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package sun.nio.ch;

import java.io.FileDescriptor;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
import java.net.ProtocolFamily;
import java.net.Socket;
import java.net.SocketAddress;
import java.net.SocketOption;
import java.net.StandardProtocolFamily;
import java.net.StandardSocketOptions;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.AlreadyBoundException;
import java.nio.channels.AlreadyConnectedException;
import java.nio.channels.AsynchronousCloseException;
import java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException;
import java.nio.channels.ConnectionPendingException;
import java.nio.channels.NoConnectionPendingException;
import java.nio.channels.NotYetConnectedException;
import java.nio.channels.SelectionKey;
import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel;
import java.nio.channels.spi.SelectorProvider;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;

import sun.net.NetHooks;
import sun.net.ext.ExtendedSocketOptions;
import sun.net.util.SocketExceptions;
import static sun.net.ext.ExtendedSocketOptions.SOCK_STREAM;

An implementation of SocketChannels
/** * An implementation of SocketChannels */
class SocketChannelImpl extends SocketChannel implements SelChImpl { // Used to make native read and write calls private static NativeDispatcher nd; // Our file descriptor object private final FileDescriptor fd; private final int fdVal; // Lock held by current reading or connecting thread private final ReentrantLock readLock = new ReentrantLock(); // Lock held by current writing or connecting thread private final ReentrantLock writeLock = new ReentrantLock(); // Lock held by any thread that modifies the state fields declared below // DO NOT invoke a blocking I/O operation while holding this lock! private final Object stateLock = new Object(); // Input/Output closed private volatile boolean isInputClosed; private volatile boolean isOutputClosed; // -- The following fields are protected by stateLock // set true when exclusive binding is on and SO_REUSEADDR is emulated private boolean isReuseAddress; // State, increases monotonically private static final int ST_UNCONNECTED = 0; private static final int ST_CONNECTIONPENDING = 1; private static final int ST_CONNECTED = 2; private static final int ST_CLOSING = 3; private static final int ST_KILLPENDING = 4; private static final int ST_KILLED = 5; private volatile int state; // need stateLock to change // IDs of native threads doing reads and writes, for signalling private long readerThread; private long writerThread; // Binding private InetSocketAddress localAddress; private InetSocketAddress remoteAddress; // Socket adaptor, created on demand private Socket socket; // -- End of fields protected by stateLock // Constructor for normal connecting sockets // SocketChannelImpl(SelectorProvider sp) throws IOException { super(sp); this.fd = Net.socket(true); this.fdVal = IOUtil.fdVal(fd); } SocketChannelImpl(SelectorProvider sp, FileDescriptor fd, boolean bound) throws IOException { super(sp); this.fd = fd; this.fdVal = IOUtil.fdVal(fd); if (bound) { synchronized (stateLock) { this.localAddress = Net.localAddress(fd); } } } // Constructor for sockets obtained from server sockets // SocketChannelImpl(SelectorProvider sp, FileDescriptor fd, InetSocketAddress isa) throws IOException { super(sp); this.fd = fd; this.fdVal = IOUtil.fdVal(fd); synchronized (stateLock) { this.localAddress = Net.localAddress(fd); this.remoteAddress = isa; this.state = ST_CONNECTED; } }
Checks that the channel is open.
  • ClosedChannelException – if channel is closed (or closing)
/** * Checks that the channel is open. * * @throws ClosedChannelException if channel is closed (or closing) */
private void ensureOpen() throws ClosedChannelException { if (!isOpen()) throw new ClosedChannelException(); }
Checks that the channel is open and connected.
API Note:This method uses the "state" field to check if the channel is open. It should never be used in conjuncion with isOpen or ensureOpen as these methods check AbstractInterruptibleChannel's closed field - that field is set before implCloseSelectableChannel is called and so before the state is changed.
/** * Checks that the channel is open and connected. * * @apiNote This method uses the "state" field to check if the channel is * open. It should never be used in conjuncion with isOpen or ensureOpen * as these methods check AbstractInterruptibleChannel's closed field - that * field is set before implCloseSelectableChannel is called and so before * the state is changed. * * @throws ClosedChannelException if channel is closed (or closing) * @throws NotYetConnectedException if open and not connected */
private void ensureOpenAndConnected() throws ClosedChannelException { int state = this.state; if (state < ST_CONNECTED) { throw new NotYetConnectedException(); } else if (state > ST_CONNECTED) { throw new ClosedChannelException(); } } @Override public Socket socket() { synchronized (stateLock) { if (socket == null) socket = SocketAdaptor.create(this); return socket; } } @Override public SocketAddress getLocalAddress() throws IOException { synchronized (stateLock) { ensureOpen(); return Net.getRevealedLocalAddress(localAddress); } } @Override public SocketAddress getRemoteAddress() throws IOException { synchronized (stateLock) { ensureOpen(); return remoteAddress; } } @Override public <T> SocketChannel setOption(SocketOption<T> name, T value) throws IOException { Objects.requireNonNull(name); if (!supportedOptions().contains(name)) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("'" + name + "' not supported"); synchronized (stateLock) { ensureOpen(); if (name == StandardSocketOptions.IP_TOS) { ProtocolFamily family = Net.isIPv6Available() ? StandardProtocolFamily.INET6 : StandardProtocolFamily.INET; Net.setSocketOption(fd, family, name, value); return this; } if (name == StandardSocketOptions.SO_REUSEADDR && Net.useExclusiveBind()) { // SO_REUSEADDR emulated when using exclusive bind isReuseAddress = (Boolean)value; return this; } // no options that require special handling Net.setSocketOption(fd, Net.UNSPEC, name, value); return this; } } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> T getOption(SocketOption<T> name) throws IOException { Objects.requireNonNull(name); if (!supportedOptions().contains(name)) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("'" + name + "' not supported"); synchronized (stateLock) { ensureOpen(); if (name == StandardSocketOptions.SO_REUSEADDR && Net.useExclusiveBind()) { // SO_REUSEADDR emulated when using exclusive bind return (T)Boolean.valueOf(isReuseAddress); } // special handling for IP_TOS: always return 0 when IPv6 if (name == StandardSocketOptions.IP_TOS) { ProtocolFamily family = Net.isIPv6Available() ? StandardProtocolFamily.INET6 : StandardProtocolFamily.INET; return (T) Net.getSocketOption(fd, family, name); } // no options that require special handling return (T) Net.getSocketOption(fd, Net.UNSPEC, name); } } private static class DefaultOptionsHolder { static final Set<SocketOption<?>> defaultOptions = defaultOptions(); private static Set<SocketOption<?>> defaultOptions() { HashSet<SocketOption<?>> set = new HashSet<>(); set.add(StandardSocketOptions.SO_SNDBUF); set.add(StandardSocketOptions.SO_RCVBUF); set.add(StandardSocketOptions.SO_KEEPALIVE); set.add(StandardSocketOptions.SO_REUSEADDR); if (Net.isReusePortAvailable()) { set.add(StandardSocketOptions.SO_REUSEPORT); } set.add(StandardSocketOptions.SO_LINGER); set.add(StandardSocketOptions.TCP_NODELAY); // additional options required by socket adaptor set.add(StandardSocketOptions.IP_TOS); set.add(ExtendedSocketOption.SO_OOBINLINE); set.addAll(ExtendedSocketOptions.options(SOCK_STREAM)); return Collections.unmodifiableSet(set); } } @Override public final Set<SocketOption<?>> supportedOptions() { return DefaultOptionsHolder.defaultOptions; }
Marks the beginning of a read operation that might block.
/** * Marks the beginning of a read operation that might block. * * @throws ClosedChannelException if the channel is closed * @throws NotYetConnectedException if the channel is not yet connected */
private void beginRead(boolean blocking) throws ClosedChannelException { if (blocking) { // set hook for Thread.interrupt begin(); synchronized (stateLock) { ensureOpenAndConnected(); // record thread so it can be signalled if needed readerThread = NativeThread.current(); } } else { ensureOpenAndConnected(); } }
Marks the end of a read operation that may have blocked.
  • AsynchronousCloseException – if the channel was closed due to this thread being interrupted on a blocking read operation.
/** * Marks the end of a read operation that may have blocked. * * @throws AsynchronousCloseException if the channel was closed due to this * thread being interrupted on a blocking read operation. */
private void endRead(boolean blocking, boolean completed) throws AsynchronousCloseException { if (blocking) { synchronized (stateLock) { readerThread = 0; // notify any thread waiting in implCloseSelectableChannel if (state == ST_CLOSING) { stateLock.notifyAll(); } } // remove hook for Thread.interrupt end(completed); } } @Override public int read(ByteBuffer buf) throws IOException { Objects.requireNonNull(buf); readLock.lock(); try { boolean blocking = isBlocking(); int n = 0; try { beginRead(blocking); // check if input is shutdown if (isInputClosed) return IOStatus.EOF; if (blocking) { do { n = IOUtil.read(fd, buf, -1, nd); } while (n == IOStatus.INTERRUPTED && isOpen()); } else { n = IOUtil.read(fd, buf, -1, nd); } } finally { endRead(blocking, n > 0); if (n <= 0 && isInputClosed) return IOStatus.EOF; } return IOStatus.normalize(n); } finally { readLock.unlock(); } } @Override public long read(ByteBuffer[] dsts, int offset, int length) throws IOException { Objects.checkFromIndexSize(offset, length, dsts.length); readLock.lock(); try { boolean blocking = isBlocking(); long n = 0; try { beginRead(blocking); // check if input is shutdown if (isInputClosed) return IOStatus.EOF; if (blocking) { do { n = IOUtil.read(fd, dsts, offset, length, nd); } while (n == IOStatus.INTERRUPTED && isOpen()); } else { n = IOUtil.read(fd, dsts, offset, length, nd); } } finally { endRead(blocking, n > 0); if (n <= 0 && isInputClosed) return IOStatus.EOF; } return IOStatus.normalize(n); } finally { readLock.unlock(); } }
Marks the beginning of a write operation that might block.
  • ClosedChannelException – if the channel is closed or output shutdown
  • NotYetConnectedException – if the channel is not yet connected
/** * Marks the beginning of a write operation that might block. * * @throws ClosedChannelException if the channel is closed or output shutdown * @throws NotYetConnectedException if the channel is not yet connected */
private void beginWrite(boolean blocking) throws ClosedChannelException { if (blocking) { // set hook for Thread.interrupt begin(); synchronized (stateLock) { ensureOpenAndConnected(); if (isOutputClosed) throw new ClosedChannelException(); // record thread so it can be signalled if needed writerThread = NativeThread.current(); } } else { ensureOpenAndConnected(); } }
Marks the end of a write operation that may have blocked.
  • AsynchronousCloseException – if the channel was closed due to this thread being interrupted on a blocking write operation.
/** * Marks the end of a write operation that may have blocked. * * @throws AsynchronousCloseException if the channel was closed due to this * thread being interrupted on a blocking write operation. */
private void endWrite(boolean blocking, boolean completed) throws AsynchronousCloseException { if (blocking) { synchronized (stateLock) { writerThread = 0; // notify any thread waiting in implCloseSelectableChannel if (state == ST_CLOSING) { stateLock.notifyAll(); } } // remove hook for Thread.interrupt end(completed); } } @Override public int write(ByteBuffer buf) throws IOException { Objects.requireNonNull(buf); writeLock.lock(); try { boolean blocking = isBlocking(); int n = 0; try { beginWrite(blocking); if (blocking) { do { n = IOUtil.write(fd, buf, -1, nd); } while (n == IOStatus.INTERRUPTED && isOpen()); } else { n = IOUtil.write(fd, buf, -1, nd); } } finally { endWrite(blocking, n > 0); if (n <= 0 && isOutputClosed) throw new AsynchronousCloseException(); } return IOStatus.normalize(n); } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } } @Override public long write(ByteBuffer[] srcs, int offset, int length) throws IOException { Objects.checkFromIndexSize(offset, length, srcs.length); writeLock.lock(); try { boolean blocking = isBlocking(); long n = 0; try { beginWrite(blocking); if (blocking) { do { n = IOUtil.write(fd, srcs, offset, length, nd); } while (n == IOStatus.INTERRUPTED && isOpen()); } else { n = IOUtil.write(fd, srcs, offset, length, nd); } } finally { endWrite(blocking, n > 0); if (n <= 0 && isOutputClosed) throw new AsynchronousCloseException(); } return IOStatus.normalize(n); } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } }
Writes a byte of out of band data.
/** * Writes a byte of out of band data. */
int sendOutOfBandData(byte b) throws IOException { writeLock.lock(); try { boolean blocking = isBlocking(); int n = 0; try { beginWrite(blocking); if (blocking) { do { n = sendOutOfBandData(fd, b); } while (n == IOStatus.INTERRUPTED && isOpen()); } else { n = sendOutOfBandData(fd, b); } } finally { endWrite(blocking, n > 0); if (n <= 0 && isOutputClosed) throw new AsynchronousCloseException(); } return IOStatus.normalize(n); } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } } @Override protected void implConfigureBlocking(boolean block) throws IOException { readLock.lock(); try { writeLock.lock(); try { synchronized (stateLock) { ensureOpen(); IOUtil.configureBlocking(fd, block); } } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } } finally { readLock.unlock(); } }
Returns the local address, or null if not bound
/** * Returns the local address, or null if not bound */
InetSocketAddress localAddress() { synchronized (stateLock) { return localAddress; } }
Returns the remote address, or null if not connected
/** * Returns the remote address, or null if not connected */
InetSocketAddress remoteAddress() { synchronized (stateLock) { return remoteAddress; } } @Override public SocketChannel bind(SocketAddress local) throws IOException { readLock.lock(); try { writeLock.lock(); try { synchronized (stateLock) { ensureOpen(); if (state == ST_CONNECTIONPENDING) throw new ConnectionPendingException(); if (localAddress != null) throw new AlreadyBoundException(); InetSocketAddress isa = (local == null) ? new InetSocketAddress(0) : Net.checkAddress(local); SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager(); if (sm != null) { sm.checkListen(isa.getPort()); } NetHooks.beforeTcpBind(fd, isa.getAddress(), isa.getPort()); Net.bind(fd, isa.getAddress(), isa.getPort()); localAddress = Net.localAddress(fd); } } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } } finally { readLock.unlock(); } return this; } @Override public boolean isConnected() { return (state == ST_CONNECTED); } @Override public boolean isConnectionPending() { return (state == ST_CONNECTIONPENDING); }
Marks the beginning of a connect operation that might block.
  • blocking – true if configured blocking
  • isa – the remote address
/** * Marks the beginning of a connect operation that might block. * @param blocking true if configured blocking * @param isa the remote address * @throws ClosedChannelException if the channel is closed * @throws AlreadyConnectedException if already connected * @throws ConnectionPendingException is a connection is pending * @throws IOException if the pre-connect hook fails */
private void beginConnect(boolean blocking, InetSocketAddress isa) throws IOException { if (blocking) { // set hook for Thread.interrupt begin(); } synchronized (stateLock) { ensureOpen(); int state = this.state; if (state == ST_CONNECTED) throw new AlreadyConnectedException(); if (state == ST_CONNECTIONPENDING) throw new ConnectionPendingException(); assert state == ST_UNCONNECTED; this.state = ST_CONNECTIONPENDING; if (localAddress == null) NetHooks.beforeTcpConnect(fd, isa.getAddress(), isa.getPort()); remoteAddress = isa; if (blocking) { // record thread so it can be signalled if needed readerThread = NativeThread.current(); } } }
Marks the end of a connect operation that may have blocked.
  • AsynchronousCloseException – if the channel was closed due to this thread being interrupted on a blocking connect operation.
  • IOException – if completed and unable to obtain the local address
/** * Marks the end of a connect operation that may have blocked. * * @throws AsynchronousCloseException if the channel was closed due to this * thread being interrupted on a blocking connect operation. * @throws IOException if completed and unable to obtain the local address */
private void endConnect(boolean blocking, boolean completed) throws IOException { endRead(blocking, completed); if (completed) { synchronized (stateLock) { if (state == ST_CONNECTIONPENDING) { localAddress = Net.localAddress(fd); state = ST_CONNECTED; } } } } @Override public boolean connect(SocketAddress sa) throws IOException { InetSocketAddress isa = Net.checkAddress(sa); SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager(); if (sm != null) sm.checkConnect(isa.getAddress().getHostAddress(), isa.getPort()); InetAddress ia = isa.getAddress(); if (ia.isAnyLocalAddress()) ia = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); try { readLock.lock(); try { writeLock.lock(); try { int n = 0; boolean blocking = isBlocking(); try { beginConnect(blocking, isa); do { n = Net.connect(fd, ia, isa.getPort()); } while (n == IOStatus.INTERRUPTED && isOpen()); } finally { endConnect(blocking, (n > 0)); } assert IOStatus.check(n); return n > 0; } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } } finally { readLock.unlock(); } } catch (IOException ioe) { // connect failed, close the channel close(); throw SocketExceptions.of(ioe, isa); } }
Marks the beginning of a finishConnect operation that might block.
/** * Marks the beginning of a finishConnect operation that might block. * * @throws ClosedChannelException if the channel is closed * @throws NoConnectionPendingException if no connection is pending */
private void beginFinishConnect(boolean blocking) throws ClosedChannelException { if (blocking) { // set hook for Thread.interrupt begin(); } synchronized (stateLock) { ensureOpen(); if (state != ST_CONNECTIONPENDING) throw new NoConnectionPendingException(); if (blocking) { // record thread so it can be signalled if needed readerThread = NativeThread.current(); } } }
Marks the end of a finishConnect operation that may have blocked.
  • AsynchronousCloseException – if the channel was closed due to this thread being interrupted on a blocking connect operation.
  • IOException – if completed and unable to obtain the local address
/** * Marks the end of a finishConnect operation that may have blocked. * * @throws AsynchronousCloseException if the channel was closed due to this * thread being interrupted on a blocking connect operation. * @throws IOException if completed and unable to obtain the local address */
private void endFinishConnect(boolean blocking, boolean completed) throws IOException { endRead(blocking, completed); if (completed) { synchronized (stateLock) { if (state == ST_CONNECTIONPENDING) { localAddress = Net.localAddress(fd); state = ST_CONNECTED; } } } } @Override public boolean finishConnect() throws IOException { try { readLock.lock(); try { writeLock.lock(); try { // no-op if already connected if (isConnected()) return true; boolean blocking = isBlocking(); boolean connected = false; try { beginFinishConnect(blocking); int n = 0; if (blocking) { do { n = checkConnect(fd, true); } while ((n == 0 || n == IOStatus.INTERRUPTED) && isOpen()); } else { n = checkConnect(fd, false); } connected = (n > 0); } finally { endFinishConnect(blocking, connected); } assert (blocking && connected) ^ !blocking; return connected; } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } } finally { readLock.unlock(); } } catch (IOException ioe) { // connect failed, close the channel close(); throw SocketExceptions.of(ioe, remoteAddress); } }
Invoked by implCloseChannel to close the channel. This method waits for outstanding I/O operations to complete. When in blocking mode, the socket is pre-closed and the threads in blocking I/O operations are signalled to ensure that the outstanding I/O operations complete quickly. If the socket is connected then it is shutdown by this method. The shutdown ensures that the peer reads EOF for the case that the socket is not pre-closed or closed by this method. The socket is closed by this method when it is not registered with a Selector. Note that a channel configured blocking may be registered with a Selector. This arises when a key is canceled and the channel configured to blocking mode before the key is flushed from the Selector.
/** * Invoked by implCloseChannel to close the channel. * * This method waits for outstanding I/O operations to complete. When in * blocking mode, the socket is pre-closed and the threads in blocking I/O * operations are signalled to ensure that the outstanding I/O operations * complete quickly. * * If the socket is connected then it is shutdown by this method. The * shutdown ensures that the peer reads EOF for the case that the socket is * not pre-closed or closed by this method. * * The socket is closed by this method when it is not registered with a * Selector. Note that a channel configured blocking may be registered with * a Selector. This arises when a key is canceled and the channel configured * to blocking mode before the key is flushed from the Selector. */
@Override protected void implCloseSelectableChannel() throws IOException { assert !isOpen(); boolean blocking; boolean connected; boolean interrupted = false; // set state to ST_CLOSING synchronized (stateLock) { assert state < ST_CLOSING; blocking = isBlocking(); connected = (state == ST_CONNECTED); state = ST_CLOSING; } // wait for any outstanding I/O operations to complete if (blocking) { synchronized (stateLock) { assert state == ST_CLOSING; long reader = readerThread; long writer = writerThread; if (reader != 0 || writer != 0) { nd.preClose(fd); connected = false; // fd is no longer connected socket if (reader != 0) NativeThread.signal(reader); if (writer != 0) NativeThread.signal(writer); // wait for blocking I/O operations to end while (readerThread != 0 || writerThread != 0) { try { stateLock.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { interrupted = true; } } } } } else { // non-blocking mode: wait for read/write to complete readLock.lock(); try { writeLock.lock(); writeLock.unlock(); } finally { readLock.unlock(); } } // set state to ST_KILLPENDING synchronized (stateLock) { assert state == ST_CLOSING; // if connected and the channel is registered with a Selector then // shutdown the output if possible so that the peer reads EOF. If // SO_LINGER is enabled and set to a non-zero value then it needs to // be disabled so that the Selector does not wait when it closes // the socket. if (connected && isRegistered()) { try { SocketOption<Integer> opt = StandardSocketOptions.SO_LINGER; int interval = (int) Net.getSocketOption(fd, Net.UNSPEC, opt); if (interval != 0) { if (interval > 0) { // disable SO_LINGER Net.setSocketOption(fd, Net.UNSPEC, opt, -1); } Net.shutdown(fd, Net.SHUT_WR); } } catch (IOException ignore) { } } state = ST_KILLPENDING; } // close socket if not registered with Selector if (!isRegistered()) kill(); // restore interrupt status if (interrupted) Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } @Override public void kill() throws IOException { synchronized (stateLock) { if (state == ST_KILLPENDING) { state = ST_KILLED; nd.close(fd); } } } @Override public SocketChannel shutdownInput() throws IOException { synchronized (stateLock) { ensureOpen(); if (!isConnected()) throw new NotYetConnectedException(); if (!isInputClosed) { Net.shutdown(fd, Net.SHUT_RD); long thread = readerThread; if (thread != 0) NativeThread.signal(thread); isInputClosed = true; } return this; } } @Override public SocketChannel shutdownOutput() throws IOException { synchronized (stateLock) { ensureOpen(); if (!isConnected()) throw new NotYetConnectedException(); if (!isOutputClosed) { Net.shutdown(fd, Net.SHUT_WR); long thread = writerThread; if (thread != 0) NativeThread.signal(thread); isOutputClosed = true; } return this; } } boolean isInputOpen() { return !isInputClosed; } boolean isOutputOpen() { return !isOutputClosed; }
Poll this channel's socket for reading up to the given timeout.
Returns:true if the socket is polled
/** * Poll this channel's socket for reading up to the given timeout. * @return {@code true} if the socket is polled */
boolean pollRead(long timeout) throws IOException { boolean blocking = isBlocking(); assert Thread.holdsLock(blockingLock()) && blocking; readLock.lock(); try { boolean polled = false; try { beginRead(blocking); int events = Net.poll(fd, Net.POLLIN, timeout); polled = (events != 0); } finally { endRead(blocking, polled); } return polled; } finally { readLock.unlock(); } }
Poll this channel's socket for a connection, up to the given timeout.
Returns:true if the socket is polled
/** * Poll this channel's socket for a connection, up to the given timeout. * @return {@code true} if the socket is polled */
boolean pollConnected(long timeout) throws IOException { boolean blocking = isBlocking(); assert Thread.holdsLock(blockingLock()) && blocking; readLock.lock(); try { writeLock.lock(); try { boolean polled = false; try { beginFinishConnect(blocking); int events = Net.poll(fd, Net.POLLCONN, timeout); polled = (events != 0); } finally { // invoke endFinishConnect with completed = false so that // the state is not changed to ST_CONNECTED. The socket // adaptor will use finishConnect to finish. endFinishConnect(blocking, /*completed*/false); } return polled; } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } } finally { readLock.unlock(); } }
Translates native poll revent ops into a ready operation ops
/** * Translates native poll revent ops into a ready operation ops */
public boolean translateReadyOps(int ops, int initialOps, SelectionKeyImpl ski) { int intOps = ski.nioInterestOps(); int oldOps = ski.nioReadyOps(); int newOps = initialOps; if ((ops & Net.POLLNVAL) != 0) { // This should only happen if this channel is pre-closed while a // selection operation is in progress // ## Throw an error if this channel has not been pre-closed return false; } if ((ops & (Net.POLLERR | Net.POLLHUP)) != 0) { newOps = intOps; ski.nioReadyOps(newOps); return (newOps & ~oldOps) != 0; } boolean connected = isConnected(); if (((ops & Net.POLLIN) != 0) && ((intOps & SelectionKey.OP_READ) != 0) && connected) newOps |= SelectionKey.OP_READ; if (((ops & Net.POLLCONN) != 0) && ((intOps & SelectionKey.OP_CONNECT) != 0) && isConnectionPending()) newOps |= SelectionKey.OP_CONNECT; if (((ops & Net.POLLOUT) != 0) && ((intOps & SelectionKey.OP_WRITE) != 0) && connected) newOps |= SelectionKey.OP_WRITE; ski.nioReadyOps(newOps); return (newOps & ~oldOps) != 0; } public boolean translateAndUpdateReadyOps(int ops, SelectionKeyImpl ski) { return translateReadyOps(ops, ski.nioReadyOps(), ski); } public boolean translateAndSetReadyOps(int ops, SelectionKeyImpl ski) { return translateReadyOps(ops, 0, ski); }
Translates an interest operation set into a native poll event set
/** * Translates an interest operation set into a native poll event set */
public int translateInterestOps(int ops) { int newOps = 0; if ((ops & SelectionKey.OP_READ) != 0) newOps |= Net.POLLIN; if ((ops & SelectionKey.OP_WRITE) != 0) newOps |= Net.POLLOUT; if ((ops & SelectionKey.OP_CONNECT) != 0) newOps |= Net.POLLCONN; return newOps; } public FileDescriptor getFD() { return fd; } public int getFDVal() { return fdVal; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(this.getClass().getSuperclass().getName()); sb.append('['); if (!isOpen()) sb.append("closed"); else { synchronized (stateLock) { switch (state) { case ST_UNCONNECTED: sb.append("unconnected"); break; case ST_CONNECTIONPENDING: sb.append("connection-pending"); break; case ST_CONNECTED: sb.append("connected"); if (isInputClosed) sb.append(" ishut"); if (isOutputClosed) sb.append(" oshut"); break; } InetSocketAddress addr = localAddress(); if (addr != null) { sb.append(" local="); sb.append(Net.getRevealedLocalAddressAsString(addr)); } if (remoteAddress() != null) { sb.append(" remote="); sb.append(remoteAddress().toString()); } } } sb.append(']'); return sb.toString(); } // -- Native methods -- private static native int checkConnect(FileDescriptor fd, boolean block) throws IOException; private static native int sendOutOfBandData(FileDescriptor fd, byte data) throws IOException; static { IOUtil.load(); nd = new SocketDispatcher(); } }