 * Copyright (c) 2008, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
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 * questions.

package sun.nio.fs;

import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;

Unix system and library calls.
/** * Unix system and library calls. */
class UnixNativeDispatcher { protected UnixNativeDispatcher() { } // returns a NativeBuffer containing the given path private static NativeBuffer copyToNativeBuffer(UnixPath path) { byte[] cstr = path.getByteArrayForSysCalls(); int size = cstr.length + 1; NativeBuffer buffer = NativeBuffers.getNativeBufferFromCache(size); if (buffer == null) { buffer = NativeBuffers.allocNativeBuffer(size); } else { // buffer already contains the path if (buffer.owner() == path) return buffer; } NativeBuffers.copyCStringToNativeBuffer(cstr, buffer); buffer.setOwner(path); return buffer; }
char *getcwd(char *buf, size_t size);
/** * char *getcwd(char *buf, size_t size); */
static native byte[] getcwd();
int dup(int filedes)
/** * int dup(int filedes) */
static native int dup(int filedes) throws UnixException;
int open(const char* path, int oflag, mode_t mode)
/** * int open(const char* path, int oflag, mode_t mode) */
static int open(UnixPath path, int flags, int mode) throws UnixException { NativeBuffer buffer = copyToNativeBuffer(path); try { return open0(buffer.address(), flags, mode); } finally { buffer.release(); } } private static native int open0(long pathAddress, int flags, int mode) throws UnixException;
int openat(int dfd, const char* path, int oflag, mode_t mode)
/** * int openat(int dfd, const char* path, int oflag, mode_t mode) */
static int openat(int dfd, byte[] path, int flags, int mode) throws UnixException { NativeBuffer buffer = NativeBuffers.asNativeBuffer(path); try { return openat0(dfd, buffer.address(), flags, mode); } finally { buffer.release(); } } private static native int openat0(int dfd, long pathAddress, int flags, int mode) throws UnixException;
close(int filedes). If fd is -1 this is a no-op.
/** * close(int filedes). If fd is -1 this is a no-op. */
static void close(int fd) { if (fd != -1) { close0(fd); } } private static native void close0(int fd);
FILE* fopen(const char *filename, const char* mode);
/** * FILE* fopen(const char *filename, const char* mode); */
static long fopen(UnixPath filename, String mode) throws UnixException { NativeBuffer pathBuffer = copyToNativeBuffer(filename); NativeBuffer modeBuffer = NativeBuffers.asNativeBuffer(Util.toBytes(mode)); try { return fopen0(pathBuffer.address(), modeBuffer.address()); } finally { modeBuffer.release(); pathBuffer.release(); } } private static native long fopen0(long pathAddress, long modeAddress) throws UnixException;
fclose(FILE* stream)
/** * fclose(FILE* stream) */
static native void fclose(long stream) throws UnixException;
link(const char* existing, const char* new)
/** * link(const char* existing, const char* new) */
static void link(UnixPath existing, UnixPath newfile) throws UnixException { NativeBuffer existingBuffer = copyToNativeBuffer(existing); NativeBuffer newBuffer = copyToNativeBuffer(newfile); try { link0(existingBuffer.address(), newBuffer.address()); } finally { newBuffer.release(); existingBuffer.release(); } } private static native void link0(long existingAddress, long newAddress) throws UnixException;
unlink(const char* path)
/** * unlink(const char* path) */
static void unlink(UnixPath path) throws UnixException { NativeBuffer buffer = copyToNativeBuffer(path); try { unlink0(buffer.address()); } finally { buffer.release(); } } private static native void unlink0(long pathAddress) throws UnixException;
unlinkat(int dfd, const char* path, int flag)
/** * unlinkat(int dfd, const char* path, int flag) */
static void unlinkat(int dfd, byte[] path, int flag) throws UnixException { NativeBuffer buffer = NativeBuffers.asNativeBuffer(path); try { unlinkat0(dfd, buffer.address(), flag); } finally { buffer.release(); } } private static native void unlinkat0(int dfd, long pathAddress, int flag) throws UnixException;
mknod(const char* path, mode_t mode, dev_t dev)
/** * mknod(const char* path, mode_t mode, dev_t dev) */
static void mknod(UnixPath path, int mode, long dev) throws UnixException { NativeBuffer buffer = copyToNativeBuffer(path); try { mknod0(buffer.address(), mode, dev); } finally { buffer.release(); } } private static native void mknod0(long pathAddress, int mode, long dev) throws UnixException;
rename(const char* old, const char* new)
/** * rename(const char* old, const char* new) */
static void rename(UnixPath from, UnixPath to) throws UnixException { NativeBuffer fromBuffer = copyToNativeBuffer(from); NativeBuffer toBuffer = copyToNativeBuffer(to); try { rename0(fromBuffer.address(), toBuffer.address()); } finally { toBuffer.release(); fromBuffer.release(); } } private static native void rename0(long fromAddress, long toAddress) throws UnixException;
renameat(int fromfd, const char* old, int tofd, const char* new)
/** * renameat(int fromfd, const char* old, int tofd, const char* new) */
static void renameat(int fromfd, byte[] from, int tofd, byte[] to) throws UnixException { NativeBuffer fromBuffer = NativeBuffers.asNativeBuffer(from); NativeBuffer toBuffer = NativeBuffers.asNativeBuffer(to); try { renameat0(fromfd, fromBuffer.address(), tofd, toBuffer.address()); } finally { toBuffer.release(); fromBuffer.release(); } } private static native void renameat0(int fromfd, long fromAddress, int tofd, long toAddress) throws UnixException;
mkdir(const char* path, mode_t mode)
/** * mkdir(const char* path, mode_t mode) */
static void mkdir(UnixPath path, int mode) throws UnixException { NativeBuffer buffer = copyToNativeBuffer(path); try { mkdir0(buffer.address(), mode); } finally { buffer.release(); } } private static native void mkdir0(long pathAddress, int mode) throws UnixException;
rmdir(const char* path)
/** * rmdir(const char* path) */
static void rmdir(UnixPath path) throws UnixException { NativeBuffer buffer = copyToNativeBuffer(path); try { rmdir0(buffer.address()); } finally { buffer.release(); } } private static native void rmdir0(long pathAddress) throws UnixException;
readlink(const char* path, char* buf, size_t bufsize)
Returns: link target
/** * readlink(const char* path, char* buf, size_t bufsize) * * @return link target */
static byte[] readlink(UnixPath path) throws UnixException { NativeBuffer buffer = copyToNativeBuffer(path); try { return readlink0(buffer.address()); } finally { buffer.release(); } } private static native byte[] readlink0(long pathAddress) throws UnixException;
realpath(const char* path, char* resolved_name)
Returns: resolved path
/** * realpath(const char* path, char* resolved_name) * * @return resolved path */
static byte[] realpath(UnixPath path) throws UnixException { NativeBuffer buffer = copyToNativeBuffer(path); try { return realpath0(buffer.address()); } finally { buffer.release(); } } private static native byte[] realpath0(long pathAddress) throws UnixException;
symlink(const char* name1, const char* name2)
/** * symlink(const char* name1, const char* name2) */
static void symlink(byte[] name1, UnixPath name2) throws UnixException { NativeBuffer targetBuffer = NativeBuffers.asNativeBuffer(name1); NativeBuffer linkBuffer = copyToNativeBuffer(name2); try { symlink0(targetBuffer.address(), linkBuffer.address()); } finally { linkBuffer.release(); targetBuffer.release(); } } private static native void symlink0(long name1, long name2) throws UnixException;
stat(const char* path, struct stat* buf)
/** * stat(const char* path, struct stat* buf) */
static void stat(UnixPath path, UnixFileAttributes attrs) throws UnixException { NativeBuffer buffer = copyToNativeBuffer(path); try { stat0(buffer.address(), attrs); } finally { buffer.release(); } } private static native void stat0(long pathAddress, UnixFileAttributes attrs) throws UnixException;
stat(const char* path, struct stat* buf)
Returns:st_mode (file type and mode) or 0 if an error occurs.
/** * stat(const char* path, struct stat* buf) * * @return st_mode (file type and mode) or 0 if an error occurs. */
static int stat(UnixPath path) { NativeBuffer buffer = copyToNativeBuffer(path); try { return stat1(buffer.address()); } finally { buffer.release(); } } private static native int stat1(long pathAddress);
lstat(const char* path, struct stat* buf)
/** * lstat(const char* path, struct stat* buf) */
static void lstat(UnixPath path, UnixFileAttributes attrs) throws UnixException { NativeBuffer buffer = copyToNativeBuffer(path); try { lstat0(buffer.address(), attrs); } finally { buffer.release(); } } private static native void lstat0(long pathAddress, UnixFileAttributes attrs) throws UnixException;
fstat(int filedes, struct stat* buf)
/** * fstat(int filedes, struct stat* buf) */
static native void fstat(int fd, UnixFileAttributes attrs) throws UnixException;
fstatat(int filedes,const char* path, struct stat* buf, int flag)
/** * fstatat(int filedes,const char* path, struct stat* buf, int flag) */
static void fstatat(int dfd, byte[] path, int flag, UnixFileAttributes attrs) throws UnixException { NativeBuffer buffer = NativeBuffers.asNativeBuffer(path); try { fstatat0(dfd, buffer.address(), flag, attrs); } finally { buffer.release(); } } private static native void fstatat0(int dfd, long pathAddress, int flag, UnixFileAttributes attrs) throws UnixException;
chown(const char* path, uid_t owner, gid_t group)
/** * chown(const char* path, uid_t owner, gid_t group) */
static void chown(UnixPath path, int uid, int gid) throws UnixException { NativeBuffer buffer = copyToNativeBuffer(path); try { chown0(buffer.address(), uid, gid); } finally { buffer.release(); } } private static native void chown0(long pathAddress, int uid, int gid) throws UnixException;
lchown(const char* path, uid_t owner, gid_t group)
/** * lchown(const char* path, uid_t owner, gid_t group) */
static void lchown(UnixPath path, int uid, int gid) throws UnixException { NativeBuffer buffer = copyToNativeBuffer(path); try { lchown0(buffer.address(), uid, gid); } finally { buffer.release(); } } private static native void lchown0(long pathAddress, int uid, int gid) throws UnixException;
fchown(int filedes, uid_t owner, gid_t group)
/** * fchown(int filedes, uid_t owner, gid_t group) */
static native void fchown(int fd, int uid, int gid) throws UnixException;
chmod(const char* path, mode_t mode)
/** * chmod(const char* path, mode_t mode) */
static void chmod(UnixPath path, int mode) throws UnixException { NativeBuffer buffer = copyToNativeBuffer(path); try { chmod0(buffer.address(), mode); } finally { buffer.release(); } } private static native void chmod0(long pathAddress, int mode) throws UnixException;
fchmod(int fildes, mode_t mode)
/** * fchmod(int fildes, mode_t mode) */
static native void fchmod(int fd, int mode) throws UnixException;
utimes(conar char* path, const struct timeval times[2])
/** * utimes(conar char* path, const struct timeval times[2]) */
static void utimes(UnixPath path, long times0, long times1) throws UnixException { NativeBuffer buffer = copyToNativeBuffer(path); try { utimes0(buffer.address(), times0, times1); } finally { buffer.release(); } } private static native void utimes0(long pathAddress, long times0, long times1) throws UnixException;
futimes(int fildes,, const struct timeval times[2])
/** * futimes(int fildes,, const struct timeval times[2]) */
static native void futimes(int fd, long times0, long times1) throws UnixException;
DIR *opendir(const char* dirname)
/** * DIR *opendir(const char* dirname) */
static long opendir(UnixPath path) throws UnixException { NativeBuffer buffer = copyToNativeBuffer(path); try { return opendir0(buffer.address()); } finally { buffer.release(); } } private static native long opendir0(long pathAddress) throws UnixException;
DIR* fdopendir(int filedes)
/** * DIR* fdopendir(int filedes) */
static native long fdopendir(int dfd) throws UnixException;
closedir(DIR* dirp)
/** * closedir(DIR* dirp) */
static native void closedir(long dir) throws UnixException;
struct dirent* readdir(DIR *dirp)
Returns: dirent->d_name
/** * struct dirent* readdir(DIR *dirp) * * @return dirent->d_name */
static native byte[] readdir(long dir) throws UnixException;
size_t read(int fildes, void* buf, size_t nbyte)
/** * size_t read(int fildes, void* buf, size_t nbyte) */
static native int read(int fildes, long buf, int nbyte) throws UnixException;
size_t writeint fildes, void* buf, size_t nbyte)
/** * size_t writeint fildes, void* buf, size_t nbyte) */
static native int write(int fildes, long buf, int nbyte) throws UnixException;
access(const char* path, int amode);
/** * access(const char* path, int amode); */
static void access(UnixPath path, int amode) throws UnixException { NativeBuffer buffer = copyToNativeBuffer(path); try { access0(buffer.address(), amode); } finally { buffer.release(); } } private static native void access0(long pathAddress, int amode) throws UnixException;
access(constant char* path, F_OK)
Returns:true if the file exists, false otherwise
/** * access(constant char* path, F_OK) * * @return true if the file exists, false otherwise */
static boolean exists(UnixPath path) { NativeBuffer buffer = copyToNativeBuffer(path); try { return exists0(buffer.address()); } finally { buffer.release(); } } private static native boolean exists0(long pathAddress);
struct passwd *getpwuid(uid_t uid);
Returns: passwd->pw_name
/** * struct passwd *getpwuid(uid_t uid); * * @return passwd->pw_name */
static native byte[] getpwuid(int uid) throws UnixException;
struct group *getgrgid(gid_t gid);
Returns: group->gr_name
/** * struct group *getgrgid(gid_t gid); * * @return group->gr_name */
static native byte[] getgrgid(int gid) throws UnixException;
struct passwd *getpwnam(const char *name);
Returns: passwd->pw_uid
/** * struct passwd *getpwnam(const char *name); * * @return passwd->pw_uid */
static int getpwnam(String name) throws UnixException { NativeBuffer buffer = NativeBuffers.asNativeBuffer(Util.toBytes(name)); try { return getpwnam0(buffer.address()); } finally { buffer.release(); } } private static native int getpwnam0(long nameAddress) throws UnixException;
struct group *getgrnam(const char *name);
Returns: group->gr_name
/** * struct group *getgrnam(const char *name); * * @return group->gr_name */
static int getgrnam(String name) throws UnixException { NativeBuffer buffer = NativeBuffers.asNativeBuffer(Util.toBytes(name)); try { return getgrnam0(buffer.address()); } finally { buffer.release(); } } private static native int getgrnam0(long nameAddress) throws UnixException;
statvfs(const char* path, struct statvfs *buf)
/** * statvfs(const char* path, struct statvfs *buf) */
static void statvfs(UnixPath path, UnixFileStoreAttributes attrs) throws UnixException { NativeBuffer buffer = copyToNativeBuffer(path); try { statvfs0(buffer.address(), attrs); } finally { buffer.release(); } } private static native void statvfs0(long pathAddress, UnixFileStoreAttributes attrs) throws UnixException;
long int pathconf(const char *path, int name);
/** * long int pathconf(const char *path, int name); */
static long pathconf(UnixPath path, int name) throws UnixException { NativeBuffer buffer = copyToNativeBuffer(path); try { return pathconf0(buffer.address(), name); } finally { buffer.release(); } } private static native long pathconf0(long pathAddress, int name) throws UnixException;
long fpathconf(int fildes, int name);
/** * long fpathconf(int fildes, int name); */
static native long fpathconf(int filedes, int name) throws UnixException;
char* strerror(int errnum)
/** * char* strerror(int errnum) */
static native byte[] strerror(int errnum);
/** * Capabilities */
private static final int SUPPORTS_OPENAT = 1 << 1; // syscalls private static final int SUPPORTS_FUTIMES = 1 << 2; private static final int SUPPORTS_BIRTHTIME = 1 << 16; // other features private static final int capabilities;
Supports openat and other *at calls.
/** * Supports openat and other *at calls. */
static boolean openatSupported() { return (capabilities & SUPPORTS_OPENAT) != 0; }
Supports futimes or futimesat
/** * Supports futimes or futimesat */
static boolean futimesSupported() { return (capabilities & SUPPORTS_FUTIMES) != 0; }
Supports file birth (creation) time attribute
/** * Supports file birth (creation) time attribute */
static boolean birthtimeSupported() { return (capabilities & SUPPORTS_BIRTHTIME) != 0; } private static native int init(); static { AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<>() { public Void run() { System.loadLibrary("nio"); return null; }}); capabilities = init(); } }