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package javax.swing.plaf.synth;

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.plaf.*;
import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSpinnerUI;
import java.beans.*;

Provides the Synth L&F UI delegate for JSpinner.
Author:Hans Muller, Joshua Outwater
/** * Provides the Synth L&F UI delegate for * {@link javax.swing.JSpinner}. * * @author Hans Muller * @author Joshua Outwater * @since 1.7 */
public class SynthSpinnerUI extends BasicSpinnerUI implements PropertyChangeListener, SynthUI { private SynthStyle style;
A FocusListener implementation which causes the entire spinner to be repainted whenever the editor component (typically a text field) becomes focused, or loses focus. This is necessary because since SynthSpinnerUI is composed of an editor and two buttons, it is necessary that all three components indicate that they are "focused" so that they can be drawn appropriately. The repaint is used to ensure that the buttons are drawn in the new focused or unfocused state, mirroring that of the editor.
/** * A FocusListener implementation which causes the entire spinner to be * repainted whenever the editor component (typically a text field) becomes * focused, or loses focus. This is necessary because since SynthSpinnerUI * is composed of an editor and two buttons, it is necessary that all three * components indicate that they are "focused" so that they can be drawn * appropriately. The repaint is used to ensure that the buttons are drawn * in the new focused or unfocused state, mirroring that of the editor. */
private EditorFocusHandler editorFocusHandler = new EditorFocusHandler();
Returns a new instance of SynthSpinnerUI.
  • c – the JSpinner (not used)
See Also:
Returns:a new SynthSpinnerUI object
/** * Returns a new instance of SynthSpinnerUI. * * @param c the JSpinner (not used) * @see ComponentUI#createUI * @return a new SynthSpinnerUI object */
public static ComponentUI createUI(JComponent c) { return new SynthSpinnerUI(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected void installListeners() { super.installListeners(); spinner.addPropertyChangeListener(this); JComponent editor = spinner.getEditor(); if (editor instanceof JSpinner.DefaultEditor) { JTextField tf = ((JSpinner.DefaultEditor)editor).getTextField(); if (tf != null) { tf.addFocusListener(editorFocusHandler); } } }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected void uninstallListeners() { super.uninstallListeners(); spinner.removePropertyChangeListener(this); JComponent editor = spinner.getEditor(); if (editor instanceof JSpinner.DefaultEditor) { JTextField tf = ((JSpinner.DefaultEditor)editor).getTextField(); if (tf != null) { tf.removeFocusListener(editorFocusHandler); } } }
Initializes the JSpinner border, foreground, and background, properties based on the corresponding "Spinner.*" properties from defaults table. The JSpinners layout is set to the value returned by createLayout. This method is called by installUI.
See Also:
/** * Initializes the <code>JSpinner</code> <code>border</code>, * <code>foreground</code>, and <code>background</code>, properties * based on the corresponding "Spinner.*" properties from defaults table. * The <code>JSpinners</code> layout is set to the value returned by * <code>createLayout</code>. This method is called by <code>installUI</code>. * * @see #uninstallDefaults * @see #installUI * @see #createLayout * @see LookAndFeel#installBorder * @see LookAndFeel#installColors */
@Override protected void installDefaults() { LayoutManager layout = spinner.getLayout(); if (layout == null || layout instanceof UIResource) { spinner.setLayout(createLayout()); } updateStyle(spinner); } private void updateStyle(JSpinner c) { SynthContext context = getContext(c, ENABLED); SynthStyle oldStyle = style; style = SynthLookAndFeel.updateStyle(context, this); if (style != oldStyle) { if (oldStyle != null) { // Only call installKeyboardActions as uninstall is not // public. installKeyboardActions(); } } }
Sets the JSpinner's layout manager to null. This method is called by uninstallUI.
See Also:
/** * Sets the <code>JSpinner's</code> layout manager to null. This * method is called by <code>uninstallUI</code>. * * @see #installDefaults * @see #uninstallUI */
@Override protected void uninstallDefaults() { if (spinner.getLayout() instanceof UIResource) { spinner.setLayout(null); } SynthContext context = getContext(spinner, ENABLED); style.uninstallDefaults(context); style = null; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected LayoutManager createLayout() { return new SpinnerLayout(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected Component createPreviousButton() { JButton b = new SynthArrowButton(SwingConstants.SOUTH); b.setName("Spinner.previousButton"); installPreviousButtonListeners(b); return b; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected Component createNextButton() { JButton b = new SynthArrowButton(SwingConstants.NORTH); b.setName("Spinner.nextButton"); installNextButtonListeners(b); return b; }
This method is called by installUI to get the editor component of the JSpinner. By default it just returns JSpinner.getEditor(). Subclasses can override createEditor to return a component that contains the spinner's editor or null, if they're going to handle adding the editor to the JSpinner in an installUI override.

Typically this method would be overridden to wrap the editor with a container with a custom border, since one can't assume that the editors border can be set directly.

The replaceEditor method is called when the spinners editor is changed with JSpinner.setEditor. If you've overriden this method, then you'll probably want to override replaceEditor as well.

See Also:
Returns:the JSpinners editor JComponent, spinner.getEditor() by default
/** * This method is called by installUI to get the editor component * of the <code>JSpinner</code>. By default it just returns * <code>JSpinner.getEditor()</code>. Subclasses can override * <code>createEditor</code> to return a component that contains * the spinner's editor or null, if they're going to handle adding * the editor to the <code>JSpinner</code> in an * <code>installUI</code> override. * <p> * Typically this method would be overridden to wrap the editor * with a container with a custom border, since one can't assume * that the editors border can be set directly. * <p> * The <code>replaceEditor</code> method is called when the spinners * editor is changed with <code>JSpinner.setEditor</code>. If you've * overriden this method, then you'll probably want to override * <code>replaceEditor</code> as well. * * @return the JSpinners editor JComponent, spinner.getEditor() by default * @see #installUI * @see #replaceEditor * @see JSpinner#getEditor */
@Override protected JComponent createEditor() { JComponent editor = spinner.getEditor(); editor.setName("Spinner.editor"); updateEditorAlignment(editor); return editor; }
Called by the PropertyChangeListener when the JSpinner editor property changes. It's the responsibility of this method to remove the old editor and add the new one. By default this operation is just:
spinner.add(newEditor, "Editor");
The implementation of replaceEditor should be coordinated with the createEditor method.
See Also:
/** * Called by the <code>PropertyChangeListener</code> when the * <code>JSpinner</code> editor property changes. It's the responsibility * of this method to remove the old editor and add the new one. By * default this operation is just: * <pre> * spinner.remove(oldEditor); * spinner.add(newEditor, "Editor"); * </pre> * The implementation of <code>replaceEditor</code> should be coordinated * with the <code>createEditor</code> method. * * @see #createEditor * @see #createPropertyChangeListener */
@Override protected void replaceEditor(JComponent oldEditor, JComponent newEditor) { spinner.remove(oldEditor); spinner.add(newEditor, "Editor"); if (oldEditor instanceof JSpinner.DefaultEditor) { JTextField tf = ((JSpinner.DefaultEditor)oldEditor).getTextField(); if (tf != null) { tf.removeFocusListener(editorFocusHandler); } } if (newEditor instanceof JSpinner.DefaultEditor) { JTextField tf = ((JSpinner.DefaultEditor)newEditor).getTextField(); if (tf != null) { tf.addFocusListener(editorFocusHandler); } } } private void updateEditorAlignment(JComponent editor) { if (editor instanceof JSpinner.DefaultEditor) { SynthContext context = getContext(spinner); Integer alignment = (Integer)context.getStyle().get( context, "Spinner.editorAlignment"); JTextField text = ((JSpinner.DefaultEditor)editor).getTextField(); if (alignment != null) { text.setHorizontalAlignment(alignment); } // copy across the sizeVariant property to the editor text.putClientProperty("JComponent.sizeVariant", spinner.getClientProperty("JComponent.sizeVariant")); } }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public SynthContext getContext(JComponent c) { return getContext(c, SynthLookAndFeel.getComponentState(c)); } private SynthContext getContext(JComponent c, int state) { return SynthContext.getContext(c, style, state); }
Notifies this UI delegate to repaint the specified component. This method paints the component background, then calls the paint(SynthContext, Graphics) method.

In general, this method does not need to be overridden by subclasses. All Look and Feel rendering code should reside in the paint method.

  • g – the Graphics object used for painting
  • c – the component being painted
See Also:
/** * Notifies this UI delegate to repaint the specified component. * This method paints the component background, then calls * the {@link #paint(SynthContext,Graphics)} method. * * <p>In general, this method does not need to be overridden by subclasses. * All Look and Feel rendering code should reside in the {@code paint} method. * * @param g the {@code Graphics} object used for painting * @param c the component being painted * @see #paint(SynthContext,Graphics) */
@Override public void update(Graphics g, JComponent c) { SynthContext context = getContext(c); SynthLookAndFeel.update(context, g); context.getPainter().paintSpinnerBackground(context, g, 0, 0, c.getWidth(), c.getHeight()); paint(context, g); }
Paints the specified component according to the Look and Feel.

This method is not used by Synth Look and Feel. Painting is handled by the paint(SynthContext, Graphics) method.

  • g – the Graphics object used for painting
  • c – the component being painted
See Also:
/** * Paints the specified component according to the Look and Feel. * <p>This method is not used by Synth Look and Feel. * Painting is handled by the {@link #paint(SynthContext,Graphics)} method. * * @param g the {@code Graphics} object used for painting * @param c the component being painted * @see #paint(SynthContext,Graphics) */
@Override public void paint(Graphics g, JComponent c) { SynthContext context = getContext(c); paint(context, g); }
Paints the specified component. This implementation does nothing.
  • context – context for the component being painted
  • g – the Graphics object used for painting
See Also:
/** * Paints the specified component. This implementation does nothing. * * @param context context for the component being painted * @param g the {@code Graphics} object used for painting * @see #update(Graphics,JComponent) */
protected void paint(SynthContext context, Graphics g) { }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void paintBorder(SynthContext context, Graphics g, int x, int y, int w, int h) { context.getPainter().paintSpinnerBorder(context, g, x, y, w, h); }
A simple layout manager for the editor and the next/previous buttons. See the SynthSpinnerUI javadoc for more information about exactly how the components are arranged.
/** * A simple layout manager for the editor and the next/previous buttons. * See the SynthSpinnerUI javadoc for more information about exactly * how the components are arranged. */
private static class SpinnerLayout implements LayoutManager, UIResource { private Component nextButton = null; private Component previousButton = null; private Component editor = null; public void addLayoutComponent(String name, Component c) { if ("Next".equals(name)) { nextButton = c; } else if ("Previous".equals(name)) { previousButton = c; } else if ("Editor".equals(name)) { editor = c; } } public void removeLayoutComponent(Component c) { if (c == nextButton) { nextButton = null; } else if (c == previousButton) { previousButton = null; } else if (c == editor) { editor = null; } } private Dimension preferredSize(Component c) { return (c == null) ? new Dimension(0, 0) : c.getPreferredSize(); } public Dimension preferredLayoutSize(Container parent) { Dimension nextD = preferredSize(nextButton); Dimension previousD = preferredSize(previousButton); Dimension editorD = preferredSize(editor); /* Force the editors height to be a multiple of 2 */ editorD.height = ((editorD.height + 1) / 2) * 2; Dimension size = new Dimension(editorD.width, editorD.height); size.width += Math.max(nextD.width, previousD.width); Insets insets = parent.getInsets(); size.width += insets.left + insets.right; size.height += insets.top + insets.bottom; return size; } public Dimension minimumLayoutSize(Container parent) { return preferredLayoutSize(parent); } private void setBounds(Component c, int x, int y, int width, int height) { if (c != null) { c.setBounds(x, y, width, height); } } public void layoutContainer(Container parent) { Insets insets = parent.getInsets(); int availWidth = parent.getWidth() - (insets.left + insets.right); int availHeight = parent.getHeight() - (insets.top + insets.bottom); Dimension nextD = preferredSize(nextButton); Dimension previousD = preferredSize(previousButton); int nextHeight = availHeight / 2; int previousHeight = availHeight - nextHeight; int buttonsWidth = Math.max(nextD.width, previousD.width); int editorWidth = availWidth - buttonsWidth; /* Deal with the spinners componentOrientation property. */ int editorX, buttonsX; if (parent.getComponentOrientation().isLeftToRight()) { editorX = insets.left; buttonsX = editorX + editorWidth; } else { buttonsX = insets.left; editorX = buttonsX + buttonsWidth; } int previousY = insets.top + nextHeight; setBounds(editor, editorX, insets.top, editorWidth, availHeight); setBounds(nextButton, buttonsX, insets.top, buttonsWidth, nextHeight); setBounds(previousButton, buttonsX, previousY, buttonsWidth, previousHeight); } }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e) { JSpinner spinner = (JSpinner)(e.getSource()); SpinnerUI spinnerUI = spinner.getUI(); if (spinnerUI instanceof SynthSpinnerUI) { SynthSpinnerUI ui = (SynthSpinnerUI)spinnerUI; if (SynthLookAndFeel.shouldUpdateStyle(e)) { ui.updateStyle(spinner); } } }
Listen to editor text field focus changes and repaint whole spinner
/** Listen to editor text field focus changes and repaint whole spinner */
private class EditorFocusHandler implements FocusListener{
Invoked when a editor text field gains the keyboard focus.
/** Invoked when a editor text field gains the keyboard focus. */
@Override public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) { spinner.repaint(); }
Invoked when a editor text field loses the keyboard focus.
/** Invoked when a editor text field loses the keyboard focus. */
@Override public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) { spinner.repaint(); } } }