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package javax.swing.plaf.synth;

import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.plaf.*;
import javax.swing.plaf.basic.*;
import javax.swing.text.View;

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import sun.swing.SwingUtilities2;

Provides the Synth L&F UI delegate for JTabbedPane.

Looks up the selectedTabPadInsets property from the Style, which represents additional insets for the selected tab.

Author:Scott Violet
/** * Provides the Synth L&amp;F UI delegate for * {@link javax.swing.JTabbedPane}. * * <p>Looks up the {@code selectedTabPadInsets} property from the Style, * which represents additional insets for the selected tab. * * @author Scott Violet * @since 1.7 */
public class SynthTabbedPaneUI extends BasicTabbedPaneUI implements PropertyChangeListener, SynthUI {

If non-zero, tabOverlap indicates the amount that the tab bounds should be altered such that they would overlap with a tab on either the leading or trailing end of a run (ie: in TOP, this would be on the left or right).

A positive overlap indicates that tabs should overlap right/down, while a negative overlap indicates tha tabs should overlap left/up.

When tabOverlap is specified, it both changes the x position and width of the tab if in TOP or BOTTOM placement, and changes the y position and height if in LEFT or RIGHT placement.

This is done for the following reason. Consider a run of 10 tabs. There are 9 gaps between these tabs. If you specified a tabOverlap of "-1", then each of the tabs "x" values will be shifted left. This leaves 9 pixels of space to the right of the right-most tab unpainted. So, each tab's width is also extended by 1 pixel to make up the difference.

This property respects the RTL component orientation.

/** * <p>If non-zero, tabOverlap indicates the amount that the tab bounds * should be altered such that they would overlap with a tab on either the * leading or trailing end of a run (ie: in TOP, this would be on the left * or right).</p> * <p>A positive overlap indicates that tabs should overlap right/down, * while a negative overlap indicates tha tabs should overlap left/up.</p> * * <p>When tabOverlap is specified, it both changes the x position and width * of the tab if in TOP or BOTTOM placement, and changes the y position and * height if in LEFT or RIGHT placement.</p> * * <p>This is done for the following reason. Consider a run of 10 tabs. * There are 9 gaps between these tabs. If you specified a tabOverlap of * "-1", then each of the tabs "x" values will be shifted left. This leaves * 9 pixels of space to the right of the right-most tab unpainted. So, each * tab's width is also extended by 1 pixel to make up the difference.</p> * * <p>This property respects the RTL component orientation.</p> */
private int tabOverlap = 0;
When a tabbed pane has multiple rows of tabs, this indicates whether the tabs in the upper row(s) should extend to the base of the tab area, or whether they should remain at their normal tab height. This does not affect the bounds of the tabs, only the bounds of area painted by the tabs. The text position does not change. The result is that the bottom border of the upper row of tabs becomes fully obscured by the lower tabs, resulting in a cleaner look.
/** * When a tabbed pane has multiple rows of tabs, this indicates whether * the tabs in the upper row(s) should extend to the base of the tab area, * or whether they should remain at their normal tab height. This does not * affect the bounds of the tabs, only the bounds of area painted by the * tabs. The text position does not change. The result is that the bottom * border of the upper row of tabs becomes fully obscured by the lower tabs, * resulting in a cleaner look. */
private boolean extendTabsToBase = false; private SynthContext tabAreaContext; private SynthContext tabContext; private SynthContext tabContentContext; private SynthStyle style; private SynthStyle tabStyle; private SynthStyle tabAreaStyle; private SynthStyle tabContentStyle; private Rectangle textRect = new Rectangle(); private Rectangle iconRect = new Rectangle(); private Rectangle tabAreaBounds = new Rectangle(); //added for the Nimbus look and feel, where the tab area is painted differently depending on the //state for the selected tab private boolean tabAreaStatesMatchSelectedTab = false; //added for the Nimbus LAF to ensure that the labels don't move whether the tab is selected or not private boolean nudgeSelectedLabel = true; private boolean selectedTabIsPressed = false;
Creates a new UI object for the given component.
  • c – component to create UI object for
Returns:the UI object
/** * Creates a new UI object for the given component. * * @param c component to create UI object for * @return the UI object */
public static ComponentUI createUI(JComponent c) { return new SynthTabbedPaneUI(); } private boolean scrollableTabLayoutEnabled() { return (tabPane.getTabLayoutPolicy() == JTabbedPane.SCROLL_TAB_LAYOUT); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected void installDefaults() { updateStyle(tabPane); } private void updateStyle(JTabbedPane c) { SynthContext context = getContext(c, ENABLED); SynthStyle oldStyle = style; style = SynthLookAndFeel.updateStyle(context, this); // Add properties other than JComponent colors, Borders and // opacity settings here: if (style != oldStyle) { tabRunOverlay = style.getInt(context, "TabbedPane.tabRunOverlay", 0); tabOverlap = style.getInt(context, "TabbedPane.tabOverlap", 0); extendTabsToBase = style.getBoolean(context, "TabbedPane.extendTabsToBase", false); textIconGap = style.getInt(context, "TabbedPane.textIconGap", 0); selectedTabPadInsets = (Insets)style.get(context, "TabbedPane.selectedTabPadInsets"); if (selectedTabPadInsets == null) { selectedTabPadInsets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0); } tabAreaStatesMatchSelectedTab = style.getBoolean(context, "TabbedPane.tabAreaStatesMatchSelectedTab", false); nudgeSelectedLabel = style.getBoolean(context, "TabbedPane.nudgeSelectedLabel", true); if (oldStyle != null) { uninstallKeyboardActions(); installKeyboardActions(); } } tabContext = getContext(c, Region.TABBED_PANE_TAB, ENABLED); this.tabStyle = SynthLookAndFeel.updateStyle(tabContext, this); tabInsets = tabStyle.getInsets(tabContext, null); tabAreaContext = getContext(c, Region.TABBED_PANE_TAB_AREA, ENABLED); this.tabAreaStyle = SynthLookAndFeel.updateStyle(tabAreaContext, this); tabAreaInsets = tabAreaStyle.getInsets(tabAreaContext, null); tabContentContext = getContext(c, Region.TABBED_PANE_CONTENT, ENABLED); this.tabContentStyle = SynthLookAndFeel.updateStyle(tabContentContext, this); contentBorderInsets = tabContentStyle.getInsets(tabContentContext, null); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected void installListeners() { super.installListeners(); tabPane.addPropertyChangeListener(this); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected void uninstallListeners() { super.uninstallListeners(); tabPane.removePropertyChangeListener(this); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected void uninstallDefaults() { SynthContext context = getContext(tabPane, ENABLED); style.uninstallDefaults(context); style = null; tabStyle.uninstallDefaults(tabContext); tabContext = null; tabStyle = null; tabAreaStyle.uninstallDefaults(tabAreaContext); tabAreaContext = null; tabAreaStyle = null; tabContentStyle.uninstallDefaults(tabContentContext); tabContentContext = null; tabContentStyle = null; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public SynthContext getContext(JComponent c) { return getContext(c, SynthLookAndFeel.getComponentState(c)); } private SynthContext getContext(JComponent c, int state) { return SynthContext.getContext(c, style, state); } private SynthContext getContext(JComponent c, Region subregion, int state){ SynthStyle style = null; if (subregion == Region.TABBED_PANE_TAB) { style = tabStyle; } else if (subregion == Region.TABBED_PANE_TAB_AREA) { style = tabAreaStyle; } else if (subregion == Region.TABBED_PANE_CONTENT) { style = tabContentStyle; } return SynthContext.getContext(c, subregion, style, state); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected JButton createScrollButton(int direction) { // added for Nimbus LAF so that it can use the basic arrow buttons // UIManager is queried directly here because this is called before // updateStyle is called so the style can not be queried directly if (UIManager.getBoolean("TabbedPane.useBasicArrows")) { JButton btn = super.createScrollButton(direction); btn.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder()); return btn; } return new SynthScrollableTabButton(direction); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e) { if (SynthLookAndFeel.shouldUpdateStyle(e)) { updateStyle(tabPane); } }
{@inheritDoc} Overridden to keep track of whether the selected tab is also pressed.
/** * {@inheritDoc} * * Overridden to keep track of whether the selected tab is also pressed. */
@Override protected MouseListener createMouseListener() { final MouseListener delegate = super.createMouseListener(); final MouseMotionListener delegate2 = (MouseMotionListener)delegate; return new MouseListener() { public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { delegate.mouseClicked(e); } public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { delegate.mouseEntered(e); } public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { delegate.mouseExited(e); } public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { if (!tabPane.isEnabled()) { return; } int tabIndex = tabForCoordinate(tabPane, e.getX(), e.getY()); if (tabIndex >= 0 && tabPane.isEnabledAt(tabIndex)) { if (tabIndex == tabPane.getSelectedIndex()) { // Clicking on selected tab selectedTabIsPressed = true; //TODO need to just repaint the tab area! tabPane.repaint(); } } //forward the event (this will set the selected index, or none at all delegate.mousePressed(e); } public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { if (selectedTabIsPressed) { selectedTabIsPressed = false; //TODO need to just repaint the tab area! tabPane.repaint(); } //forward the event delegate.mouseReleased(e); //hack: The super method *should* be setting the mouse-over property correctly //here, but it doesn't. That is, when the mouse is released, whatever tab is below the //released mouse should be in rollover state. But, if you select a tab and don't //move the mouse, this doesn't happen. Hence, forwarding the event. delegate2.mouseMoved(e); } }; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected int getTabLabelShiftX(int tabPlacement, int tabIndex, boolean isSelected) { if (nudgeSelectedLabel) { return super.getTabLabelShiftX(tabPlacement, tabIndex, isSelected); } else { return 0; } }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected int getTabLabelShiftY(int tabPlacement, int tabIndex, boolean isSelected) { if (nudgeSelectedLabel) { return super.getTabLabelShiftY(tabPlacement, tabIndex, isSelected); } else { return 0; } }
Notifies this UI delegate to repaint the specified component. This method paints the component background, then calls the paint(SynthContext, Graphics) method.

In general, this method does not need to be overridden by subclasses. All Look and Feel rendering code should reside in the paint method.

  • g – the Graphics object used for painting
  • c – the component being painted
See Also:
/** * Notifies this UI delegate to repaint the specified component. * This method paints the component background, then calls * the {@link #paint(SynthContext,Graphics)} method. * * <p>In general, this method does not need to be overridden by subclasses. * All Look and Feel rendering code should reside in the {@code paint} method. * * @param g the {@code Graphics} object used for painting * @param c the component being painted * @see #paint(SynthContext,Graphics) */
@Override public void update(Graphics g, JComponent c) { SynthContext context = getContext(c); SynthLookAndFeel.update(context, g); context.getPainter().paintTabbedPaneBackground(context, g, 0, 0, c.getWidth(), c.getHeight()); paint(context, g); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected int getBaseline(int tab) { if (tabPane.getTabComponentAt(tab) != null || getTextViewForTab(tab) != null) { return super.getBaseline(tab); } String title = tabPane.getTitleAt(tab); Font font = tabContext.getStyle().getFont(tabContext); FontMetrics metrics = getFontMetrics(font); Icon icon = getIconForTab(tab); textRect.setBounds(0, 0, 0, 0); iconRect.setBounds(0, 0, 0, 0); calcRect.setBounds(0, 0, Short.MAX_VALUE, maxTabHeight); tabContext.getStyle().getGraphicsUtils(tabContext).layoutText( tabContext, metrics, title, icon, SwingUtilities.CENTER, SwingUtilities.CENTER, SwingUtilities.LEADING, SwingUtilities.CENTER, calcRect, iconRect, textRect, textIconGap); return textRect.y + metrics.getAscent() + getBaselineOffset(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void paintBorder(SynthContext context, Graphics g, int x, int y, int w, int h) { context.getPainter().paintTabbedPaneBorder(context, g, x, y, w, h); }
Paints the specified component according to the Look and Feel.

This method is not used by Synth Look and Feel. Painting is handled by the paint(SynthContext, Graphics) method.

  • g – the Graphics object used for painting
  • c – the component being painted
See Also:
/** * Paints the specified component according to the Look and Feel. * <p>This method is not used by Synth Look and Feel. * Painting is handled by the {@link #paint(SynthContext,Graphics)} method. * * @param g the {@code Graphics} object used for painting * @param c the component being painted * @see #paint(SynthContext,Graphics) */
@Override public void paint(Graphics g, JComponent c) { SynthContext context = getContext(c); paint(context, g); }
Paints the specified component.
  • context – context for the component being painted
  • g – the Graphics object used for painting
See Also:
/** * Paints the specified component. * * @param context context for the component being painted * @param g the {@code Graphics} object used for painting * @see #update(Graphics,JComponent) */
protected void paint(SynthContext context, Graphics g) { int selectedIndex = tabPane.getSelectedIndex(); int tabPlacement = tabPane.getTabPlacement(); ensureCurrentLayout(); // Paint tab area // If scrollable tabs are enabled, the tab area will be // painted by the scrollable tab panel instead. // if (!scrollableTabLayoutEnabled()) { // WRAP_TAB_LAYOUT Insets insets = tabPane.getInsets(); int x = insets.left; int y = insets.top; int width = tabPane.getWidth() - insets.left - insets.right; int height = tabPane.getHeight() - insets.top - insets.bottom; int size; switch(tabPlacement) { case LEFT: width = calculateTabAreaWidth(tabPlacement, runCount, maxTabWidth); break; case RIGHT: size = calculateTabAreaWidth(tabPlacement, runCount, maxTabWidth); x = x + width - size; width = size; break; case BOTTOM: size = calculateTabAreaHeight(tabPlacement, runCount, maxTabHeight); y = y + height - size; height = size; break; case TOP: default: height = calculateTabAreaHeight(tabPlacement, runCount, maxTabHeight); } tabAreaBounds.setBounds(x, y, width, height); if (g.getClipBounds().intersects(tabAreaBounds)) { paintTabArea(tabAreaContext, g, tabPlacement, selectedIndex, tabAreaBounds); } } // Paint content border paintContentBorder(tabContentContext, g, tabPlacement, selectedIndex); } protected void paintTabArea(Graphics g, int tabPlacement, int selectedIndex) { // This can be invoked from ScrollabeTabPanel Insets insets = tabPane.getInsets(); int x = insets.left; int y = insets.top; int width = tabPane.getWidth() - insets.left - insets.right; int height = tabPane.getHeight() - insets.top - insets.bottom; paintTabArea(tabAreaContext, g, tabPlacement, selectedIndex, new Rectangle(x, y, width, height)); } private void paintTabArea(SynthContext ss, Graphics g, int tabPlacement, int selectedIndex, Rectangle tabAreaBounds) { Rectangle clipRect = g.getClipBounds(); //if the tab area's states should match that of the selected tab, then //first update the selected tab's states, then set the state //for the tab area to match //otherwise, restore the tab area's state to ENABLED (which is the //only supported state otherwise). if (tabAreaStatesMatchSelectedTab && selectedIndex >= 0) { updateTabContext(selectedIndex, true, selectedTabIsPressed, (getRolloverTab() == selectedIndex), (getFocusIndex() == selectedIndex)); ss.setComponentState(tabContext.getComponentState()); } else { ss.setComponentState(SynthConstants.ENABLED); } // Paint the tab area. SynthLookAndFeel.updateSubregion(ss, g, tabAreaBounds); ss.getPainter().paintTabbedPaneTabAreaBackground(ss, g, tabAreaBounds.x, tabAreaBounds.y, tabAreaBounds.width, tabAreaBounds.height, tabPlacement); ss.getPainter().paintTabbedPaneTabAreaBorder(ss, g, tabAreaBounds.x, tabAreaBounds.y, tabAreaBounds.width, tabAreaBounds.height, tabPlacement); int tabCount = tabPane.getTabCount(); iconRect.setBounds(0, 0, 0, 0); textRect.setBounds(0, 0, 0, 0); // Paint tabRuns of tabs from back to front for (int i = runCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { int start = tabRuns[i]; int next = tabRuns[(i == runCount - 1)? 0 : i + 1]; int end = (next != 0? next - 1: tabCount - 1); for (int j = start; j <= end; j++) { if (rects[j].intersects(clipRect) && selectedIndex != j) { paintTab(tabContext, g, tabPlacement, rects, j, iconRect, textRect); } } } if (selectedIndex >= 0) { if (rects[selectedIndex].intersects(clipRect)) { paintTab(tabContext, g, tabPlacement, rects, selectedIndex, iconRect, textRect); } } }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected void setRolloverTab(int index) { int oldRolloverTab = getRolloverTab(); super.setRolloverTab(index); Rectangle r = null; if (oldRolloverTab != index && tabAreaStatesMatchSelectedTab) { //TODO need to just repaint the tab area! tabPane.repaint(); } else { if ((oldRolloverTab >= 0) && (oldRolloverTab < tabPane.getTabCount())) { r = getTabBounds(tabPane, oldRolloverTab); if (r != null) { tabPane.repaint(r); } } if (index >= 0) { r = getTabBounds(tabPane, index); if (r != null) { tabPane.repaint(r); } } } } private void paintTab(SynthContext ss, Graphics g, int tabPlacement, Rectangle[] rects, int tabIndex, Rectangle iconRect, Rectangle textRect) { Rectangle tabRect = rects[tabIndex]; int selectedIndex = tabPane.getSelectedIndex(); boolean isSelected = selectedIndex == tabIndex; updateTabContext(tabIndex, isSelected, isSelected && selectedTabIsPressed, (getRolloverTab() == tabIndex), (getFocusIndex() == tabIndex)); SynthLookAndFeel.updateSubregion(ss, g, tabRect); int x = tabRect.x; int y = tabRect.y; int height = tabRect.height; int width = tabRect.width; int placement = tabPane.getTabPlacement(); if (extendTabsToBase && runCount > 1) { //paint this tab such that its edge closest to the base is equal to //edge of the selected tab closest to the base. In terms of the TOP //tab placement, this will cause the bottom of each tab to be //painted even with the bottom of the selected tab. This is because //in each tab placement (TOP, LEFT, BOTTOM, RIGHT) the selected tab //is closest to the base. if (selectedIndex >= 0) { Rectangle r = rects[selectedIndex]; switch (placement) { case TOP: int bottomY = r.y + r.height; height = bottomY - tabRect.y; break; case LEFT: int rightX = r.x + r.width; width = rightX - tabRect.x; break; case BOTTOM: int topY = r.y; height = (tabRect.y + tabRect.height) - topY; y = topY; break; case RIGHT: int leftX = r.x; width = (tabRect.x + tabRect.width) - leftX; x = leftX; break; } } } tabContext.getPainter().paintTabbedPaneTabBackground(tabContext, g, x, y, width, height, tabIndex, placement); tabContext.getPainter().paintTabbedPaneTabBorder(tabContext, g, x, y, width, height, tabIndex, placement); if (tabPane.getTabComponentAt(tabIndex) == null) { String title = tabPane.getTitleAt(tabIndex); String clippedTitle = title; Font font = ss.getStyle().getFont(ss); FontMetrics metrics = SwingUtilities2.getFontMetrics(tabPane, g, font); Icon icon = getIconForTab(tabIndex); layoutLabel(ss, tabPlacement, metrics, tabIndex, title, icon, tabRect, iconRect, textRect, isSelected); clippedTitle = SwingUtilities2.clipStringIfNecessary(null, metrics, title, textRect.width); paintText(ss, g, tabPlacement, font, metrics, tabIndex, clippedTitle, textRect, isSelected); paintIcon(g, tabPlacement, tabIndex, icon, iconRect, isSelected); } } private void layoutLabel(SynthContext ss, int tabPlacement, FontMetrics metrics, int tabIndex, String title, Icon icon, Rectangle tabRect, Rectangle iconRect, Rectangle textRect, boolean isSelected ) { View v = getTextViewForTab(tabIndex); if (v != null) { tabPane.putClientProperty("html", v); } textRect.x = textRect.y = iconRect.x = iconRect.y = 0; ss.getStyle().getGraphicsUtils(ss).layoutText(ss, metrics, title, icon, SwingUtilities.CENTER, SwingUtilities.CENTER, SwingUtilities.LEADING, SwingUtilities.CENTER, tabRect, iconRect, textRect, textIconGap); tabPane.putClientProperty("html", null); int xNudge = getTabLabelShiftX(tabPlacement, tabIndex, isSelected); int yNudge = getTabLabelShiftY(tabPlacement, tabIndex, isSelected); iconRect.x += xNudge; iconRect.y += yNudge; textRect.x += xNudge; textRect.y += yNudge; } private void paintText(SynthContext ss, Graphics g, int tabPlacement, Font font, FontMetrics metrics, int tabIndex, String title, Rectangle textRect, boolean isSelected) { g.setFont(font); View v = getTextViewForTab(tabIndex); if (v != null) { // html v.paint(g, textRect); } else { // plain text int mnemIndex = tabPane.getDisplayedMnemonicIndexAt(tabIndex); g.setColor(ss.getStyle().getColor(ss, ColorType.TEXT_FOREGROUND)); ss.getStyle().getGraphicsUtils(ss).paintText(ss, g, title, textRect, mnemIndex); } } private void paintContentBorder(SynthContext ss, Graphics g, int tabPlacement, int selectedIndex) { int width = tabPane.getWidth(); int height = tabPane.getHeight(); Insets insets = tabPane.getInsets(); int x = insets.left; int y = insets.top; int w = width - insets.right - insets.left; int h = height - insets.top - insets.bottom; switch(tabPlacement) { case LEFT: x += calculateTabAreaWidth(tabPlacement, runCount, maxTabWidth); w -= (x - insets.left); break; case RIGHT: w -= calculateTabAreaWidth(tabPlacement, runCount, maxTabWidth); break; case BOTTOM: h -= calculateTabAreaHeight(tabPlacement, runCount, maxTabHeight); break; case TOP: default: y += calculateTabAreaHeight(tabPlacement, runCount, maxTabHeight); h -= (y - insets.top); } SynthLookAndFeel.updateSubregion(ss, g, new Rectangle(x, y, w, h)); ss.getPainter().paintTabbedPaneContentBackground(ss, g, x, y, w, h); ss.getPainter().paintTabbedPaneContentBorder(ss, g, x, y, w, h); } private void ensureCurrentLayout() { if (!tabPane.isValid()) { tabPane.validate(); } /* If tabPane doesn't have a peer yet, the validate() call will * silently fail. We handle that by forcing a layout if tabPane * is still invalid. See bug 4237677. */ if (!tabPane.isValid()) { TabbedPaneLayout layout = (TabbedPaneLayout)tabPane.getLayout(); layout.calculateLayoutInfo(); } }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected int calculateMaxTabHeight(int tabPlacement) { FontMetrics metrics = getFontMetrics(tabContext.getStyle().getFont( tabContext)); int tabCount = tabPane.getTabCount(); int result = 0; int fontHeight = metrics.getHeight(); for(int i = 0; i < tabCount; i++) { result = Math.max(calculateTabHeight(tabPlacement, i, fontHeight), result); } return result; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected int calculateTabWidth(int tabPlacement, int tabIndex, FontMetrics metrics) { Icon icon = getIconForTab(tabIndex); Insets tabInsets = getTabInsets(tabPlacement, tabIndex); int width = tabInsets.left + tabInsets.right; Component tabComponent = tabPane.getTabComponentAt(tabIndex); if (tabComponent != null) { width += tabComponent.getPreferredSize().width; } else { if (icon != null) { width += icon.getIconWidth() + textIconGap; } View v = getTextViewForTab(tabIndex); if (v != null) { // html width += (int) v.getPreferredSpan(View.X_AXIS); } else { // plain text String title = tabPane.getTitleAt(tabIndex); width += tabContext.getStyle().getGraphicsUtils(tabContext). computeStringWidth(tabContext, metrics.getFont(), metrics, title); } } return width; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected int calculateMaxTabWidth(int tabPlacement) { FontMetrics metrics = getFontMetrics(tabContext.getStyle().getFont( tabContext)); int tabCount = tabPane.getTabCount(); int result = 0; for(int i = 0; i < tabCount; i++) { result = Math.max(calculateTabWidth(tabPlacement, i, metrics), result); } return result; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected Insets getTabInsets(int tabPlacement, int tabIndex) { updateTabContext(tabIndex, false, false, false, (getFocusIndex() == tabIndex)); return tabInsets; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected FontMetrics getFontMetrics() { return getFontMetrics(tabContext.getStyle().getFont(tabContext)); } private FontMetrics getFontMetrics(Font font) { return tabPane.getFontMetrics(font); } private void updateTabContext(int index, boolean selected, boolean isMouseDown, boolean isMouseOver, boolean hasFocus) { int state = 0; if (!tabPane.isEnabled() || !tabPane.isEnabledAt(index)) { state |= SynthConstants.DISABLED; if (selected) { state |= SynthConstants.SELECTED; } } else if (selected) { state |= (SynthConstants.ENABLED | SynthConstants.SELECTED); if (isMouseOver && UIManager.getBoolean("TabbedPane.isTabRollover")) { state |= SynthConstants.MOUSE_OVER; } } else if (isMouseOver) { state |= (SynthConstants.ENABLED | SynthConstants.MOUSE_OVER); } else { state = SynthLookAndFeel.getComponentState(tabPane); state &= ~SynthConstants.FOCUSED; // don't use tabbedpane focus state } if (hasFocus && tabPane.hasFocus()) { state |= SynthConstants.FOCUSED; // individual tab has focus } if (isMouseDown) { state |= SynthConstants.PRESSED; } tabContext.setComponentState(state); }
{@inheritDoc} Overridden to create a TabbedPaneLayout subclass which takes into account tabOverlap.
/** * {@inheritDoc} * * Overridden to create a TabbedPaneLayout subclass which takes into * account tabOverlap. */
@Override protected LayoutManager createLayoutManager() { if (tabPane.getTabLayoutPolicy() == JTabbedPane.SCROLL_TAB_LAYOUT) { return super.createLayoutManager(); } else { /* WRAP_TAB_LAYOUT */ return new TabbedPaneLayout() { @Override public void calculateLayoutInfo() { super.calculateLayoutInfo(); //shift all the tabs, if necessary if (tabOverlap != 0) { int tabCount = tabPane.getTabCount(); //left-to-right/right-to-left only affects layout //when placement is TOP or BOTTOM boolean ltr = tabPane.getComponentOrientation().isLeftToRight(); for (int i = runCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { int start = tabRuns[i]; int next = tabRuns[(i == runCount - 1)? 0 : i + 1]; int end = (next != 0? next - 1: tabCount - 1); for (int j = start+1; j <= end; j++) { // xshift and yshift represent the amount & // direction to shift the tab in their // respective axis. int xshift = 0; int yshift = 0; // configure xshift and y shift based on tab // position and ltr/rtl switch (tabPane.getTabPlacement()) { case JTabbedPane.TOP: case JTabbedPane.BOTTOM: xshift = ltr ? tabOverlap : -tabOverlap; break; case JTabbedPane.LEFT: case JTabbedPane.RIGHT: yshift = tabOverlap; break; default: //do nothing } rects[j].x += xshift; rects[j].y += yshift; rects[j].width += Math.abs(xshift); rects[j].height += Math.abs(yshift); } } } } }; } } @SuppressWarnings("serial") // Superclass is not serializable across versions private class SynthScrollableTabButton extends SynthArrowButton implements UIResource { public SynthScrollableTabButton(int direction) { super(direction); setName("TabbedPane.button"); } } }