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package sun.security.util;

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.zip.ZipEntry;
import java.util.zip.ZipInputStream;

import sun.security.ssl.SSLLogger;

Allows public suffixes and registered domains to be determined from a string that represents a target domain name. A database of known registered suffixes is used to perform the determination. A public suffix is defined as the rightmost part of a domain name that is not owned by an individual registrant. Examples of public suffixes are: com edu co.uk k12.ak.us com.tw \u7db2\u8def.tw Public suffixes effectively denote registration authorities. A registered domain is a public suffix preceded by one domain label and a ".". Examples are: oracle.com mit.edu The internal database is derived from the information maintained at http://publicsuffix.org. The information is fixed for a particular JDK installation, but may be updated in future releases or updates. Because of the large number of top-level domains (TLDs) and public suffix rules, we only load the rules on demand -- from a Zip file containing an entry for each TLD. As each entry is loaded, its data is stored permanently in a cache. The containment hierarchy for the data is shown below: Rules --> contains all the rules for a particular TLD RuleSet --> contains all the rules that match 1 label RuleSet --> contains all the rules that match 2 labels RuleSet --> contains all the rules that match 3 labels : RuleSet --> contains all the rules that match N labels HashSet of rules, where each rule is an exception rule, a "normal" rule, a wildcard rule (rules that contain a wildcard prefix only), or a LinkedList of "other" rules The general matching algorithm tries to find a longest match. So, the search begins at the RuleSet with the most labels, and works backwards. Exceptions take priority over all other rules, and if a Rule contains any exceptions, then even if we find a "normal" match, we search all other RuleSets for exceptions. It is assumed that all other rules don't intersect/overlap. If this happens, a match will be returned, but not necessarily the expected one. For a further explanation of the rules, see http://publicsuffix.org/list/. The "other" rules are for the (possible future) case where wildcards are located in a rule any place other than the beginning.
/** * Allows public suffixes and registered domains to be determined from a * string that represents a target domain name. A database of known * registered suffixes is used to perform the determination. * * A public suffix is defined as the rightmost part of a domain name * that is not owned by an individual registrant. Examples of * public suffixes are: * com * edu * co.uk * k12.ak.us * com.tw * \u7db2\u8def.tw * * Public suffixes effectively denote registration authorities. * * A registered domain is a public suffix preceded by one domain label * and a ".". Examples are: * oracle.com * mit.edu * * The internal database is derived from the information maintained at * http://publicsuffix.org. The information is fixed for a particular * JDK installation, but may be updated in future releases or updates. * * Because of the large number of top-level domains (TLDs) and public * suffix rules, we only load the rules on demand -- from a Zip file * containing an entry for each TLD. * * As each entry is loaded, its data is stored permanently in a cache. * * The containment hierarchy for the data is shown below: * * Rules --> contains all the rules for a particular TLD * RuleSet --> contains all the rules that match 1 label * RuleSet --> contains all the rules that match 2 labels * RuleSet --> contains all the rules that match 3 labels * : * RuleSet --> contains all the rules that match N labels * HashSet of rules, where each rule is an exception rule, a "normal" * rule, a wildcard rule (rules that contain a wildcard prefix only), * or a LinkedList of "other" rules * * The general matching algorithm tries to find a longest match. So, the * search begins at the RuleSet with the most labels, and works backwards. * * Exceptions take priority over all other rules, and if a Rule contains * any exceptions, then even if we find a "normal" match, we search all * other RuleSets for exceptions. It is assumed that all other rules don't * intersect/overlap. If this happens, a match will be returned, but not * necessarily the expected one. For a further explanation of the rules, * see http://publicsuffix.org/list/. * * The "other" rules are for the (possible future) case where wildcards * are located in a rule any place other than the beginning. */
class DomainName {
For efficiency, the set of rules for each TLD is kept in text files and only loaded if needed.
/** * For efficiency, the set of rules for each TLD is kept * in text files and only loaded if needed. */
private static final Map<String, Rules> cache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private DomainName() {}
Returns the registered domain of the specified domain.
  • domain – the domain name
Returns:the registered domain, or null if not known or not registerable
/** * Returns the registered domain of the specified domain. * * @param domain the domain name * @return the registered domain, or null if not known or not registerable * @throws NullPointerException if domain is null */
public static RegisteredDomain registeredDomain(String domain) { Match match = getMatch(domain); return (match != null) ? match.registeredDomain() : null; } private static Match getMatch(String domain) { if (domain == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } Rules rules = Rules.getRules(domain); return rules == null ? null : rules.match(domain); }
A Rules object contains a list of rules for a particular TLD. Rules are stored in a linked list of RuleSet objects. The list is indexed according to the number of labels in the name (minus one) such that all rules with the same number of labels are stored in the same RuleSet. Doing this means we can find the longest match first, and also we can stop comparing as soon as we find a match.
/** * A Rules object contains a list of rules for a particular TLD. * * Rules are stored in a linked list of RuleSet objects. The list is * indexed according to the number of labels in the name (minus one) * such that all rules with the same number of labels are stored * in the same RuleSet. * * Doing this means we can find the longest match first, and also we * can stop comparing as soon as we find a match. */
private static class Rules { private final LinkedList<RuleSet> ruleSets = new LinkedList<>(); private final boolean hasExceptions; private Rules(InputStream is) throws IOException { InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(is, "UTF-8"); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(isr); boolean hasExceptions = false; String line; int type = reader.read(); while (type != -1 && (line = reader.readLine()) != null) { int numLabels = RuleSet.numLabels(line); if (numLabels != 0) { RuleSet ruleset = getRuleSet(numLabels - 1); ruleset.addRule(type, line); hasExceptions |= ruleset.hasExceptions; } type = reader.read(); } this.hasExceptions = hasExceptions; } static Rules getRules(String domain) { String tld = getTopLevelDomain(domain); if (tld.isEmpty()) { return null; } return cache.computeIfAbsent(tld, k -> createRules(tld)); } private static String getTopLevelDomain(String domain) { int n = domain.lastIndexOf('.'); if (n == -1) { return domain; } return domain.substring(n + 1); } private static Rules createRules(String tld) { try (InputStream pubSuffixStream = getPubSuffixStream()) { if (pubSuffixStream == null) { return null; } return getRules(tld, new ZipInputStream(pubSuffixStream)); } catch (IOException e) { if (SSLLogger.isOn && SSLLogger.isOn("ssl")) { SSLLogger.fine( "cannot parse public suffix data for " + tld + ": " + e.getMessage()); } return null; } } private static InputStream getPubSuffixStream() { InputStream is = AccessController.doPrivileged( new PrivilegedAction<>() { @Override public InputStream run() { File f = new File(System.getProperty("java.home"), "lib/security/public_suffix_list.dat"); try { return new FileInputStream(f); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { return null; } } } ); if (is == null) { if (SSLLogger.isOn && SSLLogger.isOn("ssl") && SSLLogger.isOn("trustmanager")) { SSLLogger.fine( "lib/security/public_suffix_list.dat not found"); } } return is; } private static Rules getRules(String tld, ZipInputStream zis) throws IOException { boolean found = false; ZipEntry ze = zis.getNextEntry(); while (ze != null && !found) { if (ze.getName().equals(tld)) { found = true; } else { ze = zis.getNextEntry(); } } if (!found) { if (SSLLogger.isOn && SSLLogger.isOn("ssl")) { SSLLogger.fine("Domain " + tld + " not found"); } return null; } return new Rules(zis); }
Return the requested RuleSet. If it hasn't been created yet, create it and any RuleSets leading up to it.
/** * Return the requested RuleSet. If it hasn't been created yet, * create it and any RuleSets leading up to it. */
private RuleSet getRuleSet(int index) { if (index < ruleSets.size()) { return ruleSets.get(index); } RuleSet r = null; for (int i = ruleSets.size(); i <= index; i++) { r = new RuleSet(i + 1); ruleSets.add(r); } return r; }
Find a match for the target string.
/** * Find a match for the target string. */
Match match(String domain) { // Start at the end of the rules list, looking for longest match. // After we find a normal match, we only look for exceptions. Match possibleMatch = null; Iterator<RuleSet> it = ruleSets.descendingIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { RuleSet ruleSet = it.next(); Match match = ruleSet.match(domain); if (match != null) { if (match.type() == Rule.Type.EXCEPTION || !hasExceptions) { return match; } if (possibleMatch == null) { possibleMatch = match; } } } return possibleMatch; }
Represents a set of rules with the same number of labels and for a particular TLD. Examples: numLabels = 2 names: co.uk, ac.uk wildcards *.de (only "de" stored in HashSet) exceptions: !foo.de (stored as "foo.de")
/** * Represents a set of rules with the same number of labels * and for a particular TLD. * * Examples: * numLabels = 2 * names: co.uk, ac.uk * wildcards *.de (only "de" stored in HashSet) * exceptions: !foo.de (stored as "foo.de") */
private static class RuleSet { // the number of labels in this ruleset private final int numLabels; private final Set<Rule> rules = new HashSet<>(); boolean hasExceptions = false; private static final RegisteredDomain.Type[] AUTHS = RegisteredDomain.Type.values(); RuleSet(int n) { numLabels = n; } void addRule(int auth, String rule) { if (rule.startsWith("!")) { rules.add(new Rule(rule.substring(1), Rule.Type.EXCEPTION, AUTHS[auth])); hasExceptions = true; } else if (rule.startsWith("*.") && rule.lastIndexOf('*') == 0) { rules.add(new Rule(rule.substring(2), Rule.Type.WILDCARD, AUTHS[auth])); } else if (rule.indexOf('*') == -1) { // a "normal" label rules.add(new Rule(rule, Rule.Type.NORMAL, AUTHS[auth])); } else { // There is a wildcard in a non-leading label. This case // doesn't currently exist, but we need to handle it anyway. rules.add(new OtherRule(rule, AUTHS[auth], split(rule))); } } Match match(String domain) { Match match = null; for (Rule rule : rules) { switch (rule.type) { case NORMAL: if (match == null) { match = matchNormal(domain, rule); } break; case WILDCARD: if (match == null) { match = matchWildcard(domain, rule); } break; case OTHER: if (match == null) { match = matchOther(domain, rule); } break; case EXCEPTION: Match excMatch = matchException(domain, rule); if (excMatch != null) { return excMatch; } break; } } return match; } private static LinkedList<String> split(String rule) { String[] labels = rule.split("\\."); return new LinkedList<>(Arrays.asList(labels)); } private static int numLabels(String rule) { if (rule.isEmpty()) { return 0; } int len = rule.length(); int count = 0; int index = 0; while (index < len) { int pos; if ((pos = rule.indexOf('.', index)) == -1) { return count + 1; } index = pos + 1; count++; } return count; }
Check for a match with an explicit name rule or a wildcard rule (i.e., a non-exception rule).
/** * Check for a match with an explicit name rule or a wildcard rule * (i.e., a non-exception rule). */
private Match matchNormal(String domain, Rule rule) { int index = labels(domain, numLabels); if (index == -1) { return null; } // Check for explicit names. String substring = domain.substring(index); if (rule.domain.equals(substring)) { return new CommonMatch(domain, rule, index); } return null; } private Match matchWildcard(String domain, Rule rule) { // Now check for wildcards. In this case, there is one fewer // label than numLabels. int index = labels(domain, numLabels - 1); if (index > 0) { String substring = domain.substring(index); if (rule.domain.equals(substring)) { return new CommonMatch(domain, rule, labels(domain, numLabels)); } } return null; }
Check for a match with an exception rule.
/** * Check for a match with an exception rule. */
private Match matchException(String domain, Rule rule) { int index = labels(domain, numLabels); if (index == -1) { return null; } String substring = domain.substring(index); if (rule.domain.equals(substring)) { return new CommonMatch(domain, rule, labels(domain, numLabels - 1)); } return null; }
A left-to-right comparison of labels. The simplest approach to doing match() would be to use a descending iterator giving a right-to-left comparison. But, it's more efficient to do left-to-right compares because the left most labels are the ones most likely to be different. We just have to figure out which label to start at.
/** * A left-to-right comparison of labels. * The simplest approach to doing match() would be to * use a descending iterator giving a right-to-left comparison. * But, it's more efficient to do left-to-right compares * because the left most labels are the ones most likely to be * different. We just have to figure out which label to start at. */
private Match matchOther(String domain, Rule rule) { OtherRule otherRule = (OtherRule)rule; LinkedList<String> target = split(domain); int diff = target.size() - numLabels; if (diff < 0) { return null; } boolean found = true; for (int i = 0; i < numLabels; i++) { String ruleLabel = otherRule.labels.get(i); String targetLabel = target.get(i + diff); if (ruleLabel.charAt(0) != '*' && !ruleLabel.equalsIgnoreCase(targetLabel)) { found = false; break; } } if (found) { return new OtherMatch(rule, numLabels, target); } return null; }
Returns a substring (index) with the n right-most labels from s. Returns -1 if s does not have at least n labels, 0, if the substring is s.
/** * Returns a substring (index) with the n right-most labels from s. * Returns -1 if s does not have at least n labels, 0, if the * substring is s. */
private static int labels(String s, int n) { if (n < 1) { return -1; } int index = s.length(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { int next = s.lastIndexOf('.', index); if (next == -1) { if (i == n - 1) { return 0; } else { return -1; } } index = next - 1; } return index + 2; } } } private static class Rule { enum Type { EXCEPTION, NORMAL, OTHER, WILDCARD } String domain; Type type; RegisteredDomain.Type auth; Rule(String domain, Type type, RegisteredDomain.Type auth) { this.domain = domain; this.type = type; this.auth = auth; } } private static class OtherRule extends Rule { List<String> labels; OtherRule(String domain, RegisteredDomain.Type auth, List<String> labels) { super(domain, Type.OTHER, auth); this.labels = labels; } }
Represents a string's match with a rule in the public suffix list.
/** * Represents a string's match with a rule in the public suffix list. */
private interface Match { RegisteredDomain registeredDomain(); Rule.Type type(); } private static class RegisteredDomainImpl implements RegisteredDomain { private final String name; private final Type type; private final String publicSuffix; RegisteredDomainImpl(String name, Type type, String publicSuffix) { this.name = name; this.type = type; this.publicSuffix = publicSuffix; } @Override public String name() { return name; } @Override public Type type() { return type; } @Override public String publicSuffix() { return publicSuffix; } }
Represents a match against a standard rule in the public suffix list. A standard rule is an explicit name, a wildcard rule with a wildcard only in the leading label, or an exception rule.
/** * Represents a match against a standard rule in the public suffix list. * A standard rule is an explicit name, a wildcard rule with a wildcard * only in the leading label, or an exception rule. */
private static class CommonMatch implements Match { private String domain; private int publicSuffix; // index to private int registeredDomain; // index to private final Rule rule; CommonMatch(String domain, Rule rule, int publicSuffix) { this.domain = domain; this.publicSuffix = publicSuffix; this.rule = rule; // now locate the previous label registeredDomain = domain.lastIndexOf('.', publicSuffix - 2); if (registeredDomain == -1) { registeredDomain = 0; } else { registeredDomain++; } } @Override public RegisteredDomain registeredDomain() { if (publicSuffix == 0) { return null; } return new RegisteredDomainImpl(domain.substring(registeredDomain), rule.auth, domain.substring(publicSuffix)); } @Override public Rule.Type type() { return rule.type; } }
Represents a non-match with NO_MATCH or a match against a non-standard rule in the public suffix list. A non-standard rule is a wildcard rule that includes wildcards in a label other than the leading label. The public suffix list doesn't currently have such rules.
/** * Represents a non-match with {@code NO_MATCH} or a match against * a non-standard rule in the public suffix list. A non-standard rule * is a wildcard rule that includes wildcards in a label other than * the leading label. The public suffix list doesn't currently have * such rules. */
private static class OtherMatch implements Match { private final Rule rule; private final int numLabels; private final LinkedList<String> target; OtherMatch(Rule rule, int numLabels, LinkedList<String> target) { this.rule = rule; this.numLabels = numLabels; this.target = target; } @Override public RegisteredDomain registeredDomain() { int nlabels = numLabels + 1; if (nlabels > target.size()) { // special case when registered domain is same as pub suff return null; } return new RegisteredDomainImpl(getSuffixes(nlabels), rule.auth, getSuffixes(numLabels)); } @Override public Rule.Type type() { return rule.type; } private String getSuffixes(int n) { Iterator<String> targetIter = target.descendingIterator(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); while (n > 0 && targetIter.hasNext()) { String s = targetIter.next(); sb.insert(0, s); if (n > 1) { sb.insert(0, '.'); } n--; } return sb.toString(); } } }