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package sun.awt;

import java.awt.AWTError;
import java.awt.GraphicsDevice;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.NetworkInterface;
import java.net.SocketException;
import java.net.UnknownHostException;

import java.util.*;

import sun.java2d.SunGraphicsEnvironment;
import sun.java2d.SurfaceManagerFactory;
import sun.java2d.UnixSurfaceManagerFactory;
import sun.util.logging.PlatformLogger;
import sun.java2d.xr.XRSurfaceData;

This is an implementation of a GraphicsEnvironment object for the default local GraphicsEnvironment used by the Java Runtime Environment for X11 environments.
See Also:
/** * This is an implementation of a GraphicsEnvironment object for the * default local GraphicsEnvironment used by the Java Runtime Environment * for X11 environments. * * @see GraphicsDevice * @see java.awt.GraphicsConfiguration */
public final class X11GraphicsEnvironment extends SunGraphicsEnvironment { private static final PlatformLogger log = PlatformLogger.getLogger("sun.awt.X11GraphicsEnvironment"); private static final PlatformLogger screenLog = PlatformLogger.getLogger("sun.awt.screen.X11GraphicsEnvironment"); private static Boolean xinerState; static { java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged( new java.security.PrivilegedAction<Object>() { public Object run() { System.loadLibrary("awt"); /* * Note: The MToolkit object depends on the static initializer * of X11GraphicsEnvironment to initialize the connection to * the X11 server. */ if (!isHeadless()) { // first check the OGL system property boolean glxRequested = false; String prop = System.getProperty("sun.java2d.opengl"); if (prop != null) { if (prop.equals("true") || prop.equals("t")) { glxRequested = true; } else if (prop.equals("True") || prop.equals("T")) { glxRequested = true; glxVerbose = true; } } // Now check for XRender system property boolean xRenderRequested = true; boolean xRenderIgnoreLinuxVersion = false; String xProp = System.getProperty("sun.java2d.xrender"); if (xProp != null) { if (xProp.equals("false") || xProp.equals("f")) { xRenderRequested = false; } else if (xProp.equals("True") || xProp.equals("T")) { xRenderRequested = true; xRenderVerbose = true; } if(xProp.equalsIgnoreCase("t") || xProp.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { xRenderIgnoreLinuxVersion = true; } } // initialize the X11 display connection initDisplay(glxRequested); // only attempt to initialize GLX if it was requested if (glxRequested) { glxAvailable = initGLX(); if (glxVerbose && !glxAvailable) { System.out.println( "Could not enable OpenGL " + "pipeline (GLX 1.3 not available)"); } } // only attempt to initialize Xrender if it was requested if (xRenderRequested) { xRenderAvailable = initXRender(xRenderVerbose, xRenderIgnoreLinuxVersion); if (xRenderVerbose && !xRenderAvailable) { System.out.println( "Could not enable XRender pipeline"); } } if (xRenderAvailable) { XRSurfaceData.initXRSurfaceData(); } } return null; } }); // Install the correct surface manager factory. SurfaceManagerFactory.setInstance(new UnixSurfaceManagerFactory()); } private static boolean glxAvailable; private static boolean glxVerbose; private static native boolean initGLX(); public static boolean isGLXAvailable() { return glxAvailable; } public static boolean isGLXVerbose() { return glxVerbose; } private static boolean xRenderVerbose; private static boolean xRenderAvailable; private static native boolean initXRender(boolean verbose, boolean ignoreLinuxVersion); public static boolean isXRenderAvailable() { return xRenderAvailable; } public static boolean isXRenderVerbose() { return xRenderVerbose; }
Checks if Shared Memory extension can be used. Returns: -1 if server doesn't support MITShm 1 if server supports it and it can be used 0 otherwise
/** * Checks if Shared Memory extension can be used. * Returns: * -1 if server doesn't support MITShm * 1 if server supports it and it can be used * 0 otherwise */
private static native int checkShmExt(); private static native String getDisplayString(); private Boolean isDisplayLocal;
This should only be called from the static initializer, so no need for the synchronized keyword.
/** * This should only be called from the static initializer, so no need for * the synchronized keyword. */
private static native void initDisplay(boolean glxRequested); public X11GraphicsEnvironment() { } protected native int getNumScreens(); protected GraphicsDevice makeScreenDevice(int screennum) { return new X11GraphicsDevice(screennum); } private native int getDefaultScreenNum();
Returns the default screen graphics device.
/** * Returns the default screen graphics device. */
public GraphicsDevice getDefaultScreenDevice() { GraphicsDevice[] screens = getScreenDevices(); if (screens.length == 0) { throw new AWTError("no screen devices"); } int index = getDefaultScreenNum(); return screens[0 < index && index < screens.length ? index : 0]; } public boolean isDisplayLocal() { if (isDisplayLocal == null) { SunToolkit.awtLock(); try { if (isDisplayLocal == null) { isDisplayLocal = Boolean.valueOf(_isDisplayLocal()); } } finally { SunToolkit.awtUnlock(); } } return isDisplayLocal.booleanValue(); } private static boolean _isDisplayLocal() { if (isHeadless()) { return true; } String isRemote = java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged( new sun.security.action.GetPropertyAction("sun.java2d.remote")); if (isRemote != null) { return isRemote.equals("false"); } int shm = checkShmExt(); if (shm != -1) { return (shm == 1); } // If XServer doesn't support ShMem extension, // try the other way String display = getDisplayString(); int ind = display.indexOf(':'); final String hostName = display.substring(0, ind); if (ind <= 0) { // ':0' case return true; } Boolean result = java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged( new java.security.PrivilegedAction<Boolean>() { public Boolean run() { InetAddress[] remAddr = null; Enumeration<InetAddress> locals = null; Enumeration<NetworkInterface> interfaces = null; try { interfaces = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces(); remAddr = InetAddress.getAllByName(hostName); if (remAddr == null) { return Boolean.FALSE; } } catch (UnknownHostException e) { System.err.println("Unknown host: " + hostName); return Boolean.FALSE; } catch (SocketException e1) { System.err.println(e1.getMessage()); return Boolean.FALSE; } for (; interfaces.hasMoreElements();) { locals = interfaces.nextElement().getInetAddresses(); for (; locals.hasMoreElements();) { final InetAddress localAddr = locals.nextElement(); for (int i = 0; i < remAddr.length; i++) { if (localAddr.equals(remAddr[i])) { return Boolean.TRUE; } } } } return Boolean.FALSE; }}); return result.booleanValue(); }
Returns face name for default font, or null if no face names are used for CompositeFontDescriptors for this platform.
/** * Returns face name for default font, or null if * no face names are used for CompositeFontDescriptors * for this platform. */
public String getDefaultFontFaceName() { return null; } private static native boolean pRunningXinerama(); private static native Point getXineramaCenterPoint();
Override for Xinerama case: call new Solaris API for getting the correct centering point from the windowing system.
/** * Override for Xinerama case: call new Solaris API for getting the correct * centering point from the windowing system. */
public Point getCenterPoint() { if (runningXinerama()) { Point p = getXineramaCenterPoint(); if (p != null) { return p; } } return super.getCenterPoint(); }
Override for Xinerama case
/** * Override for Xinerama case */
public Rectangle getMaximumWindowBounds() { if (runningXinerama()) { return getXineramaWindowBounds(); } else { return super.getMaximumWindowBounds(); } } public boolean runningXinerama() { if (xinerState == null) { // pRunningXinerama() simply returns a global boolean variable, // so there is no need to synchronize here xinerState = Boolean.valueOf(pRunningXinerama()); if (screenLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINER)) { screenLog.finer("Running Xinerama: " + xinerState); } } return xinerState.booleanValue(); }
Return the bounds for a centered Window on a system running in Xinerama mode. Calculations are based on the assumption of a perfectly rectangular display area (display edges line up with one another, and displays have consistent width and/or height). The bounds to return depend on the arrangement of displays and on where Windows are to be centered. There are two common situations: 1) The center point lies at the center of the combined area of all the displays. In this case, the combined area of all displays is returned. 2) The center point lies at the center of a single display. In this case the user most likely wants centered Windows to be constrained to that single display. The boundaries of the one display are returned. It is possible for the center point to be at both the center of the entire display space AND at the center of a single monitor (a square of 9 monitors, for instance). In this case, the entire display area is returned. Because the center point is arbitrarily settable by the user, it could fit neither of the cases above. The fallback case is to simply return the combined area for all screens.
/** * Return the bounds for a centered Window on a system running in Xinerama * mode. * * Calculations are based on the assumption of a perfectly rectangular * display area (display edges line up with one another, and displays * have consistent width and/or height). * * The bounds to return depend on the arrangement of displays and on where * Windows are to be centered. There are two common situations: * * 1) The center point lies at the center of the combined area of all the * displays. In this case, the combined area of all displays is * returned. * * 2) The center point lies at the center of a single display. In this case * the user most likely wants centered Windows to be constrained to that * single display. The boundaries of the one display are returned. * * It is possible for the center point to be at both the center of the * entire display space AND at the center of a single monitor (a square of * 9 monitors, for instance). In this case, the entire display area is * returned. * * Because the center point is arbitrarily settable by the user, it could * fit neither of the cases above. The fallback case is to simply return * the combined area for all screens. */
protected Rectangle getXineramaWindowBounds() { Point center = getCenterPoint(); Rectangle unionRect, tempRect; GraphicsDevice[] gds = getScreenDevices(); Rectangle centerMonitorRect = null; int i; // if center point is at the center of all monitors // return union of all bounds // // MM*MM MMM M // M*M * // MMM M // if center point is at center of a single monitor (but not of all // monitors) // return bounds of single monitor // // MMM MM // MM* *M // else, center is in some strange spot (such as on the border between // monitors), and we should just return the union of all monitors // // MM MMM // MM MMM unionRect = getUsableBounds(gds[0]); for (i = 0; i < gds.length; i++) { tempRect = getUsableBounds(gds[i]); if (centerMonitorRect == null && // add a pixel or two for fudge-factor (tempRect.width / 2) + tempRect.x > center.x - 1 && (tempRect.height / 2) + tempRect.y > center.y - 1 && (tempRect.width / 2) + tempRect.x < center.x + 1 && (tempRect.height / 2) + tempRect.y < center.y + 1) { centerMonitorRect = tempRect; } unionRect = unionRect.union(tempRect); } // first: check for center of all monitors (video wall) // add a pixel or two for fudge-factor if ((unionRect.width / 2) + unionRect.x > center.x - 1 && (unionRect.height / 2) + unionRect.y > center.y - 1 && (unionRect.width / 2) + unionRect.x < center.x + 1 && (unionRect.height / 2) + unionRect.y < center.y + 1) { if (screenLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINER)) { screenLog.finer("Video Wall: center point is at center of all displays."); } return unionRect; } // next, check if at center of one monitor if (centerMonitorRect != null) { if (screenLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINER)) { screenLog.finer("Center point at center of a particular " + "monitor, but not of the entire virtual display."); } return centerMonitorRect; } // otherwise, the center is at some weird spot: return unionRect if (screenLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINER)) { screenLog.finer("Center point is somewhere strange - return union of all bounds."); } return unionRect; }
From the DisplayChangedListener interface; devices do not need to react to this event.
/** * From the DisplayChangedListener interface; devices do not need * to react to this event. */
@Override public void paletteChanged() { } }