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package sun.nio.ch;

import java.nio.channels.*;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.BufferOverflowException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.FileDescriptor;
import jdk.internal.access.SharedSecrets;
import jdk.internal.access.JavaIOFileDescriptorAccess;

Windows implementation of AsynchronousFileChannel using overlapped I/O.
/** * Windows implementation of AsynchronousFileChannel using overlapped I/O. */
public class WindowsAsynchronousFileChannelImpl extends AsynchronousFileChannelImpl implements Iocp.OverlappedChannel, Groupable { private static final JavaIOFileDescriptorAccess fdAccess = SharedSecrets.getJavaIOFileDescriptorAccess(); // error when EOF is detected asynchronously. private static final int ERROR_HANDLE_EOF = 38; // Lazy initialization of default I/O completion port private static class DefaultIocpHolder { static final Iocp defaultIocp = defaultIocp(); private static Iocp defaultIocp() { try { return new Iocp(null, ThreadPool.createDefault()).start(); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new InternalError(ioe); } } } // Used for force/truncate/size methods private static final FileDispatcher nd = new FileDispatcherImpl(); // The handle is extracted for use in native methods invoked from this class. private final long handle; // The key that identifies the channel's association with the I/O port private final int completionKey; // I/O completion port (group) private final Iocp iocp; private final boolean isDefaultIocp; // Caches OVERLAPPED structure for each outstanding I/O operation private final PendingIoCache ioCache; private WindowsAsynchronousFileChannelImpl(FileDescriptor fdObj, boolean reading, boolean writing, Iocp iocp, boolean isDefaultIocp) throws IOException { super(fdObj, reading, writing, iocp.executor()); this.handle = fdAccess.getHandle(fdObj); this.iocp = iocp; this.isDefaultIocp = isDefaultIocp; this.ioCache = new PendingIoCache(); this.completionKey = iocp.associate(this, handle); } public static AsynchronousFileChannel open(FileDescriptor fdo, boolean reading, boolean writing, ThreadPool pool) throws IOException { Iocp iocp; boolean isDefaultIocp; if (pool == null) { iocp = DefaultIocpHolder.defaultIocp; isDefaultIocp = true; } else { iocp = new Iocp(null, pool).start(); isDefaultIocp = false; } try { return new WindowsAsynchronousFileChannelImpl(fdo, reading, writing, iocp, isDefaultIocp); } catch (IOException x) { // error binding to port so need to close it (if created for this channel) if (!isDefaultIocp) iocp.implClose(); throw x; } } @Override public <V,A> PendingFuture<V,A> getByOverlapped(long overlapped) { return ioCache.remove(overlapped); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { closeLock.writeLock().lock(); try { if (closed) return; // already closed closed = true; } finally { closeLock.writeLock().unlock(); } // invalidate all locks held for this channel invalidateAllLocks(); // close the file nd.close(fdObj); // waits until all I/O operations have completed ioCache.close(); // disassociate from port iocp.disassociate(completionKey); // for the non-default group close the port if (!isDefaultIocp) iocp.detachFromThreadPool(); } @Override public AsynchronousChannelGroupImpl group() { return iocp; }
Translates Throwable to IOException
/** * Translates Throwable to IOException */
private static IOException toIOException(Throwable x) { if (x instanceof IOException) { if (x instanceof ClosedChannelException) x = new AsynchronousCloseException(); return (IOException)x; } return new IOException(x); } @Override public long size() throws IOException { try { begin(); return nd.size(fdObj); } finally { end(); } } @Override public AsynchronousFileChannel truncate(long size) throws IOException { if (size < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative size"); if (!writing) throw new NonWritableChannelException(); try { begin(); if (size > nd.size(fdObj)) return this; nd.truncate(fdObj, size); } finally { end(); } return this; } @Override public void force(boolean metaData) throws IOException { try { begin(); nd.force(fdObj, metaData); } finally { end(); } } // -- file locking --
Task that initiates locking operation and handles completion result.
/** * Task that initiates locking operation and handles completion result. */
private class LockTask<A> implements Runnable, Iocp.ResultHandler { private final long position; private final FileLockImpl fli; private final PendingFuture<FileLock,A> result; LockTask(long position, FileLockImpl fli, PendingFuture<FileLock,A> result) { this.position = position; this.fli = fli; this.result = result; } @Override public void run() { long overlapped = 0L; boolean pending = false; try { begin(); // allocate OVERLAPPED structure overlapped = ioCache.add(result); // synchronize on result to avoid race with handler thread // when lock is acquired immediately. synchronized (result) { int n = lockFile(handle, position, fli.size(), fli.isShared(), overlapped); if (n == IOStatus.UNAVAILABLE) { // I/O is pending pending = true; return; } // acquired lock immediately result.setResult(fli); } } catch (Throwable x) { // lock failed or channel closed removeFromFileLockTable(fli); result.setFailure(toIOException(x)); } finally { if (!pending && overlapped != 0L) ioCache.remove(overlapped); end(); } // invoke completion handler Invoker.invoke(result); } @Override public void completed(int bytesTransferred, boolean canInvokeDirect) { // release waiters and invoke completion handler result.setResult(fli); if (canInvokeDirect) { Invoker.invokeUnchecked(result); } else { Invoker.invoke(result); } } @Override public void failed(int error, IOException x) { // lock not acquired so remove from lock table removeFromFileLockTable(fli); // release waiters if (isOpen()) { result.setFailure(x); } else { result.setFailure(new AsynchronousCloseException()); } Invoker.invoke(result); } } @Override <A> Future<FileLock> implLock(final long position, final long size, final boolean shared, A attachment, final CompletionHandler<FileLock,? super A> handler) { if (shared && !reading) throw new NonReadableChannelException(); if (!shared && !writing) throw new NonWritableChannelException(); // add to lock table FileLockImpl fli = addToFileLockTable(position, size, shared); if (fli == null) { Throwable exc = new ClosedChannelException(); if (handler == null) return CompletedFuture.withFailure(exc); Invoker.invoke(this, handler, attachment, null, exc); return null; } // create Future and task that will be invoked to acquire lock PendingFuture<FileLock,A> result = new PendingFuture<FileLock,A>(this, handler, attachment); LockTask<A> lockTask = new LockTask<A>(position, fli, result); result.setContext(lockTask); // initiate I/O lockTask.run(); return result; } static final int NO_LOCK = -1; // Failed to lock static final int LOCKED = 0; // Obtained requested lock @Override public FileLock tryLock(long position, long size, boolean shared) throws IOException { if (shared && !reading) throw new NonReadableChannelException(); if (!shared && !writing) throw new NonWritableChannelException(); // add to lock table final FileLockImpl fli = addToFileLockTable(position, size, shared); if (fli == null) throw new ClosedChannelException(); boolean gotLock = false; try { begin(); // try to acquire the lock int res = nd.lock(fdObj, false, position, size, shared); if (res == NO_LOCK) return null; gotLock = true; return fli; } finally { if (!gotLock) removeFromFileLockTable(fli); end(); } } @Override protected void implRelease(FileLockImpl fli) throws IOException { nd.release(fdObj, fli.position(), fli.size()); }
Task that initiates read operation and handles completion result.
/** * Task that initiates read operation and handles completion result. */
private class ReadTask<A> implements Runnable, Iocp.ResultHandler { private final ByteBuffer dst; private final int pos, rem; // buffer position/remaining private final long position; // file position private final PendingFuture<Integer,A> result; // set to dst if direct; otherwise set to substituted direct buffer private volatile ByteBuffer buf; ReadTask(ByteBuffer dst, int pos, int rem, long position, PendingFuture<Integer,A> result) { this.dst = dst; this.pos = pos; this.rem = rem; this.position = position; this.result = result; } void releaseBufferIfSubstituted() { if (buf != dst) Util.releaseTemporaryDirectBuffer(buf); } void updatePosition(int bytesTransferred) { // if the I/O succeeded then adjust buffer position if (bytesTransferred > 0) { if (buf == dst) { try { dst.position(pos + bytesTransferred); } catch (IllegalArgumentException x) { // someone has changed the position; ignore } } else { // had to substitute direct buffer buf.position(bytesTransferred).flip(); try { dst.put(buf); } catch (BufferOverflowException x) { // someone has changed the position; ignore } } } } @Override public void run() { int n = -1; long overlapped = 0L; long address; // Substitute a native buffer if not direct if (dst instanceof DirectBuffer) { buf = dst; address = ((DirectBuffer)dst).address() + pos; } else { buf = Util.getTemporaryDirectBuffer(rem); address = ((DirectBuffer)buf).address(); } boolean pending = false; try { begin(); // allocate OVERLAPPED overlapped = ioCache.add(result); // initiate read n = readFile(handle, address, rem, position, overlapped); if (n == IOStatus.UNAVAILABLE) { // I/O is pending pending = true; return; } else if (n == IOStatus.EOF) { result.setResult(n); } else { throw new InternalError("Unexpected result: " + n); } } catch (Throwable x) { // failed to initiate read result.setFailure(toIOException(x)); } finally { if (!pending) { // release resources if (overlapped != 0L) ioCache.remove(overlapped); releaseBufferIfSubstituted(); } end(); } // invoke completion handler Invoker.invoke(result); }
Executed when the I/O has completed
/** * Executed when the I/O has completed */
@Override public void completed(int bytesTransferred, boolean canInvokeDirect) { updatePosition(bytesTransferred); // return direct buffer to cache if substituted releaseBufferIfSubstituted(); // release waiters and invoke completion handler result.setResult(bytesTransferred); if (canInvokeDirect) { Invoker.invokeUnchecked(result); } else { Invoker.invoke(result); } } @Override public void failed(int error, IOException x) { // if EOF detected asynchronously then it is reported as error if (error == ERROR_HANDLE_EOF) { completed(-1, false); } else { // return direct buffer to cache if substituted releaseBufferIfSubstituted(); // release waiters if (isOpen()) { result.setFailure(x); } else { result.setFailure(new AsynchronousCloseException()); } Invoker.invoke(result); } } } @Override <A> Future<Integer> implRead(ByteBuffer dst, long position, A attachment, CompletionHandler<Integer,? super A> handler) { if (!reading) throw new NonReadableChannelException(); if (position < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative position"); if (dst.isReadOnly()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Read-only buffer"); // check if channel is closed if (!isOpen()) { Throwable exc = new ClosedChannelException(); if (handler == null) return CompletedFuture.withFailure(exc); Invoker.invoke(this, handler, attachment, null, exc); return null; } int pos = dst.position(); int lim = dst.limit(); assert (pos <= lim); int rem = (pos <= lim ? lim - pos : 0); // no space remaining if (rem == 0) { if (handler == null) return CompletedFuture.withResult(0); Invoker.invoke(this, handler, attachment, 0, null); return null; } // create Future and task that initiates read PendingFuture<Integer,A> result = new PendingFuture<Integer,A>(this, handler, attachment); ReadTask<A> readTask = new ReadTask<A>(dst, pos, rem, position, result); result.setContext(readTask); // initiate I/O readTask.run(); return result; }
Task that initiates write operation and handles completion result.
/** * Task that initiates write operation and handles completion result. */
private class WriteTask<A> implements Runnable, Iocp.ResultHandler { private final ByteBuffer src; private final int pos, rem; // buffer position/remaining private final long position; // file position private final PendingFuture<Integer,A> result; // set to src if direct; otherwise set to substituted direct buffer private volatile ByteBuffer buf; WriteTask(ByteBuffer src, int pos, int rem, long position, PendingFuture<Integer,A> result) { this.src = src; this.pos = pos; this.rem = rem; this.position = position; this.result = result; } void releaseBufferIfSubstituted() { if (buf != src) Util.releaseTemporaryDirectBuffer(buf); } void updatePosition(int bytesTransferred) { // if the I/O succeeded then adjust buffer position if (bytesTransferred > 0) { try { src.position(pos + bytesTransferred); } catch (IllegalArgumentException x) { // someone has changed the position } } } @Override public void run() { int n = -1; long overlapped = 0L; long address; // Substitute a native buffer if not direct if (src instanceof DirectBuffer) { buf = src; address = ((DirectBuffer)src).address() + pos; } else { buf = Util.getTemporaryDirectBuffer(rem); buf.put(src); buf.flip(); // temporarily restore position as we don't know how many bytes // will be written src.position(pos); address = ((DirectBuffer)buf).address(); } try { begin(); // allocate an OVERLAPPED structure overlapped = ioCache.add(result); // initiate the write n = writeFile(handle, address, rem, position, overlapped); if (n == IOStatus.UNAVAILABLE) { // I/O is pending return; } else { throw new InternalError("Unexpected result: " + n); } } catch (Throwable x) { // failed to initiate read: result.setFailure(toIOException(x)); // release resources if (overlapped != 0L) ioCache.remove(overlapped); releaseBufferIfSubstituted(); } finally { end(); } // invoke completion handler Invoker.invoke(result); }
Executed when the I/O has completed
/** * Executed when the I/O has completed */
@Override public void completed(int bytesTransferred, boolean canInvokeDirect) { updatePosition(bytesTransferred); // return direct buffer to cache if substituted releaseBufferIfSubstituted(); // release waiters and invoke completion handler result.setResult(bytesTransferred); if (canInvokeDirect) { Invoker.invokeUnchecked(result); } else { Invoker.invoke(result); } } @Override public void failed(int error, IOException x) { // return direct buffer to cache if substituted releaseBufferIfSubstituted(); // release waiters and invoker completion handler if (isOpen()) { result.setFailure(x); } else { result.setFailure(new AsynchronousCloseException()); } Invoker.invoke(result); } } <A> Future<Integer> implWrite(ByteBuffer src, long position, A attachment, CompletionHandler<Integer,? super A> handler) { if (!writing) throw new NonWritableChannelException(); if (position < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative position"); // check if channel is closed if (!isOpen()) { Throwable exc = new ClosedChannelException(); if (handler == null) return CompletedFuture.withFailure(exc); Invoker.invoke(this, handler, attachment, null, exc); return null; } int pos = src.position(); int lim = src.limit(); assert (pos <= lim); int rem = (pos <= lim ? lim - pos : 0); // nothing to write if (rem == 0) { if (handler == null) return CompletedFuture.withResult(0); Invoker.invoke(this, handler, attachment, 0, null); return null; } // create Future and task to initiate write PendingFuture<Integer,A> result = new PendingFuture<Integer,A>(this, handler, attachment); WriteTask<A> writeTask = new WriteTask<A>(src, pos, rem, position, result); result.setContext(writeTask); // initiate I/O writeTask.run(); return result; } // -- Native methods -- private static native int readFile(long handle, long address, int len, long offset, long overlapped) throws IOException; private static native int writeFile(long handle, long address, int len, long offset, long overlapped) throws IOException; private static native int lockFile(long handle, long position, long size, boolean shared, long overlapped) throws IOException; static { IOUtil.load(); } }