |= (inData[outindex++] & bitMask) << shift; data[index + (bitnum >> 3)] = (byte)element; bitnum += pixbits; } index += scanlineStride; } markDirty(); }
Returns an int array containing all samples for a rectangle of pixels, one sample per array element. An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException may be thrown if the coordinates are not in bounds.
  • w – Width of the pixel rectangle
  • h – Height of the pixel rectangle
  • iArray – An optionally pre-allocated int array
@paramx, y the coordinates of the upper-left pixel location
Returns:the samples for the specified rectangle of pixels.
/** * Returns an int array containing all samples for a rectangle of pixels, * one sample per array element. * An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException may be thrown * if the coordinates are not in bounds. * @param x,&nbsp;y the coordinates of the upper-left pixel location * @param w Width of the pixel rectangle * @param h Height of the pixel rectangle * @param iArray An optionally pre-allocated int array * @return the samples for the specified rectangle of pixels. */
public int[] getPixels(int x, int y, int w, int h, int[] iArray) { if ((x < this.minX) || (y < this.minY) || (x + w > this.maxX) || (y + h > this.maxY)) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ("Coordinate out of bounds!"); } if (iArray == null) { iArray = new int[w * h]; } int pixbits = pixelBitStride; int scanbit = dataBitOffset + (x-minX) * pixbits; int index = (y-minY) * scanlineStride; int outindex = 0; byte[] data = this.data; for (int j = 0; j < h; j++) { int bitnum = scanbit; int element; // Process initial portion of scanline int i = 0; while ((i < w) && ((bitnum & 7) != 0)) { int shift = shiftOffset - (bitnum & 7); iArray[outindex++] = bitMask & (data[index + (bitnum >> 3)] >> shift); bitnum += pixbits; i++; } // Process central portion of scanline 8 pixels at a time int inIndex = index + (bitnum >> 3); switch (pixbits) { case 1: for (; i < w - 7; i += 8) { element = data[inIndex++]; iArray[outindex++] = (element >> 7) & 1; iArray[outindex++] = (element >> 6) & 1; iArray[outindex++] = (element >> 5) & 1; iArray[outindex++] = (element >> 4) & 1; iArray[outindex++] = (element >> 3) & 1; iArray[outindex++] = (element >> 2) & 1; iArray[outindex++] = (element >> 1) & 1; iArray[outindex++] = element & 1; bitnum += 8; } break; case 2: for (; i < w - 7; i += 8) { element = data[inIndex++]; iArray[outindex++] = (element >> 6) & 3; iArray[outindex++] = (element >> 4) & 3; iArray[outindex++] = (element >> 2) & 3; iArray[outindex++] = element & 3; element = data[inIndex++]; iArray[outindex++] = (element >> 6) & 3; iArray[outindex++] = (element >> 4) & 3; iArray[outindex++] = (element >> 2) & 3; iArray[outindex++] = element & 3; bitnum += 16; } break; case 4: for (; i < w - 7; i += 8) { element = data[inIndex++]; iArray[outindex++] = (element >> 4) & 0xf; iArray[outindex++] = element & 0xf; element = data[inIndex++]; iArray[outindex++] = (element >> 4) & 0xf; iArray[outindex++] = element & 0xf; element = data[inIndex++]; iArray[outindex++] = (element >> 4) & 0xf; iArray[outindex++] = element & 0xf; element = data[inIndex++]; iArray[outindex++] = (element >> 4) & 0xf; iArray[outindex++] = element & 0xf; bitnum += 32; } break; } // Process final portion of scanline for (; i < w; i++) { int shift = shiftOffset - (bitnum & 7); iArray[outindex++] = bitMask & (data[index + (bitnum >> 3)] >> shift); bitnum += pixbits; } index += scanlineStride; } return iArray; }
Sets all samples for a rectangle of pixels from an int array containing one sample per array element. An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException may be thrown if the coordinates are not in bounds.
  • x – The X coordinate of the upper left pixel location.
  • y – The Y coordinate of the upper left pixel location.
  • w – Width of the pixel rectangle.
  • h – Height of the pixel rectangle.
  • iArray – The input int pixel array.
/** * Sets all samples for a rectangle of pixels from an int array containing * one sample per array element. * An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException may be thrown if the coordinates are * not in bounds. * @param x The X coordinate of the upper left pixel location. * @param y The Y coordinate of the upper left pixel location. * @param w Width of the pixel rectangle. * @param h Height of the pixel rectangle. * @param iArray The input int pixel array. */
public void setPixels(int x, int y, int w, int h, int[] iArray) { if ((x < this.minX) || (y < this.minY) || (x + w > this.maxX) || (y + h > this.maxY)) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ("Coordinate out of bounds!"); } int pixbits = pixelBitStride; int scanbit = dataBitOffset + (x - minX) * pixbits; int index = (y - minY) * scanlineStride; int outindex = 0; byte[] data = this.data; for (int j = 0; j < h; j++) { int bitnum = scanbit; int element; // Process initial portion of scanline int i = 0; while ((i < w) && ((bitnum & 7) != 0)) { int shift = shiftOffset - (bitnum & 7); element = data[index + (bitnum >> 3)]; element &= ~(bitMask << shift); element |= (iArray[outindex++] & bitMask) << shift; data[index + (bitnum >> 3)] = (byte)element; bitnum += pixbits; i++; } // Process central portion of scanline 8 pixels at a time int inIndex = index + (bitnum >> 3); switch (pixbits) { case 1: for (; i < w - 7; i += 8) { element = (iArray[outindex++] & 1) << 7; element |= (iArray[outindex++] & 1) << 6; element |= (iArray[outindex++] & 1) << 5; element |= (iArray[outindex++] & 1) << 4; element |= (iArray[outindex++] & 1) << 3; element |= (iArray[outindex++] & 1) << 2; element |= (iArray[outindex++] & 1) << 1; element |= (iArray[outindex++] & 1); data[inIndex++] = (byte)element; bitnum += 8; } break; case 2: for (; i < w - 7; i += 8) { element = (iArray[outindex++] & 3) << 6; element |= (iArray[outindex++] & 3) << 4; element |= (iArray[outindex++] & 3) << 2; element |= (iArray[outindex++] & 3); data[inIndex++] = (byte)element; element = (iArray[outindex++] & 3) << 6; element |= (iArray[outindex++] & 3) << 4; element |= (iArray[outindex++] & 3) << 2; element |= (iArray[outindex++] & 3); data[inIndex++] = (byte)element; bitnum += 16; } break; case 4: for (; i < w - 7; i += 8) { element = (iArray[outindex++] & 0xf) << 4; element |= (iArray[outindex++] & 0xf); data[inIndex++] = (byte)element; element = (iArray[outindex++] & 0xf) << 4; element |= (iArray[outindex++] & 0xf); data[inIndex++] = (byte)element; element = (iArray[outindex++] & 0xf) << 4; element |= (iArray[outindex++] & 0xf); data[inIndex++] = (byte)element; element = (iArray[outindex++] & 0xf) << 4; element |= (iArray[outindex++] & 0xf); data[inIndex++] = (byte)element; bitnum += 32; } break; } // Process final portion of scanline for (; i < w; i++) { int shift = shiftOffset - (bitnum & 7); element = data[index + (bitnum >> 3)]; element &= ~(bitMask << shift); element |= (iArray[outindex++] & bitMask) << shift; data[index + (bitnum >> 3)] = (byte)element; bitnum += pixbits; } index += scanlineStride; } markDirty(); }
Creates a subraster given a region of the raster. The x and y coordinates specify the horizontal and vertical offsets from the upper-left corner of this raster to the upper-left corner of the subraster. Note that the subraster will reference the same DataBuffer as the parent raster, but using different offsets. The bandList is ignored.
  • x – X offset.
  • y – Y offset.
  • width – Width (in pixels) of the subraster.
  • height – Height (in pixels) of the subraster.
  • x0 – Translated X origin of the subraster.
  • y0 – Translated Y origin of the subraster.
  • bandList – Array of band indices.
/** * Creates a subraster given a region of the raster. The x and y * coordinates specify the horizontal and vertical offsets * from the upper-left corner of this raster to the upper-left corner * of the subraster. Note that the subraster will reference the same * DataBuffer as the parent raster, but using different offsets. The * bandList is ignored. * @param x X offset. * @param y Y offset. * @param width Width (in pixels) of the subraster. * @param height Height (in pixels) of the subraster. * @param x0 Translated X origin of the subraster. * @param y0 Translated Y origin of the subraster. * @param bandList Array of band indices. * @exception RasterFormatException * if the specified bounding box is outside of the parent raster. */
public Raster createChild(int x, int y, int width, int height, int x0, int y0, int[] bandList) { WritableRaster newRaster = createWritableChild(x, y, width, height, x0, y0, bandList); return (Raster) newRaster; }
Creates a Writable subRaster given a region of the Raster. The x and y coordinates specify the horizontal and vertical offsets from the upper-left corner of this Raster to the upper-left corner of the subRaster. The bandList is ignored. A translation to the subRaster may also be specified. Note that the subRaster will reference the same DataBuffer as the parent Raster, but using different offsets.
  • x – X offset.
  • y – Y offset.
  • width – Width (in pixels) of the subraster.
  • height – Height (in pixels) of the subraster.
  • x0 – Translated X origin of the subraster.
  • y0 – Translated Y origin of the subraster.
  • bandList – Array of band indices.
/** * Creates a Writable subRaster given a region of the Raster. The x and y * coordinates specify the horizontal and vertical offsets * from the upper-left corner of this Raster to the upper-left corner * of the subRaster. The bandList is ignored. * A translation to the subRaster may also be specified. * Note that the subRaster will reference the same * DataBuffer as the parent Raster, but using different offsets. * @param x X offset. * @param y Y offset. * @param width Width (in pixels) of the subraster. * @param height Height (in pixels) of the subraster. * @param x0 Translated X origin of the subraster. * @param y0 Translated Y origin of the subraster. * @param bandList Array of band indices. * @exception RasterFormatException * if the specified bounding box is outside of the parent Raster. */
public WritableRaster createWritableChild(int x, int y, int width, int height, int x0, int y0, int[] bandList) { if (x < this.minX) { throw new RasterFormatException("x lies outside the raster"); } if (y < this.minY) { throw new RasterFormatException("y lies outside the raster"); } if ((x+width < x) || (x+width > this.minX + this.width)) { throw new RasterFormatException("(x + width) is outside of Raster"); } if ((y+height < y) || (y+height > this.minY + this.height)) { throw new RasterFormatException("(y + height) is outside of Raster"); } SampleModel sm; if (bandList != null) { sm = sampleModel.createSubsetSampleModel(bandList); } else { sm = sampleModel; } int deltaX = x0 - x; int deltaY = y0 - y; return new BytePackedRaster(sm, (DataBufferByte) dataBuffer, new Rectangle(x0, y0, width, height), new Point(sampleModelTranslateX+deltaX, sampleModelTranslateY+deltaY), this); }
Creates a raster with the same layout but using a different width and height, and with new zeroed data arrays.
/** * Creates a raster with the same layout but using a different * width and height, and with new zeroed data arrays. */
public WritableRaster createCompatibleWritableRaster(int w, int h) { if (w <= 0 || h <=0) { throw new RasterFormatException("negative "+ ((w <= 0) ? "width" : "height")); } SampleModel sm = sampleModel.createCompatibleSampleModel(w,h); return new BytePackedRaster(sm, new Point(0,0)); }
Creates a raster with the same layout and the same width and height, and with new zeroed data arrays.
/** * Creates a raster with the same layout and the same * width and height, and with new zeroed data arrays. */
public WritableRaster createCompatibleWritableRaster () { return createCompatibleWritableRaster(width,height); }
Verify that the layout parameters are consistent with the data. If strictCheck is false, this method will check for ArrayIndexOutOfBounds conditions. If strictCheck is true, this method will check for additional error conditions such as line wraparound (width of a line greater than the scanline stride).
Returns: String Error string, if the layout is incompatible with the data. Otherwise returns null.
/** * Verify that the layout parameters are consistent with * the data. If strictCheck * is false, this method will check for ArrayIndexOutOfBounds conditions. * If strictCheck is true, this method will check for additional error * conditions such as line wraparound (width of a line greater than * the scanline stride). * @return String Error string, if the layout is incompatible with * the data. Otherwise returns null. */
private void verify (boolean strictCheck) { // Make sure data for Raster is in a legal range if (dataBitOffset < 0) { throw new RasterFormatException("Data offsets must be >= 0"); } /* Need to re-verify the dimensions since a sample model may be * specified to the constructor */ if (width <= 0 || height <= 0 || height > (Integer.MAX_VALUE / width)) { throw new RasterFormatException("Invalid raster dimension"); } /* * pixelBitstride was verified in constructor, so just make * sure that it is safe to multiply it by width. */ if ((width - 1) > Integer.MAX_VALUE / pixelBitStride) { throw new RasterFormatException("Invalid raster dimension"); } if ((long)minX - sampleModelTranslateX < 0 || (long)minY - sampleModelTranslateY < 0) { throw new RasterFormatException("Incorrect origin/translate: (" + minX + ", " + minY + ") / (" + sampleModelTranslateX + ", " + sampleModelTranslateY + ")"); } if (scanlineStride < 0 || scanlineStride > (Integer.MAX_VALUE / height)) { throw new RasterFormatException("Invalid scanline stride"); } if (height > 1 || minY - sampleModelTranslateY > 0) { // buffer should contain at least one scanline if (scanlineStride > data.length) { throw new RasterFormatException("Incorrect scanline stride: " + scanlineStride); } } long lastbit = (long) dataBitOffset + (long) (height - 1) * (long) scanlineStride * 8 + (long) (width - 1) * (long) pixelBitStride + (long) pixelBitStride - 1; if (lastbit < 0 || lastbit / 8 >= data.length) { throw new RasterFormatException("raster dimensions overflow " + "array bounds"); } if (strictCheck) { if (height > 1) { lastbit = width * pixelBitStride - 1; if (lastbit / 8 >= scanlineStride) { throw new RasterFormatException("data for adjacent" + " scanlines overlaps"); } } } } public String toString() { return new String ("BytePackedRaster: width = "+width+" height = "+height +" #channels "+numBands +" xOff = "+sampleModelTranslateX +" yOff = "+sampleModelTranslateY); } }